The character of a person according to conscious drawings psychology. What do you see first in the picture? Psychological definition of personality

The smallest "artists" (up to 3 years old) draw seemingly meaningless lines and circles on a piece of paper.

A little later (by 4-5 years) the idea of ​​​​a drawing appears - mom, dad, animals, house. How he draws a person, what colors he uses - all this can give the psychologist enough information for interpretation. children's drawing.

A specialist, using children's psychological tests based on drawings, can feel the mood of the baby, identify the cause of fears, catch hidden tension and even serious problems. mental development. Parents who do not have professional skills in the psychology of children's drawing can also get an idea of ​​​​the state of mind of the crumbs. To do this, it is enough to ask the child to draw a family, providing him with pencils or felt-tip pens of all possible colors.

Psychology of creativity: what children's drawings say

Interpretation of a drawing by color

Take a look at the child's creation and try to guess what the child's drawing says by the main color. Psychology interprets colors as follows.

  • The predominance of pastel shades in the drawing(blue, pink, lilac) speaks of harmony and freedom of the individual. "Pink" babies are important tactile sensations, hug them more often, kiss.
  • The predominance of red indicates the openness and activity of the child. As a rule, such a baby is excitable, restless and often naughty. However, there is nothing to worry about, because this is only his individual feature. These kids are full of energy. As they mature, they will be able to succeed in life.
  • If the child's drawing is done V blue color , in psychology, this is a sign of balance. Such children are more calm and unhurried.
  • Green- the color of stubbornness and perseverance. Light green indicates the need for protection. Dark green should alert parents - the child lacks attention and love. Such children grow up closed, therefore, from a very young age, they need to be brought up with openness and instill confidence in security.
  • According to the psychology of children's drawing, yellow- the color of a dreamy baby with a vivid imagination and a well-developed imagination. Such kids love to play alone, while using abstract toys (various twigs, pebbles, etc.).
  • If a child draws orange sky, orange mom- this is a sign of excitement that has no way out. These babies are difficult to calm down, so it is better to direct their energy to help their parents around the house. It is very good if among these cases there is one that will arouse interest in the child.
  • Prevalence purple is an indicator of high sensitivity. This is a creative person with a rich inner world. These are vulnerable children who need affection and encouragement more than others.

The predominance of dark shades in a child's drawing. In this regard, psychology says the following.

  • Brown: negative emotions, health problems, experiencing family troubles.
  • Gray: poverty, rejection, isolation.
  • Black: stress, threat, and even psychological trauma.
  • Dark red (burgundy with shades of black): depression, anxiety.

The predominance of these colors indicates problems with which it is better to immediately contact a psychologist.

Press on the pencil

Weak pressure speaks of timidity and passivity. If the baby constantly erases the lines with an elastic band, this is a sign of insecurity and anxiety. Strong pressure is evidence of emotional tension. And if the pressure is so strong that the paper is torn, this indicates conflict and.

Pattern position and size

The image at the top of the sheet is a sign of high self-esteem or daydreaming. The location of a small picture at the bottom of the page - emotional distress, low self-esteem, depression.

If the drawing turned out to be so large that the baby glued another sheet to it in order to complete the missing one, this is an indicator of an alarming state. Also, such drawings are often drawn by hyperactive children.

At the end of the article, we have prepared for you a checklist "Creative clutter in the apartment, how to control it!" Download it and you will not be afraid of children's creative experiments!

Analysis of children's drawing

Interpretation of a person's drawing in psychology is done by art therapists, psychologists, and social workers. When interpreting a children's drawing, it is important to take into account the age of the baby. People at three-year-olds turn out to be "cephalopods", this is normal. However, it is still better to judge the psychology of children's drawing from the point of view of the psycho-emotional state of the "artist" when the baby is 4, 5 or 6 years old.

Joyless faces in the picture or their absence, threatening facial expressions and gestures- may indicate the emotional distress of the child. However, experts reassure: it is not worth judging by one picture. It is a completely different matter when all the drawings of a child created in different days and months, have a similar tendency towards gloominess.

