Literary journey scenario. Literary round the world.doc - game-journey "literary round the world

Literary and game program for children 5 - 6 years old, dedicated to International Day children's book.

Target: create conditions for the formation of positive motivation for reading in children.


Involve children in reading books;

Develop children's interest in Russian folk art, to the book, reading;

Develop Creative skills, speech activity, fantasy and imagination.

Age: 5 - 6 years old.



"Journey to the Kingdom of Books"

literary and game program



TsRTDIU "Levoberezhny", Lipetsk

Zakharova Nadezhda Alekseevna

Target: create conditions for the formation of positive motivation for reading in children.


Involve children in reading books;

To develop children's interest in Russian folk art, books, reading;

Develop creativity, speech activity, fantasy and imagination.

Age: 5 - 6 years.

Event progress

Leading: Good afternoon! AT merry hour! We are glad to see you here!

Hello kids and parents!

We are in the fabulous Kingdom of books, which is called the library. There is no gold or silver in it. The wealth of this kingdom is books. They contain all the wisdom of life, and wisdom helps to get out of any difficult situation, to feel not only rich, beautiful, but also resourceful.

And today we have a holiday. And you know - what? We celebrate birthdays. Ilyusha? Oli? Dima? Girls? The boys? Not! Our books!

Name day Pinocchio

We will celebrate with you

Let's not forget about Malvina

And about the golden key.

Teremok birthday boy

And the fearless cockerel

Uncle Fedor, cat Matroskin

And a cheerful bun.

To learn a lot

real person

Books help to become!

Leading: Today we invited the most cheerful fairy tale hero in the world.(Looks at the clock.)For some reason, he's just delayed. Before he comes, I will tell you fairy-tale riddles. Do you love fairy tales?(Children's answers.) Then you will guess my riddles and name the heroes of fairy tales.

wooden playful

kind, brave

Was a boy.

That's why he Tortila

Gave me a magic key.

What is the name of Carlo's son?

Well, of course, ... (Pinocchio).

two pink ears

And a pink ponytail

Went with Winnie the Pooh

He is visiting Rabbit.(Piglet.)

Good girl

He walks through the forest.

And in a basket of buns

Grandmother carries.

Glow behind the bushes

A pair of angry eyes.

Someone terrible will meet

Girl now. (Red Riding Hood.)

Before the wolf did not tremble,

Run away from the bear

And the fox on the tooth

Still got caught ... (Kolobok.)

The frog has found a home

The mouse was good.

In that house, after all,

It became crowded from the residents.(Teremok.)

Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.(Three Bears.)

An arrow fell straight into the swamp,

And in this swamp the princess lived.(Princess Frog.)

The red girl is sad -

Spring is coming.

It's hard for her in the sun

Tears shed, poor thing!(Snow Maiden.)

Cook's name is the old woman's rat Shapoklyak?(Lariska.)

Beware any disease -

flu, tonsillitis, diphtheria.

Calls you all to fight

Glorious doctor...(Aibolit.)

The Kid has known him for a long time.

He flew in through the window.(Carlson.)

(Propeller sound. Carlson flies in.)

Carlson: Hey Babies! I'm probably the world's greatest latecomer. But I could not tear myself away from the largest jar of jam. After all, jam is the best medicine in the world. Please excuse me for being late.

Leading: Late, of course, is not good. But this time we will forgive you. Really guys? We are very glad that you, Carlson, found the time and flew to our holiday.

Carlson: I love holidays. Where is the cake?(Looks around.) Well, I don't play like that. What kind of holiday is this?

Leading: Holidays are different. Today, children have gathered here who really want to get acquainted with different books.

Guys, do you want to make friends with books?(Children's answers.)

And this means that books will have more friends-readers. This is a real holiday!

Carlson: Can I become a better reader?

Moderator: Of course you can.

Leading: Ouch! Who could it be?

(Music sounds. Dyudyuk enters the hall.)

Dudyuk: Let me introduce myself. Dyudyuka Barbidokskaya!(Bows.)

Leading: But we didn't invite you.

Dudyuk: No one invites me, I myself come. I overheard that you have a holiday here and decided to spoil the holiday for you.

Carlson: How are you going to spoil it?

Dudyuk: And I will quarrel everyone.

Leading: You won't get anything. Our guys are friends not only with each other, but also with books. Really guys?

Dudyuk: Oh, laugh! How can you be friends with a book? You can’t even quarrel with her - she doesn’t know how to speak.

Leading: You can't argue with the book, of course. But she can tell a lot of new and interesting things.

Carlson: To become a good reader, you have to study.

Dudyuk: (aside) Boomsik failed. Now I'll fix them!

And I love fairy tales. Do you want me to tell you a story? Then listen!

Grandfather planted a turnip. A large turnip has grown. He began to pull the turnip, but he could not pull it out. Grandfather called the Ryaba chicken, Little Red Riding Hood, Winnie the Pooh. So they pulled, pulled, and pulled out a net with a goldfish. And said gold fish: “Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie. Take it to grandpa, take it to grandma.

Did you like the fairy tale?

Leading: I think you, Dyudyuka, just need to re-read fairy tales. Guys, help Dyudyuka, tell me the name of the fairy tale with which she began her story.("Turnip") Let's remember all the characters of the fairy tale:

Whom did the grandfather call? (grandmother)

Who did grandma call?(granddaughter)

Who's granddaughter? (Bug.)

