Psychoanalysis by drawings. What do you see first in the picture? Psychological definition of personality

Each person would like to know the secrets of his character and see himself from the outside. in the best way for self-knowledge is a psychological projective drawing that will reflect all the features of your personality.

When we do something that we don’t think about, the result shows not the logical, but the emotional side of the brain. Our experiences, joy, anger and everything else can erupt unconsciously projected on paper.

You will need privacy to take the test below. No one should distract you from the process. Take piece of paper, preferably A4, handle or pencil. Divide the sheet into equal four parts and number them so that it looks something like this:

The final preparation of the sheet will look like this:

  • in the first sector, draw a dot in the middle
  • in the second sector draw a small square or rectangle
  • in the third sector there should be something similar to the "=" sign
  • the fourth sector remains empty

You should get something similar:

So, free your thoughts, there will be no difficult tasks - draw only what comes to your mind right away.

In the first three sectors, just draw what you want. Draw what you feel without thinking. You don't need to draw something complicated - spend about 10 seconds per sector. After that, move on to the last task.

In the fourth sector, draw a boat that floats on the waves. The drawing should also be primitive - also do not spend a lot of time on it.

Deciphering the drawings

Sector one

This section represents your isolation or openness. If there are round figures in this sector, then you are a closed person. The same applies, for example, to a drawn spiral leading to the center (point). If you just drew a lot of dots, then you are very sociable and open. Roughly speaking, the more elements you applied, the better. The only exception is circles. They should be as few as possible.

Sector two

This section shows your kindness and responsiveness, as well as the level selfishness. You may consider yourself kind person, if what you drew is connected in some way to the original rectangle. The smaller the contact area, the more selfish you are. Open people often draw a wall, which indicates their focus on the company and the team. Many draw a house, which is also very good. If your drawing does not touch the rectangle, then this indicates that you need to think - maybe you are selfish.

Sector three

This sector will show how you consider yourself successful or successful with the opposite sex - is it easy for you to communicate and flirt. There should be as few drawing elements as possible and they should not touch the equal sign (as most people call it). People who are satisfied with their relationship with the opposite sex usually draw a smiley face to make something like "=)". Worst of all, if the drawing turns out to be symmetrical and heavily piled up, this is an indicator of your self-doubt in communicating with the opposite sex.

Sector four

Everything is extremely simple here. This sector shows you what you are in love and in relations. If the sea turned out to be restless, then you prefer dynamic love that breaks your head. If the sea is calm, then love for you is calm, warm and only pleasant, ordered emotions. As for the boat itself, you should pay attention to whether it is difficult to draw, as well as what is happening around it. Any excesses like sails or people (which were not discussed), stars, living creatures, the Moon, the Sun - speak of your romance. If none of this is there, then you are strong in character, and romance is alien to you.

Thus, the simplest at first glance test can show each person his true face. Psychological personality tests of this kind are the most accurate, since the test subject does not need to think - he is driven only by the emotional part of the brain. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Often talking on the phone or sitting at work at a meeting, we unconsciously draw uncomplicated figures. No one attaches importance to this, it just calms the person, and there is something to do with the hands. But in fact, the psychology of the drawing indicates your emotional state in this moment.

Also, our drawings are hidden meaning. It's peculiar, oh possible problems or joys in life. Find out the meaning of drawings in psychology, the symbolism of the subconscious will reveal your desires and experiences.

Deciphering drawings in psychology

1. Lots wavy lines, circles, spiral. The drawing characterizes you as an independent person who does not care about the opinions of others. You primarily think about your well-being, and other people's problems do not bother you much.

2. Numbers. You are completely absorbed in material matters. Build business ideas, think about how to find a better paying job.

3. Interlacing of straight lines, lattices. Now is not the best period in life. Many problems require decisive action, and you feel like a "animal in a cage", frantically trying to find a way out of the trap.

4. Flowers, sun or holiday garlands. Psychology according to a person’s drawing indicates that people who depict joy on paper experience stress in life, wanting with all their might to get out of the current situation as soon as possible. Try to give more warmth to your loved ones, and they will answer you the same.

