Peace love beauty harmony non-violence. Woman energy


All English poems are translated into Russian by Adolf Shvedchikov and Lev Semashko. We would like to emphasize one important circumstance. The published poems are very different in quality, which was influenced by the translation as well. There are some excellent verses, but, frankly, there are some bad ones. Nevertheless, we have published them as pioneers, written in the innovative genre of global peace poetry, with appropriate requirements, as a reward for the courage of the authors who were not afraid of the possibility of error and went into the unknown creative way. We ask readers to consider these verses with indulgence and understanding of the situation from which they emerged with dignity, although not with best quality. Poets will have the opportunity to pick it up in the second edition of this book in a year. Sincere thanks to Adolf Shvedchikov for help in translation.

Tolana Chakravarty, poet, India

Magnificent nature, eternal peace,
A generous gift from the Creator.
Honor or dishonor, like it or not,
It is up to the person to decide.
Sweet world on the threshold of the planet
Waiting for his wise choice
Victory of Peace over War.
Bloom time...
Bliss of spring, a sea of ​​​​pleasure.
Our hearts are filled with light
They sow the seeds of peace
To free the earth from its shackles
And forever preserve true spirituality.
Why don't we teach others about love and faith,
To make a choice in favor of the Victory of Peace over War?
A tempting fit of selfishness
Rising waves of changing feelings
Create friction between people
Leading to chaos in the matter of survival.
Why not love and care
Why not compassion for a person,
Why is there no hard choice?
We create a harmonious association,
To ensure the Victory of Peace over War
And ready with true fervor
Always serve Global Harmony
As the source of this great victory.

Abdul Kalam, President of India 2002–2007, poet

In this decade, I have met millions of young people.
What have I learned during this ten years from them?
Youth has a dream, youth has pain, youth has strength.
She is our future, the foundation of our future.
Can they live in a clean green environment
Prosperous without poverty
In peace, without fear of war,
Living in the world happily everywhere.
Do people need a grand vision of peace and prosperity?
Peace and prosperity of all nations on planet Earth,
How to create it, such a vision, in reality?
I see a beautiful star rising
The rise of a glorious vision,
Emergence of enlightened citizens.
Enlightened citizens embrace all nations,
By acquiring education along with the value system,
Perceiving the spirituality of each religion.
And freeing the world from poverty.
All are intertwined by the beautiful mission of life.
Youth sees the birth of a great star,
Radiating peace and prosperity to all.

(Presented at the XXX World Poet Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, 30/11/10)

Atanasis Kumuris, blind poet, Greece

I would like to touch the sun
To illuminate all the places on earth that do not know him.
You know I can't walk but I'm holding in my hand
White Flower of Global Peace Science.
This is a unique harmonious book that teaches us,
That only Peace and Harmony will win the war.
If your heart and soul are pure and reasonable,
If you are able to comprehend the healing meaning of Harmony,
If you comprehend and use it with respect,
Then the sun will shed its light on the earth
And I will send it to you with the white Dove of Peace.
Mothers of all nations, raise your full voice,
Together with your children
Shouting into the ears of the weak-minded that the war will inevitably affect them too.
You, full of strength, people of the planet Earth, join your hands,
To turn the rockets of war into Doves of Peace!

(Translated from Greek into English by Takis Ioanides)

Muhammad Khan, poet, Pakistan

In the 21st century, a revolutionary idea was born from the mud of wars
Global Peace Sciences,
Growing up from the values ​​of the Global Harmony Association.
Need new poets of the world for her
With new scientific ideas and new poems about him,
To teach people new thoughts about the world,
Instead of important but powerless condemnations of war and praises of peace.
For the GPS book for the purpose of teaching people
The GHA founders ignited a revolutionary idea,
Which is unique in nature, but requires support,
Creative self-sacrifice and a new poetic imagination.
The muse of the poetry of the world in the new century inspires us to new ideas and images
World victory over war in the 21st century through GPS and its consciousness.
Her book is needed by every child, in every family,
To sow in souls the seeds of peace from harmony,
To achieve sustainable peace today and in the future
On a solid unified scientific foundation of SPHERONS,
As an eternal source of peace, discovered in GPS.

Takis Ioanides, poet, Greece

Morality can never be killed by war
Only the poorest pay a high lethal price
For wars to feed the greedy appetites of those who unleash them.
The logical thought of man is chained in the contradictions of war,
Modern man produces a dangerous quality of global culture.
A number of modern scientists treacherously create deadly weapons,
Giving birth to dangerous and pathological thoughts that humiliate humanity,
Selling and using them for money and power, ignoring
The importance of universal harmony, values ​​and virtues.
In our time of dark wars, some people try
To revive spiritual growth with faith in human ideals,
Open new horizons for the survival of mankind.
For the sake of human dignity and the harmonious coexistence of people
Created an unprecedented innovative book Global Peace Science,
Reviving the great mission of mankind:
Working together uniting our souls
To overcome what separates us
Without weapons and wars, but with harmony in the hearts.

Yuri Tsymbalist, poet, Moscow, Russia

Dedicated to L.M.S.

Fundamentals of Global Peace Science
A gray-haired, elderly man sculpts.
Computer, wife and "odnushka" apartment
In the ring of St. Petersburg curiosities and rivers ...

Union planetary republics of the free,
Without wars, rebellions, genocide and evil -
This is the goal of all his noble efforts.
He devoted both words and deeds to her.

He proposed a tetrar approach for the World.
Well, someone accepts, but someone is not happy.
That's how poets capricious Lyra
For centuries led to the brilliance of late awards ...

Everything seemed clear: harmony, happiness,
Love and prosperity - create and live! ..
But the Washington authorities rule the Earth,
Whose business is in our blood.

Soulless defeat of ancient civilizations -
Here is the handwriting of the Nazis and the servants of Satan.
The UN folds like the League of Nations
In anticipation of a new and terrible war ...

The elite quartet crushes peace on the planet:
Obama and Cameron, Merkel, Hollande.
And innocent children are dying everywhere
From bullets "democrats" fed gangs.

So how many more "peace" awards will be awarded
Killers of culture, hope, love?
Surely the alarm will not wake anyone up?
Save, O God, and bless

Peoples of the Earth to the holy battle
For the right of people to be people.
Instruct the power-hungry - start learning
Fundamentals of peacefulness - and enlighten ...

And again - Petersburg and "odnushka" apartment,
Computer, wife ... For people, day after day,
The gray-haired man draws the line of the World
And gives the basics of Science about him ...

Ayo Amale, poet, Accra, Ghana

The world is the sun, moon and stars.
The world is heart, mind and soul.


The century explodes like a desert vacuum. Minds are breaking.
Hearts keep the sun on the ground in a new dress.

A new dawn breaks into love.
The science. Mind. Awakening the heart of the world.
Truth is dressed in heaven, always higher.
And comes to life, again to life.
The world is looking for the heart and the whole story.
Thinking comes from the clouds.
Truth is dressed in heaven, always higher.
And comes to life, again to life.


(Love is peace is peace from harmony)

With the awakening of the world

The most wonderful root of immortality is akin to the beauty of roses,
Pulsations of life.
With the awakening of the world
With the awakening of hearts, true peace is born.
With the awakening of truth, the soul opens with love.
Hearts are like flower buds in bloom.

Maria Ascona, poet, Argentina

A light and pleasant spirit spreads over the vastness of the ocean.
The Internet shortens distances.
Peace-loving is the union of philosophy and art.
New features to focus scientists
And find ways for harmonious peace and love.
Peace-loving was created in the Global Harmony Association.
A group of peace leaders from all over the world.
Their collective work, the book ABC of Harmony -
This is a pearl of wisdom that amazes everyone,
Since he first discovered the way to solve world problems.
Let the revolution of ideas and ideals begin on the basis of tetrasociology,
Where many thinkers from different countries trying to find solutions
Using the brainstorming method taken from the old sociology.
Reapplied for fresh ideas.
Now we are at the origins of the Sociology of Peace
And we are sure that everything in it will work as it should!

Celia Altshuler, artist, poet, Puerto Rico

We are the children of Mother Gaia, living in the spiritual family of nature,
Carriers of Peace and Love, garlands of inner harmony,
All this is seen from above, we are diligent earthly messengers,
Wings of golden love and joy,
We carry the words of the poetry of the coming world, illuminated by peacefulness,
For all life and all affairs on Earth.
Like hard workers ants, we go to our innermost goals:
Love in all its manifestations, the path of reason combined
With compassion and kindness, creating a strong bond
With science, ethics, humanity, a way of harmonious life,
Deployed in the "ABC of Harmony" for teaching peace -
A gift to present and future generations,
With respect to all living things and the endless path to joy,
Proudly share our similarities and overcome our differences,
Shaking hands with a smile and kind words.
We are those angelic earthly messengers who
Reach our world today with their voices,
Heal his wounds from the absurdity of group animosity,
To bring humanity back to its Center of Spiritual Gravity of Harmony.

Kartar Singh, educator, India

September is a special month
When everyone in the world feels unity.
Let's create a simple treatise,
How to live in the universal world.
We will live ourselves and let others live.
It's a way of survival for more than two.
Let there be no threats and tears, let everyone live without fear.
Let universal brotherhood be our main goal,
May peace from harmony be in our souls.
Let hatred disappear by color, faith and religion,
May universal peace come from harmony.
Let the "Pancha Shila" (five principles) be the final line,
May each of us grow, laugh and shine.
Let "Pancha Shila" become the basis of harmony.
Let it be the ultimate goal and argument.
Let the five basic principles rule.
First, the territorial integrity of others should be respected.
Secondly, do not allow any aggression.
Third, do not interfere in the internal affairs of others.
Fourth, equality and mutual benefit in all areas.
Fifth, recognize peaceful coexistence among all countries.
In this case, we can live in harmony for centuries.

Adolf Shvedchikov, poet, Russia

When a cold whirlwind meets a hot one,
A wild tornado is suddenly born.
Like a devilish mushroom, it rushes over the earth,
Everything remains lifeless behind...
How terrible is the endless roar of the living,
Ruthless monster, he is ready for anything!
Tornado of war, you pour blood everywhere,
Come to your senses, people, where are you going?
Religions teach love only the word,
Why then should we be ready for war?
The bloody past lasts for centuries
The earth is flooded knee-deep with tears!
Think about it, isn't it time to say:
Send us, Lord, finally, grace!
Let the horn of Wisdom blow again,
Life-giving juice will splash Harmony!


History learns nothing
Can this be?
We are born to suffer
Or is it still to live?
What sweet words
Peace, freedom, rest,
But the shoulders are shaking with fear,
When the bombs are overhead!
Put the story in a box
Bloody twentieth century
Who are we, people or lizards?
Stop man!
Nature suffers insanely
We have a short term,
Who will make the weather
At the crossroads of centuries and roads?
Will everything be the same as before
Through the centuries and rivers
Will hope shine again?
Answer, twenty-first century!
Politicians and businessmen
Scientists and poets
Tell me what price
Should we pay for this?
Let's put aside our distrust
Forget past grievances
Let's open Harmony's doors
in the gardens Semiramis!