And the bug? (cat)

And finally, who did the cat call?(mouse)

How did the fairy tale end? Pulled a turnip or not?

Well done boys! Well you know this story!

Carlson: Fairy tale characters often have long names. So long that I can't remember. Now I will pronounce one part of the name, and you - together, together, continue:

Koschei the Deathless) ;

Ivan Tsarevich) ;

Vasilisa ... (Wise);

Sleeping Beauty) ;

Dragon) ;

The Little Humpbacked Horse) ;

Tiny ... (Havroshechka);

Boy ... (s-finger);

Sivka ... (Burka);

Firebird) ;

Swan geese) .

Carlson: Thanks guys! Thanks to you, I remembered the names of these heroes.

Dudyuk: (aside) Still, I'll ruin their holiday.

I ran through fairy tales and took away from the heroes miscellaneous items. Without them, fairy tales cannot tell their stories to you.

Leading: What have you done? We need to get things back as soon as possible. Guys, you need to guess which fairy-tale hero each item belongs to.

The game "Guess the hero of a fairy tale by subject"

Alphabet, cap, key(Pinocchio);

Slipper (Cinderella);

Broom (Baba Yaga);

Arrow (Ivan Tsarevich);

Basket with pies(Red Riding Hood);

Phonendoscope, syringe(Dr. Aibolit) ;

Pot of honey(Winnie the Pooh) ;

Pea (Princess on the Pea).

Leading: Well done boys. Helped the heroes of fairy tales to return their belongings.

Dudyuk: (aside) : Boomsik failed again.

Relay competition "Fairytale Mosaic"

Leading: We made sure that you know the heroes of fairy tales.

Guys, we have a problem. Portraits of two fairy-tale heroes fell from the wall and broke. Help collect them.

(One team collects a picture with the image of Kolobok, and the other with the image of Winnie the Pooh.)

Leading: Thanks guys! Now we will hang their portraits on the wall again.

Relay competition “Kolobok”

Leading: And let's remember how the bun rolled in a fairy tale. And he rolled along winding paths. He left his grandfather, and he left his grandmother and the wolf and the hare ... Let's see which of you he will also run away from.

(The children stand in a circle and quickly pass the bun to each other to the music. The music stops. The one who has the bun in his hands is out of the game.)

Carlson: Oh, how interesting. I really like it here. I want to join your library. Library as Big city. It has its own streets and avenues-racks. Each book has its own address, its own house is a place on the shelf. The one who carefully reads the inscriptions on special separator plates will quickly find this house.

Dudyuk: I still can't find what I need!(Nervous. Stamps his foot.)

Carlson: Then you need to go to the librarian ...

Dudyuk: To whom?

Carlson: To the librarian. This is a person who works in the library, helps to find books and gives them home to read.

Librarian: That's right, Carlson.(Appears.) My name is …

Dudyuk: Do you give books forever?

Librarian: No. We cannot give you books forever. Our other readers are waiting to meet with them. But for a while, please. Only then should they be returned.

Dudyuk: I also want to join your library. I will no longer do any nasty and dirty tricks! I will study and become a good reader.

Carlson: And what if we sign up, can we go to you every day?

Librarian: Yes. (The librarian talks about the library's opening hours.)

Leading: So, guys, our journey to the fabulous Kingdom of books has come to an end.

Librarian: I hope you enjoyed your stay with us. Many books you already know! And how many books are still unfamiliar! How many wonderful stories they will tell you, you just have to want.

Dudyuk: Can we go and look at your books?

Librarian: Of course you can.

Carlson: Then everyone follow me!

Dyudyuk: (to Carlson) : Wait! I'm with you.

(The librarian invites the children on a tour of the library.)


Elkina N.V., Tarabarina T.N. 1000 riddles. A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.

Lipatnikova T.N. The holiday begins. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy, K °: Academy Holding, 2011. - 224 p.

Tubelskaya G.N. Holidays in kindergarten and primary school. – M.: Linka-press, 2001. – 256 p.

Evgenia Klimentieva
The script of the literary holiday in preparatory group"Journey to the Land of Books"

Target: parenting in children careful attitude to book, development of curiosity and interest in reading, development of horizons, familiarization with the world of lovers books.

Characters : Host, Queen Books, Pinocchio, Little Red Riding Hood.

Entertainment progress:

Soft music sounds, the children pass, stand in a circle.

presenter: We stand hand in hand,

Together we are a great force.

We can be small

Can we be big

But no one will be alone.

Knock on the door, brought a letter from the Queen Books.

presenter: (reads letter)"Hello children. I am queen Books and live in the Land of Books. But I was bewitched Baba Yaga, save me, complete all the tasks that she sent you. Thank you in advance." Guys, let's help and make journey to the Land of Books. Oh guys, I'm afraid we can't do it alone. If you guess 3 riddles, you will find out who will come to our aid today. (The artists come out after the children solve the riddles)

I go to my grandmother

And I carry in a basket

Butter her

Yes, potato pie. (Red Riding Hood)

Well done boys! You recognize the heroine of the story.

