Koktebel Museum of Nature Karadag. Karadag Nature Museum

20 km from Feodosia there is a unique place - the village of Koktebel, which has some kind of fantastic aura and attraction. Having been here once, you definitely want to come back again and again. What is special about this town - maybe it's the magnificent nature, the bewitching landscapes of Kara-Dag, or the cheerful, bohemian atmosphere that prevails here throughout the summer season?

The surroundings of Koktebel are deservedly considered one of the most picturesque places in the Crimea. It is in this place that the steppe turns into mountains, rising above the surface in asymmetric mounds and forming bizarre shapes that are very reminiscent of lunar landscapes, but much more colorful and bright. Beaches, bays, streets, promenade - everything is combined here in some kind of elusive harmony, giving a real rest to the body and soul.

Apartments and hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see and where to go in Koktebel?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and a short description.

A natural area of ​​amazing beauty, spread out in the vicinity of the Kara-Dag volcanic massif. Here, simply alien views open up to the eye - as if you are looking at the surface of Mars or the Moon. The green valleys and the blue of the water surface of the Black Sea return to reality, harmoniously complementing the unearthly surface. Part of the reserve is located between Feodosia and Koktebel.

The embankment of Koktebel is the focus of holiday entertainment in the summer and a great place for a relaxing walk and admiring the waves in the low season. Gathering here street artists, artists and other bohemia, invitingly flashing thousands of lights, night bars, cafes and restaurants offer dinner for every taste and budget, and souvenir shops attract customers with unusual gizmos made by local craftsmen.

All the beaches of Koktebel are covered with small pebbles, but further, when entering the water, you can find a comfortable sandy bottom. The main bathing area with standard infrastructure stretches along the city's waterfront. Outside the town, in small bays, there are many wild beaches popular with campers: in the Dead and Quiet bays, as well as at the foot of Kara-Dag. Total length coastline- about 4 km.

M. Voloshin - poet, artist and literary critic, who enjoyed great prestige among fellow writers and respect from his contemporaries. The museum named after him is located on the territory of a house built at the beginning of the 20th century. It was not just a dacha by the sea, but a real place of pilgrimage (and free rest) for prominent cultural figures: M. Gorky, O. Mandelstam, M. Bulgakov, A. Green, M. Tsvetaeva visited here.

The museum is located in the village of Kurortnoye near Koktebel. More than 25 thousand people visit it every year, which indicates the popularity and relevance of the collection. The history of the exposition began in 1914 with the opening of the Karadag scientific station. For several decades, the funds have been replenished with hundreds of geological and biological exhibits. Today in the museum you can learn everything about the natural features of the Kara-Dag massif: flora, fauna, rocks, minerals.

Four bottlenose dolphins perform in the dolphinarium, three fur seal and white polar whale. It is located at the entrance to Koktebel from Feodosia, so it is hard to miss it. Shows run from May to October. winter time the animals are resting. The Dolphinarium not only pleases visitors with interesting and funny shows, but also takes part in the rehabilitation and rescue of marine life.

A complex of water attractions, covering an area of ​​44,000 m². There are 24 slides and seven pools, in a specially equipped area for children - 12 slides and one pool. The water park has a restaurant with excellent cuisine, a grill bar and a pizzeria. Ample parking is provided for the convenience of guests. The number of visitors per day can reach up to 1.5 thousand people, however, in this case, the territory becomes quite crowded.

A bird park located in unusual buildings - spherical pavilions resembling high-mountain observatories. In addition to birds, of which there are more than 70 species, animals also live here. The peculiarity of dinoteria is that the birds do not sit in cages, but move freely around the territory, feeling quite at ease. One pavilion is given over to the paleontological collection, where dinosaur skeletons are exhibited.