Analyzing a children's drawing, you should pay attention to its structure by comparing the real composition of the family with that depicted on paper. For example, the girl Olya did not draw her little sister among other family members. There is jealousy towards the younger sister, a feeling of lack of attention. The same is said if Olya draws her sister larger than herself.

If the baby has not portrayed himself, this is a sign of loneliness and a serious reason to think about family relationships.

Also notice in what order the child draws people. The character drawn first is the main one for the child. A family member, depicted sideways or back, in a tense relationship with the author of the drawing or in a quarrel with him.

During the psychological decoding of children's drawings, look at what the family members depicted on it are doing. When they are doing something together, drawn close to each other, all this is a sign of family well-being. But the fragmentation of the characters speaks of discord in the family.

Children's psychological tests according to drawings

In their work, specialists often use children's psychological tests based on drawings for children, in which they ask the child to draw a family, the same girl, the same boy, or other situations. According to the drawing, the psycho-emotional state and personal development of the crumbs are assessed. Let's look at examples.

Psychological analysis of children's drawing with an example.

Download the checklist "Creative clutter" in the apartment, how to control it!

What is a "creative mess" - any mother knows, it is useless to fight it. How to help your child develop and at the same time spend less time cleaning? Follow the tips from the checklist and you will not be afraid of children's creative experiments!

Almost all of us, talking on the phone or listening to a monotonous lecture, automatically draw all sorts of squiggles or ornaments on paper. Psychologists have proven that these scribbles can quite accurately determine the character of a person or his mood in this moment.

How to do it?

Pay attention to the size of the picture. In all psychological tests using a drawing, this parameter is paid attention first of all. The larger the drawings, the more confident their author is. Liberated and open people usually draw large patterns right in the middle of the sheet, and people who are unsure of themselves and their abilities depict modest squiggles somewhere in the corner. If the drawings are densely arranged and occupy the entire surface without gaps, this person tries with all his might to attract attention, crushing everyone else under him. It happens that a person draws only along the edges of the sheet, leaving the center empty. This suggests that the author of such drawings has not yet found himself in life and is, so to speak, "in a creative search."

Now take a look at the image itself. If it's abstract, pay attention to the corners. Those who draw sharp corners usually have a quarrelsome character. Such people often enter into disputes and have a rather "prickly" character. If the lines are smooth and wavy, this characterizes the artist as a calm and balanced nature. The abundance of waves in the picture can also mean monotony and routine in everyday life and the desire to get rid of it. Sweeping drawings with pressure characterize an active and unrestrained person, perhaps a choleric temperament who strives for freedom and independence. It happens that a person draws not abstractions, but specific items. What do they mean?

The meaning of the drawings

  • Houses or rooms are painted most often by lonely people. Bachelors subconsciously express in this way the desire for comfort and home
  • Geometric patterns are drawn by careerists and ambitious people. Such persons are often unnecessarily picky both to themselves and to others.
  • It is not difficult to guess that flowers, butterflies and clouds are drawn by people prone to a romantic worldview. Such people like to dream and often fall in love.
  • Stars are drawn by those who secretly dream of fame, but stars with many rays are an alarming sign. A person depicting such drawings may be depressed.

Surely each of us more than once “scribbled” something at boring lectures, meetings, while talking on the phone. We draw some kind of curlicues, draw animals and little men and do not even suspect that they can say more about us than we know ourselves.

The fact that a lot can be learned from drawings about a person's personality, character, and mood has been confirmed by many psychological studies. For a long time, psychologists have been using various drawing tests and techniques in their diagnostics. The meaning of reflecting the inner world of a person on paper is as follows: any of our thoughts, processes, ideas in the psyche ends with movement. So, our fears, unconscious desires, feelings, emotions accumulate in the form of a certain energy in the muscles, and when a pencil and paper are in front of us, the hand, as it were, splashes all this onto the surface of the sheet.

