Peace love beauty harmony non-violence. Essay "Love, beauty and harmony

What concepts, theories, methods do modern pedagogical and psychological sciences offer to launch the mechanisms of spiritual self-development of a person in the process of education and self-education? They say that the new is the well-forgotten old. Therefore, in the most advanced concepts, theories and methods, one can find ancient instructions on the spiritual development of a person translated into the language and concepts of modernity, which have withstood the test of millennia.

The most promising and deepest educational programs developed by the European Institute of Education SAI - ESSE, which in Latin means "to be". The system of graded education, developed by the Institute, based on the five universal values, has found its distribution in many countries of the world, including Russia. Teachers from Austria, Denmark, Holland, Germany, Greece, who are part of the teaching team of this institute, conduct classes on the "Educare" ("Identification") system. "Educare" means "extract from within", "release", "let manifest". Universal human values ​​are inherent in every person, he is born with them, they only need to be manifested and realized. Human values ​​do not need to be taught, they must be extracted from the children themselves by identifying them, but for this the teacher himself must already be with manifested values, and his whole life and professional activity should be based on daily adherence in everything to the principles proclaimed in them.

The concept of "Educare" is aimed at developing all areas of the student's personality with the help of five methods, five universal values, at five levels of education.

Five common human values:

1. Truth (truthfulness in thoughts, words, actions)
2. Righteousness (truthful behavior, unity of thought, word, action)
3. Peace (inner peace)
4. Love (for all living things)
5. Non-violence (no harm in thought, word or action).

The five teaching methods include:

1. Sitting in silence (silence, preparation and setting for the upcoming lesson)
2. Discussion of quotes (sayings)
3. Group singing (melody, rhythm, content)
4. Discussion of stories, stories (instructive)
5. Group activities (role-playing games, tests that promote the development of imagination, concentration of attention)

Five levels of education:
1. Family
2. Preschool
3. School
4. University
5. Postgraduate

The purpose of education "Educare" is to identify, consolidate high spiritual and moral qualities in every person.

Most importantly, all ESSE Introductory Spirituality programs are developed on the basis of the knowledge of the true nature of man, based on the model of the "workshop of man" in accordance with the way it was given by the founder of this institute, Sri Sathya Sai Baba. In February 2000, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in his discourses Sheaths of the True Self, How to Transcend the Five Sheaths, Mind is the Cause, Intellect is the Charioteer, advances us in understanding where and how to find the answer to the eternal man's question: "Who am I?" All the theories of personality psychology put forward and developed by the greatest psychologists failed to provide an integrated explanation of the human personality in all its diversity of manifestations. The reason is that they did not know the true essence of man and his destiny. The rector of the University of Puttaparthi (India) Sri Sathya Sai Baba, an outstanding scientist and practitioner, gave a clear structure to the true essence of man and his role in the Universe. He elaborated on this in his works and numerous lectures to teaching and student audiences: “Summer showers in Brindavan”, “A course of lectures for students on spirituality and culture”, read annually since 1972.

The spiritual self-development of the individual should be based on a solid foundation of theoretical material and spiritual practices that contribute to the identification in the process educational process the foundation of spirituality embodied in the personality of a person - universal values.

Human values: Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Nonviolence, which are the essence of a person, do not depend on nationality, race, habitat and confessional affiliation. Considering universal human values, it should be noted that they are inseparable, interconnected, interdependent and, penetrating each other, create a single basis for the spirituality of a person and his culture. The value of a person depends on his culture. Spirituality is the understanding and discovery of one’s inner capabilities by the person himself, through his “I”, this is the level of such moral development when the subject under any circumstances remains the highest manifestation of virtue.

As mentioned above, character is the main wealth of a person. It is the character that allows the human personality to achieve complete inner harmony, to achieve self-realization. To achieve this, a person must follow universal human values ​​in thoughts, words and actions. They correspond to the following aspects of the human personality:

truth is an intellectual aspect,
righteous conduct is the physical aspect,
the world is an emotional aspect,
love is a moral aspect,
non-violence is a spiritual aspect.

They form the basis of the program of spiritual self-development of the individual. The psychological aspects of this program should lead a person to the need not only to gain knowledge about SFV, but also to contribute to the implementation of the program to identify them, thereby ensuring their spiritual growth and transition to the next level of consciousness, accompanied by spiritual, mental and bodily transformation. In the context of understanding the need for self-research, of course great importance plays the level of education (in its broadest sense) and human culture.

Let's take a closer look at HCV in order to better understand how they affect the formation of personality.

I. Truth

The search for truth is a reflection of a person's desire to know himself and the world around him. “The root of action lies in thought,” said Herbert Spencer. Behind every action is a thought, and it is very important that they be kind. It is necessary to develop the power of discrimination that the intellect of man possesses. Learn to control thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires.

The desire to know the truth prompts a person to ask himself the questions: “Who am I?”, “What is the purpose of my life?”, “How can I live full life at the current moment?”, “How can I know my inner “I”?”.

It is very important for a person to tell the truth. The pronunciation of untruth leads to a destructive, negative influence on a person. (A detailed description of the ongoing processes at the molecular-cellular level is published in the works on wave genetics by Professor P.P. Garyaev). Man is endowed with an intellect that allows him to distinguish between right and wrong through discrimination. Therefore, it is very important to develop the ability to distinguish in children, creating the prerequisites for the development of the next level - obtaining reliable information - intuition.

Truth develops in children curiosity, recognition, a sense of justice, fearlessness, honesty, optimism, the desire for knowledge, the ability to analyze and synthesize, the unity of word, thought and deed.

The purpose of teaching the manifestation of truth as the most important quality of a person is to support the child in the search for his true nature and the realization that this search is the most important goal in life, since Truth is the nature of man. Realization of the Truth opens the way to a powerful flow of energy that fills inner space human being.

Such qualities of a person's character as contentment, humility and impartiality lead along the path of Truth.

There are two levels of Truth:

1. Absolute or eternal truth (constant and unchanging).
Truth is unchanging in the past, present and future. The truth is much deeper and involves more than the correct communication of what a person perceives with the help of the five senses. It constitutes the unity of the triad of thought, word, action.

2. Relative Truth is subject to change and is a statement of facts that are true only for this moment, the next moment it is no longer true. Anything that changes is not the truth. A person doubts only when he does not know the truth. When he realizes the Truth, all his doubts disappear, dissolving in the light of the Truth.

Subvalues ​​of Truth:

a) Beliefs and Faith

A person's beliefs predetermine his Faith. It can be faith in God, faith in yourself. True faith resides in the heart of a person, and if he listens to his heart and follows the path of Truth, he lives in peace and harmony both with himself and with the world around him.

b) Common sense

In the course of the educational process, along with specialization, general knowledge must be acquired and common sense developed on their basis.

in) Honesty

One lie, having arisen, must be supported by a hundred other lies, at a time when the truth is the easiest and safest course of action.

