Observations on a walk senior group spring. Card file of observations on a walk in the older group. Observe on a walk on a windy day the strength and direction of the wind. To teach children to determine the direction of the wind by the movement of clouds, bending trees

Abstracts of observations of trees on the site of the preschool educational institution for a walk.

Observationper aspen

Target: to acquaint with the tree - aspen, its structure, leaves.

Progress of observation

The aspen chills, trembles in the wind,

Gets cold in the sun, freezes in the heat.

Give Aspen a coat and boots,

We need to warm up the poor aspen.

Course dates are set individually. "Magic flowers", "flying sphere", "sea jellyfish", "magic illusion". The classes allow the participants to become familiar with the object of waste management and waste management. Children's experiments in plastic arts and technology include the use of waste, recycled materials, development children's creativity, manual skills and logical thinking.

The meeting discusses issues related to ecology, recycling and waste, and shows how we can restore them again. The component of the class is to work with potatoes, during which the children make potato sticks or potato scrambled eggs. Target group: preschool groups students in grades 1-3.

I. Tokmakova

The aspen has a smooth, gray-green trunk. In autumn, its leaves are painted in different colors: pink, red, yellow. Aspen leaves are special, they are attached to flexible flattened cuttings, a breeze will blow a little, and the leaves will knock against each other.

    What is the trunk and leaves of the aspen?

    Why are the leaves of the tree trembling?
    Labor activity

    Do we need paper? The classes are meant to show what role trees play in our ecosystem and what would happen if there was no forest. They teach creativity and logical thinking through manual classes. toilet paper rolls, from which the participants create unique images or creatures invented by themselves.

    Plastic - do we know what it is and how we can use it? Basically show the problem of plastic on our planet. During the meeting, children using bottle caps make up their own piece called "Magic Nuts". Global Education "Man and the Environment - Sustainable Development".

One subgroup of children - sweeping the path on the site, collecting fallen leaves; the other is loosening sand in a sandbox.

Target: educate diligence, the ability to work together.

mobile game

"Do not fall".

Target: reinforce the ability to pass the ball back and forth
straight arms.

Individual work"Touch the ball."

Classes designed to explain what are the problems of modern world development and what are the factors and how they shape international development. Topics will include climate change, global interdependence, environmental protection, responsible governance natural resources, consumption and fair trade, human rights.

Participants learn different forms of work. Learn how to use different plastic technologies using different materials. The works will be closely related to the seasons and changes in nature. The life of our ancestors in the rhythm of nature.

Target: to consolidate the ability to throw and catch the ball.

Synopsis of observation in the older group on a walk

birch watching


    continue acquaintance with the birch, highlighting the characteristic features and changes associated with the season;

    to cultivate a careful attitude to the tree as a living object of nature.

    Classes will be conducted in two ways. The conversation will be followed by a presentation and then workshops: theatrical expression, creation of own fairy tales and stories related to the theme of the presentation, riddles and mini-competitions, technical and plastic works.

    Houses and pavilions and their equipment. Occupation of farmers and artisans. Christmas and family traditions. Target group: preschool groups, pupils elementary school. "We live in harmony with nature." We are entering the mysterious world of ecology. Classes are aimed at building environmental awareness through environmental education. Through play, manipulation, observation, exploration and action, children learn to explore the world around them.

Progress of observation

Only golden autumn

The leaf is scorched by fire -

birch flies around,

Yearning in the rain.

The teacher is talking to the children.

    Why are birch leaves turning yellow?

    What happens to trees in autumn?

    How do trees prepare for winter?

In autumn, the leaves on the birch begin to turn yellow, first at the top, where the air is colder, and then at the bottom. The wind blows, tears off the leaves, and they, like golden coins, fall on dark damp earth.

Year of the White Stork - Participants learn that the white stork is a migratory bird. Get familiar with: travel routes, nesting location and method, egg laying and chick care, feeding areas and food types, and trivia problems.

