Rowling Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Current page: 1 (total book has 16 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 4 pages]

Anna Paltseva


In the round hall of the palace of the state of Lazurt, the transparent dome of which was propped up in a circle by columns, there were four representatives of the Edera race, which were the Supreme. After receiving a letter from the king of the state of Severion, which spoke of heavy losses during the suppression of the uprising of the magicians against the supreme power and the declaration of martial law, it was decided to hold a meeting and resolve the issue of the threat.

– We urgently need to send our troops to the border of the source! - after three hours of argument, the Supreme Shirin could not stand it. “They are moving towards him!” And if we do not stop them, irreparable things can happen.

He outlined a small area in the east with a sharp movement on the map, thus marking a major source of magic.

All those present in thought bent over the stone round table, which was located in the center of the hall, and looked at the red circle on the map. They knew this source well, because it allowed their scientists, using magic, to develop inventions that helped to simplify life. And the magic of this source was pure, primordial, capable of giving great power, which would make it possible to create a miracle. But in this moment it can also become a lethal weapon.

“Mahael, there is a high protection around the source. And I do not know such a magician who could bypass it, - straightening up, the Supreme Gellar, the representative of the elves, spoke in a calm voice.

Shirin averted his face in displeasure at the sound of the elf's voice. Mahael is a human, and since Yarineel is a High Elf and one of the most powerful magicians, his magic transformed the owner into a deity. Everything Gellar did, whether he spoke, moved, or simply stood, was the epitome of beauty and desire itself. Even Shirin, though a man, felt a slight shiver at the sight of the elf. And so for more than a thousand years, but I could not get used to it.

“We do not know the leader of this uprising and what he is capable of,” Mahael did not calm down, “and I propose to end this now, before it is too late!”

“To bring in the troops of the state is a very serious action. Panic may set in. First you need to evacuate the population, which is located along the perimeter of the source. It will take a lot of time. You will also have to close the Eastern Academy of Magic, and these are thousands of students,” Gellar replied still calmly.

Why didn't they do it before? Shirin slammed his fist on the table. “Where was the Orientem State looking, huh?” Rian: the white dragon clan seems to be under your protection, what do you say? – the man turned his gaze to the Supreme Azertan, the representative of the dragons.

Ryan didn't even look at him, deep in thought. It's been a month since Adept Evern's kidnapping, and right now the uprising has gained momentum, breaking through to the source.

“What drives them? How are ordinary magicians able to withstand the army of the eastern and northern kingdoms?”

– Ryan!? Go down to earth, answer better, what is happening on the territory of the Orientem state?

The dragon turned its black gaze on the man, who, in turn, swallowed nervously, pacifying his pressure.

“White dragons are already evacuating villages and cities. As for the Academy, there is still a question, there is too much flow of adepts,” Ryan answered in a tired voice, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “And I agree with you, Mahael: the apostate mages have gone overboard.

The man chuckled and looked at the elf.

“Good healers will be required of you, Yarineel.

Is this the final decision? – skipping past the ears of the man’s words, the High Elf asked the other members of the Council.

The dragon and the north nodded, and the rest of the time was spent dealing with issues of imposing martial law and ferrying troops to the border of the source.

After the council, late in the evening, Azertan caught up with the north in the corridor, with the intention of finding out the news.

- Ilistin, stop!

“I wanted to know how Elendin is doing, any clues?”

“About that death mage adept?” the High North clarified, and the dragon nodded. “No, he was never able to find out about the creature that attacked.

The dragon rubbed his temples as if he had a headache.

– Tell your son that I am waiting for him at the Academy, we need to develop a new plan, it seems to me that the adept was not just kidnapped, but precisely for the sake of her abilities, the level of her magic, because she has it higher than all of us put together.

The black fox looked at the dragon in surprise:

– How can this be? Deathbenders don't have that kind of magic, we know.

“I saw it with my own eyes, Ilistin. The Ball of Truth reflects the full picture of your essence. At some point I even thought that she was not alive at all, but as a clot of pure magic she would stay in the world of the living. But after observing school year, I realized that she was an ordinary North girl with her fears and desires.

“You speak so tenderly of her, Rian, that I was curious to look at her.” With a chuckle, the fox clapped the dragon on the shoulder. - I can understand the scientific interest of my son, but the tenderness in your voice interested me.

Azertan, raising an eyebrow, said with a grin:

“She is a student of my Academy, Ilistin. I am her grandfather, what can I say about tenderness? If you see her, then you yourself will understand that it is impossible to talk about her differently.

– Everything is clear with you, formidable rector and father of all adepts. I will pass on your words to my son, wait for him at the Academy.

Good luck, Wayon.

“Good luck, Azertan,” already hiding in the portal, the black fox waved to the dragon without turning around.

Turning around, Ryan went to the inter-city portal that would lead him to the Western Academy of Magic. He had to figure out how to find Adept Evern, who seemed to have fallen through the ground. Not even a sophisticated search spell can find it. Anxiety grew in my soul that it might already be too late and it would be necessary to look not for a sweet and kind girl at all, but for a deadly weapon that only death can stop, but with her level of magic it would be very difficult, one might say almost impossible.

- Don't lose faith, Inessa, don't lose faith...

The dragon was enveloped in the radiance of the portal, and he vanished into space.

* * *

My awakening gave me a terrible headache and the feeling that I was about to vomit. I would easily call such a state a hangover, but I can’t compare, since I have never brought myself to such a state. My stomach was tied into a large knot somewhere in the throat area, not even allowing me to swallow. The pain in his head throbbed, drumming his ears. I have never felt so terrible before. I was not allowed to bend into three deaths by the shackles on my hands, firmly chained to the wall, against which I rested my back. Thank you for at least putting me on a wooden bench, which also hung on chains. In this position, I woke up, hardly remembering what happened to me. As events unfolded, each time reeking of pain in my temples, I remembered that I was not here by chance, and that it was planned, and that terrible figure, most likely, is my kidnapper. At the memory of the floating creature, my lungs constricted and I coughed. The cough was dry, irritating my throat and causing me to vomit, but it was empty inside and I had to suffer from a cutting sensation in my chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks that she couldn't hold back. A buzz grew in my head more and more, prompting me not to think about anything, but simply to wish for a quick death, because prisoners often die in dungeons without waiting for salvation. My anguish was intensified when the barred door opened with a creak that pierced my head with thousands of needles, causing terrible pain. There was no strength to open his eyes, but at the solemn voice of the visitor they instantly opened wide.

“I warned you, Evern, that you would regret your words and deeds.

Sitting opposite me was an elf who caused me a lot of problems during my studies.

“Karner,” I croaked angrily.

“Glad to hear you remember me after what happened.” He grabbed my curl and ran it through his fingers. – Oh, and it was hard to get you out of the Academy. The first time the sleep powder worked too, but I couldn't get into your dorm. Liera Solla turned out to be stubborn and did not want to let me through. But on the other hand, I rejoiced at the rumors that the adherents of the Academy gave you. He laughed out loud, which almost made my head explode.

- What, the head hurts, liera? He waved his hand sharply, and my cheek burned with fire. The blow was strong, I was thrown back and I hit my head against the wall.

“Get used to the pain, bitch!” Now she will be a constant companion in your worthless life. And you don't have long to live, - he laughed again, wiping his hand on his shirt, as if I were contagious. “Myra's party was a good excuse to put you to sleep again, and when the deed was done, I informed the owner. Of course, this damn fox spoiled the plans, but the owner taught him manners.

I remembered Professor Vaon and those terrible hounds.

- Is he alive?

The elf wrinkled his nose and said in disgust:

“Unfortunately, your lover is alive, but he was beaten up notably. Still, the owner's magic is worth respecting.

- Who is your owner?

“Are there many questions, Evern?” He walked over and grabbed my hair, pulling me towards him. “It’s better to sit and pray to the Damned God to take you away, because Inessa will only get worse, much worse.”

He drew out the last words with anticipation.

Karner released me, pushing me backwards, causing me to hit my head again. Already at the exit, he turned around and took out a pendant on a chain from under his shirt and cheerfully declared:

– By the way, this little thing helps not to go crazy, being here. These walls contain teho stone. I hope you don't need to explain what it is?

I wanted to slap him in the face for all that was said and done, to erase that cute smile, but the last words made my heart freeze in horror.

“You should already feel the charm of this dungeon. And I hasten to tell you that this is your house for the near future, but if you behave, you will receive such a pendant. See you now, lots of things to do. But I'll run in to personally teach you manners, - slamming the door, the elf left, taking with him a torch that burned in the corridor, giving a little illumination.