G) Wisdom

The purpose of education is to radiate the light of wisdom. It is necessary in the educational process to achieve a flash of such inner light and to preserve this light. This is the hallmark of an educated person who has realized that the Mind is only a shadow of his higher "I".

e) Reasoning, Analysis, Synthesis

From birth, a person is endowed with the ability to reason, analyze and synthesize. It is necessary to use this ability to the full in order to discover the true higher "I" of a person, which is the all-encompassing Truth, since the outside world is only its Reflection. Truth as a manifestation in man is honesty, it is the unity of thought, word and action. The Absolute Truth is an eternal and unchanging Reality, which every person must realize and manifest in himself as his true Essence, comprehending it in the process of his spiritual self-development, self-realization.

II. Righteous Conduct

From following the Truth naturally follows Righteous Conduct, the principle of which is not causing harm to oneself, nor to other people, nor to nature. To do this, it is necessary to know, respect and fulfill the laws of Nature, morality and the state, to fulfill one's duty and obligations in relation to one's parents, one's family, society, etc. It is necessary to analyze your actions and, before committing them, turn to the voice of conscience. Righteous behavior is the result of a person, guided by conscience, moving away from the bad and moving towards the good.

The goals of the educational process in teaching Righteous behavior: to awaken the ability inherent in each person to distinguish and hear the voice of Conscience, to strengthen those thoughts, words and actions that are developed and implemented in Everyday life values ​​of righteous behavior.

Subvalues ​​of Righteous Behavior:

a) habits

Righteous behavior, based on the realization of one's true nature, should become the main thing in a person's life. Even small things that are done repeatedly and weekly become fixed in habits. These habits form the intellect and create a standard of outlook on life and human behavior corresponding to this view.

b) Desire Management

Desire motivates a person to action and determines his behavior in life. Being ignorant of the purpose of their existence, people spend their whole lives to achieve and satisfy their desires. Their fulfillment becomes the main thing in a person's life, they are the cause of his anxiety and unhappiness. Desires can become a real prison for a person. Only by limiting desires can a person become free.

in) Cooperation

In order to learn to live and follow the path with people of different ages, differing in their social and economic status, with different intellectual baggage and emotional characteristics, children and young people must be brought up in the learning process in educational institutions. There they learn discipline, mutual respect, respect for elders, patience and, most importantly, cooperation.

G) Discipline

Discipline is the basis for the success of human activity. This feeling should be instilled in childhood. Discipline can only be learned through practice. Lack of discipline sows confusion and anxiety, leads to instability in the family and society, which is now observed in the world. It is necessary that every person has a sense of endurance, self-control and discipline, and then culture will be the life of not only our society, country, but the whole world.

e) Duty and Gratitude

First of all, a person should take care of his parents and relatives, to whom he should be grateful for the fact that they raised and educated him. Each person has a duty to all Nature, to the Earth on which he lives, about the state of its ecology, in which his descendants will live. Each person has a duty and obligations to his family, society and the country in which he lives. Sri Sathya Sai Baba says:

Duty without love is mournful -
It weighs down the person.
Duty is lovingly desired.
Love without duty is divine

e) Right Thought

Right thought is the basis of right speech and righteous behavior, so negative thoughts should be avoided and avoided. One must have pure and lofty thoughts that lead to righteous deeds. Righteous behavior and action are based on correct speech.

and) Correct speech

Language is an indicator of true upbringing. The words of a man speak of his upbringing. Loud speech, uneducated, full of anger and hatred - negatively affects human health. No wonder they say: "Silence is golden." It does not create enemies for a person, although it may not help to make friends.

Righteous behavior is something that is born in the heart and then expressed in the form of words and practiced.

3) the right thing to do

In addition to deep respect for one's parents and elders, one should deeply respect one's own deeds. Actions raise him or lower him. Enthusiasm or despair, success or failure are the consequences of man's actions.

Right thought, right speech, right action, habits and manners of right behavior, cooperation, discipline, duty, gratitude, control of one's thoughts and feelings, self-control, self-confidence, unity of thought, word and deed, tolerance , endurance, responsibility.

Righteous behavior aims to develop in children:

- the ability to help oneself is taking care of one's health, proper nutrition, hygiene, safety of your property;

- social skill - moral behavior, good manners, harmonious relationships with others, the desire to take care of others and help them, thrift;

- ethical skills - a sense of duty, initiative, responsibility, courage, gratitude, respect for everyone, etc.

III. World

The world is harmony, balance, giving a person peace of mind and the ability to create the world around him. Filled with peace of mind, a person experiences joy and happiness, becomes self-confident and lives in peace with the whole world.

This state is manifested in a person who has manifested Truth and Righteous behavior in his thoughts, words and actions. A person smiles when he is satisfied and happy.

The world starts with a smile

- said the great ascetic Mother Teresa

Sri Sathya Sai Baba in a lecture to University students says:

When there is peace in the soul of a person, then the nation is filled with peace. If a nation is at peace, then there will be peace on the whole Earth

The state of harmony and peace can be achieved if you calm and control your mind, which seeks to increase the desires of a person. Willpower should help a person to distinguish between what he wants to have and what he really needs. Therefore, the control of the mind makes it possible to set a ceiling on desires. It is dissatisfaction in the fulfillment of desires that poisons the human mind with negative thoughts that cause the appearance of negative emotions and deprive a person of inner peace and tranquility. If the mind is filled with good thoughts, then worries and anxieties disappear.

"Peace" in a person forms such qualities of character as concentration, calmness, contentment, inner harmony, self-confidence, discipline, self-discipline, modesty, patience, self-respect, gratitude and understanding.

Sub-values ​​of the world:

a) Calm. Feelings management

Peace and inner calm means that a person should not react to what other people say to him, no matter how insulted he is. This does not mean that he should be silent. This implies the mastery of feelings and passions. Inner peace must become the nature of man.

b) Clarity and purity of mind

The state of peace and tranquility are important for the sharpness of the mind. Hatred and preoccupation will confuse the mind. Clarity and purity of mind is necessary for a person to maintain peace within himself and live in peace with everything that surrounds him.

in) Harmony

Strife has engulfed the human community. They are in the family, at school, between husband and wife, between teacher and student, and throughout society.
Man must be in harmony and peace with himself.
Calm, peace and harmony in the family between all its members is the basis for Peace on earth.

G) Virtue

When a person thinks, speaks and acts virtuously, his conscience will be clear, he will acquire a state of inner peace and tranquility.

