Daniil andreev works. Daniil andreev

Daniil Leonidovich Andreev is a Russian poet, writer, philosopher and mystic. A son famous writer He gained popularity largely due to the mystical composition "Rose of the World". Today we will get acquainted with the biography of this most interesting person.


Andreev Daniil Leonidovich became the second son of Leonid Nikolaevich (a famous writer) and Alexandra Mikhailovna Andreev. It is interesting to note that the mother of the future writer was the great-niece of Daniil Andreevich, born in 1906 in Berlin. Literally a few days after his birth, Alexandra Mikhailovna died of postpartum fever. The father, shocked by the death of his wife, blamed the newborn for everything, as a result of which the grandmother (mother of Alexandra Mikhailovna) Efrosinya Varfolomeevna decided to take Daniil to Moscow. There he ends up in the family of his aunt, Dobrova, whose husband was a famous doctor.

As a child, Daniil Leonidovich Andreev was ill a lot. Several times he was literally on the verge of death. At the age of six, the boy fell ill with diphtheria and infected his beloved grandmother with it. Efrosinya Varfolomeevna was no longer able to fight the disease and died. Soon, at a dacha near St. Petersburg, the boy was about to drown himself in order to see his mother and grandmother. Fortunately, at the last moment he was stopped on a bridge over a local river.

Based on the fact that the child was constantly ill and even tried to commit suicide, it seems that no one cared for him in his aunt's house. In fact, everything was quite different. The aunt and her husband accepted Daniil as their own son, surrounding him with care and attention. In those days, the Dobrovs' house was one of the cultural (musical and literary) centers of Moscow. I. A. Bunin, A. N. Skryabin, V. I. Chaliapin and many others came here. The authority of the family is evidenced even by the fact that Daniil's godfather was Maxim Gorky. The atmosphere at home had a beneficial effect on the boy and inspired in him a love of literature.

In 1915, nine-year-old Daniel wrote his first poem, "The Garden." In the same year, his first stories appeared, first "The Journey of Insects", and then "The Life of Antediluvian Animals". In addition, as a child, a novice literary critic wrote a huge epic, the actions of which developed in the interplanetary space invented by him personally. On the walls of his room, the boy painted portraits of the rulers of the dynasty he invented. Their dimensions roughly corresponded to the dimensions of the child himself.

Learning and insight

In the autumn of 1917, the aspiring writer entered the E. A. Repman gymnasium, where he studied until 1923. The following year, he entered the Bryusov Literary and Art Institute. Around the same time, Andreev began work on the work "Sinners". In 1926 he joined the Poets' Union, which lasted until 1929.

In August 1921, 15-year-old Daniel, walking through the squares surrounding the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, saw a picture of the Heavenly Kremlin. He wrote about this in the 1st chapter of the 2nd book from the Roses of the World series. The next event of this order occurred in 1928 during Easter. Being in the Church of the Intercession in Levshin, the writer, poet, and now a mystic saw world history in the form of a single mystical stream.


At the end of the summer of 1926, the young author Daniil Leonidovich Andreev married Alexandra Gubler, with whom they studied together at the Higher State Courses in Literature. The wedding took place on Uspensky Vrazhek, in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word. In February of the following year, the couple officially divorced, and Andreev stopped attending literary courses.

Pre-war years

In the 40s of the last century, Andreev worked as a type designer, wrote advertisements and other inscriptions. Nevertheless, he devoted most of his time to literature. In 1930, the writer began to create the poem "Solstice". In the summer of 1931, Andreev met M. A. Voloshin. Soon, namely on July 29, on the banks of the Nerussa, Daniil Leonidovich experienced what he later described as a breakthrough in cosmic consciousness.

In the period of February-March 1932, the writer was engaged in literary editing, and then got a job as the head of the social sector of the newspaper at one of the Moscow factories. In the summer of 1932, a collection of poems "The Poet's Diary" was born. It is noteworthy that literally within a year the author destroyed this collection. In 1933, Daniil Leonidovich Andreev began to write the essay "Outlines of the preliminary doctrine", which remained unfinished, as well as the cycle "Foothills". In the autumn of 1934, the poet visited Koktebel and wrote the poem "M. Voloshin's grave."

In 1935, the writer joined the Moscow city committee of graphic designers. At the beginning of September of the same year, the "Song" of a poem called "The Song of Mansalvat" was born, which will be completed in full in three years. In 1937, she recommended Andreev to turn to Stalin with a request to assist in the return of his brother, V. L. Andreev, from exile. In the autumn of the same year, the writer undertook to write a novel about the spiritual quests of the intelligentsia in those days, "Wanderers of the Night", which was conceived as an "epopee of the spirit" in the context of the era. The novel came to its end only in 1947.

