Psychological realism in literature. Realism in literature

  • Union to spelled together as opposed to a combination of a pronoun what with particle would; in the latter case, a particle would can be rearranged to another place in the sentence. For example:

    b) What would think of something else?(cf.: What such another would come up with?); What would no matter what happens, I will not leave him in trouble; I have no idea, what would he did in my place.

    Note. Combination through thick and thin written in six words.

  • Unions too and also written together as opposed to combinations Same(pronoun and particle) and same way(adverb and particle); both unions are synonymous with the union and. Wed: You too rested in the Caucasus? - You also rested in the Caucasus? - And you rested in the Caucasus?

    When combined Same often worth a pronoun most(a combination is formed the same), For example: Same thing happened every day.

    Behind the combination Same often followed by a conjunction word what, For example: Today is the same as yesterday. Behind the combination same way often followed by an adverb as, For example: We decided to spend the summer just like last year(particle same can be omitted: We decided to spend the summer like last year).

    Note 1. Only in a broader context can some sentences with combinations be distinguished also - the same, also - the same. Wed:

    Rest too shouted loudly(“and the rest shouted loudly”). - The rest were screaming loudly Same (“they shouted the same thing loudly”).

    Teenagers also also- "and teenagers took part in the fight against the fascist invaders"). - Teenagers same way bravely fought against the fascist invaders(with an intonational pause after the word bravely- "with the same courage they fought").

    Note 2. spelled together too as a particle, for example: Also my adviser!

  • Unions and and besides are written together, in contrast to combinations of a preposition with a pronoun: what does and while.

    These unions have a conjunctive meaning ("in addition to this"), for example: The experiment went well and for the first time; The speech is meaningful and besides interesting in form.

    Combination what does used in interrogative sentences, for example: What does here he is with his claims?

    Combination while defines the following noun, for example: At the same time publishing house has a small printing house.

  • Union but, adverbs why, then, why, why, why, therefore, why, why, how much are written together, in contrast to consonant combinations of prepositions with pronouns. Wed:

    The climb up here is steep. but the road is beautiful. – The workers received an award for that that they made repairs three days ahead of schedule.

    What for raise false hopes? - What for go and find(proverb).

    He didn't talk about it then (not for that) to arouse in us simple curiosity. – Following then a shot rang out(in combination after that three words).

    Then and came to get the information you need(came for some purpose). - Then and came what I was looking for(came for some object).

    From what (why) I love you, silent night?(Polonsky). - It was from what sadden(i.e. there was a reason, an object for the given state).

    Misunderstandings often happen because (because), that people don't understand each other. – Further depends from that how things turn out.

    Why (for what reason) Are you that bad at judging people? - Why (by what signs) do you judge the change in the weather?

    I did not recognize familiar places only because that have not been here for a long time. – Changes in life cannot be judged only because what you see fleetingly.

    how much (at what price) are potatoes on the market now? – Bili why horrible.

    Note 1. The question of continuous or separate spelling in the case under consideration is sometimes determined by the context.

    So, the correlation of the question and the answer matters. Wed:

    a) What for did he come here? - To get the information you need(goal, which is expressed by the adverb why);

    b) What for did he come here? - For the information you need(an object that is expressed by a pronoun in combination with a preposition behind).

    In other cases, the answer is given by the correlation of homogeneous terms. Wed:

    From permanent winds and because that rains rarely fall in these places, the soil here is noticeably weathered(homogeneous circumstance reasons; because- adverb);

    b) From the speech speaker and from that what will be added in the debate, you can expect a lot of interesting(homogeneous additions; from that- a combination of a preposition with a pronoun).

    Note 2. In some cases, there may be a double interpretation of the text and a double spelling. Wed:

    a) Because what they say(engaging in conversation) little use;

    b) From that what does he say(the content of his statements), little use.

    Note 3. In the colloquial style of speech, there are constructions with spelling that deviates from the rule, for example: Why are you mad at me? - Yes because himself(separate spelling is due to the presence of the word himself acting as an amplifying particle).