The position of the picture relative to the free space on the paper e can also say something, even if it is a small scrap of a notebook page or a corner of a telephone directory. If it is located closer to the upper edge, then you have a very high self-esteem, but at the same time you may be dissatisfied with your position in society (at work, parties) and feel a lack of recognition from others. The picture at the bottom means that you are insecure, indecisive, or not interested in increasing your own worth. If the drawings are predominantly on the left, you emphasize your past experiences, focus on past experience. The right edge of the sheet is drawn - this indicates the desire to quickly bring the events of the future closer, your life and emotions are always turned to something in the future.

If the lines of your drawings are “shaggy”, bold, then perhaps something is bothering you or some unresolved problem is very worried. Weak and thin "spider" lines speak of energy savings, body fatigue and psychological exhaustion. If your drawings are rather angular, the lines are perpendicular, then this indicates some unexpressed aggression, that it is difficult for you at the moment to adapt to something or someone new. Jagged, jagged lines reveal boldness and hostility. And if the lines are smooth, rounded, then you are a soft, calm, feminine person. When you “pull” one contour for a long time, outlining the figure in one movement, this means that you need privacy, you strive for isolation from external events.

Sometimes it happens that we hatch some fragment of our drawing. Short strokes - you are an excitable person, long strokes - measured and calm. The strokes are straight and clear - you are persistent and stubborn, and if they are sketchy and light - you are slightly anxious and insecure. When you slowly and rhythmically shade some fragment, you are relaxed and free. Horizontal strokes mean femininity and weakness, while vertical strokes mean stubbornness and determination.

Your "I" can easily be seen in the size of your creations.. The drawing is large - this indicates that you have a fairly high self-esteem, you are expansive, prone to vanity and even arrogance. And if you strive to occupy all the free space, then perhaps when you feel insecure in yourself, you compensatory exalt your status in your imagination. A small drawing means anxiety, emotional dependence and stiffness.

When you draw patterns like on wallpaper, this suggests that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or lecture, or maybe even your whole lifestyle. Come up with something new, buy an interesting little thing or clothes that are unusual for you, commit an extravagant act - and longing will pass by itself.

Build a honeycomb on paper- you strive for calmness, for harmony, you want to streamline your life. It is also likely that you are thinking about creating a family nest.

Spirals, circles or wavy lines mean that other people's problems do not care much or do not interest you at all. Maybe you are even going through a mild emotional crisis: go around the circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to flare up and break loose on others.

Squares, triangles and others geometric figures - you have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and persistent. Usually you are overly vigilant and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

Circle shape (especially empty) symbolizes a tendency to secrecy, isolation. you close your inner world and do not want to give information about yourself. You do not like it when not only strangers, but also quite close ones climb into your life and your affairs.

If you are constantly shading or drawing grids, then you are probably in an awkward position or have entered into a risky business, and in such a situation you will not take the initiative into your own hands, but agree to everything that is offered to you, endure resentment and restrain irritation. The pattern resembles a lattice - then you feel cornered or trying to fence yourself off from such an obstacle.

When chess fields appear on your sheet of paper, then, apparently, you are in a very unpleasant or at least difficult situation. If such images appear frequently, then you are most likely suffering from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve a situation or are in search of yourself, your life path, doubt the correctness of your life.

Weaving circles- you feel like you are out of some important events, you want to participate in something, join some kind of community. But the interweaving of hearts means that you are overwhelmed with feelings and are ready to give love and warmth to the whole world. Do not restrain yourself, and others will reciprocate

Surely each of us more than once “scribbled” something at boring lectures, meetings, while talking on the phone. We draw some kind of curlicues, draw animals and little men and do not even suspect that they can say more about us than we know ourselves.

The fact that a lot can be learned from drawings about a person's personality, character, and mood has been confirmed by many psychological studies. For a long time, psychologists have been using various drawing tests and techniques in their diagnostics. The meaning of reflecting the inner world of a person on paper is as follows: any of our thoughts, processes, ideas in the psyche ends with movement. So, our fears, unconscious desires, feelings accumulate in the form of a certain energy in the muscles, and when a pencil and paper are in front of us, the hand, as it were, splashes all this onto the surface of the sheet.