Eddie Woodburn, poet, Maryland, USA

Here's what could become natural if:
People came to a collective conclusion
That a person is a member of the same family,
who voluntarily consciously
Defends the principles of religious tolerance,
Equality of people and respect for different cultures.
The love of people for their country would become love
On a global scale.
People of all nations would best realize
That they can be useful by creating global friendships.
Imbued with the spirit of cooperation, without government pressure,
People would learn to work harmoniously on the earth
And could get all the benefits of modern comfort,
Caring for others and giving the opportunity to realize a worthy life.
With the participation of all the inhabitants of the earth, mankind
Renounce materialism and passion for dominance,
Arising from selfishness
And everyone on earth will discover
Possibility of division of responsibility.

Tatiana Vorontsova, poet, Russia

Not enough power for the planet
Give us happiness and warmth ...
Wars rule the world
And spread the whirlwinds of evil…
Asia is on fire again...
Africa on fire...
Ukraine is being torn apart
Those who are devoted only to moshna ...
Everyone pulls a blanket
On myself, freaking out...
Not love, which is not enough ...
Money rules the world

No unity, understanding
Everything is like in the dark middle age...
On the palms of the Universe
They burn people, forgetting about sin...
Isn't it time to stop...
How many victims in the name of lies...
Where is the limit of conscience
Humanity, say...

Dionysus Gergakopoulos, poet, Greece

Cradle of mankind, glorious city of Olympia!
Your inspiration cannot let people down.
May every heart be warmed by your divine light,
Which decorates, illuminates and fills souls with delight!

When a swarm of nations flocks to the holy land once every four years,
To share your sacred flame, their eyes fill with tears
They hear from you and from all Greece
The most ardent desire of LOVE and PEACE.

Then all people can change their behavior,
Throw away hatred, evil and strife,
Then all the world leaders
They can shake hands to start a new life.

Then they may decide to disarm,
And become human
In relation to the poor enslaved peoples,
So long and vainly waiting for freedom.

Then they can rule fairly
To make an old dream come true
About that in our world, ultimately,
Peace and Love reigned.

Hail Greece, happy mother
Olympia, glorious and proud,
Your most beautiful daughter
Where the gods chose to live.

Nina Yudina, poet, St. Petersburg, Russia

Ares - you are the god of war and torment!
Lay down your sword and let the earth breathe!
And let her hear other sounds
What would the silence not accidentally scare!
Let the swords be reforged into plowshares
And let the battlefield be overgrown with grass!
And the heavens will hear the song of the chorale,
Where every sound is filled only in spring!
The earth will sigh, smile happily,
Only a wave beats against the continents...
And the song of love will sweep over the world
And everyone will forget that there was a war!

Guy Crequi, poet, France

In most countries
Defend the borders
Or protect the land
current ministers
With high conceit
Calling themselves:
"Minister of the Armies"
"Minister of Defense"
"Maritime Minister"
"Minister of Collective Security",
Sometimes even, alas, the "Minister of War".
Like these titles
We claim
"Ministry of Peace".
The world has no price.
Ministry of Survival
Like a holy spirit
Come down from the sky
Called by our prayers.

José Lopera, poet, Spain

Who is enlightened
and knows where the light source is,
and knows what is the fragrance of souls,
that tenderness is a manifestation of the love of the answer,
comforting the pain, and compassionate tears, not a stranger.
He knows about the Muse, about Love,
the beauty of the sublime
sees and understands
in magical music
in harmony,
and from rosebuds,
The Sun creates with verses.

(Translated by Zaure Khizatolla)

Zaure Khizatolla, poet, Almaty, Kazakhstan

There is the power of intention - the power of the age!
Explore the possibilities of unknown frontiers.
I invoke the sovereignty of Man -
Create a world among earthly pages!

Ada Aharoni, poet, Israel

They will each sit under his vine and under his fig tree, and no one will frighten them.(Bible, Micah, 4, 4).

The Man Who Walks with the World– walks with God (Quran, Sura 48)

My Palestinian sister
Let's build a strong bridge
From your olive world to mine
From my orange world to yours
Above the seething pain
Poisonous rains of harm -
And keep our hands up high
Full of free stars
Glowing world.
I don't want to be your oppressor
You don't want to be my oppressor
Or your jailer
Or my jailer
We don't want to be afraid of each other
Beneath our vines
And under our fig trees,
Blooming on a silver horizon
Above bruising and bleeding
From poisonous gases and squalls.
Indeed, my Arab sister,
Let's build a strong bridge
From the jasmine of understanding
Where everyone will sit with her baby
Under her vine and under her fig tree -
And no one will frighten them,

Lev Semashko, Adolf Shvedchikov, poet, Russia

(An attempt at a philosophical poem of the new age)

Everything is truly new– on the verge of old madness

The truly new arises
On the verge of old madness
And clothed in the Word,
In the Word of God's gift.
Titans thought era
Once upon a time gives birth
She trusts the Titan
Collecting everything bit by bit.
Marx was in X I 10th century
With monism and "Capital"
With an economic shaft,

That puts everything in its place.
Story–this is a battle
antagonistic classes,
When the masses fight to the death
Desperately, without reconciliation.
Elites drown in luxury
The worker remains in need,
Everyone gets everything
Rocking, crumbling thrones!
X I X opens four
production areas
single economic organism
class antagonism,
Fight without measure.
He created the science of violence
According to Caesar, "prepare for war,
if you want peace
But this is a Pyrrhic victory,
It looks like a sign of powerlessness.
Marx X
IX- violent lone genius
industrial civilization,
Leading to militarization
To the suffering of all generations.
Marx XX is born
From the Absolute of Harmony and Pluralism
New social organism
Which the
, in proportion to nature, one.
Marx XX I - it's hard work
Four harmonious classes of the population, SPHERONS,
People work without wars and groans,
Ensuring the global survival quota.
XX I created the science of harmony,
Predicted the collapse of the militaristic empire,
Opened new doors for mankind
To a world without world wars of cacophony.
XX I - the collective genius of a harmonious civilization,
While this is only the first sprout,
But the time will come, the world will see a flower,
About which nations have dreamed for centuries!
X IX - Titan of violence
XX I - Titan of harmony.
Let's stop the agony
Let's give humanity wings!

Lev Semashko, Yuri Tsymbalist, poet, Russia

Who Created Man? God the Creator or the Devil?
Or maybe an explosion from Chaos brought the Grain to us,
What on Earth, long ago, bypassing the most ancient rules,
It suddenly became a rational being. It is possible...

But there is also a variant of a mighty, Higher Power,
Where the whole range of Unknown Ideas is synthesized.
In the creation of People, that Force embodied
The idea of ​​HOMO SAPIENS and suffers with it!

Giving the right of choice to the subject - a person,
That Power has long been only watching the struggle,
That turned into a war that threatens forever
To say goodbye to us from the Earth, having moved to another world ...

We learn about this only from the works of the titans.
One of them - Karl Marx, gave birth to the doctrine of "Capital".
Now his teaching is unlikely to become “eternal”:
"Titan of violence" - this is how he appeared before the world.

Karl Marx defined: violence is a way
Enrichment of elites at the expense of ordinary people.
And the "class of masters" lives at the expense of the "class of garbage" -
And no other ideas outside the class struggle...

Marx is wrong. Dreaming about the coming world,
He unwittingly laid a mine on the way to him.
The world of empires and illusions exploded. Leeroy,
Harmony, Love created the World! Did Marx “forget”?!..

Many theories of the Universe have been born,
Theories of life in the future, perhaps, a dime a dozen,
There have always been enough titans of thought on Earth.
But lonely geniuses can no longer be found ...

This process is objective. The time has come
Rallying minds around the creators of ideas.
Global Harmony Union - this is the measure
And the principle of community of civilized people.

Here, in the GHA, was born collective genius.
Consciously absorbing the ideas of many thousands of years,
He offers a new way to overcome
Mistakes of the past: Peace from Harmony in response

To the world of violence, according to Marx's teachings.
Global peace, free labor in any of the distant countries,
And on Earth there is no more place for oppression
One superpower of others. And no more wounds

And there are no dead and missing in all wars,
And millions of mothers crying from grief.
So the GHA collective genius is worthy
He revealed the dream of his Science of Peace.

In this science, all the ideas of Pythagoras,
Confucius, Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi are also there.
In it, in general, everything for sentencing
War, violence, antagonism. Peace - Honor!

Today we offer leaders of all countries:
Take a chance among us ordinary people to live!
We wish you harmony, love and happiness,
And we give a chance: to declare a moratorium on wars!

But not for a year or two, but forever, forever,
After all, earthlings have only one desire now.
For this feat, harmonious, humane,
We will call each of you a Hero of the World!

Note. The last two verses were written on the basis of the article "Two Marxes" (below) and are a wonderful example of the multiplication of creative energies in their collective synthesis in the spirit of the GHA! This example- final, and therefore significant and in our collective work GPS. I will not tire of repeating that without this collective work, neither the GPS nor the previous seven books would have appeared in the 10 years of its existence. Of course, the role and contribution of each is different., but without the main thing, without the multiplication of energies in a collective effort, there would be no our unprecedented achievements. Therefore, the GHA and his work should be defined as the "new Marx"! HE IS BORN BY OUR COLLECTIVE CREATIVE EFFORT OF INTELLIGENCE. These are the most subtle, the softest and most inconspicuous, but the strongest creative energies of harmony, consonance. This is a fundamentally new creativity with a fundamentally different result: instead of violence - harmony, instead of war - peace, etc. No individualistic efforts were able to lead to such results, to the main discovery of the new century - to the discovery of SPHERONS, as natural objective actors of the global world. Therefore, a low bow and a huge gratitude to each GPS co-creator, whose only participation, regardless of his contribution,filled us with new creative energy and multiplied it. Only in such a "melting pot" of the GHA creativity could fundamentally new science global peace and such an unprecedented revolution in the social sciences, knowledge and thinking! I am happy to congratulate each and every one of the GHA members, especially GPS co-authors, on this historic achievement!

11.1. Harmonizing art of the planetary world.
Leonid Timoshenko

The vital activity of a person becomes possible due to the continuous flow of two streams of energy, descending and ascending. The accumulation of energy necessary for the stable functioning of the body is carried out in energy centers. Each of the centers gives out energy and receives it in contacts with environment and people. This exchange can be harmonious or destructive.

The problem of the survival of civilization has shifted from the technocratic area to the sphere of Spirituality, to the sphere of the need for every person on Earth to understand their moral responsibility for the evolutionary path of development, as the fundamental Law of the Cosmos.

A harmonious society is a society of a new "creative person" in terms of scale and perception - with a pure consciousness, with an open heart, extensive knowledge, a philosophical mindset, a global coverage of vital interests, love for nature, man, and art. He has a certain ideology of life - the joy of creativity, the discovery of his own giftedness and the giftedness of others, and participation in general programs global system of creative employment.