As Irimon moved deeper into the corridor, darkness enveloped the dungeon, forming a dense cocoon of darkness. It even seemed to me that it became difficult to breathe due to the inability to see and recognize objects. Panic set in quietly and slowly, because if there is no magic, then no one can find me, which means the end of my journey in this world. Karner's words about the worst ahead finally made my lungs not take in air. At some point, consciousness began to leave me, but new wave headache brought to life. Slowly forcing herself to breathe through her nose, she was able to even out her breathing. Honestly, I wanted to cry and do everything that was asked, if only they would let me out of here, but my mind corrected that if they let me go, it would only be to another world. I don't want to die a second time. I like this world: its colorful vibrant nature, amazing races, new family, best friend, Magic Academy and my magic. Yes, maybe I used to complain about my magic, but it also has many advantages: I helped two spirits, gave my friend Darkness the opportunity to visit the world of the living and just conjure. Magic became a second air, and sitting here surrounded by these walls, I did not feel it at all. My body weakened, leaving a void inside. I no longer feel like a whole.

I don’t know how long I sat like this: maybe an hour, maybe a day. Time has ceased to exist for me. At some point, voices began to be heard, but I did not begin to listen to what they were talking about. I understood that this was my imagination, and if I succumbed to it, I would completely go crazy.

No one came to me, only the wind howled from time to time in the corridor, scaring me to shiver. Now the darkness seemed alien, wild. She climbed under my skin, wrapping snakes in cold rings. Sometimes my mind left me and I fell into unconsciousness. There were no relieving dreams that would allow me to rest - but still the same blackness. Due to the fact that it was dark, I had to tighten the shackles so that they hurt my wrists, and in this way I realized that I was no longer sleeping. I wanted to drink and eat, but there was a feeling that I was abandoned here, and it is unlikely that they will ever come. Time passed, and the forces became less and less. It was hard to sit constantly, I had to get up, twisting my arms in order to somehow stretch my body. But it became more and more difficult to do so. My mouth was completely dry, and I was glad that I didn’t cry in the first days, thereby losing expensive moisture, because there was already a feeling that all the insides had dried up. The chains of the shackles were not long, which did not allow me to somehow step aside. On the second day, I really wanted to go to the toilet, and I had only one way out. I endured! I endured it because I didn't want to sit in my pants full of my own excrement. Just one thought of it - and I twitched with disgust. But the longer I sat, the stronger was the desire. My stubbornness could have killed me much earlier, because poisoning of the body can easily occur. When I nevertheless decided, since my stomach hurt terribly, I got to my feet with tears in my eyes and saved myself from torment. It was terrible! I felt like a dirty animal, but over time, this became unimportant. I had a fever that made me feel hot and cold. Sometimes it seemed that even the chains rattled from my chill. Indistinct voices intensified, clear words appeared, and silhouettes - now gray, now white - became clearer, transforming into different creatures. One of these scared the hell out of me. Opening its mouth with a cry: "Fresh, juicy meat," it pounced on me. The hiccups lasted all day, aggravating my already deplorable condition. In the early days, I still somehow understood that a person can live without water for about ten days, but closer to this critical period, thoughts began to get confused, instincts took over, everything suppressed the desire to get water. In delirium, I stretched forward, rubbing my hands with shackles, screaming until I was hoarse, and switched to laughter and talking to myself. Slowly and surely, madness swirled around me, and then death.

Hanging forward, pulling the chains, I lived last minutes own life. The body did not obey at all, and the head refused to think anything. I crossed that threshold when you realize that this is the end, and you can’t do anything anymore. The lungs took in air with ragged movements, releasing it back with a hoarse groan. My heart worked every other time, which is why I forced air into my lungs a couple of times, forcing it to beat again. You won't wish a worse death on anyone!

* * *

In the throne room of Mount Yora.

“Master, she is at the limit,” the mercenary who was watching the prisoners knelt down in front of the dark magician.

- How long has it been?

- Twelve days.

“Put the bracelets on her and give her to the healer. I give two days to put her on her feet.

The mercenary stood up without raising his head, bowed, and went to the dungeon. When he released the girl, she fell to the floor like a doll, showing no signs of life. He was afraid that it was already late, but a hoarse groan allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief. It's amazing that she was able to hold out for so long. Fastening the bracelets of submission on the prisoner's hands, he carefully took the thin body in his arms. The girl smelled terribly, which is why she had to be carried on outstretched arms.

The healer complained that two days would not be enough here, and asked to call the water magician for help: nevertheless, the girl's body was really at the limit. Throughout the day, they put her in order so that at least she could eat. She ate convulsively, not dropping a single crumb. When her bowl of broth was empty and the healer wanted to take it away, she gave it away only on the third try. It was pitiful to look at the liera. If on the first day she was brought in, the mercenary had a desire to own her, now one could only feel pity for her. Yet torture by dehydration is cruel torture. If not for the shackles, she would have laid hands on herself, because she experienced terrible torment.

She still could not walk, her body was weak, and the healer had to carry her in his arms to a bunk where she could sleep. Of course, the walls here won't let her rest, but sleep is essential. Another day and the owner will take care of her, and then only she will decide whether she wants to live, but with a condition. Or have to go over the edge.

* * *

I don't remember my journey from the dungeon to the healer, only when it became easier to breathe, I was able to open my eyes. In a strange way, I no longer wanted to drink, only to eat. I couldn’t get up, I could only run my hands along the body, realizing that I had been washed and changed. All day I was courted by a man who looked to be in his forties. When he sat down next to me and enveloped me in a blue glow, I realized that he was a healer. I did not feel the touch of magic, only a lingering pain in the muscles and joints. The man asked me to be patient, stroking my hands a little. His warm brown eyes and funny short curly blond hair gave calm, and his quiet calm voice made it clear that all the terrible things were over. But due to the lack of magic, I was still just as bad. It would be better if they let me die in that dungeon than to experience a pulling pain in my chest.

The second day was the same, only I was already able to get up and walk. Yet the local treatment is much more effective than on Earth. In just two days I was back on my feet when in my world it would have taken weeks. Hot broth with small pieces of meat gave me strength, and I could easily jump and squat. The healer smiled approvingly and nodded, looking at the improvement in my condition. Toward evening, I began to ask why I was being kept here, to which I was informed that tomorrow they would take me to the owner of this monastery, and everything would become known to me. I simultaneously wanted to see this master and hide as far away from him as possible, but the mercenary who came in the morning left me no choice but to follow him wherever they led me.

The corridors were long and dark. I had to run after the man in front of me. His one big step was equal to three of mine. He was a North, and by the small round ears and short tail, as well as by his impressive size, I concluded that he was a bear. He carried a torch in his hand, but because of the broad shoulders, the light almost did not reach me, which is why I had to push myself even more, just not to fall behind and not get lost in these dark corridors. At some point, he stopped, gesturing that I would go on alone. From under his armpit I saw a wide hall, at the end of which was a throne.

I crossed the threshold of the corridor, and the sound of my step reverberated throughout the hall. He was huge. The same torches hung along the walls, but there were enough of them not to stumble and fall. I couldn’t see the ceiling, it was buried in swirling darkness, making goosebumps run all over my body. It was cold here and it smelled of damp stone, which made it shake a little, wobbly legs refused to go further. The closer I got, the heavier the bracelets on my arms became. As the healer explained to me, these ordinary iron hoops without a single lock are bracelets of submission that do not allow you to perform any actions without the permission of the owner. It made me laugh out loud at the situation I was in. All the heroines in the books I read were hostages in such bracelets. And now I am one of them, only here is a reality that will allow me to experience all the charm of the suffering experienced by the heroines.

At the very throne, I could not stand it and collapsed to my knees from the weight, hitting my knees hard on the rough stone floor. Hissing, I looked up at the seated man. I was not surprised to see the same black robe, the same pale bony hands. But looking at the face, or rather, in his black holes in the eyes, in which darkness swirled, I swallowed nervously, and a wave of trembling went through my body, and a cold sweat covered my back.

"I didn't know death mages could be so cute." Narrow black lips on a white, thin face stretched into a semblance of a smile. “May I know your name, liera?” His voice was dry and hoarse, it made you want to close your ears, just to hear him no more.

From fear, I could not utter a sound, but the burning girth of the hoops made it clear that the owner was dissatisfied with my silence.

“Inessa,” I croaked.

Beautiful name He got up and walked over to me.

His robe flowed like a black cloud as he walked, hiding his legs. There was a feeling that he was not walking, but hovering above the floor. Maybe even then it seemed to me that he was hovering, and not standing on the road.

- Get up.

The chains stopped pulling to the floor, and I straightened up, but did not raise my eyes, afraid to meet the black gaze. He walked around me in a circle, examining from all sides. I felt with my whole body, with every cell, that he was considering me with interest, which made it terribly disgusting. Like a product on the market! When he was again in front of me, I still looked him in the face.