Look into the eye of an ecological forest. During the classes, children learn about the inhabitants of each layer of the forest and the relationship between them; They enter different types of forests and play, they know the role of plants and animals in nature. The woodpecker is the founder of the void. The main aim of the course is to know the woodpecker species occurring in Poland. During the classes, participants will learn about the life of woodpeckers, learn what their food is, what emptiness is and how it arises, learn how to adapt a woodpecker to forging in a tree.

Invite the children to collect a bouquet of fallen leaves, note what color the leaves are.

Labor activity

Sweeping paths, garbage collection.


Cultivate industriousness, the ability to work together.

Clean up inventory after work in a certain place

Outdoor games

“We are funny guys”, “Entertainers”.

Getting to know the trees in close proximity. The main purpose of this activity is to create an emotional connection of the child with nature and experience it, other than the perception of feelings. With the help of natural patterns and guidance, children learn to recognize the most common tree species found in their immediate vicinity.

During the classes, students will learn about the water resources of our planet, its circulation in nature and methods for the rational management of water resources in our homes. They study how the soil is formed, what is the profile of the soil, they make such profiles. They will know what the soil contains and observe these components through a stereoscopic microscope.


Learn to follow the rules of the game, act quickly, deftly;

    practice running.
    Individual work
    "Fishing rod", "From bump to bump".

    practice jumping;

    develop self-confidence.

Synopsis of observation in the older group on a walk

Watching a birch in winter

Theme: Autumn rain

The life of birds of prey - during the classes, participants will see bird feathers, study their types and construction. They learn to recognize birds after their silhouettes in flight, the nests they build, to get acquainted with the tokens and phenomena of Cainism. Owls are nocturnal predators. The purpose of the classes is to introduce students to several Polish species, their customs and biology, and to inform them of the need to protect these birds. Participants will learn the concept of a spatula, its creation, collection and storage.

How do the laws of nature work? During the classes, participants will learn about magnetism, electricity, surface tension, adhesion, coherence. Children acquire knowledge by doing exercises, experiments using interesting didactic aids. They take samples of invertebrates, observe biological material with stereoscopic microscopes, and determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of organisms living in the water.


    to form knowledge about the features of the life of trees in winter;

    to cultivate a caring attitude towards plants (do not touch branches that are fragile from frost and kidneys as they break).

Progress of observation

There is a birch in a cape,

The fringe rings on the branches.

The lighter, the more tender the snowflakes,

The colder is the winter!

Renewable energy sources - fashion or the future of the Earth? During the classes, participants will learn how to get energy from the sun, wind, the interior of the Earth, biomass and water. They will know the pros and cons of alternative energy sources. The purpose of the classes is walks in nature in the Elk area and the surrounding area. The program includes familiarization with the natural environment and common plant species and their biology, recognition of bird species encountered. Excursions in combination with a tourist guide. Routes take into account the area adjacent to the specified school.

Duration, itinerary and program are consulted with the guide of the group. Collaboration: Yaroslav Vasilevsky. Walks are held all year round. The duration of the walk is 1.5 - 2 hours. Target audience: elementary, junior and high school students. Collaboration: Jan Oleinik, Yaroslav Vasilevsky, Hubert Gorsky, Tomasz Tolsdorff.

In winter, the birch does not freeze, it is alive, but from frost its twigs and buds become brittle and quickly break, so they cannot be touched. If we pick up branches broken off by the wind and put them in the water, they will turn green.

The teacher asks the children questions.

    How do trees feel in winter?

    What happens to them?

    How are the trees in winter? (At rest.)

    Groups of 50 people. The building will host nature classes, or field activities hosted by park staff. Jeziorovskoe - forest area Chervoni-Dvor. Then head to the Forest District of the Red Manor for field work. Participants have the opportunity to see the most interesting parts of the forest, meet many species of animals, mainly birds, living both in the forest and on the shores of numerous lakes and ponds. Target audience: elementary and junior high school students.

