Shulgin composer personal life. The ex-husband of the singer Valeria was at the center of a high-profile financial scandal

Our reference
VALERIA was born in Atkarsk, Saratov region. Graduated music school in piano, in 1990 she received a diploma of graduation from the Music Academy. Gnesins in the class of pop vocals. In 1989, she met Alexander Shulgin, and in 1993 he became her husband. In 1992, the singer's first album, The Taiga Symphony, was released, on which musicians who collaborated with the Pet Shop Boys, Dire Straits, Pink Floyd, as well as the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra by Pavel Kogan. By order of the English company "Olympia Disc" in the early nineties, Valeria recorded an album of Russian romances "Stay with me". In between the recording of the albums "Anna" (1995), "Surname, part 1" (1997), "First Internet Album" (2000), "Eyes of the color of the sky" (2001), she gave birth to three children - Anna, Artem and Arseny.

In JULY and August, the singer Valeria has three more trials with her ex-husband. What does a desperate woman want and why does she do it?

LERA, I still refuse to believe in the monstrous truth about your life. But, as far as I understand, your breakup has been brewing for a long time?

After living with my husband for several months, I realized that I had fallen into a trap. He scared me to such an extent that I was afraid to do anything. I had no connection with relatives or friends. Everything that was in my life before meeting him was erased. He, apparently, did not want people to know that before him I already had some professional groundwork (she graduated from the institute, was a soloist in the orchestra of the Variety Theater, participated in "Song of the Year"). And if not Shulgin, then someone else would definitely have arisen. But he wanted to present this story like this: once upon a time there was an unwashed Cinderella, then he appeared in her life, washed her, dressed her up and released her on stage.

In fairness, it should be said that Shulgin did a lot for your popularity.

No one belittles his business qualities, commercial flair, ability to conduct advertising campaigns. It was interesting for me to work, especially at the first stage, when the Taiga Symphony project was being made. Shulgin was not literally the producer of this project, but he created a situation in which I tried my hand at working with eminent musicians.

He choked me

I understand EVERYTHING, but why right now, at the peak of your popularity, did you decide to tell everything?

My patience has run out. I filed for divorce twice - three and a half years ago. Even then, I didn’t care how my artistic career would turn out. I had to save my life and the lives of my children. After all, every time he begged, no, he didn’t even beg, but demanded to withdraw the application, and I took it. When in September last year, before concerts at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", he began to simply choke me, I said: "That's it, this is the final point." But I couldn't stop it immediately. I would be hung up on lost profits, huge sums.

Three years ago you already tried to get a divorce and at the same time you suddenly give birth to a third child. Where is the logic?

I filed for divorce at the moment when I was pregnant with Senya. We did not live together for almost a year, so I gave birth to a child and Shulgin did not know anything about it.

But then did she come back?

He begged me to come back. That's when we got married. Shulgin told me: "Take the application and wait six months, you'll see, I will improve, I will become different." After this time, I realized that I still need to file for divorce, but then we started working on new program. And it was impossible to stop the process immediately. I was waiting for the moment.

Almost no money

Have you already divided the PROPERTY?

I filed an appeal to finally resolve our property dispute. After the first trial, I got a house in the Moscow region, and Shulgin got everything else: 7 apartments and an office in the center of Moscow. This is fine? Formally, Shulgin turned out to be right - all the property was registered in his name. From the moment we signed the marriage contract, according to the documents, we assumed separate housekeeping. In fact, we lived as one family. And at the same time, it is not written anywhere that it was I who plowed 200 concerts a year, and not him. Almost all of this property was bought at the moment when I was doing a touring "comb".

Did Shulgin get all the money?

Every penny went through him. And even those 25% that were due to me under the contract did not reach me. They were only on paper. He told me all the time: "Well, why do you need this money now? After all, we do everything for the family."

I'm sorry, but how much did you get in your hands?

Didn't receive anything. If I needed food, I asked him every time. I never had free money.

What are you living on now?

In December, when I had already filed for divorce, I set a strict condition, and for the first time he paid me real money at the rate of 25% for the end of November, December and half of January. I live on this money, because I do not work yet.

Even Shulgin does not pay alimony?

We had a maintenance agreement drawn up, according to which he pays 50% of the cost of children. That is, first I have to spend the money, then write down what it was spent on, and only then will he return half of it to me.