5. Hearts. Love and positive emotions overwhelm your soul, but for some reason you hide it. Share your joy with the world, smile and be truly happy.

6. What does the drawing say about a person, if any geometric figures. A born leader who knows how to get good luck on his side. The sharper the angles of the figure, the more leadership qualities prevail. Such a person is almost impossible to deceive.

7. Crosses. They symbolize guilt. Perhaps you are ashamed of your act, you want to fix everything, apologize, but have not yet decided.

8. Grass, trees. The picture reflects the state of your soul at the moment. If the tree is depicted with numerous leaves and fruits, then at the moment you are happy. If a tree with only leafless branches, then perhaps you are now experiencing depression.

Well, do you agree with your result? Share this quiz with your friends!

Psychological test: House-Tree-Man. How to decrypt it correctly?

Psychological test is a tool that helps specialists understand the state of the psyche of an adult or a child. The simplest testing method is considered to be an ordinary drawing. If you know how to decipher it correctly, you can find out about all the fears and problems of the one who drew it.

Psychological test according to drawings - house, tree, person: transcript with interpretation for children

Psychological test for drawings for children
  • If you want to know what your baby really feels, then ask him to draw a house, a tree, a person, and then carefully examine the drawing, paying attention to everything, even the smallest details. The first thing you should pay attention to is how hard your baby presses on the pencil when creating his masterpiece. If the lines are weakly expressed and barely noticeable, then this indicates that you are growing a timid and somewhere passive person who tries to be invisible.
  • Also a bad signal is that the child very often uses an elastic band. This indicates insecurity and excessive anxiety. If a son or daughter draws with strong pressure, then this indicates that they are quite tense. In addition, be sure to pay attention to what colors the picture is made of. The ideal option is to use pastel colors.
  • As a rule, this indicates that you have been able to grow a person who lives in harmony with his environment. But still remember that the moral state of the children will continue to remain so, it is extremely important for them to feel your love, and it will be better if you show it tactilely. To do this, it will be enough to hug and kiss your child a couple of times a day.

Deciphering the colors of the picture

Deciphering the colors of the picture:

  • Red. Such a color scheme should not alert you in the way that open and restless children most often use it. Yes, sometimes they may not obey or even be naughty, but this speaks more about individual characteristics, and not about mental disorders.
  • Blue. Most often, calm, balanced children who sometimes like to be alone with themselves prefer this color scheme.
  • Green. Such a color scheme should alert young parents as it indicates that your baby lacks attention. If you do not try to correct this state of affairs, then with a high probability we can say that your child will grow up closed and will be afraid to trust people.
  • Yellow. The predominance of such a color scheme indicates that a dreamy personality is growing in your home who looks at the world through rose-colored glasses.
  • dark shades(black, brown, grey). The use of such a color scheme indicates that your child has quite serious psychological problems that, without proper correction, can turn into a rather severe depressive state.

Deciphering the location of the house
  • Another criterion that you must definitely pay attention to is the placement of the house, tree and person in the picture. If the child drew the figures you suggested are very large and bulky, this indicates that your crumbs have quite high anxiety, and he cannot relax even when he knows for sure that he is not in danger. True, in this case there is one exception to the rule. If a hyperactive child is growing in your house, then this arrangement of figures on a sheet can be considered quite normal.
  • If the house, tree and person are located at the very top of the leaf (as a rule, the lower part remains completely clean), then this indicates that you raised a baby with very high self-esteem. In the future, such a child may have problems at home, in kindergarten or at school. Due to the fact that the son will consider himself better than everyone else, he will not be able to find true friends for himself and, worst of all, will not be able to fit into the children's team normally.
  • A negative signal is very small figures located at the bottom of the sheet. Most often, children who have psychological problems draw like this. It is likely that your child has depression or very low self-esteem. Ideally, all the details of the picture should be drawn as proportionally as possible and in no case should they run into each other.