(Little Red Riding Hood appears under the song)

red Riding Hood: Finally, you rushed!

What took so long to get there?

presenter: Were you waiting for us?

red Riding Hood: And how! Only talk that the guys will come to our village. I didn't even go to my grandmother. She looked through all her eyes, but she sang her favorite song so that it would not be boring.

presenter: We were in a hurry to meet with fairy tale characters. But the road was not easy.

red Riding Hood: Yes, you walked for a long time. Everyone almost ran away, only their things remained. Whoever guesses the owner of the little thing, what fairy tale he is from and who is the author, he will receive a gift from me.

presenter: Well guys, are you ready? Show me, Little Red Riding Hood.

(Little Red Riding Hood takes turns taking out items from the basket and invites the children to guess what fairy tale they are from)

ABC (Pinocchio from the tale of A. N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio");

Crystal shoe (Cinderella from the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault "Cinderella")

walnut shell (Thumbelina from the fairy tale of the same name by G. H. Andersen);

A jar of jam (Carlson from A. Lindgren's fairy tale "Baby and Carlson");

Duck toy (mother duck from the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen "Ugly duck");

Soap and washcloth ( "Moydodyr" K. I. Chukovsky);

Egg ( "Ryaba Hen" Russian folktale).

red Riding Hood: Well done boys! Completed my first assignment.

Around us and here and there

Fairy tales live on.

There are mysteries in the meadow

Guess without a clue

Call me dare

Those fabulous friends!

Here is the next task (gives riddles)

The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun

Tears shed, poor thing. (Snow Maiden)

In heaven and on earth a woman rides on a broom,

terrible, evil, who is she? (Baba Yaga)

Once upon a time there were 7 guys

White little goats.

Penetrated by deceit gray into the house.

The goat found him

She was able to outsmart him.

And she saved all her children. (Kids)

Alyonushka's sister

They took away the little brother of the bird.

They fly high

They look far. (Swan geese)

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin

Did you become cute, beautiful, comely? (Princess Frog)

Planted her grandfather in the field

The whole summer grew.

The whole family dragged her

Was very large (Turnip)

On sour cream was mixed

Baked in a Russian oven.

Met animals in the forest

And left them quickly. (Kolobok)

red Riding Hood: They guessed all the riddles and named all the heroes. Well done! Well, you made me happy! Thank you! Where are you next?

presenter: We go to the land of books. Show us the right path.

red Riding Hood: For the fact that you correctly completed all my tasks, I have a gift for you. (takes out a ball)

Let's throw a ball into the distance

And there is no doubt even

What you want from all roads

He will tell you right away.

Bon Voyage! (the ball rolls to the golden key, on which the riddle about Pinocchio hangs. Little Red Riding Hood leaves.)

presenter: Guys, look where the ball has brought us! What it is? (children's answers). And there's a note stuck to it. (reads a riddle about Pinocchio)

Long-nosed and cheerful

Wooden mischief

Into the secret of the golden key

Not easy, but still got through!

That's right guys! This is Pinocchio (includes Pinocchio).

Pinocchio: What are you doing here?

presenter: We go to the country of books. Do you want to join us?

Pinocchio: In which country?

presenter: AT Land of Books.

Pinocchio: I don't know this one. There, only books to read? Nah, I don't like it, I like to play!

presenter: Good. And rhymes, for example, can you pick up?

Pinocchio: I'm a poet. I can rhyme with any word.

I will read you the beginning of poetry,

And you must continue them.

(Pinocchio reads excerpts from famous poems, and the children call the rhyme at the end).

Crying pussy in the hallway

She is in great grief:

Evil people poor pussy

Don't let them steal... (sausages).

Instead of a hat on the go

He put on... (pan).

It wasn't rain that came from the cloud

And not hail

That fell from the cloud (grape).

You have wax on your neck

You have a blob under your nose

You have such hands

They even ran away... (pants).

Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped into the river... (ball).

And came to Aibolit watchdog:

A chicken pecked at me... (nose).

Pinocchio: Well done boys! Here is your second task. Help answer questions.

Which heroine of the fairy tale got her name thanks to the headdress (Red Riding Hood)

What a gray beast offended an odd number of little kids. (Grey Wolf)

What is the name of the hardworking girl who was helped by the good fairy. (Cinderella)

Who is the little girl who was rescued from trouble by a swallow? (Thumbelina)

What hero of the fairy tale treats animals? (Aibolit)

What is the name of the girl who tricked the bear into carrying her home? (Masha)

He is not just an onion boy - is he a reliable true friend? (Chepollino)

Who made the boy with the long nose? (father Carlo)

Who served grey Wolf? (To Ivan Tsarevich)

What is the name of Toddler's friend who lives on the roof? (Carlson)

Pinocchio: Well done boys! I had a lot of fun, interesting with you, but I have to go. Papa Carlo is waiting for me.

Goodbye, see you again!

presenter: Very well, my friends. And now we need to move on. And in order not to be bored on the way, let's do exercises.

Three bears lived in a fairy tale

They went to the transshipment.

The little girl ran up to them

Run in place.

I went into the house and saw:

Hands are raised above the head, fingertips touch each other.

Large table by the window

The right hand is clenched into a fist, the left palm rests on the fist.

Three chairs - wow.