As far as I know, Shulgin does not refuse to give money for children.

He doesn't refuse. But I'm not satisfied with the situation - 50% of the costs. Moreover, he opened a bank account in his own name. Why not mine?! It is impossible for a normal person to understand this.

Shulgin always said that he loved his children. Did he really treat his own offspring as cruelly as you say in the press?

He is a terrible person. I still can’t forget how our Artyom got sick in the car and Shulgin hit him in the face so hard that the child’s ear turned black. Moreover, Shulgin locked him up as a punishment in an open-air cage with a dog, which Tema was very afraid of. This attitude towards the child was from birth - he was not yet a year old, and the "loving" daddy threw him and said: "Piece of shit." It was impossible to look at it, and I could not do anything. I tried to take him to my parents as often as possible.

Did he treat other children the same way?

For some time, the eldest Anya was in his special account. He spoiled her, in relation to her his cruelty was not very manifested. Theme got the most, and it started when he was still in the womb. My broken fingers, bruised spine were commonplace. What can I say ... chaos!

Do you really not have a single bright memory left for all the joint years?

He also constantly told me: "Well, why are you all smearing with one paint?" There were no bright spots honestly! There was never real sincerity, freedom ... We didn’t have a single whole door in our house, he smashed them with his fists. Break the door and tell me: "You did it." When you expect to be hit, that very second before the hit is terrible. It doesn't matter if there was a hit or not. A week, even a month, after you've been tortured, it's impossible to smile serenely. And there were so many such situations that I still have nightmares to this day. Or he drives me somewhere, sticks knives. I woke up in a cold sweat for many, many years.

plunged a knife into his knee

WHAT, were there knives?

This is a story beyond comprehension. We spent two weeks with Anyutka in the maternity hospital (we had health problems) and only just got out. He, like a caring dad, bought black caviar, we sat down at the table. At the same time, we remembered something lyrical, personal, relating to the initial stage of our life. He spreads a sandwich with caviar for me, and suddenly it seemed to him that I had said something wrong. He held a knife, stained with caviar and oil, and plunged it into my knee for no reason. A fountain of blood, I couldn't even scream out of surprise. The next day, photographers from Cosmopolitan magazine arrived from Germany to make a report with me from Star City. Naturally, I didn’t sleep the night before, I swaddled the baby, jumping towards him on one leg. She came to the shooting with a severe limp, with a bandaged knee. And Shulgin explained to everyone: "It was she who opened the canned food and injured her leg."

I CAN'T FORGET IT! Especially when the person who has done all THIS continues in the same spirit. Instead of saying, "Yes, I'm guilty from beginning to end." And do everything to make it easier for us and our children at this stage.

I didn’t want to say anything, but I can’t understand why he started all this? They would divorce like civilized people, and he would live in peace. Nobody would know anything about him. But, probably, he was afraid that sooner or later I would start talking, and he was the first to start all these dirty newspaper battles. If he wants some kind of "working" relationship, to communicate with me as with the mother of common children (as he told the lawyer at the trial), then why is he behaving so illogically? I explain this to myself with only one thing: he needs to make a name for himself additionally and in any way. "Jesus went down in history, he is remembered, but Judas is remembered in the same way," he often said.

How do children deal with what happened?

Children now live a different life. They lost their fear. Like any normal people, they do not feel the need for this fear.

Do they even ask about dad?

They don't ask, they understand everything perfectly. They have witnessed this nightmare throughout the years of our lives. Anya is the first, so she remembers more. How many times he beat me in front of her, and she screamed: "Mommy, mommy! Dad, stop it!" Wherever we went, anywhere in the world (Cannes, New York) - there was crime everywhere. Therefore, children absolutely do not worry that we are not together. Moreover, he himself told the children about apartments, about the fact that everyone would have a chic room, even went to choose furniture with them. But it turns out that children cannot live in these apartments and also understand that they have been deceived. Now, however, I am given the position of Shulgin, who says: "Please, let them live in an apartment." But why should I live in someone else's apartment?!

What I have said is just the tip of the iceberg. It is impossible to invent all this and, unfortunately, forget it too. I know that it will not be worse than it was. Thank God, she remained alive, the children are alive and well. There is time for a new run, there is strength to live on. I already started to live freely six months ago.

