Harry Potter and the Damned read in Russian. JK Rowling: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

"Committee of 300": Vityaz; 2007

ISBN 5-86523-080-8


Years of research by former British intelligence officer Dr. John Coleman led him to the conclusions set out in this book - about the reality of malicious intent, embodied in the global level of planning and managing social, state and political processes on a global scale. The Committee of 300 as a modern organizational form of world government is a global organizational mechanism, a tool for implementing the plans to achieve total control over Humanity as a whole and over the consciousness of individuals. The book presents the richest factual material, reveals and shows many of the secret mechanisms of real control. Among other things, the author lifts the veil over the origins of the destructive "reforms" in our country, as well as over the "architects" and the initiators of their implementation.

John Coleman Committee of 300 Translator's Foreword

The book offered to the attention of readers impartially, objectively and conclusively covers the destructive activities of forces openly hostile to Humanity, pursuing their own goals, one of the tactical tasks of which is to enslave people on a global scale through a system of global management and control, known to many under the name "new world order".

Based on the richest factual material, the book reveals the organizational and social structure of the executors of this global plan, the mechanisms for managing society and ways of influencing the individual and collective consciousness of people, the scale of manipulation of people, the methods of aggressive outreach activities, the scope of which even the Goebbels department could not even dream of, are listed the most obvious crimes committed by a mysterious and uninvited world government.

The SCALE OF DIVERSION is amazing: ALL state, financial, economic, educational and other public institutions. Moreover, TOTAL CONTROL is carried out not only at the social level, but also brought to control at the level of individual consciousness of each person. The principle of CHANGE is taken by these forces as the basis of their destructive activity. Everything is purposefully, planned and irreversibly changing – from the Human genotype and its environment to the mentality and consciousness of people, traditional, natural and habitual stereotypes of behavior. Humanity is being attacked along a broad front. At the same time, the author very accurately noticed the fundamental pattern that allows you to remain hidden and unpunished - the gradualness and invisibility of the changes made by the enemy of Humanity. Negative results for Humanity become noticeable after years and decades of continuous destructive work.

From the contents of the book, the conclusion is unequivocal that Western society, where the “democrats” and “liberals” are so stubbornly striving to include us, is currently in all its guises, including primarily the state-political structure, completely under control the World Wide Web from open and closed (secret and secret) organizations, as well as institutions, media and other structures created and managed from a ONE center, which is called the "Committee of 300" by the author. The Committee of 300 has already assigned the role of obedient "servants" to the Eastern and Asian societies, so that the whole world is already under its heel.

The book is especially relevant for our reader in connection with the events in Russia and the CIS countries and allows us to draw numerous parallels and analogies between the noisy events in the West and in the world as a whole, and what is happening in our country at the present time. The "inclusion" of Russia and the countries of the former USSR in the world financial, economic and "democratic" ideological system opened the way for large-scale outside influence, manipulation of people's consciousness and control of our peoples by agents of the "world government". The book raises the consciousness of a patriotic reader to a certain height, allowing a systematic and comprehensive, "bird's eye view" look at many events and phenomena of our time and the recent past.

The author does not hide his position - the book is imbued with the Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, freedom-loving and even somewhat rebellious spirit of the first white settlers of America, and in this respect he is unconditionally a patriot of his country and his people. However, this desire to uphold the national interest limits it: the highest, truly global level of consideration of the problem turned out to be inaccessible to the author. TRUTH but in the fact that behind the top secret Committee of 300 (by the way, called the SUPREME supervisory body by the author - the question arises “the body of what or whom?”) there are really MYSTERIOUS, powerful and extremely hostile to Humanity forces. These forces are not tied to transient forms and organizational structures; for them, the Committee of 300 itself, and the numerous organizations that are members of it and controlled by it, are a screen, a convenient and timely form for the embodiment of their inhuman intentions. The invulnerability of these MYSTERIOUS forces, as history shows, lies precisely in their repeatedly demonstrated ability to easily change forms in relation to specific life, socio-historical and other conditions.

The undoubted merit of the author should be recognized as the identification of a modern form of activity MYSTERIOUS forces, starting from the description of organizational structures and methods of their activity, and ending with the identified aspects of long-term planning and programming of the further path of development of Mankind, prepared by the enemy of his kind. It is also valuable that the author's narrative is a testimony from within American society, a society that is the citadel and axis of the entire Western world.

In many ways, the book is perceived as a guide to deep reflection, rethinking of reality, and, finally, encourages patriotic and independent thinking people to action, immediate and urgent action, for truly TOMORROW WILL BE LATE, because TOMORROW may not come for all Humanity.

The translation of the book was made according to the 2nd edition, dated 1992.


J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, Jack Thorne


Parts one and two


translation: pargeo

Version 2.10 (10/18/2016)

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts One and Two may not be performed in whole or in part and no use may be made of it whatsoever except under express license from the rights holders of the work, J. K. Rowling and Harry Potter Theatrical Productions Limited.

Please email [email protected] with any requirements.

This translation is not official, authorized, agreed, sanctioned, etc. version of the play " Harry Potter and damn child» into Russian, and is not intended for wide distribution. By reading it, you agree that you violate the copyrights of authors and distributors.

Version 2: completely re-formatted (epub-docx-epub), removing a number of graphic elements, as well as text not related to the play.

* * * J.K. Rowling

Dedicated to Jack Thorne:

He entered my world and created beauty in it.


Dedicated to John, Louis, Max, Sonny and Merle - real wizards ...


While we were rehearsing, he drooled.