Second marriage

In the spring of 1937, Andreev met Alla Ivasheva-Musatova, who, 8 years later, would become his second wife. Later, Alla Alexandrovna will be convicted along with her husband, and released a year earlier than he. The second wife became a support for the writer during the war years, the years of imprisonment and in the difficult years after. She preserved the legacy and contributed to the publication of his major works at the end of the twentieth century. Later, for 15 years, she was the wife of Evgeny Belousov, the son of the famous writer I. A. Belousov.


In the spring of 1941, F. A. Dobrov died, whom Daniil Leonidovich considered his adoptive father. In the first years of the Second World War, Andreev worked on the poems "Ambers" and "Germans" (it was never completed), and completed the cycle of poems "Catacombs". In July 1942, E. M. Dobrova, who was like a mother to Andreev, died.

In the fall of 1942, the writer was drafted into the army. In January 1943, he entered the besieged Stalingrad in the ranks of the 196th Infantry Division. At the front, Andreev was a graphic designer, an orderly, and was a member of the funeral team. For good service, the writer was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad." On June 25, 1945, Andreev was recognized as a disabled veteran of the Second World War of the 2nd group.

After the war, the poet returned to Moscow and got a job as a graphic designer. On November 4, 1945, he officially married A. A. Ivasheva-Musatova.


In early 1947, the writer completed the novel "Wanderers of the Night" and began to think about the second part of the proposed trilogy, which would be called "Heavenly Kremlin" and embodied the writer's front-line experience.

April 21, 1947, because of the denunciation and the novel "Wanderers of the Night" Andreev was convicted under Article 58. Accused of anti-Soviet propaganda and terrorist intentions, Daniil Leonidovich received 25 years in prison, which at that time was the highest penalty in the USSR. In addition to the writer himself, his relatives also suffered from the arrest. 19 relatives and friends of Andreev were sentenced to 10 to 25 years in labor camps. All books by Daniil Leonidovich Andreev written before imprisonment were destroyed by the MGB.

In November 1948, Daniil Leonidovich was escorted from Lefortovo prison to Vladimir prison (the same “Vladimir Central”). Despite the conclusion, Andreev continues to actively engage in writing literary works. In 1950, he completed the poem "Nemerech", which had been started in 1937. In December 1950, the poem "Symphony of the City Day" was written. At the end of the same month, with a difference of one day, Andreev began working on The Iron Mystery and The Rose of the World.

In 1951, the writer worked on The Morning Oratorio and The Death of Grozny. The following year, he began working on the first version of the book "Russian Gods" and wrote the poem "Rukh". In 1953, short stories were completed for the book "The Newest Plutarch", which Andreev wrote together with his cellmates, the physiologist V. Parin and the historian L. Rakov. In the autumn of 1953, before moving to another cell, the writer Daniil Leonidovich Andreev experienced mystical experiences, which, as he would later say, were unprecedented in their grandiosity.

In November 1954, Andreev wrote to G. M. Malenkov, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a statement in which he once again refused the unconditional acceptance of the Soviet system, in view of the "lack of genuine democratic freedoms." At the end of that year, Andreev suffered a myocardial infarction. In 1955 he worked on the poems "At the Demon's Vengeance" and "Navna". February 8, 1956 cousin Dmitry Leonidovich - A.F. Kovalenskaya - died in the camp hospital. In May of the same year, the writer finished The Iron Mystery. And on August 10, 1956, his wife was released from the camp. A few weeks after her release, the Commission of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR passed a resolution according to which the sentence under Article 58 was reduced to 10 years in prison.

On August 24, 1956, for the first time during his arrest, the poet Daniil Leonidovich Andreev saw his wife in the Vladimir prison. On April 23 of the following year, he was released from custody. On June 21, 1957, the charges against Andreev were completely canceled, and on July 11 he was rehabilitated.

Last years

In the summer of 1957, Daniil Andreev, suffering from pneumonia, met his older brother Vadim for the first time after more than 40 years of separation. Since November 57, Andreev lived in Moscow with his wife. Around the same time, his status as a disabled person of the second group was restored, which implies a pension in the amount of 347 rubles. On November 30, 1957, the writer's cousin, A.F. Dobrov, dies. At the end of 1957, together with Z. Rakhim Andreev, he worked on the translation of Japanese stories by Fumiko Hayashi, which were included in the Six Stories edition.

On February 12, 1958, Daniil Leonidovich Andreev sent a letter to the Central Committee of the CPSU with a request to get acquainted with his poetry. According to the writer, to live, hiding his work from people, is simply unbearable for him. On February 26, he was summoned to the Central Committee. A conversation with government officials gave the writer hope that in the future his work could be published. In addition, soon he even received material assistance from the Writers' Union.

In the spring of 1958, Andreev was hospitalized with exacerbation of angina pectoris and atherosclerosis. On June 4, he married his wife Alla Andreeva in the Church of the Robe. After the wedding, the couple went on a trip by steamboat from Moscow to Ufa and back. At the beginning of July of the same year, the writing of the eleventh book of the treatise "Rose of the World" came to an end. By mid-autumn, the treatise was completely completed. At the same time, the writer completed work on the collection of poems "The Tale of Yarosvet" and the poem "The Underside of the World".