And of course, the unique abilities of people are the main value of humanity. A gifted person is a high rank of personality. And only a gifted person can give an assessment of giftedness. Giftedness is given to us as a "Gift from above" to promote a strategic plan in the development of the person himself, and at the same time, it allows us to draw a picture of the prospective development of all mankind.

The discovery of one's talents in a person is a great joy, and it cannot be compared either with everyday successes or with monetary rewards. A "creative person" constantly creates new spaces for actively working brain cells, which were previously in a disabled mode.

All people, at their core, have almost the same initial capital - a certain number of brain cells - neurons. Only a small part of these cells is involved in the operating mode, the rest are in a disabled, as it were, dormant state. Active areas of the brain - only 10-15% of its total volume - this, according to generally accepted estimates.

This means that all people have the same supply of brain cells for self-development. We conclude that all people have equal chances in their development. And when should we do this and start developing the possibilities inherent in us?

Let's try to analyze this. If in the prenatal period the fetus is already formed as an organism with human functions, then its brain, like a blank sheet of paper, is waiting for any information, and, oddly enough, it can perceive a fairly large amount of it. The child inside the mother does not see external world, but he hears it!

It turns out that the work of the child's brain comes from voice and music, because before his birth, a little man reacts to the intonation of speech, to household noises, but distinguishing from them the beautiful and harmonious music that his mother listens to.

Music can be the basis of the first development at a very early age, namely before birth. Such music should be harmonious and sensual, with a lot of information. The child will perceive it in the subconscious, and his active points and neural connections in the brain will be significantly increased. Already, at this moment, the child will begin to develop his brain - that blank sheet of paper on which our World will write all his life.

And so the child was born. He got into new world that crashed down on him. Everything is unfamiliar - and the bright light after the darkness inside the mother, the dry air instead of the moist environment of the waters. And suddenly he heard the same music that his mother listened to before he was born. He begins to perceive this world as no longer hostile, because here there is that very beautiful harmony that he felt when he heard the music.

And now, if the accents are correctly placed in the formation of a “noble, harmonious personality, starting from its very birth, then we will still be able to change the catastrophic situation that has developed in our society, thanks to directed, disharmonic and violent, militaristic in its essence, like the whole industrial civilization with its "anti-democracy", technologies for the destruction of the psyche of children and adolescents.

Music belongs to the fine arts, which not only decorate a person internally, but also harmonize this inner world in all its four areas: character, consciousness, will and body, which are revealed in the "ABC of Harmony" in its "personal psychological genome". It represents the most beautiful thing in the world that can be achieved by people. Thought is musical. Every right thought is the right combination tones. If a person thinks and understands correctly, then this is the most The best music that exists in the physical world.

Music is the movement of beauty. But among various kinds arts - music is the most significant, because it is built according to the laws of the harmony of the universe, where the right proportion and the right rhythm. When you hear the music you like, it sets you up and brings you into harmony with life. It sets up in a harmonious way both the internal spheres of the individual among themselves, and them with the external spheres of society and nature.Beauty at all these levels and between them is born from harmony..

Music is a science, and a person needs to study it consciously in order to penetrate into its deep individual and social meaning. To understand the consonance of the Global Peace Science, filled with the inner harmony of the spheres of the personality of society, with music in general and with the music of SPHERONS in particular. The greatest prophets, peacemakers and social reformers of the past were great musicians. Music penetrates further than any other impression of the world can penetrate, and only the philosophical, religious and sociological imagination is akin to it. Music created the world, and with the help of music it returns again to the source that created it. When the world was created, everyone sang. The whole world is one musical composition.

Many years of experience have revealed an amazing pattern for us: with the right disclosure of a person’s talent, an amazing thing happens in the next stage -creative self-development of the individual begins to acquire an avalanche-like process. His inner dormant talents manifest themselves one after another.

Man discovers in himself musician , the musician discovers in himself artist , the artist discovers in himself choreographer , the choreographer discovers the sculptor in himself, the sculptor discovers in himself poet , the poet discovers in himself philosopher , the philosopher discovers in himselfstatesman, the statesman discovers in himself sociologist , the sociologist discovers in himself teacher , the teacher discovers in himself psychologist , the psychologist discovers in himself healer , the healer discovers in himself Teachers. A Society of Harmonious Consciousness is being created that is equivalent to a Global Peace Society without wars and violence.

The Society of Harmonious Consciousness is, first of all, a Society with ethical standards of non-violence, honesty, without complexes of low passions, where people are with an open heart and a philosophical mindset. The Society of Harmonious Consciousness lives in love and harmony; envy and meanness, hostility and fanaticism are alien to it. A person in the Harmonious World realizes himself as a Harmonious Being with a Universal scale.

And the first step of global peace is the Harmony of Music!

Leonid Timoshenko,

composer, astrophysicist, philosopher, pianist, GHA Vice President,

Address: Moscow, Russia. web:

11.2. Maxims of the world
Takis Ioanides

  1. Water from the spring of the world quenches the thirst of the passions of the soul.
  2. By embodying the vision of the world, we pay for our existence in this life.
  3. If you want to take off and reach the top of the world, you must use both wings - respect and dignity.
  4. Anyone who has access to the language of the world can communicate with any being and be in harmony with it.
  5. By sculpting the marble of the soul with a chisel of harmony, you create the shape of a statue of peace.
  6. Walking the path of the world, you gain dignity.
  7. The absence of peace proves that humanity ceases to understand the significance of the mistakes it made in the past.
  8. War leaves deep, unhealed wounds on the faces and souls of people, while Peace brings sincere smiles and happiness.
  9. Today only sound actions of the World can atone for the erroneous choice of mankind in the past.
  10. Only with the final reign of peace on the planet can the splendor of life be achieved.
  11. When the triumphant hymns of peace are heard, the disharmonious clang of war is silenced.
  12. Choosing a lasting peace, we move away from war.
  13. Following global peace, humanity will be in harmony with nature in its highest manifestation.

Takis Ioanides, poet, Greece

Email : takis.ioannides (@)

11.3. Spirituality and Harmonization in the Artistic Consciousness of the Global World
Susanna Roberts

We must not forget that our creativity as a whole is the affirmation of the human intellect and the implementation of the divine will in our collective efforts.

We know that global peace science (GPS) as a whole was created on the basis of the philosophy of Tetrism (tetraphilosophy) developed by L. Semashko and GHA members, intellectuals from all over the world who trust and support his philosophy. GPS is the only way to interconnect positive knowledge in order to create a new paradigm and new way sustainable peace that will preserve life on earth.

Tetraphilosophy is a pluralistic four-dimensional dialectical philosophy of the harmony of nature, society and man, which comes with necessity as actually a turning point for humanity. This philosophy recognizes four universal spheres of world harmony. They cannot exist separately, therefore they are inseparable, they are always one in diversity and diverse in unity, existing only in mutual inclusion. They are equally important and necessary; each of them cannot exist without the others.

Harmony is equally inherent in its four elements / spheres in their inseparable unity. The society consists of four necessary and sufficient spheres of social production: Social, Informational, Organizational and Technical (material or economic) spheres. They have equal opportunities to create and maintain harmony as a way of their peaceful coexistence in balance. Each of these four realms is capable of promoting harmony as a unity of diversity and as a source of peace. None of them (like others) has a monopoly on harmony as a source of global peace.

Holistic knowledge of the world harmony of the four spheres, in their dialectical unity, is continuously developed in Tetrism through the synthesis of the necessary knowledge from all areas. Tetrism is the worldview and ideology of a harmonious civilization, which provides a comprehensive conscious cultivation of harmony by every society and every person in accordance with their individuality, which is the deepest and most reliable basis for global peace in society. Within this spiritual framework, a harmonious artistic consciousness develops in general, especially the global world.

The artist depends on sources and resources that flow from the spiritual conscious principle and irrational subconscious intuition, which simultaneously inspire him. The anthropologist Galton (1822–1911) was the first to systematically investigate the process creative thinking in his work "Hereditary Genius" (1892). The studies carried out were associated with people endowed with the signs of a genius. He described people endowed with various natural abilities (from judges to boxers), made their genealogical analysis, measured the level of skill and ingenuity by statistical methods. He tried to prove that the only important element of genius is an exceptional level of intelligence, capable of grasping everything that is around us.

Arthur Koestler, in his book The Act of Creation (1964), says: “...the greatest inspiration and results of the creative process are found only in minds that are extensively trained by saturation in their respective disciplines to see hidden connections. You must know the old well in order to find the new and remember the truth that only hard work and long experience precede creative achievements.

Therefore, awareness is the only way to the unconscious, in which the soul lives in its nature. Consciousness is able to highlight thoughts and turn into a garden the desert of modern society, free from all moral and ethical meanings, where consumerism and violence flourish. Writers are an important part of this enlightenment for transformation. They give meaning to life at a time when societies are highly technologically successful but drown in their heroes: consumers, workers, the unemployed, the single, the married, in a situation of growing anxiety and an oppressive loss of transcendent foundations.

Peace literature is needed to improve every corner of the planet, just as it is necessary to improve the natural environment for the benefit of people. It is necessary that children learn the language of the world and the science of peace - GPS. Our duty is to give them the tools to learn the fundamentals of a harmonious culture from which the fruits of global peace grow. This education is necessary to stop wars and fight them not only with words, but to turn the energy of ignorance and lack of love into the creative energy of transforming the old civilization based on competition and consumption into a new, peaceful and harmonious one.

I am sure that creativity in GPS is very important for all people, not only in the traditionally creative fields of science and art, but in business, government and education. We faced challenges that we never knew before. We ourselves need to overcome ignorance in the GPS, in understanding its key concepts of SPHERONS, STIONOME, PARTONS and others, because without them we will never build a new, harmonious and peaceful economy, politics, democracy, finance, law, education, etc. Without this new humanitarian and revolutionary knowledge, which is built on the new values ​​of peace and harmony, but preserving all traditional values, we will never be able to preserve and develop the family of the new century. Without it, we cannot transform the school into a new educational institution aimed at peace from harmony, and not towards consumption from violence. The crisis and destruction of society begins with the crisis and destruction of the family and education. GPS creates a powerful innovative and valuable spiritual platform for their restoration and development together with science, art and religion.

Scientific and artistic education and upbringing in GPS are inseparable in school and family, they promote, help and stimulate each other in their revival and new flourishing in a new, harmonious and peaceful civilization.

Susanna Roberts,

writer and poet. Address : Trelev, Argentina


11.4. Let's leave the love of harmony to posterity!
Yuri Tsymbalist

The labor and strength of those who lived before us live in us.
May future generations in turn
will be able to live thanks to our work, thanks to
the strength of our hands and our mind. Only in this case
we will fulfill our purpose with dignity.