The left palm is vertical, the right fist is pressed to the palm horizontally.

Three cups and three spoons

They squat, one hand on the belt, then stand up, raise their hands up and touch each other with rounded fingers.

three beds: look.

Masha ate and drank,

Depict how they hold a spoon and bring it to their mouth.

Laid down on the bed

Hands in front of the chest, bent at the elbows and lie on top of each other.

And fell asleep sweetly.

The palms are folded, the head is tilted and lies on the palms.

What happened next?

Hands slightly spread to the side.

Here the bears returned

They go waddling from side to side.

When they saw Masha, they got angry.

Hands on the waist, make an angry face.

Masha was very scared

Show a scared face.

And she rushed home.

Hands are raised above the head, fingertips touch each other.

presenter: Well, here we are at the goal. (children approach the screen behind which the Queen is hiding - Book). Here we are waiting final test. Look, another mystery. Though not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with a root.

Talks to us

All understandable language.

(Children guess the riddle, the Queen comes out Book) .

presenter: All the riddles of Baba Yaga were guessed and the land of books was disenchanted.

Queen- Book: Hello dear children, girls and boys! I am glad to welcome you. In our country silence and order reign. There are thousands around us books. And they all teach kindness and love. Books needed to read them. Do you guys like to read and listen? And now I'll check it out.

1. What did the donkey Eeyore lose? (tail)

2. He kept his death at the end of a needle (Koschei the Deathless).

3. With whom the girl Ellie traveled to the emerald city? (Totoshka, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion).

4. What was the name of the girl who was carried in the box by the Bear? (Masha).

5. What was the name of the girl who melted the icy heart? (Gerda).

6. What was the name of Kolobok's last acquaintance? (Fox).

7. Cool grandmother living in a hut on chicken legs?

8. Who laid the golden egg? (Hen Ryaba).

9. What season did the jumper sing? (Dragonfly).

10. A large vegetable that grandfather could not pull out of the ground? (Turnip).

11. What was the name of the pack leader in "Mowgli"? (Akela).

Well done boys! I'm glad that many of you love books. Do you know how to deal with me? We will now check this

at the same time repeat the rules for handling book. I present to you a game called "Well no".

What does the book love?

Cover - yes.

Dirty hands - no.

Bookmark - yes.

Rain and snow - no.

Caring - yes.

Weasel - yes.

Eggs - no.

Clean hands - yes.

Rolling on the floor - no.

Fight - no.

Living on a bookshelf - yes.

Curious readers - yes.

Queen - Book: Now I know exactly everything about you:

You are good kids, there are many smart girls among you.

So be it, we will become friends with you,

But first, an oath of allegiance must be given to us.

I swear to be a careful and exemplary reader!

I swear to protect, love and respect books!

I swear! I swear! I swear!

presenter: Our the journey has come to an end. Time to say good-bye.

Queen- Book: We hope that the parting will be short-lived, that many of you will take and read an interesting book. Goodbye, guys! See you soon!


Scenario of a literary and game program for children 7-10 years old

Decor: book exhibition"Book bouquet of summer", route map, names of routes: "IslandReadings”, “Bay of Poems”, “River of Adventures”, “Field of Stories”, “Mountain of Tales”.

HOST:Hello young friends! We are glad to welcome you to our library. Today, in this hall, I very much hope so, lovers of books and reading have gathered, who very often go to the library and have read many books. Guys, you guessed that today we will talk about books. A book is the best thing that man has ever created. In it you will always find the answer to any question. Books like good friends, lead us into wonderful world. By reading, we become smarter, stronger, kinder. Jonathan Swift - the author of adventures about Gulliver said: "When I read a book, it seems to me that she is alive and talks to me."

Among different hobbies

There is nothing better than reading.

Can't replace a book

Not a movie, not the Internet.

Better than a book

Better than a book

The world has not been, and is not.

After all, a book is a reliable friend,

Comfort and help

Always able to give advice

And will always help out.

Can cheer up

All doubts will be dispelled.

You with a book, friends,

Will never be bored!

Guys, today we will go to an unusual island. It's called Reading Island.

You will not find it on the globe and map,

You won't read about it in your textbooks.

Only those guys get on the island

That they themselves read a lot of children's books.

Reading Island. Where is it? It is not mentioned in any textbook, in any index. He is not on any map. But children who love to read have no doubt that it exists. They can even visit it! Do you want?

(Children answer in chorus: “Yes!”)

HOST: Tell me, what do brave sailors and cunning pirates most often look for on the island?

(Children answer: "Treasures!")

HOST: And what do we lack for his search?

(Children answer: "Cards!")

HOST: The card is kept in a chest. But in order to get it, you need to answer the questions correctly. literary quiz. You love books, don't you?

(Children's answers.)

HOST: Let's remember some of them:

● In which fairy tale did the girl fall asleep for 100 years? (Sleeping Beauty C. Perrault.)

● In what book could a girl lift a horse? (Peppilongstocking A. Lindgren.)

● In what fairy tale did the girl change places with the doll? (“Three fat men” by Y. Olesha.)

● In which book did an ordinary 6th grade boy save a real wizard? (“Old Man Hottabych” by L. Lagin.)