On the night of October 18-19, 1958, Andreev wrote a poem, which was called "Once upon a time in the prime of life ...". In it, the poet prayed for the salvation of his manuscripts. The following month, a cycle of poems by Daniil Leonidovich Andreev was compiled, called "Holy Russian Spirits". On November 14, having returned from Goryachiy Klyuch, the writer again ends up in the hospital.

At the end of January 1959, A. A. Andreeva was handed a warrant for a room in a communal apartment on Leninsky Prospekt. Here Andreev, tormented by constant heart attacks, lived the last month and a half of his life.

March 30, 1959 Daniil Leonidovich died. On April 3, Archpriest Nikolai Golubtsov buried the writer in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe on Donskaya. Andreev was buried on Novodevichy cemetery next to his mother's grave.


During the life of the poet, prose writer, mystic and philosopher, Daniil Leonidovich Andreev, whose photo perfectly illustrates his thoughtfulness, not one of works of art the author has never been published. The only exception is the book “Remarkable explorers of the mountain Central Asia” published in collaboration with S. N. Matveev.

Having died at the age of 52, Daniil Leonidovich did not have time to say and do a lot. The main thing he dreamed about, but did not have time to do, was to build a school for ethically gifted children and meet his readers. For more than three decades after the death of the writer, his wife secretly kept the manuscripts, fearing that at one moment they could be destroyed again. The main work of Daniil Leonidovich Andreev - "Rose of the World" was published only in 1991, almost before the fall of the Soviet regime. In such an amazing way, the biography of Daniil Andreev developed. There have been many ups and downs in the writer's life. strong feelings and disappointments, amazing visions and insignificant humiliations. But despite this, he always remained in his opinion.


In 2003, commissioned by Daniil Leonidovich's wife Alla Aleksandrovna, Alexei Kurbatov composed music for Andreev's poem "The Leningrad Apocalypse". In the autumn of 2014, in the village of Chukhrai, located in the Bryansk region, the museum of Andreev Daniil Leonidovich was opened, whose biography we have examined.

The writer and poet Daniil Andreev is often called not only a writer, but also a mystic, philosopher, prophet and even a teacher. The difficult biography of Daniil Leonidovich also influenced his work, forcing Andreev to think not only about the events of the current moment, but also about the issues of the world order, karma, punishment and retribution for actions. Despite the mystery and controversy of some of the writer's works, his books and diaries are literally disassembled into quotations and are still interesting to readers.

Childhood and youth

Daniil Andreev was born in the family of the writer and his wife Alexandra on November 2, 1906. The boy's parents at that time lived in Berlin. A few days after the birth of her son, Alexander Andreeva died. The woman came down with postpartum fever and never recovered.

The heartbroken husband became bitter against the newborn son, believing that the child was to blame for the death of his beloved woman. Then the grandmother of little Daniel had to take her grandson from his father's house, so the boy moved to Moscow. The child was taken in by his aunt, his mother's sister.

The boy's troubles did not end there. Daniil Andreev grew up as a sickly child, constantly catching colds, picking up infections. When the boy was barely six years old, he fell ill with diphtheria. Daniel himself recovered - the young body managed to overcome the disease. But Andreeva's grandmother, who contracted diphtheria from him, died.

Despite such a young age, the boy was very upset by the death of his beloved grandmother. Daniel began to blame himself for the troubles happening to his family, for the deaths of his mother and grandmother. It got to the point that the boy firmly decided to commit suicide in order to punish himself for the death of his relatives, and also to meet them in heaven as soon as possible. Daniil was saved at the last moment, literally before jumping off the bridge - the child wanted to drown himself.

Such experiences could not but affect the character of Daniil Andreev, he grew up secretive and withdrawn, but he sensitively reacted to what was happening around him. The aunt tried to surround her nephew with warmth and care so that the boy would quickly forget about the misfortunes that had happened.

In part, she succeeded - becoming older, Daniel became interested in art and poetry. The boy became interested in theater, and also began to compose his own poems, poems and stories.

In 1915, the poem "Garden" was born. Then the boy composed fantastic stories about the life of animals and insects, which, unfortunately, have not been preserved. It is also known that at that time Daniil Andreev was working on an epic novel about traveling to other planets. The writing talent was obvious, so later Andreev entered the Literary and Art Institute.


The further fate of Daniil Andreev was no less tragic. After graduating from the institute, he got a job as a type artist. Andreev did not leave literature, continuing to write, but he understood that his works were unlikely to please the new Soviet government. The writer was especially occupied with the theme of a certain common religion, which should unite the minds of people. He even gave the name of this religion - the Rose of the World. He also later called the main work in his life.