    Viguiera Museum - Vigri National Park. At the Children's Museum, children will participate in both on-campus and off-campus activities. During the summer from May, you will be able to take advantage of the training classes held at the Ecological Education Center of the Vigri National Park. The last starting point is a trip to Viguiere to visit the Pokamedulski monastery. Guided visit to the monastery area.

    How did you recognize birch?
    Labor activity

Covering tree trunks in the area with snow so that they

didn't die out. Goals:

    learn to work together; cultivate industriousness.
    Outdoor games

“To whom is the flag?”, “Relay with hoops”.


Exercise in jumping forward, climbing into the hoop;

Suwalski Landscape Park. Children will participate in educational and natural activities carried out by the staff of the Suwalski Landscape Park in Malesovizna - Turtul. Participants will learn about biology, ecology, land geomorphology. There will be a bonfire at the end of the trip.

tree watching

Duration: about 6 hours. Forest Education Centre. Children will participate in nature lessons held in the forest class "In the Forest of Glushka" in Studzinica and will walk one of the many nature and educational paths located in the Forest Region. The possibility of organizing a fire.

Cultivate dexterity, purposefulness.
Individual work

"Sharp pouch".

Target: practice jumping on two legs.

Synopsis of observation in the older group on a walk

rowan watching

Target: continue monitoring the mountain ash in winter.

Progress of observation

Compare autumn and winter mountain ash in the picture. What got lazy? Recall with children how to take care of trees in winter.

Duration: 2 - 3 hours. The lessons consist of twenty-three scenarios that allow participants to get acquainted with the subject of the forest, nature conservation, flora and fauna of the forest, knowledge of the animals living in the forest. Classes last three to four hours and are held in the form of fun and discussion in the classroom, on the forest paths or in the forest nursery.

General characteristics of Poland's forests against Europe and the world. Get acquainted with the form of ownership and the organizational structure of state forests. The recipients are middle and high school students and adults. Economic, protective and social. Risks for the forest environment.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What happened to the mountain ash?

    Why there are no leaves on the mountain ash, but there are berries?

    Who eats rowan berries?
    Labor activity

Shoveling snow under bushes and trees; clearing paths and slides.

Target: to instill a desire to help trees and bushes shelter from frost, to work in small groups together and cheerfully.

Outdoor games

"Frost-red nose", "Walk in a circle."

Target: learn to deftly and quickly run across the site; go full circle on the track and return to the flag.

Individual work

"By long track."

Target: learn to scatter in the snow and slide along the icy path as far as possible.

Synopsis of observation in the older group on a walk

Observationper mountain ash


To consolidate knowledge about mountain ash;

Note what changes happened to her in the spring.
Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children questions.

    By what characteristic features can rowan be recognized?

    Tell a poem about rowan.

    What proverbs, sayings do you know about her?

    When does rowan blossom?

    Who is the first to visit fragrant rowan flowers? Why?

At the end of April, in May, our mountain ash comes to life again, wakes up after hibernation. Carved green leaves grow slowly, rowan blossoms. The first guests, the bees, hum merrily near her. With its fragrant aroma, it involuntarily attracts the attention of passers-by.

Labor activity

Clearing paths, collecting last year's leaves.

Target: to cultivate accuracy and cleanliness in the performance of labor activities.

Outdoor games

"Wolf in the Den", "Burners".


Learn to jump over the moat and back on a signal,
in pairs, on a signal, quickly run forward;

Develop dexterity, speed, attentiveness.
Individual work

"In a straight line."

Target: learn to ride a bike.

Individual work

Movement development.

Target: train in running along a narrow path, between lines with acceleration and deceleration of the pace.

Synopsis of observation in the older group on a walk

Observationper sprouted birch buds

Target: continue to acquaint with birch, its features in the spring season.

Progress of observation

The teacher makes riddles for children, offers to answer questions.

I open my kidneys.

In green leaves

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement

My name is... (Spring).