  • Well, at the last stage, conduct a general analysis of what your child has drawn. Be sure to pay attention to how he portrayed a person and where he placed him. If a person came out very sad and very small compared to other objects, then this indicates that your child is very lonely and feels unnecessary to anyone. It is likely that you just spend little time with your child and the opinion has settled in his subconscious that he is not so important to you.
  • Also a bad signal is the complete absence of facial expressions in humans. This suggests that your crumbs have a rather poor emotional state, indicating a terrible moral state of health. As for the house, it should also be as realistic as possible. Of course, Small child he is unlikely to be able to draw an ideal home, but still, because he does this, you can understand how comfortable he feels in the family. So, if the house turned out to be very small and placed as if far away, then it is likely that your baby feels rejected or a stranger.
  • If the house is of normal size and placed in the picture proportionally, then this indicates family harmony and openness of your crumbs. Also a good signal is the presence of doors and windows near the painted dwelling. The reason to be wary is a tree that seems to be hiding behind the house. Most often, children of very strict and dominant parents, who are trying to control every step of their child, have vegetation in this way.

Psychological test according to drawings - house, tree, person: transcript with interpretation for adults

Psychological test for drawings for adults

As you probably already understood, a drawing can tell a lot about a person. True, in the case of adults, more attention should be paid to the small details of the resulting picture. Unlike children, they can already control their emotions and very often try to deceive the specialist by using the right color scheme or drawing with the right pressure. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to is whether there is a trickle of smoke above the house.

If a very thin stream comes out of the chimney, then this shows that the person is emotionally exhausted and does not feel warmth and care from his loved ones. Too thick smoke coming from the chimney indicates that the person is in a very strong moral stress. And the thicker and darker the smoke coming out, the worse the internal state of the person passing the test.

House decoding

Deciphering the drawing of the house
  • If a person has drawn a beautiful proportional house, which has all the windows and doors, then this indicates that he is in harmony with himself and with those around him. If the building is depicted without windows and doors, this is a sign of a person's closeness, which is most often provoked by rather strong problems at work. In this way, he is trying to show that he is not going to let anyone into his life. Also a bad signal is the presence of steps or stairs, which are not located at the door or window, but simply against a blank wall. As a rule, this is how a long-standing conflict manifests itself, which requires an immediate solution.
  • Also pay attention to how the walls of the dwelling are drawn. If they are clear and clearly visible, then the person has no special problems. But if the lines denoting the outline of the house are very thin, almost transparent, then a person feels some kind of danger and is afraid that he will not be able to defend himself from it. open doors houses indicate that a person has no problems either at home or at work, and is always happy to have guests. But if the doors are too large and occupy most of the wall, then this indicates that the man or woman has problems with self-esteem and at the moment they are trying to show their importance and irreplaceability.
  • Another negative signal is the lock on the door, especially if it is very large. As a rule, in this way the subconscious of a person shows his hostility, closeness and aggressiveness. Windows can also tell a lot about a person. If they are of normal size and there are flowers on them, then this indicates that a person does not have any psychological clamps that interfere with his life. If the windows are almost completely covered with curtains, then it is difficult for a person to interact with the outside world, and he tries to fence himself off from it a little.

Deciphering a drawing of a person

Deciphering a drawing of a person
  • Most often, the presence of problems in men and women is indicated by the size of the person they depicted in the figure. The smaller and more noticeable it is, the more insecure the one who is being tested feels. In this case, proportions are also very important. After all, if, for example, the depicted little man has a very large head, then this indicates a desire to dominate others. Too small a head shows that a person has problems with intellectual development, and he is very worried about this. If a man or woman does not like criticism and tries to distance themselves from unpleasant words, then the picture will show a person without ears.
  • The size of the neck can also tell about internal psychological problems. A wide, but at the same time short neck suggests that males and females have character traits that they do not like, but they are trying to get rid of them. Too long and thin neck, as a rule, is drawn by people prone to aggressive behavior, unable to keep their emotions under control. And, of course, do not forget to pay attention to the hands and feet of a person. If they are drawn as clearly as possible, with bright lines, then this indicates that there is a man or woman in front of you, standing firmly on the ground and not afraid of any difficulties.
  • As for the eyes, they also play a huge role in deciphering the picture. If a person draws very small eyes, this indicates that he is too immersed in his internal problems. Availability too big eyes indicates the rudeness and assertiveness of the test. But beautiful and fluffy eyelashes give out a flirtatious person who loves the attention of the opposite sex.