The monument was erected on the embankment in the summer of 2009. It is a bronze sculpture on a stone pedestal, towering against the backdrop of the sea. The figure of the poet is made in the form of an image of a pilgrim - a wanderer exploring new lands. M. Voloshin froze in a thoughtful pose, as if trying to catch the breath of the wind, or maybe he admires the incredible landscapes of Kara-Dag enthusiastically.

The monument was erected in 1975 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Victory in memory of the soldiers who took part in the Kerch-Feodosiya landing operation in 1941, during which more than 100 thousand Soviet soldiers died. The sculpture is a bas-relief with four faces of warriors on a small pedestal. The Creator portrayed a whole storm of emotions - grief, pain, determination, bitterness and a firm intention to go to the end.

Even in ancient times, winemaking was practiced in the vicinity of Koktebel, but industrial production was established only in the 19th century. The modern plant was built in 1944, for a long time it belonged to Massandra, but later it became an independent enterprise. Today, the plant produces dry, fortified and dessert wines from local grape varieties, as well as several types of cognac.

The official name of the mountain is Uzun-Syrt, which means "long ridge" in Turkic. It is a small hill 268 meters above sea level. The place is unique in that special (ascending) air currents are created here, thanks to which the development of hang gliding became possible. Until 1977, a flight school worked here. In 1924, Pyotr Klementiev crashed on the mountain during the competition, falling from his glider from a 500-meter height. After that, the hill began to be named after him.

An observation deck with a stone rotunda, located on the top of Mount Kokluk in the vicinity of Koktebel. It is often called the "Arbor of the Winds" due to the fact that it is blown from all sides. air currents. From here a magnificent view of the mountains, valleys and the sea lies among them. You can get to the site on foot, leaving the car on the track, or by bike, but you will have to continuously pedal uphill.

A rock protruding from the sea with an arched passage in the middle, standing a few kilometers from Koktebel, is a symbol of the resort and one of the most important natural attractions of this area. She is in the territory Karadag reserve. Officially, you can get here only as part of an organized excursion or admire the cliff from the sea - local owners of boats and ships will be happy to take tourists to the Golden Gate for an appropriate fee.

The cape is a natural boundary between the Koktebel and Quiet bays. It got its name due to the ability to change color depending on the time of day and the intensity of sunlight. Optical metamorphoses can occur up to 20 times a day. The color changes from bluish-gray in the morning to golden-orange in the rays of the setting sun. Previously, the cape was called "Toprakh-kaya", which means "clay mountain".

IN The exposition of the Museum of Nature of Kara-Dag presents almost all kinds of animals and plants found in Kara-Dag. The creation of the museum's collection began more than 90 years ago. The museum contains stuffed animals of 203 species of birds and mammals, 167 species of butterflies, 246 specimens of amphibians and reptiles, and various minerals of the Kara-Dag. Of the 305 various Crimean minerals, 100 species are present in Kara-Dag. Among them are agates, carnelians, amethysts, varieties of calcite, quartz, chalcedony, opal...

Karadag nature reserve

TO Aradag nature reserve protects the unique landscapes, flora and fauna of the eastern Crimea. The relief of its area is formed by the volcanic massif of the Jurassic period with the extinct volcano Karadag. This mountain is 150 million years old. There is a strict security regime on the territory of the reserve, so you can visit it only as part of excursions. During a sea excursion, tourists can see the coast with the bizarre rocks of the Golden Gate, Leo, Ivan the Robber. The walking route with a total length of 7 km runs overland and also covers these objects.

Karagach ridge with rocks King, Queen and Retinue

TO In addition, during a walking tour, tourists can get acquainted with the geological objects located in the depths of the island. This is the Karagach ridge with the rocks Koroleva, Koroleva and Retinue, viewing platforms with coves hidden between them, highest point Reserve Mount Svyataya with the rocks of the Sphinx and Devil's finger. The fauna of Karadag includes 5300 species, including 130 species listed in the Red Book. In Karadag nature reserve there is a Museum of Nature, an aquarium and a dolphinarium.

Address: Feodosia, town. Resort, st. Science, 24.