In the early 1930s, the writer worked in one of the Moscow publications as a proofreader, but soon left. In parallel, Andreev constantly wrote poetry, but many works of those years were destroyed. In addition, his teaching in the field of philosophy "The Outlines of the Preliminary Doctrine" and the cycle of poems "Foothills" remained unfinished.

After an anonymous denunciation, the writer was arrested. The accusations turned out to be absurd - allegedly Andreev organized a terrorist group and conducted anti-Soviet agitation. However, the verdict was read - 25 years in prison.

In conclusion, the writer did not stop working on new works. This is how Russian Octaves, Iron Mystery, as well as the poems Nemerech, The Death of the Terrible, Rukh, the poem St. Basil the Blessed, which have long remained on the unpublished list, appear.

The cell also contains the Leningrad Apocalypse, a book of short stories The Newest Plutarch. And, of course, work has begun on the main work - "The Rose of the World".

The writer was released only in 1957, at the same time Andreev was rehabilitated. Almost until the end of his life, Daniil Leonidovich continued to finish parts of the book "Rose of the World". This collection of treatises and philosophical discussions included a huge layer of material on historical events. Andreev talks about and about, about the works of Russian geniuses -, and other writers and poets, whom the author considered prophets and predictors.

In addition, Andreev built a whole theory of "Russian metaculture", considering Russians as a super-people, which stands at the origins of the Rose of the World. The history of the nation and the so-called "soul of Russia", according to Daniil Andreev, begins with the Demiurge Yarosvet, who is opposed by the zhurgs - demons that interfere with the bright plan of the Demiurge.

There are in the "Rose of the World" and arguments about the predictions of Helena Blavatsky, about the original femininity embodied in - the first sinner and the ancestor of angels. The writer did not bypass the questions of the origin of religion, interpreting life events and deeds in his own way. The work also raises the problems of faith and religion, nationality and higher destiny.

Personal life

The first wife of the writer was Alexandra Gubler, whom Andreev met during literary courses. In 1926, the lovers got married, but the family was not strong: the young people could not get along together and in 1927 they officially divorced.

The further personal life of Daniil Andreev turned out to be connected with Alla Alexandrovna (maiden name - Bruzhes), who became the writer's wife in 1945. The woman had to go through the arrest of her husband and her own imprisonment, but Alla Andreeva last days supported her lover. The writer had no children.


Imprisonment did not have the best effect on the writer's health: Daniil Andreev suffered several heart attacks, and also constantly caught a cold, repeatedly lay in bed with severe pneumonia.

Nevertheless, he continued to work on the "Rose of the World", which he completed a few months before his death. On March 30, 1959, Daniil Andreev passed away. The grave where the writer is buried is located next to last resort his mother at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Unfortunately, not all the works of Daniil Andreev, written by him over the years of his life, have reached the modern reader. Much has been destroyed or lost. In addition, unfinished works remained, for example, "Satan's Diary", which the writer did not have time to complete.

Documentary film “Daniil Andreev. Orliontan"

On the centenary of the birth of the writer was removed documentary about his fate, called "Daniil Andreev. Orliontan”, and in 2014 a museum dedicated to the life and work of the writer was opened in the village of Chukhrai (Bryansk region).


  • "Early glow"
  • "Russian Gods"
  • "Iron Mystery"
  • "The Newest Plutarch"
  • "Rose of the World"

From his youth, Daniil Andreev discovers in himself the gift to see and hear what lies beyond the bounds of physics: other worlds, their landscapes, their inhabitants, their connection with life and the fate of the world. Over the years, this gift only deepens and will later be called by Andreev the ability for metahistorical and transphysical cognition.
At the age of 36, Daniil Andreev goes to the front, but for health reasons he becomes a non-combatant soldier. As part of his division, he participates in the transition along Lake Ladoga to besieged Leningrad. Serves in the funeral brigade, reading prayers for the dead over the dead. Works as a nurse in a medical battalion.

Returning home from the war to Moscow, Daniil Andreev continues to work on a novel and poems that cannot be published, since he is the son of an émigré writer Leonid Andreev. Andreev earns a living from the modest work of a type artist, and free time gives to creativity. He reads his poems and chapters from the novel to a small circle of friends and relatives.

In 1947, Daniil Andreev, many of his relatives and friends were arrested by the state security agencies. They are accused under paragraphs 58 of the article: anti-Soviet agitation, the creation of a terrorist group, preparations for an assassination attempt on Stalin. The accusation is based on the novel "Nightwalkers", about the characters of which the investigators ask how real people. Wanderers are a small group of intellectuals who are trying to spiritually resist the terrible night that hung over Russia in the 30s and 40s.

Daniel begins to write poetry and prose from childhood, and in his younger years he already shows himself as a very talented and original poet.

At the age of 30, Daniel meets Alla, his future wife and muse. By the age of 35, Andreev is the author of many poetic cycles and poems, and also creates the main body of the novel "Wanderers of the Night", work on which is interrupted by the Great Patriotic War.

