Scientific electronic library. The pedagogical process and its characteristics

The principle of integrity is the basis of the pedagogical process

The pedagogical process is called the developing interaction of educators and educators, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of educators. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process in which social experience is melted into personality qualities. In the pedagogical literature of previous years, the concept of "educational process" was used. Studies of teachers have shown that this concept is narrowed and incomplete, not reflecting the complexity of the process and, above all, its main distinguishing features - integrity and generality. Ensuring the unity of education, upbringing and development on the basis of integrity and commonality is the main essence of the pedagogical process . Otherwise, the terms "educational process" and "pedagogical process" and the concepts they denote are identical.

Consider the pedagogical process as a system. The pedagogical process is the main, unifying system. It combines the processes of formation, development, education and training together with all the conditions, forms and methods of their flow.

The pedagogical process as a system is not identical to the process flow system. The systems in which the pedagogical process takes place are the system of public education, taken as a whole, the school, the class, training session and others. Each of these systems operates in certain external conditions: natural-geographical, social, industrial, cultural and others. There are also specific conditions for each system. Intra-school conditions, for example, include material and technical, sanitary and hygienic, moral and psychological, aesthetic and other conditions.

Structure (from Latin structura - structure) is the arrangement of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of elements (components) selected according to the accepted criterion, as well as links between them. Relationships in a pedagogical system are not like connections between components in other dynamic systems. The expedient activity of the teacher acts in organic unity with a significant part of the means of labor. The object is also the subject. The result of the process is directly dependent on the interaction of the teacher, the technology used, and the student.

To analyze the pedagogical process as a system, it is necessary to establish an analysis criterion. Such a criterion can be any sufficiently weighty indicator of the process, the conditions for its flow, or the magnitude of the results achieved. It is important that it meets the goals of studying the system.

The components of the system in which the pedagogical process takes place are teachers, educators, and the conditions of education. The pedagogical process itself is characterized by goals, objectives, content, methods, forms of interaction between teachers and students, and the results achieved. These are the components that form the system - target, content, activity, and result.

The target component of the process includes the whole variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal - the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality - to the specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities or their elements. The content component reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task, and the activity component reflects the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which it cannot be achieved. final result. The effective component of the process reflects the efficiency of its course, characterizes the progress made in accordance with the goal.

The pedagogical process is a labor process, it, like any other labor process, is carried out to achieve socially significant goals. The specificity of the pedagogical process is that the work of educators and the work of educators merge together, forming a kind of relationship between the participants in the labor process - pedagogical interaction.

As in other labor processes, objects, means, and products of labor are singled out in the pedagogical process. Objects activities of the teacher - a developing personality, a team of pupils. The objects of pedagogical work, in addition to complexity, consistency, self-regulation, also have such a quality as self-development, which determines the variability, variability, and uniqueness of pedagogical processes.

Subject pedagogical work - the formation of a person who, unlike a teacher, is at an earlier stage of his development and does not have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary for an adult. The peculiarity of the object of pedagogical activity also lies in the fact that it does not develop in direct proportion to pedagogical impact on him, but according to the laws inherent in his psyche - the features of perception, understanding, thinking, the formation of will and character.

Facilities(guns) labor- this is what a person places between himself and the object of labor in order to achieve the desired effect on this object. In the pedagogical process, the tools of labor are also very specific. These include not only the knowledge of the teacher, his experience, personal impact on the student, but also the types of activities to which he should be able to switch students, ways of cooperating with them, the method of pedagogical influence. These are spiritual means of labor.

Integrity of the pedagogical process

The pedagogical process is an internally connected set of many processes, the essence of which is that social experience turns into the qualities of a formed person. This process is not a mechanical connection of the processes of education, training, development, but a new high-quality education, subject to its own special laws. Integrity, commonality, unity are the main characteristics of the pedagogical process, emphasizing the subordination of all its constituent processes to a single goal. The complex dialectics of relations within the pedagogical process is: 1) in the unity and independence of the processes that form it; 2) in the integrity and subordination of the separate systems included in it; 3) in the presence of the general and the preservation of the specific.

What is the specificity of the processes that form a holistic pedagogical process? It is found in the selection of dominant functions. The dominant function of the learning process is education, education - education, development - development. But each of these processes performs accompanying functions in a holistic process: upbringing performs not only an upbringing, but also a developing and educational function, and training is unthinkable without the accompanying upbringing and development. The dialectics of interrelations leaves an imprint on the goals, objectives, content, forms and methods of carrying out organically inseparable processes, in the analysis of which it is also necessary to single out the dominant characteristics. For example, the content of education is dominated by the formation of scientific ideas, the assimilation of concepts, laws, principles, theories, which subsequently have a great influence on both the development and upbringing of the individual. The content of education is dominated by the formation of beliefs, norms, rules, ideals, value orientations, attitudes, motives, etc., but at the same time, ideas, knowledge, and skills are formed. Thus, both processes lead to the main goal - the formation of personality, but each of them contributes to the achievement of this goal by its inherent means.

The specificity of the processes is clearly manifested in the choice of forms and methods for achieving the goal. If in training a strictly regulated class-lesson form of work is used, then in education, more free forms of a different nature, socially useful, sports, and artistic activities prevail. The methods (paths) to achieve the goal, which are basically the same, also differ: if training mainly uses methods of influencing the intellectual sphere, then education, without denying them, is more prone to means that affect the motivational and effective-emotional spheres. The methods of control and self-control used in training and education have their own specifics. In training, for example, oral control, written work, tests, and exams are mandatory. Control over the results of education is less regulated. Information for teachers here is given by observations of the course of activity and behavior of students, public opinion, the volume of implementation of the planned program of education and self-education.

The structure of a holistic pedagogical process

Structure is the arrangement of elements in a system. The structure of the system consists of elements, or components of the system, selected according to a certain criterion, as well as the links between them. Pedagogical process consider the system of sciences and distinguish the following main parts:

    general fundamentals;

    theory of education;

    didactics - learning theory;

    school science.

Each of them solves its own problems, the result of which is often superimposed on each other.

The mutual activity of the teacher and the student in the pedagogical process is most fully reflected in the term “pedagogical interaction”, which includes in unity the pedagogical influence, its active perception, assimilation by the object, the student’s own activity, manifested in the impact on himself (self-education). In the course of pedagogical interaction, various connections between the subjects and objects of education are manifested. Especially common are information connections, which are manifested in the exchange of information between educators and students, organizational and activity connections. When analyzing pedagogical interaction, it is necessary to take into account causal relationships, identifying especially important ones among them. For example, the identification of particularly important causes of shortcomings and successes in the pedagogical process, then allows you to more successfully design new stages of its improvement.

Human development requires the organization of two interrelated processes - training and education. These two processes have different tasks and therefore, intersecting with each other, and sometimes even coinciding in time, fundamentally differ from each other in methods and forms of organization.

Education is a relatively independent process that has a number of features.

First, education is a purposeful process. Education becomes effective when the teacher specifically highlights the goal of education, to which he aspires. The greatest efficiency is achieved when this goal is known and understood by the pupil, and he agrees to accept it.

Secondly, this is a multifactorial process. In its implementation, the teacher must take into account and use a huge number of objective and subjective factors.

Thirdly, the personality of the teacher plays a huge role in the process of education: his pedagogical thinking, character traits, personal qualities, and value orientations.

Fourthly, the educational process is characterized by the remoteness of the results from the moment of direct educational impact. Education does not give an instant effect.

Fifth, a feature of the pedagogical process is its continuity. Education carried out in the course of the pedagogical process is a process of systematic interaction between educators and pupils.

Education, as an integral system, contains many interrelated elements: the goal, educational information, the means of pedagogical communication between the teacher and students, the forms of their activities and the ways of implementing pedagogical management of studies and other activities and behavior of students.

The system-forming concept of the learning process, as a system, is the goal of learning, the activity of the teacher (teaching), the activity of students (teaching) and the result. The variable components of this process are the means of control. They include: content educational material, teaching methods, teaching aids (visual, technical, study guides etc.), organizational forms of learning as a process and learning activity of students. The connection of teaching aids, as variable components, with constant meaning-forming components depends on the purpose of training and its final result. They form a stable unity and integrity, which are subject to the common goals of education, the so-called global goals in preparing the younger generations for life and work in the existing society. The basis of the unity of all these components is the substantive joint activity of teaching and learning. Due to their unity, the plurality and heterogeneity of different-quality elements and connections form an integral system of education and give it order and organization, without which it, as such, is generally devoid of meaning and ability to function.