They say knowledge is power. No, Strength is a virtuous character that brings peace and tranquility. Sri Sathya Sai Baba says to his students:

If there is righteousness in the heart,
There will be beauty in character.
If there is beauty in character,
There will be harmony in the house.
When harmony is in the house
There will be order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation,
Peace will be all over the world

IV. Love

Love is seen as an energy that transforms the spiritual heart of a person. When the heart is filled with love, a person performs selfless acts, shows such qualities as generosity, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, begins to see the beauty that surrounds him. It is love that prompts a person to wish happiness to everyone and rejoice in their well-being. The energy of love heals a person, improves physiological and psychological health. When the motive for action is love, then such action becomes righteous. Words containing love are Truth itself. When a person's feelings are filled with love, he experiences inner peace, peace and happiness.

Love is the fundamental principle of all five qualities: humanity, personality, patriotism, divinity and unity. Unity is achieved through love. Love, like a golden thread, penetrates and holds in unity the diamonds of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Nonviolence.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba tells his students:

Where Love is, there is Peace,
Where Peace is, there is Harmony,
Where Harmony is, there is mutual understanding,
Where there is mutual understanding, there problems cease to exist.

The love that a person radiates, gives, returns to him.

Values ​​of love:

a) Joy. Happiness. Harmony

Life is love; Love is life.

Only by experiencing True Love and giving it to others, a person is happy.

Joy and peace are not inherent in external objects, they are inside the person himself. With each and everyone in the Universe, it is necessary to manifest this kinship that exists from the very beginning, this Love - the basis of life, and then a person will live in harmony with himself and with the whole world around him, experiencing joy and happiness.

b) Friendship

Friendship is an expression of indestructible Love, free from selfish desires and full of nobility.

in) Forgiveness

The manifestation of the ego in a relationship is not love. Love is selfless. Love gives and forgives, Ego receives and forgets. Love and revenge are incompatible, because love is all-forgiving.

G) Unselfishness

True Love is selfless. Greed is the absence of love. Love is the absence of self-interest. This kind of love only gives without demanding anything in return.

Give Love and Receive Love

- Sri Sathya Sai Baba instructs his students

e) Reverence

1. In reverence for parents, for the fact that they gave birth, raised and raised, they showed human Love;
2. With respect, a person should treat all living things, to nature, which makes up his habitat.

e) Love for Motherland, Peace

Starting as an expression of a child's love for its parents, it grows to include everything: family, neighbors, community, country. When a child treats all families with the feeling of love that he feels for his family, his love continues to expand. When he is proud of all nations as his people, all countries as his country, the circle of his Love expands further.

Love, as thought, is Truth;
Love, as a feeling, is Peace;
Love, as understanding, is nonviolence.

Love contains three principles: reaction - echo - reflection. Speaking about the value of love, Sri Sathya Sai Baba tells his students:

Start the day with love
Spend the day with love
Fill the day with love
End the day with love

This is the practice of true human love.

V. Nonviolence

Non-violence is seen as non-harm to living beings by thought, word or action. To do this, it is necessary to educate a worldview in a person, then understanding and awareness of the interconnection of all Existing in the Universe will come. There are two aspects here: psychological and social.

Psychological aspect is compassion for all living beings.

Social aspect– acceptance of all cultures and religions, concern for the environment.

The sign of a whole and balanced life is to cause the least possible damage to other people, animals, plants and the environment. Non-violence allows the human personality to experience reverence for the brilliant miracle of Creation and to feel a sense of universal unity.

The value of Nonviolence is recognized by many religious denominations: in Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.

Representatives of various philosophical and ethical currents adhere to similar points of view: M. Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, M.L. King, L.N. Tolstoy, G. Thoreau, A. Schweitzer, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, E.I and N.K. Roerich and others.

The problem of non-violence was covered in detail in the famous "Vedas" and other philosophical and religious literature of the ancient countries of the East.

The very nature of the Eastern religions, which preached tolerance and were distinguished by tolerance, contributed to the formulation and solution of the problem of non-violence.

Principle Ahimsa(in Sanskrit ahimsa- literally refusal of violence) occupies one of the leading places in the ethics of Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism, in which non-violence acts as a value that expresses knowledge, and as the need for each person to turn to the Supreme Divine Essence.

In no other religion has the problem of good and evil been posed as clearly as in Christianity. Non-violence acts as a form that contributes to the self-destruction of evil and at the same time as a form of strengthening spirituality and faith, which elevates a person.

The condition for the implementation of non-violent action is patience and humility, to which great importance is attached.

There are words in the Quran verse:

Allah loves those who do good, Allah is with those who patiently endure hardships; do no harm to others, and no harm will be done to you, if you do good - you do good for your own soul, if you do evil - you do it to yourself

In the Russian pedagogical and psychological sciences, non-violence is one of the areas of education that emerged at the end of the 20th century.

The goal of non-violence pedagogy is to educate the younger generation on a non-violent basis, in the spirit of peace, respect for the rights and dignity of other people, careful attitude to nature, to all living things.

The purpose of the psychology of non-violence is to study the mechanisms of non-violent interaction of a person with other people, with Nature, society, the world as a whole.

Non-violence is the highest level of universal human values.

Non-violence is characterized by the following qualities:

psychological- mercy, caring, compassion, cooperation, the ability to forgive, responsiveness.
social– respect for other cultures and religions, a sense of brotherhood, citizenship, national identity and a sense of social justice.

The purpose of identifying the value of Nonviolence is the fusion of all values ​​in the individual.

Properties of nonviolence

Non-violence means refraining from causing harm in thought, word and deed and is a consequence of their unity.
Non-violence expresses itself as Love for everyone and everything.
Non-violence is the realization of the Unity of everyone and everything.
Non-violence includes all virtues and strengthens them.
Non-violence means not only refraining from harming others, but also participating in alleviating the suffering of others.

Subvalues ​​of Nonviolence

a) Safety and help

Not causing harm in thoughts, in words and deeds, either to oneself or to the world around, the ability to take care of those who and what surrounds us. It is always necessary to help and not cause pain to all living things on earth, not to destroy your body and thoughts by violence in any form.

b) Respect. Reverence. Tolerance

We must honor our motherland and native language. But at the same time, one must also respect other regions, countries and their languages. We must be proud of our culture, but also respect the culture of other peoples and countries. The languages ​​in which thoughts are expressed may be different, but the thoughts, emotions, and feelings they express are the same. The language of the heart is the same for everyone, but when it takes the form of a word, it takes on different forms.

in) Spirit of cooperation

When a person wants to interact, cooperate with other individuals and society, he must be able to compromise, experience feelings of tolerance and love. Only by cooperating with other people, a person can achieve spiritual and material heights, make his life happy and fruitful. Non-violence is the basis of righteous behavior, which is revealed and begins to form even in the womb and continues in the family, where the first teachers of the developing personality are the parents. They should, realizing their role and responsibility, teach children by the method of combining academic and spiritual education. There is a parental duty: physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

Love, which is the basis of all values, makes it possible to instill in children a sense of friendship, loyalty, purity, sacrifice, chastity, modesty, benevolence, integrity, the ability to get along with people, righteous behavior and gentleness.