  • Union so(in meaning introductory word"therefore") is written together, in contrast to the combination so(conjunction and adverb), for example: So, its end(Pushkin). - So every show ends.
  • § 62. Separate spelling of unions

    1. Explanatory conjunctions are written separately (without a hyphen) that is, that is, For example: Drinking as usual i.e lots of(Pushkin); third day, I mean this week, I tell the elder...(Sleptsov).
    2. Complex conjunctions are written separately because, since, so, in order to, then how and etc.

    1. Union to spelled together as opposed to a combination what would (pronoun and particle), for example: The editor met with the author and to (in order to) agree on the changes made to the manuscript; Important, to people understood this; but: What would can you think of something like that?; What would no matter what happens, I will not leave him in trouble; I have no idea, what would he did in my place. On a pronoun what the logical stress falls, the union to is unstressed.

    1. Unions too and also written together as opposed to combinations Same (pronoun with a particle) and same way (adverb with a particle); both unions are synonymous with the union and. Wed: You too rested in the Caucasus?- You also rested in the Caucasus?And you rested in the Caucasus!

    When combined Same words are often most (a combination is formed the same) or one (a combination is formed same ), For example: repeated daily Same (most) - Every time you have to listen to one and Same.

    Behind the combination Same often followed by a conjunction word what , For example: Repeat Same, what you spoke yesterday.

    Behind the combination same way often followed by an adverb as , For example: We decided to spend the summer same way, as Last year(particle same can be omitted: We decided to spend the summer So, as Last year).

    2. Unions and and besides are written together, in contrast to combinations of a preposition with a pronoun:at what and while.

    These unions have an attached meaning ( "in addition to this" ), For example: The experiment went well and for the first time; The speech is meaningful and besides interesting in form.

    Combination at what used in interrogative sentences, for example: What does here he is with his claims?

    Combination while defines the following noun, for example: At the same time The publishing house has a small printing house.

    3. Union but, adverbs why, then, why, why, why, therefore, therefore, why, how much are written together, in contrast to consonant combinations of prepositions with pronouns. Wed:

    The climb up here is steep. but the road is beautiful.– Workers received a bonus for that that exceeded the plan.

    What for raise false hopes?What for go and you will find(proverb).

    He didn't talk about it then(not to) arouse in us a simple curiosity.– Following then a shot rang out(in combination after that three words).

    Then and came to get the information you need(came with a purpose). - Then and came what I was looking for(came for some object).

    From what (why) I love you, silent night!(Polonsky). - It was from what sadden(i.e. there was a reason, an object for the given state).

    Misunderstandings often happen because (because), that people don't understand each other.Further depends from that how the circumstances turn out.

    Why (for what reason) Are you that bad at judging people?Why (by what signs) do you judge the change in the weather?

    I did not recognize familiar places only because who haven't been here for a long time.Changes in life cannot be judged only because what you see fleetingly.

    How much (at what price) Potatoes are on the market now!Bili onhow horrible.

    Note 1. The question of continuous or separate spelling in the case under consideration is sometimes determined by the context.

    So, the correlation of the question and the answer matters. Wed:

    a) What for he came here– To obtain the necessary information (the goal, which is expressed by the adverb why);

    b) What for did he come here?– For the necessary information (an object that is expressed pronoun combined with a suggestion behind ).

    In other cases, the answer is given by the correlation of homogeneous terms. Wed:

    a) From constant winds and because that rains rarely fall in these places, the soil here is noticeably weathered(homogeneous circumstance reasons; because -adverb);

    b) From the speech of the speaker and from that, which will be supplemented in the debate, you can expect a lot of interesting(homogeneous additions; from that - combination excuse with pronoun ).

    Note 2. In some cases, there may be a double interpretation of the text and a double spelling. Wed:

    a) Because , what he says(engaging in conversation) little sense;

    b) From that , what he says(the content of his statements), little sense.