This is the structure of the learning process in its theoretical representation. In real pedagogical reality, the learning process is cyclical. Each didactic cycle of the learning process is a functional scheme based on the joint work of all its links. Let us dwell in more detail on the cyclical analysis of the educational process. Such an analysis makes it possible to more clearly identify the structural links between the components of the learning process.

In the development of all pedagogical processes one can easily detect the same stages. Stages are not components, but sequences of process development. The main stages can be called preparatory, main and final.

On the preparation stage The pedagogical process creates the appropriate conditions for its flow in a given direction and at a given speed. At this stage, the following important tasks are solved: substantiation and goal setting, diagnostics of conditions, forecasting, designing and planning the development of the process. The essence of the first is to transform the general pedagogical goal facing the system of public education as a whole into specific tasks achievable in a given segment of the pedagogical process. At this stage of the functioning of the pedagogical process, contradictions are revealed between the requirements of the general pedagogical goal and the specific capabilities of the contingent of students. educational institution etc., ways of resolving these contradictions in the projected process are outlined.

It is impossible to set the right goal, determine the tasks of the process without diagnostics. Its main goal is to get a clear idea of ​​the reasons that will help or hinder the achievement of the intended results. In the process of diagnostics, all the necessary information is collected about the real capabilities of teachers and students, the level of their previous training, and many other important circumstances. In the process of diagnostics, the initial tasks are corrected.

Next is carried out move prediction And results pedagogical process. The essence of forecasting is to assess its possible effectiveness in the existing specific conditions even before the start of the process.

The preparatory stage ends adjusted based on the results of diagnostics and forecasting process organization project, which, after finalization, is embodied in plan. Pedagogical process plans have a certain period of validity. Thus, the plan is the final document, which precisely defines who, when and what needs to be done.

Stage of implementation of the pedagogical process- the main stage. It can be viewed as a relatively isolated system, which includes important interconnected elements:

    setting and explaining the goals and objectives of the upcoming activities;

    interaction between teachers and students;

    use of the intended methods, means and forms of the pedagogical process;

    creation of favorable conditions;

    implementation of various measures to stimulate the activities of schoolchildren;

    ensuring the connection of the pedagogical process with other processes.

The effectiveness of the process depends on how expediently these elements are interconnected, whether their orientation and practical implementation of the common goal do not contradict each other.

Feedback plays an important role at the stage of implementation of the pedagogical process. Feedback is the foundation of good process management.

The cycle of the pedagogical process ends the stage of analysis of the achieved results. It is important once again to carefully analyze the course and results of the pedagogical process after its completion, so that in the future not to repeat the mistakes that inevitably arise in any, even very well planned and organized process, in order to take into account the ineffective moments of the previous one in the next cycle.

It is especially important to understand the reasons for the incomplete correspondence of the results and the process to the original intention, where, how and why the errors occurred.

Driving forces of the pedagogical process

The driving force behind the development and improvement of a holistic pedagogical process are contradictions.

All contradictions are divided into objective and subjective.

objective :

    Contradictions between the level of development of the child, the state of his knowledge, skills And skills and the increasing demands of life. It is overcome through continuous education, intensive training, labor, civil, physical, moral education. Complication public life, the constant growth of requirements for the volume and quality of mandatory information, skills that children must possess, gives rise to a number of difficulties associated with an increase in the number of subjects, types of educational, labor, physical and other activities that are mandatory for studying. A shortage of time is formed, inevitable intellectual, physical, moral overloads arise.

    The internal driving force of the pedagogical process is the contradiction between put forward by the requirements of a cognitive, labor, practical, socially useful nature And real opportunities for their implementation. This contradiction becomes the source of the system's movement towards a common goal if the requirements put forward are in the zone of proximal development of capabilities and, conversely, such a contradiction will not contribute to optimal development if the tasks turn out to be excessively difficult or easy.

subjective :

    Contradictions between individual creative process of personality development And mass-reproductive nature of the organization of the pedagogical process. Constant changes in public life, the emergence of new situations, relationships, requirements for children make it impossible to create an unchanging pedagogical system, an absolutely perfect pedagogical integrity.

    Between the growing role of humanitarian subjects in the development of man And trends of technocratization of the pedagogical process.

Overcoming contradictions, ensuring the full effectiveness of the pedagogical process is achieved through the full functioning of the main content elements. These terms include:

    children's labor educational collective, various public organizations as leading content systems public relations, factors and conditions of education;

    training as a core element of integrity;

    socially useful, productive labor as the most important basis of education;

    extracurricular (extracurricular, extracurricular) creative activity.

Patterns of the pedagogical process

Regularities reflect objective, necessary, essential, recurring connections. Even without a special study, it can be concluded that in such a complex, large and dynamic system as the pedagogical process, a large number of various connections and dependencies are manifested.

Among the general patterns of the pedagogical process, the following stand out:

1. The regularity of the dynamics of the pedagogical process. The magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the magnitude of the changes in the previous step. This means that the pedagogical process as a developing interaction between teachers and educators has a gradual, “step-by-step” character; the higher the intermediate achievements, the more significant the final result. The consequence of the law is visible at every step - that student will have higher overall achievements, who had higher intermediate results.

2. The pattern of personality development in the pedagogical process. The pace and the achieved level of personality development depend on: 1) heredity, 2) educational and educational environment, 3) inclusion in educational activities; 4) the means and methods of pedagogical influence used.

3. The regularity of the management of the educational process. The effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on: I) the intensity of feedback between students and teachers; 2) the magnitude, nature and validity of corrective actions on educators.

4. Regularity of stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on: 1) the action of internal incentives (motives) for educational activities; 2) the intensity, nature and timeliness of external (social, pedagogical, moral, material and other) incentives.

5. The regularity of the unity of sensory, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the educational process depends on: 1) the intensity and quality of sensory perception; 2) logical understanding of the perceived; 3) practical application of meaningful.

6. The regularity of the unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on: 1) the quality of pedagogical activity; 2) the quality of the students' own educational and upbringing activities,

7. The regularity of the conditionality of the pedagogical process. The course and results of the educational process depend on: 1) the needs of society and the individual; 2) opportunities (material, technical, economic and others) of the society; 3) the conditions of the process (moral-psychological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic and others).

The pedagogical process as a system:

PP- specially organized interaction of teachers and students aimed at solving developmental and educational problems. The pedagogical process is a dynamic interaction of educators and pupils, aimed at achieving the goal.

For recent years many scientists tried to justify the PP - teachers Babansky, Likhachev, Ilyin, Blonsky and others. Consideration of the essence of PP had disparate views among these scientists. Only in one they had a common position that PP is a holistic phenomenon and it should be considered in the system. Previously, the term "educational process" was used, and now "PP" has become widespread. The meaning and content of these concepts is the same.

The main components of PP are: teacher and students.

Ensuring the unity of training and education, development and formation are the main essence of PP.

PP is represented by different subsystems - the process of training, education, development, formation. All these subsystems are used in the implementation of interaction between the teacher and students, and the conditions, methods and forms in which the PT takes place affect the TP.

The course of the pedagogical process includes:

education process

development process

learning process

formation process

collaboration between teacher and student

On the one hand, the course of the pedagogical process is influenced by the conditions for the course of the PP, and on the other hand, the methods and forms of the course of the PP.

PP is characterized by such concepts as integrity and unity. Conditions that affect the flow of PP include:

1) material and technical conditions (equipment);

2) sanitary and hygienic conditions;

3) psychological conditions;

4) aesthetic conditions (presence of beauty).

Driving forces of the pedagogical process:

The driving forces of PP are contradictions – opposing opinions colliding in conflict. They are objective (external) and subjective (internal).

Objective (external) contradictions:

a) contradictions between the interests of the individual and society;

b) contradictions between the team and the individual;

c) contradictions between the phenomena of life and the lack of experience to obtain and understand them;

d) contradictions between the growing flow of information and the possibilities of the pedagogical process.

Subjective (internal) contradictions:

a) contradictions between the integrity of the personality and the functional approach to its state;

b) between the need to apply generalized knowledge and skills in specific conditions and the lag of the PP in the transfer of this knowledge;

c) between the growing role of humanitarian subjects and the technologization of the process;

d) between the formed ideal of personality and real behavior;

CPP structure:

Integrity is the quality of PP that characterizes the highest level of conscious actions, its development, the result of the activities of PP subjects.

The concept of structure (from Latin - structure) is the arrangement of components in the system. structural components of PP are: purpose, content, activities of the teacher and students, the result. They are interconnected and form a system. Therefore, they received the following names: target, meaningful, activity and result.