“Interesting,” he said with satisfaction. “I sense magic in you, despite the fact that taeho blocked access to the stream. Maybe that's why you were able to live longer than the others. I'm beginning to believe that a trophy of great rarity fell into my hands.

Smiling contentedly, he took from his inside pocket the same pendant on a chain that Karner had.

“Let's look at your magic, liera.

Coming close to me, which made my breath catch, he put the pendant over my head. As soon as the yellow stone touched my chest, my magic sign blazed, pouring a hot stream all over my body. I couldn't help it and sank back to my knees with a groan. The magic was returning to my body, and it was burning, almost melting all my insides.

The man moved away from me, looking with admiration and smiling with his black lips:

- Excellent! he declared triumphantly.

And I started to turn around. No longer sitting, but sprawled on the cold floor of the hall, I kept the flow, which decided to recoup for blocking it, but my strength was not enough, which he took advantage of, breaking out. Black waves came from me, crushing the floor into small stones, and when they reached the walls, they soared up, extinguishing the torches. The hall plunged into darkness, but I was no longer afraid of it, clearly seeing everything around. The flow hurt, but after a minute it began to bring relief, filling the emptiness inside. When my body was saturated with magic, it continued to break out, destroying the floor and walls.

One thought of a small conductor, and he appeared on my chest, cautiously examining everything around. At the sight of a friend, tears flowed from my eyes:

“Void, I’m so glad to see you…”

The fox cub began to lick the tears from my cheeks, also rejoicing at our meeting, but at the next release of magic, he climbed onto my head and curled up, dispelling the magic in the right way. Assuming a vertical position, I looked around, assessing the scale of destruction. The owner of the monastery still stood aside and smiled contentedly.

“Now I am sure that I got the treasure,” he smiled wider, and I saw his white, even teeth with fangs. - The pendant is yours, and don't take it off! I'm afraid that one more unblocking of your stream will not be enough for my hall,” he said with a hoarse laugh.

A calmed stream was flowing inside me, making it possible to see this world more clearly. I decided to release the Darkness, but the bracelets tightened around my wrists, blocking the flow.

- Not so fast, Inessa! Now I will decide when you use magic.

His impudent smile began to irritate me, and, emboldened, I turned to face him and raised my voice:

- Why do you need me?

He did not stop smiling, but spreading his arms to the sides, he called on his magic with a gesture. At the echo of his magic, my stream vibrated and slightly leaned towards the magician. I didn’t like it very much, but when a black-green mist poured out of his hands, my hair stood on end on top of my head, and on the contrary, my ears pressed against my head.

"He's a death mage!"

The combination of black and green looked spectacular, giving the owner a mystical look, and when those hounds that I had already observed began to emerge from the smoke, instinct took the initiative over my body, and I took a couple of steps back.

- That's right, little liera, be afraid of me!

I was afraid, honestly! But after his words, she decided to pull herself together and stop trembling. I clenched my palms, drenched in cold sweat, into a fist and looked defiantly into the mage's eyes.

- I'm not afraid of you!

“But the tail is trembling,” the owner of the hounds laughed, who, along with him, also snarled maliciously.

My tail often lives its own life, and it really was trembling now, tucked under my knees, but at the moment it was difficult to control it. I did not step back, still looking at the magician with the same seriousness.

Why am I here? I asked more confidently.

- It's very simple, Inessa, I need your magic. With your help, I can get what I need right now.

"I won't follow your orders!" I spoke through my teeth.

At the same moment, the bracelets heated up and pulled me down. I tried my best to stay on my feet. The magician stopped smiling.

“It will take me two weeks to force you to obey me, little death mage. You can make your life easier and not suffer in vain. All you have to do is agree to be my tool.

“I don’t want to be anyone or anything to you!” Go to hell!

The magician looked at me in surprise, but with a sly smile, he gave the order to "Take" his hounds. I couldn't run away, because the hoops became quite heavy, chaining me to the floor. I watched in horror as huge black-and-green dogs with grinning muzzles rushed at me. When one was already close, and, pushing off the floor, soared up to jump on me, time slowed down. This was the moment when you remember your whole life before death. Your calm world, where there is no magic and violence. Where the death of a person is punishable by law, therefore, at first you will think: “Is it worth it for you to kill him, and what will happen to you for this?” You remember a small dorm room, a red fluffy cat and a huge bustling city where no one cares what's on your mind. But all this recedes, it is worth remembering the blue eyes of a white North. His smile and velvety voice.

“We never met, Teal…”

Time has gone faster, and the hound falls on my back, biting into my shoulder. Her teeth, like sharp spikes, entered freely into my flesh, crushing the bones. The pain was hellish, but I could not do anything, the bracelets still chained my hands to the floor. The rest of the dogs pounced on their arms and legs, sinking their teeth. I screamed, twitched my legs, but only made it worse. Through a veil of tears, I saw the mage leaning over me.

Are you still refusing to listen to me? – clenching my teeth and choking with tears, I turned away, silently accepting the pain. "Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

After these words, the dogs stopped biting me and disappeared into space. Huge wounds covered my whole body, from which blood flowed, spreading in a red puddle around me. Another order from the magician, and I am quickly carried out of the hall. Already going out into the corridor, I noticed a grin on his lips.

“You will obey me, Inessa,” my ears caught a rough voice, and my consciousness waved a pen at me.

My next stay with the healer was not so fruitful. The magician only stopped the blood and spliced ​​the bones, but the terrible scars remained blooming on my body. After the examination, they took me again along the corridors and at the end they threw everything with force into the same cell. They didn’t chain him up, and even put food near the door. Now it remains only not to go crazy in these four walls. All three days I went from corner to corner, having learned every pebble, just in case, pressing on them.

“What if the secret door opens?”

But there was no door, and time dragged on, maddening. They fed badly, just a little more, and they would transfer me to bread and water, but it’s better that way than repeating what has already been done. When I had already decided that my life would go like this, without bright events, the same north bear entered the dungeon and with one blow sent me to kiss the back wall. I didn’t have time to think about anything, as blows rained down on me. They were clear, fast, and as painful as possible. Belly, sides, cheekbones - at this pace they beat me for about ten minutes. North only stopped once to ask:

Will you obey your master?

I assumed something like that, therefore, covering my head with my hands, I croaked “No”, and then they continued to beat me until I lost consciousness. Coming from the world of dreams was painful. My face was one big bruise, so I managed to open my eyes only the next day. They did not send me to a healer, but left me lying in this state further. I was never able to use magic because of the bracelets, and I just had to wait until everything went away on its own. I tried to move as little as possible: eat, go to the toilet and lie down on the bench again. Now it seemed very hard, but the choice was not great: either a cold stone floor, or a hard bench, but warm. Two days later, the pain began to recede, and I was able to sleep normally. When the first week was over, I had another visitor, but I would rather be beaten by a bear again than see the face of enemy number one.

“Did you miss me, my dear liera?” - the cute muzzle of the elf just begged for a punch.

"I'm not your sweetheart, Karner!" And especially not yours! - growling in his face, I wanted to swing and hit, as my hands were wound behind my back.

“Now we’ll see, dear…”

Licking his lips greedily, he stroked my buttocks with his free hand, and then squeezed my chest with force until it hurt. My body twitched in disgust, and I wanted to break free, but the grip became stronger, and Irimon squeezed even tighter.

“Let's agree, Evern,” the elf began to whisper into my lips, “you will not resist, and we will both enjoy it, or I will disfigure you to such an extent that even your own mother will not recognize you.”

Of course, I don’t know my own mother anyway, and she doesn’t give a damn about me, but I didn’t want to be mutilated. Karner understood my silence in his own way, and greedily dug into my lips. I didn't want to give up on him either. Better to die than lose pride with this guy! Without thinking, I bit his lip with my left fang, causing the elf to bounce off me as if scalded, and I felt the taste of blood on my lips.

- Oh, you bastard! - touching the injured lip and seeing the blood on his fingers, the elf created a small fiery sphere in his other hand and launched it at me.

Despite the fact that I had little strength and my body still hurt, I managed to dodge. The sphere flew close, searing the lacing on his chest, and then crashed into the wall with a noise, forming a black trail. Looking at the flight of the charge, I forgot about Irimon, which was a big mistake, because in the next second I got swipe foot in the stomach. From this, I flew off a meter and, in addition, hit my head hard on the floor. She writhed in pain, tears welling up in her eyes.

Anna Paltseva

Daughter of death. Death for new life

This place has always terrified mercenaries, not to mention the fact that it is present in the very heart of Mount Yora, the composition of the rocks of which included a dangerous stone for a magician - teho. Only the thought of the presence of an artifact - a medallion with a scale of a local bird - allowed me not to go crazy. But this was not the most terrible reason to stay as far away from these places as possible.

