Quiz in the middle group what flowers are. Lesson - quiz

Ecological quiz for kids middle group DOW

1. Distinguish between domestic and wild animals on an essential basis (wild animals find food on their own, and humans feed domestic animals)
2. Name the signs of living things in plants, animals (move, eat, breathe, grow).
3. Be able to determine the purpose of the main parts of plants (the root of a plant sucks water from the ground and serves as a support for the plant)

Quiz progress

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it? What signs of autumn do you know? (children call signs) Do you want to get into the forest and admire its beauty? But how do we get into the forest?
Children: By plane, by train, by car.
Educator: Can you go to the forest on foot? Of course. Let's get our feet ready for a walk in the woods.
Children and teacher: Let's have fun walking, keep up with friends.
We clap-clap with our hands, we top-top with our feet,
One-here, two-there, well done you kids.

Educator: Well, here we are ready to travel through the forest. I see everyone is in a great mood. (The teacher draws attention to the old forester).
Educator: Who are you grandfather?
Lesovik. It's me - the forest old man, called Lesovik. I guard this forest, I keep order here.
Educator: Hello Lesovik!
Lesovik. Hello children!
Educator: Lesovik says that the weather is cold, you can’t go into the forest. He has prepared tasks for us, if we complete them, then next time he is waiting for us to visit.
Educator: The first task is to name the rules of behavior in the forest. Guys, let's tell the rules to the forester.
I will tell you in turn my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say "yes", if it's bad, then we all shout "no" together!
If I come to the forest
And pick a chamomile? (No)
If I eat a pie
And throw out the paper? (No)
If a piece of bread
Will I leave it on the stump? (Yes)
If I tie a branch,
Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)
If I make a fire,
Am I not going to simmer? (No)
If I mess up a lot

And I'll forget to remove it. (No)
If I take out the trash
Shall I dig a bank? (Yes)
I love my nature
I help her! (Yes)

Educator: And here is the second task: what are the names of the animals that live in the forest? Name them.
Children: These are wild animals: wolf, fox, hare, bear, hedgehog.
Educator: Where does the hare live? (in the hole) Where does the bear live? (in the den) Where does the fox live? (in the hole) What are the names of the animals that live with the owner of the house? Name them.
Children: These are pets: dog, cat, rabbit, goat, sheep, piglets, cow. The dog lives in a kennel, the cat lives on a bed, a rabbit and a goat live in a cage, a cow lives in a barn.
Educator: What is the difference between domestic animals and wild ones?
Children: Wild animals look for their own food, and man brings pets.
Educator: I suggest you play a game, name the cubs of wild animals. (children go in a circle)
Word game "Who was who in childhood?"
The bear is a mighty giant
Was in childhood ... a bear cub
And this predatory wolf -
Little ... wolf cub.
And the cunning fox
Red-haired ... fox,
Long-eared hare
As a child, I was ... a hare.
Educator: You did it, well done. There are a lot of trees in the forest, what parts of the tree do you know?
Children: Trunk, branches, leaves and root.
Educator: The wind blew and the leaves from the trees were all mixed up. Let's remember finger gymnastics about leaves.
Finger gymnastics "Autumn leaves"

One, two, three, four, five - we bend our fingers, starting with the big
Let's collect the leaves. - clench and unclench fists
Birch leaves - bend the fingers, starting with the big
rowan leaves,
poplar leaves,
aspen leaves,
We will collect oak leaves,
We’ll take an autumn bouquet to mom - fingers “walk” on the table.