* * *





Noisy train station full of people in a hurry. In the bustle of the station, we see two large cages, which are hoisted onto two carts filled with luggage. The carts are pushed forward by two boys, JAMES POTTER and ALBUS POTTER. Their mother, GINNY, follows them. There is also a thirty-seven-year-old man, HARRY, carrying his daughter LILLY on his shoulders.


Dad, he keeps saying it.


James, stop it.


I just said he might end up in Slytherin. It's true, so... stern look his father stops him) Fine, fine.

ALBUS (looking at mother)

Are you going to write to me?


Even every day if you want.


No. Not every day. James says most receive letters from home about once a month. I don't want…


Last year we wrote to your brother three times a week.


What? James!

ALBUS looks reproachfully at JAMES.


Yes. You better not believe everything he tells you about Hogwarts. Your brother is a joker.

JAMES (with a smirk)

Maybe we can finally go, huh?

ALBUS looks at his father, then at his mother.


You need to go straight through the wall between platforms nine and ten.


I'm so excited!


Do not stop and do not be afraid that you will crash into it, this is very important. Better to do it on the run if you're nervous.


HARRY and LILLY put their hands on ALBUS' cart; GINNY pushes JAMES' cart and together they run straight through the barrier.

The continuation of the cult story, written by J.K. Rowling and adapted into eight films, won the hearts of both children and adults. Almost every second inhabitant of the planet is interested in the release date of the film Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

The life of an orphan wizard, brought up in a school where they teach magic, gained more and more amazing momentum with each book. Now it is hard to find a person who would say that he had never heard of Harry Potter.


Harry - a regular guy with unusual abilities. Magic flows in his blood, which he successfully learns at the school for wizards. Together with his friends, Ron and Hermione, since the age of 11, the boy has been going through tests that adults and experienced magicians cannot do: he fights a giant snake to save his friend's sister, saves his godfather from death, participates in the world tournament of wizards, and after he throws all his strength into the fight against the dark magician who killed his parents.

In the final, seventh part, by the combined forces of friends and allies, and also thanks to the heroism of the protagonist, good wins: the main enemy disappears forever, and the last thing the viewer sees is happy heroes 20 years later. Harry and Ginny send their kids to school, as do Ron and Hermione. This ending pleased everyone, even though there were many sad moments in the film.

Many years later, the author decided to release a sequel, the film adaptation of which promises to take place in 2018. The question “When will the new Harry Potter movie come out?” cannot be answered precisely, because the book itself was released in mid-2016, and judging by the dynamics of filming the previous parts, The film will hit the big screens in 2019..

The center of the film will feature younger son Harry is Albus and Draco Malfoy's son is Scorpius.

The guys, having heard about the possibility of returning one of Harry's old friends - Cedric Diggory, steal the time flywheel and try in every possible way to save the guy's life, thereby changing any detail in the present time. Each time, the changes are more and more significant, but in the end they neutralize themselves, who made the decision to send back in time.

In addition, at the end of the Harry Potter 8 movie, an epic battle is promised between the main characters and Voldemort's daughter. A happy ending at the end should definitely please the viewer and give hope for a continuation.

  • In the new part, the actress playing Hermione will be replaced by another. Fans were dissatisfied with the fact that Numa Dumezweni, who plays the role of Hermione Weasley-Granger, is black, although according to the book the character has a standard European appearance and White color skin. JK Rowling herself admits the fact that the character may be black.
  • The release of the film Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will show us the unification of former enemies - the Potter, Weasley and Malfoy families. All old enemies will forget grievances and unite against the worst wizard of all times.
  • The character Harry Potter was based on a childhood friend of the book's author, with whom she played wizards.
  • There is in the world the real Harry Potter is a man in his 70s, and despite the fact that he has nothing to do with the history of the wizard, he is very popular with adults, children and the press.

Pages: 345
Year of publication: 2016
Russian language

Description of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child:

JK Rowling has released another book about the world of magic. In the eighth part of the Harry Potter story, 19 years have passed since the last memorable event for the reader - the victory of wizard friends over Voldemort. Hermione becomes Ron's wife, and Ginny marries Harry. Both families are raising wonderful children, very similar to their own parents. They are the main characters new history. At the head is Albus Severus Potter, the second son of the Potter couple. With him on a par is the son of Draco Malfoy - Scorpius.

The events take place in Hogwarts, where the reader will meet many familiar faces. Part of the story will take place in the Ministry of Magic. Rowling will introduce the audience closer to inner world and the characters of the characters, as well as reveal the problem of fathers and children in adolescence. The characters are much more mature and real, which is why the book is no longer magical, but more psychological.

"Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" is written in the form of a play and is designed for an adult audience that has grown up with the characters in the book since the first part. Moreover, the reader should be prepared and know the plot of the previous books, because there is absolutely no place for details here.

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Russian language

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 225

Summary of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child:

For Potter fans, this work is just a gift - the readers are presented with a two-part play that tells us about the adventures of Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. The boys entered Slytherin, but their life did not go very smoothly, everyone is humiliated by classmates - Albus is compared to Harry, his father, and Scorpius is considered the son of Voldemort. Meanwhile, the father of the deceased Cedric Diggory asks Hermione and Harry to use the last Time Turner and save his son from death in the cup tournament. Of course, he is refused, because then the whole future will change. After eavesdropping on the conversation, Albus decides to steal the Flywheel and prevent Cedric's death. Together with Scorpius and cousin Diggory, they return to the past and who knows what their intervention in the course of events will turn out to be..

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