Drawing on the theme of the library. Drawing a Library

In the first winter days in the library-branch No. 17 named after A. S. Green, a demonstration course “Drawing a Library” was held. The talent and creative energy of the library friends created a special atmosphere of the creative workshop. Here, students of the art studio "OKHRA" worked on an unusual graphic series, under the guidance of a talented artist and teacher Nadezhda Mikhailovna Kavulich.

Before young artists was a difficult task: in lines and color, tone method and various techniques to capture the interiors of the "Greene" library, the atmosphere of its cozy rooms, the surroundings and paraphernalia of the world of books and reading.

Surprisingly, each library turned out to be its own: catalog boxes, pianos, book exhibitions, paintings on the walls, shelves ... Creative reading of the environment is an extremely important skill for an artist, and mastering it is not so easy. Therefore, the professional guidance of the master, the advice of an experienced mentor, the ability to observe, listen and hear, to work thoughtfully and painstakingly are honed in such “studies”. It is also an invaluable experience of the artist's socialization.

The OHRA students have already participated in sketch sessions and exhibitions within the framework of the AZBUKART library project platform, and now, at the end of this fruitful and very interesting year, a new facility for the joint development of urban and cultural space.

It's great that the city's library system is becoming a place of attraction for creative people. different ages, a kind of creative co-working, convenient not only for reading artistic, journalistic or specialized texts, but also for the visual context. This is a continuation of the best library traditions and innovations that give a lot of impressions, become for all of us an experience of interaction and everyday achievement of the most excellent results.

So, the drawings of the children of the art studio "OHRA" will complement the second digital catalog of reportage drawing, which will be available for review to everyone on the official website of the Centralized Library System and in the branch library No. 17 on the North Side.

Let yourself enjoy creativity!

M. I. Trukhan, head of the library-branch No. 17 of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Sevastopol "CLS for adults"

Mom-reviewer Daria Vasilevskaya and four-year-old son Maxim talk about their impressions of the book by Japanese artist Taro Gomi, in which you can and should draw on 365 pages!

"We draw all year round. 365 days of creativity" from the publisher "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" is a fat-heavy album from Japanese artist Taro Gomi in the style of "think and finish it yourself" and as many as 365 pages with creative tasks to develop the imagination. For example: “What is in this cup?”, “Think of a pizza topping”, “What can be seen from your window?”, “Paint a boy's T-shirt”, “Think of labels for these jars”, etc.

Probably, when parents see these drawings, they will say “uh ... what kind of incomprehensible scribbles”, but the children should like it, because the Japanese artist Taro Gomi just draws in the style of children's scribbles. Many readers liked his unusual style, because Gomi is a popular author of more than 400 books for children, translated into 15 languages. In Russia, his “History. Album for the development of creativity” and “Animals. Album for the development of creativity.

I'll tell you how the book "Drawing all year round" is arranged. Each page has a black-and-white drawing, plenty of space, and a task with various questions, such as: what do you have for dinner (a plate is given); what he is holding in his hand (a hand is shown); what flowers are in vases (several vases are given); think of a hairstyle for her (a face without hair is shown).

A real expanse for little dreamers - if you want to color, if you want to finish, and, if you can, figure out what to depict yourself.

Tasks are different - for any age and level of complexity. Example difficult task: “what word with the letter O can describe this day”, “draw him an incredulous expression”, “what she sings about”.

The book is marked from 3 years. However, in my opinion, it is not worth opening it before five or six years, otherwise instead of circles, animals, hearts and birds there will be only colored strikethroughs and strokes. Of course, children are all different, but it seems to me that at the age of five or six, a child can more consciously and clearly draw the mood of a hero, animals, a family portrait - then the album will be more useful for developing creative skills.

From cons I can note that there are several hieroglyphic drawings for Japanese children, for example: “this is how the word power is written in Japanese.” But if you find fault, the book is Japanese! And, perhaps, not all parents will like the author's illustrations in the style of "children's scribbles."

From pluses: this is an excellent gift edition, a useful album for the development of imagination, which can be used while traveling in transport. Will I buy more albums by this artist? Definitely yes! (in a whisper: and I will give it to a child at the age of 5, not earlier).

Our drawings:

*click on image to enlarge

The drawing competition is organized within the framework of the international
Internet project "Dialogue of cultures" -2015.