● In what fairy tale was a dwarf bewitched a boy for being rude? ("The Wonderful Journey of Niels with wild geese» S. Lagerlöf.)

● In which fairy tale was Abraxas the raven? (“Little Baba Yaga” by O. Preusler.)

● In which book did the hero sow pasta and get green shoots? (“The Adventures of Captain Vrungel” by A. Nekrasov.)

● Which book tells how a huge eagle dragged the hero along with the house and threw it into the sea? ("Gulliver's Travels" by D. Swift.)

● In which story the boy, fighting bravely, sang the song “They have blue uniforms and sabers on their sides. Ku-ka-re-ku!"? (“Gavroche” by V. Hugo.)

● In what book did the boy write instead of an address in a letter “To the village to grandfather”? (“Vanka” by A. Chekhov.)

HOST: And now we will check whether you remember the names of the writers well. I will name names famous people, and you will have to clap your hands when you hear the name of the writer. So let's get started!

Pushkin, Stevenson, Uspensky, Tchaikovsky, Aivazovsky, Chukovsky, Mayakovsky, Kobzon, Mikhalkov, Dumas, Twain, Shishkin, Barto, Krapivin, Vivaldi, Belmondo, Dahl, Kipling, Krylov, Darwin, Bryusov, Bunin, Zoshchenko, Kasparov, Verne, Swift, Pogodin, Koval, Panteleev, Pugachev, Emets, Newton, Yasnov.

HOST: Well done guys! You answered all the questions correctly, and the chest opened. And here is the map! Look where we are going to visit: the Bay of Poems, the River of Adventures, the field of Stories and, finally, the mountain of Tales. First we get to the Bay of Poems. What children's poets do you know?

(Children's answers.)

LEADING: I suggest you continue the quatrains and name their authors:

● The little son came to his father, And the baby asked:

What is good and what is bad"? (V. Mayakovsky)

● There lived a scattered man on Basseinaya Street.

He sat down on the bed in the morning, began to put on a shirt,

He put his hands in the sleeves, it turned out - these are trousers. (S. Marshak)

● Our Tanya is crying loudly, she dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry, the ball won't sink in the river. (A. Barto)

● Who was sitting on a bench, who was looking at the street,

Tolya sang, Boris was silent, Nikolai shook his leg. (S. Mikhalkov)

Children, do you have a favorite poem?

(Children read poetry.)

HOST: Guys, you have the opportunity to see a real writer and talk to him. Our guest is the teacher and writer Nikolai Frantsevich Dik.

(Speech by N.F. Dick.)

HOST: We have overcome the high-water Bay of Poems and now we are approaching the Adventure River. We have to swim up the swift current where the rapids meet, and you know how difficult it is! Find out the hero of the adventure book by the event that happened in his life:

● He worked as a doctor on a ship that once crashed and was captured by little people. (Gulliver.)

● As the hero himself said, he managed to pull himself out of the swamp by a pigtail from a wig, flew on a cannonball, turned an evil wolf inside out and shot a furious fur coat. (Baron Munchausen.)

● This boy, as a punishment for impoliteness, was turned by a dwarf into little man and traveled with a flock of geese. (Niels.)

● The heroine of this English book ran after the White Rabbit, but then fell into a deep well and ended up in unusual country. (Alice.)

●The only boy in the world who never grew up and managed to defeat the insidious pirate Hook. (Peter Pan.)

And with this task you coped with "excellent"! And now I offer you 3 options for the name of the hero of the book, and you name the correct one:

● Good sorceress from the book "The Magician emerald city" called: Selina, Villina, Marina;

● The owl from the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit" was called: Pumba, Bumba, Abba;

● In Pushkin's fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel, the king's name was: Dadon, Gvidon, Saltan;

● The correct name of the Old Man Hottabych: Hottab ibn Durukhman, Gassan Abdurakhman ibn Hottab, Hassan ibn Kegelban;

● The calf of Matroskin's cat was named: Timosha, Gavryusha, Vityusha;

● Tavern from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key" was called: Three hunters, Three minnows, Three little pigs;

● Prince Gvidon, turning into a bumblebee, bit the nose: Babarikha, Weaver, Cook;

● In the book "Alice in Wonderland" there is a hero nicknamed March. It:

cat, hare, wolf;

● A. Barto's poem about crying girl called: revushka, ball, crybaby;

● Who stole the key from Barmaley: Avva the dog, Karudo the parrot, Aibolit;

●Who Pippilongstocking called Mr. Nilson: a horse, a parrot, a monkey;

● What object did Munchausen throw on the Moon: a gun, an axe, a boot;

● The bird on which Dr. Aibolit went to Africa: an eagle, a swan, a raven;

● What did the crocodile eat from the poem "Moydodyr": a washcloth, a rag, an iron;

● What Danila-master carved from the rock: coal, stone heart, stone flower;

● Whoever Dunno tried to be: an artist, a climber, a musician.

Here we are in the field of Stories, which were written for children by many authors. But the most famous among them are Nikolai Nosov and Viktor Dragunsky. I think you remember their funny stories about Mishka, Deniska Korablev and other guys. Now find out what story this dialogue is from. (Children are reading excerpts from the stories of writers by roles: N. Nosova " living hat”,“ Telephone ”and V. Dragunsky“ The secret becomes clear ”,“ He is alive and glows ...".)