Pattern Position it can also say something about free space on paper, even if it is a small scrap of a notepad page or a corner of a telephone directory. If it is located closer to the upper edge, then you have a very high one, but at the same time you may be unhappy with your position in society (at work, parties) and feel a lack of recognition from others. The picture at the bottom means that you are insecure, indecisive, or not interested in increasing your own worth. If the drawings are predominantly on the left, you emphasize your past experiences, focus on past experience. The right edge of the sheet is drawn - this indicates the desire to quickly bring the events of the future closer, your life and emotions are always turned to something in the future.

If lines your drawings are “shaggy”, bold, then perhaps something is bothering you or some unresolved problem is very worried. Weak and thin "spider" lines indicate energy savings, body fatigue and. If your drawings are rather angular, the lines are perpendicular, then this indicates some unexpressed aggression, that it is difficult for you at the moment to adapt to something or someone new. Jagged, jagged lines reveal boldness and hostility. And if the lines are smooth, rounded, then you are a soft, calm, feminine person. When you “pull” one contour for a long time, outlining the figure in one movement, this means that you need privacy, you strive for isolation from external events.

Sometimes it happens that we stroke some fragment of our drawing. Short strokes - you are an excitable person, long strokes - measured and calm. The strokes are straight and clear - you are persistent and stubborn, and if they are sketchy and light - you are slightly anxious and insecure. When you slowly and rhythmically shade some fragment, you are relaxed and free. Horizontal strokes mean femininity and weakness, while vertical strokes mean stubbornness and determination.

Your "I" can easily be seen in size your creations. The drawing is large - this indicates that you have a fairly high self-esteem, you are expansive, prone to vanity and even arrogance. And if you strive to occupy all the free space, then perhaps when you feel insecure in yourself, you compensatory exalt your status in your imagination. A small drawing means anxiety, emotional dependence and stiffness.

If you are painting asterisks If you want to be the center of attention, it is important for you to be bright and always noticed. But if your star has too many rays or you depict them separately from it, this may indicate.

When you draw wallpaper patterns, this suggests that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or lecture, or maybe even your whole lifestyle. Come up with something new, buy an interesting little thing or clothes that are unusual for you, commit an extravagant act - and longing will pass by itself.

Build on paper honeycomb- you strive for calmness, for harmony, you want to streamline your life. It is also quite likely that .

Spirals, circles or wavy lines mean that other people's problems do not care much or do not interest you at all. Maybe you are even going through a mild emotional crisis: go around the circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to flare up and break loose on others.

Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes- you have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and persistent. Usually you are overly vigilant and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

circle figure(especially empty) symbolizes a tendency to secrecy, isolation. You close your inner world and do not want to give information about yourself. You do not like it when not only strangers, but also quite close ones climb into your life and your affairs.

If you are constantly doing something shade or draw grids, then you are probably in an awkward position or have entered into a risky business, and in such a situation you will not take the initiative in your own hands, but agree to everything that is offered to you, endure resentment and restrain irritation. The drawing reminds lattice- then you feel cornered or trying to fence yourself off from such an obstacle.

When appear on your sheet of paper chess fields, then, apparently, you are in a very unpleasant or at least difficult situation. If such images appear often, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve a situation or are in search of yourself, your life path, doubt the correctness of your life.

Weaving circles- it seems to you that you are outside some important events, you want to participate in something, join some kind of community. And here interweaving of hearts means that you are overwhelmed and ready

Drawing for a child is not art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express what, due to age restrictions, he cannot express in words. In the process of drawing, the rational fades into the background, prohibitions and restrictions recede. At this moment, the child is absolutely free. Children's drawing most often clearly demonstrates the sphere of interests of the smallest artist. On early stages development (up to three years) - these are dashes, lines, circles. The kid "tryes" a pencil or a brush, experiments. Usually he first makes a drawing, and then comes up with what he depicted, on what This it might look like. Later (by the age of four) appears drawing idea . From a certain age (at 3.5 - 4 years), a person becomes the object of close attention and study. From the point of view of psychodiagnostics, a drawing of a person is one of the most accurate and reliable sources of information. The difficulty lies only in the fact that the information contained in such a message is, figuratively speaking, “encoded”, and the drawing must be correctly “read”. Psychologists who use drawing techniques in their work must have sufficient qualifications and experience working with children. However, attentive parents can always notice in creative works child something unusual, to feel his mood, to catch the hidden tension. Therefore, as a "first aid" we offer several lessons in the analysis of children's drawings.