CPP structure:

1) the presence of subjects and objects in the CPP. The subject is a teacher, a specialist with a professional education, who is aware of himself responsible for the younger generation to society, develops his personality, constantly works on himself in all areas of science. Object - a student, a person who, in the process of continuous education, strives for self-education and self-improvement;

3) organizational and managerial complex: forms and methods of raising and educating children;

4) performance criteria - they include: assessment of ZUNs, assessment of beliefs instilled in children, character traits and personality traits.

Stages of PP:

Stages- the sequence of development of PP. There are 3 stages:

1) preparatory - the following important tasks are solved here:

a) goal-setting - specific tasks achieved on a certain segment of the PP in specific conditions;

b) pedagogical diagnostics - a research procedure aimed at identifying the acquired knowledge, conditions and circumstances in which the PT will proceed (information about the real possibilities of teachers and students);

c) forecasting - to preliminarily evaluate the effectiveness in the existing specific conditions;

d) design - a plan or final document that defines who, when and what needs to be done;

2) the main one - here we consider: a system of generalization, which includes interrelated elements:

a) setting and explaining the goals and objectives of the upcoming activities;

b) interaction between teachers and students;

c) creation of favorable conditions for learning;

d) connection of software with other processes.

An important role in the SP is given to feedback - the basis of the quality management of the SP, its development and strengthening. Feedback is the transfer of knowledge from students to teachers. Direct - from teacher to student. Therefore, feedback is more efficient in PP, because students participate in active mental activity.

3) final - analysis of the results achieved. It is necessary to avoid repeating mistakes in the future. We learn by analyzing. Analysis and introspection is the right way to the heights of pedagogical skill.

The main characteristics of the pedagogical process are:

1. focus

2. bilateral

3. integrity

Purposefulness. Everything that surrounds a person, with which he interacts, with which he enters into certain relationships, affects how he will become, what qualities and personality traits will develop and form in him. All these influences can be chaotic and purposeful. (The goal is a conscious image of the anticipated result, the achievement of which is directed by the action of a person).

The pedagogical process presupposes the existence of a pedagogical goal, which is formed in the mind of the teacher in the form of generalized mental representations, in accordance with which all other components of the pedagogical process are then correlated with each other.

Bilateralism. From the definition of the concept of the pedagogical process, it clearly follows that there are two sides to it.

On the one hand, a teacher is a person who has a certain system of scientific knowledge, skills and special pedagogical training, whose activity is to create conditions for self-development of the individual; in the organization of various activities for education, development and personality formation.

On the other hand, there is a trainee (pupil), whose activity is aimed at accepting or not accepting, depending on the correctness and literacy of the organization of the pedagogical process, the knowledge, norms, values ​​that the teacher offers.

Singling out two sides of the pedagogical process, it should be emphasized that they are in constant interconnection, mutual dependence, mutually condition each other.

Integrity of pedagogical The process involves such an organization of the life of pupils that would meet their vital interests and needs and would have a balanced impact on all spheres of the personality: consciousness, feelings, behavior.

Integrity The pedagogical process is also considered within the subsystem, for example, in an educational institution, where all its components are imbued with unity, integrity.

2 Question. The pedagogical process as a holistic phenomenon

The main property of the pedagogical process as a dynamic system is its ability to perform socially determined functions. However, society is interested in ensuring that their implementation meets a high level of quality. And this is possible if the pedagogical process functions as an integral phenomenon: an integral, harmonious personality can be formed only in an integral pedagogical process.

Integrity- the synthetic quality of the pedagogical process, which characterizes the highest level of its development, the result of stimulating conscious actions and the activities of the subjects functioning in it. A holistic pedagogical process is characterized by the internal unity of its constituent components, their harmonious interaction. Movement, overcoming of contradictions, regrouping of interacting forces, formation of a new quality are constantly taking place in it.

A holistic pedagogical process involves such an organization of the life of pupils that would meet their vital interests and needs and would have a balanced impact on all spheres of the personality: consciousness, feelings and will. Any activity filled with moral and aesthetic elements, causing positive experiences and stimulating a motivational and value attitude to the phenomena of the surrounding reality, meets the requirements of a holistic pedagogical process.

A holistic pedagogical process cannot be reduced to the unity of the processes of education and upbringing, objectively functioning as a part and a whole. Nor can it be considered as a unity of the processes of mental, moral, aesthetic, labor, physical and other types of education, i.e. as a reverse reduction into a single stream of mechanically torn parts from a single whole. There is a single and indivisible pedagogical process, which, through the efforts of teachers, must constantly approach the level of integrity through the resolution of the contradiction between the integrity of the student's personality and specially organized influences on him in the process of life.

The main aspects of the integrity of the pedagogical process

In terms of content, the integrity of the pedagogical process is ensured by the reflection in the goal and content of education of the experience accumulated by mankind in the relationship of its four elements: knowledge, including about how to perform actions; skills and abilities; experience creative activity and experience of emotional-valuable and volitional attitude to the world around. The implementation of the main elements of the content of education is nothing more than the implementation of the unity of the educational, developmental and educational functions of the goal of the pedagogical process.

In organizational terms, the pedagogical process acquires the property of integrity if unity is ensured only with respect to independent component processes:

1) the process of mastering and designing (didactic adaptation) of the content of education and the material base (content-constructive, material-constructive and operational-constructive activity of the teacher);

2) the process of business interaction between teachers and pupils regarding the content of education, the assimilation of which by the latter is the goal of interaction;

3) the process of interaction between teachers and pupils at the level of personal relationships (informal communication);

A) the process of mastering the content of education by pupils without the direct participation of the teacher (self-education and self-education).

As you can see, the first and fourth processes reflect subject relations, the second - actually pedagogical, and the third - mutual, therefore, cover the pedagogical process in its entirety.

3.question patterns pedagogical process expresses its main, objective, recurring connections. In other words, regularities show what and how is connected in it, what depends on what. It is clear that every teacher should understand and know their action well. In such a complex and dynamic system as the pedagogical process, a large number of various connections and dependencies are manifested. Consider the most important, which in the educational process should be taken into account first of all.

1. Pattern of dynamics pedagogical process. The value of the student's achievements in all subsequent stages depends on his success in the previous ones. This means that the pedagogical process has a “step-by-step” character; the higher the intermediate achievements, the more significant the final result. The consequence of this law is visible at every step - that student will have higher overall achievements, who had higher intermediate results. One in the 3rd grade already knows how to read well, the other at his age has problems with reading and understanding. It is not difficult to predict who will finish primary school better.

2. Pattern of development personality in the pedagogical process. The pace and the achieved level of personality development depend on: 1) heredity; 2) educational and learning environment; 3) inclusion in educational activities; 4) the means and methods of pedagogical influence used. We have already considered the effect of this general pattern.

3. Pattern of control educational process. The effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on: 1) the intensity of feedback between students and teachers; 2) the magnitude, nature and validity of corrective actions on students. We will consider the full effect of this regularity below. We will immediately point out the obvious dependencies: if the educator and pupil communicate more often, then the results of education will be more significant; if the teacher goes deeper into the behavior of the child, understands him correctly and supports good deeds in time, eliminates erroneous actions, the overall result will be more significant.

4. Regularity of unity sensory, logical and practice in the pedagogical process. The effectiveness of the educational process depends on: 1) the intensity and quality of sensory perception; 2) logical understanding of the perceived; 3) practical application of meaningful. To ensure a truly solid assimilation of the norms and rules of behavior, knowledge and skills in the educational process, it is necessary to combine emotions, reason and action. If the child does not delve into what the teacher wants to instill in him with feelings, is indifferent and passive, there will be no special success. Understanding by the mind without internal perception and without practical application also does little. Only by combining everything in one action, the educator achieves lasting success.

5. The regularity of the unity of the external(pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process is determined by: 1) the quality of pedagogical activity and 2) the quality of the pupils' own educational activities. This is a self-evident truth: no matter how excellent the educator may be, no matter how well he knows his subject and no matter how eager to teach, if his actions run into passivity and indifference, a significant result should not be expected.

In the same way, an inquisitive, inquisitive, talented student may not be lucky with a teacher - with all the desire, he will not learn anything from him. It is rightly said: the student must find his teacher, the teacher must find his students.

It is necessary to warn against the erroneous idea that all the connections that operate in the pedagogical process are exhausted by the laws outlined. In fact, there are many more of them, and researchers are just beginning to study them.

Thus, we understood that in the educational process there are important patterns that express the links between all components of the pedagogical system. Patterns establish the dynamics of achieving consistently high results in education and training; show their dependence on the environment, heredity and upbringing; reveal the links between the activities of teachers and the activities of students; take into account the relationship between the most important factors of education. Their effect in the practical pedagogical process must be taken into account at every step. Before giving, for example, a new task to students, the teacher, fulfilling the requirements of the 4th regularity of the pedagogical process, will check whether the logical content of the task is combined with its emotional impact, how students will perceive the theoretical positions by the senses, how to make their practical actions pleasant and useful .

