What is social maladaptation in psychology and what are its signs. The concept of social maladaptation: forms, types, causes, methods of correction

Despite the breadth of opportunities that the Internet space provides, it can alienate a person from the real world. Today, faced with difficulties, a person often withdraws into himself, preferring the invented world to the real one.

What is psychological maladaptation

So psychologists have to deal with the term "psychological maladaptation." This term refers to the reduction or loss of the ability to adapt to the environment.

With the development of psychological maladaptation, human behavior ceases to correspond to situations of life activity. The peculiarity of this state is that its manifestation can be situational or dependent on certain circumstances. For example, at work in a team, a person feels uncomfortable. But at home, with his psycho-emotional background, everything is in order. Or he is only good where there are no people

Psychological maladjustment occurs not only in adults. It is also often observed in adolescents and children. The abundance of gadgets encourages the child to move away from communication at a time when he needs to resolve any issues. For children's consciousness, this can be dangerous because antisocial behavior is fixed quickly enough.

Danger of violation

Since many people's behavior changes depending on the environment and situation, it is not easy to calculate social maladaptation. In addition, it does not appear immediately. Developing gradually, a violation can suddenly make itself felt when, for example, a person finds himself in a difficult situation and it turns out that he is not adapted to it.

The loss of the ability to adapt to circumstances is often not considered by the individual as serious. But the danger of psychological maladaptation is that the longer it develops without being corrected, the more difficult it will be to eradicate the problem. As you know, changing habits in behavior is very difficult. And when they are caused by psychophysical conditions fixed over the years, this may turn out to be impossible.

Types of psychological maladaptation

Disadaptation is manifested in a person primarily in communication with other people. He ceases to show empathy, becomes indifferent to the world around him. There are the following types of this violation.

Social maladaptation

This form is expressed in violation of the establishment of ties with society. It is characterized by antisocial behavior, the inability of the individual to show an adequate response to any incident. This type of disorder often occurs in schoolchildren. Parents may notice excessive depression in the baby, anxiety, tearfulness. A nervous tic may occur in a child. These signs must be paid attention to.

Pathogenic maladaptation

associated with mental changes. It also occurs when a person has nervous or mental illness, various kinds of deviations. When correcting the condition in this case, it is advisable to work with the disease that caused the maladjustment.

Psychosocial maladaptation

Problems with the ability to adapt to a particular situation in this case are associated with individual social characteristics of the individual. For example, when moving from kindergarten to school, a child may become more withdrawn. Often this type of disruption is temporary. However, parents need to be careful. A protracted alienation from society can contribute to changes in the child's psyche, and maladjustment will turn into a pathogenic form.

There is a fine line between social and psychosocial maladaptation. The type of violation is determined based on the characteristics of the manifestation.

Disadaptation is also divided into partial and complete:

  1. With partial, a person is just beginning to fall out of public life. For example, he may not be interested in the outside world due to illness, or limit communication. Often this is a temporary phenomenon.
  2. With complete maladjustment, deep personal changes occur. A person loses faith in himself and people, becomes isolated, loses his taste for life. This is a very dangerous form, often manifested in people with some kind of harmful addiction.

Features of psychological maladaptation

Is it difficult to recognize maladjustment in yourself, a loved one or a child?

It is difficult for a person who does not strive to interact with people to exist in the real world. He lives more in an illusory reality invented by him. Violations are characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. With maladaptation, a person is unnecessarily irritable. It is difficult for him to take the side of another, to understand him. It should be noted that he often does not understand himself.
  2. Aggression is a frequent sign of psychological maladaptation. Due to the loss of the skill of harmonious communication, a person's thinking becomes more negative. He seeks to get what he wants through manipulation, but not through direct interaction with people.
  3. Self care. Due to the fact that it is becoming increasingly difficult to make new acquaintances, the person closes in on himself, replacing real emotions and feelings with fantasies. Closeness is also a way for the individual to protect himself from the influences of society. It is important for him that no one and nothing change his mood and intentions.
  4. Focus on yourself. Not wanting to communicate with other people, the person is completely immersed in his own experiences. Despite such a detachment, deep down a person is very worried that society does not need him and feels empty. But, unfortunately, it is very difficult to realize the problem and start acting.
  5. Unwillingness to adapt to the requirements of society. It seems to a person that reality should correspond to the state of affairs that is convenient for him. If this is not the case, the best way is to protect yourself from all kinds of risks. But in the end it only makes things worse.
  6. The individual becomes a sociophobe. This feature characterizes any kind of maladaptation. Due to the fact that a person does not want to build social ties, he may soon be left completely alone. In response, other people will also not be interested in his condition.

Causes of maladaptation

Like any disorder, maladjustment of any kind has its reasons. The most common of them are listed below.

Pedagogical neglect

This is the cause of antisocial behavior in children. The essence of the problem is that little attention is paid to children, as a result they feel unnecessary. When such a child grows up, he withdraws into himself more, and let someone into his inner world becomes more difficult. It is often very difficult for a person who felt this way in childhood to find his place in life.

Lack of understanding in the family

The child very subtly feels the atmosphere of the family. When everything is unfavorable, there is no trust between parents, the student or teenager begins to close up. Over time, the problem also gets worse.m

Change in habitual lifestyle

This reason is external. Sometimes a person, due to illness, dismissal, or some kind of stress, loses his usual social circle. Disadaptation begins some time after the incident. And the beginning is an elementary reluctance to once again leave the house or communicate with people. As a result, a person will face difficulties in joining society in the future.