And now you need to pick up a leaf to a tree. (children pick up leaves for a birch, for a maple, for an oak, for a mountain ash and for an aspen). Why did you decide that this leaf is from a birch?
Children: Birch is distinguished by a white-black trunk.
Educator: How did you recognize the rowan?
Children: For red berries.
Educator: That's right, rowan berries hang on a tree all winter, birds feed on them. What is the difference between oak?
Children: Oak has a very thick trunk and leaves with rounded edges.
Educator: Well done guys, the forester is very happy with your correct answers. And here the birds have arrived, delighting us with their singing. What birds often look into our window? (Children say they are sparrows.)
Educator: Where do sparrows live?
Children: Under a roof or in an old branch.
Educator: What bird is called the tree doctor? And where does this bird live?
Children: A woodpecker is called a doctor, and he lives in a hollow.
Educator: Lesovik asks which two birds are very similar to each other and what are their differences?
Children: They look like a magpie and a crow, they have long tails and beaks. And they differ in the color of feathers: in a crow they are black, and in a magpie they are white with black.
Educator: What bird has a yellow belly? And which one is red?
Children: The titmouse has a yellow belly, and the bullfinch has a red one.
Educator: How are birds different from animals?
Children: Animals have 4 legs, and a bird has 2 paws, animals have a nose, and a bird has a beak, animals have wool, and a bird has feathers.
Educator: Lesovik is very pleased with your answers. Guys, there are a lot of flowers growing in the forest, name the parts of a flower.
Children: Stem, leaves, flower and root.
Educator: Why does a flower need a root?
Children: It supports the plant and draws water from the earth.
Educator: Why do we water flowers and houseplants?
Children: If you do not water them, the plants will die.
Educator: Well done guys, you coped with all the tasks, now Lesovik will always let us into the forest. What is that next to the tree? Guys, it's Lesovik who wants to award you medals for your knowledge of nature. (hangs medals to children)

Flowers accompany us throughout our lives. They give us beauty, joy, give consolation.

The great storyteller H.K. Andersen said: "To live, you need the sun, freedom, and a small flower." On the pages of his fairy tales there are roses, violets, tulips, water lilies, lilies.

Are there flowers in the works of other writers? Yes, of course, there are .. let's remember them and talk about them.

Let's play…

1) « Flower of seven flowers. Quiz game.

This is a seven-flower flower - not just a flower.

Come on, quickly tear off the petal!

You can read assignments on it.

Come on, test your knowledge!

“...they are apparently invisible there. And on hummocks, and under hummocks, and in thickets, and on lawns, and under stones, and under trees! ... the stems are fluffy, like velvet, the petals are like crystal ". (S.A. Marshak "Twelve months".)

“... she grew and flaunted; the next day it was supposed to bloom full color, and on the third start to wither and crumble. That's the whole pink life! But in this short life she had experienced a lot of fear and grief. (V.M. Garshin "The Tale of the Toad and the Rose".)

“I heard that there is such a flower. Our brother cannot see him. Whoever looks, the white light will not be nice to him. (P.P. Bazhov "Stone Flower".)

“Tomorrow I will put two daisies in a bag, a white one and a pink one. If you take out the pink one, I will give you my daughter; if the white one, get out of my county.” ("Daisy", French fairy tale.)

“... the seed immediately sprouted, and from the sprout grew a large wonderful flower, just like a tulip. But the petals of the flower were tightly compressed, like those of an unopened bud. ". (H.K. Andersen "Thumbelina".)

“She really liked a beautiful flower like chamomile. It had seven transparent petals, each a different color: yellow, red, blue, green, orange, purple and blue." (V.P. Kataev "Flower - seven-color".)

“... the old woman took (the girl) to the flower garden. There were flowers of all kinds and all seasons ... (The girl) jumped for joy and played among the flowers until the sun set behind tall cherry trees. Then they laid her in a wonderful bed with red silk feather beds stuffed with blue violets. The next day (the girl) was again allowed to play in the wonderful flower garden ... (The girl) now knew every flower, but no matter how many there were, it still seemed to her that something was missing, but which one? (H.K. Andersen "The Snow Queen".)

“The city was very beautiful. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called flower city». (N.N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends".)

pink jugs, gigantic yellow stars, red balloons, lilac baskets. From the balls, like the needles of a hedgehog, beet-red pipes stuck out in all directions. (Yan Lari "The Extraordinary Adventures of Karik and Vali")

“... Two rose bushes grew in the garden. White roses bloomed on one, red roses on the other. The widow had two girls who looked like these roses.” (Brothers Grimm "White and Rose".)