Details of children's drawing depend on age

The child should be asked to draw his family. Moreover, so that everyone was busy with some business. Let him have a choice of colored pencils and enough paper - a regular landscape sheet (A4 format) is fine. Do not rush the baby or comment on his drawing in the process of drawing. And when he finishes the family portrait, it's time to ask questions: who exactly did he draw and what are all these characters doing. When starting to analyze a drawing, adults should take into account that its content and, relatively speaking, quality depend on age. young artist. In three-year-old children, people most often look like "cephalopods": some creatures whose body and head are a single "bubble" with legs. A face may also appear. But, strictly speaking, it will be more correct to analyze the drawing from the point of view of personal development and psycho-emotional state from 4-5 years . By the age of four, a child usually already depicts a person in the form of two ovals with arms and legs - sticks. The head, eyes, torso, arms, legs appear in the drawings of five-year-old children. At six years old, the nose, mouth, fingers are added to the above (their number is insignificant). By the age of seven, “painters” no longer lose sight of such details of the human image as the neck, hair (or hat), clothes (at least in a schematic form), and arms and legs are depicted in double lines. Usually, these criteria are guided by the assessment of the mental development of the child.

Analysis of a child's drawing according to ... own feelings

Home hierarchy

Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of the family pattern. It is necessary to compare its real composition with that which is depicted by the child on paper. You should also evaluate the drawing order, the size of the shapes, and their placement on the sheet. The first and largest, as a rule, depicts the most significant member of the family in the understanding of the young artist. Children usually draw themselves next to those to whom they feel the greatest affection. And farthest in the figure is the most unsympathetic relative to the baby. The image in profile or with the back also indicates a tense relationship between this family member and the author of the drawing. Children live in the moment. And often emotional relationships with someone close (a recent quarrel, resentment) can make their own adjustments to the drawing. In this case, the baby may even “forget” someone. For example, 6-year-old Alyosha does not draw his father, who pays him little attention and is rude. And he explains his absence in the figure by the fact that "dad went on a business trip." Alice (4 years old) did not draw her little sister Ksyusha, explaining her absence by the fact that the baby is “sleeping in another room”. The girl cannot come to terms with the fact that her mother, because of her sister, does not give her as much attention as before. There are also reverse situations, when the child depicts in the picture really non-existent family members. Sasha (5 years old) surprised his mother a lot when he drew a playing baby next to him and announced that he finally had a brother! Such “adjustments” to the composition of the family are made by children who are dissatisfied with their emotional situation. They need more benevolent attention from adults and games "on an equal footing", or better - entertainment in the company of other kids of the same kind. Important role in the analysis of a child's drawing, what the family members are doing also plays. If they are united by some common cause, most often this indicates a favorable family climate. very meaningful an indicator of psychological proximity is the real distance between the depicted figures . By drawing himself apart from the rest, the child can “signal” his isolation in the family. If he separates his relatives from each other with partitions or places them in different "rooms", this may indicate problems in communication. The size of the image indicates what place this person occupies in the emotional life of the family. For example, if a child draws a younger brother or sister larger than himself, then we can assume exceptional attention to him from relatives. He "takes up a lot of space in their lives." The absence of the smallest artist in the drawing is a frequent sign that the child feels lonely in the family, and there is “no place” for him in relationships between loved ones. You can check this by asking the kid the question: “Maybe you forgot to draw someone?” It happens that even a direct indication: “you forgot to portray yourself” the child ignores or explains: “there is no space left”, “then I will finish it”. This situation is a serious reason to think about family relationships. A very dense image of figures, as if overlapping each other, speaks of an equally close relationship between people close to the baby or about his need for such connections.