    Note 3. In the colloquial style of speech, there are constructions with spelling that deviates from the rule, for example. - Why are you mad at me?Yes because himself(separate spelling is explained by the presence of the word itself, acting as an intensifying particle).

    4. Union so (in the meaning of the introductory word"hence" ) is written together as opposed to a combinationso (conjunction and adverb), for example:So , its end(Pushkin). - So ends every time.

    §62. Separate spelling of unions

    Unions are written separately because, since, so, in order to, then how, that is, that is, as if, thereby, all the more so, and not that, all the more so and others, for example: And the dogs were silent because no one disturbed them; He looked like this as if did not believe his eyes.

    Conjunctions and pronouns with prepositions before them, as well as conjunctions with particles

    1) but for that:
    He spoke too briefly but bright and artistic (the meaning of opposition, union but).
    She didn't forgive him for that that he did not help her (meaning of indication, pronoun then in the form of V.p.).

    2) then - after that:
    The teacher read the text then the class began to write a summary (time value: union then, synonym after).
    Pharmacy then building, go straight, you will see there (meaning of indication, pronoun that with a suggestion).

    3) and so and so:
    , he came to Moscow (summarizing the above, union so).
    He got wet so froze that I had to return home (degree value, combination so - union and and adverbs So).

    4) because - from that:
    She felt happy because of everyone around was smiling (the meaning of the reason, union because of).
    From that at home, you can go through the yard and shorten the road (meaning of indication, pronoun that with a suggestion).

    5) why - from what:
    I don't know why
    I'm sad today (meaning reason, union from what).
    From what you expect more results: from classes in a circle or from self-study? (interrogative pronoun what with a suggestion)

    6)because - because:
    Insofar as
    half the class hurt, the teacher had to postpone the explanation new topic(cause value, union insofar as).
    "Insofar as time I have to repeat the same thing?" - the mother was angry (meaning quantity, pronoun with a preposition).

    7)therefore - on this:
    Before leaving the house, the phone rang. It was an important call That's why I had to linger (the meaning of the consequence, union That's why).
    So don't bother me anymore (meaning of indication, noun with a preposition and pronoun as a definition).

    8) besides - while:
    He went into business besides successful (conjunctions and and besides synonyms, they can be easily interchanged with each other).
    Mother enrolled her son in the sports section while club in which she herself was engaged in swimming (meaning of indication, pronoun that with a suggestion).

    9) and - with what:
    He did the job quickly and right (conjunctions and and besides synonyms, they can be easily interchanged).
    He didn't understand what does here he is, what is his fault (relative pronoun what with a suggestion).

    10) also - also:
    you need to pay more attention to math (value of adjunction, union also).
    Same way
    , like a year ago, he studied hard and was the best in the class (meaning collation, adverb So with particle same).

    11) also the same:
    I too I am interested in biology (meaning of joining, union too).
    I try to do Same, as others, but I can’t do it (meaning of indication, pronoun then and particle same).

    12) to - what would:
    do not get sick, dress for the weather (meaning of the goal, union to).
    She thought what would put on tonight (object meaning, relative pronoun what and particle would, would may be omitted).

    13 ) to - whatever:
    get busy to pass the exam better (goal value, union to).
    Whatever happened, do not lose heart (meaning of the condition, combination with relative pronoun whatever).

    In this lesson, you will learn about which unions are written separately and which are combined, learn to distinguish a union from a combination of pronouns or adverbs with prepositions and particles, complete tasks to consolidate knowledge.

    The topic of this lesson is: "Full spelling of unions ALSO, ALSO, TO, ZATO." In order to write these unions correctly, it is necessary to distinguish them from similar combinations and words of other parts of speech.

    From which you can shoot (Fig. 2).

    We can also talk about the homonymy of words of different parts of speech. For example:

    (Fig. 3) .

    In this sentence, the word sick- adjective.

    Rice. 3. Sick child ()

    The patient was discharged.

    In this sentence, the word sick- noun.

    Educated person.

    In this sentence, the word educated- adjective.