The responsibility for shaping the character of children lies primarily with the parents. Values ​​in family life distinguished like this:

Love is parental love
Righteous Behavior Is a Strong Relationship Structure
Peace - togetherness and family pastime
Non-violence - the ability to communicate, respect and love loved ones
Truth is a moral search, traditions, religion.

The value of a personality is determined by its activity in the process of developing itself and the surrounding reality.

From the position of psychological and pedagogical science, spiritual, moral and aesthetic education is actively involved in the formation of the emotional and sensory sphere of a person. However modern schools in their mass suffer from mental and spiritual poverty. The most important deficiency in them is love for the student, for the profession, for the educational process, as for the interaction of individuals.

Spiritual wealth is not the result of material well-being, although it should not be underestimated. Material well-being can create more favorable opportunities for all-round development, but only on one condition: when it is a means, not an end. In this regard, the personal example of parents, educators, and teachers is of decisive importance. If teachers and parents themselves practiced what they teach children, they could be the perfect example for society. The teacher must first himself kindle the lamp of universal human values ​​in his heart in order to kindle other hearts. If, despite their high professionalism, they themselves do not practice what they teach, then no one will follow them and respect them.

Therefore, those teachers who seek to use the methodology and practical methods of the program of universal human values ​​must themselves undergo training, during which they will cleanse their hearts of the weeds of selfishness, selfishness, pride, anger, jealousy, material attachments and fill them with pure, unearthly disinterested love. and divine qualities, guided by the principles:

Love everyone, serve everyone

VI. Practical methods of spiritual self-development of a person

The basis of the spiritual self-development of the individual is the practical adherence to universal human values ​​in everyday life. Undoubtedly, this work should begin in early childhood with the help of parents, and later educators and teachers. For the spiritual development of adults, the European Institute ESSE (Copenhagen, Denmark) has compiled a step-by-step education program "Introduction to Spirituality". At the beginning, the content of this program included materials on Western philosophy and psychology, but the experience gained by the teachers of the institute showed with increasing clarity that it is necessary to base the entire program on the works of the rector of the University of Puttaparthi (India), Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This program, which includes lectures and seminars, is used in many countries. A course of lectures and seminars on universal values ​​since 2000 has been regularly held by the European Institute ESSE in Russia. At these seminars, the teaching staff of the Institute gives lectures and conducts practical classes, headed by the rector of the ESSE Institute M. Meyer, Professor Tobjern Meyer, who recently passed away from this world, Anita Friedrich and an international team of teachers from Austria, Germany, Greece and other countries .

The program "Introduction to Spirituality" contributes to the awakening of universal values ​​in both children and adults, who, under the guidance of experienced teachers, follow its practical recommendations step by step and implement it in everyday life. In the program, the main place is given to understanding by a person of his true nature, as a multi-level being, with detailed description each level, methods of interaction with them and ways of moving from level to level through internal spiritual transformation, without which the further evolution of man and all mankind is impossible. Methods imply a triple transformation: spiritual, social, individual. In an effort to achieve this triple transformation, as the goal of the spiritual self-development of the individual, a person must begin to work on himself. This work is: in reducing personal desires, in reducing waste in everyday life, in transforming one's negative emotions. There are clear guidelines for this. practical work through the Wish Ceiling Program. The purpose of this program is to help each individual, and therefore each family, to make their lives happier, to free themselves from the pressure of the ego, which constantly dictates its egoistic desires, which are always based on the pursuit of body pleasures. Despite the simplicity of this program, its specificity, many perceived it as a threat to the established way of life. But depending on how much enthusiasm and diligence will be shown to make this program the rule of our lives, we will be able to advance exactly on the path to spiritual enlightenment and spiritual self-development of society. Otherwise, this process will not be possible. The point of the Ceiling of Desires Program is the personal discipline of self-restraint, overcoming the waste of life's resources: money, energy, time, food, and at the same time using the saved resources to help those who are not as lucky in this life as we are.

The material for the Ceiling on Desires program is the result of personal conversations of the famous psychologist, psychotherapist Phyllis Crystal with the rector of the University of Puttaparthi, Sri Sathya Sai Baba in January 1983, which were entirely devoted to this topic. In the process of working on the Ceiling of Desires Program, Phyllis Crystal used materials from lectures delivered by Sri Sathya Sai Baba in Bombay (now Mumbai), Whitefield and Puttaparthi, from his publications in the journal Sanatana Sarathi (Eternal Charioteer) and other materials. .

The Practical Proposals for the Ceiling of Desires Program were published by Phyllis Crystal in June 1986 and subsequently incorporated as part of the Introductory to Spirituality graduate program developed by the ESSE European Institute.

In the Ceiling of Desires proposals, each of the chapters is subdivided into the following topics:

1. Principle and specific actions
2. Example and practical tasks(work on the outer plane)
3. Meditation (work on the inner plane)

The final chapter is devoted to a generalized analysis of all four resources of life - money, food, time and energy and the understanding that these resources are in close interaction, and each of them affects the others.

Therefore, one must learn to think in terms of this constant interaction. This program should become an ongoing practice of daily life.

Phyllis Crystal gives many practical recommendations as a psychologist, psychotherapist and highly spiritual person in her wonderful books, the content of which is inspired by her more than twenty years of communication with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. These are the books "Sathya Sai Baba - the highest experience", "Ceiling for Desires", "How to curb our monkey mind". Having seen the light at different times, they, nevertheless, represent a coherent system of practical recommendations that contribute to the spiritual self-development of the individual. The main thing in these books is to awaken in a person the desire for self-knowledge and self-awareness, the comprehension of one's true nature and one's life purpose. If in the first book she describes her spiritual quest, which led her to Sri Sathya Sai Baba, then in the "Ceiling for Desires" and "How to curb our monkey mind" are given practical advice to exercise control over desires and their vehicle, the mind. These recommendations have been incorporated by the ESSE European Institute into the curricula and content of the new Sathya Sai Education Seminar Program.

So, at the disposal of a person who seeks to follow the path of spiritual self-development of the individual, there is a clearly oriented program of the International ESSE Institute and the corresponding literature.

especially importance have lectures given to students during the summer discourses in Bindavan by the rector of the University of Puttaparthi Sathya Sai Baba and published with translation into Russian in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The lectures are devoted to spirituality and culture, they present the Higher Knowledge and recommendations in an accessible and understandable form: how to practice them in everyday life for the successful evolution of man and all mankind.