Conflict with the environment

When a person is in confrontation with the world, believing that everyone around is wrong, it becomes extremely difficult for him to interact with people. As a result, he closes in on himself.

Wrong attitude to the world, based on false beliefs, does not allow a person to build comfortable trusting relationships in society. He becomes helpless, suspicious.

  • internal conflicts. Unable to understand himself, to resolve internal contradictions, a person often closes himself from the world. After all, it is very difficult to harmoniously interact with people when there is no agreement with oneself;
  • excessive use of the Internet.

The Internet space makes it possible to receive emotions from communication without encountering a person in reality. In a small amount, such communication is not harmful. But when, for any problems, people increasingly go to the Internet, this becomes the reason for the development of antisocial behavior.


In order to defeat social maladjustment and start living a normal life filled with positive communication with others, you need to work out internal fears. This is where a psychologist can help. The specialist will help the person to realize what worries him. So the main methods of dealing with violations are:

  • work with a psychologist and psychotherapist;
  • social contacts.

Go out into society and do what you're afraid of - effective way overcome people's fear. It is easier to do this if you look for the positive. You can, for example, sign up for an interesting training, find a hobby, work in a team will help you find friends and support.

Of course, developing an optimistic mindset takes effort. But the sincere desire of a person to live a full social life will help to form new communication skills.

Prevention of violation

Psychological maladjustment is a complex problem that requires a serious attitude. However, the prevention of violation is quite simple. In order for communication to be harmonious, comfortable and trusting, certain efforts must be made. And to do this, you have to interact with people. It is useful to fill yourself with joyful emotions, to prevent decadent moods.

Communication is work, life in society requires patience and skills. Sometimes in the process of interacting with people you have to experience unpleasant emotions, which can be uncomfortable. But withdrawal is not the solution to the problem.

Closing himself from the world, a person only complicates his life without noticing it. However, the choice of a trusting attitude to life, a positive attitude will make it easier to face difficulties. And this is the path of a happy person living a full life.

A favorable psychological climate in any team is a prerequisite for a person's well-being. An accomplished adult personality already has experience in communicating with people and can build its own relationship trajectory, feeling comfortable. But adolescents are more prone to various deviations in relationships. Disadaptation is a special psychological condition, in which a person does not feel comfortable in the environment where he is. Such problems cannot be ignored, as they can lead to serious consequences: depression, mental disorders and diseases.

Maladaptation of teenagers

On the initial stage the formation of the psyche, a teenager needs to be clearly aware of his significance and exclusivity. He is on the threshold of the formation of ideals and stereotypes, which will later become the norm of his behavior. During this period, it is important to notice his individual positive features and to focus the child on them, since due to age he is still unable to adequately evaluate himself. For a teenager, everything that is in him is important, and he will practice any models of behavior with the same interest. But if you pay attention to positive sides his character and show how they can be used in communication, then you can warn a teenager against many mistakes. In the event that a child does not know how to use the baggage of emotions, desires and expectations that rage inside him, maladjustment is possible. This often happens when a teenager is not given proper attention at school and at home.

Types of maladaptation

A person is most sensitive to external assessments and opinions of others, therefore it is important for him to accept him in all circles of communication. Disadaptation is a discrepancy between opinions that seem to a child: him about himself and those close to him about him. The most common types of unstable psychological conditions in adolescence are family and school maladaptation. In the first case, the child does not feel needed and loved in the family or observes gross violations of moral standards of behavior. In the second case, the teenager experiences insecurity due to the discrepancy between the expectations of parents and teachers of his success in learning.

Prevention measures

In order to avoid problems, it is not at all necessary to praise the child with or without it. It is important to notice positive aspirations in time and encourage, stimulate them. And negative actions should be subjected to correct condemnation and explanation. Parents should not immediately get upset if they notice negative manifestations - teenagers try almost everything they see. Firstly, a child at this age must be protected from negative emotional spectacles, and secondly, it is necessary to adequately respond to all actions, thus At school, in the first years of study, it is important to carry out an individual approach to a teenager in accordance with his level of psychological and mental development, to avoid maladaptation. This is possible only with the joint efforts of the teaching staff and family members.