Deciphering the tree pattern

Deciphering the tree pattern
  • The more symmetrical and beautiful the tree in the picture is, the more harmonious the person feels. If somehow a part of the tree is larger or smaller than necessary, then this indicates the presence of psychological problems. For example, if a person draws a small tree and very massive roots, then this is a sure sign that he has some problems that he is trying to hide from outsiders.
  • Very often in the picture you can see a tree whose leaves are poorly traced, but the trunk is very brightly painted over. This state of affairs indicates that the test-taker is not afraid to face difficulties. The branches lowered down seem to tell us that a person has given up and is not even trying to deal with the problems that arise on his life path.
  • Pay special attention to what lines the tree is drawn with. If all the lines are clear, smooth and are not interrupted anywhere, then we can definitely say that you have an individual in front of you who is not afraid of life's difficulties and always goes to the goals set. If the lines are crooked and periodically interrupted, then this is evidence of indecision, cowardice and lethargy.

Description of the drawing according to the method of house, tree, person: how to draw and draw correctly?

Test Recommendations
  • If you decide to carry out such psychological test to your child or just one of the adult family members, remember that in order to get the most accurate result, you need to give the person complete freedom of thought. You do not have the right to tell him how to draw this or that part of the picture. It is also strictly forbidden to push the tested person to choose certain color. All the time while a person will cope with the task, you will have to sit silently on the sidelines. And it will be even better if you leave the room for a while. Thus, you allow the person to be alone with you.
  • Also be sure to take care of the place where the test will take place. You must create conditions in which a person will be as comfortable as possible. This means that on the table on which he will draw there should not be objects that distract attention. Ideally, only a piece of paper, pencils and an eraser should lie on the table. If a child is going to be tested, then in addition to the above things, you can also place felt-tip pens and paints on the table.
  • With their help, the baby will be able to reveal his inner world. As for drawing, there are no clear rules. You just have to give the person a task, and he himself must decide where he will start creating the drawing. All that will be required of you in this situation is to silently observe and patiently wait for him to finish.

Drawing of an adult

child drawing

While the person is being tested, you will need to record:

  1. His reaction to the task
  2. How quickly did he figure out what was required of him?
  3. How quickly the test person determines the color
  4. How long did it take for the person to complete the task?

After the drawing is ready, you can ask the child or adult questions that will help you get the most accurate result. But remember, you must do this in the most relaxed manner. Conversation with the baby, in general, is best done in game form. After all, the more he is relaxed, the more reliable information his subconscious will give out.

Test questions:

  • Who did you draw in the picture of a boy or a girl (man or woman)?
  • Is it you or your relative?
  • Do you like what you drew?
  • What tree did you draw?
  • Why do you like it so much?
  • Is this your house?
  • What is your home made of?

In principle, questions can be different, the main thing is that they are related to the picture. For example, during a post-drawing survey, you can ask the test-taker why some significant details are missing from his drawing (leaves on a tree, windows and doors on a house, or ears on his head). You should also be interested in the not quite correct arrangement of the elements of the picture.

For example, obliquely growing trees or very skewed walls of the house. A person must definitely try to explain why he sees his world in a slightly distorted form. After you find out all the details that interest you, you can proceed to the final analysis of what the person has drawn.

Video: Psychoriunok. An example of the analysis of the drawing test "House Tree Man"

Psychology deals with the study of human nature and can explain various forms of human behavior. Opportunity like research characteristic features personality from drawings, has grown into a whole methodology. Exploratory tests are suitable for both children and adults. The techniques are extremely simple and do not require special preparation for implementation. The results are striking in their accuracy. What are the most common psychological tests on unconscious drawings?