As the analysis of the world economic crisis shows, it is based on spiritual and moral reasons. This is the evolutionary crisis of mankind. There is only one way out: in a person changing himself on the basis of universal human values. And this is possible only if there is a system of upbringing and education adequate to this task on the scale of each country and humanity as a whole. And the main figure of this process should be a teacher-educator, a personal example of high spirituality influencing the formation of a human personality. There are already examples of such systems of upbringing and education and teachers corresponding to their tasks in the modern world.

I cordially greet you all from Mount Shasta. After a long separation, I am here again with my dear mountain and with my beloved Lemurians. Mount Shasta is so alive right now. Do not be surprised if you suddenly have a burning desire to meet her. This majestic mountain transmits its unique signal, the call of unconditional Love. After the first meeting, she remains forever in your heart.

The following article, “Message from Mount Shasta,” is from the September issue of the online magazine “Spirit of Maat” published by Drunvalo Melchizedek. This magazine has previously published many articles written by me about my trips around the world. However, now for the first time in this newspaper is published a message from Adam.

I ask you to read Adam's words and reunite with the Lemurians for a simple act with them to create peace on our planet. I encourage you all to participate in this simple ceremony at dawn on the autumnal equinox. No matter where you are on that day, you will be able to join us at sunrise on September 22nd (23rd in Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand), breathe with us, feel our shared heartbeat and feel how our pure longing and unconditional love will connect us to each other and to this mighty mountain. Mount Shasta will shine with Peace, Love and Harmony for the benefit of our entire planet. More detailed information about this simple but powerful and deep meditation is given below in the message from Adam.

The purpose of this message from Mount Shasta has a very deep symbolism. It conveys the love of the Lemurians and you can feel their readiness. They are here with us. And they are so ready to give their help and support to us, meet with us and finally pass on their eternal Wisdom to all of us.

Let's dance with them at the dawn of the beautiful day of the autumn equinox. Let's convey our joint will, filled with pure Love, for the creation of Peace, Love and Harmony on our planet.

Letters from Shasta

Mount Shasta is more alive now than ever. The beautiful energy inside her and everything around her creates a wonderful halo around her. Its unique vibration can touch our hearts and when it does, the mountain begins to speak to us. This happened 8 years ago in my life. After that I visited this magnificent mountain in northern California over 20 times, which can be considered a record for a person from Europe.

Mount Shasta is calling us. The Lemurians are calling us. They live inside the mountain in their heavenly habitat in the fifth dimension. If you don't already know the story of how the Lemurian vibration is connected to this particular mountain, you can read about it in the excellent Telos books written by Aurelia Louise Jones. If you already know this story, you know what I'm talking about. The Lemurians of Mount Shasta are more alive than ever and they are anxiously waiting for us to finally reconnect with their vibration of love. They are the bearers and guardians of the ancient frequency of unconditional love that every beautiful soul on this planet of ours once knew.

Times have passed and civilizations have disappeared, but the Lemurian vibration of eternal love is still there. How is this possible? This is possible because deep in our hearts we have the energy that the Lemurians radiate: pure joy, love and wisdom, rooted in the pulsating crystalline energy of our planet and the pulsating vibration of the heart of the universe. The Lemurians simply hold on to our collective memory until we have regained the mental and emotional capacity to hold it ourselves and until we are able to fully reconnect with the vibration. pure love space.

The Lemurians are here with us and they are patiently waiting to pass on their wisdom to those who can hear them. Is this too much of a requirement? May be. But visit Mount Shasta and breathe in its mighty vibration and you will realize that this requirement is not at all a big one.

The messages that will be transmitted are messages from my beloved Lemurians of Mount Shasta. I urge you to read them on the Spirit of the Maat website (

Erase random features - And you will see: the world is beautiful.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

What is a poet? A person who writes poetry? Of course not. He is called a poet not because he writes in verse; but he writes in verse, that is, he brings words and sounds into harmony, because he is the son of harmony, a poet.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Beauty is eternity lasting a moment.

Anatole France

Only a bee recognizes hidden sweetness in a flower,
Only an artist senses a beautiful mark on everything.

Afanasy Afanasievich Fet

When humanity is destroyed, there is no more art. Unite beautiful words is not art.

Bertolt Brecht

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

No outer beauty can be complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty. The beauty of the soul spreads like a mysterious light over the beauty of the body.

Beauty, true happiness and true heroism do not need big words.

Wilhelm Raabe

In character, in manner, in style, in everything, the most beautiful thing is simplicity.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It is amazing how beauty and death, joy and decay are necessary for each other and condition each other.

Hermann Hesse

The beauty we see has a deep source, which we, following Plato, can define as beautiful. This essence finds its greater or lesser incarnation in matter, transforming it and creating more or less harmonious forms. In some cases we call things beautiful, and in others ugly and unattractive.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Every movement is a striving for the missing balance that we see. All living things move in search of it, in search of the lost harmony, in the pursuit of perfection, when peace is not the absence of movement, but the resultant of all movements.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Day and sun - all this together is an enthusiastic hymn to the manifestations of life. This is the most beautiful expression of how Nature bows before the mystery of creation. Night and stars are the image of another mystery, the mystery of the infinite cosmos, reflected in the sky, replete with distant worlds that make us feel insignificant in front of their immensity. During the day, we see the earth and ourselves better, and this is necessary for us. At night, twilight prevents us from examining close objects, and we rather direct our gaze into the starry sky, and we cannot do without it either.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

The laws of Art originate not in the material, but in the ideal world where Beauty lives, matter can only indicate the boundaries within which artistic inspiration spreads.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Beauty is born from the contact of beauty with matter. In the event that matter passes through itself this highest, subtlest essence, it is born harmoniously modeled, and the charm that it radiates, although being matter, is beauty. Delia Steinberg Guzman The world of beauty and the revelation of its inner harmony is one of the magical keys that allows you to penetrate into the illusory secret of Mai.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Inequality is not evil, but the basis for good, if you can harmoniously combine all the various elements of the game, forming a meaningful unity.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Almost always living in a dream and wandering with our eyes closed, we suspect, however, that it is not enough for us to observe and maintain external proportions, but we feel a need for a deeper beauty that adds charm to every gesture and deed, every word, feeling, every thought.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

To meet Maya and her Beauty, one must rise from the roadside mud and learn to fly on the wings of her illusions. Whatever is burdensome and ugly in us - everything will fall down and break on the ground. The beautiful reaches the heights of eternity.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Fit for purpose is the essence of all beauty.

Giacomo Leopardi

In the heart of one who passionately strives for beauty, it shines brighter than in the eyes of the contemplative of it.

The appearance of things changes according to moods, and therefore we see magic and beauty in them, while magic and beauty are really in ourselves.

Everything beautiful and great in this world is created by a single thought or feeling of a person.

True beauty is the meadow that comes from the holy of holies of the spirit and endows the body, just as life springs from the depths of the earth and gives color and fragrance to a flower.

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart.

A ray of beauty in the blink of an eye
Drives clouds from the heart.