A group of mercenaries who decided to join the side of the rebels against the unity council of magicians were ordered to appear in the throne room, on the orders of the dark magician. And, walking along the corridors, they cautiously looked around, afraid to meet the creatures of darkness of the owner of this monastery. They still could not understand how he managed to live in such a place and use magic, which was contrary to all the laws of the magical world, but when they saw the man sitting on the throne, they forgot about everything, because fear fettered all their insides. If they were given the right to describe him, then only one comparison would fit - a dead man, that's what their master looked like.

The man sitting on the stone throne was incredibly pale and thin. It seemed that a skeleton covered with white skin was sitting in front of them. His long white hair made him look even more mystical, framing an unnaturally thin face. Darkness itself swirled in the black hollows of the eye sockets, making it impossible for the mercenaries to understand where the mage's gaze was directed, and the black robe, consisting of a long hoodie, seemed to flow like mist from one place to another.

The magician glanced around at the mercenaries bowing at his feet and said in a dry voice:

“I am very dissatisfied with you, gentlemen. The eastern part of the lands of the White Dragons, which I need, has not been captured, and our army is losing fighters. Please explain why this is happening? - The mage's voice rustled through the gloomy, barely consecrated hall, bringing the mercenaries to a cardiac arrest.

The leader of their group, bowing his head even more, after breathing, answered:

- The army of the northern state of Severion is to blame for everything, master. Their magicians are strong and the number exceeds at times.

- HM. The magician sank back onto the throne, crossing his legs. “King Ranael of Isilendin is indeed a serious adversary, and has always taken military matters seriously…” He trailed off, rubbing his sharp chin with his bony fingers thoughtfully. – We need a powerful weapon, any suggestions?

- Maybe your participation will make it easier for us to reach our goal? The leader suggested.

“I have enough strength to defeat the army of this northern fox, but they will be useful to me for a more important event.

- May I, master ... - One of the mercenaries leaned forward, daring to look at the magician. He, turning to him, burned him with a black look, from which the mercenary's face turned pale, and his tongue froze to the palate.

“Speak, any information is needed now.

Lowering his head even lower, he spoke:

- One of my acquaintances, from the town at the Western Academy of Magic, told me that it was as if a death magician was studying in this Academy. Can use it, because they say that this magic is incomparable to anything?

The bowed mercenaries could not see the magician's smile that appeared on thin black lips at the mention of death magic.

“You're right, this magic is unique, and this mage will really make our job easier. This is wonderful news. Find out if it's true and let me know right away. Free!

Until the very exit, the whole group did not say a word, afraid to believe that they went out with the whole composition, because the previous time, they lost one member of the group, who decided, out of curiosity, to examine the magician of darkness. Now it remains to pray that the information is confirmed, otherwise they will not all survive the next visit.

Beyond death there is not only darkness, There is hope, light and purity. But do not rush there until you understand yourself That everything is there. Not only emptiness.

Until you find the light in you Until you realize who you are No one will give you a ticket to the other end, And it won't help. There will only be revenge...

Yaroslav Surov

"Monday. I don't like this day of the week. Not only are there not enough days off to do all the necessary things, but also this university, which takes up most of the time that could be used for pleasure, for example, to sleep.”

The alarm clock signaled that it was time to get up.

“Oh ... I can’t believe that soon I will finish this torment - my studies - I will find a job for myself and I will live and be happy!”

Crawling out of bed, I felt something soft and fluffy with my foot, and then this something made a “meow” and grabbed my leg.

Anna Paltseva

In the safe embrace of death

In the safe embrace of death
Anna Paltseva

Daughter of Death #2
Being a weapon in the hands of a dark magician is not the most pleasant thing, but again I was not even asked, but simply kidnapped, made to lose willpower and turned into a killing machine. I was not happy with this situation, because I had already tuned in to a new wonderful life: to graduate from the Academy, finally meet a white-haired North and live for my own pleasure. It was enough for me that my magic is considered rare in the world of Eder and has not the most pleasant qualities, what can we say about slavery? The loss of a friend, multiple murders, and blockage of the magical flow - all this I had to experience. But I am not going to be a pawn in a bloody war and I will definitely figure out how to free myself and fix everything that I have done!

Anna Paltseva



In the round hall of the palace of the state of Lazurt, the transparent dome of which was propped up in a circle by columns, there were four representatives of the Edera race, which were the Supreme. After receiving a letter from the king of the state of Severion, which spoke of heavy losses during the suppression of the uprising of the magicians against the supreme power and the declaration of martial law, it was decided to hold a meeting and resolve the issue of the threat.

– We urgently need to send our troops to the border of the source! - after three hours of argument, the Supreme Shirin could not stand it. “They are moving towards him!” And if we do not stop them, irreparable things can happen.

He outlined a small area in the east with a sharp movement on the map, thus marking a major source of magic.

All those present in thought bent over the stone round table, which was located in the center of the hall, and looked at the red circle on the map. They knew this source well, because it allowed their scientists, using magic, to develop inventions that helped to simplify life. And the magic of this source was pure, primordial, capable of giving great power, which would make it possible to create a miracle. But at the moment, it can also become a deadly weapon.

“Mahael, there is a high protection around the source. And I do not know such a magician who could bypass it, - straightening up, the Supreme Gellar, the representative of the elves, spoke in a calm voice.

Shirin averted his face in displeasure at the sound of the elf's voice. Mahael is a human, and since Yarineel is a High Elf and one of the most powerful magicians, his magic transformed the owner into a deity. Everything Gellar did, whether he spoke, moved, or simply stood, was the epitome of beauty and desire itself. Even Shirin, though a man, felt a slight shiver at the sight of the elf. And so for more than a thousand years, but I could not get used to it.

“We do not know the leader of this uprising and what he is capable of,” Mahael did not calm down, “and I propose to end this now, before it is too late!”

“To bring in the troops of the state is a very serious action. Panic may set in. First you need to evacuate the population, which is located along the perimeter of the source. It will take a lot of time. You will also have to close the Eastern Academy of Magic, and these are thousands of students,” Gellar replied still calmly.

Why didn't they do it before? Shirin slammed his fist on the table. “Where was the Orientem State looking, huh?” Rian: the white dragon clan seems to be under your protection, what do you say? – the man turned his gaze to the Supreme Azertan, the representative of the dragons.

Ryan didn't even look at him, deep in thought. It's been a month since Adept Evern's kidnapping, and right now the uprising has gained momentum, breaking through to the source.

“What drives them? How are ordinary magicians able to withstand the army of the eastern and northern kingdoms?”

– Ryan!? Go down to earth, answer better, what is happening on the territory of the Orientem state?

The dragon turned its black gaze on the man, who, in turn, swallowed nervously, pacifying his pressure.

“White dragons are already evacuating villages and cities. As for the Academy, there is still a question, there is too much flow of adepts,” Ryan answered in a tired voice, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “And I agree with you, Mahael: the apostate mages have gone overboard.

The man chuckled and looked at the elf.

“Good healers will be required of you, Yarineel.

Is this the final decision? – skipping past the ears of the man’s words, the High Elf asked the other members of the Council.

The dragon and the north nodded, and the rest of the time was spent dealing with issues of imposing martial law and ferrying troops to the border of the source.

After the council, late in the evening, Azertan caught up with the north in the corridor, with the intention of finding out the news.

- Ilistin, stop!

“I wanted to know how Elendin is doing, any clues?”

“About that death mage adept?” the High North clarified, and the dragon nodded. “No, he was never able to find out about the creature that attacked.

The dragon rubbed his temples as if he had a headache.

– Tell your son that I am waiting for him at the Academy, we need to develop a new plan, it seems to me that the adept was not just kidnapped, but precisely for the sake of her abilities, the level of her magic, because she has it higher than all of us put together.

The black fox looked at the dragon in surprise:

– How can this be? Deathbenders don't have that kind of magic, we know.

“I saw it with my own eyes, Ilistin. The Ball of Truth reflects the full picture of your essence. At some point I even thought that she was not alive at all, but as a clot of pure magic she would stay in the world of the living. But, after observing during the school year, I realized that she was an ordinary North girl with her own fears and desires.

“You speak so tenderly of her, Rian, that I was curious to look at her.” With a chuckle, the fox clapped the dragon on the shoulder. - I can understand the scientific interest of my son, but the tenderness in your voice interested me.

Azertan, raising an eyebrow, said with a grin:

“She is a student of my Academy, Ilistin. I am her grandfather, what can I say about tenderness? If you see her, then you yourself will understand that it is impossible to talk about her differently.

– Everything is clear with you, formidable rector and father of all adepts. I will pass on your words to my son, wait for him at the Academy.

Good luck, Wayon.

“Good luck, Azertan,” already hiding in the portal, the black fox waved to the dragon without turning around.