The purpose of education- what education strives for, a system of specific tasks.

The law of purpose the goal of education is determined by the needs of the development of society and depends on the mode of production, the pace of social and scientific and technological progress, the level of development of pedagogical theory and practice achieved, the capabilities of society, educational institutions, teachers and students.

General purpose of the school- to provide everyone with a comprehensive and harmonious development.

Practical purpose- to promote the mental, moral, emotional and physical development of the individual, to fully reveal creative possibilities, to form humanistic relations, to provide conditions for the flourishing of the child's individuality, taking into account his age characteristics.

Tasks (components) of education - mental (intellectual), physical, labor and polytechnical, moral, aesthetic (emotional), spiritual, environmental, economic, legal education.

spiritual education- an integral part of education, aimed at the formation of enduring human values.

Pedagogical process- a process in which the social experience of educators is melted into the qualities of the personality of the pupils. It is aimed at achieving a given goal, leads to a pre-planned transformation of the properties and qualities of students.

The main feature is integrity.

The main stages are preparatory, main, final.

Pedagogical diagnostics- a research procedure aimed at "understanding" the conditions and circumstances in which the pedagogical process will take place.

The patterns of the pedagogical process are the main, objective, repetitive connections that explain what and how is connected in the pedagogical process, what depends on what in it.

4 question. The pedagogical process performs certain functions. It would seem that he has one function - to ensure the achievement of the goal of education. In general, this is correct. However, even the most primitive goal of upbringing (for example, preparing a pupil to fulfill the role of a performer of simple duties in society) is quite complex in content. The performer of the simplest duties needs to be introduced to them, to achieve their assimilation, to develop the ability to perform them in various (changing) conditions, to form the skills of cooperation with other people in industrial and domestic conditions.

Even these listed tasks that need to be solved in the course of the pedagogical process show that its functions are quite diverse. And the first, most noticeable function of the pedagogical process is the education of pupils. Their assimilation of knowledge about nature, society, relations between people and about people's attitude to natural and social objects, about ways of activity begins in the family, continues at a higher, professional level at school. Then there is the assimilation of professional knowledge in professional educational institutions, in the system of advanced training of a working specialist; providing a person with a variety of information he needs is carried out through the media, cultural and educational institutions, etc.

Thus, from the first days of a person's life until his very death, the function of his informatization is one of the most important for the pedagogical process. A person can know everything that is necessary to ensure his normal existence, not to mention a decent life in society, only by mastering at least a minimum of the cultural heritage of society.

The second function of the pedagogical process is the development of the pupil, the improvement of his physical strength, intellectual capabilities, his spirituality. Of the four "higher principles of the pedagogical process", formulated by P.F. Kapterev, two directly relate to this particular function: 1) all the physical and spiritual forces of the educated person are subject to improvement by appropriate systematic exercises; 2) the improvement of the personality is based on amateur exercises developed by the body due to its inherent amateur activity.

Emphasizing the importance of providing a systematic influence on the development of pupils, P.F. Kapterev wrote: “Assistance to the self-development of the body should not be random, fragmentary in times and circumstances, but constant, systematic, thoughtful. In the same way, concerns about the improvement of the personality should not concern one side, but embrace the whole person.

Naturally, in the first years of a child's life, the pedagogical process should ensure, first of all, physical and intellectual development. Strengthening the health of a preschooler, junior schoolchild and adolescent, his full physiological development are the key to the successful development of his intellect and the spiritual sphere as a whole. At the same time, the timely enrichment of the knowledge of the pupil and the development of the rational-activity sphere contribute to his improvement in the physical sense.

For an adult, the problems of intellectual and physical development are relegated to the background, and then completely lose their relevance. The preservation of health, the ability to think, perceive and use information becomes relevant. Of great importance is the problem of developing professional skills, developing the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and developed skills in various, including new, conditions.

In old age, a no less acute problem for a person arises of developing the ability to use diminishing opportunities (physical, first of all, but also intellectual ones) to ensure a full life. And it is natural that the role of the pedagogical process in the development of these abilities should be significant. Only to perform this function in relation to adults and the elderly will not be a general education school, but vocational schools, social services (based on the developments social psychology and pedagogy), family, mass media, cultural and educational institutions.

The third function of the pedagogical process is the formation of pupils' attitudes towards objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. It can be called value-oriented or axiological. It, like the first two, is important throughout a person's life. If a child needs help in developing initial attitudes, then support in the formation of beliefs as guidelines in everyday practical activities and in relationships with people is important for a teenager.

In another respect, this function is manifested in the education of adults and the elderly. Their lot almost always falls to experience the collapse of the value orientations of their youth, the establishment of new social values ​​in society. The conflicts between "fathers" and "children" are eventually resolved by the affirmation of the values ​​of new generations. In what forms, in relation to the older generations, the assertion of new values ​​is carried out, largely depends on the pedagogical process: how accepted in society is the idea of ​​the continuity of generations, to what extent the forms of ensuring a decent old age and moral “payment” by the younger for the contribution of the elders to the development of spiritual and material culture are developed. etc. - all this depends mainly on the formulation of the pedagogical process, on the measure of its perfection. And in the case of its extreme imperfection, the value orientations of the "ancestors" will undergo a violent transformation in their own consciousness already during their lifetime. In the case of a high level of development of the pedagogical process, the most important value orientations of previous generations are carefully preserved, strengthened and developed by new generations, demonstrating to the elders their respectful attitude to everything that made up their life priorities. Thus, the axiological function of the pedagogical process in relation to the elderly is implemented successfully and painlessly.

And, finally, the fourth function - social adaptation - is that the pedagogical process ensures the adaptation of pupils to the conditions of life. This process is also not limited by any time frame, it continues throughout life, since the person himself does not stand in one place, and life is constantly changing.

In the general structure of the socialization of the individual, the process of his social adaptation can be considered at different levels and in different ways. On the one hand, this is the assimilation by the child of forms of social behavior, by adults - forms of cooperation with people in everyday, industrial and social conditions and the transformation of social relations in the conditions of social creativity. On the other hand, it is simply the assimilation and implementation of certain social experience by a person in different age periods: in childhood, mastering the experience of children's relationships; in school years - apprenticeship experience, in youth - professional knowledge and skills to use them in cooperation with other people, etc. In any case, the content of this function of the pedagogical process should be seen not only as assistance in gaining confidence in the individual in his usefulness in society. Content

This function also includes the formation of practical skills and abilities of professional activities, skills and abilities of social activities.

Any human activity is essentially a public (social) activity. Therefore, professional activity is truly successful only for those who are sufficiently socially adapted. On the one hand, successful professional activity is the main prerequisite for social recognition, and on the other hand, social adaptation is one of the necessary conditions for the success of professional activity. Ensuring the harmonious development of these aspects is the most important function of the pedagogical process.

5 question. Structure – location of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of components selected according to a certain criterion, as well as the links between them.

The structure of the pedagogical process consists of the following components:

        Stimulus-motivational- the teacher stimulates the cognitive interest of students, which causes their needs and motives for educational and cognitive activity;

This component is characterized by:

    emotional relations between its subjects (educators-pupils, pupils-pupils, educators-educators, educators-parents, parents-parents);

    the motives of their activities (the motives of pupils);

    the formation of motives in the right direction, the excitation of socially valuable and personally significant motives, which largely determines the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

        Target- awareness by the teacher and acceptance by students of the goal, objectives of educational and cognitive activity;

This component includes the whole variety of goals, tasks of pedagogical activity from the general goal - "comprehensive harmonious development of the personality" to specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities.

Associated with the development and selection of educational content. The content is most often offered and regulated by the teacher, taking into account the learning objectives, interests, inclinations of students; The content is specified in relation to both the individual and certain groups, depending on the age of the subjects, the characteristics of the pedagogical conditions.

        operational-effective- most fully reflects the procedural side of the educational process (methods, techniques, means, forms of organization);

It characterizes the interaction of teachers and children, is associated with the organization and management of the process. Means and methods, depending on the characteristics of educational situations, are formed into certain forms of joint activity of educators and pupils. This is how the desired goals are achieved.

        Control and regulatory- includes a combination of self-control and control by the teacher;

        reflective- introspection, self-assessment, taking into account the assessment of others and the determination of the further level of their educational activities by students and pedagogical activities by the teacher.

6 . question The main components of the pedagogical process

The largest components of the pedagogical process are precisely the processes of education and upbringing, which lead to internal processes of changing education, upbringing and development of the individual.