Disadaptation (from the Latin prefix de... or French des...) - means, first of all, disappearance, destruction, complete absence, and is only much less often used as a decrease, decrease. In a number of scientific publications, the term "disadaptation" is used (from Latin dis - in the first meaning - violation, distortion, deformation, much less often - disappearance). Therefore, if we have in mind a violation, a distortion of adaptation, then we should speak specifically about disadaptation (through “and”), since the complete loss, disappearance of adaptation - this, as applied to a thinking being, should mean the cessation of meaningful existence in general, because as long as this the creature is alive and conscious, it is somehow adapted to the environment. At the same time, the Latin de - is read both as "de" and as "di". Consequently, the essence of the word "disadaptation" is determined by what is invested in it. This fact means that "disadaptation" and "disadaptation" in the domestic literature and in practice are considered as synonyms.
Most often, disadaptation (disadaptation) is understood as the inconsistency of the sociopsychological and psychophysiological status of a person with the requirements of the situation of life, which in turn does not allow him to adapt to the environment of his existence. The phenomenon of disadaptation can take place in a separate (typical) or any environment. For example, at home, the child feels quite comfortable and does not experience maladjustment phenomena, but in kindergarten on the contrary, uncomfortable.
Disadaptation, like adaptation, is considered as a process, manifestation and result.
Disadaptation as a process means a decrease in the adaptive capabilities of a person in the conditions of the environment of life or in certain conditions (for example, in a kindergarten, class, group, etc.). It can manifest itself over time and lead to completely different consequences. In particular, maladaptation can be of a sluggish current character and be practically invisible, becoming at a certain stage a serious personality problem; manifest itself sharply when a person in a certain situation is completely unadapted to it and cannot find himself. In this case, the consequences can be quite serious. For a child, long-term maladjustment is fraught with a delay in development, the formation of negative attitudes, and anxiety.
Disadaptation as a manifestation is an external characteristic of a person's ill-being, which finds expression in his atypical behavior, attitude and performance in given environmental conditions. Each child has their own forms of manifestation. It is often difficult to identify it externally. It is necessary to know the person well and his typical manifestations in various situations. The ability to understand the signs of maladaptation in a timely manner allows the educator to quickly respond to the situation, preventing deep negative consequences. It's about not about creating greenhouse conditions for the pupil, but about preventing him from significant negative deformation consequences under the influence of maladaptation.
Disadaptation as a result is evidence of a comparative assessment of a qualitatively new state and manifestation that does not correspond to environmental conditions that are not typical for this person, based on his previous behavior and attitude (kindergarten pupil, student, etc.) to peers, studies and activities. In relation to a child, this is evidence that his behavior, relationships and performance (in relationships with children and adults, learning, games, etc.) do not correspond to the social norms that are characteristic of him (his peers) in these conditions environment.
In the specialized literature and in practice, there is the use of the category maladjusted in relation to a certain category of people: maladjusted children, maladjusted child, maladjusted group, as well as in relation to the environment that caused deformation phenomena: school maladaptation, family maladaptation, etc.
Disadapted children. These are children who, for various reasons, cannot, on an equal basis with their peers, other children, adapt to the conditions of their living environment (kindergarten group, class team, peer group, etc.), which negatively affects their self-manifestation, development, upbringing, learning, for example, a student who does poorly in class. At the same time, poor academic performance may not be the result of maladjustment, but a reflection of the student's individual cognitive abilities in learning, unwillingness to learn, etc.
A maladjusted person. This is a person who differs from other people due to the problems of adaptation in the environment of life, which affected him, his development, activity, ability to solve tasks that are natural for this situation.
A maladjusted child. A child who differs from his peers due to problems of adaptation in the environment of life that affected him, his development, socialization, and the ability to solve tasks that are natural for his peers.
A certain category of children quickly overcomes the state of maladaptation that they encounter in life. They do not have special difficulties in the process of natural adaptation to the conditions of the new environment. However, it should be emphasized that, despite the fact that children who are quite dynamic in adapting to various conditions often experience great difficulties, which seriously affect maladjusted children, their subsequent self-realization, self-improvement. Such children need help and support at the stage of adaptation. Their absence can have serious negative consequences for them.
School maladjustment. Most often noted by teachers primary school in which children learn with difficulty getting used to school reality. It is typical for children of 6-8 years of age, who do not understand the situation of the classroom environment, who do not develop relationships with classmates, and against this background, there is practically no progress in the development of their cognitive activity or slowed down. Such children need special attention and help from the teacher, an individual approach to their education and upbringing. Not less than important role stimulating the adaptive abilities of these children belongs to the class team, its respectful attitude towards them and support.
With the ability of the teacher to build pedagogically expedient relationships with maladjusted students, their parents and the class, school maladaptation can be largely overcome within 2-4 months after the start school year. In more severe cases, when children have persistent negative reactions to the learning situation in the classroom, it is necessary to get professional advice from specialists, including a psychologist, and in some cases, when a child has neurotic reactions in the form of irritable tearfulness, nervousness, aggressiveness in combination with sleep and appetite disorders, then a psychoneurologist.
Different categories of children, under certain conditions, need targeted support and assistance to prevent the occurrence of maladjustment or overcome it in the process of their upbringing and education. Maladapted children with pathological forms often need educational work with them in special educational institutions, oriented taking into account the factor that led the children to this condition. To work with them, special techniques and trained specialists are needed.
The main causes of human maladaptation are groups of factors. These include: personal (internal), environmental (external), or both.
Personal (internal) factors of a person's maladaptation are associated with insufficient realization of his social needs as a person. These include:
prolonged illness;
the child's limited ability to communicate with the environment, people and the lack of adequate (taking into account individual characteristics) communication with him from his environment;
long-term isolation of a person, regardless of his age (forced or forced) from the environment of everyday life;
switching to another type of activity (long vacation, temporary performance of other official duties), etc.
Environmental (external) factors of a person's maladjustment are connected with the fact that they are not familiar to him, create discomfort, to some extent restraining personal manifestation. These should include:
unhealthy family environment that suppresses the personality of the child. Such an environment may occur in families of the "risk group"; families in which an authoritarian style of upbringing prevails, violence against a child;
lack or insufficient attention to communication with the child on the part of parents and peers;
suppression of the personality by the novelty of the situation (the arrival of the child in kindergarten, school; change of group, class);
suppression of the personality by a group (disadaptive group) - rejection of the child by the collective, microgroup, harassment, violence against it, etc. This is especially true for adolescents. The manifestation of cruelty (violence, boycott) on their part in relation to their peers is a frequent phenomenon;
a negative manifestation of “market education”, when success is measured solely by material wealth. Unable to provide prosperity, a person finds himself in a complex depressive1 state;
the negative influence of the media in "market education". Formation of interests that do not correspond to age, promotion of the ideals of social well-being and the ease of their achievement. Real life leads to significant disappointment, complexing, maladaptation. Cheap mystical novels, horror films and action films form in the immature person the idea of ​​​​death as something vague and idealized;
maladaptive influence of an individual, in the presence of which the child experiences great tension, discomfort. Such a person is called a maladaptive (maladaptive child - group) - this is a person (group) who (which) under certain conditions in relation to the environment (group) or an individual acts as a factor of maladjustment (influencing self-manifestation) and, thus, restrains his activity , the ability to fully realize oneself. Examples: girl
"Depression (from Latin depressio - suppression, oppression) is a painful mental state, manifested in feelings of longing and despair against the background of emotional, intellectual and motor inhibition. Attractions, motives, volitional activity, self-esteem are sharply reduced. Behavior in this state is characterized by slowness , lack of initiative, fatigue.
attitude towards a guy who is not indifferent to her; gyneractive child in relation to the class; difficult to educate, actively playing a provocative role in relation to a teacher (especially a young one), etc.;
overload associated with "care" for the development of the child, not suitable for his age and individual capabilities, etc. This fact occurs when an unprepared child is sent to a school or gymnasium class that does not correspond to his individual capabilities; load the child without taking into account his physical and mental capabilities (for example, playing sports, studying at school, studying in a circle).
Disadaptation of children and adolescents leads to various consequences. Most often, these consequences are negative, including:
personal deformations;
insufficient physical development; " impaired mental function;
possible brain dysfunctions;
typical nervous disorders (depression, lethargy or excitability, aggressiveness);
loneliness - a person is alone with his problems. It can be associated with the external alienation of a person or with self-alienation;
problems in relationships with peers, other people, etc. Such problems can lead to the suppression of the main instinct of self-preservation. Unable to adapt to the prevailing conditions, a person can take extreme measures - suicide.
Perhaps a positive manifestation of maladjustment due to a qualitative change in the environment of the life of a child, a teenager of deviant behavior.
Often disapproved children include those who, on the contrary, are themselves a person who seriously influences the adaptation of another person (group of persons). In this case, it is more correct to speak of a maladaptive person, a group.
"Street children" are also often referred to as maladjusted. One cannot agree with such an assessment. These children are better adapted than adults. Even in difficult life situations, they are in no hurry to take advantage of the help offered to them. To work with them, specialists are trained who can convince them and bring them to a shelter or other specialized institution. If such a child is taken away from the street and placed in a specialized institution, then at first he may be maladjusted. After a certain time, it is difficult to predict who will be maladjusted - he or the environment in which he found himself.
High adaptability to the environment of new children with deviant behavior often leads to serious negative problems in relation to the majority of children. Practice shows that there are facts when the appearance of such a child requires the teacher, the educator of certain protective efforts in relation to the entire group (class). Individuals may well have a negative impact on the entire group, contribute to its maladjustment in study and discipline.
All of these factors pose a direct threat, primarily to intellectual development child. Difficulties in education, socio-pedagogical neglect pose a danger of maladaptation of the child himself in the field of upbringing, education and training, as well as individuals and groups. Practice convincingly proves that just as the child himself becomes a victim of the maladjustment of the new environment, so under certain conditions he acts as a factor in the maladjustment of others, including the teacher.
Given the predominantly negative impact of maladjustment on the development of the personality of a child, a teenager, it is necessary to carry out preventive work to prevent it. The main ways to prevent and overcome the consequences of maladaptation of children and adolescents include:
creation of optimal environmental conditions for the child;
avoidance of overload in the learning process due to the discrepancy between the level of learning difficulties and the individual capabilities of the child and the organization of the educational process;
support and assistance to children in adapting to new conditions for them;
encouraging the child to self-activation and self-manifestation in the environment of life, stimulating their adaptation, etc.;
creation of an accessible special service for socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance to various categories of the population in a difficult life situation: hotlines, offices for socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance, crisis hospitals;
training of parents, teachers and educators in the methodology of work to prevent maladaptation and overcome its consequences;
training of specialists for specialized services of socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance to various categories of people in difficult life situations.
Maladapted children need efforts to provide or help in overcoming it. Such activities are aimed at overcoming the consequences of maladaptation. The content and nature of social pedagogical activity determined by the consequences to which maladjustment has led.