She welcomes spring

Puts on earrings

Thrown over the back

green scarf,

And a striped dress.

You'll find out... (birch)!

    What time of year is the riddle talking about?

    List the signs of spring?

    What is this tree?

    What happened to the kidneys?

    What condition are the trees in in spring? (They are


Labor activity

Preparation of melt water for watering indoor plants;

garbage collection from the site.

Target: ensure participation in labor activity every child.

Outdoor games

"Homeless Hare", "Carp and Pike".

Target: exercise in running, the ability to act on a signal.

Individual work

"Empty space", "Throw the flag".


    to consolidate the ability to run fast;

    develop an eye.

Card file of walks in senior group"Autumn"

15.02.2015 15316 809 Nolfina Elena Grigorievna

September senior group

Walk 1 Observation "If it's clear, then autumn is beautiful"

The date of the_____________________________________________

Purpose: Formation of the concept of children about the change of seasons; clarification of ideas about the features of the autumn season.

Dictionary enrichment: September, October, November.

The golden leaf covers the wet earth in the forest.

I boldly trample the beauty of the spring forest with my foot. A. Maykov

Guys, autumn sent us an invitation to visit - today is the first day of autumn.

What are the autumn months?

There are also warm sunny days in September. The sky sparkles blue, against its background the leaves of maples and birches show through with golden patterns. The air is clean, transparent, and transparent silver threads of cobwebs fly in it. These days are called "Indian summer"

If it is clear, then autumn is beautiful, ”says the proverb.

What are the signs of autumn?

What does a person do in autumn?

How do birds adapt to autumn? Insects? Animals?

Find a tree that is the first to prepare for autumn?

Find the most beautiful leaf of maple, birch, aspen?

Didactic games: "Name it in one word" - choose generalizing words for the proposed examples. The goal is to consolidate generalizing words: vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers. "Make a pattern" Make a pattern on the pavement from fallen leaves. Purpose: development fine motor skills.

Outdoor games: "Find a mate" (walking, running)

For the game, you need to prepare flags according to the number of participants. Half of the flags are of one color, the rest are of another color. Each child receives one flag. At the signal of the teacher (for example, a blow to a tambourine), the children scatter around the playground. On another signal (for example, two hits on a tambourine or on the words “find a pair”), children with the same flags stand next to each other.

Individual work.

Ball exercises: throw up and catch with (one) two hands (10 times) "Who is next?" - throwing sandbags

Purpose: to improve the throw into the distance (with both hands in turn). Independent games with remote material. Labor activity:

Site cleaning kindergarten from fallen leaves.

Objectives: to teach to create a joyful mood in oneself and other children from the work done; cultivate an ecological culture.

Independent activity: to give each child the opportunity to engage in activities of interest.

September senior group

Walk 2 Fog Watching

The date of the________________________________________

Purpose: Clarification of children's knowledge about such a natural phenomenon as fog. Enrichment of the dictionary: fog, shocks and haystacks.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the weather in the morning.

What did you notice when you went to kindergarten? What color are the leaves on the trees?

Almost nothing was visible, this morning it was damp and dank. It seems as if clouds have descended low and low and enveloped the earth in a white thick cover. It was fog! Such fogs are more common in autumn.

Forest - in your pocket, fields - in your pocket. Grandfather hid fog.

Hid mop and haystacks. And lawns and meadows.

Even the sun in your pocket, grandfather hid fog. A. Akimtsev

In the afternoon, on a walk, observe how after the fog, when it disappears, dew drops appear on the grass.

Fogs occur in calm weather at any time of the year - in summer, autumn, winter, spring. Fog is a common natural phenomenon.

Signs: morning, September fog - to the wind.

Fog in winter - to the thaw. Fog in the summer - to clear weather. What does fog look like?

Didactic games: "Tell me a word" (selection of adjectives that characterize the fog). “Name it in one word” - choose generalizing words for the proposed examples. Purpose: to consolidate generalizing words: "vegetables", "fruits", "berries", "flowers".

