Holidays with children in the summer where better. Reminder for parents. What to take to the sea. Holidays with children at sea. When to go

25.03.2014 |

Vacation is a great time when you can not only relax, sunbathe and see the world. For parents, a vacation with a child is an amazing opportunity to experience many adventures together, get even closer, and also for the whole family to gain strength and recharge with solar energy for the year ahead.

Holidays with children at sea. When to go?

The ideal time for a trip to the sea with a child is the velvet season. It is during this wonderful period that it is no longer so hot, the sun's rays are soft, and the water is still warm. The velvet season starts at the end of summer and usually lasts until mid-October. Doctors also recommend going to the sea with kids at the end of spring.

There will be no child who has a fever to receive medicine. If the child is sleeping, then he feels comfortable. A child with a high temperature will want to rest longer than usual. However, how should a fever be treated when a child is sick? Treatment may be different. No parent should be stressed if the child's fever does not exceed 5C or persists for several days. Fever is a normal reaction of the body that reduces the ability to reproduce viruses and bacteria, the ability to produce more white blood cells that help fight infections.

If the child is allergic, pediatricians advise traveling to last month summer, when the flowering of most southern trees and plants ends.

Kid and the sea. Undeniable advantages

Of course, it’s not advisable to take a baby (a child under 2 years old) to the sea, because sea water can cause irritation on children’s delicate skin, and it’s too early for such a toddler to sunbathe. Another thing is older children, for whom a trip to the sea can only bring tangible benefits:

Symptoms such as chronic pain, dizziness, joint pain and obesity are common among children with growth disorders. There are different causes for these problems, and the cause depends on the type of growth disorder your child presents.

It can be hard enough for your child to suffer, but there are a few things you can do to help with these symptoms. Please note that these are only suggestions and should not replace advice given by your doctor. Always see your doctor if you have chronic pain or other symptoms.

  1. The sun is the main source of vitamin D, necessary for the growth and development of the baby.
  2. The sea air is saturated with healing ions. Inhaling them, the child strengthens the upper respiratory tract, bronchi, and lungs.
  3. A change of scenery, new people, emotions and impressions will give the baby great pleasure.
  4. Sea salt contains a lot of useful chemical compounds, cleanses the blood, increases hemoglobin, stimulates the growth of the child.
  5. Bathing and sea baths are excellent hardening, as a result, the baby will be less sick.
  6. Sea air contains almost no dust and microorganisms, it helps the baby's respiratory mucosa to cleanse itself of accumulated contaminants, and the immune system to relax and get stronger.

In addition, older children are already easier to endure the road and acclimatization.

Your child will need rest and plenty of outdoor space. Chronic pain is a problem for the body and can lead to complications such as dizziness, insomnia and irritation. Teach your child to rest - pain consumes a lot of energy and can lead to dizziness: this is why your child will not have too much energy for other activities. The child should have enough time to rest while studying, so you need to organize a "quiet program" to compensate for the moments when he or she is intensively engaged in physical activities planned one after the other.

How is acclimatization going?

The duration of adaptation depends on the age of the baby: what younger child, the longer it is. If in an adult acclimatization usually lasts 2-3 days, then in a baby it will take 1-2 weeks. In addition, the baby will have to get used to the new climate 2 times: when you arrive on vacation, and then upon arrival home.

Work with your child and decide which program is right for him. The child should take pain medication prescribed by your doctor at regular intervals. Teach your child to be flexible - he or she may miss activities because of pain. Help your child use these good days» for fun activities and make it easier on tough days. Let the child explore their limits - your child needs to learn what to do and when to stop. Find interesting activities- if the child's attention is focused on other things, it will no longer be focused on pain. Live healthy - a healthy body can easily cope with pain. It is recommended that your children find their limits. . A physical therapist and an occupational therapist can help your child manage pain.

Acclimatization of the child's body occurs due to a change in climatic factors: humidity, temperature, air saturation with oxygen, atmospheric pressure.

The greater the difference with the usual conditions, the longer and more difficult it is to adapt. They say that each time zone usually adds a day of acclimatization. Ideally, if there is an opportunity to go with the baby to rest for a period that is 3 times longer than the duration of adaptation. For example, for the Black and Mediterranean Seas, a three-week vacation would be optimal.