    « flying library»

    (Sophia Dochinets, Frequent, Perm region )

  • « solar library»

    (Pomortseva Alexandra, Frequent , Perm region ) There is a lot of sun in my library of the future. Since it will have a lot of the latest technology, all this equipment will be charged from the sun. Computers, tablets, e-books - that's what will be in my sunny library.

  • « rural library»

    (Shaibekova Arina, Chastye, Perm Territory) I live in the village of Chastye. We have a local library. I want the library of the future in my village to be very spacious. Let it be huge reading room with e-books, tablets and other novelties of technology. The librarian will press a button, and here is the reader's form. Only it will not be paper, but virtual. Library of the future - digital library. I think that her future.

  • "Tree of Knowledge"

    (Krasnoselskaya Alexandra, Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai) Nowadays, everything is computerized. Computers are buzzing, keys are clattering. And in my library fresh air and silence. You can climb the stairs to a fluffy oak branch and take the right book with a beautiful illustration and enjoy reading the book while sitting on a fluffy branch. This is a good place to meet with friends, you can draw or just take a break from the hustle and bustle of life. I think that such a library will appeal to both children and adults.

  • « Library of the 22nd century»

    (Kuznetsova Sophia, Frequent, Perm Territory) There is a library in my village. I often go there because I love to read. It has many books. I think that in the library of the XXII century, there will be even more books! Children will definitely read books that I and my ancestors read. It's so interesting to learn about what was before you. Will definitely be electronic books, and there are a huge number of books, where there are a lot of interesting things!

  • (Rulev Alexander, Havana,)

  • « Library of the future»

    (Miftakhova Laysira, Dry Log , Sverdlovsk region)

  • « Library of the future»

    (Miftakhova Laysira, Dry Log , Sverdlovsk region) I think that the library of the future will have laptops, a TV and a device that contains a lot of information. The author of the work, Bondarchuk Vlad, a student of the 3rd grade.

  • "Library "

    (Miftakhova Laysira, Dry Log , Sverdlovsk region) The second drawing for the work of Sysolyatina A., a student of the 3rd grade.

  • « Library of the future»

    (Miftakhova Laysira, Dry Log , Sverdlovsk region)

  • "Library "

    (Miftakhova Laysira, Dry Log , Sverdlovsk region) The library has many windows, which means a lot of light. The building is mobile, it self-adjusts its position so that sunlight hits in large quantities. It has robotic attendants and mostly electronic books. You press the button, the image of the book appears in space. "Paper books are stored in the library as a historical value. The author of the work is Sysolyatina Alina, a student of grade 3. 2 drawings.

  • « "Library of the Future"»

    (Miftakhova Laysira, Dry Log , Sverdlovsk region) The library of the future will be in the form of a book. Each page is a room, and each room has a book on every subject. Rooms are divided into two groups: for adults and children. Entrance to the library by cards. Each card has a first and last name. The motto of the library: "The sun shines on everyone!" Author Koryakina Victoria, 3rd grade student.

We went to Shatki. It was there that the zonal visiting Day of Information "Healthy Nation - Healthy Future" took place. But first, Shatkov's pictures.

Immediately from the entrance we were persistently invited to the museum. But we, as true librarians, first of all went to look at the libraries. Both central (adult and children) are located together, in the same building with other cultural institutions. I thought that there are some advantages to being close to the authorities. The premises have been renovated, the furniture is new, the stands are colored. good decoration, beautiful headlines.

We got acquainted with the information and computer center in the children's library and the legal information center in the adult library.

I compared their methodological and bibliographic department (office) with my methodical office, where I work, and sighed. But, if there was a choice - repair and furniture or my computer with the Internet - I would choose my favorite computer.
Having seen enough of the libraries, we visited the halls with museum expositions.

After the Information Day (about it next time) we had a planned tour of the memorial complex dedicated to Tanya Savicheva and the children of the war. But the wind, rain and snow were waiting outside. Therefore, only a few people and the guide reached the memorial. I was warmed only by the thought of a blog.

Dear colleagues!