“Forgive me, mother, that I was late!” - answered the girl, and immediately two roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell out of her mouth. (Ch. Perro "Sorceress".)

2) Drawing competition: "My favorite flower."

3) Competition of poems about flowers.

4) Competition "Dance of petals".

Why did the coltsfoot plant get this unusual name? (Its leaves are covered on one side with a warm, soft fluff, and on the other side are smooth and cold.)

What flower blooms in the evening and fills the air with fragrance? (Scented tobacco.)

What is the name of a small cute flower, seemingly harmless, but actually dangerous and poisonous? (Buttercup.)

What plant with delicate blue flowers is specially grown in the fields and helps us to dress? (Linen.)

What flower is called "the last smile of autumn"? (Aster.)

Why did the sunflower get its name? (He turns his head towards the sun.)

Which plant is considered the "queen of flowers"? (Rose.)

What flowers are used to make a medicine that helps with heart diseases? (Lily of the valley.)

Quiz "Connoisseurs of nature"

Prepared by: Migutina Irina Borisovna

Target : Consolidate children's knowledge of nature. Develop cognitive interest about the animal and flora, memory, speed of reaction, ingenuity, resourcefulness, logical thinking. To consolidate the rules of behavior in nature, in nature conservation. Develop communication skills.

Quiz progress:

Children enter the hall to the music.

presenter : Dear children and guests! I am glad to welcome you to this hall. Today we will take a trip to the world of nature. Our Quiz will reveal which team is the best connoisseur of nature. You will show your knowledge of nature and prove that you are true friends of nature. Teams will be awarded points from 1 to 3 for correct answers.

Introducing the teams: Name and motto.

Now let me introduce the jury:

Presenter: So, we begin the Quiz "Connoisseurs of Nature".

Rules of the game:

    After I ask a question to one of the teams. Team members confer, and then one player answers.

    A point is awarded to the team for a correct answer. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Warm up.

1. Where does the bear sleep all winter?

2. What are the waterfowl known to you?

3. What animal has needles?

1. Which pet has horns and hooves?

2. How is birch different from other trees?

3. What animal can be called long-eared?

The jury sums up the results, the 10th group performs.

1 round : "Learn to compare."

1. How do wolf and fox hunt? (The fox is alone, the wolf is in a pack).

2. How do squirrels and hedgehogs prepare for winter? (The hedgehog does not make stocks, but the squirrel does).

1. How do fox, wolf and bear hibernate? (Stocking? Sleeping?)

2. Which of the animals changes the color of their coats in spring and autumn? (hare, squirrel , bear, fox).

Physical education minute "The sun is radiant."

2 round: "The Fourth Extra". (Captains choose cards)

1. Hare, hedgehog, fox,bumblebee .

2. Fox, bear, hare,woodpecker .

3. Grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow , Chafer.

4.Bee,a fox , bumblebee, butterfly.

The jury sums up the results, the 7th group performs.

3 round:

The wind blew and the leaves from the trees fell to the ground. Pick up leaves and fruits from trees. (The game is played around the tables, two trees with fruits and leaves are given per team: birch, oak, spruce, mountain ash).

The jury sums up, the 12th group performs

The captain shows pantomime, and the rival team guesses the animal. The task is carried out to music.

1 team: depict a dog, a fox.
Team 2: draw a cat, a bear.

The jury sums up, the 4th group "Freckles" performs

Competition of fans "Ecological situations".

I situation
Olya was in the forest with her parents, and she really liked the mother-and-stepmother's flowers. They were visible, invisible, a whole clearing. Olya collected a big beautiful bouquet. Tell me, is it possible to tear large bouquets?
Answers of the fans (it is impossible, because we are destroying nature, there is nectar in the flowers for butterflies and bees, you cannot pick flowers, a medicinal plant).