Your child's doctor may prescribe pain relievers. Always talk to your doctor if pain medications your child is taking are not helping. Many recommendations for chronic pain refer to chronic fatigue. Like pain, fatigue can affect quality of life. It can even lead to lack of concentration and depression.

Collaborative work - identifying situations and activities that tire the child - is a good idea to keep a diary of "bad days" to see what might be causing fatigue. Try to find activities that your child finds fun and less tiring. Find activities for this moment to relax. Practice - Physical activity can give you energy. Encourage your child to play outdoors and play sports. Set up a program - try to keep a fixed schedule with accurate sleep hours. This will help the child mentally prepare for what is to come and at the same time get enough rest. Discuss - Talk to your child about your feelings. Fatigue can also be caused by mental conditions. The fact that he has a growth disorder can be very tiring and the child can go through the most disturbing emotional moments.

  • Remember when planning activities to add more breaks.
  • Teach your child to rest - shorter breaks are better than longer ones.
  • Create a child when the child has a "quiet moment" after a hard day.
A doctor and psychologist can help with fatigue.

Choose a place to stay where the time difference will be minimal, because children are sensitive to a change in routine.

In the early days, babies often catch colds. But if the baby has a temperature that does not exceed 38.5 degrees, the neck is in order, the child does not have a cough or runny nose, do not rush to sound the alarm. Most likely, this is one of the symptoms of acclimatization, which usually disappears during the day. In any case, you need to be able to show the baby to the doctor at any time if his condition worsens.

It is important not to overload the joints and not to ensure that they remain active. Encourage your child to move a lot, it will keep your joints supple and help maintain muscle tone, preventing obesity. Swimming is a beneficial activity for the joints because they are supported by water and the child's natural buoyancy. Children love to sprinkle water, thereby eliminating stress and having fun moments.

Correct posture will ensure proper functioning of the muscles and joints, so there is little chance of pressure pressing on the wrong joints causing pain and damage. Maintaining mobility helps maintain flexible joints and increases muscle mass. Avoid sudden movements, such as quickly getting up from a seat or running up stairs. Tell your child to move slowly and play sports like swimming or cycling. Be healthy. Maintaining a healthy body normal weight can prevent joint damage. Exercises. . Rheumatologist: Your child's rheumatologist can prescribe pain medication and can refer you to an expert in joint pain.

How to determine that the crumbs have begun acclimatization?

Symptoms of acclimatization in children:

  1. Lack or decrease in appetite.
  2. Rapid fatigue, lethargy.
  3. Headaches.
  4. General feeling of discomfort.
  5. Increase in body temperature.

These symptoms usually go away without a trace. You can make it easier for the baby to get used to the new conditions:

Physiotherapist: A physical therapist will help keep your joints flexible and mobile. Occupational Therapist: He can help the child gain independence in movement. Obesity puts extra weight on the joints, increasing the risk of new problems. Teaching your child to eat right and exercise daily will be enough to prevent obesity.

Keep in mind that prevention is the best solution; in children, weakness is quite complex. There are specific growth charts for most growth disorders; use them to control your child's height and weight. If you are experiencing rapid increase weight, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.

  1. At the beginning of the rest, make sure that the child does not overheat. If he sweats, change his clothes.
  2. If the baby is reluctant to eat in the first days, do not force him. The child's body simply saves energy for acclimatization.
  3. No need to immediately run to the beach and swim upon arrival. This will be a huge stress for the child's body. Reduce your visits to public places, as well as new experiences, to a minimum in the first couple of days. Let the baby get used to the different climate.
  4. Stock up on drinking water for the baby, which he is used to drinking. It is possible that the local water quality is not suitable for a child.
  5. It’s great if shortly before the trip the baby drinks a vitamin complex.