John Keats

Beauty captivates forever.
You don't get cold to him.

John Keats

Enthusiasm is love and dreams of the beautiful and good, with the help of which we transform ourselves and get the opportunity to become more perfect and become like them.

Giordano Bruno

In the variety of changes, beauty remains eternally new.

Dionysius of Halicarnassus

Everyone has their own concept of female attractiveness; beauty is something more immutable and independent of tastes and judgments.

Jean de La Bruyère

Good is beauty in action.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Beauty affects even those who do not notice it.

Jean Cocteau

The cup of life is beautiful! How stupid to resent it just because you see its bottom.

Jules Renan

The beauty of an act lies primarily in the fact that it is performed easily and, as it were, without any tension.

Immanuel Kant

The beautiful cannot be known, it must be felt or created.

The beautiful does not need additional embellishments - what makes it beautiful is the absence of embellishments.

Johann Gottfried Herder

Every sincere enjoyment of beauty is in itself a source of moral beauty.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Everything that you look at with love seems beautiful.

Christian Morgenstern

The one who sees the beautiful is an accomplice in its creation.

Christian Nestel Bowie

Simplicity, truth and naturalness are the three great principles of beauty in all works of art.

Christoph Willibald Gluck

There is so much inherent in beauty that even for those who come to replace us, there will always be something to say in the glory of beauty.


The beauty of every woman is marked by the traits of her character, and we prefer the one whose character awakens the most vivid response in us.

Luc de Clapier de Vauvenargues

The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of being has its own lofty goal.

Maksim Gorky

What delights us in visible beauty is always only the invisible.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

Everything beautiful, whatever it may be, is beautiful in itself: praise is not an integral part of it. Therefore, from praise it does not become worse or better. I also mean here what is called beautiful from the ordinary point of view, such as material things and works of art. And what praise could the truly beautiful need? Nothing more than law, nothing more than truth, nothing more than benevolence, than decency. Which of these things is beautiful through praise, or perverted through censure? Does the emerald get worse from the lack of praise? And gold, ivory, purple, marble, flower, plant?

Marcus Aurelius

Beauty has the power and gift to bring peace to hearts.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

To create beauty, one must be pure in soul.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka

Nothing beautiful is lost without a trace. Do not be afraid to throw seeds of beauty along the roads. They'll stay there for weeks, maybe years, but they won't decay like diamonds, and eventually someone will notice their brilliance, pick them up, and walk away happy.

Maurice Maeterlinck

Try to surpass the beauty of yourself, you will not surpass your soul.

Maurice Maeterlinck

It takes very little to encourage the beauty in someone's soul. Sleeping angels are easy to wake up.

Maurice Maeterlinck

The sun is red at sunrise, and it is red at sunset. Both in happiness and in misfortune, the great ones are unchanged.

Wisdom of Ancient India

Beauty lies not in individual features and lines, but in the general expression of the face, in the vital sense that lies in it.

"Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, for it is short-lived." M. Gandhi

Darkness comes where the light goes out. There is no such switch that starts the darkness, but there are sources of light, when lit, the darkness dissipates.

And there is such a source in each of us. This is our Soul, our heart, capable of the greatest miracle of the Universe - Love. Love is exactly that light that can disperse the darkest and heaviest clouds. And this is precisely the weapon that is capable of delivering a decisive blow without shedding a single drop of blood or a single tear. Because Love conquers all.


Let's take a look at our world. Increasingly, information about revolutions, military uprisings, violations of peace and tranquility began to appear in the news. Here and there pockets of resistance arise, wishing to change something in the history of their country, to achieve justice and a better future for the people. A better future through destruction, fighting, shedding blood. This path has always been followed throughout the history of the Earth. Peace at the cost of war, happiness at the cost of many deaths. Tell me, is this an indicator of a modern, wise person, the creator of his own destiny, the arbiter of reality? Is it possible that over the years of evolution, development and improvement of our species, we have not found other ways to resolve grievances? Then what is this very evolution manifested in? What is our growth? Does he exist?

It is impossible to build a happy future by sowing destruction and pain. It is impossible to achieve something new by applying the old ways. The mirror of the world will always reflect what you project onto it. Pain breeds pain, fear breeds fear, aggression breeds aggression. There are no exceptions. This is the law of the universe. It has always been and always will be. Then why, despite the centuries-old history of mankind, we continue to do the same, hoping for a different result? As a result of bloody revolutions, power never passed into the hands of good people. Dictators, tyrants, liars and murderers have always stood at the head. And the lessons of history only confirm this to us. Remember at least a few: Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Napoleon... They all came after revolutions...

Why get on the beaten path, obviously knowing what it will lead to? Why show this height of naivety, thinking that it will be otherwise? Why sow darkness around when we have a magnificent weapon in our hands, hiding in our hearts. Love.


Darkness will dissipate if the source of light shines. This is a different way of building the future, a different way that promotes truly happy change. And this way is possible. One of its first supporters was Mahatma Gandhi. His ideology was to achieve India's independence from Great Britain in a peaceful, non-violent way. He fought for equality among the castes and independence, for the reconciliation of warring factions, for disarmament, for the observance of the principle of non-violence both in the domestic and foreign policy of the country. He preferred hunger strikes to weapons. And his authority was truly great. Mahatma Gandhi made a huge contribution to the spiritual and political culture of India, setting an example of not just a spiritual leader, but also a true Leader, the “Father of the Nation”, who brings Good, Light and Love.

The main essence of the non-violent method according to Gandhi is to focus on another person who is an enemy or an opponent. The basis for a correct decision and its non-violent implementation is an attempt to take the opponent's point of view and understand part of his truth.

“... I discovered that life exists in the midst of destruction and, therefore, there must be a law higher than the law of destruction. Only under such a law will society be built correctly and rationally, and life will be worth living. And if this is the law of life, then we must apply it in everyday life. Wherever a quarrel arises, wherever an opponent confronts you, conquer him with love. Spontaneously, I have worked this out in my life. This does not mean that all my problems are solved. But I found that this law of love works in a way that the law of destruction never did...

Nonviolence is the weapon of the strong. For the weak, this can easily be hypocrisy. Fear and love are contradictory concepts...

The law of love works like the law of gravity, whether we accept it or not. Just as a scientist works miracles by applying the law of nature in various ways, so a person who applies the law of love with the accuracy of a scientist can work even greater miracles. The power of non-violence is infinitely more subtle and wonderful than the material forces of nature. like electricity for example. The people who discovered the law of love for us were greater scientists than any of our modern scientists. The more I work on this law, the more I feel joy in life, joy in the arrangement of our universe. It brings me peace and an explanation of those mysteries of nature that I am powerless to describe…” M. Gandhi.