Job: all departments of the museum work in the spring-summer period - the aquarium daily 9.00-18.00, the museum - daily, except Monday, 8.00-16.00. Sea excursions are held in May-October, hiking - in May-September (set of groups is carried out daily 8.00-9.00, 14.00-15.00).

Route: sea ​​excursions depart to Feodosia, Koktebel, Novyi Svet. Walking tours start from the biological station of the reserve in the village. Resort, to the village there are regular buses from Feodosia and Sudak.

Visit conditions: for walking tours, sports shoes are required, it is recommended to bring drinking water with you.

Website: http://zapovednik-karadag.com/

On July 19, the Great Kara-Dag hiking route was reopened in the Karadag Reserve. This is the main excursion trail with a length of 8 km.

Entrance to the territory of the reserve is free, but it is allowed to walk along the trail only with a guide, since the terrain is rocky. Visiting sightseeing objects and the dolphinarium is paid:

- Hiking trail "Big Kara-Dag", 220 rubles. for adults, 100 rubles. for children and students;

- eco trail Terenty Vyazemsky (100 rubles / 50 rubles);

- museum of nature (100 rubles / 50 rubles).

Children under five years of age are served free of charge, students upon presentation of a student card. Since at some points of excursion sales in Feodosia they claim that Kara-Dag is closed to the public, you can buy an excursion on the spot. To do this, you need to arrive at the Biostation by 8.00, the route starts from the Museum of Nature.

The Museum of History and Nature of Karadag is over a hundred years old. Founded in 1915 on the basis of the Karadag scientific station, it not only does not slow down, but also becomes an increasingly popular place. Statistics show that this is not an unfounded statement - about 25 thousand people visit the institution every year.

The first who got acquainted with the small collection of the museum were students of the Yekaterinoslav Mining Institute. Then the institution occupied a small room in the form of a basement floor, and only two cabinets were enough to accommodate its collection. Over time, the exhibits only became more. In the 70s of the last century there were more than a thousand of them. The institution not only conducted excursions, but also lectures that were read for schoolchildren, students and other guests. Such extensive work had a positive effect on the promotion of scientific knowledge.

Expositions of the Karadag Museum

Since 2004, the institution has occupied a larger and renovated hall with a total area of ​​103 m² (excluding the storage for funds, which measures 22.5 m²).

For convenience, all museum expositions are divided into four thematic halls: historical, geological and mineralogical, land nature and the Black Sea.

Each section is accompanied by a rather large textual and visual material. And in order to make the museum interesting for everyone, from schoolchildren to geologists, the employees of the institution have developed three levels of information presentation. In the first case, the emphasis is on the external form (scenery, multimedia and photographs), in the second - on diagrams, drawings and descriptions. The latter method differs in that it contains reference materials understandable only to experts.

Acquaintance with the museum begins with viewing the layout of "Karadag and its environs." In the same hall, visitors learn about the toponymy and orography of the area, they are told about the environmental significance of the territory.

Historical section

As you may have guessed from the name, the historical section is based on the main stages of the development of the museum. All historical milestones are displayed in photographs. Some of the pictures are quite rare and belong to the first director of the institution. Here you can also see the personal belongings of the founder of the station, Terenty Vyazemsky. The chronological structure is also observed when showing hydrobiological studies of water areas. The construction of the first dolphinarium in the Soviet Union is described in the same order. The section continues with a stand dedicated to the study of the Karadag mountain range.

Geological and mineralogical section

The geological and mineralogical section of the museum allows you to get acquainted with the rocks of the cliff in more detail. Most of the exposition is made up of andesites, dacites, basalts, trachytes, volcanic tuffs and other minerals. The attention of visitors is very often riveted by milky white quartz, agate, its variety carnelian, pebbles, nicknamed the Koktebel pebble. But that's not all. The collection of the institution also contains sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone, clay and others.