    Derived from a noun.

    In this sentence, the word educated- participle.

    I love a beautiful evening(Fig. 4) .

    In this sentence, the word in the evening- noun.

    Rice. 4. Beautiful evening ()

    Arrived in the evening.

    In this sentence, the word in the evening- adverb.

    Consider two suggestions:

    The snow has stopped, the windtoo calmed down.

    DoSame the most again.


    The snow has stoppedand the wind calmed down.

    Word too can be removed from the sentence, while the phrase remains grammatically correct:

    The snow has stopped, the wind has died down(Fig. 5).

    Too in this proposal is service unit speech connecting sentences, that is, by union.

    In the second case, we won’t be able to remove the words so easily, because the word then(pronoun) replaces here some significant thing, some phenomenon, to which the pronoun only alludes. Do the same- this is an indication of something that those who are addressed should do. Word then here is a full-fledged member of the sentence (addition), and not a service part of speech. In such cases, the spelling of the pronoun then and particles same will be separate.

    Thus, the most important thing is to understand in meaning what kind of part of speech it is and what syntactic role this word plays in a sentence. To do this, you can use any of these methods:

    • You can remove the word too. If this works out and the sentence remains correct, then this is a union that is written together.
    • Mono replace too on the also
    • Can be replaced too on the and. If it turns out, then this is a union, we write it together.
    • Same the words most, as in the second example, and whether it can be substituted. If possible, then we have a pronoun with a particle. And then we write Same apart.

    Let's talk about union also and compare two examples:

    also going to.

    This Januarysame way cold as it was last year.

    In the first case, we have an alliance close in meaning to the alliance and:

    My friend is going on a tourand I'm going to.

    Word also can be easily replaced by a synonymous conjunction too.

    My friend is going on a tourtoo going to(Fig. 6) .

    Also here is a service part of speech that connects sentences. This is a union.

    Rice. 6. Excursion ()

    In the second case, we have the adverb So, which indicates the degree of manifestation of the trait (the strength of cold). It can also indicate a course of action. Word So here a full-fledged member of the sentence is a circumstance, not a service part of speech. AT similar cases spelling of the adverb So and particles same will be separate.

    Your main task is to understand in meaning what kind of part of speech it is and whether this word is a full-fledged member of the sentence.

    In order to verify the correctness of the reasoning, you need to use any of the following methods:

    • Can be replaced also on the too. If it turns out, then we write the union together.
    • Can be replaced also on the and. If it turns out, then this is a union that is written together.
    • You can see if there is with a dangerous combination same way continuations with refinement value as well as(as in the second example). If you can continue the sentence in this way, then we have an adverb with a particle, which is written separately.

    Now let's deal with writing the union to. Compare two sentences:

    What would you advised me to read in the summer?

    I came,to help you.

    In the first case, we have the pronoun what, which replaces some specific thing: the work of some specific author. It may be suggested to read captain's daughter”, “Don Quixote”, “Martian Chronicles” (Fig. 7). For all these wonderful books will indicate the pronoun what. This word here is a full-fledged member of the sentence, and not a service part of speech. In such cases, the spelling of the pronoun what and particles would will be separate.

    Rice. 7. A boy and a girl are reading a book ()

    In the second case, we have a subordinating union with the meaning of the goal. To verify this, let's ask a question to the part where the union is located:

    came(for what purpose?) to help(Fig. 8)

    Rice. 8. The boy helps his mother in the kitchen ()

    In order to verify the correctness of the reasoning, you need to use any of the following methods:

    • Can I ask you a question for what purpose? to the part of the sentence where to. If it works out, then this is a union, we write it together.
    • Can be removed or rearranged would elsewhere in the offer:

    What was advisedwould should I read in the summer?

    If this works out, then we have a pronoun what with particle would, we write them separately.

    Consider two examples:

    He missed the showbut visited a sick friend.

    For that While we were preparing, we learned a lot.

    In the first case, we have an alliance but, synonymous with union but. We can easily substitute it for but.