Only love can win. Because love is that light in which fears, aggression, discontent disappear. Love gives a person unlimited power to create the world in his own image, projecting goodness, joy, gratitude and abundance. And all this is amplified many times over. World peace is possible, but the way to it is not through violence and war, but through Love and Light. This is the way conscious person developing and improving. And this is the future.


“Love is one of the most irreplaceable

universal values"

The problem of universal values ​​is one of the most complex, affecting the interests of different social groups. A huge variety of points of view on this issue can be grouped in the following way:

universal values ​​are only a material phenomenon, i.e. physical or biological: (wealth, satisfaction of physiological needs);

universal human values ​​are a purely spiritual phenomenon (abstract dreams about Truth, Goodness, Justice...);

universal values ​​are a combination of both material and spiritual values.

At the same time, some scientists consider values ​​unchanged, stable, while others - changing depending on changes in political, economic, social and other conditions, on the policy of the ruling elite or party, on changes in the social system, etc. For example, in our country the dominance of private property has replaced the dominance of public property. Accordingly, the values ​​of society have changed.

All human values ​​are connected with the objective activity of nature and society, i.e. really exist. Values ​​have something in common even for the most different people. That valuable, which as such is realized by people in the course of their activity, is very homogeneous.

The most productive for our program is the classification of value systems, the proposal of T.I. Petrakova, according to which values ​​can be divided into 3 types: natural, acquired and absolute.

natural values - these are the values ​​of the natural forces and abilities of the soul, i.e. mind, feelings, will. They are given to a person from birth. Natural values ​​are clarity of mind, speed of thought, reliability of memory, sincere feelings, and steadfastness of will. You can also highlight such natural virtues as giftedness, talent, Creative skills, openness, honesty, chastity, generosity. Each person has a certain measure of natural values, which he must develop and enrich.

Acquired Values - these are the values ​​acquired by a person in the process of intellectual and moral formation, they are the result of the education and upbringing received. The acquired intellectual value is the power of the mind, as a combination of wisdom, knowledge and competencies. Acquired emotional values ​​are qualities that are rooted in the positive natural inclinations of a person and have received their form through the constant control of moral consciousness and will. These include: moderation, endurance, strength, politeness, respect, sympathy for a person, responsiveness, gratitude, generosity, fidelity, courage, perseverance, patience, constancy, purposefulness. Acquired values ​​become the second nature of a person, they allow him to act most fruitfully in any situation. When the acquired values ​​are deeply rooted in the personality, the possibility of a person's deviation from the natural moral norm weakens and decreases.

Absolute universal values - these are values ​​that do not change over time and are significant not for some limited circle of people (social groups, class, parties, states or coalitions of states), but that are important for all mankind. According to the above, they are of interest for our program of moral and spiritual education "Self-Knowledge". These values ​​are common to all peoples, have a deep inner meaning and are expressed not just as external ethical standards and rules, but as objects of direct inner experience, that is, they are based on the human conscience as the embodiment of truth, righteous behavior, peace, love, non-violence.

Therefore, we can say about absolute universal human values ​​that a person is born with them, they are laid in the heart of every person from birth, they permeate everything that exists, they are the same for all people, do not depend on nationality, race, habitat and confessional affiliation and are unchanged in time. They are inseparable, interrelated, interdependent and, penetrating each other, create a single basis for the spirituality of man and his culture. The application of these values ​​in the practice of everyday life leads to the acquisition of such qualities as wisdom, honesty, joy, peace, compassion, mercy, true love, fidelity and justice.

Absolute universal values ​​include both natural and acquired values, which, when viewed through the prism of universal values, become human qualities. Identification of universal human values ​​leads to the manifestation of virtues. Human values ​​permeate all human values. If we consider values ​​in the order they are manifested in outside world, we can say that absolute universal human values ​​permeate all stages of a person’s spiritual growth and are contained in him from the very beginning of his birth in a less or more manifest form. The degree of manifested universal human values ​​testifies to the spiritual level of the individual.

To achieve inner harmony, a person in thoughts, words and actions must follow universal human values, which correspond to the following levels of the structure of the human personality:

Violence - spiritual level.

True - intellectual level (level of discrimination, mind).

Love - moral level (mental, thoughts, words).

peace - emotional level (feelings).

Righteous Conduct (physical layer).

The senses govern the body. The mind governs the senses. Pure reason (the power of discrimination) stands above the mind. If you use the mind (intellect) correctly, you can get rid of anxiety, fear, aggression. To hear the voice of reason, you need to bring your mind to a state of peace. Thus, we can say that character is the main wealth of a person.

All universal human values ​​are facets of one humanity. Righteous behavior is love in action, love permeates all values:

Love in action, righteous conduct.

Love in feelings - peace.

Love in thoughts, words - truth.

Love in understanding - non-violence.

In the list of three main feelings:Vera,hope,love- love stands at the end, but only because it is the final chord in the life of the affirming symphony of this trinity. There is no faith without love, there is no hope without love, there is no meaning in simple or complex things in this world without love.

Man comes to this earth to be loved and learn to love. To warm a piece of the infinite Universe with the warmth of your love!

Love isthe concept is comprehensive, applicable to many things. From birth, a person loves someone. First mom, dad, grandma and grandpa. Even their brothers and sisters, although outwardly, it seems that they constantly conflict and quarrel. Growing up, the baby also learns to love and the world. He discovers it for himself, learns something new, is surprised by the unusual, admires the beautiful. The whole spectrum of these feelings merges into one, with which he wakes up in the morning, anticipating new experiences. Every day he loves this world more and more. Here is the girl in kindergarten with piercing green eyes and a huge bow. And here is a beautiful motley butterfly on a fluffy chrysanthemum. They both evoke a sense of delight. I want to caress them, make friends, play a fun game, because he really loves them.

Love in a person's lifestarts small and, like a snowball, overgrows with new objects of adoration. Not yet consciously, but already inextricably, the child is connected by a feeling of love with maternal warmth and care. At school, he unrequitedly falls in love with a neighbor on the desk, then with a young teacher, and then for real, with suffering, with a fellow student. And each time with the certainty that these feelings are forever.

Butthe relationship between a man and a woman is so multifaceted and unpredictable that you can never guess anything. It is noteworthy that the breakup of lovers, for the most part, is not a tragedy of their whole life for them. Time heals and new love seizes energy also strongly and passionately.

Not many people in this world fate givesendless love. If this happens and there is reciprocity, then one cannot dream of more. These two will carry theirlove and loyaltythroughout life, despite many difficulties and hardships. Suchlove knows no barriers that are easier to overcome. Because there is always the most beloved person anddevoted friend.

By the way,love for a friendalso has a place. If there is a readiness for self-sacrifice for the sake of saving a friend, then this is dictated by love.