The learning process consists of interrelated processes:


The education process consists of:

process of educational influences,

the process of acceptance by their personality;

emerging process of self-education.

The pedagogical process is considered as a developing interaction of subjects and objects of education, aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and the general development of students. Hence the procedural components are:


forms of interaction between teachers and students,

achieved results.

These are universal characteristics of any activity and interaction, which are fully inherent in the pedagogical process. They can be referred to as target, content, organizational-activity and analytical-productive components of the pedagogical process. The unity of the components of the pedagogical process, their interrelations and integral properties represents its structure. Thus, the concepts of "system in which the process takes place" and "process as a system" are not identical, although they cannot be considered in isolation, since the system in which the process takes place is, as it were, the materialized basis of the process itself.

Characteristics of the main components of the pedagogical process

The teaching and upbringing process has a certain direction, arising from the needs of the development of our society, and the general goal is the all-round development of the communist personality. The orientation of the educational process determines the more specific goals and objectives of the education and development of schoolchildren, as well as its content. Goals and content constitute the most important content-target component of the pedagogical process.

In the educational process, the following is manifested:

the unity of external influences and influences on objects and internal reflection;

their refraction (leading character);

the occurrence of a reverse action;

independent influence of the object on itself;

influence that manifests itself in self-education and self-education.

This interaction is controlled and self-governed in a certain way. Managed, developing interactions of subjects and objects characterize the "operational and activity (organizational and managerial)" component of the educational process.

M. A. Danilov: "the pedagogical process is an internally connected set of processes, the essence of which is that social experience in all its versatility and complexity turns into features, ideals and qualities of an emerging person, into his education and ideology, into his culture and moral character, in his abilities, habits, character. In the pedagogical process, the objective social passes into the subjective, into the individual mental property of a person. This definition emphasizes precisely the "inner" side of the process. "

The pedagogical educational process in secondary school is an organic unity of the processes of education, upbringing and development. Its essence lies in the transfer of social experience by the elders and its assimilation by the younger generations through their interaction, aimed at meeting the needs of modern society in a comprehensive, harmoniously developed personality. In addition to teachers and students, school management and teaching staff also interact in the school system.

Pedagogical process called the developing interaction of educators and educated, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, the transformation of the properties and qualities of the subjects. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process in which social experience is melted into personality qualities.

In the pedagogical literature of previous years, the concept of "educational process" was used. Studies have shown that this concept is narrowed and incomplete, it does not reflect the complexity of the process and, above all, its main distinguishing features- integrity and community. The main essence of the pedagogical process is to ensure the unity of education, upbringing and development on the basis of integrity and community.

The pedagogical process as a leading, unifying system includes subsystems embedded one into another (Fig. 3). It merged together the processes of formation, development, education and training, along with the conditions, forms and methods of their flow.

Rice. 3

The pedagogical process as a system is not identical to the system of its flow. The systems in which the pedagogical process takes place are the system public education in general, a school, a class, a lesson, etc. Each of them functions in certain external conditions: natural-geographical, social, industrial, cultural, etc. There are conditions specific to each system. For example, intra-school conditions include material and technical, sanitary and hygienic, moral and psychological, aesthetic, etc.

Structure(from lat. struktura - structure,) - this is the arrangement of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of elements (components) selected according to the accepted criterion, as well as links between them. As components system in which the pedagogical process takes place, B.T. Likhachev identifies the following: a) purposeful pedagogical activity and its bearer - a teacher; b) educated; c) the content of the pedagogical process; d) an organizational and managerial complex, an organizational framework within which all pedagogical events and facts take place (the core of this complex is the forms and methods of education and training); e) pedagogical diagnostics; f) criteria for the effectiveness of the pedagogical process; g) organization of interaction with the natural and social environment.

The pedagogical process itself is characterized by goals, objectives, content, methods, forms of interaction between teachers and students, and the results achieved. These are the components that form the system: target, content, activity, and result.

Target the component of the process includes a variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal (comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality) to the specific tasks of forming individual qualities or their elements. Informative the component reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task. Activity the component reflects the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. This component is also called organizational, organizational and activity, organizational and managerial. Productive the component of the process reflects the efficiency of its flow, characterizes the progress made in accordance with the goal.

4.2. Integrity of the pedagogical process

The pedagogical process is an internally connected set of many processes, the essence of which is that social experience is transformed into the qualities of a formed person. This process is not a mechanical connection of the processes of education, training, development, but a new high-quality education, subject to special laws.

Integrity, commonality, unity - these are the main characteristics of the pedagogical process, emphasizing the subordination of a single goal of all its constituent processes. The complex dialectics of relations within the pedagogical process is: 1) in the unity and independence of the processes that form it; 2) the integrity and subordination of the separate systems included in it; 3) the presence of the general and the preservation of the specific.

The specificity of the processes that form a holistic pedagogical process is revealed when dominant functions. The dominant function of the learning process is training, education - education, development - development. But each of these processes performs accompanying functions in a holistic process: for example, upbringing performs not only educational, but also educational and developmental functions, training is unthinkable without the accompanying upbringing and development. The dialectic of interconnections leaves an imprint on the goals, objectives, content, forms and methods of implementing organically inseparable processes, the analysis of which also has to highlight the dominant characteristics.

The specifics of the processes are clearly manifested when choosing forms and methods of achieving the goal. If in training a strictly regulated class-lesson form of work is mainly used, then in education more free forms prevail: socially useful, sports, artistic activity, expediently organized communication, feasible work. The methods (paths) to achieve the goal, which are basically the same, also differ: if training mainly uses methods of influencing the intellectual sphere, then education, without denying them, is more inclined to means that affect the motivational and effective-emotional spheres.

The methods of control and self-control used in training and education have their own specifics. In training, for example, oral control, written work, tests, exams are obligatory.

Control over the results of education is less regulated. Here information is given to teachers by observations of the course of activity and behavior of students, public opinion, the volume of implementation of the planned program of education and self-education, and other direct and indirect characteristics.

4.3. Patterns of the pedagogical process

Among the general patterns of the pedagogical process (for more details, see 1.3), the following can be distinguished.

1. The regularity of the dynamics of the pedagogical process. The magnitude of all subsequent changes depends on the magnitude of the changes in the previous step. This means that the pedagogical process as a developing interaction between teachers and educators has a gradual, “step-by-step” character; the higher the intermediate achievements, the more significant the final result. Consequence of the action of the pattern: the student who had higher intermediate results will have higher overall achievements.

2. The pattern of personality development in the pedagogical process. The pace and the achieved level of personality development depend on heredity, educational and educational environment, inclusion in educational activities, the means and methods of pedagogical influence used.

3. The pattern of management of the educational process. The effectiveness of pedagogical influence depends on the intensity of feedback between educators and teachers, as well as on the magnitude, nature and validity of corrective actions on educators.

4. Pattern of stimulation. The productivity of the pedagogical process depends on the action of internal incentives (motives) for educational activities; intensity, nature and timeliness of external (social, pedagogical, moral, material, etc.) incentives.

5. The pattern of unity of sensual, logical and practice. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on the intensity and quality of sensory perception, logical comprehension of the perceived, practical application of the meaningful.

6. The regularity of the unity of external (pedagogical) and internal (cognitive) activities. The effectiveness of the pedagogical process is determined by the quality of pedagogical activity and the students' own educational activities.

7. The regularity of the conditionality of the pedagogical process. Its course and results are determined by the needs of society and the individual, the possibilities (material, technical, economic, etc.) of society, the conditions for the course of the process (moral-psychological, sanitary-hygienic, aesthetic, etc.).

4.4. Stages of the pedagogical process

Pedagogical processes are cyclical. The same stages can be found in the development of all pedagogical processes. Stages are not components, but sequences of process development. The main stages of the pedagogical process can be called preparatory, main and final.

On the preparation stage The pedagogical process creates the appropriate conditions for its flow in a given direction and at a given speed. The following tasks are solved here: goal-setting, diagnostics of conditions, forecasting of achievements, designing and planning the development of the process.

Essence goal setting(substantiation and goal setting) is to transform the general pedagogical goal facing the system of public education into specific tasks achievable at a given segment of the pedagogical process and in the existing specific conditions.

It is impossible to set the right goal, the tasks of the process without diagnostics. Pedagogical diagnostics- this is a research procedure aimed at "clarifying" the conditions and circumstances in which the pedagogical process will take place. Its essence is to get a clear idea of ​​the state of the individual (or group) by quickly fixing its defining (most important) parameters. Pedagogical diagnostics serves as the most important means of feedback for the purposeful influence of the subject on the object of the pedagogical process.