Turning around, Ryan went to the inter-city portal that would lead him to the Western Academy of Magic. He had to figure out how to find Adept Evern, who seemed to have fallen through the ground. Not even a sophisticated search spell can find it. Anxiety grew in my soul that it might already be too late and it would be necessary to look not for a sweet and kind girl at all, but for a deadly weapon that only death can stop, but with her level of magic it would be very difficult, one might say almost impossible.

- Don't lose faith, Inessa, don't lose faith...

The dragon was enveloped in the radiance of the portal, and he vanished into space.

My awakening gave me a terrible headache and the feeling that I was about to vomit. I would easily call such a state a hangover, but I can’t compare, since I have never brought myself to such a state. My stomach was tied into a large knot somewhere in the throat area, not even allowing me to swallow. The pain in his head throbbed, drumming his ears. I have never felt so terrible before. I was not allowed to bend into three deaths by the shackles on my hands, firmly chained to the wall, against which I rested my back. Thank you for at least putting me on a wooden bench, which also hung on chains. In this position, I woke up, hardly remembering what happened to me. As events unfolded, each time reeking of pain in my temples, I remembered that I was not here by chance, and that it was planned, and that terrible figure, most likely, is my kidnapper. At the memory of the floating creature, my lungs constricted and I coughed. The cough was dry, irritating my throat and causing me to vomit, but it was empty inside and I had to suffer from a cutting sensation in my chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks that she couldn't hold back. A buzz grew in my head more and more, prompting me not to think about anything, but simply to wish for a quick death, because prisoners often die in dungeons without waiting for salvation. My anguish was intensified when the barred door opened with a creak that pierced my head with thousands of needles, causing terrible pain. There was no strength to open his eyes, but at the solemn voice of the visitor they instantly opened wide.

“I warned you, Evern, that you would regret your words and deeds.

Sitting opposite me was an elf who caused me a lot of problems during my studies.

“Karner,” I croaked angrily.

“Glad to hear you remember me after what happened.” He grabbed my curl and ran it through his fingers. – Oh, and it was hard to get you out of the Academy. The first time the sleep powder worked too, but I couldn't get into your dorm. Liera Solla turned out to be stubborn and did not want to let me through. But on the other hand, I rejoiced at the rumors that the adherents of the Academy gave you. He laughed out loud, which almost made my head explode.

In the round hall of the palace of the state of Lazurt, the transparent dome of which was propped up by columns in a circle, there were four representatives of the Edera race, which were the Supreme. After receiving a letter from the king of the state of Severion, which spoke of heavy losses during the suppression of the uprising of the magicians against the supreme power and the declaration of martial law, it was decided to hold a meeting and resolve the issue of the threat.
- We urgently need to send our troops to the border of the source! - After three hours of argument, the Supreme Shirin could not stand it. They're heading towards him! And if we do not stop them, irreparable things can happen.
He outlined a small area in the east with a sharp movement on the map, thus marking a major source of magic.
All those present in thought bent over the stone round table, which was located in the center of the hall, and looked at the red circle on the map. They knew this source well, because it allowed their scientists to develop new inventions on magic, which helped to simplify life. And the magic of this source was pure, primordial, capable of giving great power, which would allow to create a miracle, but at the moment it could become a deadly weapon.
- Mahael, the highest protection is installed around the source. And I do not know such a magician who could bypass it. - Having straightened up, the Supreme Gellar, the representative of the elves, spoke in a calm voice.
Shirin averted his face in displeasure at the sound of the elf's voice. Mahael is a human, and since Yarineel is a High Elf and one of the most powerful magicians, his magic transformed the owner into a deity. Everything Gellar did, whether he spoke, moved, or simply stood, was the epitome of beauty and desire itself. Even Shirin, though the man experienced a slight shiver at the sight of the elf. And so for more than a thousand years, but I could not get used to it.
- We do not know the leader of this uprising, and what he is capable of, - Mahael did not calm down, - and I propose to end this now, before it's too late!
- To enter the troops of the state is a very serious action. Panic may set in. First you need to evacuate the population, which are located along the perimeter of the source. It will take a lot of time. You will also have to close the Eastern Academy of Magic, and these are thousands of students. - Answered all the same calmly Gellar.
Why didn't they do it before? Shirin slammed his fist on the table. - Where did the state of Orientem look, eh? Ryan, the clan of white dragons under your patronage, like, what do you say? - The man turned his gaze to the Supreme Azertan, the representative of the dragons.
Ryan didn't even look at him, deep in thought. It's been a month since Adept Evern's kidnapping, and right now the uprising has gained momentum, breaking through to the source.
“What drives them? How are ordinary magicians able to withstand the army of the eastern and northern kingdoms?”
- Ryan!? Go down to earth, answer better, what is happening on the territory of the Orientem state?
The dragon shifted its black gaze to the man, who, in turn, swallowed a little nervously, subsiding his pressure.
- White dragons are already evacuating villages and cities. As for the Academy, the question still stands, there is too much flow of adherents. - He answered him in a tired voice, rubbing the bridge of his nose. - And I dare to agree with you, Mahael, the renegade magicians have crossed the line.
The man chuckled and looked at the elf.
“Good healers will be required of you, Yarineel.
- Is this the final decision? - Having missed the words of the man, the High Elf asked the other members of the Council.
The dragon and the north nodded, and the rest of the time passed to resolve the martial law and transport troops to the border of the source.
After the council, late in the evening, Azertan caught up with the north in the corridor with the intention of finding out the news.
- Ilistin, stop!
- Ryan?
- I wanted to know how Elendin is doing, do you have any clues?
"About that death mage adept?" - Specified the Supreme North and the dragon nodded. - No, so he could not find out about the creature that attacked.
The dragon rubbed his temples as if he had a headache.
- Tell your son that I'm waiting for him at the Academy, you need to develop a new plan, it seems to me that the adept was not just kidnapped, but precisely for the sake of her abilities, the level of her magic, because hers is higher than even all those taken by us.
The black fox looked at the dragon in surprise:
- How can this be? Deathbenders don't have that kind of magic, we know.
- I saw with my own eyes, Ilistin. The Ball of Truth reflects the full picture of your essence. At some point I even thought that she was not alive at all, but as a clot of pure magic is in the world of the living. But, after observing during the school year, I realized that she was an ordinary North girl with her own fears and desires.
“You speak so tenderly of her, Ryan, that I was curious to look at her. Smiling, the fox clapped the dragon on the shoulder. - I can understand the scientific interest of my son, but your gentle voice interested me.
Azertan, raising an eyebrow, said with a grin:
- She is a student of my Academy, Ilistin. I am her grandfather, what can I say about tenderness? If you see her, then you yourself will understand that it is impossible to talk about her differently.
- Everything is clear with you, formidable rector and father of all adepts. I will pass on your words to my son, wait for him at the Academy.
- Good luck, Wayon.
- Good luck, Azertan. - Already hiding in the portal, the black fox waved to the dragon without turning around.
Turning around, Ryan went to the inter-city portal that would lead him to the Western Academy of Magic. He had to figure out how to find adept Evern, who seemed to have fallen through the ground, which even a complex search spell could not find. Anxiety grew in my soul that it might already be too late and it would be necessary to look not for a sweet and kind girl at all, but for a deadly weapon that only death can stop, but with her level of magic it will be very difficult to do this, we can say that it is almost impossible.
- Don't lose faith, Inessa, don't lose faith...
The dragon was enveloped in the radiance of the portal, and he vanished into space.