Relatively recently in the domestic, mostly psychological literature the term "disadaptation" appeared, denoting a violation of the processes of human interaction with the environment. Its use is rather ambiguous, which is found, first of all, in assessing the role and place of states of maladaptation in relation to the categories of "norm" and "pathology". Hence, the interpretation of disadaptation as a process that occurs outside of pathology and is associated with weaning from some familiar living conditions and, accordingly, getting used to others, note T.G. Dichev and K.E. Tarasov.

Yu.A.Aleksandrovsky defines maladaptation as a "breakdown" in the mechanisms of mental adjustment in acute or chronic emotional stress, which activates the system of compensatory defensive reactions.

In a broad sense, social maladjustment refers to the process of loss of socially significant qualities that impede the successful adaptation of an individual to the conditions of the social environment.

For a deeper understanding of the problem, it is important to consider the relationship between the concepts of social adaptation and social maladaptation. The concept of social adaptation reflects the phenomena of inclusion of interaction and integration with the community and self-determination in it, and the social adaptation of the individual consists in the optimal realization of the internal capabilities of a person and his personal potential in socially significant activities, in the ability, while maintaining himself as a person, to interact with the surrounding society in specific conditions of existence.

The concept of social maladjustment is considered by most authors: B.N. Almazov, S.A. Belicheva, T.G. Dichev, S. Rutter as a process of disturbing the homeostatic balance of the individual and the environment, as a violation of the adaptation of the individual due to the action of certain reasons; as a violation caused by a discrepancy between the innate needs of the individual and the limiting requirement of the social environment; as the inability of the individual to adapt to his own needs and claims.

Social maladaptation is a process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent the individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment.

In the process of social adaptation, the inner world of a person also changes: new ideas appear, knowledge about the activities in which he is engaged, as a result of which self-correction and self-determination of the personality occur. Undergo changes and self-esteem of the individual, which is associated with the new activity of the subject, its goals and objectives, difficulties and requirements; level of claims, the image of "I", reflection, "I-concept", self-assessment in comparison with others. Based on these grounds, there is a change in the attitude towards self-affirmation, the individual acquires the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. All this determines the essence of his social adaptation to society, the success of its course.

An interesting position is A.V. Petrovsky, who determines the process of social adaptation as a type of interaction between the individual and the environment, during which the expectations of its participants are also coordinated.

At the same time, the author emphasizes that the most important component of adaptation is the coordination of self-assessments and claims of the subject with his capabilities and the reality of the social environment, which includes both the real level and potential opportunities for the development of the environment and the subject, highlighting the individuality of the individual in the process of individualization and integration in this specific social environment through the acquisition of social status and the ability of the individual to adapt to this environment.

The contradiction between the goal and the result, as V.A. Petrovsky suggests, is inevitable, but it is the source of the dynamics of the individual, his existence and development. So, if the goal is not achieved, it encourages to continue activity in a given direction. “What is born in communication turns out to be inevitably different from the intentions and motives of communicating people. If those who enter into communication take an egocentric position, then this is an obvious prerequisite for the breakdown of communication, ”note A.V. Petrovsky and V.V. Nepalinsky.

Considering the disadaptation of the personality at the socio-psychological level, R.B. Berezin and A.A. Nalgadzhyan distinguish three main varieties of personality disadaptation):

a) stable situational maladjustment, which occurs when a person does not find ways and means of adaptation in certain social situations (for example, as part of certain small groups), although he makes such attempts - this state can be correlated with the state of ineffective adaptation;

b) temporary maladjustment, which is eliminated with the help of adequate adaptive measures, social and intra-psychic actions, which corresponds to unstable adaptation.

c) general stable maladjustment, which is a state of frustration, the presence of which activates the formation of pathological defense mechanisms.

The result of social maladaptation is the state of maladaptation of the individual.

The basis of maladjusted behavior is the conflict, and under its influence, an inadequate response to the conditions and requirements of the environment is gradually formed in the form of various deviations in behavior as a reaction to systematic, constantly provoking factors that the child cannot cope with. The beginning is the disorientation of the child: he is lost, does not know what to do in this situation, to fulfill this overwhelming demand, and he either does not react in any way, or reacts in the first way that comes across. Thus, at the initial stage, the child is, as it were, destabilized. After a while, this confusion will pass and he will calm down; if such manifestations of destabilization are repeated quite often, then this leads the child to the emergence of a persistent internal (dissatisfaction with himself, his position) and external (in relation to the environment) conflict, which leads to stable psychological discomfort and, as a result of such a state, to maladaptive behavior.

This point of view is shared by many domestic psychologists (B.N. Almazov, M.A. Ammaskin, M.S. Pevzner, I.A. Nevsky, A.S. Belkin, K.S. Lebedinskaya and others). The authors determine deviations in behavior through the prism of the psychological complex of the subject's environmental alienation, and, therefore, not being able to change the environment, the stay in which is painful for him, the awareness of his incompetence prompts the subject to switch to protective forms of behavior, create semantic and emotional barriers in relation to others, lowering the level of claims and self-esteem.

These studies underlie the theory that considers the compensatory capabilities of the body, where social maladaptation is understood as a psychological state caused by the functioning of the psyche at the limit of its regulatory and compensatory capabilities, expressed in the lack of activity of the individual, in the difficulty of realizing his basic social needs (the need for communication, recognition , self-expression), in violation of self-assertion and free expression of one’s creativity, in inadequate orientation in the situation of communication, in the distortion of the social status of a maladjusted child.

Social maladaptation is manifested in a wide range of deviations in the behavior of a teenager: dromomania (vagrancy), early alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction, venereal diseases, illegal actions, violations of morality. Adolescents experience painful growing up - the gap between adult and childhood - a certain void is created that needs to be filled with something.

Social maladjustment in adolescence leads to the formation of poorly educated people who do not have the skills to work, create a family, be good parents. They easily cross the border of moral and legal norms. Accordingly, social maladaptation is manifested in asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, social attitudes.

Within the framework of foreign humanistic psychology, the understanding of maladjustment as a violation of adaptation - a homeostatic process is criticized, and a position is put forward on the optimal interaction of the individual and the environment.

The form of social maladaptation, according to their concepts, is as follows: conflict - frustration - active adaptation. According to K. Rogers, maladaptation is a state of inconsistency, internal dissonance, and its main source lies in the potential conflict between the attitudes of the “I” and the direct experience of a person.

Social maladaptation is a multifaceted phenomenon, which is based on not one, but many factors. Some of these experts include:


psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglect);

social and psychological factors;

personal factors;

social factors.