Whatever business each of us is engaged in, our life will only make sense when at least a small fraction of the “product” produced by us is useful not only to ours, but also to future generations, even if we never know about it. Yes, a lot of things that are born by the mind and hands of a person are hardly perceived by contemporaries living nearby, subjected to derogatory criticism, and each subsequent generation often forgets, intentionally or accidentally, much of what has been developed by the previous ones. Therefore, a very important contribution to the preservation of the gold fund greatest achievements earthly civilization is the selfless activity of scientists from different countries in the field of promoting complex knowledge in education, science, culture with the aim of positively influencing the intellect of modern man. I really want the new technologies of human communication with the whole world to prevent the so-called “mass culture” and the militaristic aspirations of the authorities of many countries from gaining priority in influencing the development of mankind and leading it to degradation and self-destruction. I also really want that the Global Peace Science (GPS), which is being born today in the Global Harmony Association (GHA), as a synthesis of many areas of science and the achievements of world culture, does not remain just a concept in dictionaries, but takes its rightful place in a complex system of knowledge and receives much-needed development in the future.

I would like to acquaint interested readers with thoughts on the need for the speedy implementation of a number of interesting projects.

It so happened that after a 30-year separation, fate brought me back to the Internet with my friend since 1959 and fellow student at the Kharkov Aviation Institute Alexei Petrovich Stakhov. After getting acquainted with the scientific work of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Stakhov, since 2009 I became a participant in the popularization of the ideas of Harmony and the Golden Section. My humble support was taken into account when organizing the first international Congress held in October 2010 in Odessa on the topic “Modern Aspects of the Mathematics of Harmony and its Application in Economics, Natural Science, Technology, Society and Education” (its materials are published on the website http://sites

Despite the difficulties, the initiative of the Odessa National University. Mechnikov was supported at all relevant levels in Ukraine, and several dozen scientists from around the world were able to exchange their own thoughts and views on the topics of the Congress. The materials of this useful exchange were included in the published collection of works of the participants of this forum, see the website of the Institute of Creative Technologies: , section "Publisher".

Such meetings, in addition to the exchange of achievements and planning further ways of developing science in certain direction, are also valuable for human communication, meeting new people. I can name among the comprehensively developed scientists with whom we met, first of all, Alexander Lvovich Chechik (Ukraine), Eduard Maksimovich Soroko (Belarus), Nikolai Filippovich Semenyuta (Belarus), Grigory Yakovlevich Martynenko (Russia), Lev Mikhailovich Semashko (Russia ), Ivan Grigoryevich Railyan (Chile), Oleg Yaroslavovich Bodnar (Ukraine).

Having become acquainted with the activities of the GHA, whose president was L.M. Semashko, my wife and I became members of this organization. We objectively assessed the peacekeeping nature of the GHA projects and the fact that they are associated with the scientific achievements of A.P. Stakhova, P.Ya. Sergienko and other scientists in the field of Harmony and the Golden Section, E.M. Soroko in the field of structural harmony of systems, L.M. Semashko in the field of science of harmonious civilization and global harmony - tetraphilosophy and tetrasociology.

There is another feature of human communication, determined by the aura of scientific conferences: many people have new ideas, inspiration for creativity appears. On the final day of the Congress, I read to its participants my new poem, composed and written down in the hall of the Academic Council of ONU under the influence of a deeply felt community of scientists. By the way, the number of lines in it corresponds to the Fibonacci number series (2, 3, 5, 8).

So, overcoming the preliminary stress,
The First Congress ended today.

Quietly damp weather scolding
And, keeping loyalty to your trinity,
Scientists of the world "fought" for three days

For progress in the world to come,
So that people believe in the righteousness of the Forces,
Born by the Universe only for Good,
So that the Golden Time returns to us
Without wars and hardships, without evil, bitter tears.

Let the light frost warm our souls again,
And the touch of white birches,
And Canadian maples, and the sound of spring thunderstorms
May everyone be protected from various threats.
Harmony, Faith, Hope, Love
Holy words. Let them sound again
From the lips of all earthlings. Yes, naively, but - all.
And this is the main success of the Congress!

I can say with confidence that it was thanks to the aura of the first Congress that many scientists developed new scientific developments in subsequent years, the topics of the following forums were further developed, one of which was held in autumn 2011 in Odessa. By the same influence of the atmosphere of the first congress, I explain the noble idea that arose at it.

In the resolution of the said Congress, along with those points that relate to further ways of development scientific directions, there is also this one:

"12. Support the initiative of Doctor of Economics Kryuchkova I.V. on the creation in the Odessa region of a complex of buildings designed on the principles of the Golden Section (a complex that includes a hotel in the shape of a scallop shell, a research center, educational institutions, infrastructure and other facilities). Ask prof. Bodnara O.Ya. initiate the architectural design of this idea. To ask all participants of the Congress to take part in the implementation of this initiative".

When Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Doctor of Arts, Professor, Member of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine Oleg Yaroslavovich Bodnar sent me a few friendly photos of the World Center for Harmony and Golden Section (WCG) proposed by him, I was simply amazed: this project is a great Creation Masters! (Unfortunately, due to limited funds, his drawings were not published in this book.)

O.Ya. Bodnar, the author of books and discoveries in the field of the "Golden Section", who comprehended and fell in love with harmony, from the very beginning was guided by his own ideas both in relation to the architectural image and in relation to the functional composition of the center. I confess: I have not the slightest doubt that Oleg Yaroslavovich, understanding the significance of the work of his colleagues - "gold miners", with his vision of the ACG project also decided to instill in people a love of harmony. (The same is the aspiration of L.M. Semashko's creativity in the field of development and strengthening of the foundations of a harmonious civilization and the global peace of mankind). In the description of the location of the object, there was only the phrase: "complete freedom of notion of the natural situation - the sea, a typical Crimean landscape", so the author allowed himself complete freedom of imagination. The overall volume-spatial and compositional scheme of the VCG is flexible and, of course, can be changed.

Now about my vision further development this noble idea. As I have already noted, familiarization with the activities of the GHA in 2010 determined the decision to provide practical support for its activities. Among his numerous projects, I drew attention to the grandiose and no less noble project of the GHA International Harmony Academy (IAH). The purpose of its creation is very precisely and clearly formulated by the GHA President in this way ():

“The International Academy of Harmony is the beginning, source and generator of universal harmonious education throughout the world in the new century. Universal harmonious education is the education of children, youth and new generations as citizens of a harmonious world on a global scale. This is a long, but the most effective way to achieve an indestructible harmonious world and its culture. The spread of the Academy of Harmony and Harmonious Education around the world is capable of not only stopping all modern wars in 15-20 years, but also preventing all wars in the future. This is the most effective struggle for peace, the common good and prosperity. Therefore, the Academy of Harmony is at the same time the most effective Academy of the World”.

Today, after four years have passed since the first Odessa Congress, given the objective increase in the peacekeeping role of Russia in the world with the ever deeper immersion of the United States, NATO and the West as a whole in militaristic militancy, I visibly see the need to combine the MAG project and the WCG. Moreover, in connection with the return of Crimea to the bosom of Russia, the implementation of this joint project on the peninsula seems to me fateful. After all, in addition to solving the already planned very serious measures for the speedy and complete adaptation of Crimea as part of Russian Federation planned and already being implemented by the leadership of the country, a remarkable and attractive idea is the embodiment in the realities of a wonderful and noble synthesized of the WAG and WCG project as a symbol and instrument of global peace!

Time will show how close and understandable the aspirations of many scientists to strengthen the foundations of a harmonious civilization laid down in ancient times by the leaders of the states of Europe (and the world as a whole) who are concerned about many complex problems today. To do this, it is necessary to hold conferences and congresses, write and publish new books, translating them into many languages, design and build the proposed by me and similar projects of harmony - after all, in the Crimea, nature itself is a miracle of harmony!

I really hope that my sincere proposal will be heard and implemented by the governments of the two countries in order to preserve our love, the love of Russia and Ukraine for harmony, to preserve the chain of this good memory and pass it on to future generations.

Tsymbalist Yuri,

member of the Writers' Union of Russia, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: cymbalissimo (@)

11.5. Two Marxes: two civilizations
Leo Semashko

(An attempt at a philosophical poem in the prose of the new century)

Everything truly new is on the verge of the madness of the old.

Every era needs a titan of thought. Each epoch gives birth to it.
Marx-XIX - titan of violence,
Marx-XXI is a titan of harmony.
The first comes from the absolute of economic Capital and its one-dimensional, materialistic monism.
The second one comes from the absolute harmony, holistic in diversity, and its multidimensional, tetrad pluralism.
The first inspires the freedom of unlimited material luxury of the elites at the expense of the ruthless exploitation of nature and the impoverished masses.
The second one inspires the freedom of unlimited harmony of all-round, first of all, spiritual wealth of all people, proportionate to nature and humanity, limited in the material part and unlimited in the ideal part.
Marx-XIX sees history as a war of peoples and the struggle of antagonistic classes for sources of luxury, recognizing violence as the midwife of human progress.
Marx-XXI sees in history the natural, without violence, intuitive work of harmonious classes, SFKPRNS, intensely creating fundamental resources for the life of mankind every day.
The first discovered the four fundamental spheres of social production, but found in them only antagonistic, eternally warring private classes.
The second, thanks to the first, discovered in the spheres four universal harmonious classes of the population, SPHERONS, employed in them, providing global peace and survival.
Marx-X IX created the science of violence, the class struggle for the sake of enrichment, the falsity of which was shown by the collapse of the USSR, as a Soviet empire of disharmony, and will show the coming collapse of the United States, as a capitalist empire of disharmony. (If the first empire was a tragedy, the second becomes a bad comedy.) Together, for all their antagonism, these empires are equally doomed by history and form one, industrial and one-dimensional, materialistic and militaristic civilization.
Marx-XXI created the science of harmony, non-violence, which predicts the collapse of industrial civilization in all its imperial forms of disharmony and the coming to replace it, born within it, harmonious, multidimensional and peaceful civilizations without wars.
The first was inspired by the ideas of Hobbes: “the war of all against all”, “man is a wolf to man”, and the like: “if you want peace, prepare for war”, etc.
Second was inspired by the ideas of harmony from ancient times: from the Indian Vedas, Pythagoras, Confucius, Buddha and others who taught: "beauty/ the harmony of a person's character settles harmony in the house, creates order among the people and peace/ prosperity on earth. Marx-XIX is the lone genius of violence of a militaristic industrial and individualistic civilization doomed to extinction.
Marx-XXI is the collective genius of harmony of the global community of citizens of the world harmonious civilization, which only gave the first sprout in the GHA in 10 years.
The first the genius did a lot to understand society, but he was mistaken in violence as its essence.
The second genius could not exist without the first, he stood on the shoulders of the first and eliminated the error of violence with harmony.
Marx-XIX dreamed of a happy future for all people, but the path of violence he chose was not able to lead to it, which was proved by the bloodiest XX century.
Marx-XXI (represented by the GHA and his like-minded people) also dreams of a happy future for all people and peoples, but on the only path of harmony and non-violence, which the great Mahatma Gandhi began to practice en masse as the source of Marx XXI.
Humanity has completed a historical experiment with the science of violence Marx XIX.
Humanity begins an experiment with the science of peace and non-violence from harmony Marx XXI.
Humanity will survive and prosper in peace only with this science and its consciousness!
The whole history of mankind is an endless experiment along the entire path of its evolution.