My awakening gave me a terrible headache and the constant feeling that I was about to throw up. I would easily call such a state - a hangover, but I can not compare, since I have never brought myself to such a state. My stomach was tied into a large knot that did not even allow me to swallow, propping it up somewhere in the throat area. The pain in his head throbbed, drumming his ears. I have never felt so terrible before. The shackles on my hands, firmly chained to the wall, on which I rested my back, did not allow me to bend into three deaths. Thank you for at least putting me on a wooden bench, which also hung on chains. In this position, I woke up, hardly remembering what happened to me. As events unfolded, each time reeking of pain in my temples, I remembered that I was not here by chance, and that it was planned, and that terrible figure is most likely my kidnapper. At the memory of the floating creature, my lungs constricted and I coughed. The cough was dry, irritating the throat, causing the urge to vomit, but the inside was empty and I had to suffer from cutting sensations in my chest. Tears streamed down her cheeks that she couldn't hold back. A buzz grew in my head more and more, prompting me not to think about anything, but simply to wish for a quick death, because prisoners often die in dungeons without waiting for salvation. My anguish was intensified when the barred door opened with a creak that pierced my head with thousands of needles, causing terrible pain. There was no strength to open his eyes, but at the solemn voice of the visitor they instantly opened wide.
- I warned you, Evern, that you will regret your words and deeds.
Sitting opposite me was an elf who caused me a lot of problems during my studies.
- Carner. - I croaked with anger.
Glad to hear you remember me after what happened. He grabbed my curl and passed it through his fingers. - Oh, and it was hard to get you out of the Academy. The first time the sleep powder worked too, but I couldn't get into your dorm. Liera Solla turned out to be stubborn and did not want to let me through. But on the other hand, I rejoiced at the rumors that the adherents of the Academy gave you. He laughed out loud, which almost made my head explode. - What, the head hurts, liera? He waved his hand sharply, and a fire burned my cheek. The blow was strong, so by inertia I was thrown back, and I hit my head against the wall.
- Getting used to the pain, creature! Now she will be your constant companion in your worthless life. And you don't have long to live. He laughed again, wiping his hand on his shirt as if I were contagious. - Myra's party was a good excuse to put you to sleep again, and when it was done, I informed the owner. Of course, this damn fox spoiled the plans, but the owner taught him manners.
I remembered Professor Vaon and those terrible hounds.
- Is he alive?
The elf wrinkled his nose and said in disgust:
- Unfortunately, your lover is alive, but he was beaten up notably. Still, the owner's magic is worth respecting.
- Who is your owner?
- A few questions, Evern? He walked over and grabbed my hair, pulling me towards him. - It's better to sit and pray to the Damned God to take you away, because Inessa will only get worse, much worse. - He stretched out the last words with anticipation.
Karner released me, pushing me backwards, causing me to hit my head again. Already at the exit, he turned around and took out a pendant on a chain from under his shirt and announced with glee:
- By the way, this little thing helps not to go crazy, being here. These walls contain teho stone. I hope you don't need to explain what it is?
I wanted to punch him in the face for everything said and done, to erase that cute smile, but the last words made my heart skip a beat and freeze in horror.
- You should already feel the charm of this dungeon. And I hasten to tell you that this is your house for the near future, but if you behave, you will receive such a pendant. See you now, lots of things to do. But I'll be running back to teach you manners in person. - Slamming the door, the elf left, taking with him a torch that burned in the corridor, giving a little illumination.
As Irimon moved deeper into the corridor, darkness enveloped the dungeon, forming a dense cocoon of darkness. It even seemed to me that it became difficult to breathe due to the lack of the ability to see and recognize objects. Panic set in quietly and slowly, because if there is no magic, then no one can find me, which means the end of my journey in this world. Karner's words about the worst ahead made my lungs stop taking air completely. At some point, consciousness began to leave me, but a new wave of headache brought me to my senses. Slowly forcing herself to breathe through her nose, she was able to even out her breathing. Honestly, I wanted to cry and do everything they asked, if only they let me out of here, but my mind made it clear that if they let me go, it would only be to another world. I don't want to die a second time. I like this world: its colorful vibrant nature, amazing races, new family, best friend, Magic Academy and my magic. Yes, maybe I used to complain about my magic, but it also has many advantages: I helped two spirits, gave my friend Darkness the opportunity to visit the world of the living and even be able to conjure. Magic became a second air, and sitting here, surrounded by these walls, I did not feel it at all. My body weakened, leaving a void inside. I no longer feel like a whole.
I don't know how long I sat there, maybe an hour, maybe a day. Time has ceased to exist for me. At some point, voices began to be heard, but I did not begin to listen to what they were talking about. I understood that this was my imagination, and if I succumbed to it, I would completely go crazy.
No one came to me, only the wind howled from time to time in the corridor, scaring me to shiver. Now the darkness seemed alien, wild. She climbed under my skin, wrapping snakes in cold rings. Sometimes my mind left me and I fell into unconsciousness. There were no relieving dreams that would allow me to rest, but still the same blackness. Due to the fact that it was dark, I had to tighten the shackles so that they hurt my wrists, and in this way I realized that I was no longer sleeping. I wanted to drink and eat, but there was a feeling that they had abandoned me here and it was unlikely that they would ever come. Time passed, and the forces became less and less. It was hard to sit constantly, I had to get up, twisting my arms in order to somehow stretch my body. But it became more and more difficult to do so. My mouth was completely dry, and I was glad that I didn’t cry in the first days, thereby losing expensive moisture, because it already felt like all the insides had dried up. The chains of the shackles were small, which did not allow me to somehow step aside. On the second day, I really wanted to go to the toilet, and I had only one way out. I endured! I endured it because I didn’t want to sit in my pants full of my own excrement. Just one thought of it and I twitched with disgust. But the longer I sat, the stronger was the desire. My stubbornness could have killed me much earlier, because poisoning of the body can easily occur. When I nevertheless decided, since my stomach hurt terribly, I got to my feet with tears in my eyes and saved myself from torment. It was terrible! I felt like a dirty animal, but over time, this became unimportant. I had a fever that made me feel hot and cold. Sometimes even the noise of the chains was heard from my chill. The voices intensified, acquiring clear words, and the silhouettes, now gray, now white, became clearer, transforming into different creatures. One of these scared the hell out of me as it yelled "Fresh, juicy meat" gaping at me. The hiccups lasted all day, aggravating my condition. In the early days, I still somehow understood that a person can live without water for about ten days, then closer to the deadline, thoughts began to get confused, letting instincts take over, and at the moment it’s getting water. Delirious, I leaned forward, rubbing my hands with shackles, screaming until I was hoarse, followed by a transition to laughter and talking to myself. Slowly and surely, madness approached me, and then death.
Hanging forward, pulling the chains, I lived the last minutes of my life. The body did not obey at all, and the head refused to think anything. I crossed the threshold when you already realize that this is the end and you can’t do anything. The lungs took in air with ragged movements, releasing it back with a hoarse groan. My heart worked every other time, which is why I forced air into my lungs a couple of times, forcing it to beat again. You won't wish a worse death on anyone!

In the throne room of Mount Yora.
- Master, she's on the edge. - The mercenary, who was watching the prisoners, knelt down in front of the dark magician.
- How long has it been?
- Twelve days.
- Put bracelets on her and give her to the healer. I give two days to put her on her feet.
The mercenary got up without raising his head, bowed, and went to the dungeon. When he released the girl, she fell to the floor like a doll, showing no signs of life. He was afraid that it was already late, but a hoarse groan allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief. Clasping the bracelets of submission on his hands, he carefully took the thin body in his arms. The girl smelled terribly, which is why she had to be carried on outstretched arms. Still, he's surprised she's been able to hold out for so long.
The healer complained that two days would not be enough here, and asked to call the water magician for help, yet the girl's body was really at the limit. Throughout the day, they put her in order so that at least she could eat. She frantically ate, not missing a single crumb. When her bowl of broth was empty and the healer wanted to take it away, she gave it away only on the third try. It was pitiful to look at the liera. If on the first day when she was brought in, the mercenary had a desire to own her, now one could only feel pity for her. Yet torture by dehydration is cruel torture. If not for the shackles, she would have laid hands on herself, because she experienced terrible torment.
She still could not walk, her body was weak, and the healer had to carry her in his arms to the bunk, where she could sleep. Of course, the walls here won't let her rest, but sleep is essential. Another day and the owner will take care of her, and then only she will decide whether she wants to live, but with a condition, or she will have to go beyond.