"Make a pattern" - a pattern on the pavement from fallen leaves. Purpose: development of fine motor skills. Outdoor game: ". Hares and wolf" (jumping) One of the players is chosen as a wolf. The rest of the children portray hares. On one side of the site, the hares arrange houses for themselves (draw circles), the wolf - on the other end of the site (ravine) The teacher says:

Bunnies jump, hop, hop, hop,

To the green meadow. Grass is pinched, eaten,

Listen carefully to see if the wolf is coming.

Hares jump out of the houses and scatter around the site. They either jump on two legs, or sit down, nibble the grass and look around to see if the wolf is coming. When the teacher says the last word, the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch (touch) them. Hares run away each to their own house. The wolf takes the caught hares to the ravine.

Individual work. "Jump higher." Purpose: to learn to act on a signal.

Running exercises: on socks; with high knees; small and wide step. Purpose: to improve running technique (naturalness, lightness, vigorous repulsions). Jumps: on two legs to the flag and back. Purpose: to improve jumping forward.

Labor activity: garbage collection on the site. Objectives: to accustom to cleanliness and order, to arouse the desire to work in a team.

Independent activity: to promote the creation and maintenance of a calm environment, to encourage initiative and independence

September senior group

Walk 3 Insect Watching

The date of the_______________________________________________

Purpose: To develop interest in the living world, observation, learn to establish links between weather and the behavior of insects. Fix the names of insects, their benefits for nature. Tell that when autumn comes, all insects hide from the cold (in the trunks of old trees, in stumps, in the ground, etc.) Dictionary enrichment: flies, bees, bumblebees, ants, shelter, winter.

Autumn. If the leaves on the trees turned yellow. If the birds flew away to a distant land. If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring, This time is called autumn. M. Khodyakova

Fly, bee, grasshopper - who is it? What other insects do you know? Why are they not visible at all? What happened to them? That's right, insects are preparing for winter. How do they prepare for winter? (hide). Where are they hiding?

Research activities: pay attention to the fact that there are fewer insects. Show children where and how insects hide.

Didactic games: "One - many." Purpose: the use of plural nouns. “Lay out the pattern” - “insects” - sand, stones, grass, sticks, leaves. Purpose: development of fine motor skills, to develop the ability to construct planar pictures from natural material.

Outdoor games: “At the bear in the forest” (walking, running) A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, at a distance of two or three steps, a place for a bear is outlined. At the opposite end of the site, the children's house is indicated by a line. One of the players is the Bear, the rest of the players are children; they are at home. The teacher says: "Go for a walk." Children go to the edge of the forest, picking mushrooms, berries, imitating the corresponding movements (tilting and straightening the body), and at the same time reciting verses in chorus:

In the bear's forest, I take mushrooms, berries, But the bear does not sleep, everything looks at us. And then how to roar and run after us.

When the players say the word “run”, the bear gets up with a growl, and the children run home. The bear tries to catch (touch) them. The caught child, the bear takes to itself. Individual work: Jumping on 2 legs in place (legs together - legs apart). Jumps on two legs (on one) to the flag and back.

Purpose: development of jumps. Strengthen the ability to jump on one leg. “Defend yourself from the shuttlecock with a racket” - hit the shuttlecock with a racket in any direction.

Labor activity Collective work in the flower garden for garbage collection. Purpose: to form the skills of collective work.

Independent activity: encourage initiative, independence

September senior group

Walk 4 Observation "Sorbus during leaf fall". Purpose: To deepen and generalize the idea of ​​children about preparing trees for winter.

Dictionary enrichment: leaf fall, clusters, purple-red.

The wind is blowing, blowing, blowing, blowing, The yellow leaves are plucked from the tree. And the leaves are flying, circling along the path, The leaves are falling right under our feet. I. Plakida.

The teacher with the children are examining the mountain ash.

Children, what changes have occurred with our mountain ash and with other trees?