In a fabricated case, Daniil Andreev receives 25 years in prison - the death penalty was then briefly abolished. He is sent to the Vladimir prison. Alla Andreeva and several other people receive 25 years in strict regime camps. The rest are given 10 years.

The manuscripts, letters and diaries taken away during the arrest are destroyed. "Wanderers of the Night" irretrievably perishes. Today, unfortunately, we have only a few draft fragments of this novel and brief retelling from Alla Andreeva.

It is in prison that Daniil Andreev creates his main works. He writes the treatise "Rose of the World", rich in spiritual and visionary experience, the poetic collection "Russian Gods", the dramatic poem "Iron Mystery". Restores many early poems. He writes on pieces of paper, which are sometimes taken away during shmons, and he has to start all over again.

Where not a single rider has raced,

In the meadows of infant land,

White and blue constellations

Mleya and swaying, blossomed.

And breathing warmly over the furrow,

The wind of paradise, flying through the valley,

Intertwined two consonant stems

And he connected star to star.

Myriad lives passed

The Milky Way changes its foamy appearance,

Only our destinies are intertwined

Forever, in all corners of the universe.

After Stalin's death, the Khrushchev Commission reduced the terms of imprisonment to 10 years. In 1957, having served his term from bell to bell, Daniil Leonidovich was released, where he was met by Alla Aleksandrovna, who had been released a little earlier. It turns out Andreev is seriously ill from the consequences of a heart attack in prison.

He has about two years left to live, during which he manages to put his prison manuscripts in order. Now it seems incredible how this man, who went through repression, war, prison, survived so much and was terminally ill, could leave behind several volumes of amazing works.

We do not remember passions, nor grief, nor resentment, We hurry to take the airy light wave in the face, When from images dressed in sound and rhythms, Like a wanderer in a hurricane, the path of the soul will slow down. The eyes are blinded. Boiling, swaying Everything is expanding, growing - you can’t turn your face away - And someone’s alien, huge breath Intrudes and tears, like a headwind, chest. Everything will be silent. The distance is clear. And wise palms Carry us like a boat in a subsiding channel To the sunny expanse of jubilant harmonies, Whose glory the melodies on earth cannot contain.

The work of Daniil Andreev is, first of all, the "Rose of the World", telling us about God and the devil, about good and evil, about the multi-layered universe and the diverse material structure of man, about life after death, about heavenly cities and countries, about the meaning of key events in history and culture , about a possible Golden Age of mankind, called by the visionary the Rose of the World.

The work of Daniil Andreev is also a set of poems and poems expressing artistic means the same images, ideas and ideals that were so powerfully and documented on the pages of the Rose of the World.

Daniil Andreev died in 1959 at the age of 52. He died without having time to complete much of what was planned, without having time to build a school for ethically gifted children, which he dreamed of, without having time to see his readers and like-minded people.

For more than 30 years after the death of the writer, his wife secretly kept the manuscripts, rightly fearing that they would once again be taken away. Rose of the World was first published in 1991, a few months before the fall of the Soviet regime.
On the first pages of The Rose of the World, Daniil Andreev writes:

“I am seriously ill, the years of my life are numbered. If the manuscript is destroyed or lost, I will not have time to restore it. But if it ever reaches at least a few people, whose spiritual thirst will make them read it to the end, overcoming all its difficulties, the ideas embedded in it cannot but become seeds that give birth to sprouts in other people's hearts.

From Goethe

Mountain peaks fade.
The valleys are fading in the mist.
The chirping and screaming subsided,
A chick is napping in a hollow;

Silence enchanted
The world is falling asleep...
Wait: prepared
Eternal rest for us.

Now it can be argued that the seeds have been sown and the first shoots are appearing. But the ideas and ideals given to us by Daniil Andreev are not yet presented in all their depth and beauty to the eyes of the general public. His books are still waiting for attention from thoughtful readers, serious researchers and talented popularizers. The Rose of the World - a book and an epoch - is waiting in the wings.

There are lines of Memory - do not exterminate, do not burn them,
Where are the waves of time, murmuring among the stones,
Sleepy pearls cherish in the gloomy bays
Irreversible feelings, irreversible days.
And, in dark curls, keeping for years
The waves of my youth have long subsided rumble,
There is a shell - like a pale moonstone,
Whose voice I loved, whose heart I opened.
Loved - there is no oblivion. And in the night of longing wide
Leaning on mother-of-pearl with the lips of former days,
I listen, languishing, a dull, drawn-out rumble, -
The melody of my fate, imprinted in it.