Chapter "P nature sushi »

The section "Nature of land" is also distinguished by its numerousness. Since Karadag boasts a unique and diverse nature, its exhibits are divided according to belonging to a particular landscape. So, mountain forest landscape contains herbariums of oak, ash, hornbeam, dogwood, snowdrop, Crimean peony, blueberry and other interesting or rare plants. Stuffed animals (wild boar, fox, squirrel, badger, marten and others) and birds (more than 50 stuffed animals) help to get an idea of ​​the fauna of this landscape.

steppe landscape rich in endemic species. Along with herbaria, this subsection also contains bright photographs depicting flowering slopes, bats that live in local caves. Animal world represented by 60 stuffed animals. The department of insects also impresses with an extensive collection - about 200 species.

The subsection consists of 90 exhibits and photographs of flora "Sea Landscape".

Black Sea section

The Black Sea section of the Museum of Nature will primarily appeal to lovers of the sea. It presents complete information regarding the area, currents, depth, chemical composition of the Black Sea. Next to the cartographic materials is a small showcase displaying a collection of algae. The excursion closes with a model of the underwater part of the rocky shores of the area.

As an addition to the tour, visitors can be advised to travel along the ecological path.

The cost of visiting the Museum of Nature Karadag

A ticket will cost one adult 100 rubles. Children's costs two times cheaper - 50 rubles. The institution also accepts applications for group services. You can leave them at the above phone numbers in a special column.

You can visit the Museum of History and Nature of Karadag on any day of the week, except for Saturday and Sunday. The institution is open from 08.00 to 17.00 (lunch from 12.00 to 13.00).

How to get there

The museum is located in the vicinity of the eastern part of the Kurortnoye village. Exact address: st. Nauki, 24. The main flow of tourists provides the closely located Feodosia, Sudak and Koktebel.

By bus: from Feodosia to the village can be reached by bus "Simferopol Airport - Kurortnoe Bus Station" or "Simferopol - Kurortnoe". Travel time will be 55 minutes. With an interval of 20 minutes, a suburban bus number 101 departs from Feodosia. Ending station- Biostation. It's a couple of minutes walk from the museum.

By car: from Feodosia to the Museum of Nature Karadag drive 55 minutes. The shortest way will pass along the street. Chelnokov towards P29. The museum will be on the right. It is even easier to get from Koktebel - 25 minutes. You need to move along P29. Roads P35 and P29 will suit you if you are on your way from Sudak. Get ready to drive for 44 minutes.

From Feodosia:

From Koktebel:

From Sudak:

Taxi: from Simferopol to the village you will be taken by the local long-distance service "Dream", from Feodosia - "Taxi Feodosia. RF", from Koktebel - "Taxi Koktebel". There is no need to move around the village on this type of transport, since the settlement is tiny, and you can get around it on foot.

The territory of the Karadag Nature Museum on the Google panorama: outside view

Video about the Museum of History and Nature of Karadag

Museum of Nature of Karadag (Koktebel, Russia) - expositions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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Every year, more than 25 thousand people come to the Karadag Museum of Nature, located in the vicinity of Koktebel, in the village of Kurortnoe. Its history began in 1914, almost simultaneously with the opening of the Karadag scientific station. The first exhibits of the museum fit in two cabinets located on the basement floor of the laboratory complex. Two years later, a group of students from Yekaterinburg visited the museum, and in the 1920s. research activities of the museum began to develop steadily. Over time, the museum funds expanded, replenished with new exhibits, and by the 1970s. The collection already included more than 1,000 geological and about 200 biological exhibits, as well as several stuffed birds. Museum staff focused on educational activities: fascinating lectures, thematic seminars and meetings were held here, which were attended by schoolchildren and students.

Every year more than 25 thousand people come to the Museum of Nature of Karadag, located in the vicinity of Koktebel, in the village of Kurortnoe.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the museum was waiting for reconstruction, during which it was significantly modernized. The renovated museum opened its doors to visitors in 2004.