II situation
The guys on a walk picked up a jar of ants, closed the lid, set it, and forgot about them. What happened to the ants? And what would you do?
Answers from the fans (without air and moisture, the ants will die, they must be released, they are very useful).

presenter : Our children know how to behave in nature without causing harm.

Children : Dima. Do not break oak branches!


Presenter: Let's take care of our beautiful Earth, our common home. Protect and love all living things! A forest or a river gets sick and we will feel bad. Do not hurt a tree, or a cat, or an ant!

Wise nature teaches.

Birds learn to sing

Spider - patience

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

Sofia: Snow teaches us cleanliness

The sun teaches kindness.

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

All the big forest people

Teaches strong friendship.

And the birch is green

For the squirrel to jump

To make the rainbow sparkle

And I never melt it:

Who does not love native nature

He does not love his Fatherland!

Dance of flowers 11 group.

The jury counts the points. They hand out diplomas.

Warm up

1 round : "Learn to compare."

2 round: "The Fourth Extra".

3 round: “From what tree is the fruit and leaf?”

Competition of captains "Pantomime"

fan competition


7 gr


Jury member

Protocol of the quiz "Connoisseurs of nature"

Warm up

1 round : "Learn to compare."

2 round: "The Fourth Extra".

3 round: “From what tree is the fruit and leaf?”

Competition of captains "Pantomime"

fan competition


7 gr


Jury member

Protocol of the quiz "Connoisseurs of nature"

Warm up

1 round : "Learn to compare."

2 round: "The Fourth Extra".

3 round: “From what tree is the fruit and leaf?”

Competition of captains "Pantomime"

fan competition


7 gr


Jury member

The final protocol of the quiz "Connoisseurs of nature"

Warm up

1 round : "Learn to compare."

2 round: "The Fourth Extra".

3 round: “From what tree is the fruit and leaf?”

Competition of captains "Pantomime"

fan competition















7 gr


Jury member

Hare, hedgehog, fox, bumblebee.

Grasshopper, ladybug, sparrow, cockchafer

Fox, bear, hare, woodpecker.

Bee, fox, bumblebee, butterfly.

Dima. Do not break oak branches!

Sofia. Do not shoot from the slingshot!

Arisha. Let the butterflies fly!

Kirill. Don't pick flowers in the steppe in vain!

Dima. Here you do not need to catch everyone, stomp, clap with a stick to beat.

Sofia. Don't destroy bird nests!

Matvey: Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Birds learn to sing

Spider - patience

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

Sofia: Snow teaches us cleanliness

The sun teaches kindness.

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

All the big forest people

Teaches strong friendship.

Timur: We want the sun to warm

And the birch is green

And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog

For the squirrel to jump

To make the rainbow sparkle

To pour a cheerful summer rain!

Sasha: I know this truth from birth

And I never melt it:

Who does not love native nature

He does not love his Fatherland!

The summary was prepared by the educator

Fomina Olesya Nikolaevna

Target group: older pupils

  • To consolidate children's knowledge about indoor plants and how to care for them.
  • Deepen your knowledge of medicinal properties indoor plants.
  • To cultivate the desire to protect and love plants, to care for them.
  • Develop mental activity, memory, speech.
  • Develop the ability to work together and help each other.

Course progress.

Educator: -Guys, guess what we'll talk about today:

I admire you, how beautiful you are,

How good you are! Delicate (children) flowers!

Educator: That's right, these are flowers! Our group also has flowers, they can be called in one word. Who knows how? Yes, they are indoor plants. Why are they called that?

Educator: So, the topic of our quiz is "Indoor Plants". And to begin with, we will be divided into two teams. I have an unusual bag, you will get one flower at a time, which flower will get you, you go to that team.

Educator: Today we are divided into two teams: the Cactus team and the Violets team.

Educator: We are starting our quiz. Each team answers in turn, do not shout out, but raise your hand. If a team does not answer correctly, the floor is given to another team. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip.

First competition.

Questions for teams.

1. Name best time for transplanting plants. (Spring)

2. List the rules for watering indoor plants. (The plants should be watered with warm, settled water. The spout of the watering can should be placed on the edge of the pot. Watering should be done only when the top layer of the earth is dry).