Intestinal diseases

Water, local sweets, and delicacies are just a few of the things that can cause intestinal illness in babies. To avoid trouble, follow these simple tips:

Provide healthy food - provide the child with a rich diet of nutrients. Visit our Nutrition Tips page for more information. Make sure the baby's parts are large enough to give them enough energy for daily activities. Complex carbohydrates provide energy and are low in fat. Portions that are too small will leave the child hungry and more likely to eat unhealthy fatty snacks. Involve him in cooking - let him help you prepare the food and talk to him about what you are cooking and why. By understanding why cooked meals are delicious and healthy, your child will make smart food choices. Encourage your child to exercise and play outdoors. Activities such as a walk in the woods or a run through the park with friends are also helpful. Give a good example of eating healthy and exercising. Your child will follow suit.

  • Avoid sugar and saturated fats.
  • Encourage your child to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Provide healthy portions - the baby needs energy to grow.
See a dietitian for personalized nutritional advice.

  1. Wash your baby's hands before eating and after going to the toilet.
  2. Do not wash fruits and vegetables with tap water. Also, do not brush your teeth with this water.
  3. Take wet wipes with you and periodically wipe your hands with them.
  4. Tell your child that water in the pool and in the sea should not be swallowed.
  5. Refuse to buy food (especially sweets) that are sold on the beach.

In any case, you need to have drugs with you that will help if the child catches an intestinal infection. But do not self-medicate, be sure to show the baby to the doctor.

He can offer you tips for healthy eating, as well as motivation and diets where the child needs to lose weight. These symptoms can have a profound effect on a child's life and can combine to produce serious consequences. For example, if your child is fat, he will suffer from joint pain, the movement will become more cumbersome, without any chance of playing sports. In addition, the child may realize that he looks different and can be seen in different ways. As a result, he will leave and lose his friends.

He may have all sorts of thoughts, feel alone and incomprehensible. By supporting him in terms of his physical condition, we can provide both physical and mental health as healthy as possible, and we will avoid other complications.

The sun is shining, do no harm. Rules for staying in the sun

Everyone wants to go home from vacation with a chocolate velvety tan. And how cute the tanned naked little ones look. But sunbathing should be taken wisely and usefully, so that instead of the desired tan, you do not get burns and a spoiled mood.

  1. The optimal time for sunbathing with a child: 7-10 am and 17-19 pm. It is during this period that the sun is most gentle and non-aggressive.
  2. Bring along sun protection for delicate baby skin, which will effectively protect the baby from ultraviolet radiation.
  3. To avoid sunstroke, wear a cotton panama hat or scarf for your child.
  4. Baby clothes should be light, light and made of natural fabrics.
  5. Be sure to make sure that the baby walks along the beach in sandals, because hot sand or pebbles can burn his legs.

If you stick to these simple advice, rest in the sun will be remembered by the baby only positively and cheerfully.

Do not immediately run to the beach and enjoy the warmth of the sun all day long. In the early days, the baby can only be in the sun for 3-5 minutes. Every day, increase the duration of sunbathing by a couple of minutes, watching the well-being of the crumbs.

From 10 am to 5 pm, the baby should be in the shade, during this period the sun is most active, it can cause sunstroke and even skin burns.

Keep in mind that it's easier to get sunstroke in water.

Take a large umbrella with you to the beach or build a makeshift tent so that you can hide in the shade at any time. Yes, and the baby can take a nap in such a shelter, if he wants.

Dry your baby after every bath. Be sure to wash the sea salt off your baby's skin.

If the baby is sweating, reddened and it is difficult for him to breathe, he may have overheated in the sun. Do not panic, take him to the shade, give him water to drink and wash.

Jellyfish, sea ruffs and other dangerous marine life

  1. Jellyfish are very dangerous because many of them sting painfully. Explain to the baby that it is better to bypass jellyfish, you can’t pick them up. If the baby took this inhabitant of the deep sea, immediately rinse his hands with water.
  2. Also, a considerable danger is represented by sea ruffs, which are very difficult to notice. They skillfully disguise themselves in color seabed. The danger of sea ruffs lies in the fact that their needles contain poison that causes anaphylactic shock. If someone steps on such a fish, it is urgent to seek medical help.
  3. Another representative of the marine fauna is the crab. It is not dangerous, but it can pinch very painfully. Explain to the baby that you can’t touch this friend.

First aid for bites of marine life

If stung by a sea ruff or jellyfish, immediately rinse the wound with water and treat with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. If there is no doctor nearby, but the child has signs of poisoning (fever, rash, swelling of the face), urgently give the baby an antihistamine according to the instructions.