Museum exposition

The exhibition space of the museum covers an area of ​​103 square meters. m and is divided into several thematic sections: historical, geological and mineralogical, land and marine biospheres. Close attention is paid to the natural features of the Karadag mountain range. As an introduction, visitors are invited to study the layout map "Karadag and its environs". The exposition of the historical section tells about the most important milestones in the activity of a scientific institution organized at the foot of the mountain. Here are collected historical photographs, books, biographical materials about the station staff.

The geological and mineralogical section presents in detail samples characteristic of Karadag rocks both sedimentary and volcanic. The Karadag mountain range is a real mineralogical pantry. Visitors to the museum can explore in all their diversity the minerals of the zeolite group, varieties of quartz, chalcedony, carnelian. Samples of sedimentary rocks are quite fully represented in the collection: sandstones, clays, gypsums and others.

The section of the exposition devoted to the land part of the reserve tells about the peculiarities of the flora and fauna of Karadag, which is diverse, despite the inhospitable landscapes. Here, in relation to the habitat, stuffed animals of local mammals and birds, amphibians and reptiles are collected, butterflies are widely represented, as well as a kind of Crimean flora. Special meaning assigned to rare and protected species.

Much in the Crimean nature is inaccessible to the casual observer or is typical only for certain seasons. The exposition of the museum reveals such inconspicuous pages of Karadag, helping to get to know the world of its reserved nature more closely.

The Museum of Nature of Karadag is one of the "oldest" on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. Back in 1914, Academician A.P. Pavlov, T.I. Vyazemsky and A.F. Sludsky made the first attempts to create a Karadag museum exposition. To place all the exhibits, they needed only two museum shelves, which were installed on the basement floor of the Karadag scientific biological station, which is the basis for the organization of the museum.

Geographical coordinates of the Karadag Museum of Nature on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.911936 E 35.201814

The Museum of Nature of Karadag is located in the village of Kurortnoye near Koktebel. It attracts the attention of many tourists. This is confirmed by the fact that more than 25 thousand people visit the museum every year. The first tour was held in 1916 for Yekaterinburg students, and this was the starting point when the museum began to actively develop, and the list of exhibits on display increased rapidly. By the end of the 60s of the 20th century, the museum's exposition included more than one thousand geological elements and about two hundred biological ones. Stuffed birds, of which there were about a dozen, aroused considerable interest among visitors.
An important part of the museum's activities was the holding of thematic lectures and seminars, which brought together hundreds of students and schoolchildren.
The last reconstruction of the Karadag Nature Museum ended in 2004. IN currently the exposition occupies an area of ​​more than one hundred square meters, which is divided into several exhibition halls. The first thing that falls into the field of view of visitors is a map of Karadag, made in the form of a layout. In the first hall, they get acquainted with the history of the biological station and the museum through the study of photographs, books and biographical data of the founders of the museum. This hall is called the historical one.

The next hall is the geological and mineralogical one. It is filled with samples of volcanic and sedimentary rocks that make up the Karadag mountain range. And the variety of minerals is simply amazing: zeolites, quartz, chalcedony, carnelian - this is not the whole list.
Another hall is dedicated to the land biosphere of Karadag. Here you can see stuffed animals living in the reserve, many butterflies and the most unusual specimens. flora. By the way, some representatives of the flora and fauna presented in the Karadag Museum are included in the Red Lists of many countries of the world.

The last hall of the Karadag Nature Museum introduces the waters of the reserve. The main characteristics of the Black Sea (such as area, volume, depth, currents, salinity, chemical composition water) are covered in cartographic and schematic materials. There is also a reduced copy of the underwater mountain component of Karadag.
After visiting all the galleries of the Karadag Nature Museum, you can go on an excursion along the ecological trail of the Karadag Reserve. Information received in museum halls, will help you to feel the local beauties in more detail and appreciate them. Having visited