Drawing test "Draw a house"

The task of the test is easy to understand based on the name of the psychological test. It is also easy to interpret the results from the drawings, the human psychology is arranged in such a way that he himself, without implying it, will tell about his inner world.

This drawing test can act as an independent study, or it can become a key to other tasks in which a person has depicted a house.

Drawing test "Choose a shape"

The sheet shows square, triangle, rectangle, circle and zigzag. A person is asked to first choose one figure that he associates with himself, and then arrange the remaining elements in order of personal preference. The psychological response consists of two components: the figure chosen first characterizes the dominant personality traits, the remaining details complement the image.

Incorrigible workaholics in the first place put square. Such people always with perseverance and diligence bring what they started to the end, they have an excellent memory and a sense of responsibility. Idealists do not lose sight of any details and love to "put everything on the shelves." Undoubtedly, such qualities are useful at work, but they interfere very much in personal life. Family happiness guaranteed in that case it will be possible to find a soul mate with the same character.

Triangle choose true leaders, strong, courageous, energetic, self-confident, able to soberly assess the situation and sensibly analyze what is happening. In all spheres of life, these people reserve the right to a decisive vote, do not change decisions taken and fail to admit their own mistakes. All life passes in rivalry and struggle for the first place.

Personalities - " rectangles are in a state of constant change. They are inconsistent and unpredictable, always dissatisfied with something and always looking for something better. Naivety and curiosity generate not only a keen interest in everything unknown, but also incredible courage. Therefore, such people are rarely alone.

Those who chose a circle always striving for harmony. Through the efforts of these philanthropists, a friendly atmosphere in the work team and a favorable atmosphere in the family union are maintained. They know how to listen and support, they are very sensitive and insightful. Psychology can become their life's work.

Open zigzag- preference for creative creative natures. Often they are expressive and eccentric, almost always naive and impractical. Excellent intuition, a subtle sense of humor and the ability to find a common language with everyone compensate for the shortcomings.

Drawing test "What do scribbles conceal?"

Involuntary driving with a pen on a piece of paper can tell a lot about a person's character.

This psychological test is considered one of the most truthful. After all, the information that a person gives out unconsciously is considered the most true. All secret thoughts, hidden experiences, unjustified hopes are projected onto paper.

Drawing test "Secrets of the inner world"

A very interesting and easy-to-perform psychological test, which in the end can give significant answers to many life questions. To carry out, you will need a pen (or pencil), a blank sheet of paper and a few minutes of free time.

First you need to divide the sheet into four equal parts. In the upper left sector, you need to draw a dot, in the upper right sector - a rectangle, in the lower left part the “=” sign is displayed, and the lower right part remains empty. Now you need to discard all extraneous thoughts, calm down and proceed to the test. To do this, you need to draw in first three field everything that first comes to mind. You should not spend effort on masterpiece paintings, let it take no more than 15 seconds for one image. And in the last square, you should draw a boat floating on the waves. That's all, you can start decoding.

Answers to the psychological test "Secrets of the inner world"

  1. Top left figure talks about interacting with the environment. If more dots or other small disparate details were added, then we are talking about a sociable open personality. And spirals, circles, ovals indicate a closed alienated person.
  2. Right top drawing reveals the inner self. Selfish natures try to reduce the area of ​​​​contact of the picture with the rectangle, or generally draw elements away from the figure. Good-natured, sociable people associate their image with the proposed one. Most often it is a wall, a parallelepiped, a brick. Altruists, as a rule, draw a house.
  3. Third drawing responsible for relationships with the opposite sex. The fewer details and the farther they are from the lines, the easier and simpler the thread of communication is built. Insecure individuals draw heaped pyramids of various symbols and signs.
  4. Last drawing- this is Love. Romantics add a lot of unnecessary details: sails, stars, clouds, oars, people, animals. Practical natures with a strong character and alien to sentimentality portray simplified diagram without frills and intricacies. Passionate dreamers rushing into feelings as if into a whirlpool, without a doubt, will draw a raging sea, on the waves of which the boat of love is swinging.