What to do with the baby at sea. Leisure entertainment

At sea, you can not only relax, but also devote time to the development of the baby. It does not always come to mind what to do with the baby on vacation so that he does not get bored and develops. Here interesting ideas that you can use on vacation:

  1. In addition to your favorite toys, take with you the universal attributes for a sea holiday: inflatable balls, shovels, sand molds, buckets, inflatable circles, mattresses and arm ruffles.
  2. Invite your child to walk along the shore to collect beautiful pebbles and shells in a bucket, from which you can then lay out beautiful patterns, learn letters and numbers.
  3. You can also sort the pebbles by color, shape, size, come up with what each shell looks like. These games are great for developing fine motor skills and children's imagination.
  4. From the sand, sculpt not only Easter cakes, but also build entire castles. With the girl, build a magical palace for her favorite doll. A boy can build a garage for a car or a castle for brave knights.
  5. Take books, lotto, checkers with you to the beach so that you can relax in the shade and play a quiet game.
  6. Teach your baby how to swim, dive and play in the water. Take a ball with you to the sea. Little ones will surely love it funny Games in water.
  7. If there is a dolphinarium or a water park nearby, be sure to take the baby there. He will get a lot of pleasure and positive emotions from such entertainment.
  8. Invite the child to leave prints of hands, pebbles on wet sand. Let the kid create a whole sea picture, showing imagination. This game is great for developing imagination and attention.

Don't limit yourself to going to the beach and swimming. Walk with the baby along the evening embankment, go on excursions to nature reserves and parks. Try to make sure that the baby has a maximum of positive emotions from the rest.

Reminder for parents. What to take to the sea

Some mothers say that you can find out the weight of children's luggage by multiplying the weight of the baby by two.

Great joke, but when it comes to fees, many parents get lost. What to take with you on vacation, so as not to gain too much, and not to forget anything.

List of necessary things.

first aid kit:

  1. Dressings (bandage, adhesive plasters, tourniquet, cotton swabs).
  2. Painkillers and antipyretics.
  3. Calming agents (herbal preparations).
  4. Sorbents.
  5. Thermometer.
  6. Antihistamines.
  7. Insect repellents.
  8. Sunscreens.
  9. Remedies for colds and sore throats.
  10. Antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine).

Cloth(2 changes of clothes for each day, if the plans do not include daily laundry):

  1. T-shirts, shorts, socks, panties.
  2. Warm clothes.
  3. 2 pairs of sandals.
  4. Pajamas.
  5. Several panamas.


  1. Baby soap and powder (if necessary).
  2. Shampoo.
  3. Toothpaste and brush.
  4. Baby cream.
  5. Scissors, cotton swabs.
  6. Several towels.

So, we can sum up:

  • It is best to go to the sea with a baby at the end of spring or during the velvet season.
  • Sea holidays will have a great effect on children's health: the sun, sea and sand will do their useful work.
  • The acclimatization period can be easily experienced if you know how to help the baby.
  • To avoid intestinal diseases, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  • The ideal time for sunbathing is from 7 am to 10 am and from 5 pm to 7 pm.
  • Accustom the baby to the sun gradually, increasing the time spent on open sun for a couple of minutes a day.
  • Be careful with marine inhabitants.
  • Show your imagination, even ordinary shells can become assistants in exciting and educational entertainment.
  • Make a list of the necessary things that you will need for the rest in advance.


  • You can go to the sea only 3 weeks after the last vaccinations.
  • If it was not possible to carve out only a week for rest, it is better to refuse a trip to the sea. The baby will not have time to acclimatize and rest in such a short period.

Before the trip, be sure to visit a pediatrician, consult with him if there are any contraindications

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Summer is looking forward to both adults and children. Why? Because summer is the sun, relaxation, vivid impressions, carefree time and the opportunity to recharge your batteries and health for the whole next year. One of the most common and affordable options summer holidays- a trip to the sea.