Preparations are in full swing for the start of a new school year. It is very important that school library met its readers clean, beautiful, renewed. But what if there was no repair, no new books were received? You can always find a way to attract and surprise readers! Firstly, to put things in order, secondly, to plant trees and shrubs (to put in order existing flowers and plant new ones), and thirdly, to arrange beautiful exhibitions. Today I will talk about the creation of recommendatory bibliographic manuals that will attract the attention of readers.

Bibliographic index is a bibliographic manual of a rather significant volume with a complex structure and reference apparatus. The main part of it is bibliographic records for books and articles, often annotated, which are organized in a certain way. Most often, in indexes designed for children and adolescents, material is grouped by topic, which are arranged in a logical order depending on the issue covered.

Bibliographic list is a small bibliographic manual with a simple structure without auxiliary indexes. Lists for children are often


Bibliographic aids-toys- not a new, but still relevant form of a bibliographic manual for schoolchildren. Anyone who works with children is capable of inventing a library toy. Library toys bring brightness and imagery attractive to children into the information environment of the library, help to enhance its visibility, and make it friendly to the child.

Reader Recommends...

All photos from the Internet
Colleagues! I wish you good luck with your biblio toys! I would be glad if you share your ideas! Write N

• Printed manuals
• Electronic documents

City children's library. City of Bolshoy Kamen Primorsky Krai

What the soul lies to, to which the hands will attach (Proverb)

6. "In the kingdom of Santa Claus" (archive size - 2.73 mb)

Methodological development of the New Year book fair- riddles for elementary and middle students school age. The work is illustrated with photographs of the exhibition.



Since 2004, our library has been annually organizing summer creative contests. We invite you to get acquainted with the summer reading program "Whistle everyone up!" , as well as the book exhibition "At full sail in the sea of ​​books". They can even be combined into one event. Fragments of the reading program can be used in quizzes. In our archives you will find the reading program and methodological development of the book exhibition with photographs and descriptions of each section of the exhibition.

1. We offer a young librarian a written consultation on the classification and accounting of completed references. This manual is a selection of library documents on the organization of SBO and will be a useful addition to the bibliographic treasury.

May 24 is the birthday of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. We offer you a selection of materials from the experience of our library, which will be useful in designing a thematic shelf and holding a mass event for older readers: a collage - a portrait of the writer framed by his works, a bookmark for the book "The Fate of a Man", a video sequence for a slide conversation, methodological and bibliographic manual.


Librarian's page

8. Today, "Funny Pictures" is not just a magazine for children of primary school age, but a whole Publishing House, which, in addition to "Funny Pictures", also publishes other children's periodicals. You can dedicate to this periodical a book exhibition, a library lesson in acquaintance with magazines, or simply a journey through their pages. You can read the history of this edition in our digest "Journal" Funny Pictures "and its brothers". Another digest "Club of Merry Men", designed for children, can decorate your book exhibition. Both digests are in color, printed in large type, which will allow you to issue a small book, convenient for use at work. We also invite colleagues to get acquainted with methodological development book and illustrative exhibition "Journal" Funny Pictures "and his brothers", supplemented by graphic files with which you can make a colorful a flip book about the history of the magazine or electronic presentation. These editions were prepared for the 55th anniversary of the journal, but can be useful at any time.

Download manuals - archive - 1.16 mb.

Methodological development of the book exhibition and the history of the magazine in pictures Download archive - 4.8 mb

9. Scenario of the literary-documentary composition "Family and Childhood of A. Fadeev". This script was developed 10 years ago for the 100th anniversary of the writer, but the material will be useful to the librarian even now. And if you want to introduce teenagers to the life and work of the writer, then you can completely update our material by supplementing it with a slide presentation.

14. Selma Lagerlöf

Methodological and bibliographic manual to help the librarian and teacher. The content contains the following sections: a biography of the writer, two quizzes and a crossword puzzle based on the fairy tale "The Wonderful Journey of Niels with wild geese", list teaching materials, links to computer games from our site. The title cover can be used to design ads or a mini-poster. The compiler of the manual Galushko Natalya Viktorovna.
Download manual. Archive - 756 kb.

15. Children's Anniversary Writers 2015

A methodological and bibliographic manual to help those who draw up a plan of mass events for 2015. The grant is issued in calendar order. Basic information about the writer or poet (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, titles of several works) and a list of scenarios for public events for children and adolescents are presented. The manual is designed in Microsoft Word 2010 on 25 pages. File size - 225 kb. Compiled by Galushko N.V.