Daniil Leonidovich Andreev

Daniil Leonidovich Andreev

Daniil Andreev's father is the well-known classic of Russian literature Leonid Andreev. Mother Alexandra Mikhailovna came from the Polish family of the Veligorsky (Vielgursky) counts, and through the female line she was related to the classic of Ukrainian literature Taras Shevchenko. Daniel, their second son, was born in Berlin on November 2, 1906, but soon the 26-year-old mother died of "puerperal fever." The father went mad with grief and could not see the newborn - the "cause of death" of his beloved wife. So the baby ended up in a different family, to his mother's relatives - to her older sister Elizabeth and her husband, Dr. Philip Alexandrovich Dobrov. They raised him in best traditions Moscow patriarchal intelligentsia, in a house near the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Godfather the boy was Alexei Maksimovich Gorky, who eventually became a classic of socialist realism.
Surrounded by care and attention, the boy was brought up in his aunt's family as his own son. The Dobrov House was one of the literary and musical centers of the then Moscow; I.A. Bunin, M. Gorky, A.N. Scriabin, F.I. Chaliapin, actors of the Art Theater, etc. Under the influence of the atmosphere at home, the boy begins to write poetry and prose early.
In September 1917, Andreev entered the Moscow Gymnasium E.A. Repman, which he graduated from in 1923. In 1924, he continued his studies at the Higher Literary and Art Institute. Bryusov (Mosprofobra Higher State Literary Courses). Then work on the novel "Sinners" begins. In 1926 he joined the Union of Poets.
Daniel began to write very early, from childhood - both poetry and prose. BUT close friend home Nadezhda Sergeevna Butova, actress of the Moscow Art Theater, revealed to a fifteen-year-old youth the mysticism of church services. faith and artistic creativity became for him equally great inspirers of life. After school, he graduated from the Higher Literary Courses, but immediately realized that he, as a poet, had no place in Soviet reality. A cousin helped him master the craft of a graphic designer; writing typefaces provided a modest but sure income. And he always wrote, and always "on the table", not for publication.
The first event of methohistorical insight, which played a large role in the development of its inner world, happened in August 1921, when he was not yet 15 years old. In his book “Rose of the World”, Daniil Andreev describes this event as follows: “It happened in Moscow, at the end of the day, when I, who by that time had fallen in love with aimlessly wandering the streets and dreaming pointlessly, stopped at the parapet in one of the squares surrounding the temple Christ the Savior and raised above the embankment. Moscow old-timers still remember what a wonderful view opened from there to the river, the Kremlin and Zamoskvorechye with its dozens of bell towers and multi-colored domes. It was evidently already seven o'clock, and the bells were ringing for vespers in the churches... immeasurably greater than it, that for many years I internally fed on images and ideas that gradually floated from there into the circle of consciousness. The mind could not cope with them for a very long time, trying to create new and new constructions that were supposed to harmonize the inconsistency of these ideas and interpret these images ... "
He experienced the second event of illumination in the spring of 1928 in the Church of the Intercession in Levshin. “For the first time remaining after Easter matins for early mass; this service, which begins at about 2 o'clock in the morning, is marked, as you know, by the reading - only once a year - of the first chapter of the Gospel of John: "In the beginning was the Word." The gospel is proclaimed by all the priests and deacons participating in the service from different parts of the church, in turn, verse by verse, in different languages ​​- living and dead. This early mass is one of the pinnacles of Orthodox—Christian in general—world worship in general. If the Matins preceding it can be compared with the rising of the sun, then this mass is a real spiritual noon, full of light and universal joy. The inner event that I am talking about was completely different in content and tone from the first: much wider, connected, as it were, with the panorama of all mankind and with the experience of world history as a single mystical stream, it, through solemn movements and the sounds of the service performed in front of me, gave me a sense of that highest region, that heavenly world in which our entire planet appears as a great Temple and where the eternal worship of enlightened humanity is continuously performed in unimaginable splendor.
Later, the experience of "real super-reality" became wider and wider - the proximity of Seraphim of Sarov during divine services, the foreboding of monsters and demons ruling over totalitarian state and large cities, a brotherly tender feeling for nature, where everything was alive, and Earth and Sky, and Wind and Snow, Rivers and Flowers ... He loved many days of wandering alone, always (according to Russian weather conditions) barefoot, because he felt differently land in different places. I spent the night in a haystack, in the forest on the moss. The poetry created during those wanderings is a book of psalms glorifying the Creator, who gives life and joy to all creation.
In 1937, Daniil met his future wife, Alla Alexandrovna (we owe it to her that Andreev’s word has come down to our days!), And at the same time he began writing the novel “Wanderers of the Night” about the Russian intelligentsia under Stalinism, for the manuscript of which they both were sentenced in 1947 to capital punishment, temporarily replaced in that year by 25 years in prison. And during the Great Patriotic War he was in besieged Leningrad (about which he wrote the poem "Leningrad Apocalypse"), served in the funeral team, secretly reciting prayers for the dead over the mass graves of Soviet soldiers. Returning home, he discovered that the manuscript of the novel, buried in the ground for conspiracy ... was blurred and unsuitable for reading - I had to start all over again.
But in 1947, it was this manuscript that became the pretext for the arrest of many people close and not close to Andreev as "participants in a terrorist group" who, under his leadership, allegedly prepared an "assassination attempt on Stalin." Together with Daniil's archive, the KGB destroyed the manuscripts of his father, the classic of Russian prose Leonid Andreev. Alla's wife was sent to the Mordovian camps. And himself - in the infamous "Vladimirsky Central" since pre-revolutionary times.
Being in a prison cell, Daniel turned long rows of nights into continuous contemplation and comprehension of insights. Deep memory began to send more and more distinct images to consciousness, illuminating with new meaning both the events of his personal life and the events of history. “Meetings happened during the day, in a crowded prison cell, and I had to lie down on a bunk, facing the wall, to hide the flow of tears of exciting happiness. The closeness of one of the great brothers caused an increased heartbeat and a thrill of solemn reverence ... "