I don't remember my journey from the dungeon to the healer, only when it became easier to breathe, I was able to open my eyes. In a strange way, I no longer wanted to drink, only to eat. I couldn’t get up, I could only run my hands along the body, realizing that I had been washed and changed. A man who looked to be in his 40s was courting me all day. When he sat down next to me and enveloped me in a blue glow, I realized that he was a healer. I did not feel the touch of magic, only a lingering pain in the muscles and joints. The man asked me to be patient, stroking my hands a little. His warm brown eyes and funny short curly blond hair gave calm, and his quiet calm voice made it clear that all the terrible things were over. But because of the lack of magic, everything was also bad for me. It would be better if they let me die in that dungeon than to experience a pulling pain in my chest.
The second day passed as well, only I was already able to get up and walk. Yet the local treatment is much more effective than on Earth. In just two days I was back on my feet when in my world it would have taken weeks. Hot broth with small pieces of meat gave me strength and I could easily jump and squat. The healer smiled approvingly and nodded at my improvement. Toward evening, I began to ask why I was being kept here, to which I was told that tomorrow they would take me to the owner of this monastery and everything would become known to me. I simultaneously wanted to see this master and hide as far away from him as possible, but the mercenary who came in the morning left me no choice but to follow him wherever they led me.
The corridors were long and dark. I had to run after the man in front of me. His one big step was equal to three of mine. He was a North, and from the small round ears and short tail, as well as the large dimensions of his physique, I concluded that he was a bear. He carried a torch in his hand, but because of the broad shoulders, the light almost did not reach me, from which I had to drive myself even more, if only not to fall behind and not get lost in these dark corridors. At some point, he stopped, gesturing that I would go on alone. Looking under his armpit, I saw a wide hall, at the end of which was a throne.
I crossed the threshold of the corridor, and the sound of my action spread throughout the hall. He was huge. The same torches hung along the walls, but there were enough of them not to stumble and fall. I couldn’t see the ceiling, it was buried in swirling darkness, making goosebumps run all over my body. It was cold here and smelled of damp stone, which made it shake a little, and wobbly legs refused to go further. The closer I got, the heavier the bracelets on my arms became. As the healer explained to me, these ordinary iron hoops without a single lock are bracelets of subordination that do not allow you to perform any actions without the permission of the owner. It made me laugh out loud at the situation I was in. All the heroines in the books I read were hostages in such bracelets. And now I am one of them, only here is a reality that will allow me to experience all the charm of the suffering experienced by the heroines.
At the very throne, I could not stand it, and from the weight I collapsed to my knees, hitting my knees hard on the rough stone floor. Hissing, I looked up at the seated man. I was not surprised to see the same black robe, the same pale bony hands. But looking at his face, or rather in his black hollow eyes, in which darkness swirled, I swallowed nervously and a wave of trembling went through my body, and my back was covered with cold sweat.
"Didn't know death mages could be so cute." - Narrow black lips stretched like a smile, on a white thin face. - May I know your name, liera? - His voice was dry and hoarse, which made you want to close your ears, just to hear him no more.
From fear, I could not utter a sound, but the burning girth of the hoops made it clear that the owner was not pleased with my silence.
- Inessa. - I croaked.
- Beautiful name. He got up and walked over to me.
His robe flowed like a black cloud as he walked, hiding his legs. There was a feeling that he was not walking, but hovering above the floor. Maybe even then it seemed to me that he was hovering, and not standing on the road.
- Get up.
The chains stopped pulling to the floor, and I straightened up, but did not raise my eyes, afraid to meet the black gaze. He walked around me in a circle, examining from all sides. I felt with my whole body, with every cell, that he was examining me with interest, which made it terribly disgusting. Like a product on the market! When he was again in front of me, I still looked him in the face.
- Interesting. - He said enough. - I feel magic in you, despite the fact that taeho blocked access to the stream. Maybe that's why you were able to live longer than the others. I'm beginning to believe that a trophy of great rarity fell into my hands.
Smiling contentedly, he took from his inside pocket the same pendant on a chain that Karner had.
- Let's look at your magic, liera.
Coming close to me, which made my breath catch, he put the pendant over my head. As soon as the yellow stone touched my chest, my magic sign blazed, pouring a hot stream all over my body. I could not stand it, and with a groan fell back to my knees. The magic was returning to my body, and it was burning, almost melting all my insides.
The man moved away from me, looking with admiration and smiling with his black lips:
- Excellent! - He declared triumphantly.
And I started to turn around. No longer sitting, but sprawled on the cold floor of the hall, I kept the flow, which decided to recoup for blocking it, but my strength was not enough, which he took advantage of, breaking out. Black waves came from me, crushing the floor into small stones, and when they reached the walls, they soared up, extinguishing the torches. The hall plunged into darkness, but I was no longer afraid of it, clearly seeing everything around. The flow hurt, but after a minute it began to bring relief, filling the emptiness inside. When my body was saturated with magic, it began to break out, destroying the floor and walls.
One thought about a small conductor and he appeared on my chest, cautiously examining everything around. At the sight of a friend, tears flowed from my eyes:
- Void, I'm so glad to see you...
The fox cub began to lick the tears from my cheeks, also rejoicing at our meeting, but at the next release of magic, he climbed onto my head and curled up, dispelling the magic in the right way. Assuming a vertical position, I looked around, assessing the extent of the destruction. The owner of the monastery still stood aside and smiled contentedly.
- Now I'm sure that I got the treasure. - He smiled wider, and I saw his white even teeth with fangs. - The pendant is yours, and don't take it off! I'm afraid that my gym won't be able to stand another unblocking of your stream. - With a hoarse laugh, he said.
A calmed stream was basking inside me, making it possible to see this world more clearly. Quickly jumping to my feet, I decided to release the Darkness, but the bracelets tightened around my wrists, blocking the flow.
- Not so fast, Inessa! Now I will decide when you use magic.
His impudent smile began to irritate me, and, daring, she turned to face him and raised her voice:
- Why do you need me?
He did not stop smiling, but spreading his arms to the sides, he called on his magic with a gesture. At the echo of his magic, my stream vibrated and slightly leaned towards the magician. I didn’t like it very much, but when a black-green mist poured out of his hands, my hair stood on end on top of my head, and on the contrary, my ears pressed against my head.
"He's a death mage!"
The combination of black and green looked spectacular, giving the owner a mystical look, and when those hounds that I had already observed began to emerge from the smoke, instinct took the initiative over my body, and I took a couple of steps back.
- That's right, little liera, be afraid of me!
I was afraid, honestly! But after his words, she decided to pull herself together and stop trembling. I clenched my hands, sweating with cold sweat, into a fist and looked defiantly into the mage's eyes.
- I'm not afraid of you!
- And the tail is shaking. - The owner of the hounds laughed, who, along with him, also wheezed maliciously.
My tail often lives its own life, and it really was trembling now, tucked under my knees, but at the moment it was difficult to control it. I didn't step back, still looking seriously at the mage.
- Why am I here? - I asked more confidently.
- It's very simple, Inessa, I need your magic. With your help, I can get what I need right now.
- I will not follow your orders! I spoke through my teeth.
At the same moment, the bracelets heated up and pulled me down. I tried my best to stay on my feet. The magician stopped smiling.
“It will take me two weeks to force you to obey me, little death mage. You can make your life easier and not suffer in vain. All you have to do is agree to be my tool.
"I don't want to be anyone or anything to you!" Go to hell!
The magician looked at me in surprise, but with a sly smile, he gave the order to "Take" his hounds. I couldn't run away, because the hoops became quite heavy, chaining me to the floor. I watched in horror as huge black-and-green dogs with grinning muzzles rushed at me. When one was already close, and, pushing off the floor, soared up to jump on me, time slowed down. This was the moment when you remember your whole life before death. Your calm world, where there is no magic and violence. Where the death of a person is punishable by law, what do you think at first "is it worth it for you to kill him, and what will you do for it?". You remember a small dorm room, a red fluffy cat and a huge bustling city where no one cares what's on your mind. But all this overlaps, it is worth remembering the blue eyes of a white North. His smile and velvety voice.
"We never met, Teal..."
Time has gone faster and the hound falls on my back, biting into my shoulder. Her teeth, like sharp spikes, entered freely into my flesh, crushing the bones. The pain was hellish, but I could not do anything, the bracelets still chained my hands to the floor. The rest of the dogs pounced on the arms, their legs sinking their teeth in as well. I screamed, twitched my legs, but only made it worse. Through a veil of tears, I saw the mage leaning over me.
- Are you still refusing to listen to me? Clenching my teeth and choking on tears, I turned away, silently accepting the pain. "Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
After these words, the dogs stopped biting me and disappeared into space. Huge bites covered my whole body, from which blood flowed, spreading in a red puddle around me. Another order from the magician and I am quickly carried away from the hall. Having already gone out into the corridor, I noticed a grin on the magician's lips.
- You will obey me, Inessa. - My ears caught a rough voice, and my mind waved a pen at me.
My next stay with the healer was not so fruitful. The magician only stopped the blood and spliced ​​the bones, but the terrible scars remained blooming on my body. After the inspection, they took me again along the corridors and at the end they threw everything with force into the same cell. They didn’t chain him up, and even put food near the door. Now it remains only not to go crazy in these four walls. All three days I went from corner to corner, having learned every pebble, just in case, pressing on them.
"What if the secret door opens?"
But there was no door, and time dragged on, maddening. They fed me badly, a little more and they would transfer me to bread and water, but it’s better that way than repeating what has already been done. When I had already decided that my life would go like this without bright events, the same north bear entered the dungeon and with one blow sent me to kiss the back wall. I didn’t have time to think about anything, as blows rained down on me. They were clear, fast, and as painful as possible. Belly, sides, cheekbones - at this pace they beat me for about ten minutes. North only stopped once to ask:
- Will you obey the master?
I assumed something like that, therefore, covering my head with my hands, I croaked "No", and then they continued to beat me until I lost consciousness. Coming from the world of dreams was painful. My face was one big bruise, so I managed to open my eyes only the next day. They did not send me to a healer, but left me lying in this state further. I was never able to use magic because of the bracelets, and I just had to wait until everything went away on its own. I tried to move as little as possible: eat, go to the toilet and lie down on the bench again. Now it seemed very hard, but the choice was not great: either a cold stone floor, or a hard bench, but warm. Two days later, the pain began to recede, and I was able to sleep normally. When the first week was over, I had another visitor, but I would rather be beaten by a bear again than see the face of enemy number one.
- Did you miss me, my dear liera? - Cute muzzle of the elf just begged to receive a punch from me.
- I'm not your sweetheart, Karner! And especially not yours! - Having growled in his face, I already wanted to swing and hit, as my hands were brought behind my back.
"We'll see that now, sweetie..."
Licking his lips greedily, he stroked my buttocks with his free hand, and then squeezed my chest with force until it hurt. My body twitched in disgust, and I wanted to break free, but the grip became stronger and Irimon squeezed even tighter.
- Let's agree, Evern, - the elf began to whisper into my lips, - you will not resist, and we will both enjoy it, or I will disfigure you to such an extent that even my own mother will not recognize it.
Of course, I don’t know my own mother anyway, and she doesn’t give a damn about me, but I didn’t want to be mutilated. Karner understood my silence in his own way, and greedily dug into my lips. I didn't want to give up on him either. Better to die than lose pride with this guy! Without thinking, I bit his lip with my left fang, causing the elf to bounce off me as if scalded, and I felt the taste of blood on my lips.
- Oh, you bastard! - Touching the injured lip and seeing the blood on his fingers, the elf created a small fiery sphere in his other hand and launched it at me.
Despite the fact that I had little strength and my body still hurt, I managed to dodge. The sphere flew close, searing the lacing on his chest, and then crashed into the wall with a noise, forming a black trail. Looking at the flight of the charge, I forgot about Irimon, which was a big mistake, because in the next second I received a strong kick in the stomach. From this action, I flew off a meter and in the appendage hit my head hard on the floor. Twisted in pain, tears welled up in his eyes.
- You decide your own fate, Evern. And it's your choice! - Squatting down next to me, the elf spat blood on the floor.
- This is not a choice, - I tried to breathe every other time, because it hurt, - this is coercion. What difference does it make to die now or later?
The elf smiled and pulled out a small dagger from his boot:
- You are right about something, but you could ease your last days.
He began to twist the dagger in his hand, causing the glare from the torches to reflect on my face.
- It is better to die with pride than to be a puppet in the wrong hands.
- Oh, this pride! - Karner laughed, and at the same moment he was on top of me, pressing my arms along the body, and his head between his legs. - You will still obey the owner, and also become my toy! It's all about time.
The blue eyes of the elf, almost transparent, glowed with excitement, which made my heart clench and beat like a frightened bird in a cage. They didn’t let me say anything else, but putting a gag in my mouth, they began to drive the blade across my face. On purpose, slowly, with anticipation, Karner brought out symbols known only to him. It hurt terribly. Because of the tears, the elf's face blurred, and I could no longer see his pleasure. It seemed to me that an eternity had passed before the elf stood up, and once again spitting next to me, took my scythe in his fist, depriving me of it in one motion. Smiling victoriously, he left the dungeon, closing the door with a key. My face was on fire. The blade of the dagger was heated by fire magic, causing the blood to stop flowing as soon as it cut through the skin. But this meant that the scars would now remain for life. From impotence, I climbed onto the bench, and, tucking my knees to my chest, began to cry quietly. deprivation long hair not so upset. They will grow back, but the scars...