Leo Semashko. Editor-in-Chief of The Science of Global Peace

Global sensation GPS and how can it be explained?
Why was there no GPS before? Why is it required now?
On the basis of what reality and value could it arise?
Leo Semashko

So, as a result of persistent ten-year collective creativity of the GPS, before the eyes of mankind and every person there appeared an unprecedented, the first book in the world and history: THE SCIENCE OF THE GLOBAL PEACE - GPS! THIS IS A WORLD SENSATION! We will not now talk about its shortcomings, which all discoveries have and which open the way for its development for many millennia to come. Without a shadow of false modesty, which does not bother scientists who claim to make world discoveries in all areas of reality, we will try to compare it with other world discoveries and briefly explain its appearance.

1. GPS is a world sensation of the human mind, because it is a world discovery at the level of the most fundamental scientific achievements of mankind in its entire written history of 6 thousand years.

1.1. GPS is akin to man's spacewalk, but into the social space, which remained until now, until the discovery of SPHERONS, deployed in SOCIONOME, terra incognita, a still unknown social universe, hidden from the eyes of colossal scales, but which, as a whole, determines the laws and fate of their countless particles, parts and PARTONOV.

1.2. GPS is akin to the discovery of a new nuclear, but soft, harmonious energy of society, which provides natural, spontaneous stability, survival, development and prosperity of mankind in all its longest cycles, regardless of the knowledge of this energy. It is clear that the knowledge of the new energy immeasurably increases the power of humanity and its ability to survive and evolve. The positive energy of SPHERONS, revealed in the GPS, is capable, with its scientific knowledge and use, to free humanity from all its total pathologies of the preharmonious era, first of all, from wars, militaristic democracies/“anti-democracies” and predatory exploitation of nature. Therefore, GPS is the science of not only global harmonious peace, but also the social health of mankind as a whole, in all its four areas. As we remember, both global peace and social health of mankind are expressed by a simple formula of multiplication of the social energy of SPHERONS: EU = SF1+SF2+SF3+SF4. This formula is also fundamental, like Einstein's formula (the product of mass times the square of the speed of light), although it is still far from being calculated.

1.3. GPS is akin to other fundamental discoveries: Periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev, DNA, etc. Let us repeat the main thing: global peace requires the prevention of the causes of wars in all social directions and azimuths, i.e., throughout the entire social system as a whole. Its holistic picture is given by GPS in the social genome, SOCIONOME, its 16 fundamental elements, systemic and energy center which are SPHERONS. This is similar to the integration function of these discoveries in chemistry and biology. Therefore, among the social sciences, only the integral system of GPS, integrating almost all social sciences, provides a solution to the issues of achieving and ensuring global peace. Until now, there has not been another, similar science in the arsenal of mankind.

1.4. GPS is a revolution of social cognition and thinking, it is a breakthrough in science and history. For the first time in 6 thousand years of written history, a science and a scientific book appeared, making the first attempt in history to answer the question about the objective cause of global peace. This answer is logically concentrated in one integral concept of GPS - SPHERONS, which express both a scientific breakthrough and a revolution in social sciences that are more than a century behind life, and 200 years behind military science, and a historical transition, its first necessary step, from military to peaceful history!

Why was there no GPS before? Because there was no social need in the global world. The peoples were fragmented, wars between them were relatively rare and they were not so destructive. Fragmented and undeveloped societies were not able to rise to the level of social science about the global world. Also, there was no scientific possibility for her, most importantly, there was no central concept of SPHERONS. However, despite this, from time to time, as a rule, philosophical treatises appeared on the eternal world, etc., very far from science, but having a moral meaning.

Why GPS is required now? Firstly, because wars have become more dangerous and destructive, and after the advent of nuclear weapons - threatening the survival of mankind and nature. Secondly, humanity has become a global society, "one big village" where a war at any end of it can easily become a global one. This social need has given rise to the need for scientific knowledge global world. The first response to it was the numerous, fragmented and very narrow "peace studies" since the middle of the last century, which, due to their subjectivity, have been of little or no use to the world, with very rare exceptions. They were also very far from science, although the need for it was formulated more clearly. At the same time, there was no understanding of the objective source of the global world and of the integral reality from which such a science could grow.

On the basis of what integral reality and value it could arise? GPS did not arise on the basis of any important, but private value: freedom, equality, justice, etc. Although the world cannot and does not exclude these values, they are not sufficient for it, it is much wider than them and requires the integral value of harmony and reliance on the corresponding integral reality of social harmony of SPHERONS. Attention and research of harmony began to rise at the end of the last and the beginning of our century, which led to the creation of a number of international organizations for harmony, including the GHA since 2005, which proclaimed its mission "the conscious creation of peace from harmony", which 10 years later culminated in the creation of GPS as the first fundamental step on this path. In connection with this landmark achievement, the GHA is pleased to congratulate all the members who in one way or another shared our mission and contributed to it, as well as our peacekeeping readers, for whom, we hope, it will become a reference book and for the use and development of its ideas, and for its criticism and creation of more perfect versions of it. This is, first of all, the general, educational and cognitive task of our GPS book.

When will the GPS implementation start?? This question does not have a clear answer. Only the following is clear. Firstly, when humanity urgently needs global peace, it will fulfill all the conditions and create all the prerequisites, primarily its own self-organization by SPHERONS in all countries of the world, which are required to provide global peace with this science in all spheres (see Chapter 8 and others). ). Secondly, the growth of military threats, as well as natural and social harm from military preparations, is catastrophically accelerating and expanding, which exacerbates the problem of global peace for mankind as a priority. If humanity, under the influence of the imperial militaristic forces, continues to ignore this problem, then there will be nothing left for it but to surrender itself to the risk of living under the constant sword of Damocles of wars, each of which can turn into a nuclear one and the last for it. It is his "freedom" to live or die by military suicide...

Two more questions arise here: who needs it and who does not need it? It is needed by those who want to live, the peoples need it. But it is not needed by those who profit from wars, who live by war, like military empires and elites. Who will win in history: peace or war? This victory depends on each person. If each of us recommends the GPS book to our government, our leaders, our family, our children and friends, then the world will win. If we are indifferent to it, then the war will win. Therefore, the final choice in the matter of war and peace is ours, each of us.

In any case, GPS is the first intellectual opportunity in history to avoid the reckless fate of general military death, which does not honor a person, none of us: no one will pull the trigger, no one will allow him to pull it. No one, anywhere, has ever offered such a saving book that will save both the first and second, opening up an endless field of noble activity to build a global world for everyone without exception.

Leo Semashko. Editor-in-Chief of The Science of Global Peace

What concepts, theories, methods do modern pedagogical and psychological sciences offer to launch the mechanisms of spiritual self-development of a person in the process of education and self-education? They say that the new is the well-forgotten old. Therefore, in the most advanced concepts, theories and methods, one can find ancient instructions on the spiritual development of a person translated into the language and concepts of modernity, which have withstood the test of millennia.

The most promising and deep educational programs are developed by the European Institute of Education SAI - ESSE, which in Latin means "To be". The system of graded education developed by the Institute, based on the five universal values, has found its distribution in many countries of the world, including Russia. Teachers from Austria, Denmark, Holland, Germany, Greece, who are part of the teaching team of this institute, conduct classes on the "Educare" ("Identification") system. "Educare" means "extract from within", "release", "let manifest". Universal human values ​​are inherent in every person, he is born with them, they only need to be manifested and realized. Universal human values ​​do not need to be taught, they must be extracted from the children themselves by identifying them, but for this the teacher himself must already have manifested values, and his whole life and professional activity must be based on daily adherence to the principles proclaimed in them.

The concept of "Educare" is aimed at developing all areas of the student's personality with the help of five methods, five universal values, at five levels of education.

Five common human values:

1. Truth (truthfulness in thoughts, words, actions)
2. Righteousness (truthful behavior, unity of thought, word, action)
3. Peace (inner peace)
4. Love (for all living things)
5. Non-violence (no harm in thought, word or action).

The five teaching methods include:

1. Sitting in silence (silence, preparation and setting for the upcoming lesson)
2. Discussion of quotes (sayings)
3. Group singing (melody, rhythm, content)
4. Discussion of stories, stories (instructive)
5. Group activity ( role-playing games, tests that promote the development of imagination, concentration)

Five levels of education:
1. Family
2. Preschool
3. School
4. University
5. Postgraduate

The purpose of education "Educare" is to identify, consolidate high spiritual and moral qualities in every person.

Most importantly, all ESSE Introductory Spirituality programs are developed on the basis of knowledge of the true nature of man, based on the model of the "workshop of man" in accordance with the way it was given by the founder of this institute, Sri Sathya Sai Baba. In February 2000, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, in his discourses Sheaths of the True Self, How to Transcend the Five Sheaths, Mind is the Cause, Intelligence is the Charioteer, advances us in understanding where and how to find the answer to the eternal man's question: "Who am I?" All theories of personality psychology put forward and developed by the greatest psychologists failed to provide an integrated explanation of the human personality in all its diversity of manifestations. The reason is that they did not know the true essence of man and his destiny. The rector of the University of Puttaparthi (India) Sri Sathya Sai Baba, an outstanding scientist and practitioner, gave a clear structure to the true essence of man and his role in the Universe. He elaborated on this in his works and numerous lectures to teaching and student audiences: “Summer showers in Brindavan”, “A course of lectures for students on spirituality and culture”, read annually since 1972.

The spiritual self-development of a person should be based on a solid foundation of theoretical material and spiritual practices that contribute to the identification in the process of the educational process of the foundation of spirituality embodied in the personality of a person - universal human values.

Human values: Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Nonviolence, which are the essence of a person, do not depend on nationality, race, habitat and confessional affiliation. Considering universal human values, it should be noted that they are inseparable, interconnected, interdependent and, penetrating each other, create a single basis for the spirituality of a person and his culture. The value of a person depends on his culture. Spirituality is the understanding and discovery of one’s inner capabilities by the person himself, through his “I”, this is the level of such moral development, when the subject under any circumstances remains the highest manifestation of virtue.

As mentioned above, character is the main wealth of a person. It is the character that allows the human personality to achieve complete inner harmony, to achieve self-realization. To achieve this, a person must follow universal human values ​​in thoughts, words and actions. They correspond to the following aspects of the human personality:

truth is an intellectual aspect,
righteous conduct is the physical aspect,
the world is an emotional aspect,
love is a moral aspect,
non-violence is a spiritual aspect.

They form the basis of the program of spiritual self-development of the individual. The psychological aspects of this program should lead a person to the need not only to gain knowledge about SFV, but also to contribute to the implementation of the program to identify them, thereby ensuring their spiritual growth and transition to the next level of consciousness, accompanied by spiritual, mental and bodily transformation. In the context of understanding the need for self-research, the level of education (in its broadest sense) and culture of a person certainly plays a great role.

Let's take a closer look at HCV in order to better understand how they affect the formation of personality.