Diagnosis is followed by forecasting the course and results of the pedagogical process. The essence of forecasting lies in the fact that in advance, in advance, even before the start of the process, to assess its possible effectiveness in the existing specific conditions.

The preparatory stage ends adjusted based on the results of diagnostics and forecasting process organization project, which, after finalization, is embodied in plan. The plan is always "tied" to a specific system. In pedagogical practice, various plans are used: managing the pedagogical process at school, educational work in the classroom, conducting lessons, etc.

Stage implementation of the pedagogical process (main) can be considered as a relatively isolated system, which includes important interconnected elements:

Statement and clarification of the goals and objectives of the forthcoming activities;

Interaction between teachers and students;

Use of the intended methods, means and forms of the pedagogical process;

Creation of favorable conditions;

Implementation of various measures to stimulate the activities of students;

Ensuring the connection of the pedagogical process with other processes.

The effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends on how expediently these elements are interconnected, whether their direction and practical implementation of the common goal and each other do not contradict each other.

An important role at the stage of the implementation of the pedagogical process is played by feedback, which serves as the basis for making operational management decisions. Feedback- the basis of quality process management.

On the final stage the analysis of the achieved results is carried out. An analysis of the course and results of the pedagogical process is necessary in order not to repeat the mistakes that inevitably arise in any process, even very well organized, in the future, in order to take into account the ineffective moments of the previous one in the next cycle.

We already know that the Latin word "processus" means "moving forward", "change". The pedagogical process is called the developing interaction of educators and educators, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of educators. In other words, the pedagogical process is a process in which social experience is melted into personality qualities. In the pedagogical literature of previous years, the concept of "educational process" was used. P.F. Kapte-reva, A.I. Pinkevich, Yu.K. Babansky and other teachers have shown that this concept is narrowed and incomplete, not reflecting the complexity of the process and, above all, its main distinguishing features - integrity and generality. Ensuring the unity of education, upbringing and development on the basis of integrity and community is the main essence of the pedagogical process. Otherwise, the terms "educational process" and "pedagogical process" and the concepts they denote are identical.

Consider the pedagogical process as a system (Fig. 5). The first thing that catches your eye is the presence in it of many subsystems embedded one into another or interconnected by other types of connections. The system of the pedagogical process is not reducible to any of its subsystems, no matter how large and independent they may be. The pedagogical process is the main, unifying system. It combines the processes of formation, development, education and training together with all the conditions, forms and methods of their flow.

Pedagogical theory has taken a progressive step by learning to represent the pedagogical process as a dynamic system. In addition to clearly identifying the constituent components, such a representation makes it possible to analyze the numerous connections and relationships between the components, and this is the main thing in the practice of managing the pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process as a system is not identical to the process flow system. The systems in which the pedagogical process takes place are the system of public education, taken as a whole, the school, the class, the lesson, and others. Each of these systems operates in certain external conditions: natural-geographical, social, industrial, cultural and others. There are also specific conditions for each system. Intra-school conditions, for example, include material and technical, sanitary and hygienic, moral and psychological, aesthetic and other conditions.

Structure (from Latin structura - structure) is the arrangement of elements in the system. The structure of the system consists of elements (components) selected according to the accepted criterion, as well as links between them. It has already been emphasized that understanding the connections is most important, because only knowing what is connected with what and how in the pedagogical process, it is possible to solve the problem of improving the organization, management and quality of this process. Relationships in a pedagogical system are not like connections between components in other dynamic systems. The expedient activity of the teacher appears in organic unity with a significant part of the means of labor (and sometimes with all of them). The object is also the subject. The result of the process is directly dependent on the interaction of the teacher, the technology used, and the student.

To analyze the pedagogical process as a system, it is necessary to establish an analysis criterion. Such a criterion can be any sufficiently weighty indicator of the process, the conditions for its flow, or the magnitude of the results achieved. It is important that it meets the goals of studying the system. It is not only difficult, but there is no need to analyze the system of the pedagogical process according to all theoretically possible criteria. Researchers choose only those, the study of which reveals the most important connections, provides insight into the depths and knowledge of previously unknown patterns.

What is the goal of a student who first gets acquainted with the pedagogical process? Of course, first of all, he intends to understand the general structure of the system, the relationship between its main components. Therefore, the systems and criteria for their selection should correspond to the intended goal. To isolate the system and its structure, we use the well-known in science criterion of row arrangement, which allows us to distinguish the main components in the system under study. Let's not forget about the process flow system, which will be the “school”.

The components of the system in which the pedagogical process takes place are teachers, educators, and the conditions of education. The pedagogical process itself is characterized by goals, objectives, content, methods, forms of interaction between teachers and students, and the results achieved. These are the components that form the system - target, content, activity, and result.

The target component of the process includes the whole variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal - the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality - to the specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities or their elements. The content component reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task, and the activity component reflects the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. This component in the literature is also called organizational or organizational and managerial. Finally, the resultant component of the process reflects the efficiency of its flow, characterizes the shifts achieved in accordance with the goal (Fig. 6).

Many systems of the pedagogical process are allocated for the analysis of the connections that appear between the components of the system. Special meaning have informational, organizational, activity, communicative connections, manifested in the process of pedagogical interaction. An important place is occupied by the connections of management and self-government (regulation and self-regulation). In many cases, it is useful to take into account causal relationships, highlighting the most significant among them. For example, an analysis of the reasons for the insufficient effectiveness of the pedagogical process makes it possible to reasonably design future changes and avoid repeating the mistakes made. It turns out to be useful to take into account genetic ties, i.e., to identify historical trends and traditions in teaching and upbringing that ensure proper continuity in the design and implementation of new pedagogical processes.

The last decades of the development of pedagogical theory are characterized by the desire to single out functional connections between the objects of pedagogical systems, to use formalized means for their analysis and description. This brings tangible results so far only in the study of the simplest acts of training and education, characterized by the interaction of a minimum number of factors. When trying to functionally model more complex, multifactorial pedagogical processes approaching real life, excessive schematization of reality is obvious, which does not bring any noticeable benefit to cognition. This shortcoming is stubbornly overcome: they use more subtle and precise formalized descriptions of the process of introducing new sections of modern mathematics and the capabilities of computer technology into pedagogical research.

In order to more clearly imagine the pedagogical process taking place in the pedagogical system, it is necessary to clarify the components of the public education system as a whole. In this regard, the approach outlined by the American educator F.G. Coombs in The Crisis of Education. System Analysis. In it, the author considers the main components of the education system: 1) goals and priorities that determine the activities of systems; 2) students whose training is the main task of the system; 3) management that coordinates, manages and evaluates the activities of the system; 4) the structure and distribution of study time and the flow of students in accordance with various tasks; 5) content - the main thing that schoolchildren should receive from education; 6) teachers; 7) teaching aids: books, blackboards, maps, films, laboratories, etc.; 8) premises necessary for the educational process; 9) technology - all the techniques and methods used in teaching; 10) control and assessment of knowledge: admission rules, assessment, examinations, quality of training; 11) research work to increase knowledge and improve the system; 12) costs of system performance indicators 1 .

Professor I.P. Rachenko in the education system that has developed in our country identifies the following components:

1. Goals and objectives that determine the operation of the system.

3. Pedagogical staff, ensuring the implementation of the goals and objectives of the content of training and education.

4. Scientific personnel providing scientifically substantiated functioning of the system, continuous improvement of the content and methods of organizing training and education at the level of modern requirements.

5. Pupils, whose education and upbringing is the main task of the system.

6. Logistics (premises, equipment, technical facilities, teaching aids

7. Financial support of the system and indicators of its effectiveness.

8. Conditions (psychophysiological, sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic and social).

9. Organization and management.

In this system, the place of each component is determined by its value, role in the system and the nature of relationships with others.

But it is not enough to see the system in general. It is necessary to understand its development - to see the outgoing past, and the present, and the coming future by its constituent elements, to see the system in its dialectical development.

The pedagogical process is a labor process, it, like any other labor process, is carried out to achieve socially significant goals. The specificity of the pedagogical process is that the work of educators and the work of educators merge together, forming a kind of relationship between the participants in the labor process - pedagogical interaction.

As in other labor processes, objects, means, and products of labor are singled out in the pedagogical process. The objects of the teacher's activity are a developing personality, a team of pupils. The objects of pedagogical work, in addition to complexity, consistency, self-regulation, also have such a quality as self-development, which determines the variability, variability, and uniqueness of pedagogical processes.