His wife says that at first he wrote in the cell on random scraps of paper. During the "shmons" these sheets were taken away. He wrote again. The whole cell participated in the preservation of what was written, including the "war criminals", the Germans and the Japanese, who, not knowing the language, did not know what they were helping to hide - this was the solidarity of the prisoners.
The Soviet academician-physiologist, atheist Vasily Vasilyevich Parin, a cellmate of the poet, later told his widow with surprise: “There was such an impression that he did not write, in the sense of“ composes ”, but barely had time to write down what was pouring on him.”

Alla Andreeva and Daniil Andreev in 1959.

He was released ten years later, in 1957 - Alla, who had been released a year earlier, was already waiting for him, miraculously managing to take her husband's belongings out of prison, and in them - outlines of a new book "Rose of the World", written by a terminally ill writer on scraps of prison paper.
The last period of his life was devoted to collecting the text and comprehending the visions experienced in Vladimir. His wife later recalled: “Daniil Leonidovich demanded that no one except me should know about his work on the Rose of the World. He demanded that I destroy all letters addressed to him, he believed that we were still being monitored.” Finally, on October 12, 1958, at the House of Artists in Goryachiy Klyuch in the Caucasus, the book was completed. “It felt like the angel who supported him all the time, with the last line of this book, quietly unclenched his hands - and everything rushed towards death.” On June 4, the elderly couple got married in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe on Shabolovka in Moscow, and eight months later, on March 30, 1959, he passed away. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery (on the site that his father Leonid Andreev acquired in 1906 for himself).
The writings of Daniil Andreev were first published almost 40 years later.


- File for download Daniil Andreev "Rose of the World" 1.13 MB (file for download). 1950–1958
fundamental treatise, main work Daniil Andreev, which was worked on from 1950 to autumn 1958. The author devoted the last two years of his life after his release from prison in 1957 to completing the Rose of the World. other layers of planetary space. The cornerstone issues of ontology, ethics, religious worldview and religious practice, historiosophy (expanded to the limits of the metaphilosophy of history), the theme of Russia's destiny in the world, the spiritual analysis of the great works of Russian literature and the fate of their creators - all this, as well as many other things, is integral to composition and fabric of the book.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

First published in Russia in 1991, the visionary novel Rose of the World caused big interest but oh tragic fate the author himself was known to insultingly little. Later, a collection of his poems "The Iron March" appeared. It can be said that the post-Soviet public opinion, recognizing a poet in Daniil Andreev, denied him the right to be called a Prophet: his terminology cut the ear with its unusualness, visions underworld seemed subjective and unconvincing, interpretations of past and future historical events were fantastic. The messenger of the coming Light did not "fit in" with perestroika realities. The writer's widow, Alla Andreeva, on the pages of " literary newspaper”, Putting her husband on a par with the geniuses of esoteric thought, proved that he was not an amateur from science and not obscurantist: “It is impossible, unworthy, to pretend that Hermes Trismegistus, Orpheus, Socrates, Plato, Dante, Boehme, Swedenborg, Vl. Solovyov were not at all representatives of a powerful esoteric tradition, but simply acted as honestly mistaken mystics ... "

A year later, in the preface to The Rose of the World, she had to explain Andreev's ideas, which did not fit into the canons. Orthodox Church: “In the book, of course, there are places that are not consistent with the orthodox provisions of Orthodoxy ... There is a concept in the book, one of the central ones, unacceptable for strictly Orthodox people: interreligion".

So who was Daniil Andreev - a poet or a Prophet, and what should be understood by this strange word "interreligion"?

... He was born under the sign of Scorpio on November 2 and, according to the eastern calendar, in the year of the Fire Horse, in 1906. These symbols promised younger son the famous Russian writer Leonid Andreev, a difficult and sublime life.