I. Truth

The search for truth is a reflection of a person's desire to know himself and the world around him. “The root of action lies in thought,” said Herbert Spencer. Behind every action is a thought, and it is very important that they be kind. It is necessary to develop the power of discrimination that the intellect of man possesses. Learn to control thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires.

The desire to know the truth prompts a person to ask himself the questions: “Who am I?”, “What is the purpose of my life?”, “How can I live full life at the current moment?”, “How can I know my inner “I”?”.

It is very important for a person to tell the truth. The pronunciation of untruth leads to a destructive, negative influence on a person. (A detailed description of the ongoing processes at the molecular-cellular level is published in the works on wave genetics by Professor P.P. Garyaev). Man is endowed with an intellect that allows him to distinguish between right and wrong through discrimination. Therefore, it is very important to develop the ability to distinguish in children, creating the prerequisites for the development of the next level - obtaining reliable information - intuition.

Truth develops in children curiosity, recognition, a sense of justice, fearlessness, honesty, optimism, the desire for knowledge, the ability to analyze and synthesize, the unity of word, thought and deed.

The purpose of teaching the manifestation of truth as the most important quality of a person is to support the child in the search for his true nature and the realization that this search is the most important goal in life, since Truth is the nature of man. Realization of the Truth opens the way to a powerful flow of energy that fills inner space human being.

Such qualities of a person's character as contentment, humility and impartiality lead along the path of Truth.

There are two levels of Truth:

1. Absolute or eternal truth (constant and unchanging).
Truth is unchanging in the past, present and future. The truth is much deeper and involves more than the correct communication of what a person perceives with the help of the five senses. It constitutes the unity of the triad of thought, word, action.

2. Relative Truth is subject to change and is a statement of facts that are true only for a given moment, the next moment it is no longer true. Anything that changes is not the truth. A person doubts only when he does not know the truth. When he realizes the Truth, all his doubts disappear, dissolving in the light of the Truth.

Subvalues ​​of Truth:

a) Beliefs and Faith

A person's beliefs predetermine his Faith. It can be faith in God, faith in yourself. True faith resides in the heart of a person, and if he listens to his heart and follows the path of Truth, he lives in peace and harmony both with himself and with the world around him.

b) Common sense

In the course of the educational process, along with specialization, general knowledge must be acquired and common sense developed on their basis.

in) Honesty

One lie, having arisen, must be supported by a hundred other lies, at a time when the truth is the easiest and safest course of action.

G) Wisdom

The purpose of education is to radiate the light of wisdom. It is necessary in the educational process to achieve a flash of such inner light and to preserve this light. This is the hallmark educated person who realized that the Mind is only a shadow of his higher "I".

e) Reasoning, Analysis, Synthesis

From birth, a person is endowed with the ability to reason, analyze and synthesize. It is necessary to use this ability to the full in order to discover the true higher "I" of a person, which is the all-encompassing Truth, since the outside world is only its Reflection. Truth as a manifestation in man is honesty, it is the unity of thought, word and action. The Absolute Truth is an eternal and unchanging Reality, which every person must realize and manifest in himself as his true Essence, comprehending it in the process of his spiritual self-development, self-realization.

II. Righteous Conduct

Righteous behavior naturally follows from following the Truth, the principle of which is not harming oneself, nor other people, nor nature. To do this, it is necessary to know, respect and fulfill the laws of Nature, morality and the state, to fulfill one's duty and obligations in relation to one's parents, one's family, society, etc. It is necessary to analyze your actions and, before committing them, turn to the voice of conscience. Righteous behavior is the result of a person, guided by conscience, moving away from the bad and moving towards the good.

The goals of the educational process in teaching Righteous behavior: to awaken the ability inherent in each person to distinguish and hear the voice of Conscience, to strengthen those thoughts, words and actions that are developed and implemented in Everyday life values ​​of righteous behavior.

Subvalues ​​of Righteous Behavior:

a) habits

Righteous behavior, based on the realization of one's true nature, should become the main thing in a person's life. Even small things that are done repeatedly and weekly become fixed in habits. These habits form the intellect and create a standard of outlook on life and human behavior corresponding to this view.

b) Desire Management

Desire motivates a person to action and determines his behavior in life. Being ignorant of the purpose of their existence, people spend their whole lives to achieve and satisfy their desires. Their fulfillment becomes the main thing in a person's life, they are the cause of his anxiety and unhappiness. Desires can become a real prison for a person. Only by limiting desires can a person become free.

in) Cooperation

In order to learn to live and follow the path with people of different ages, differing in their social and economic status, with different intellectual baggage and emotional characteristics, children and young people must be brought up in the learning process in educational institutions. There they learn discipline, mutual respect, respect for elders, patience and, most importantly, cooperation.

G) Discipline

Discipline is the basis of success human activity. This feeling should be instilled in childhood. Discipline can only be learned through practice. Lack of discipline sows confusion and anxiety, leads to instability in the family and society, which is now observed in the world. It is necessary that every person has a sense of endurance, self-control and discipline, and then culture will be the life of not only our society, country, but the whole world.

e) Duty and Gratitude

First of all, a person should take care of his parents and relatives, to whom he should be grateful for the fact that they raised and educated him. Each person has a duty to all Nature, to the Earth on which he lives, about the state of its ecology, in which his descendants will live. Each person has a duty and obligations to his family, society and the country in which he lives. Sri Sathya Sai Baba says:

Duty without love is mournful -
It weighs down the person.
Duty is lovingly desired.
Love without duty is divine

e) Right Thought

Right thought is the basis of right speech and righteous behavior, so negative thoughts should be avoided and avoided. One must have pure and lofty thoughts that lead to righteous deeds. Righteous behavior and action are based on correct speech.

and) Correct speech

Language is an indicator of true upbringing. The words of a man speak of his upbringing. Loud speech, uneducated, full of anger and hatred - negatively affects human health. No wonder they say: "Silence is golden." It does not create enemies for a person, although it may not help to make friends.

Righteous behavior is something that is born in the heart and then expressed in the form of words and practiced.

3) the right thing to do

In addition to deep respect for one's parents and elders, one should deeply respect one's own deeds. Actions raise him or lower him. Enthusiasm or despair, success or failure are the consequences of man's actions.

Righteous conduct requires: right thought, right speech, right action, habits and manners of right behavior, cooperation, discipline, duty, gratitude, control over one's thoughts and feelings, self-control, trust in oneself, unity of thought, word and deed, tolerance , endurance, responsibility.

Righteous behavior aims to develop in children:

- the ability to help oneself is taking care of one's health, proper nutrition, hygiene, safety of your property;

- social skill - moral behavior, good manners, harmonious relationships with others, the desire to take care of others and help them, thrift;

- ethical skills - a sense of duty, initiative, responsibility, courage, gratitude, respect for everyone, etc.

III. World

The world is harmony, balance, giving a person peace of mind and the ability to create the world around him. Filled with peace of mind, a person experiences joy and happiness, becomes self-confident and lives in peace with the whole world.

This state is manifested in a person who has manifested Truth and Righteous behavior in his thoughts, words and actions. A person smiles when he is satisfied and happy.

The world starts with a smile

- said the great ascetic Mother Teresa

Sri Sathya Sai Baba in a lecture to University students says:

When there is peace in the soul of a person, then the nation is filled with peace. If a nation is at peace, then there will be peace on the whole Earth

The state of harmony and peace can be achieved if you calm and control your mind, which seeks to increase the desires of a person. Willpower should help a person to distinguish between what he wants to have and what he really needs. Therefore, the control of the mind makes it possible to set a ceiling on desires. It is dissatisfaction in the fulfillment of desires that poisons the mind of a person with negative thoughts that cause the appearance of negative emotions and deprive a person of inner peace and tranquility. If the mind is filled with good thoughts, then worries and anxieties disappear.

"Peace" in a person forms such qualities of character as concentration, calmness, contentment, inner harmony, self-confidence, discipline, self-discipline, modesty, patience, self-respect, gratitude and understanding.

Sub-values ​​of the world:

a) Calm. Feelings management

Peace and inner calm means that a person should not react to what other people say to him, no matter how insulted he is. This does not mean that he should be silent. This implies the mastery of feelings and passions. Inner peace must become the nature of man.

b) Clarity and purity of mind

The state of peace and tranquility are important for the sharpness of the mind. Hatred and preoccupation will confuse the mind. Clarity and purity of mind is necessary for a person to maintain peace within himself and live in peace with everything that surrounds him.

in) Harmony

Strife has engulfed the human community. They are in the family, at school, between husband and wife, between teacher and student, and throughout society.
Man must be in harmony and peace with himself.
Calm, peace and harmony in the family between all its members is the basis for Peace on earth.

G) Virtue

When a person thinks, speaks and acts virtuously, his conscience will be clear, he will acquire a state of inner peace and tranquility.

They say knowledge is power. No, Strength is a virtuous character that brings peace and tranquility. Sri Sathya Sai Baba says to his students:

If there is righteousness in the heart,
There will be beauty in character.
If there is beauty in character,
There will be harmony in the house.
When harmony is in the house
There will be order in the nation.
When there is order in the nation,
Peace will be all over the world

IV. Love

Love is seen as an energy that transforms the spiritual heart of a person. When the heart is filled with love, a person performs selfless acts, shows such qualities as generosity, forgiveness, compassion, empathy, begins to see the beauty that surrounds him. It is love that prompts a person to wish happiness to everyone and rejoice in their well-being. The energy of love heals a person, improves the physiological and mental health. When the motive for action is love, then such action becomes righteous. Words containing love are Truth itself. When a person's feelings are filled with love, he experiences inner peace, peace and happiness.

Love is the fundamental principle of all five qualities: humanity, personality, patriotism, divinity and unity. Unity is achieved through love. Love, like a golden thread, penetrates and holds in unity the diamonds of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Nonviolence.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba tells his students:

Where Love is, there is Peace,
Where there is Peace, there is Harmony,
Where Harmony is, there is mutual understanding,
Where there is mutual understanding, there problems cease to exist.

The love that a person radiates, gives, returns to him.

Values ​​of love:

a) Joy. Happiness. Harmony

Life is love; Love is life.

Only by experiencing True Love and giving it to others, a person is happy.

Joy and peace are not inherent in external objects, they are inside the person himself. With each and everyone in the Universe, it is necessary to manifest this kinship that exists from the very beginning, this Love - the basis of life, and then a person will live in harmony with himself and with the whole world around him, experiencing joy and happiness.

b) Friendship

Friendship is an expression of indestructible Love, free from selfish desires and full of nobility.

in) Forgiveness

The manifestation of the ego in a relationship is not love. Love is selfless. Love gives and forgives, Ego receives and forgets. Love and revenge are incompatible, because love is all-forgiving.

G) Unselfishness

True Love is selfless. Greed is the absence of love. Love is the absence of self-interest. This kind of love only gives without demanding anything in return.