The subject of pedagogical work is the formation of a person who, unlike a teacher, is at an earlier stage of his development and does not have the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary for an adult. The peculiarity of the object of pedagogical activity also lies in the fact that it develops not in direct proportion to the pedagogical influence on it, but according to the laws inherent in its psyche - the features of perception, understanding, thinking, the formation of will and character.

The means (tools) of labor is what a person places between himself and the object of labor in order to achieve the desired effect on this object. In the pedagogical process, the tools of labor are also very specific. These include not only the knowledge of the teacher, his experience, personal impact on the student, but also the types of activities to which he should be able to switch students, ways of cooperating with them, the methodology of pedagogical influence. These are spiritual means of labor.

The products of pedagogical labor, the creation of which is directed by the pedagogical process, have already been discussed in the previous sections. If what is “produced” in him is presented globally, then this is an educated, prepared for life, social person. In specific processes, "parts" of the general pedagogical process, particular tasks are solved, individual qualities of the individual are formed in accordance with the general target setting.

The pedagogical process, like any other labor process, is characterized by levels of organization, management, productivity (efficiency), manufacturability, economy, the selection of which opens the way for substantiating criteria that make it possible to give not only qualitative, but also quantitative assessments of the levels achieved. The cardinal characteristic of the pedagogical process is time. It acts as a universal criterion that allows you to reliably judge how quickly and efficiently this process proceeds.

I I. Fill in the blanks


Definition of the term "pedagogical process". Goals of the pedagogical process

Components of the pedagogical process. Effects of the pedagogical process

Methods, forms, means of the pedagogical process




The pedagogical process is a complex systemic phenomenon. The high importance of the pedagogical process is due to the cultural, historical and public value the process of human growth.

In this regard, it is extremely important to understand the main specific characteristics of the pedagogical process, to know what tools are needed for its most effective flow.

A lot of domestic teachers and anthropologists are engaged in the study of this issue. Among them, A.A. Reana, V.A. Slastenina, I.P. Podlasy and B.P. Barkhaev. In the works of these authors, various aspects of the pedagogical process are most fully consecrated in terms of its integrity and consistency.

The purpose of this work is to determine the main characteristics of the pedagogical process. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

analysis of the constituent components of the pedagogical process;

analysis of the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process;

characterization of traditional methods, forms and means of the pedagogical process;

analysis of the main functions of the pedagogical process.

1. Definition of the concept of "pedagogical process". Goals of the pedagogical process

Before discussing the specific features of the pedagogical process, we give some definitions of this phenomenon.

According to I.P. The mean pedagogical process is called "the developing interaction of educators and educators, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of educators" .

According to V.A. Slastenin, the pedagogical process is “a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils aimed at solving developmental and educational problems” .

B.P. Barkhaev sees the pedagogical process as "a specially organized interaction of teachers and pupils regarding the content of education using the means of training and education in order to solve the problems of education aimed both at meeting the needs of society and the individual himself in his development and self-development" .

Analyzing these definitions, as well as related literature, we can distinguish the following characteristics of the pedagogical process:

the main subjects of interaction in the pedagogical process are both the teacher and the student;

the purpose of the pedagogical process is the formation, development, training and education of the student's personality: "Ensuring the unity of training, education and development on the basis of integrity and commonality is the main essence of the pedagogical process";

goal is achieved through the use special means during the pedagogical process;

the goal of the pedagogical process, as well as its achievement, are determined by historical, social and cultural value pedagogical process, education as such;

the purpose of the pedagogical process is distributed in the form of tasks;

the essence of the pedagogical process can be traced through special organized forms of the pedagogical process.

All this and other characteristics of the pedagogical process will be considered by us in the future in more detail.

According to I.P. The mean pedagogical process is built on the target, content, activity and result components.

The target component of the process includes the whole variety of goals and objectives of pedagogical activity: from the general goal - the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality - to the specific tasks of the formation of individual qualities or their elements. The content component reflects the meaning invested both in the overall goal and in each specific task, and the activity component reflects the interaction of teachers and students, their cooperation, organization and management of the process, without which the final result cannot be achieved. The effective component of the process reflects the efficiency of its course, characterizes the progress made in accordance with the goal.

Goal setting in education is a rather specific and complex process. After all, the teacher meets with living children, and the goals so well displayed on paper may differ from the real state of affairs in the educational group, class, audience. Meanwhile, the teacher must know common goals pedagogical process and follow them. In understanding the goals, the principles of activity are of great importance. They allow you to expand the dry formulation of goals and adapt these goals to each teacher for himself. In this regard, the work of B.P. Barkhaev, in which he tries to display in the most complete form the basic principles in building a holistic pedagogical process. Here are the principles:

The following principles apply to the selection of educational targets:

humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process;

connections with life and industrial practice;

combining training and education with labor for the common good.

The development of means for presenting the content of education and upbringing is guided by the following principles:

scientific character;

accessibility and feasibility of teaching and educating schoolchildren;

combination of visibility and abstractness in the educational process;

aestheticization of all children's life, especially education and upbringing.

When choosing forms of organizing pedagogical interaction, it is advisable to be guided by the following principles:

teaching and educating children in a team;

continuity, consistency, systematic;

coherence of the requirements of the school, family and community.

The activity of the teacher is governed by the principles:

combination of pedagogical management with the development of initiative and independence of pupils;

reliance on the positive in a person, on the strengths of his personality;

respect for the personality of the child, combined with reasonable demands on him.

The participation of the students themselves in the process of education is guided by the principles of consciousness and activity of schoolchildren in a holistic pedagogical process.

The choice of methods of pedagogical influence in the process of teaching and educational work is guided by the principles:

combinations of direct and parallel pedagogical actions;

taking into account the age and individual characteristics of pupils.

The effectiveness of the results of pedagogical interaction is ensured by following the principles:

focus on the formation in the unity of knowledge and skills, consciousness and behavior;

strength and effectiveness of the results of education, upbringing and development.

2. Components of the pedagogical process. Effects of the pedagogical process

As noted above, among the goals of the pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon, the processes of education, development, formation and development are distinguished. Let's try to understand the specifics of these concepts.

According to N.N. Nikitina, these processes can be defined as follows:

“Formation - 1) the process of development and formation of the personality under the influence of external and internal factors - education, training, social and natural environment, the individual's own activity; 2) the method and result of the internal organization of the personality as a system of personal properties.

Learning is a joint activity of a teacher and a student, aimed at educating a person by organizing the process of assimilation of a system of knowledge, methods of activity, experience of creative activity and experience of an emotional and value attitude to the world.

In doing so, the teacher:

) teaches - purposefully transfers knowledge, life experience, methods of activity, the foundations of culture and scientific knowledge;

) manages the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities;

) creates conditions for the development of the personality of students (memory, attention, thinking).

On the other hand, the student:

) learns - masters the transmitted information and performs study tasks with the help of a teacher, together with classmates or independently;

) tries to independently observe, compare, think;

) takes the initiative in the search for new knowledge, additional sources of information (reference book, textbook, Internet), is engaged in self-education.

Teaching is the activity of the teacher in:

organization of educational and cognitive activity of students;

assistance in case of difficulty in the process of learning;

stimulation of interest, independence and creativity of students;

assessment of students' educational achievements.

“Development is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the inherited and acquired properties of a person.

Upbringing is a purposeful process of interrelated activities of teachers and pupils, aimed at shaping schoolchildren's value attitudes towards the world around them and themselves.

In modern science, under "education" as social phenomenon understand the transmission of historical and cultural experience from generation to generation. In doing so, the educator:

) conveys the experience accumulated by mankind;

) introduces into the world of culture;

) stimulates self-education;

) helps to understand difficult life situations and find a way out of the current situation.

On the other hand, the student:

) masters the experience of human relations and the basics of culture;

) works on himself;

) learns ways of communication and manners of behavior.

As a result, the pupil changes his understanding of the world and attitude towards people and himself.

Concretizing for yourself these definitions, you can understand the following. The pedagogical process as a complex systemic phenomenon includes all the variety of factors surrounding the process of interaction between the student and the teacher. So the process of education is associated with moral and value attitudes, training - with the categories of knowledge, skills and abilities. Formation and development here are two key and basic ways to include these factors in the system of interaction between the student and the teacher. Thus, this interaction is “filled” with content and meaning.

The goal is always related to the results of the activity. While not dwelling on the content of this activity, let's move on to the expectations from the implementation of the goals of the pedagogical process. What is the image of the results of the pedagogical process? Based on the formulation of the goals, it is possible to describe the results with the words “education”, “learning”.

The criteria for assessing a person's upbringing are:

“good” as behavior for the benefit of another person (group, collective, society as a whole);

"truth" as a guide in assessing actions and deeds;

"beauty" in all forms of its manifestation and creation.