HOST: We successfully crossed the field of Stories and approached high mountain Fairy tales. Before climbing it, we must arm ourselves with magic words for the last obstacle. What magic words did the heroes of fairy tales say?

● Emelya (According to pike command, according to my wishes.)

● Ali Baba to open the treasure cave (Sim-Sim, open!)

● The girl Zhenya, when she tore off the petal (Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle, as soon as you touch the ground, be in my opinion led!)

● Ivanushka the Fool (Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand in front of me like a leaf in front of grass!)

● A girl from the fairy tale "Pot of porridge" (One, two, three! Pot, cook!)

● Pinocchio (Crex, Fex, Pex!).

In order for us to safely bypass all the obstacles, we need to complete interesting tasks. I suggest playing the yes-no game:

● The tickling fly at the end of the tale married a spider. (No, for a mosquito.)

● Winnie the Pooh's head was stuffed with cotton. (No, sawdust.)

● The evil tiger Sherkhan from the fairy tale "Mowgli" was afraid of a red flower. (Yes.)

● In the fairy tale " The Snow Queen was a letter written on dried fish. (Yes.)

● The most terrible enemy of the steadfast tin soldier was a rat. (No, a snuffbox troll.)

● Prince Gvidon turned into a mosquito, a fly and an ant. (No, in a bumblebee.)

● The sorceress Bastinda was afraid of water. (Yes.)

● Helped Princess Elsa save her 11 brothers magic book. (No, nettle shirts.)

● Pig Funtik escaped from the evil director of the circus. (No, from Beladona.)

HOST: Guys, here you and I, not afraid of difficulties, successfully reached the wonderful island of Reading. His main treasure is books, from which you can learn many more interesting stories.

(A book review is being conducted at the book exhibition.)

HOST: Our meeting with wonderful writers and their books has come to an end.

Let there be fun around

May a faithful friend be near

And every book binding

It leads to a wonderful country!

I wish you to continue to be friends with books and the library. We are waiting for you and your friends in the Children's Library. A. Gaidar. See you soon!

(Showing a cartoon based on the story of N. Sladkov "The Boy and the Frog".)


1. Galaktionova, A.F. Faithful friends/ A.F. Galaktionova // We read, study, play. - 2004. - No. 1. - P. 57-60.

2. Gorshkova, L.V. What are they? / L.V. Gorshkova // Read, study, play. - 2004. - No. 7. - P. 56-57.

3. Dick, N.F. Fun class hours in grades 2-3 // N.F. Dik.- Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2007.- 331 p.- (I give my heart to children).

4. Tungulukova, S.A. Visiting literary heroes // S.A. Tungulukova // Reading, learning, playing. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 4-5.

Compiled by: I.V. Ivanova, head library them. A. Gaidar

The theatrical quest game "Journey through the Book Ocean" is designed to organize extracurricular time in the subject (literature).

Characters :


baba yaga,

Harry Potter,

The keeper " Avenue of stars»,

Winnie the Pooh,

Keeper of the Da Vinci Code




Greetings, friends, on our ship! Today we will have unusual travel- we will go on a sea cruise on the Book Ocean. Our final stop is Treasure Island, where, as they say, pirates buried treasure in ancient times. The path will be difficult. At each stop, you will face serious trials, at the end of which you will receive the coveted word from the statement of a famous scientist. After passing all the tests, on Treasure Island you will have to collect a sentence from all the words. For better orientation, we will give you route maps. (Appendix No. 1. "Route map").

First stage: "Hut on chicken legs »

Baba Yaga holds the key:

Hello! What must I say to enter my hut! (Children say: "Hut, hut ..."). But in order to get the key, you need to solve the riddle. The mystery is fabulous, with humor.

Mystery : What is the name of the woman who first conquered the airspace and became the owner of the world's first aircraft. (Baba Yaga and stupa) 2 points. Well, of course, it's all I, Baba Yaga! Come in (gives the key). Do you want to know how old I am? Then guess the riddles and write down the riddles in numbers in order.Exercise : Guess the riddles and write down the riddles in numbers in order. You should get a number of FOUR digits. For each number - 1 point.

1. She stands among the sheet One, when the notebook is empty. With her nose up to the ceiling, She scolds the student. And like a heron among the marshes, she pecks at him for laziness. Though she has one leg, She is slender, proud, strict. Neither the crane nor the titmouse. And just ... (unit)

2. Complete the proverb: “I know how my ... fingers” (five)

3. Guess, guys, what is the figure of an acrobat? If it gets on its head, it will become exactly three more. (six) 4. Remember the words from the song “ Funny company”to the words of Sergei Mikhalkov: Beauty, beauty, We are taking with us a cat, Chizhik, a dog, a petka-buffoon, a monkey, a parrot. What a company!

Question: How many members did the company have? (six)

Answer:1566 years (for each correct digit in the correct order, 1 point)

And now on the road, along unknown paths, where there are traces of unseen animals.

Guardians of "traces of unseen animals",

Decoration of the place: traces of animals are painted on the floor and hung on the walls

5 sentries near five riddle tracks (you can offer any riddles). Each footprint is a puzzle 1 point.