P.S. We asked Alexander Shulgin to refute or confirm the words of his ex-wife. And this is what he replied: "I have a lot of new things, especially in recent months, I learned about myself from the pages of newspapers and magazines and, apparently, I still learn a lot. For me, it was and remains the main thing that everything was good in her life.

Alexander Shulgin is a Russian composer and producer. Thanks to him, singers Valeria and Alevtina Egorova, saxophonist Elena Sheremet, the Dream group and other musicians entered the big stage. Also, the television shows "Star Factory" and "Become a Star" are associated with his name. Now Shulgin manages the Familia group of companies, which operates in the media and entertainment industry. He is still quite young, so we hope that the country will be replenished with his works and curators.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexander Shulgin

Alexander is not distinguished by a slender physique, but still does not start himself very much. With a height of 175, he weighs 73 kg. A man was born on August 25, 1964, which means this moment he is 52 years old. In addition to all other talents, Alexander also writes poetry, and he wrote his first verse back in school years dedicating it to my mother. Height, weight, age, how old is Alexander Shulgin, this question has repeatedly interested his fans, of whom the talented composer has a lot. Alexander started his journey quite hard, but now his success knows no bounds.

Biography of Alexander Shulgin

A guy was born in the city of Irkutsk. And since childhood he was fond of music. Seriously began to work out in lower grades. Then he took guitar lessons from high school students. He took music from older guys in order to later rewrite it on reels. Starting at the age of 12, he joined the school ensemble, where he showed his musical success. At first, the ensemble played only those songs that were accepted for the school repertoire at that time. Then, more famous and modern songs for those times were used, for example, the Time Machine group, which at that time was just beginning to gain popularity.

The ensemble developed, the guys became more and more experienced, and at the prom it was already a whole group that played their own songs. Of course, the guys didn’t have money for instruments at that time, so their parents helped with this issue.

In addition to the development of talents, the biography of Alexander Shulgin also contains less pleasant moments, namely problems with the police. Once the ensemble stole a megaphone while walking in the park, and then rehearsed with it in the same building. public institution. When the director of the building found out how the guys got this megaphone, he turned to the police. Sasha was then less than 14 years old, so he was not held accountable, but other guys were given a suspended sentence of 2 years.

But the guys, despite this incident, continued to do what they love, to develop their talents. Alexander then composed songs for the group and did not forget to participate in various music competitions, which he often won.

Entering the institute also did not stop anyone, and the group also gave concerts for the local public and continued their rehearsals.

Once luck smiled at the guy and the Carnival group arrived in Irkutsk, noticed the talented Alexander and invited him to Moscow. There he already met the Cruise group, who accepted him into the composition. But in Russia at that time an order was issued to ban rock music, so Shulgin had to put in a lot of effort and nerves to get permission for the existence of this group. Then the team gained popularity, gave concerts throughout the country and even beyond its borders, for example, in Germany, where the team itself broke up due to constant quarrels between the participants. After that, Sasha stayed to live in Germany.

After spending some time in Germany, he returned to Moscow and became a producer, while continuing to write songs and music. His fame began with the singer Valeria, whom he was able to "promote" as popular singer. She is grateful to Shulgin for her fame. True, in the course of work, young people realized that they were interesting to each other not only within the working framework.

Personal life of Alexander Shulgin

The personal life of Alexander Shulgin is not as colorful as his talent and career growth. As already mentioned, when he was producing Valeria, he fell in love with a girl and they even decided to get married. During their marriage, they had three children. But before the birth of the third couple divorced. After the divorce, Valeria told the press such details and life, from which the hair “becomes on end”. For example, she told how once, when she and Alexander were having dinner, they began to swear and he did not like the phrase spoken by his wife. For this, he plunged a knife into her knee, after which she began to bleed heavily. But despite this, Valeria forgave her husband, as it turned out later, in vain, because aggression and the like continued for a long time.

Alexander himself has repeatedly denied such statements by his wife, but we don’t know if it’s true or not, because their married life long years was securely hidden.

Another woman of Alexander was Yulia Mikhalchik, who was a participant in the Star Factory program and even took third place. She considered Valeria's words to be slander and decided to try a relationship with Alexander, but later she was convinced on her own that his ex-wife was right and quickly left the star.