Learnability is “an internal readiness acquired by a student (under the influence of training and education) for various psychological restructurings and transformations in accordance with new programs and goals of further education. That is, the general ability to assimilate knowledge. The most important indicator learning is the amount of dosed assistance that a student needs to achieve a given result. Learning is a thesaurus, or a stock of learned concepts and methods of activity. That is, a system of knowledge, skills and abilities that corresponds to the norm (the expected result specified in the educational standard) ".

These are by no means the only expressions. It is important to understand not the essence of the words themselves, but the nature of their occurrence. The results of the pedagogical process are associated with a whole range of expectations for the effectiveness of this very process. Where do these expectations come from? In general terms, we can talk about cultural expectations associated with the image of an educated, developed and trained person that has developed in culture. In a more concrete way, public expectations can be discussed. They are not as general as cultural expectations and are tied to a specific understanding, order of the subjects of public life (civil society, church, business, etc.). These understandings are currently being formulated in the image of an educated, moral, aesthetically mature, physically developed, healthy, professional and hardworking person.

important in modern world see the expectations formulated by the state. They are concretized in the form of educational standards: “The standard of education is understood as a system of basic parameters accepted as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the possibilities of a real person and the education system to achieve this ideal.”

It is customary to separate federal, national-regional and school educational standards.

The federal component determines those standards, the observance of which ensures the unity of the pedagogical space in Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture.

The national-regional component contains regulations in the field mother tongue and literature, history, geography, art, labor training, etc. They are within the competence of the regions and educational institutions.

Finally, the standard establishes the scope of the school component of the content of education, reflecting the specifics and direction of a particular educational institution.

The federal and national-regional components of the education standard include:

requirements for the minimum necessary such training for students within the specified scope of content;

the maximum allowable amount of teaching load for schoolchildren by year of study.

The essence of the standard of general secondary education is revealed through its functions, which are diverse and closely related. Among them, the functions of social regulation, humanization of education, management, and improvement of the quality of education should be singled out.

The function of social regulation is caused by the transition from a unitary school to a variety of educational systems. Its implementation implies a mechanism that would prevent the destruction of the unity of education.

The function of the humanization of education is associated with the approval of its personality-developing essence with the help of standards.

The management function is associated with the possibility of reorganizing the existing system for monitoring and evaluating the quality of learning outcomes.

State educational standards allow to carry out the function of improving the quality of education. They are designed to fix the minimum required volume of the content of education and set the lower acceptable limit of the level of education.

pedagogical process

3. Methods, forms, means of the pedagogical process

A method in education is “an ordered activity of a teacher and students aimed at achieving a given goal”].

verbal methods. The use of verbal methods in a holistic pedagogical process is carried out primarily with the help of the oral and printed word. This is explained by the fact that the word is not only a source of knowledge, but also a means of organizing and managing educational and cognitive activities. This group of methods includes the following methods of pedagogical interaction: a story, an explanation, a conversation, a lecture, educational discussions, disputes, work with a book, an example method.

A story is "a consistent presentation of predominantly factual material, carried out in a descriptive or narrative form."

The story is of great importance in organizing the value-oriented activity of students. Influencing the feelings of children, the story helps them understand and assimilate the meaning of the moral assessments and norms of behavior contained in it.

Conversation as a method is "a carefully thought-out system of questions that gradually leads students to gain new knowledge."

With all the diversity of their thematic content, conversations have as their main purpose the involvement of the students themselves in the assessment of certain events, actions, phenomena of public life.

The verbal methods also include educational discussions. Situations of a cognitive dispute, with their skillful organization, attract the attention of schoolchildren to the inconsistency of the world around them, to the problem of the cognizability of the world and the truth of the results of this cognition. Therefore, in order to organize a discussion, it is necessary first of all to put forward a real contradiction in front of the students. This will allow students to intensify their creative activity and put them before the moral problem of choice.

The verbal methods of pedagogical influence also include the method of working with a book.

The ultimate goal of the method is to introduce the student to independent work with educational, scientific and fiction literature.

Practical methods in a holistic pedagogical process are the most important source of enriching schoolchildren with the experience of social relations and social behavior. The central place in this group of methods is occupied by exercises, i.e. systematically organized activity for repeated repetition of any actions in the interests of their consolidation in personal experience student.

Relatively independent group practical methods make up laboratory work - a method of a peculiar combination of practical actions with organized observations of students. The laboratory method makes it possible to acquire skills and abilities in handling equipment, provides excellent conditions for the formation of skills to measure and calculate, process results.

Cognitive games are “specially created situations that simulate reality, from which students are invited to find a way out. The main purpose of this method is to stimulate the cognitive process.

visual methods. The demonstration consists in sensual acquaintance of students with phenomena, processes, objects in their natural form. This method serves mainly to reveal the dynamics of the studied phenomena, but is also widely used to familiarize appearance object, its internal structure or location in a series of homogeneous objects.

The illustration involves the display and perception of objects, processes and phenomena in their symbolic image using diagrams, posters, maps, etc.

Video method. The teaching and upbringing functions of this method are determined by the high efficiency of visual images. The use of the video method provides an opportunity to give students more complete and reliable information about the phenomena and processes being studied, free the teacher from part of the technical work related to the control and correction of knowledge, and establish effective feedback.

The means of the pedagogical process are divided into visual (visual), which include original objects or their various equivalents, diagrams, maps, etc.; auditory (auditory), including radio, tape recorders, musical instruments, etc., and audiovisual (visual-auditory) - sound films, television, programmed textbooks that partially automate the learning process, didactic machines, computers, etc. It is also customary to divide teaching aids into those for the teacher and those for the students. The first are objects used by the teacher to more effectively achieve the goals of education. The second is the individual means of students, school textbooks, notebooks, writing materials, etc. The number of didactic tools includes those that are associated with both the activities of the teacher and students: sports equipment, school botanical sites, computers, etc.

Training and education is always carried out within the framework of some form of organization.

All sorts of ways to organize the interaction between teachers and students have found their way into the three main systems of organizational design of the pedagogical process. These include: 1) individual training and education; 2) class-lesson system, 3) lecture-seminar system.

The class-lesson form of organization of the pedagogical process is considered traditional.

A lesson is such a form of organization of the pedagogical process, in which “the teacher, for a precisely set time, directs the collective cognitive and other activities of a permanent group of students (class), taking into account the characteristics of each of them, using the types, means and methods of work that create favorable conditions for so that all students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as for the education and development of cognitive abilities and spiritual strength of schoolchildren.

Features of the school lesson:

the lesson provides for the implementation of learning functions in the complex (educational, developing and educating);

the didactic structure of the lesson has a strict construction system:

a certain organizational beginning and setting the objectives of the lesson;

updating the necessary knowledge and skills, including checking homework;

explanation of new material;

consolidation or repetition of what was learned in the lesson;

control and evaluation of educational achievements of students during the lesson;

summarizing the lesson;


each lesson is a link in the system of lessons;

the lesson complies with the basic principles of teaching; in it, the teacher applies a certain system of teaching methods and means to achieve the goals of the lesson;

the basis for building a lesson is the skillful use of methods, teaching aids, as well as a combination of collective, group and individual forms of work with students and taking into account their individual psychological characteristics.

I distinguish the following types of lessons:

a lesson introducing students to new material or communicating (learning) new knowledge;

a lesson in consolidating knowledge;

lessons on developing and consolidating skills and abilities;

summary lessons.

The structure of the lesson usually consists of three parts:

Organization of work (1-3 min.), 2. main part (formation, assimilation, repetition, consolidation, control, application, etc.) (35-40 min.), 3. summing up and homework (2- 3 min.).

The lesson as the main form is organically complemented by other forms of organization of the educational process. Some of them developed in parallel with the lesson, i.e. within the class-lesson system (excursion, consultation, homework, educational conferences, additional classes), others are borrowed from the lecture-seminar system and adapted to the age of students (lectures, seminars, workshops, tests, exams).


In this work, it was possible to analyze the main scientific pedagogical research, as a result of which the basic characteristics of the pedagogical process were identified. First of all, these are the goals and objectives of the pedagogical process, its main components, the functions they carry, the significance for society and culture, its methods, forms and means.

The analysis showed the high importance of the pedagogical process in society and culture in general. First of all, this is reflected in the special attention on the part of society and the state to educational standards, to the requirements for designed teachers ideal images person.

The main characteristics of the pedagogical process are integrity and consistency. They are manifested in the understanding of the goals of the pedagogical process, its content and functions. So the processes of upbringing, development and training can be called a single property of the pedagogical process, its constituent components, and the basic functions of the pedagogical process are educating, teaching and educational.


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