Second phase

Harry Potter: Hello. You have arrived at Book Jungle Island. To get the coveted key, guess the riddle:

Though not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with a root.

Talks to us

In plain language (BOOK)

I offer you "Library Adventures"

Exercise : choose 2 people from the team who in 1 minute will find on bookshelves a book from which you will read together. 5 points

“Tom went outside with a bucket of lime and a long brush. He looked over the fence, dipped his brush into the lime with a sigh, ran the brush over the board, looked at the fence: how much was left to paint, sighed again and sank to the ground in despair.

Ben emerged from the gate. He jumped, danced and ate an apple. Tom saw him, and suddenly he had a brilliant idea! Tom took the brush and calmly set to work, not paying attention to Ben: he will make a brushstroke, step back - admire his work.

And now your road lies through the Island, the name of which must be guessed right now, and get the coveted points.

Exercise : The name consists of the phrase “noun in I.p. + noun in R.p. ":

Ex. I.p. is a road in a park or garden, planted on both sides with trees or shrubs.

Ex. R.p is the answer to the riddle “Golden coals are scattered across the sky” 5 points. "Avenue of Stars" (board of honor "Pride of the school").

Third stage

Decoration of the place "Avenue of Stars".

Signpost on which it is written: “If you go to the right, you will not find anything. If you go to the left, you will find the “Green Island”.

Guess where to go and get extra points.


1. Nearby is a repository of knowledge about plants, animals, humans (Biology room - 1 point)

2. Name the owner of this repository and its translation (Victoria "victory" - 1 point)

Fourth stage

Design of the place "Green Island".

Flowers, umbrella and items from the Lost and Found.

Winnie the Pooh: Hello everyone. May your days be sweet. Oh, UMBRELLA! Who lost it? (which literary hero(heroine)?

Answer: MARY POPPINS - 1 point

Yes! How sad it is to lose your things... Remember the story about my friend's lost tail? So I decided to organize a Lost and Found Bureau.

Exercise: guess the heroes in 1-2 minutes literary works or the title that could have lost these items: 1 point for each + 1 point for the title of the work + 1 point for the author.





queen stepmother

Pot with a ball

Winnie the Pooh


Papa Carlo




Fly Tsokotukha





You can use any other items from literary works: cream (“Master and Margarita”), spindle (“Sleeping Princess”), checkers (“ Dead Souls”), microscope (“Lefty”) and others.

Fifth stage

Hello. You are on the Peninsula of Unsolved Mysteries.

Quest "The Da Vinci Code" 1: The great Leonardo da Vinci encrypted the names of the writers. Among the letter confusion, find as many names of writers as possible. Maximum 13 points (1 point for last name).


Sixth stage

Sweet Dreams Island

Carlson: “A moderately well-fed, but terribly handsome man greets you in the very dawn of his strength. You all know that I am a sweet tooth. Especially jams. But it's not easy to get to it. Help... Huh?!

Exercise : "Who owns what?" Match the words in the left column with the appropriate proper nouns.

seventh stage

Pirate : Yeah, gotcha! How dare you enter our territory? Do you have any idea who you got to and what we will do with you now ?!

I am a dashing sea pirate

The devil himself has not been my brother for a long time.

I am an enemy to anyone in the sea,

I need a black flag.

My shelter in the sea

I rob ships there.

And it happens that I drown

And I hoard treasures.

Such a landscape is sweet to the eye:

Waves, fight, boarding.

I love robbery to live

And be friends with sharks

What? Do you want to find a treasure? And finding the treasure is not easy. Here's a note for you. And the marine semaphore alphabet will help you solve it.


The guys find a chest with a treasure (candy - gold coins). They open it, there is a "BOMB" (an inflated balloon with the inscription "Minus 5" and the ticking of a clock).

Note: The ticking clock can be downloaded from the Internet.

It is necessary to complete the final task in 1 minute, otherwise the “Bomb” will explode (the ball will burst)

Final task: Put together the "parts" of the quote

"Books -

thought ships,


by the waves of time

and carefully carrying their

precious labor

from generation to generation".


teacher Smirnova M.M.


Objectives: Using various techniques to help children remember the names and contents of familiar literary works.

Continue to learn to navigate in the genre diversity of literature (fairy tales, stories, poems).

Develop speech. Complete the dictionary. Develop a sense of rhyme.

Cultivate interest in fiction, love for Russian folk tale.

Equipment: Books, illustrations, audio recordings of calm music, colored pencils, paper circles, sweetened water.

Lesson progress:

Guys, today we are going on a trip to interesting world literature. We are waiting for a flight on a magic carpet, three stops - in a fairy-tale kingdom, in the land of stories and in the world of poetry. Get comfortable, let's go. (Music sounds).

"Fairy Kingdom"

How is a fairy tale different from a story? (children's answers)

In fairy tales, things happen that do not happen in ordinary life. Animals can talk, people use magic items. What do you know magic items? (Children's answers) Baba Yaga's broom and stupa, a magic ball, Magic wand, walking boots, flying carpet, invisibility hat, Koshcheev's death in an egg, etc.

Didactic game"Guess the tale"

The grandmother loved the girl very much.

She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name.

Well, tell me her name.

(Red Riding Hood)

Mixed with sour cream

It's cold on the window

Round side, ruddy side



My father had a strange boy

Unusual - wooden.