There is an opinion that often ill children simply need to go to the sea in summer, as sea water and air strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on other body systems. So already in the winter, caring parents begin to plan a summer recreational vacation: they choose guest houses or sanatoriums, book vouchers, and get tickets closer to the cherished date. It seems that this is the main chore. However, besides this, there are many situations related directly to holidays with children, which are difficult to calculate in advance. This issue is especially relevant if we are talking for babies up to 3 years old. How to “lay straws” during a trip to the sea with children will be discussed in the article.

Vacation clothing

One of the most enjoyable pre-vacation chores is shopping for leisure clothes. In addition, to please the eye and cheer up, it must be comfortable, practical and safe. This is especially true when it comes to children. So, the list of necessary children's clothing for the holidays.

Swimsuit and swimming trunks

Today you can find swimwear and swimming trunks for the smallest children. Parents really want their kids to look like adults on the beach! If we talk about girls, then the one-piece swimsuit will be the most convenient. However, in addition to a beautiful one-piece swimsuit, you need to purchase another separate or just a few more swimming trunks. There are on the sea windy days, then at the exit from the water the child is very cold. In this case, it is necessary to cover it with a towel and remove the swimming trunks, replacing them with dry ones. And now you can safely play in the sand in dry shorts. And a beautiful swimsuit can be worn in the heat, at a photo shoot, or if the baby wants to jump on a trampoline or on another attraction, where it is not very convenient to go in panties alone. The same applies to boys. Only here it is easier: on cool days after swimming, it is enough to change the swimming trunks for dry panties.


There should be several hats, as they will most likely have to be changed. Panama or a hat can be torn off by the wind, it can fly off by itself, fall into the sea and get wet. And you can’t constantly be in a bandana or a scarf - it does not cover the baby’s face and does not protect delicate skin from burning. So it is most convenient to have a Panama hat and a few bandanas on hand. In Panama, it is convenient to travel around the city and play on the beach, and it is better to swim in a bandana. A wave covered the baby - they took off the wet bandana and put on a dry one.

How to choose panama for a child? In addition to external attractiveness, a children's panama should be:

  • light so that the baby does not get hot (breathable panamas with mesh inserts are ideal, and thick denim hats are best left at home);
  • deep, so that it does not fly off from the slightest gust of sea wind (for small children, you can find models with ties, as they often take off their hats just like that, of their own free will);
  • with wide brim so that the baby's face is in the shade; Panama should also cover the earlobes;
  • comfortable, that is, without additional locks, inserts from “biting” fabrics, etc. The child will have to wear Panama all the time when he is outside under the southern sun.


Essential for walking on hot sand. They should be soft, comfortable, quick-drying. For small children, it is better to choose rubber sandals, and for older children, you can buy flip flops. If you plan to relax on stone beaches, then you should purchase special beach silicone shoes, in which it is convenient to walk on stones, swim and even swim without feeling discomfort from a rocky surface.

Lightweight tunic with sleeves

When exposed to the sun for a long time, delicate children's skin can burn. It's good if mom is ready light tunic with a sleeve. It can also be a thin T-shirt or shirt if it is a boy. The kid played in the sun for an hour, swam, dried up - and you can, covering your shoulders and back with this clothes, send him to continue playing in the sand.

Terry bathrobe (poncho) with a hood

Today on sale there are very cute terry ponchos with hoods for the little ones. If the baby is frozen in the sea, then such a thing will easily and quickly help him warm up. And how cute they look!

If a train or a car was chosen as the transport, the road will be long and take one or two or more days. A baby's illness can take parents by surprise. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carefully consider the composition of the first-aid kit in advance.

So, the first aid kit should include the following items:

  • thermometer;
  • antipyretic - any that is used at home, except for candles (they simply melt on the road);
  • antiviral agent;
  • broad spectrum antibiotic;
  • nasal drops;
  • spray or lozenges for the treatment of the throat;
  • preparation for the intestines;
  • powder for preparing a solution for drinking children in case of poisoning (for example, Regidron);
  • antidiarrheals (for example, "Smecta", "Lopedium", activated carbon, "Enterofuril");
  • antihistamines;
  • first aid products (hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine, bandage, plaster, cotton wool);
  • insect repellents and after insect bites, jellyfish burns.

sunscreen cosmetics

For a carefree holiday at sea, stock up on sunscreen cosmetics. It protects the skin of the child from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, combustion and restores it after sunburn.

