Lyrics of the song (words) Honest (Timur Gatiyatullin) - Miami. Lyrics

Hey there, away. where you can hear me. Salam is hot, but mineharikrishna. (not intelligible: D) There in the sky to the gods, the brother is also getting light. Yes, and we will be happy. Yes, and we, too, we want to live, God. To remember when they destroy. In the meantime, the wind is blowing in my window. Thank God, but no crusts flicker. Thank God I'm alive, thank you young. Health somewhere, love - wait. Do not divorce me life, do not disassemble. Let me live and mine motherland. No need for ponaraev, just music plays. Just feelings of evil - fly away. Hell or heaven, God decide. And my third step, do not stagger.

Not in Miami yet, not in Miami. I admire the clouds at home, Mother Russia. I'll go - I'll be back. I'll go for a hug if I can. Not in Miami yet, not in Miami. I admire the clouds at home, Mother Russia. I'll go - I'll be back. I'll go for a hug if I can.

Salam to all camps, salam to all prisons. All over Russia, in all cities. Happiness and good luck, amnesty to hook. The wife loved, and did not drizzle. Healthy moms to all who are there now. The kindest - the most cheeestny for YOU! I wish you less deadlines less pain. And less buzz, less alcohol. And good garbage, but it's so, in jest. I myself was, I myself know this cartoon. And health to you there, under the iraha to run. Or maybe it's none of my business. But I wish you well and less bodies. To warm there if the brother sat down. Yes, to remember us, we are also people. We promise, we won't do it again.

Not in Miami yet, not in Miami. I admire the clouds at home, Mother Russia. I'll go - I'll be back. I'll go for a hug if I can. Not in Miami yet, not in Miami. I admire the clouds at home, Mother Russia. I'll go - I'll be back. I'll go for a hug if I can.

Hay is there, far away. Where can I hear. Salam is hot, and mineharikrishna. (Not razborichvo: D) There are gods in the sky, too, the brother lights. Yes, and we will be happy. And we, too, want to live. To remember when to destroy. And while here the wind blows into my window. Thank God, but do not flash crusts. Thank God I "m alive, glory young. Health is somewhere, love - wait. Do not breed my life, do not take it apart. Let me live, and my native land. Do not be ponraev, just music plays. Just feelings are evil - fly away. Hell or third heaven, God decide. And my step, do not be shaky.

Not in Miami yet, not in Miami. I admire the clouds at home, Mother Russia. I "ll go, I" ll be back. I "ll go and embrace if I can. Not in Miami yet, not in Miami. I admire the clouds at home, Mother Russia. I" ll go, I "ll be back. I" ll go and embrace if I can.

Salam to all camps, salaam to all prisons. Russia Throughout, all cities. Happiness and luck, an amnesty so that it caught. My wife loved, and did not drizzle. Healthy moms are all there who are there now. The most kind is the most cheest for YOU! I wish you, less time, less pain. And less buzz, less alcohol. A good debris, but it's so, in jest. I myself was, I myself know this mulka. And health to you there, to run under the yap. And maybe it's not my business. But I wish good and fewer bodies. To warm there, if the brother sat down. Yes, to remember us, we are also people. We promise the truth - more so we will not.

Not in Miami yet, not in Miami. I admire the clouds at home, Mother Russia. I "ll go, I" ll be back. I "ll go and embrace if I can. Not in Miami yet, not in Miami. I admire the clouds at home, Mother Russia. I" ll go, I "ll be back. I" ll go and embrace if I can.


Not in Miami yet, not in Miami, I admire the clouds at home.
Mother Russia, I will leave, I will return; I'll go for a hug if I can!

[Verse 1]:
Hey! There, far away, where you can hear me;
Salam - hot, Amen and Hari Krishna.
Gods up there in heaven, prosper too!
Yes, and we will be happy.

Yes, and we also want to live, God,
To remember when they destroy.
In the meantime, here the wind blows in my window.
Thank God - the crusts do not flicker.

Thank God - I'm alive, glory - young.
Health somewhere. Love - stop!
Do not divorce me, life, do not disassemble -
Let me live, and my native land.

There is no need for panoramas, just music plays;
Just feelings of evil, fly away.
Hell or Paradise - God himself decide;
And the third step is mine, don't stagger.

Not in Miami yet, not in Miami, I admire the clouds at home.
Mother Russia, I will leave, I will return; I'll go for a hug if I can!
Not in Miami yet, not in Miami, I admire the clouds at home.
Mother Russia, I will leave, I will return; I'll go for a hug if I can!

[Verse 2]:
Salam to all camps! Salam to all prisons!
All over Russia, in all cities!
Happiness and luck! Amnesty to hook;
The wife loved and did not drizzle.

Healthy mothers to all, who is there now,
And the kindest, most honest for you.
I wish you - less deadlines, less pain.
And less buzz and less alcohol.

And good garbage ... Well, it's so - as a joke.
I was myself - I know this cartoon.
And health to you, there, run along the turns.
Or maybe it's none of my business.

But I wish you well, less work.
To warm there if the brother sat down.
Yes, to remember us, we are also people.
We promise, but we won't do it again.

Not in Miami yet, not in Miami, I admire the clouds at home.
Mother Russia, I will leave, I will return; I'll go for a hug if I can!
Not in Miami yet, not in Miami, I admire the clouds at home.
Mother Russia, I will leave, I will return; I'll go for a hug if I can!

Additional Information

Lyrics of the song Honest (Timur Gatiyatullin) - Miami.
Lyricist: Timur Gatiyatullin.

- "Miami"is one of the most popular dance groups that appeared on the Russian stage in the mid-90s. Already the first tracks, among which the notorious "Kalyaka-Malyaka" became real hits in an instant. The group formed in 1996. Under the original music, and at first it was 100% ethno-dance, a specific image of the band members was developed. Two guys: Valery and Dmitry, as well as a charming vocalist Sivara. Her strong voice then fell in love with many, he noticeably brightened up the average vocals of the boys. By 1997, the first album "This is Miami" was ready. Bright, carnival songs immediately went to the people, and the young group began an intensive tour. Basically, "Miami" performed their hits in discos, their energetic performances charged everyone with optimism without exception, and all this despite the fact that the group did not take any serious promotional actions. Indeed, talent has paved its own way.

The songs "Mamba-Lumba" and "Tum-Balalaika" also became hits from the debut disc. The members of the team had amazing charisma, it was not difficult to remember them. In 1998, the second album "Miami. Favorites" was ready. It includes both new hits and old hits. It is interesting that in the new album not all songs were sustained in the concept of ethno. In particular, the group produced killer eurodance hits: "Draw me a wind" and "Casino". However, other songs were also successful, including: "Alabina", "I'm a good black man" and "Abu Dhabi". Literally by chance, these songs made their way to radio and compilations. It was not even the second wave of popularity, but the first and protracted one. The group gushed with ideas, each new experiment showed positive results, however, a default soon occurred and all the work went down the drain. In 1999, the group once again gathered to record the track "Ne Negoro". The song was included in the collection "In ten!", However, this was the last hit of the Miami carnival trio.

In 2001, Valery and Dmitry released the album "You run, run ...". They organized the duet "Pulse", but without Sivara. Some of the songs of the youth group also became hits. The tracks "Run", "Maniacs", and "Good" were almost in no way inferior to the hits of the famous "Miami", however, as in the case of the first attempt, the Pulse lasted catastrophically little. By 2002, the group seemed to have been erased from the map of show business.