Evaluation of "manner of writing"

A fairly common sign of increased anxiety in a child is self-correction. Especially those that do not improve image quality. There are drawings from individual small strokes - the baby seems to be afraid to draw a decisive line. Sometimes the whole drawing or some of its parts is hatched. In such cases, one can also assume the increased anxiety of the young artist. It is worth paying attention to the exaggerated big eyes in a portrait, especially if the pupils are heavily shaded in them. Perhaps the baby is experiencing a feeling of fear. numerous decorations, the presence of additional details and elements of the costume by the author of the drawing indicates the demonstrativeness of the child, his desire to be noticed, craving for external effects. This is more common in girls. Very weak pencil pressure, low (not for age) detail pattern occurs in asthenic children, prone to rapid fatigue, emotionally sensitive, psychologically unstable. And children who easily, for no apparent reason, change their mood, usually in the process of drawing they often change pressure: some lines are barely noticeable, others are drawn with noticeable effort. Impulsive kids often do not complete the lines or, on the contrary, draw in a sweeping manner, so their drawings give the impression of careless, uncontrolled. Here, strong pressure and gross violations of symmetry attract attention. Sometimes the drawing "does not fit" on the sheet. There are drawings where everyone figures are depicted very small. Usually the entire composition is oriented towards some edge of the sheet. This means that the baby feels weak and does not believe in his own strength. Perhaps one of the relatives is very strict with him or the requirements for the child do not correspond to his real capabilities. If baby portrays himself in an open pose (arms and legs are widely spaced, the figure is large, often rounded), this indicates his sociability and cheerfulness. And on the contrary, a “closed” posture (hands pressed to the body or hidden behind the back, the figure is elongated, angular) rather indicates a closed person, inclined to restrain his feelings and thoughts. Both in the drawings of boys and in the drawings of girls one can often notice symbols of aggressive tendencies behaviors: large accented fists, weapons, intimidating posture, clearly traced nails and teeth. Despite seeming hostility, they can be an expression of a protective form of behavior. . Adults should figure out what is a source of increased emotional danger for their child, and why he needed such a demonstration of his strength. A special place is occupied drawings in violation of accepted image standards . In particular, the image of the genitals. For small children (up to 4 years old) it is rather frequent occurrence. This reflects the tendency towards the naturalness of life in all its manifestations. In older preschoolers, such a drawing speaks of demonstrativeness, the desire to attract attention in a provocative way, and serves as an expression of aggression.

Is the palette a mirror of the soul?

Children very early begin to "feel" the color and select it according to their mood and attitude. Dr. Max Lüscher, psychologist and color researcher, studied the selection of shades from the color spectrum. different people. He came to the conclusion that the choice of color reflects the psychological qualities of a person and his state of health. Number of colors used by the child can be viewed from several perspectives. First of all, it is a characteristic of the level of development of the emotional sphere as a whole. Usually children use 5-6 colors. In this case, we can talk about the normal average level of emotional development. A wider palette of colors suggests a sensitive nature, rich in emotions. If a child over 3-4 years old draws with 1-2 colored pencils, this most likely indicates his negative state at the moment: anxiety (blue), aggression (red), depression (black). Use only simple pencil(if there is a choice) is sometimes interpreted as the "lack" of color, so the child "reports" that his life lacks bright colors, positive emotions. The most emotionally significant figures are distinguished by a large number of colors. And openly not accepted characters are usually painted in black or dark brown. Colors can also convey certain character properties and state. Each color has its own symbolic meaning. :

  • Navy blue - concentration, focus on internal problems, the need for peace and satisfaction, introspection;
  • green - balance, independence, perseverance, stubbornness, striving for security;
  • red - willpower, eccentricity, outward orientation, aggression, increased activity, excitability;
  • yellow – positive emotions, spontaneity, curiosity, optimism;
  • violet - fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);
  • brown - sensual support of sensations, slowness, physical discomfort, often - negative emotions;
  • black - depression, protest, destruction, an urgent need for change;
  • grey - "absence" of color, indifference, detachment, desire to leave, not to notice what disturbs.