Love in a person's lifemay manifest itself in different ways. For example,love for the Motherland, the place where he was born and raised. To a small cozy courtyard where he played in the sandbox. To the native school and beloved teacher. For your profession, this is also important. To family, children, elderly parents. If a person radiates love, then everyone around feels it and returns it in full. If we love nature and take care of it, it will repay more than full bins.

They say life is worthless without love. And no one can determine what this feeling is that captures a person and makes him happy, and which destroys destinies when he dies.

It seems,love It is a mystery that cannot be unraveled. However, for myself, I understand it this way: love is indifference. When you feel warmth, joy, fullness next to someone, when you spend time with a person and know that not a single minute is wasted, when you want to be there again and again, and also wish happiness to a person and want to help him - this is is love. Also, love is gratitude and acceptance of another for who he is. This is such a state of mind when next to someone you have everything for happiness, and the whole world rejoices with you.

Here is what the children of the 6th grade of our school say about love:

I tried to find the answer through the survey and what I got:

Love - this is when someone loves you, he says your name in a special way. Your name is comfortable on his tongue.

Love is when you share your fried potatoes and don't expect to be shared with you either.

Love - this is what makes you smile, even when you're tired.

Love - this is what turns out to be with you in the room on New Year if you stop unwrapping presents and listen.

Love is when you tell a boy you like his shirt and he starts wearing it every day.

Love - this is when mom sees dad dirty and sweaty and still says that he is handsome.

Love - this is when mom makes coffee for dad and first tries it herself, whether it turned out delicious.

Love - it's like old grandparents who are still friends, even after they got to know each other so well.

Love - this is when you need to be together all the time, it is difficult without each other, you are able to give your life for another without hesitation, you are ready for the most insane acts.

Love - this is something that cannot be understood with the head, something that is felt only by the heart.

Love - it's a disease. When a person is in love, in fact he becomes an idiot and blind

Love It is who knows what comes from who knows where and ends who knows when. This is the strongest of passions - it simultaneously takes possession of the head, heart and body.

There will be a sea of ​​answers, because everyone experienced this feeling in their own way.

The next question was: "What is love?"

Love can be disinterested, strong, mutual, maternal, selfish, for the Motherland, for nature, blind, magical, etc.

Most often people talk about three types.

1. Selfless love is a mosaic that consists of care and love for loved ones, care for the world around, love for animals, and for oneself. Such feelings lead not to destruction, but to the creation of the surrounding reality. By accepting it, you can make and live the life of your dreams. It is impossible to be truly happy without the desire to learn to love this world with all the fibers of the soul. Use every day of your life and try to learn to love this world, and it will love you back.

2. Selfish love when a person loves another person, deity, saint or anyone else with the expectation of reciprocal love. This most common form of love is really love for yourself, not for someone or something else.

Selfish love tends to fade quickly with time.

3. Mutual love - a measure of morality, a condition for human happiness, an indicator of spiritual beauty and public value marriage union. This is exactly what is written in the Code of Marriage and Family: "... the basis of the family is the construction of family relations on the voluntary marriage of a man and a woman, on feelings of mutual love, friendship and respect for all family members, free from material calculations." A voluntary union based on mutual love, friendship and respect determines the relationship between a man and a woman at 20, 40, and 60 years old.

A lot of problems make life modern man, including personal, to the limit of complex. And if the sun of mutual love does not shine in it, these difficulties dominate a person, erase the joy from his very existence. The lover necessarily takes on some of the difficulties, becomes a friend. It is in this that reciprocity is manifested - in the readiness for empathy, accepting the positions and duties of the beloved as one's own.

This mutual love changes and grows along with a person's spiritual growth.

And no matter how much we talk and write about love, it is this energy that makes this world kinder and brighter. All people on earth should love and respect each other. But, unfortunately, this does not happen. Very often such a bright feeling as love is overshadowed by other feelings: anger, envy, hatred, greed, greed. There is a love for gold, but not for parents, there is a love for money, but not for people.

Luxury goods cannot satisfy a person's need for love. For some reason, a person does not spare money for his body; beautiful clothes, expensive jewelry, tasty food. But a person very often forgets about his soul, about his inner world. After all, if it is completely empty there, then a person will lose the meaning of life. If the tree inside rotted, became empty, then it is easily brought down by a storm. The same thing happens with a person. The storm in his life can easily break him. Therefore, it is very important to fill yourself with love that will not let you break.

When I was sent to self-knowledge courses, I thought for a long time why this was for me, what it would give me, how much time I would waste, it would be better to give lessons, etc. But when I came to the courses, I realized that here I gain new experience, new friends, and most importantly, new knowledge. I became interested in reading such literature, which I had not picked up before, I learned a lot about the concept of Love as a source of energy. And it was this energy, the energy of my colleagues, the coach that helped me move forward to knowledge. When a person lives in joy, love and gratitude to the surrounding world, the energy flows through his body harmoniously. I changed myself and my children changed with me, everything that surrounded me changed. I simply ceased to be annoyed by those things to which I previously reacted sharply. Everything has disappeared because I have changed.

Improvements will not be long in coming, and improvements will be manifested at all levels of your life, since no one has yet canceled the law of attraction.

All people try to find in life , but, as a rule, they are not looking for where it is.Love lives in the person. You won't find it anywhere.

It is in our power to revive and nurture our , love for your loved ones, for your profession, for yourself, for children, for others.

“Janusz Korczak helped me understand another piece of wisdom related to the question: what is harmonious development. Korczak gives simple advice, but from the Higher Pedagogical Reason: “The commandment: love your neighbor is harmony, space, freedom. Look around - smile!

This thought freed me from unnecessary scientific sophistication. Really:harmony - in the love of neighbor. If anyone wants to be a harmonious being, let him learn to love; If anyone wants to bring up harmony in children, let him teach them to love.

In fact, you just need to love and show children by your example how to speak, how to think, how to act, in a word, the unity of thought, words and deeds.

I strive, as a teacher in the classroom, as a mother at home, a grandmother, to give this energy of this love to my students, children, colleagues. This course gave me a lot of new things about this concept, I always thought that this word is a feeling, but in fact I agree that this is the energy thanks to which we warm someone’s hearts, warm someone’s souls, “ignite” sparks in someone’s -some eyes. My self-knowledge lessons are all imbued with this energy, because it is in my lessons that we can talk about love freely, be able to confess our love to our Motherland, our parents, relatives, friends, sing songs about love and recite poems.I want to end my essay with a love poem:

Love is like life: sometimes fun, sometimes sad.
Sometimes funny. And sometimes- wise.
Love love
- mysterious energy-
It comes to him whose soul is good.

Love has long been sung by poets,
But in the song everyone repeats again:
The earth, the earth is warmed by the warmth of love.
Love will save this beautiful world!

The land of love knows no boundaries.
Fly into it like a bird, winged.
Love love - invisible pages
great fairy tale
- fairy tales of all time.

Kadirova A.B