Give Love and Receive Love

- Sri Sathya Sai Baba instructs his students

e) Reverence

1. In reverence for parents, for the fact that they gave birth, raised and raised, they showed human Love;
2. With respect, a person should treat all living things, to nature, which makes up his habitat.

e) Love for Motherland, Peace

Starting as an expression of a child's love for its parents, it grows to include everything: family, neighbors, community, country. When a child treats all families with the feeling of love that he feels for his family, his love continues to expand. When he is proud of all nations as his people, all countries as his country, the circle of his Love expands further.

Love, as thought, is Truth;
Love, as a feeling, is Peace;
Love, as understanding, is nonviolence.

Love contains three principles: reaction - echo - reflection. Speaking about the value of love, Sri Sathya Sai Baba tells his students:

Start the day with love
Spend the day with love
Fill the day with love
End the day with love

This is the practice of true human love.

V. Nonviolence

Non-violence is seen as non-harm to living beings by thought, word or action. To do this, it is necessary to educate a worldview in a person, then understanding and awareness of the interconnection of all Existing in the Universe will come. There are two aspects here: psychological and social.

Psychological aspect is compassion for all living beings.

Social aspect– acceptance of all cultures and religions, concern for the environment.

The sign of a whole and balanced life is to cause the least possible damage to other people, animals, plants and the environment. Non-violence allows the human personality to experience reverence for the brilliant miracle of Creation and to feel a sense of universal unity.

The value of Nonviolence is recognized by many religious denominations: in Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.

Representatives of various philosophical and ethical currents adhere to similar points of view: M. Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, M.L. King, L.N. Tolstoy, G. Thoreau, A. Schweitzer, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, E.I and N.K. Roerich and others.

The problem of non-violence was covered in detail in the famous "Vedas" and other philosophical and religious literature of the ancient countries of the East.

The very nature of the Eastern religions, which preached tolerance and were distinguished by tolerance, contributed to the formulation and solution of the problem of non-violence.

Principle Ahimsa(in Sanskrit ahimsa- literally refusal of violence) occupies one of the leading places in the ethics of Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism, in which non-violence acts as a value that expresses knowledge, and as the need for each person to turn to the Supreme Divine Essence.

In no other religion has the problem of good and evil been posed as clearly as in Christianity. Non-violence acts as a form that contributes to the self-destruction of evil and at the same time as a form of strengthening spirituality and faith, which elevates a person.

The condition for the implementation of non-violent action is patience and humility, to which great importance is attached.

There are words in the Quran verse:

Allah loves those who do good, Allah is with those who patiently endure hardships; do no harm to others, and no harm will be done to you, if you do good - you do good for your own soul, if you do evil - you do it to yourself

In the Russian pedagogical and psychological sciences, non-violence is one of the areas of education that emerged at the end of the 20th century.

The goal of non-violence pedagogy is to educate the younger generation on a non-violent basis, in the spirit of peace, respect for the rights and dignity of other people, careful attitude to nature, to all living things.

The purpose of the psychology of non-violence is to study the mechanisms of non-violent interaction of a person with other people, with Nature, society, the world as a whole.

Non-violence is the highest level of universal human values.

Non-violence is characterized by the following qualities:

psychological- mercy, caring, compassion, cooperation, the ability to forgive, responsiveness.
social– respect for other cultures and religions, a sense of brotherhood, citizenship, national identity and a sense of social justice.

The purpose of identifying the value of Nonviolence is the fusion of all values ​​in the individual.

Properties of nonviolence

Non-violence means refraining from causing harm in thought, word and deed and is a consequence of their unity.
Non-violence expresses itself as Love for everyone and everything.
Non-violence is the realization of the Unity of everyone and everything.
Non-violence includes all virtues and strengthens them.
Non-violence means not only refraining from harming others, but also participating in alleviating the suffering of others.

Subvalues ​​of Nonviolence

a) Safety and help

Not causing harm in thoughts, in words and deeds, either to oneself or to the world around, the ability to take care of those who and what surrounds us. It is always necessary to help and not cause pain to all living things on earth, not to destroy your body and thoughts by violence in any form.

b) Respect. Reverence. Tolerance

We must honor our motherland and native language. But at the same time, other regions, countries and their languages ​​must also be respected. We must be proud of our culture, but also respect the culture of other peoples and countries. The languages ​​in which thoughts are expressed may be different, but the thoughts, emotions, and feelings they express are the same. The language of the heart is the same for everyone, but when it takes the form of a word, it takes on different forms.

in) Spirit of cooperation

When a person wants to interact, cooperate with other individuals and society, he must be able to compromise, experience feelings of tolerance and love. Only by cooperating with other people, a person can achieve spiritual and material heights, make his life happy and fruitful. Non-violence is the basis of righteous behavior, which is revealed and begins to form even in the womb and continues in the family, where the first teachers of the developing personality are the parents. They should, realizing their role and responsibility, teach children by the method of combining academic and spiritual education. There is a parental duty: physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual.

Love, which is the basis of all values, makes it possible to instill in children a sense of friendship, loyalty, purity, sacrifice, chastity, modesty, benevolence, integrity, the ability to get along with people, righteous behavior and gentleness.

The responsibility for shaping the character of children lies primarily with the parents. Values ​​in family life distinguished like this:

Love is parental love
Righteous Behavior Is a Strong Relationship Structure
Peace - togetherness and family pastime
Non-violence - the ability to communicate, respect and love loved ones
Truth is a moral search, traditions, religion.

The value of a personality is determined by its activity in the process of developing itself and the surrounding reality.

From the position of psychological and pedagogical science, spiritual, moral and aesthetic education is actively involved in the formation of the emotional and sensory sphere of a person. However modern schools in their mass suffer from mental and spiritual poverty. The most important deficiency in them is love for the student, for the profession, for the educational process, as for the interaction of individuals.

Spiritual wealth is not the result of material well-being, although it should not be underestimated. Material well-being can create more favorable opportunities for all-round development, but only on one condition: when it is a means, not an end. In this regard, the personal example of parents, educators, and teachers is of decisive importance. If teachers and parents themselves practiced what they teach children, they could be the perfect example for society. The teacher must first himself kindle the lamp of universal human values ​​in his heart in order to kindle other hearts. If, despite their high professionalism, they themselves do not practice what they teach, then no one will follow them and respect them.

Therefore, those teachers who seek to use the methodology and practical methods of the program of universal human values ​​must themselves undergo training, during which they will cleanse their hearts of the weeds of selfishness, selfishness, pride, anger, jealousy, material attachments and fill them with pure, unearthly disinterested love. and divine qualities, guided by the principles:

Love everyone, serve everyone

VI. Practical methods of spiritual self-development of a person

The basis of the spiritual self-development of the individual is the practical adherence to universal human values ​​in everyday life. Undoubtedly, this work should begin in early childhood with the help of parents, and later educators and teachers. For the spiritual development of adults, the European Institute ESSE (Copenhagen, Denmark) has compiled a step-by-step education program "Introduction to Spirituality". At the beginning, the content of this program included materials on Western philosophy and psychology, but the experience gained by the teachers of the institute showed with increasing clarity that it is necessary to base the entire program on the works of the rector of the University of Puttaparthi (India), Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This program, which includes lectures and seminars, is used in many countries. A course of lectures and seminars on universal values ​​since 2000 has been regularly held by the European Institute ESSE in Russia. At these seminars he lectures and conducts workshops the faculty of the institute, headed by the rector of the ESSE Institute M. Meyer, the recently deceased Professor Tobjorn Meyer, Anita Friedrich and an international team of teachers from Austria, Germany, Greece and other countries.

The program "Introduction to Spirituality" contributes to the awakening of universal values ​​in both children and adults, who, under the guidance of experienced teachers, follow its practical recommendations step by step and implement it in everyday life. In the program, the main place is given to understanding by a person of his true nature, as a multi-level being, with detailed description each level, methods of interaction with them and ways of moving from level to level through internal spiritual transformation, without which the further evolution of man and all mankind is impossible. Methods imply a triple transformation: spiritual, social, individual. In an effort to achieve this triple transformation, as the goal of the spiritual self-development of the individual, a person must begin to work on himself. This work is: in reducing personal desires, in reducing waste in everyday life, in transforming one's negative emotions. There are clear guidelines for this. practical work through the Wish Ceiling Program. The purpose of this program is to help each individual, and therefore each family, to make their lives happier, to free themselves from the pressure of the ego, which constantly dictates its egoistic desires, which are always based on the pursuit of body pleasures. Despite the simplicity of this program, its specificity, many perceived it as a threat to the established way of life. But depending on how much enthusiasm and diligence will be shown to make this program the rule of our lives, we will be able to advance exactly on the path to spiritual enlightenment and spiritual self-development of society. Otherwise, this process will not be possible. The point of the Ceiling of Desires Program is the personal discipline of self-restraint, overcoming the waste of life's resources: money, energy, time, food, and at the same time using the saved resources to help those who are not as lucky in this life as we are.

The material for the Ceiling on Desires program is the result of personal conversations of the famous psychologist, psychotherapist Phyllis Crystal with the rector of the University of Puttaparthi, Sri Sathya Sai Baba in January 1983, which were entirely devoted to this topic. In the process of working on the Ceiling of Desires Program, Phyllis Crystal used materials from lectures given by Sri Sathya Sai Baba in Bombay (now Mumbai), Whitefield and Puttaparthi, from his publications in the journal Sanatana Sarathi (Eternal Charioteer) and other materials .

The Practical Proposals for the Ceiling of Desires Program were published by Phyllis Crystal in June 1986 and subsequently incorporated as part of the Introductory to Spirituality graduate program developed by the European Institute ESSE.

In the Ceiling of Desires proposals, each of the chapters is subdivided into the following topics:

1. Principle and specific actions
2. Example and practical tasks(work on the outer plane)
3. Meditation (work on the inner plane)

The final chapter is devoted to a generalized analysis of all four resources of life - money, food, time and energy and the understanding that these resources are in close interaction, and each of them affects the others.

Therefore, one must learn to think in terms of this constant interaction. This program should become an ongoing practice of daily life.

Phyllis Crystal gives many practical recommendations as a psychologist, psychotherapist and highly spiritual person in her wonderful books, the content of which is inspired by her more than twenty years of communication with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. These are the books "Sathya Sai Baba - the highest experience", "Ceiling for Desires", "How to curb our monkey mind". Having seen the light at different times, they, nevertheless, represent a coherent system of practical recommendations that contribute to the spiritual self-development of the individual. The main thing in these books is to awaken in a person the desire for self-knowledge and self-awareness, the comprehension of one's true nature and one's life purpose. If in the first book she describes her spiritual quest, which led her to Sri Sathya Sai Baba, then in the "Ceiling for Desires" and "How to curb our monkey mind" are given practical advice to exercise control over desires and their vehicle, the mind. These recommendations have been incorporated by the ESSE European Institute into the curricula and content of the new Sathya Sai Education Seminar Program.