Individual factors acting at the level of psychobiological prerequisites that impede the social adaptation of an individual: severe or chronic somatic diseases, congenital malformations, disorders of the motor sphere, impaired and reduced functions of sensory systems, unformed higher mental functions, residual-organic lesions of the central nervous system with cerebral palsy, decreased volitional activity, purposefulness, productivity of cognitive processes, motor disinhibition syndrome, pathological character traits, pathological ongoing puberty, neurotic reactions and neurosis, endogenous mental illness. Special attention is given to the nature of aggressiveness, which is the root cause of violent crimes. The suppression of these drives, the rigid blocking of their implementation, starting from early childhood, gives rise to feelings of anxiety, inferiority and aggressiveness, which leads to socially maladaptive forms of behavior.

One of the manifestations of the individual factor of social maladaptation is the emergence and existence of psychosomatic disorders. At the heart of the formation of psychosomatic maladjustment of a person is a violation of the function of the entire adaptation system.

Psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglect), manifested in defects in school and family education. They are expressed in the absence of an individual approach to the teenager in the classroom, the inadequacy of the educational measures taken by teachers, the unfair, rude, offensive attitude of the teacher, the underestimation of grades, the denial of timely assistance with justified skipping classes, in a misunderstanding of the student's state of mind. This also includes the difficult emotional climate in the family, the alcoholism of parents, the family's disposition against the school, school maladjustment of older brothers and sisters. Socio-psychological factors that reveal the unfavorable features of the interaction of a minor with his immediate environment in the family, on the street, in the educational team. One of the important social situations for an individual is the school as a whole system of relationships that are significant for a teenager. The definition of school maladaptation means the impossibility of adequate schooling according to natural abilities, as well as adequate interaction of a teenager with the environment in the conditions of an individual microsocial environment in which he exists. At the heart of the emergence of school maladaptation are various factors of a social, psychological and pedagogical nature. School maladjustment is one of the forms of a more complex phenomenon - the social maladaptation of minors.

Personal factors that are manifested in the active selective attitude of the individual to the preferred environment of communication, to the norms and values ​​of his environment, to pedagogical influences family, school, community, in personal value orientations and personal ability to self-regulate their behavior.

Value-normative representations, that is, ideas about legal, ethical norms and values ​​that perform the functions of internal behavioral regulators, include cognitive (knowledge), affective (relationships) and volitional behavioral components. At the same time, the antisocial and illegal behavior of an individual can be due to defects in the system of internal regulation at any - cognitive, emotional-volitional, behavioral - level.

Social factors: unfavorable material and living conditions of life, determined by the social and socio-economic conditions of society. Social neglect in comparison with pedagogical is characterized, first of all, by low level development of professional intentions and orientations, as well as useful interests, knowledge, skills, even more active resistance to pedagogical requirements and the requirements of the team, unwillingness to reckon with the norms of collective life.

The provision of professional socio-psychological and pedagogical support to maladjusted adolescents requires serious scientific and methodological support, including general theoretical conceptual approaches to considering the nature and nature of maladjustment, as well as the development of specialized correctional tools that can be used in work by adolescents of different ages and various forms of maladjustment .

The term "correction" literally means "correction". Correction of social maladaptation is a system of measures aimed at correcting the shortcomings of socially significant qualities and human behavior with the help of special means, psychological impact.

Currently, there are various psychosocial technologies for the correction of maladjusted adolescents. At the same time, the main emphasis is placed on the methods of game psychotherapy, graphic techniques used in art therapy and socio-psychological training aimed at correcting the emotional and communicative sphere, as well as at developing the skills of conflict-free empathic communication. In adolescence, the problem of maladaptation, as a rule, is associated with trouble in the system of interpersonal relations, therefore, the development and correction of communication skills and abilities is an important direction of the general correctional and rehabilitation program.

The corrective influence is carried out taking into account the positive development trends in the "cooperative-conventional" and "responsibly-generous" types of interpersonal relationships identified in the "I-ideal" adolescents, which act as personal coping resources necessary for mastering more adaptive strategies of coping behavior when overcoming critical situations of existence.

Thus, social maladaptation is a process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent the individual from successfully adapting to the conditions of the social environment. Social disadaptation is manifested in antisocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, and social attitudes.

The problem of maladjustment lies in the fact that the impossibility of adapting to a new situation not only worsens the social and mental development human, but also leads to recursive pathology. This means that a maladjusted personality, ignoring this mental state, will not be able to be active in any society in the future.


Disadaptation is a mental state of a person (more often a child than an adult), in which the psychosocial status of the individual does not correspond to the new social environment, which makes it difficult or completely cancels the possibility of adaptation.

There are three types:

  • Pathogenic maladaptation is a condition that occurs as a result of a violation of the human psyche, with neuropsychiatric diseases and deviations. Such disadaptation is treated depending on the possibility of curing the disease-cause.
  • Psychosocial maladaptation is the inability to adapt to a new environment due to individual social characteristics, gender and age changes, and the formation of a personality. This type of maladaptation is usually temporary, but in some cases the problem may worsen, and then the psychosocial maladjustment will develop into a pathogenic one.
  • Social maladaptation is a phenomenon characterized by antisocial behavior and a violation of the socialization process. It also includes educational maladaptation. The boundaries between social and psychosocial maladaptation are very blurred and lie in the particular manifestations of each of them.

Disadaptation of schoolchildren as a type of social inadaptation to the environment

While dwelling on social maladaptation, it is worth mentioning that this problem is especially acute in the early school years. In this regard, another term appears, such as "school maladaptation". This is a situation in which a child, for various reasons, becomes incapable of both building “personality-society” relationships and learning in general.