“Alexander Shulgin personal life 2016 where now” - this request is of interest to many who follow the life of Alexander and it is worth saying that at the moment he has no love affairs and he has gone headlong into work, and for good reason, because there is nothing more important than development his talent. It is worth noting that the producer also has a namesake, namely the American chemist Alexander Shulgin. Perhaps the name still plays a role in a person's life.

Family of Alexander Shulgin

Alexander has three wonderful children. After the birth of her first daughter, according to Valeria, her husband's aggression began to manifest itself. When she became pregnant with her third child, she decided to leave Alexander and filed for divorce. He, having learned about the pregnancy, promised to improve and even entered into a marriage contract, but the correction did not happen and the couple nevertheless broke up. The family of Alexander Shulgin consists only of children who now do not live with him. At the moment, the famous producer is single and is only engaged in promoting his career and new stars.

Children of Alexander Shulgin

Now the children of Alexander Shulgin are growing up with their mother and her new husband, and they rarely see their father. According to Valeria, Shulgin also offended children and even once hit his middle son so hard that his ear turned black. No mother can forgive this. At the moment, Alexander has no children, except for the already existing three from Valeria, and perhaps this is good. He is promoting his career, although after a divorce from the singer, his reputation suffered greatly, then he had to go through not only a scandalous divorce and accusations from his ex-wife, but also several courts due to the refusal of the Other Rules team, he had to spend a lot of time on rehabilitation of his name, although black PR is also PR.

The son of Alexander Shulgin - Artyom Shulgin

At the moment, the guy is studying in Geneva, and he receives two educations at once, because of this, Artyom practically does not see his relatives. He left for Switzerland quite a long time ago, for a start he graduated from a business school there, after which he entered a higher educational institution. Studying is given to the guy well and with such successes, a good future clearly awaits him. Now he is studying at two faculties at once - programming and finance. The guy independently chose his future and acted completely without the help of influential parents. The son of Alexander Shulgin - Artyom Shulgin grew up as a very capable guy.

The son of Alexander Shulgin - Arseny Shulgin

The son of Alexander Shulgin - Arseny Shulgin was born in November 1998. He was born just at the peak of all quarrels and divorce proceedings, but the boy was lucky with his mother, who tried her best to protect children from these problems. Younger son Valeria and Alexandra is growing up as a talented musician and at the age of 18 has already earned many awards with the help of his talent. He won prizes at the Moscow international competitions. And as it became known to the press, in addition to creative affairs, he also succeeded in love affairs, because at the moment he is in a relationship with aspiring model Anna Sheridan.

Daughter of Alexander Shulgin - Anna Shulgina

Despite a difficult childhood, family problems and the divorce of their parents, Alexander's children grew up very talented and purposeful.

Here is the daughter of Alexander Shulgin - Anna Shulgina has already become quite a popular actress and singer. Now she is only 23 years old, and the whole country already knows her. Since July 2016, she has also been the host of the PRO-News program on the Muz-TV channel. During her career, she has already written 6 songs that the whole country listens to, one of them is in a duet with Valeria. The girl continues to build a successful career.

The ex-wife of Alexander Shulgin - Alla Yurievna Perfilova (Valeria)

Ex-wife Alexandra Shulgina - Alla Yuryevna Perfilova (Valeria), became popular precisely thanks to her ex-husband, who helped her start her career, but the couple's personal life did not work out. After leaving her husband, a new, more worthy man appeared in Valeria's life, who accepted her and the children as relatives. Now she is married to a talented producer Iosif Prigogine, despite his rather formidable appearance, Joseph treats his wife like a crystal vase, and it was he who was able to make a woman truly happy.

Photo by Alexander Shulgin before and after plastic surgery

Did Alexander turn to the help of plastic surgeons? Definitely not. A man is engaged in promoting his career, life, and such issues as his own appearance go by the wayside for him. Therefore, more than once you can see Shulgin on the street in ordinary clothes, without any frills, with a few extra pounds. But Alexandru has no time to take care of her appearance, because work takes all the time.

Photos of Alexander Shulgin before and after plastic surgery do not appear on the Internet, unlike photos of his daughter, who, according to journalists, resorted to help plastic surgery, although the girl denies this fact.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Shulgin

Like any active person, Alexander uses social networks in which he posts his thoughts, thoughts on this or that issue, as well as photos and news about himself, or his groups that he is currently producing. Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Shulgin will allow you to get to know this person better, his biography and Interesting Facts from life. Perhaps Alexander made many mistakes in his personal life, yet in professional activity he is one of the best, for which it is worth taking an interest in his career. He gave the world more than one talented performer and wonderful songs and compositions.