So at the disposal of a person who seeks to follow the path of spiritual self-development of the individual, there is a clearly oriented program of the International ESSE Institute and the corresponding literature.

especially importance have lectures given to students during the summer discourses in Bindavan by the rector of the University of Puttaparthi Sathya Sai Baba and published with translation into Russian in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The lectures are devoted to spirituality and culture, they present the Higher Knowledge and recommendations in an accessible and understandable form: how to practice them in everyday life for the successful evolution of man and all mankind.

As the analysis of the world economic crisis shows, it is based on spiritual and moral reasons. This is the evolutionary crisis of humanity. There is only one way out: in a person changing himself on the basis of universal human values. And this is possible only if there is a system of upbringing and education adequate to this task on the scale of each country and humanity as a whole. And the main figure of this process should be a teacher-educator, a personal example of high spirituality influencing the formation of a human personality. Examples of such systems of upbringing and education and teachers corresponding to their tasks in modern world has already.

Erase random features - And you will see: the world is beautiful.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

What is a poet? A person who writes poetry? Of course not. He is called a poet not because he writes in verse; but he writes in verse, that is, he brings words and sounds into harmony, because he is the son of harmony, a poet.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Beauty is eternity lasting a moment.

Anatole France

Only a bee recognizes hidden sweetness in a flower,
Only an artist senses a beautiful mark on everything.

Afanasy Afanasievich Fet

When humanity is destroyed, there is no more art. Unite beautiful words is not art.

Bertolt Brecht

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

No outer beauty can be complete unless it is enlivened by inner beauty. The beauty of the soul spreads like a mysterious light over the beauty of the body.

Beauty, true happiness and true heroism do not need big words.

Wilhelm Raabe

In character, in manner, in style, in everything, the most beautiful thing is simplicity.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It is amazing how beauty and death, joy and decay are necessary for each other and condition each other.

Hermann Hesse

The beauty we see has a deep source, which we, following Plato, can define as beautiful. This essence finds its greater or lesser incarnation in matter, transforming it and creating more or less harmonious forms. In some cases we call things beautiful, and in others ugly and unattractive.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Every movement is a striving for the missing balance that we see. All living things move in search of it, in search of the lost harmony, in the pursuit of perfection, when peace is not the absence of movement, but the resultant of all movements.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Day and sun - all this together is an enthusiastic hymn to the manifestations of life. This is the most beautiful expression of how Nature bows before the mystery of creation. Night and the stars are the image of another mystery, the mystery of the infinite cosmos, reflected in the sky, replete with distant worlds that make us feel insignificant in front of their immensity. During the day, we see the earth and ourselves better, and this is necessary for us. At night, twilight prevents us from examining close objects, and we rather direct our gaze into the starry sky, and we cannot do without it either.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

The Laws of Art originate not in the material, but in the ideal world where Beauty lives, matter can only indicate the boundaries within which artistic inspiration spreads.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Beauty is born from the contact of beauty with matter. In the event that matter passes through itself this highest, subtlest essence, it is born harmoniously modeled, and the charm that it radiates, although being matter, is beauty. Delia Steinberg Guzman The world of beauty and the revelation of its inner harmony is one of the magical keys that allows you to penetrate into the illusory secret of Mai.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Inequality is not evil, but the basis for good, if you can harmoniously combine all the various elements of the game, forming a meaningful unity.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Almost always living in a dream and wandering with eyes closed, we suspect, however, that it is not enough for us to observe and maintain external proportions, but we feel the need for a deeper beauty, which gives charm to every gesture and deed, every word, feeling, every thought.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

To meet Maya and her Beauty, one must rise from the roadside mud and learn to fly on the wings of her illusions. Whatever is burdensome and ugly in us - everything will fall down and break on the ground. The beautiful reaches the heights of eternity.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

Fit for purpose is the essence of all beauty.

Giacomo Leopardi

In the heart of one who passionately strives for beauty, it shines brighter than in the eyes of the contemplative of it.

The appearance of things changes according to moods, and therefore we see magic and beauty in them, while magic and beauty are really in ourselves.

Everything beautiful and great in this world is created by a single thought or feeling of a person.

True beauty is the meadow that comes from the holy of holies of the spirit and endows the body, just as life springs from the depths of the earth and gives color and fragrance to a flower.

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart.

A ray of beauty in the blink of an eye
Drives clouds from the heart.

John Keats

Beauty captivates forever.
You don't get cold to him.

John Keats

Enthusiasm is love and dreams of the beautiful and good, with the help of which we transform ourselves and get the opportunity to become more perfect and become like them.

Giordano Bruno

In the variety of changes, beauty remains eternally new.

Dionysius of Halicarnassus

Everyone has their own concept of female attractiveness; beauty is something more immutable and independent of tastes and judgments.

Jean de La Bruyère

Good is beauty in action.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Beauty affects even those who do not notice it.

Jean Cocteau

The cup of life is beautiful! How stupid to resent it just because you see its bottom.

Jules Renan

The beauty of an act lies primarily in the fact that it is performed easily and, as it were, without any tension.

Immanuel Kant

The beautiful cannot be known, it must be felt or created.

The beautiful does not need additional embellishments - what makes it beautiful is the absence of embellishments.

Johann Gottfried Herder

Every sincere enjoyment of beauty is in itself a source of moral beauty.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

Everything that you look at with love seems beautiful.

Christian Morgenstern

The one who sees the beautiful is an accomplice in its creation.

Christian Nestel Bowie

Simplicity, truth and naturalness are the three great principles of beauty in all works of art.

Christoph Willibald Gluck

There is so much inherent in beauty that even for those who come to replace us, there will always be something to say in the glory of beauty.


The beauty of every woman is marked by the traits of her character, and we prefer the one whose character awakens the most vivid response in us.

Luc de Clapier de Vauvenargues

The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of being has its own lofty goal.

Maksim Gorky

What delights us in visible beauty is always only the invisible.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

Everything beautiful, whatever it may be, is beautiful in itself: praise is not an integral part of it. Therefore, from praise it does not become worse or better. I also mean here what is called beautiful from the ordinary point of view, such as material things and works of art. And what praise could the truly beautiful need? Nothing more than law, nothing more than truth, nothing more than benevolence, than decency. Which of these things is beautiful through praise, or perverted through censure? Does the emerald get worse from the lack of praise? And gold, ivory, purple, marble, flower, plant?

Marcus Aurelius

Beauty has the power and gift to bring peace to hearts.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

To create beauty, one must be pure in soul.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka

Nothing beautiful is lost without a trace. Do not be afraid to throw seeds of beauty along the roads. They will lie there for weeks, maybe years, but they will not decay like diamonds, and eventually someone will notice their brilliance, pick them up and leave happy.

Maurice Maeterlinck

Try to surpass the beauty of yourself, you will not surpass your soul.

Maurice Maeterlinck

It takes very little to encourage the beauty in someone's soul. Sleeping angels are easy to wake up.

Maurice Maeterlinck

The sun is red at sunrise, and it is red at sunset. Both in happiness and in misfortune, the great ones are unchanged.

Wisdom of Ancient India

Beauty lies not in individual features and lines, but in the general expression of the face, in the vital sense that lies in it.

And respect for the environment in general. Non-violence is one of the fundamental principles.


What is non-violence, Non-violence through respect and compassion, Violence in the form of envy, Non-violence and knowledge, Non-violence as the fulfillment of duties, The connection of non-violence with God, Varieties of violence: lust and affection, Violence and providence, Violence in the transfer of knowledge, Violence in politics, Where appropriate violence? Compassion and non-violence of the devotee, Non-violence in family relationships, Once again about non-violence in politics, Struggle against envy, Humility in non-violence, How to serve the one you hate?


The idea of ​​non-violence. The mechanism of self-destruction of the person who committed the murder. Why is punishment good? The principle of non-violence in the activities of the ruler. The principle of non-violence in inaction. Raising children on the principle of non-violence in inaction. The principle of non-violence in the dissemination of true knowledge. The principle of non-violence is freedom from envy. The nature of envy. Where is envy concentrated? Qualities of true knowledge. The principle of non-violence towards oneself. Why do you need to get up early? How to distinguish true ego from false? The system of transmission of true knowledge. Stages of spiritual progress. Is suicide a manifestation of non-violence towards oneself? Qualities of a saintly person. True and false charity. Tips on the path of spiritual development. What is love? Questions - answers. The manifestation of holiness in relationships with people. Any act that a person commits, is it already predetermined? How to get rid of envy? Is ignorance non-violence? How to wean a child to eat meat? What is the difference between imitation and true love of God?

The Universal Principle of Ahimsa

Now is the time to inquire about the Absolute Truth. Piety. Ahimsa is non-violence. Anger is the result of ignorance. The Universal Law of Ahimsa. spiritual equality. Happiness. Human consciousness. The power of the mind. Mind energy. Man and woman. Five Roles of a Woman. Three male qualities. Questions - Answers.

Higher taste and higher purpose. Family based on spiritual values.

The thorny path to God. If you feel the Highest Taste, even for a moment, you will not return back. Ahimsa is the principled position of conscience. Perverted understanding of love in modern man. A family based on spiritual attachments. Supreme goal and regulative principles. Answers to the questions: Why does a family need someone who is already self-sufficient? How to develop humility and respect for your husband? If a woman does not want to get married. How to switch to vegetarianism in old age?

Killing a cow

“There is no such word as ‘hero’ in Krishna Consciousness. "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." "Cows with Sukriti Devotion". "This hall is meant only for the pleasure of Krishna." Vaishnava Seva. "A form of service without a spirit of service is like firing blanks." Srinivas Acharya Prabhu, Dhananjaya Pandit and Gadadhar Das Prabhu.

Foundations of Vedic Society

Answers on questions. How to donate money the right way. Divine mediation of a holy person. Review of previous lectures. Vedic stories occur in the life of each of us. The principle of non-violence in the transfer of spiritual knowledge. Attachment is an attribute of the soul. Three levels of God realization - Brahman, Paramatma, Bhagavan. Levels of worship according to the Vedas. Three kinds of injunctions in the shastras. Niyama vidhi is a must, there is no alternative. Apurva is optional. Parisama - indulgence, concessions. Three types of organizations. The first is without purpose. The second goal is to survive, expand, multiply. The third goal is to satisfy needs in order to take care of people. Spiritual Society. Spiritual leader. Types of pious activities. The need to purify the senses. The goal of godly activity is to bring God into our lives. Charity. Digging of wells and reservoirs. Road lighting. Distribution of medicines. Assistance in getting an education. Feeding the hungry.

About non-violence and envy

A story about violence, its forms and manifestations, about the causes that cause it, about non-violence (ahimsa) and its first stage - the rejection of meat food. How the energy of violence from killing animals affects us on the physical and subtle plane. About false pride, demonic and divine personalities, demonic and divine ways of civilization development. O modern society and development of matter, about true progress. Envy is a character trait that leads to violence. Relationship of envy with jealousy and betrayal. The author explains why it is necessary to cultivate non-envy, the desire for spiritual happiness. Intelligence, nobility from the point of view of the Vedas. It is described that punishment is not always violence. Many aspects of life are touched upon in terms of non-violence and the development of the mind, the pursuit of spiritual rather than material happiness.