But the father loved his son.

What a strange

Little wooden man

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key?

It has a long nose everywhere.

Who is this?..


Cinderella with legs

fell off by accident.

She was not simple

and crystal...


She is the most important of all in a mystery,

Although she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents.

(Mouse from Russian folk tale"Turnip")

Waiting for mom with milk

They let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

(Kids from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids")

Near the forest, on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs.

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale?

(Three Bears)

The nose is round, patchy,

It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,

Small crochet tail

Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and to what

The brothers are friendly.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale?

(Three pigs)

Heals little children,

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Good doctor... (Aibolit).

Didactic game "Whose words are these?"

Children are invited to name the hero of the fairy tale, who owns the phrase and the name of the fairy tale itself.

"I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother"

(Kolobok from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man")

"Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie"

(Masha from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")

"Stove, mother, hide us!"

(Sister from the fairy tale "Geese-Swans")

“Who found the spikelet? And who carried the grain to the mill? Who kneaded the dough?

Did you carry firewood? Fired up the oven? Who baked pies?

(Cockerel from the fairy tale "Spikelet")

“I don’t have a mustache, but mustache, not paw paws, not teeth,

and teeth - I'm not afraid of anyone!

(Hare from the fairy tale "Hare-boast")

“As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!”

(Fox from the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut")

Dynamic pause"The fairy tale will give us a rest."

The story will give us a rest.

Let's take a break and get back on the road!

Malvina advises us:

The waist will become aspen,

If we bend

Left and right ten times.

Here are the Thumbelina words:

To keep your back straight

Get up on your toes

It's like reaching for flowers.

One, two, three, four, five.

Little Red Riding Hood Tip:

If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One, two, three, four, five.

Repeat again:

One, two, three, four, five. (Children repeat the described movements.)

Gave us a fairy tale to rest!

Have a rest? On the road again!

"The Edge of Stories"

How is a story different from a fairy tale? (children's answers)

In stories we are talking about what really happened.

Didactic game "What story illustration"

"Bone" L. Tolstoy

Who said "meow"? V. Suteev

“Close together, but boring apart” K. Ushinsky

“Like an ant hurried home” by V. Bianchi

"Fox bread" M. Prishvin

"World of Poems"

How are poems different from stories?

Poems are written in a column. Like this. (Showing poems in a book) And the stories are written in a line. Like this. (Showing prose in the book). And in the verses, some of the last words are consonant.

And then the bunnies called:

Can you send gloves?

In these verses, the last words are consonant - hares and gloves. What are the words in the following verses?

And then the monkeys called:

Please send books! (Children's answers) Monkeys and books. Do you know what poem these lines are from? (Children's answers) From the poem "Telephone". Who is the author of this poem? (Children's answers) Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Didactic game "Tell me a word"

The girl began to put the kitten to sleep.

Here's to your back

Soft ... featherbed.

On top of the feather

A clean... sheet.

Here under your ears

White ... pillows.

(“Mustache-striped” S. Marshak)

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you rush ... jump?

I clapped your hand.

You jumped and loudly ... stomped. ("Ball" S. Marshak)

Masha put on a mitten.

Oh, where am I finger ... business?

I don't have a finger, I'm gone

I didn’t ... get into my little house!

(“Where is my finger” N. Sakonskaya)

If the Christmas tree had legs,

She would run along ... the path.

She would dance

Together with us,

She would pound ... with heels.

("Christmas Tree" by E. Trutnev)

Tanya has a lot to do

Tanya has a lot to do

Helped my brother in the morning

He has been eating sweets since morning.

("Assistant" A. Barto)

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...

Well, I didn’t play either.

I don't start a top

And I sat down and ... I'm sitting.

(“Let's sit in silence” by E. Blaginina)

Snow fell on the threshold

The cat made himself ... a pie.

In the meantime, sculpted and baked,

Brook pie ... leaked!

("Pie" by P. Voronko)

And then the bear called

How did it start, how did it start... roar.

(“Telephone” by K. I. Chukovsky)

Finger gymnastics "We counted on our fingers" (based on a poem by I. Tokmakova)

We counted on our fingers

And they laughed terribly:

Is it fingers?

It's just boys!

Here is a big, funny fat man,

Likes to brag just like that.

How are you? - ask him.

He will jump up, shout: - In!

Index beckon,

Threaten, show the way,

And then stuck in the nose:

Somewhere you need to rest!

The middle finger is an angry boy.

Click on the forehead - there will be a bump,

Click on the ball - the ball will burst,

A click - and a mosquito faints.

Nameless until the morning

Selects names:

Maybe Petya? Or Vova?

Or Alla Pugacheva?

Thumb boy? Karabas?

It's all happened a thousand times!

Tired, time to sleep

Better choose in the morning!

And the little finger is my favorite!

I'll take him to the menagerie

I'll buy him an Eskimo

I love little ones!

(Children are invited to draw different faces on small paper circles and stick them on their fingers with sweet water. You can go on a “guest”: touch your thumb alternately with the rest of your fingers).

It's time for us to return home. One, two, three, carpet, bring us home.


Did you enjoy the trip? What is your mood? What do you feel? Why?

What did you find most interesting in our journey? What seemed difficult?