From theory to practice

So, the kid spent several minutes over a sheet of paper with pencils in his hands, and the picture is ready. How much that is important for him and for his parents is hidden in this picture! Let's try to read it? Here the child has portrayed himself, but the pose is unstable, and there is no face. How do you communicate without a face? - Difficult! Here is the baby in the crib - lay down to rest. Perhaps he is tired. Or maybe sick? And I chose brown. Yes, that's right - the temperature! Why do all the girls draw princesses? That's how they feel or...really want it. Just to be in the spotlight, to be the very best ... And what is the demand from the princess? Here's a boy armed to the teeth. He needs protection. Maybe someone offended him.

Examples of analysis of specific drawings:

Children's drawing 1

The author of this “family portrait” is Alyosha (6 years old).

Age criterion The child's behavior contains traits that are more early age, the emotional-volitional sphere is characterized by immaturity. All the characters in the picture are depicted in the same way. Clothing, with its inherent details, is missing. The hairstyle is a symbolic sign of gender. The characteristic absence of a neck in the depicted people in this case testifies to the difficulty of controlling the mind over bodily impulses, that is, Alyosha's behavior shows high mobility, at times - disinhibition, impulsiveness. Emotional characteristic The drawing is bright, light, cheerful, orderly, rather benevolent. Features of the family image The family in the figure is reflected in in full force. In the center of the composition is the father as an important subject in the domestic hierarchy. It can be assumed with sufficient certainty that the mother is physically and emotionally closer to Alyosha. The resulting couples are noteworthy: mother - son (the youngest in the family), father - daughter. Sister Lena is farthest from the author of the drawing. Probably not everything is going well in their relationship. It is significant that of all family members, only dad "stands firmly on the ground." The rest - soar, a little "hovering in the clouds." In general, we can talk about fairly warm and close relations between family members. This is evidenced by the slight distance between them, the choice of a common color and the image in the same range of a house with smoke from a chimney, symbolizing the “warmth of a family hearth”. "Writing Style" All lines of the drawing are made with confident, decisive movements. It is probably this style of behavior that is most characteristic of Alyosha. But the strong pressure and accentuated shading of the boy’s body speak of inner restlessness, anxiety, perhaps physical (literally bodily) malaise. The hairstyle gives out an active nature, at times, perhaps aggressive. An interesting detail is the peculiar antennas (according to Alyosha), which in the figure "grow" from the boy's ears. They symbolize the need for information in order to compensate for difficulties in communication (the child in the image does not have a face). The poses of all the characters are open, the figures are rounded, which suggests cheerful, sociable people. In the case of Alyosha, this seeming contradiction can mean: “I want to communicate, play, but they don’t always understand me.” Palette The color scheme of the picture is very symbolic. The little artist opted for a signal red color for all family members, especially for himself. This indicates an outward orientation, sociability, increased activity of the author of the drawing. Additional green emphasizes the desire for independence and the desire to insist on one's own as a habitual way of behavior. An important detail of the picture is the clearly traced surface of the earth. If Alyosha spent a lot of time on her image, this is probably something important for him. In this case, you can consider the earth as a need for support, greater stability and stability. The purpose of drawing analysis is always a deeper understanding of the child, looking at the family through his eyes and identifying ways to positive changes. In this case, I would like to recommend to Alyosha's parents that they pay more attention to deep, confidential communication with their son, talk to him more often just like that, ask him for his opinion on various issues. They should also consider what is the difficulty of contact between son and daughter. A leisure, playing outdoors can significantly reduce emotional and physical stress.

Children's drawing 2.