A few years ago, the names of producer Alexander Shulgin and the young singer Yulia Mikhalchik thundered throughout the country. Passions did not subside: either they converged, or parted ... Then everything fell silent. What were the relations between Alexander Shulgin and Yulia Mikhalchik, what is between them now?


Alexander Valeryevich Shulgin was born in the Siberian city of Irkutsk on August 25, 1964. Musician, composer, songwriter of many popular artists, businessman.


With music, little Alexander was connected from the very early age: At the age of three, he received a small player as a gift from his grandfather. For days on end, the baby spent next to him, listening to music. And becoming a little older, he began to write poetry and dedicated the first to his mother.

The love of music brought him together with the older guys. While still in the sixth grade, he communicated quite closely with high school students, took from them to rewrite songs that were popular in those years. From the same age, Sasha began to play the guitar in the school ensemble - first hits of our time, then they began to perform songs of their own composition. After the eighth grade, the time came for active writing - Alexander first tried to write music.

Formation and rise

While studying at the institute, Alexander met the Moscow team "Carnival", who came to Irkutsk on tour. Sasha left a good impression of himself, and the musicians invited him to Moscow. This is how it started new stage in the life of Shulgin.

In Moscow, the young man met the Cruise group and began working with them. The chamber-instrumental ensemble released songs, toured the country with concerts, and went on tour abroad. For four years the musicians lived and worked in Germany. And when the time for change came, Cruise ceased to exist. Shulgin continued to live in Germany for some time, got acquainted with the world of show business, wrote lyrics and music.

Returning to Russia, he, of course, settled in Moscow and began to work closely with various pop stars - both already well-known and just starting out. In parallel, he had his own business, also related to music.

Alexander and Valeria

In the early nineties, a fateful acquaintance took place in the life of Alexander Shulgin. In one of the Moscow nightclubs, he saw beautiful girl an aspiring singer. Shulgin liked the girl so much that he invited her to cooperate. So from the unknown singer Alla Perfilova, the successful star Valeria was born. And a little later, the creative union grew into a romantic relationship.

In the marriage of Valeria and Shulgin, three children were born - Anya, Artem and Arseny. However, despite this, their married life did not work out. At the beginning of the 2000s, there was a loud divorce, during which the singer spoke about the difficult nature of her ex-husband and that he often raised his hand both to her and to their children. After the divorce, Alexander was left alone - without a wife, children and a successful protégé. A new invitation helped him to escape from numerous lawsuits and press attacks - he was called as a producer on the TV project "Become a Star".


Yulia Sergeevna Mikhalchik was born in the Leningrad region, in the small town of Slantsy, on February 2, 1985. Became famous wide audience after the project "Star Factory" of the third season, in which she took third place.


As Julia's parents joke, the girl aspired to a career as a singer from a very young age - she was terribly talkative and did not stop for a second. She loved animals very much, and not only cats and dogs, but also spiders and frogs (for her strong sympathy for the latter, later, already at the Star Factory, Julia will receive a funny nickname “Kva” from the guys). However, the love of music outweighed the love of living creatures, and abilities played an important role. Yulia was sent to study music in the piano class - she was not yet six then. And at six, she first appeared on stage with a funny solo song "Kis-meow." This is how her work began.

Serious creativity

From the age of eleven, Julia - permanent member various festivals and competitions in St. Petersburg. She didn't just perform - she won and soon became a local celebrity. Much later, after the "Factory", giving an interview, Yulia will say that she was a star in St. Petersburg. And do not lie. A girl with a beautiful appearance and a strong voice was also noticed by TV people. On one of the St. Petersburg channels, Yulia, while still at school, hosted a youth program. At the beginning of the 2000s, she traveled to Jurmala and Narva for music competitions- from there also returned with awards.

In 2002, she graduated from high school, entered the university and studied for a year. After the summer holidays, her classmates met again, preparing for the second year of study. Yulia was not among the guys - by that time she was already in Moscow.