3. Are houseplants alive? Why?

(Yes, because they breathe, drink, grow, reproduce).

4. How are indoor plants similar? (Indoor plants are similar in that they all have a stem, flowers, roots, leaves. Everyone needs to be looked after: water, spray, loosen

earth, wipe the dust, feed.)

5. What do plants need to grow? (light, water, air, heat).

6. Name the plant that should be watered not in the edge of the pot, but in

saucer (violet).

7. Name indoor plants that cannot be sprayed, as their leaves are pubescent (geranium, violet, begonia-Reke).

8. When do houseplants not need to be fed? (in winter)

9. In addition to watering, what care do houseplants need?

(In cleaning dry leaves, dried flowers, loosening, spraying, wiping the leaves from dust, feeding).

10. Why do we grow indoor plants in a room?

(They enrich the air with oxygen, purify, humidify the air, decorate the room, delight us with their beautiful colors).

11. How do indoor plants differ from each other?

(They require different care, it depends on the conditions of their life at home.

They differ in the shape of the stems: standing, curly, clinging, creeping.

They differ in the shape of the leaves: round, oval, linear.

breed different ways: seeds, division of rhizomes, stem cuttings, from leaves, bulbs, tubers.)

12. Which indoor flower smells not only of flowers, but also of leaves? (Geranium)

Second competition "Collect a houseplant and name it"

Educator: Your task is to quickly collect and correctly name the plant. You receive envelopes, the whole team on the table gathers together.

Third competition "Mysterious"

Teams will have to solve riddles, find a photo and show the team opposite.

The leaf is humpbacked, it has thorns, but does not know how to hurt

But it heals us at any day and hour. (Aloe)

There is a hedgehog on my window.

Everyone looks out the window

And he can't walk. (Cactus)

Flat, long, not timber.

Striped but not watermelon (Sansevier)

Bush window and balcony,

The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,

And the flowers on the window

Like a hat on fire. (Geranium)

Early in the morning.

I'm getting a new watering can.

I don't care about water.

Drink my. (violet).

Fourth competition . And now let's play the game "Name it affectionately": I will name the word, and you will say how you can say it affectionately, for example: Violet - violet; petal - petal; stalk - stalk, stalk; leaf - leaf, leaflet; land - land, land, land.

Fifth competition . "What indoor plants do you have at home, tell us how you care for them"

Sixth competition. And now let's play the game "One-many": I will name one object, and you will name several, many. For example: violet - violets, many violets; cactus; root; stem; sheet; flower; petal, etc.

Summing up the quiz

Host: Our quiz has come to an end. Today's game guys. You have shown excellent knowledge about indoor plants. I hope you have a lot of indoor plants at home, because now you know how to care for them and love them. Let's sum up our quiz.

Quiz "Connoisseurs of indoor plants"

1. Goal setting.

Purpose: Consolidation of existing knowledge about indoor plants.


  • To consolidate children's knowledge about indoor plants and how to care for them.
  • To deepen knowledge about the medicinal properties of indoor plants.
  • To cultivate the desire to protect and love plants, to care for them.
  • Develop mental activity, memory, speech.
  • Develop the ability to work together and help each other.

Planned results: children's knowledge of indoor plants and methods of caring for them is consolidated, knowledge of the medicinal properties of indoor plants is deepened, children work together and help each other.

2. Educational environment.

Subject-practical environment: Paintings with indoor plants corresponding to each question and riddle, cut pictures for the competition, a violet or cactus card for each child for drawing lots, flowers - bonuses for correct answers.

The environment of interaction "child-adult": out of situational-cognitive.

The environment of interaction "child-child": out of situational business.

Form of work: micro group.


Educator: -Guys, guess what we'll talk about today:

I admire you, how beautiful you are,

How good you are! gentle(children) flowers!