The famous astrologer Luis Hamon writes about the November Scorpions: “As a rule, sooner or later, “scorpion” persons begin to be interested in the occult, connecting the possibilities hidden in the subconscious; equally successful they declare themselves as writers, artists, poets or musicians. They are born philosophers, deep and thoughtful researchers of both nature in general and human nature in particular... Few of those born under this Zodiac can escape the slander and slander that at some point fall upon them... Everywhere they show exceptional efficiency. They never waste time. Determined and strong-willed, they drive themselves to work again and again like a whip. In any case, they show extraordinary thinking and inventive abilities.

On November 2, Queen Cleopatra of Egypt was born, and on November 11 (1 + 1 in total gives a “deuce”) - Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

The Chinese horoscope also notes the tragic fate of people born in the year of the Fire Horse: “The horse under the sign of fire” is endowed with an extraordinary, even brilliant mind, but is too nervous, ... it has an unfortunate fate.

In a certain sense, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin's painting Bathing a Red Horse, painted in 1912, can be considered a depiction of the fate of the young Daniil Andreev.

During childbirth, his mother, beloved by all, Alexandra Mikhailovna Veligorskaya, died. The father was not at all involved in raising the child, and his aunt, Elizaveta Mikhailovna, took care of him. In a patriarchal Moscow family, Daniil grew up like a son, absorbing Orthodoxy from childhood not only as a faith, but also as a tradition of life and worldview. I went to the gymnasium, graduated from it already as a Soviet school. He, the son of a "non-proletarian" writer, was ordered to go to university: Daniil Leonidovich graduated from the Higher Literary Courses and became a professional unemployed. In order to make ends meet, he mastered the specialty of a type artist. Writing poetry, which in the young Land of Soviets could not be printed, gave all his nights, thus leading to an exhausting double life. In the pre-war years, he began writing a novel about the total genocide of 1937. The manuscript ended up in the NKVD and was destroyed. Fragments were preserved only in the memoirs of the writer's widow: “A cell full of heterogeneous people in 1937 on the Lubyanka. Interrogations. A completely hopeless future is the same for everyone. In the same cell, together with Glinsky (an Indologist, leader of an underground group of Moscow dreamers erecting an invisible spiritual edifice of opposition to the era), are Orthodox priest and mullah. Without saying a word to each other, the three take turns praying for everyone else. Silently. When the one who is praying now is taken for interrogation or he is completely exhausted, he passes his prayer guard with a glance to one of the two remaining.

The "crime" against Stalin's militant atheism, and in fact Satanism, was postponed: the war began. At the beginning of the winter of 1942, the poet was mobilized, but for health reasons he served as a non-combatant soldier. "Dear life" went through Ladoga to besieged Leningrad, buried the dead in mass graves reading prayers for the dead over them. At the end of the war he returned to Moscow in order to continue literary work, but already in 1947 the forces of Darkness overtook him: for a pre-war novel about repressions, Andreev was sentenced to 25 years in the camps. In fact, it was a death sentence, painfully stretched out in time. In the Vladimir prison, Daniil Leonidovich began to outline his visionary novel: “I began this book in the most deaf years of tyranny that dominated two hundred million people. I started it in prison... I wrote it in secret. I hid the manuscript, and good forces - people and not people - hid it during searches.

The Khrushchev Commission for the Review of the Cases of Political Prisoners reduced the term of imprisonment from 25 to 10 years - the terminally ill seer was released "free" in April 1957. He spent the remaining two years rewriting drafts of The Rose of the World.

The "Khrushchev thaw" did not give rise to bright hopes: the degree of lack of spirituality, political aggressiveness and active persecution of dissent remained the same as before. Moreover, the world, which barely survived the Second War, was actively preparing for the next cataclysm, which could be the last for humanity, thanks to the efforts of Nikita Sergeevich. Andreev wrote: “I am finishing the manuscript of the Rose of the World in freedom, in gold autumn garden. He, under whose yoke the country was languishing, has long been reaping in other worlds the fruits of what he sowed in this one.

Nevertheless, I hide the last pages of the manuscript in the same way as I hid the first ones, and I do not dare to dedicate a single word to its content. living soul, and still I have no confidence that the book will not be destroyed, that the spiritual experience with which it is saturated will be transferred to at least someone.

He left this life on March 30, 1959, and his body found rest in the Novodevichy cemetery next to his mother. "Rose of the World" was published only after a long thirty-two years. The Russian intelligentsia, which never lost the Lord in its soul, but remained outside of certain traditional beliefs, perceived Andreev's book as a breath of life-giving air, as a new Bible. And almost immediately there was new danger that the book will be rejected for its trans-confessionalism and reminders of the gloomy past, for reasoning about the Eternal, when in the rapid flickering of the present, only the material and momentary acquired value. Anticipating this, Alla Andreeva wrote: “The personality of the poet and thinker Daniil Andreev forever bears the stamp of that era.

We must not forget this when reading the "Rose of the World" in other times.

Nevertheless, the visionary novel cannot become a thing of the past - it is all directed towards the Future, the messenger of which Daniil Leonidovich rightfully recognized himself as: to the higher Light pouring from other worlds.