Star Factory

The TV project "Star Factory" on Channel One in the fall of 2003 opened its doors to young talents for the third time. The place of the producer was offered to Shulgin, and he agreed. According to many fans popular show, it was the third season that in many ways became the best - and the guys there were all artistic, friendly, and their songs were wonderful. It was there that the mature, experienced Shulgin and Yulia Mikhalchik met, the development of which was subsequently followed by the whole country.

But Alexander Shulgin met not at all on the project and not even at the casting for him. Actually, Julia came to the casting only because the producer himself called her there. The fact is that in Moscow the girl was not because of the sensational project. She arrived at the final of the next competition, was going to perform, return home and go to school in September. But it was at this competition that Shulgin met her. Impressed by the powerful range of the young artist, he told her about the upcoming casting for the "Factory" and invited her to come. And when Yulin heard a refusal, he called her a fool. Mikhalchik could not bear such a thing. She went to the casting and got on the project.

Throughout the show, Julia was one of the most diligent "students". I attended all the classes and completed all the tasks of the teachers. Immediately acquired a fairly large circle of fans who fell in love with the girl for her obvious talent, good voice and human qualities - Julia was extremely calm and friendly to everyone. The life of the "manufacturers" was shown live, many eyes were closely watching them. However, most did not even suspect that already at that very time the love story of Shulgin and Yulia Mikhalchik began to develop rapidly. For many, it was a real shock when, at the end of the project, Alexander asked for the girl's hand in front of a huge audience.

Alexander Shulgin and Yulia Mikhalchik: life together

When Yulia was asked if she was afraid of repeating the situation with Valeria, she only brushed it off - Alexander is not like that with her. Anyway, according to the girl, she didn’t even know about what happened in the Shulgin family. In fact, after the project, everything was not so smooth. Later, recalling her short life with Alexander, Yulia noted that he did not beat her, but clearly restrained himself, nevertheless causing her physical pain. She spoke in the press about the humiliation by the former producer, public screams, and the use of force.

Despite the public offer, the registration of marriage did not happen. Much later, when all the passions subsided, Julia said that she did not count on marriage. I must say that the more time passed after the break, the more restrained and better Yulia spoke about Shulgin, noting that this is probably her memory - she throws out everything superfluous and does not remember the bad. But all these interviews will happen later, and then, in 2004, after consulting with her mother, the girl packed up and left. The story of Shulgin and Yulia Mikhalchik turned out to be short-lived.

A few years later, remembering life together with Alexander, Julia will say that their relationship was not romantic, she will note that, due to her age, only she was waiting for romance. Alexander Shulgin and Yulia Mikhalchik turned out to be too different for them to succeed.

Alexander Shulgin: current years

In 2008, the producer released three albums of instrumental music of his composition. For the anniversary of his native city of Irkutsk, he wrote a hymn.

He is fond of religion and even entered the faculty of theology. He still writes music, last year he became a co-producer of a film starring Ornella Muti. He is engaged in business, does not advertise his personal life.

Julia Mikhalchik: life after Shulgin

Regarding the personal life of Shulgin and Yulia Mikhalchik, there are still many rumors and questions. Alexander prefers to remain silent, but Julia, on the contrary, is quite frank. She admits that she stayed with the former producer in good relations, they are friends, periodically call up. She emphasizes that she can always turn to Shulgin for help and get it.

After leaving Shulgin, for some time Yulia worked with another well-known producer, Viktor Drobysh. She released several clips, recorded many hits, and continues to work to this day. In 2011, she got married, and two years later gave birth to a son, whom she named Sasha.

The story of Alexander Shulgin and Yulia Mikhalchik once again shows how blind love can sometimes be. However, any experience is an experience, and, perhaps, from this point of view, everything that happened is not accidental?!

Valeria said that she broke up with her first husband, musician Leonid Yaroshevsky because of his infantilism. Despite the fact that they came together to conquer Moscow, the man soon gave up.

A few decades later, Leonid decided to publish a book dedicated to his former famous wife. In it, he categorically states that Valeria ruined his life. The singer, in turn, explained why she divorced him at the beginning of her career.

“Willless, spineless... Dear Lenya, who, unfortunately, could not grow into a real man. It was a youthful marriage. I really felt sorry for him. It is very difficult to be a nanny for an adult man, no matter what he writes in his defense now, ”shared Valeria.