Psychologists interpret this situation in different ways: as a subspecies of social maladaptation or as an independent phenomenon in which social maladjustment is only the cause of school. However, excluding this relationship, there are three more main reasons why a child will feel in educational institution uncomfortable:

  • inadequate preschool education;
  • lack of behavioral control skills in a child;
  • inability to adapt to the pace of schooling.

All three of them boil down to the fact that school maladjustment is a common phenomenon among first-graders, but sometimes it also manifests itself in older children, for example, in adolescence due to personality restructuring or simply when moving to a new educational institution. In this case, maladjustment from social develops into psychosocial.

Consequences of school maladaptation

Among the manifestations of school maladjustment are the following:

  • complex failure in subjects;
  • skipping classes for unexcused reasons;
  • disregard for norms and school rules;
  • disrespect for classmates and teachers, conflicts;
  • isolation, unwillingness to make contact.

Psychosocial maladjustment is a problem of the Internet generation

Consider school maladjustment from the point of view of the school age period, and not the educational period in principle. This maladjustment manifests itself in the form of conflicts with peers and teachers, sometimes immoral behavior that violates the rules of conduct in an educational institution or in society as a whole.

A little more than half a century ago, among the causes of this type of inability, there was no such thing as the Internet. Now he is the main reason.

Hikkikomori (hikki, to hiccup, from the Japanese word for "break away, be imprisoned") is a modern term for social adjustment disorder in young people. It is interpreted as a complete avoidance of any contact with society.

In Japan, the definition of "hikkikomori" is a disease, but at the same time, in social circles, it can even be used as an insult. Briefly, it can be stated that being a “hikka” is bad. But that is how things are in the East. In the countries of the post-Soviet space (including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, etc.), with the spread of the phenomenon social networks the image of hikkikomori was elevated to a cult. This also includes the popularization of imaginary misanthropy and / or nihilism.

This has led to an increase in the level of psychosocial maladaptation among adolescents. The Internet generation, going through puberty, taking “Hikkism” as an example and imitating it, runs the risk of actually undermining mental health and begin to show pathogenic maladaptation. This is the essence of the problem of open access to information. The task of parents is early age to teach the child to filter the knowledge received and to separate the useful and harmful in order to prevent excessive influence from the latter.

Factors of psychosocial maladaptation

The Internet factor, although it is considered the basis of psychosocial maladjustment in modern world, but is not the only one.

Other causes of maladaptation:

  • Emotional disorders in schoolchildren adolescence. This is a personal problem that manifests itself in aggressive behavior, or, on the contrary, in depression, lethargy and apathy. Briefly, this situation can be described by the expression "from one extreme to another".
  • Violation of emotional self-regulation. This means that a teenager is often unable to control himself, which leads to numerous conflicts and clashes. The next step after that is the maladaptation of adolescents.
  • Lack of understanding in the family. Constant tension in the family circle does not affect the teenager in the best way, and in addition to the fact that this reason causes the previous two, family conflicts are not the best example for a child how to behave in society.

The last factor touches on the age-old problem of "fathers-children"; this once again proves that parents are responsible for preventing problems of social and psychosocial adaptation.

Classification. Subtypes of psychosocial maladaptation

Depending on the causes and factors, it is conditionally possible to make the following classification of psychosocial maladaptation:

  • Social and household. A person may not be satisfied with the new conditions of life.
  • Legal. A person is not satisfied with his place in the social hierarchy and / or in society in general.
  • Situational role play. Short-term maladaptation associated with an inappropriate social role in a particular situation.
  • Sociocultural. Inability to accept the mentality and culture of the surrounding society. It often manifests itself when moving to another city / country.

Socio-psychological maladaptation, or failure in personal relationships

Disadaptation in a couple is a very interesting and little-studied concept. Little studied in the sense of just classification, since the problems of maladjustment often worry parents in relation to their children and are almost always ignored in relation to themselves.

However, although rarely, this situation can arise, because personality maladaptation is responsible for this - a generalized term for fitness disorders, which is the best suited for use here.

Disharmony in a couple is one of the reasons for separations and divorces. It includes the incompatibility of characters and outlooks on life, the lack of mutual feelings, respect and understanding. As a result, conflicts, selfish attitude, cruelty, rudeness appear. Relationships become "sick", especially if, due to habit, neither of the couple is going to back down.

Psychologists have also noticed that in large families such maladaptation rarely occurs, but its cases become more frequent if the couple lives with their parents or other relatives.

Pathogenic maladaptation: when a disease prevents you from adapting to society

This type, as already mentioned above, occurs with nervous and mental disorders. The manifestation of disadaptation due to illness sometimes becomes chronic, amenable only to temporary relief.

So, for example, oligophrenia is distinguished by the absence of psychopathic inclinations and dispositions for crimes, but the mental retardation of such a patient undoubtedly interferes with his social adaptation. That is why this category of children is taken out by psychologists in a separate program, according to which the prevention of maladaptation should be carried out:

  • Diagnosis of the disease before its complete progression.
  • Conformity curriculum the possibilities of the child.
  • Program focus on labor activity- Bringing labor skills to automatism.
  • Social education.
  • Pedagogical organization of the system of collective connections and relations of oligophrenic children in the process of any of their activities.

The problems of educating "uncomfortable" students

Among exceptional children, gifted children also occupy a special stage. The problem in raising such children is that talent and a sharp mind are not a disease, so they are not looking for a special approach to them. Often, teachers only exacerbate the situation, provoking conflicts in the team and exacerbating the relationship between "wise men" and their peers.