Everyone wants to look at themselves from the outside, to evaluate the psychology of the inner world from a different angle. Define psychological picture can be done with drawings. A person will spontaneously put on paper all the features of his personality, even those that are difficult for himself to admit.

Incredible Facts

This psychological test was developed at Harvard University.

It will help to look into the subconscious of a person and reliably describe some of the traits of his character.

Thanks to him, you can get the answer to what you do best.

Rorschach spot test

The so-called Rorschach test is one of the most popular tests for determining the human psyche.

The Rorschach inkblot technique was invented in 1921 by Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach.

The essence of the test is to determine the associations that arise in the subject when viewing 10 ink blots.

Each of these ten outlines evokes different associations with a particular image, word, or phrase.

The test is based on the fact that a person's associations determine the characteristics of his personality.

Take the Rorschach test

1. Picture one

The answers allow the psychologist to determine how a person copes with stressful situations and emerging problems.

The most common answers when viewing the first picture are a bat, a butterfly, a moth, an angel.

A bat for some is a symbol evil spirits and something unpleasant. For others, it is overcoming a difficult path and rebirth.

Butterflies indicate a period of transition in life, hinting at transformation and the desire to change, grow and deal with the challenges that arise.

A person who sees a mole in an ink stain is most likely dissatisfied with his appearance, he also believes that others do not appreciate his talents.

He is prone to bouts of irritability and weakness.

But the outlines of the muzzle of an animal can signal a serious problem inside a person, an unwillingness to resolve these difficulties, about the fears that haunt him.

It can also be a sign of paranoia.

2. Picture two

The second picture is presented as a black and red ink blot.

As a rule, people see something sexual in this blot.

How a person reacts to this stain describes their ability to keep their feelings under control, including anger, discontent, and physical pain.

Red blotches in the majority of respondents are associated with blood.

As a rule, people look at the following objects in an inkblot: two figures, a person in the process of prayer, their own reflection in a mirror, or some kind of animal.

If a person saw two figures in the spot, this means that, most likely, he is very dependent on sex or is obsessed with his partner.

If in an ink spot someone saw a person reflected in a mirror, this means that the subject is not without narcissism. He is also characterized by egocentrism and selfishness. For him, his own "I" is above all.

Seeing a dog means that the person is wonderful and true friend, ready for the sake of friendship for a lot, even to the detriment of himself.

If the subject saw an elephant, this means that the person is endowed with a good memory, a sharp mind and a great sense of humor.

If they saw something negative and repulsive in the stain, this indicates the need to face their own fears.

The bear is associated with aggression, competition and the desire for independence.

Rorschach test, pictures

3. Picture three

The third figure helps to reveal the attitude of the test person to the people around him. Thanks to the black and red spots, you can determine how well he is adapted to social interaction.

The most common answers are two human figures, a person seeing his reflection in a mirror, a butterfly or a moth.

Two people symbolize a rather active social life that society plays a huge role in his life. This means that a person has a very high level of social interaction.

If a person saw two figures in the picture that are involved in the game, this means that he is competing with someone in real life.

But if the patient suddenly saw people in the inkblot, washing hands, this indicates his insecurity, as well as possible paranoid tendencies.

Looking in the mirror means that a person sees only himself and is deprived of the ability to understand others. As a rule, he tends to neglect the opinions of others, focusing solely on his own ego.

But the rest, on the contrary, are looking at either two women or a person of indeterminate sex in an ink spot.

However, it is impossible to say with full confidence that this picture can be used to determine the sexual orientation of a person. Psychologists have different opinions on this.

Rorschach ink test

4. Picture four

In the fourth drawing, the patient is presented with an image shaded in black ink.

Associations with this pattern are associated with the upbringing of a person and his perception of authority.