    He missed the showbut visiting a sick friend(Fig. 9) .

    Rice. 9. A girl visits a sick friend ()

    In the second case, the word then is a pronoun and is preceded by a preposition behind. Replacing such a construction with a union but impossible.

    To write correctly, you need to check if this is a union, and try to replace but union but. If it works out, then we have a union that is written together.

    We got acquainted with the spelling of unions too , also , to , but . As you can see, the main thing is not to memorize the rules, but to understand what part of speech we have before us. The ability to see the meaning of words in a sentence, determine the part of speech, determine the syntactic role of each word will help you in spelling. To reinforce this topic, take an interactive training session.

    Write out sentences that contain conjunctions too , also , to , but .

    1. The eldest son Anisim came home very rarely, only in big holidays, for that/but often sent gifts and letters with fellow countrymen.

    2. And what would/to she neither did nor said, the old man was only touched and muttered ...

    3. I made sure that Pugachev and he were one and the same. Same/too face, and then I understood the reason for the mercy shown to me.

    A. Pushkin

    4. Then the old man Tsybukin went out, what would/to to show his new horse, and took Varvara with him.

    5. The woodcock clattered up from the bush; I shot at Same/too A moment later, a scream rang out a few paces away from me.

    I. Turgenev

    6. There is such a custom in the village: the son marries, what would/to there was a helper at home.

    7. And for Anisim they found Same/too beautiful bride.

    8. I ... them Same/too, for my part, I assure you that nothing, they say, but at the very soul goes into the heels.

    I. Turgenev

    9. Everything same way/also there will be a passing whirlwind spinning snowstorms, turning blue with a feature inaccessible in the distance, native shores.

    10. His daughter-in-law disliked him: but for that/but that he is not responsible, not a leader.

    V. Shukshin

    11. Understand same way/also and the fact that if she did not honor herself at death, she would not think of me.

    I. Turgenev

    12. Same /too was a landowner, and rich, but ruined.

    I. Turgenev

    13. Not only compassion breathed her face then: it burned same way/also jealousy.

    I. Turgenev

    14. The weirdo made the bed, washed himself and began to think, what would/to such a pleasant thing to do to the daughter-in-law.

    V. Shukshin

    15. Can be allowed same way/also that at one fine moment intelligent beings will not stand it and crawl out to meet us.

    V. Shukshin

    16. It was the reader with the newspaper who jumped up from his seats, butted Chudik with his bald head, then kissed the porthole, then found himself on the floor; for that/but He didn't make a sound for a while.

    V. Shukshin

    17. Oh, if so, he is ready to fall into dust, what would/so that to beg a friend for reconciliation.

    A. Pushkin

    Correct answers: 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17.


    1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.
    2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. - 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.
    3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Under the editorship of S.N. Pimenova. - 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.
    1. ().
    2. ().
    3. ().


    1. Tell me how to check the spelling of conjunctions also, also, so that, on the other hand.

    2. Rewrite the sentences, opening brackets, explain continuous and separate spellings.

    1. Only one month everything is so (same) brilliantly and miraculously floated in the vast deserts of the luxurious Ukrainian sky, and so (same) beautiful was the earth in a marvelous silver brilliance.

    2. That's why the red summer is given to you, that (b) love forever this meager field that (b) it always seemed cute to you.

    3. What (would) he didn't say that (would ) did not offer, they listened to him as if what he offered had long been known and was exactly what was needed.

    4. Warm heavenly water for plants - then (same) the most that for us is love.

    5. We had to wait for the mules to what (would) no matter what.

    6. There was little snow, then snowstorms (same) .

    7. Different flowers open at exactly the right time at different hours of the morning and exactly the same way. (same) close in the evening.

    8. I decided to go alone to the swamp to guard - I went for it (same) place and all (same) did as then.

    3. Come up with and write down one sentence with conjunctions, too, also, so that, but one sentence at a time with a combination of words the same, the same, whatever, for that.