The singer admitted that their relationship had grown cold and for the last six months before the divorce, they simply lived as neighbors - under the same roof. Being married to Yaroshevsky, Valeria met the talented composer Alexander Shulgin. The actress said that at first she did not like him at all. They were connected only by work in a music studio.

However, over time, Valeria and Alexander became close. The artist admitted that Shulgin did literally everything for her. It was he who created for her a stage image that the whole country fell in love with, the composer was the author of the first successful songs. Valeria said that she initially saw Shulgin's aggression. The composer had a very complex character. He often raised his voice and used foul language. But the singer hoped that she could change her husband. Moreover, the artist decided to marry the producer. Already approaching the church, Alexander again made a scandal. He threw a prayer book out of the car window, which the singer was holding in her hands.

“I understood that it was the demon that twisted him. I just prayed, it pissed him off even more. She said to herself: “I need to get there, get there. We agreed with the father." Can you imagine what state I was in after that? The mood has not improved. I thought, "Some miracle must happen." And he again and again ... When we left the temple, the same thing began. Then I realized that it didn’t work, ”Valeria recalled.

Valeria decided to hang out with Shulgin after the birth of her daughter and two sons. According to her confession, she understood that she could no longer live with a man who mocks her and their children. Morally and physically.

“Maybe the work pulled me out, I had 32 concerts in one month. I was so tired. I called him, and he again began to find fault. I suggested: “Sasha, let's live somewhere else. He left, visited the children only in my absence, ”added Valeria.

The singer said that Shulgin was counting on her return. But she finally broke up with the composer. Now the producer refuses to communicate with his daughter Anna and sons - Artemy and Arseniy. According to the singer, she sometimes meets the ex-husband at concerts or social events, but Alexander does not even greet his own children.

Valeria told Korchevnikov about another blow of fate. In 2009, the artist lost her father. “He was sick ... He had problems with blood vessels, he was admitted to the hospital: to put stents. These are struts that help blood flow through the vessels. One of them closed. Why did this happen? Unclear. The worst thing was to tell my mother, ”the artist recalled.

Together with her current husband Joseph Prigozhin, Valeria supported her parent, Galina Nikolaevna. “It was necessary to distract my mother, which we tried to do. We suggested that she undergo an operation abroad, check her health, then we went to Milan, traveled a lot. For almost a month, my mother was with us, lived some unusual life, it was a kind of psychotherapy, ”said Valeria.

Saxophonist Elena Sheremet, group "Dream" and other musicians. Also, the television shows "Star Factory" and "Become a Star" are associated with his name. Now Shulgin manages the Familia group of companies, which operates in the media and entertainment industry.

Alexander was born in Irkutsk and showed himself as a creative person even in elementary school. From the very early years he began to write poetry, and at the age of 12 he became interested in music. At first it was connected with collecting popular audio recordings, but soon Sasha was already playing the guitar in the school ensemble.

After school, Shulgin entered the Irkutsk State Linguistic University, then transferred to Irkutsk Technical University, from there to Baikal State University economics and law. But he couldn’t study normally anywhere, since the young man did not part with music, and at the age of 19 he began working as part of the Soviet rock group Cruise.

Working with this team led Alexander to Germany, where he understood current trends recordings and imbued with the system of show business. Returning home, Shulgin began producing activities, and also opened a number of his own firms. In 1998, he founded the Surname company. At the moment, this structure includes a music publishing house, a consulting company, a number of social networks and many other branches.


The first recordings of Alexander Shulgin coincided with the birth of the debut album of the Cruise group. In Germany, their most powerful disc “Kruiz” was recorded, many live concerts took place, in which Alexander also took part.

Upon returning to Russia, the musician begins to realize himself as a composer. More than 50 of his songs became hits and hit the charts. During the 90s, Shulgin collaborated as a songwriter with such stars as the singer Valeria and the Dream group, and also produced the album Jazz by the rock group Alisa, promoted the first discs of Mumiy Troll and Ivanushek International". Worked with him, and many other popular artists.

By the way, the first album was released at the Utekay Sound Recording studio, owned by Alexander Shulgin and. The producer also publishes concerts and restores archives at his own expense. In the new century, Shulgin managed to create the musical “I”, to open the world to the extraordinary saxophonist Elena Sheremet, whose CDs sold in millions of copies, especially in North America.