  • Face cream with SPF50 protection level.
  • Body cream with SPF30-35 protection level.
  • Cream after sun.

In general, sunscreen cosmetics are applied to clean, dried skin of the face and body 15 minutes before leaving the house, unless otherwise indicated on the product itself. Renew protection should be every 2 hours or after leaving the water, after drying the skin with a towel. Cream with SPF50 protection and above is renewed every 4 hours, as it lasts 2 times longer than SPF25.

After-sun cream should be applied at bedtime after showering.

Food on the train

As mentioned above, a trip by train or car can take several days. Therefore, you should think in advance what food to take with you on the train. Food on the road is not a problem for adults. But when it comes to a small child, it is worth approaching this issue more seriously.

The main problem of trains and cars without air conditioning is the summer heat. If possible, you can use a cooler bag to store home-cooked meals. But if this is not possible, then you can prepare meals in advance only on the first day of the trip. Depending on the time of departure, you can take porridge (breakfast), soup (lunch) and something for dinner (at your discretion) on the road in a thermos. In the following days, you will have to cook food directly on the road.

So what can you take with you on the road? Here is a sample list of products.

  • Baby cereals in boxes. They're brewing hot water temperature 40-60 ºС. As a rule, there are no problems with boiling water on the train. Thus, the breakfast issue is resolved.
  • Baby purees in glass jars - meat and vegetable. Their storage temperature does not exceed 25ºС, so it is better to place them in a cool place and be sure to listen so that there is cotton when opening the jar.
  • Noodles or potatoes fast food. You can give them to a child as a last resort, and it is necessary to brew them without the use of spices, seasonings, without adding oil and attached sauces. It is also necessary to select a product with good composition containing no questionable additives.
  • Cornflakes.
  • Muesli.
  • Sushi, bread, cookies.
  • A mixture of dried fruits and nuts.
  • Fruits (apples, bananas, hard pears).
  • Vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes).
  • Chicken in own juice. When choosing this product, you should carefully study the composition and choose one that does not contain preservatives and other additives.
  • Porridge with meat in canned food, you also need to pay attention to the composition.
  • Children's drinking water.

You can choose something from the list above, based on the taste preferences of the child.

What to take to the beach?

Going to the beach is an integral part of a sea holiday. Going there with a small child, or maybe with two or three, you should play out in advance the possible situations that can happen on the beach. Based on this, the mother must collect everything necessary so as not to fall into a hopeless situation. So, first of all, mom needs large beach bag and what should be in it? Consider what concerns child care?

  • Beachwear (see list above), extra change of clothes and hats.
  • Thin terry towel (one or more, depending on the number of children).
  • Litter (spreads on the sand or on a sunbed, deck chair).
  • Sunscreen cosmetics.
  • Wet wipes, paper tissues, toilet paper.
  • Water (wash hands, wash, wash the child).
  • Drinking water, drying, fruits, etc. - choose all this, focusing on children's taste. Children will ask for something to eat on the beach, and buying what is offered "on hand" is a very dubious choice. Therefore, it is better to take a snack with you.
  • An empty package for children's "surprises".
  • Replaceable diaper (if the baby uses them).
  • Waterproof bag with a drawstring for wet swimwear and swimming trunks.
  • Toys for sand, water, rubber rings, boats, mattresses, etc.
  • First aid kit (mini-first aid kit): hydrogen peroxide (or other disinfectant), brilliant green, bandage, band-aid.

It is possible that all this will not fit even in the largest beach bag. An alternative is a beach backpack for dad, complementing mom's bag. And hands are free, and the necessary things are always with you.

Let me give you 10 more tips for traveling by train and relaxing at sea with young children.