As a rule, people see a large male figure, a monster or an animal, its skin.

A large animal or monster is a symbol of a strong fear of authorities, authorities or people who exceed you in physical or moral strength.

The skin of an animal indicates that the patient experiences a feeling of discomfort when it comes to authoritarian people.

In this inkblot, most of the respondents, as a rule, see something terrible, unpleasant and masculine.

Psychologists also pay attention to how a person describes this picture and what adjectives he uses.

This helps specialists to understand what is the attitude of a person towards authoritative people, in particular males.

5. Picture fifth

The fifth card is a black ink blot. Associations with this picture are similar to those caused by viewing the first card.

What a person sees in the picture describes his inner world and attitude to emerging problems. As a rule, the patient is able to see in this blot bat, butterfly or moth.

Unlike previous cards, people do not see something terrible and threatening here.

If a person's associations with this picture diverge from the associations that arise when viewing the first blot, this may indicate a lack of tension and discomfort.

If the patient saw moving figures in the blot, this may be a sign of paranoia or schizophrenia.

6. Picture six

Associations with the blot in this picture are related to the perception of a sexual nature.

The most common answers are: burrow, animal skin, ship, or human facial features.

The animal symbolizes the love of touch. Most often, the animal is seen by connoisseurs of tactile contact.

If a person saw a ship or facial features, this means that the person being tested is prone to superiority over a partner. As a rule, he dominates in relationships.

The carpet symbolizes a certain level of dependence on the opinions of others, as well as the fear of being alone. He is strongly attached to his partner and is afraid to let him out of his sight even for a short time.

The skin of an animal suggests that, most likely, a person is afraid to enter into close relationships and not strive to communicate with people around him. As a rule, such a person is characterized by a feeling of emptiness and loneliness.

If a person saw a person's genitals in a spot, this means increased sexuality.

Rorschach psychological test

7. Picture seven

The ink blot on the seventh card is completely black. This drawing is associated with the feminine, and the picture itself is called maternal.

The card will help reveal your relationship with your mother and tell you about her role in your life.

Therefore, the most common answers are women and children. There are those who see heads or kisses in the picture.

If the patient finds it difficult to answer what is shown on this card, this means that, most likely, he has problems with female figures in real life.

The heads of women symbolize the relationship of the test person to the mother.

If a person saw the heads of children, this means that he needs care. This vision of the picture also suggests that he may need to improve relations with his mother and analyze the relationship with her.

The kiss speaks of the desire and need for love. It may also indicate that the person had very close spiritual ties with their mother and that they currently want to find themselves in other relationships, whether romantic or social.

If an ink stain is associated with clouds, this means that the person is in anxiety and confusion.

There are also those who see not the ink spot itself, but the space that they associate with some object.

For example, seeing an oil lamp means that a person has a schizophrenic disorder.

8. Picture eight

The colors in this picture are different from the previous ones. Here and gray, and pink, and orange, and blue shades.

This is the most complex associative map among all the pictures of the Rorschach test.

If a person finds it difficult to determine what is shown in the picture, this means that he is having difficulty with how he reacts to various life situations, as well as people who annoy him.

The most common answers are a butterfly, a moth, an animal.

If the patient finds it difficult to create a meaningful picture in his perception, this means that, most likely, he has an increased level of anxiety.

9. Picture nine

The ninth picture is also distinguished by an abundance of flowers. Here you can see green, orange and pink.

The spots in the image are blurry, so it will be quite difficult to quickly determine and formulate your associations.

As a rule, most people find it difficult to immediately answer what is shown in the picture.

For this reason, card number nine helps determine the ability to overcome uncertainty and cope with a lack of structure and sufficient information.

Most often, patients respond that the picture shows a person or an incomprehensible figure.

To see a person means the ability to cope with disorganization and lack of information.

But if the stain is associated with the demonic image of evil, this suggests that for internal comfort a person must have an orderly life with a clear schedule and schedule. He doesn't deal well with uncertainty and confusion.