The prevention of maladaptation of children who are ahead of the rest in intellectual and spiritual development lies in the correct family and school education, aimed not only at developing existing abilities, but also such character traits as ethics, politeness and humanity. It is they, or rather, their absence, that is responsible for the possible "arrogance" and selfishness of little "geniuses".

Autism. Disadaptation of autistic children

Autism is a violation of social development, which is characterized by the desire to withdraw “into oneself” from the world. This disease has no beginning and no end, it is a life sentence. Patients with autism can have both developed intellectual abilities and, conversely, a small degree of developmental retardation. An early sign of autism is the inability of a child to accept and understand other people, to “read” information from them. A characteristic symptom is the avoidance of eye-to-eye gaze.

In order to help an autistic child adapt to the world, parents need to be patient and tolerant, because they often have to face misunderstanding and aggression from the outside world. It is important to understand that their little son/daughter is even more difficult, and he/she needs help and care.

Scientists suggest that the social maladaptation of autistic children occurs due to disruptions in the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for the emotional perception of the individual.

There are basic rules for how to communicate with a child with autism:

  • Do not make high demands.
  • Accept him for who he is. In any circumstance.
  • Be patient while teaching him. It is in vain to expect quick results, it is necessary to rejoice in small victories as well.
  • Do not judge or blame the child for his illness. Actually, no one is to blame.
  • Set a good example for your child. Lacking communication skills, he will try to repeat after his parents, and therefore you should carefully choose your social circle.
  • Accept that you have to sacrifice something.
  • Do not hide the child from society, but do not torment him with it.
  • To devote more time to his upbringing and the formation of personality, and not to intellectual training. Although, of course, both sides are important.
  • Love him no matter what.

Inability to adapt to society due to nervous and mental disorders of the personality

Among the most common personality disorders, one of the symptoms of which is maladaptation, are the following:

  • OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). It is described as an obsession, sometimes even contradicting the moral principles of the patient and therefore interfering with the growth of his personality and, consequently, socialization. Patients with OCD are prone to excessive cleanliness and systematization. In advanced cases, the patient is able to "cleanse" his body to the bone. OCD is treated by psychiatrists, there are no psychological indications for it.
  • Schizophrenia. Another personality disorder in which the patient is unable to control himself, which leads to his inability to interact normally in society.
  • Bipolar personality disorder. Previously associated with manic-depressive psychosis. A person with BPD occasionally experiences either anxiety mixed with depression, or agitation and high energy, as a result of which he exhibits exalted behavior. It also prevents him from adapting to society.

Deviant and delinquent behavior as one of the manifestations of maladaptation

Deviant behavior is a behavior that deviates from the norm, is contrary to the norms or even denies them. The manifestation of deviant behavior in psychology is called "act".

The move is aimed at:

  • Checking your own strengths, abilities, skills and abilities.
  • Testing methods to achieve certain goals. So, aggression, with which you can achieve what you want, with a successful result, will be repeated again and again. Also a striking example are whims, tears and tantrums.

Deviation does not always mean bad deeds. The positive phenomenon of deviation is the manifestation of oneself in a creative way, the disclosure of one's character.

Disadaptation is characterized by negative deviation. It includes bad habits, unacceptable actions or inaction, lies, rudeness, etc.

The next stage of deviation is delinquent behavior.

Delinquent behavior is a protest, a conscious choice of a path against a system of established norms. It is aimed at the destruction and complete destruction of established traditions and rules.

Acts associated with delinquent behavior are often very cruel, antisocial, up to criminal offenses.

Professional adaptation and disadaptation

Finally, it is important to consider maladaptation in adulthood, associated with the collision of the individual with the team, and not with a specific incompatible character.

For the most part, professional stress is responsible for the violation of adaptation in the work team.

In turn, it (stress) can cause the following points:

  • Invalid working hours. Even paid overtime hours are not able to restore the health of a person's nervous system.
  • Competition. Healthy competition gives motivation, unhealthy - damage to this very health, causes aggression, depression, insomnia, reduces work efficiency.
  • Very fast promotion. No matter how pleasant a person is to be promoted, a constant change of scenery, social role, and duties rarely benefits him.
  • Negative interpersonal relationships with the administration. It is not even worth explaining how constant voltage affects the workflow.
  • Conflict between work and personal life. When a person has to make a choice between areas of life, it has a negative impact on each of them.
  • Unstable position at work. In small doses, this allows the bosses to keep their subordinates "on a short leash." However, after some time, this begins to affect relationships in the team. Constant distrust worsens the performance and production of the entire organization.

The concepts of "readaptation" and "readaptation" are also interesting, both differing in the restructuring of the personality due to extreme working conditions. Readaptation is aimed at changing oneself and one's actions to be more suitable in the given conditions. Readaptation also helps a person to return to his normal rhythm of life.

In a situation of professional maladjustment, it is recommended to listen to the popular definition of rest - a change in the type of activity. Active pastime in the air, creative self-realization in art or needlework - all this allows the individual to switch, and nervous system- do some kind of reboot. In acute forms of violation of working adaptation, long rest should be combined with psychological consultations.


Disadaptation is often perceived as a problem that does not require attention. But she demands it, and at any age: from the smallest in kindergarten to adults at work and in personal relationships. The sooner you start prevention of maladaptation, the easier it will be to avoid such problems in the future. Correction of disadaptation is carried out with the help of work on oneself and sincere mutual assistance of others.