In 2005, Alexander writes the concept album "Representation", all the songs and instrumental compositions of which are dedicated to the struggle between good and evil. He then released Triptych, a triple album of purely instrumental music composed as a cocktail of jazz and relaxation sounds. Shulgin's latest studio work at the moment is the double CD "Fairy Tale". The first part of this work was played on the harp and cello, and the second part on the piano.

In 2011, the composer presented his native city with the anthem "Siberia, Baikal, Irkutsk", which was a gift for the 350th anniversary of Irkutsk. The recording was performed in various interpretations - from purely orchestral to choral.

TV projects

In 2002, Alexander Shulgin was invited to the first reality show to support young performers "Become a Star". As a result, the Other Rules group appeared, which included the five finalists of this show. But, having started working with this team, Shulgin switched to a new, more promising TV project - "Star Factory".

For the participants of the "Factory" Alexander writes more than 40 songs, creates dozens of stage images and helps many novice performers to determine own style. Under the leadership of Shulgin, they gained all-Russian fame, and.

Personal life

Alexander Shulgin met his first wife, singer Valeria, at a nightclub where she performed solo. At first, the producer offered his professional services, but then their relationship grew into a romantic one. And this despite the fact that Valeria was then married to musician Leonid Yaroshevsky.

Nevertheless, soon the young people officially marry, and in 1993 their first child, daughter Anna, is born. Later, sons Arseny and Artem appear in the family. Although Valeria had already filed for divorce during her last pregnancy, Shulgin managed to persuade her to stay for the sake of the baby.

But in the end, the singer and producer still part, and with a huge scandal. The fact is that the ex-wife of Alexander began to tell reporters about all their quarrels, which dealt a serious blow to the reputation of her ex-husband. Alexander Shulgin did not try to keep in touch with the children and did not pay child support. The children responded to their father in return. According to Valeria, when daughter Anya found out that her father allegedly wanted to visit her, the girl ran away in tears to another room.

Subsequently, Anna told reporters that she did not consider her biological father to be her own father and did not feel any kindred feelings for Shulgin.

After Valeria, Alexander Shulgin lived for some time in civil marriage with singer Yulia Mikhalchik, whom he met at the Star Factory. However, the composer broke up with the young bride and since then prefers to enjoy the life of a bachelor.

IN last years Alexander Shulgin became interested in religious issues and in 2011 entered the faculty of theology at the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University. Subsequently, the composer also begins to write music for the first public Orthodox TV channel "SPAS".

This did not prevent Alexander Shulgin from getting involved in technology and organizing the work of a venture capital firm. The composer even became a member of the expert council under the government of the Russian Federation. The many-sided nature of Shulgin is indicatively portrayed by the producer's Instagram, where photos in temples are interspersed with shots from the sites of technological and educational festivals.

In 2016, Alexander Shulgin co-produced the short film Chess. main role played in the picture. Shulgin also wrote music for this picture.

Today Alexander Shulgin is also known as an investor in new high-tech projects. The composer was one of the first in Russia to invest money in the blockchain, and also joined the Elon Musk project.

In 2016, the composer held a free lecture in Irkutsk called "Transformation of the Global Economy and Lifestyle 2020-2030", which he devoted to changes in society, new technological trends and the question of what professions and what education will be in demand in the future.

In 2017, Shulgin spoke at Innoprom's Finance for Industry 4.0 platform, where he presented his vision of the country's future. According to the producer, robotization will save Russia, but at the same time there will be a risk that production will be aimed at competing with foreign firms, instead of creating their own original products. The investor also gave a lecture on new professions that will appear and develop in 20-30 years.

In 2017, in the program “Live”, Valeria’s first husband Leonid Yaroshevsky stated that the singer and producer did not expect an official divorce at all and Valeria was cheating on her then husband with Alexander Shulgin. On the same topic - about the betrayal of the singer and about Valeria's second marriage - Yaroshevsky published a book called "Valeria:" locomotive "from Atkarsk." The scandalous statement spawned a number of talk shows.


  • 1992 - The Taiga Symphony
  • 2000 - First Internet album
  • 2005 - MADE IN RUSSIA
  • 2005 - Diva
  • 2005 - Submission
  • 2005 - Lady Sax
  • 2006 – Sax It Easy
  • 2006 - Sax It Up!
  • 2008 - Triptych
  • 2013 - Diptych "SKAZKA"