At various trees leaves fall gradually from different parts of the branches and at different times. What is the name of this phenomenon? That's right, this phenomenon is called leaf fall.

What is under our feet now? Where did this carpet come from?

What happened to the mountain ash, is it the same as it was?

What happened to the berries? That's right, they still hang on the branches, seducing people and birds.

The rowan gave me a red berry.

I thought she was sweet, but she was like a cinchona.

Is this berry just unripe,

Did the sly mountain ash want to play a joke?

Didactic games: “What branch are the kids from? » Children collect maple, poplar, birch, mountain ash, and oak leaves. They discuss their shape, color, etc. The teacher shows the sheet and asks what tree it is from.

Children must run up to the hidden tree. Children, in nature, nothing happens just like that. So the trees, dropping their leaves, adapt to the harsh conditions of winter weather. I propose to dial beautiful leaves for an autumn bouquet.

“Come up with a sentence” - children make up sentences with the word “rowan, leaf”. The goal is to teach how to make sentences with given word. "Draw a picture" - drawing on wet sand, the development of fine motor skills.

Outdoor games: "Jumpers"

Lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of 50 - 60 cm from one another. Children jump over the lines one after another on two legs different ways: straight, right side and left side.

Rules: jump in the indicated way, pushing off with two legs at the same time; coordinate the force of the push with the obstacle (closer - farther)

Purpose: to teach children to jump over obstacles in different ways.

Individual work "Who will not go astray longer." Purpose: to improve jumping over a long rope (fixed and swinging, on two legs, standing facing and sideways to it). "Run and jump" Purpose: to develop motor activity, the ability to jump in length.

Labor activity Collection of seeds. Purpose: to consolidate the ability to carefully collect flower seeds and store them correctly.

September senior group

Walk 5 Observation "Sad rain"

The date of the______________________________________________

Purpose: Consolidation of children's ideas about seasonal changes in inanimate nature: Pay attention to the fact that it often rains in autumn. Autumn rain comes slowly, drizzling. Everything around becomes wet, and the air becomes humid. Compare autumn and summer rain. Dictionary enrichment: lanky, bogged down, drizzling.

Riddle: There was a lanky man, he got stuck in the damp earth.

What it is? That's right, rain. Let's watch the rain. Rain big or small? The rain is light. It drizzles.

A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine,

The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling. A. Pleshcheev

Warm or cold? Look around, what do you see?

Everything around is getting wet. Can you feel the moisture in the air?

Children, remember how it rained in the summer? (warm, large, quickly ended).

Well done, right. And in autumn, the rain, as you have already said, is fine, lingering, comes from heavy, dark clouds. Flowers don't grow after rain.

Conclusion: It rains more often in autumn than in summer. autumn rains cold, lingering, drizzling. Fairy tale "Sad rain"

Once a small cloud went out for a walk, the trees are bare. She looked down and saw that the flowers had withered and the grass had turned yellow. She felt so sad and uncomfortable. Little Cloud cried, and her tears dripped onto the ground, and a sad autumn rain began to fall. Research activities: - Measurement of rainwater after rain in a liter glass: how much rainwater is in a glass? What is the nature of the rain?

Didak. games: "Big - small" Purpose: word formation with the help of diminutive - affectionate suffixes. "Draw a picture" - drawing on wet sand, the development of fine motor skills.

The mobile game "Airplanes" (walking, running) Children are built in 3-4 columns in different places sites marked with flags. The players pretend to be pilots. They are preparing to fly. At the signal of the educator: “Get ready for the flight!” - children make movements with their hands - start a motor. "Fly!" - says the teacher. Children raise their hands to the sides and fly scattered in different directions around the site. At the signal of the educator: "To land!" - planes find their places and land: they form columns and go down on one knee. The teacher notes which column was built faster. Purpose: to learn to act on a signal. Individual work: Exercises with elements of the game of towns: throwing a bat from the side. "The deer has a big house." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to correlate movements with text.