Irina Petrovna Tokmakova 3.9 mb

electronic puzzle games,
Download presentation. File size - 6.5 mb.

Download booktrailer.

1. Journey to the Land of Agniya Barto's Happy Childhood: scenario of the mass event and colorful sound computer presentation to the matinee for younger schoolchildren based on the famous poems of Agnia Lvovna Barto. Materials will be useful for teachers primary school and children's librarians. The scenario and presentation were developed by the specialists of the State Children's Library.
The archive contains a song, poems, a crossword puzzle and a cartoon based on the works of A.L. Barto.
Download archive (docx, ppsx, jpg). Archive size - 35.9 mb

2. Wonderland Irina Tokmakova
Presentation of the work of children's poetess I.P. Tokmakova will be useful for both the children's librarian and the primary school teacher. The presentation includes portraits, two musical works, game forms introducing children to poetry. Change of slides is carried out manually, except for songs. Read comments on slides in notes. This presentation was developed and designed by Galina Alexandrovna Moon, a librarian.
Download archive (PowerPoint) - 16.3 mb.

3. "If they gave a birch a comb": colorful computer presentation of the poem Irina Petrovna Tokmakova. The author of the presentation Galushko N.V. Download PowerPoint presentation - 3.9 mb

4. Dear colleagues! Our website contains a large number of electronic puzzle games, which we ourselves create for our readers with the help of a special program. The kids are having a lot of fun! If you have a computer(s) in your library, then you can use our tips to create these wonderful children's games yourself. It's not difficult at all, and your readers will be grateful to you. We have presented our advice in the form PowerPoint presentations 2010. Author of the work Galushko N.V.
Download presentation. File size - 6.5 mb.

5. Booktrailer based on the fairy tale "Magic Acorns" by Tonya Shipulina.
The format is wmf. Size 22 mb. The author of the booktrailer is Oksana Ivanovna Verkhoturova, the leading methodologist of the Central City Children's Hospital. Download booktrailer.

6. Methodical consultation"Literary crossword puzzle as an interactive form of working with a book"
The main purpose of using crossword puzzles in library work is to attract readers' attention to the book, to reading, to the work of writers. Here is a small list of cases where you can use this form popularization of literature: the organization of individual and mass literary games with readers (as a personal leisure, a tournament of experts, a crossword contest, as an integral part of the competitive program); registration of methodological and bibliographic manuals, scenarios of mass events; use in the design of a book exhibition; as a bookmark in text literary work; and other.
The consultation is designed in PowerPoint 2010. Download and unzip the archive, open the presentation in view mode, the text will contain hyperlinks with examples of crossword puzzles. In addition to the presentation, the paper text of the consultation is also available in the archive. The author of the work is Galushko Natalya Viktorovna.
Download archive. Size - 2.34 mb.

5. Virtual exhibition fiction"Roads of the Pioneers".
The format is wmf. Size 237 mb. The author of the exhibition is the leading librarian of the State Children's Library K.V. Ershov

Dear colleagues!

Preparations are in full swing for the start of the new academic year. It is very important that the school library meets its readers clean, beautiful, updated. But what if there was no repair, no new books were received? You can always find a way to attract and surprise readers! Firstly, to put things in order, secondly, to plant trees and shrubs (to put in order existing flowers and plant new ones), and thirdly, to arrange beautiful exhibitions. Today I will talk about the creation of recommendatory bibliographic manuals that will attract the attention of readers.

Bibliographic index is a bibliographic manual of a rather significant volume with a complex structure and reference apparatus. The main part of it is bibliographic records for books and articles, often annotated, which are organized in a certain way. Most often, in indexes designed for children and adolescents, material is grouped by topic, which are arranged in a logical order depending on the issue covered.

Bibliographic list is a small bibliographic manual with a simple structure without auxiliary indexes. Lists for children are often


Bibliographic aids-toys- not a new, but still relevant form of a bibliographic manual for schoolchildren. Anyone who works with children is capable of inventing a library toy. Library toys bring brightness and imagery attractive to children into the information environment of the library, help to enhance its visibility, and make it friendly to the child.

Reader Recommends...

All photos from the Internet
Colleagues! I wish you good luck with your biblio toys! I would be glad if you share your ideas! Write N [email protected]