Educator: That's right, these are flowers! Our group also has flowers, they can be called in one word. Who knows how?(children's answers) Yes, they are indoor plants. Why are they called that?(children's answers)

4. Setting the goal of the activity.

Educator: So, the topic of our quiz is "Indoor Plants". And to begin with, we will be divided into two teams. I have an unusual bag, you will get one flower at a time, which flower will get you, you go to that team.

Educator: Today we are divided into two teams: the Cactus team and the Violets team.

Educator: We are starting our quiz. Each team answers in turn, do not shout out, but raise your hand. If a team does not answer correctly, the floor is given to another team. For each correct answer, the team receives a chip.

5. Organization of the search for a way to solve the problem, achieve the goal.

  1. Quiz. Questions.

1. Name the best time to transplant plants. (Spring)

2. List the rules for watering indoor plants.

(Water the plants with warm, settled water.

The spout of the watering can should be placed on the edge of the pot.

Water only when the top layer of soil is dry.

3. Are houseplants alive? Why?

(Yes, because they breathe, drink, grow, reproduce).

4. How are indoor plants similar?

(Houseplants are similar in that they all have a stem, flowers,

root, leaves. Everyone needs to be looked after: water, spray, loosen

earth, wipe the dust, feed.)

5. What do plants need to grow?(light, water, air, heat).

6. Name the plant that should be watered not in the edge of the pot, but in

saucer (violet).

7. Name indoor plants that should not be sprayed, as they have

leaves are pubescent (geranium, violet, begonia-Rex).

8. When do houseplants not need to be fed?(in winter)

9. In addition to watering, what care do houseplants need?

(In harvesting dry leaves, dried flowers, loosening, spraying,

wiping the leaves from dust, in top dressing).

10. Why do we grow indoor plants in a room?

(They enrich the air with oxygen, purify, humidify the air,

decorate the room, delight us with their beautiful flowers).

11. How do indoor plants differ from each other?

(They require different care, it depends on the conditions of their life at home.

They differ in the shape of the stems: standing, curly, clinging, creeping.

They differ in the shape of the leaves: round, oval, linear.

Flowers of different shapes and colors: bell-shaped, funnel-shaped,

Wheel-shaped, nail-shaped.

Propagated in various ways: by seeds, division of the rhizome,

stem cuttings, leaves, bulbs, tubers.)

12. Which indoor flower smells not only of flowers, but also of leaves?


2. "Collect a houseplant and name it"

Educator: Your task is to quickly collect and correctly name the plant.

You receive envelopes with split pictures, the whole team on the table gathers together.

3. Competition "Mysterious"

Teams will have to solve riddles, find a photo and show

opposite team.

The leaf is humpbacked, it has thorns, but does not know how to hurt

But heals us at any day and hour. (Aloe)

There is a hedgehog on my window.

Everyone looks out the window

And he can't walk.(Cactus)

Flat, long, not timber.

Striped but not watermelon(Sansevier)

Bush window and balcony,

The leaf is fluffy and fragrant,

And the flowers on the window

Like a hat on fire.(Geranium)

Early in the morning.

I'm getting a new watering can.

I don't care about water.

Drink my. (Violet).

4. Competition "Name the affectionate".

Now let's play the game "Name it affectionately": I will name the word, and you will say how you can say it affectionately, for example:

Violet - violet; petal - petal; stalk - stalk, stalk; leaf - leaf, leaflet; land - land, land, land.

5.Competition "Homework".

What indoor plants do you have at home, tell

how do you take care of them?

6. Competition "One-Many".

And now let's play the game "One-many": I will name one object, and you will name several, many. For example: violet - violets, many violets; cactus; root; stem; sheet; flower; petal, etc.

6. Help and support.

During the quiz, the teacher can repeat the task.

7. Organization of control and self-control.

Host: Our quiz has come to an end. Each team counts their bonus flowers. The teacher sums up the quiz.

8. Practical application of the results.

Awarding of winners with honorary medals. Moderator: in today's game, guys, you showed excellent knowledge about indoor plants. I hope you have a lot of indoor plants at home, because now you know how to care for them and love them.