  1. 3 days before the trip, start drinking drugs that help regulate the balance of intestinal microflora. You should also drink them throughout the journey and 3 days after arriving at the place. The fact is that the risk of poisoning increases on the train due to the heat, due to the different composition of drinking water, and it is simply impossible for children to wash their hands every minute. Here the child dropped a toy on the dirty floor, then he picked it up, and now he is holding cookies with the same hands. This measure will not save you from serious infectious poisoning, but it will help reduce the likelihood of intestinal disorders by increasing the number of “good” bacteria in the body.
  2. If it so happened that there is no dry closet on the train for which the parents purchased a ticket, you should take a potty with you. It is best to do this even if the child already knows how to use the toilet. For children 3-5 years old, it can be quite difficult to endure when the toilet is closed during parking.
  3. If in ordinary life a child lives according to a certain daily routine, it is worth continuing to follow it on the train and on vacation, otherwise the baby may become capricious and whiny, take offense for no reason and protest. This is especially true for daytime sleep. Many parents are familiar with the difficulties that arise with the behavior of a child who has not slept enough or missed daytime sleep. However, on a train, especially when it comes to a reserved seat, it is not so easy to put a baby to sleep during the day: conversations, noise interfere with him, and people passing by distract him. To organize a “quiet hour” for the child, isolate yourself from all the sheets by securing it on the top shelf. Thus, you get a small room in which it is much easier to persuade the baby to sleep. You can invite him to fantasize that this is a small mouse hole or a house of fairy gnomes (depending on what kind of fairy tales the child likes).
  4. Young children who themselves go to the potty (or to the toilet) and no longer sleep in diapers at night, “wet” surprises can still happen at night. The sheet can be washed and dried, despite the fact that this is not very convenient on the train, but still possible. Mattress is not so good. Having wet it the first night, the rest will have to sleep on a wet bed. To prevent this situation, take a special oilcloth or a pack of disposable absorbent diapers from home. If the parents forgot to do this, you can protect the mattress by tearing the bag in half (for example, from under the bed linen) and laying it under the sheet.
  5. No matter how much mom wants to relax, it is better to cook food for the child on her own. This is especially true for small children (up to 5-6 years). Therefore, you should clarify in advance whether there is a possibility of self-cooking in the place where the family is going to stay.
  6. Unfortunately, you often hear on the beach that children are lost. A common case: a child sits and plays in the sand not far from his mother, but if she turns away for a second, the baby is already gone. It is not difficult to imagine her despair when her mother begins to run her eyes over the faces and bodies of the people around her in search of a familiar Panama hat for her daughter or son and does not find them. And the child simply decided to go for water or for shells, pebbles for the built fortress. At home on the playground, such actions are in the order of things. And on the beach among the many people, a baby can easily lose his mother.

    Therefore, when you come to the beach, pay attention to the memorable landmarks located near the place where the family decided to settle down. It can be a bright trampoline, a high slide, a minibar, a trading tent or something similar. Show the landmark to the child and explain that if he gets lost, let him go to the designated place. Also tell the kid that if he gets lost, he can approach people with mouthpieces talking about excursions. They will no problem loudly announce that the child is lost, and the problem will be solved.

  7. Coming to the beach, people not only swim, sunbathe and have fun. Any of their gastronomic fantasies can be fulfilled here. It is surprising that often you don’t even need to get up - everything will be brought, offered and sold. Here you can find hot corn, cold marinated shrimps, crayfish, pies, berries, watermelons, samosas, kvass, lemonade... However, don't rush and buy food on the beach, especially for children. Best Option- prepare a snack that does not spoil in the heat in advance at home and take it with you. It can be water, tea, dryers, cookies, fruits.
  8. Follow the fire safety mode. In the morning the sun is not active until 11 o'clock, in the evening you can plan a trip to the beach after 16 o'clock. Compliance with this routine will not only protect the skin from burning. This measure is in good agreement with the sleep-wake pattern of a typical child.
  9. Purchase an antiseptic hand sanitizer from the pharmacy. It is useful both for cleaning children's hands before a snack, and for disinfecting their feet. Contacting with sand for a long time, the skin of the feet can be attacked by fungi, which can adversely affect its condition and the condition of the nails.
  10. If there is a shower on the beach, use it before leaving. This is necessary to wash off the sand from the body, which gets into the most unexpected places. Wash the kids. Grains of sand, once on the genitals, can cause irritation, and friction when walking will only increase the negative result. When you get home, take another shower and rinse your bathing suits.

A trip to the sea energizes and positive for the approaching autumn and winter. Swim, sunbathe, bask in gentle waves, gain strength and health. Let you and your children have a sea vacation for a long time, and memories of it will be only positive!