Its author is Maxim (4 years 10 months)

Age criterion This pattern is more typical for six-year-old children. We can say that the boy develops intellectually ahead of his age. Emotional characteristic The drawing is bright, dynamic, but restless. Features of the image of the family. The family is shown in its entirety. Attention is drawn to the sexual identification of the young author with his father (see clothes). However, emotionally the child is still closer to the mother, which is typical for a preschooler. It is interesting that the boy does not seem to have enough space in the drawing, he is unsteady on his feet. His position is unstable and changeable. Palette The child has chosen purple, which, combined with his uncertain position in the family (this was mentioned above), indicates a possible psycho-emotional instability, frequent mood swings. For mom, the little artist chose an energetic, somewhat chaotic, yellow. Dad is brown. In his image, attention is concentrated on the physical body. This is how a child sees his parents. "Writing Style" The figures are large, angular - most likely, in the communication of the child there is some straightforwardness and a tendency to conflict (sharp corners). Noticeable shading and clearly traced pupils suggest the presence of hidden anxiety.

Children's drawing 3

Petya, 6 years old.

The drawing is bright, saturated, energetic, well organized. It is consistent with the age of the artist. In the structure of the family, there are "adult" and "children's" groups. The younger brother and sister strive emotionally and physically to be closer to Petya. Probably in the family psychologically close, equal relations. Mom is the most vivid, emotional image. The child highlights the image of the mother with the help of color and draws it first. Petya portrays himself as an adult. The arms are somewhat shortened compared to other images. This is usually found in the drawings of children who consider themselves insufficiently skilled, critical of their practical skills and capabilities. The sun and flowers are very common in children's drawings. It is worth paying attention if their appearance is unjustified by the situation. For example, the sun appears in a drawing of a room. Then we talk about the need for warmer relationships in the family. In Petya's drawing, these symbols most likely indicate a positive attitude towards his family.

Children's drawing 4

Polina, 7 years old.

Often children draw arbitrarily, without a special task, asking: "I draw a girl like me." In this case, we observe a somewhat idealized representation of the child about himself. Let's pay attention to the picture of Pauline. It is located at the top of the sheet, quite large and bright. We can talk about the positive self-esteem of the child, activity, emotionality. Probably, the girl is distinguished by high self-control, developed intelligence, and sociability. But she lacks stability (pay attention to the accentuated line of the earth and the small legs of the child). From a psychological point of view we are talking about self-doubt. Usually this happens in a family where one child is brought up: he is given, paradoxically as it sounds, too much attention, they control and direct every step. Thus, the child is deprived of the opportunity to somehow show independence. Gradually getting used to this situation, the child is afraid to take the wrong step and waits for "valuable instructions." Maybe Polina should sometimes make her own mistakes and learn from them?

Children's drawing 5

Alexandra, 4 years old.

The drawing is dynamic, bright, somewhat chaotic. The emotional center of the family, of course, is the mother: heat (the sun), the child, the dog are concentrated around her. Her dress is decorated with a pattern. Please note that Sasha draws herself as an equal with adults and only her legs do not reach the ground. The character of the girl is probably fighting, impulsive, boyish. The lines of the drawing are sweeping, with strong pressure suggest a low level of self-control. For these children, playing with simple rules, assuming the presence of several players. Active sports will also teach you to better understand yourself and correlate your desires with the interests of the team.

Children's drawing 6

Petya, 4 years 6 months

Absolutely unusual drawing for a 4.5 year old child. The cephalopods immediately turned into mature drawings. This is especially true for images of adults. Undoubtedly, this is a drawing of a very observant, developed and at the same time anxious child. Abundant shading, density, tightness of the image, emphasized traced eyes indicate the presence of anxiety. The most striking, significant figure is the pope. Pay attention to how the shading of clothing varies among family members. Dad's - strictly certain direction, suit official. Probably in life, dad is a very organized, businesslike person. The figures in the figure are depicted very tightly. This may indicate an equally close relationship in reality. But our main character seems to need to active life more physical and psychological space. At first glance, it may seem that the analysis of children's drawings is not such a difficult task. However, I would like to warn parents against harsh formulations and making a psychological diagnosis. Indeed, behind the seeming simplicity and elegance of the method, there are many nuances, interrelations of individual manifestations and features. In addition, the person analyzing the drawing views it through the prism of his personal experience and state at the moment. Therefore, you should not draw far-reaching conclusions on your own. And if something in the child's drawing alerted or puzzled the parents, it is better not to postpone the visit to the specialist. Let us help you figure it out!