In the throne room.
Did you do everything as I asked?
- Yes, master. The symbols have been applied, it remains to reduce the willpower and then it will be under your control. Karner was on one knee, his fist on the floor. His head was bowed before the dark magician.
The Magus smiled contentedly. With the help of the death mage, he will reach his goal much faster.
- Amazing. Take her to the dungeon of damned souls tomorrow. We need to break this girl.
- Listen, master.
The elf could never understand why this chamber was called that. Apart from a thick steel door, it was no different from the rest, but sometimes it is said that voices are heard there that make hair stand on end. Baring his teeth in a smile, Irimon went to rest and look forward to the next torture of the liera.

Anna Paltseva

Daughter of death. Death for new life

This place has always terrified mercenaries, not to mention the fact that it is present in the very heart of Mount Yora, the composition of the rocks of which included a dangerous stone for a magician - teho. Only the thought of the presence of an artifact - a medallion with a scale of a local bird - allowed me not to go crazy. But this was not the most terrible reason to stay as far away from these places as possible.

A group of mercenaries who decided to join the side of the rebels against the unity council of magicians were ordered to appear in the throne room, on the orders of the dark magician. And, walking along the corridors, they cautiously looked around, afraid to meet the creatures of darkness of the owner of this monastery. They still could not understand how he managed to live in such a place and use magic, which was contrary to all the laws of the magical world, but when they saw the man sitting on the throne, they forgot about everything, because fear fettered all their insides. If they were given the right to describe him, then only one comparison would fit - a dead man, that's what their master looked like.

The man sitting on the stone throne was incredibly pale and thin. It seemed that a skeleton covered with white skin was sitting in front of them. His long white hair made him look even more mystical, framing an unnaturally thin face. Darkness itself swirled in the black hollows of the eye sockets, making it impossible for the mercenaries to understand where the mage's gaze was directed, and the black robe, consisting of a long hoodie, seemed to flow like mist from one place to another.

The magician glanced around at the mercenaries bowing at his feet and said in a dry voice:

“I am very dissatisfied with you, gentlemen. The eastern part of the lands of the White Dragons, which I need, has not been captured, and our army is losing fighters. Please explain why this is happening? - The mage's voice rustled through the gloomy, barely consecrated hall, bringing the mercenaries to a cardiac arrest.

The leader of their group, bowing his head even more, after breathing, answered:

- The army of the northern state of Severion is to blame for everything, master. Their magicians are strong and the number exceeds at times.

- HM. The magician sank back onto the throne, crossing his legs. “King Ranael of Isilendin is indeed a serious adversary, and has always taken military matters seriously…” He trailed off, rubbing his sharp chin with his bony fingers thoughtfully. – We need a powerful weapon, any suggestions?

- Maybe your participation will make it easier for us to reach our goal? The leader suggested.

“I have enough strength to defeat the army of this northern fox, but they will be useful to me for a more important event.

- May I, master ... - One of the mercenaries leaned forward, daring to look at the magician. He, turning to him, burned him with a black look, from which the mercenary's face turned pale, and his tongue froze to the palate.

“Speak, any information is needed now.

Lowering his head even lower, he spoke:

- One of my acquaintances, from the town at the Western Academy of Magic, told me that it was as if a death magician was studying in this Academy. Can use it, because they say that this magic is incomparable to anything?

The bowed mercenaries could not see the magician's smile that appeared on thin black lips at the mention of death magic.

“You're right, this magic is unique, and this mage will really make our job easier. This is wonderful news. Find out if it's true and let me know right away. Free!

Until the very exit, the whole group did not say a word, afraid to believe that they went out with the whole composition, because the previous time, they lost one member of the group, who decided, out of curiosity, to examine the magician of darkness. Now it remains to pray that the information is confirmed, otherwise they will not all survive the next visit.

Beyond death there is not only darkness,
There is hope, light and purity.
But do not rush there until you understand yourself
That everything is there. Not only emptiness.

Until you find the light in you
Until you realize who you are
No one will give you a ticket to the other end,
And it won't help. There will only be revenge...

Yaroslav Surov* * *

"Monday. I don't like this day of the week. Not only are there not enough days off to do all the necessary things, but also this university, which takes up most of the time that could be used for pleasure, for example, to sleep.”

The alarm clock signaled that it was time to get up.

“Oh ... I can’t believe that soon I will finish this torment - my studies - I will find a job for myself and I will live and be happy!”

Crawling out of bed, I felt something soft and fluffy with my foot, and then this something made a “meow” and grabbed my leg.

- Ryzh, why do you always get under your feet, was the crushed tail not enough for you last week? Yes, and I'm always tired of covering scratches with brilliant green.

The cat looked at me with its innocent brown eyes with vertical pupils and mewed at length, rubbing himself against that scratched leg.

- Well, I'm not angry with you, and you're not angry with me, - she said, stroking her red-haired gentleman - let's go, it's time to have breakfast and go to the university.

The cat slipped imposingly between the legs and, walking with the gait of an aristocrat, headed towards the kitchen, showing all its importance.

Perhaps I should tell you a little about myself. Most importantly, I am an orphan. She grew up in an orphanage. I still don’t know my parents, despite the fact that I’m already twenty-four. Yes, and I don’t really want to look for them, is it possible to love someone who left you, that’s ... and I think so. In the orphanage, I didn’t really stand out, I never quarreled with other orphans, I led a quiet and peaceful life. When I went to school, I constantly disappeared in the library, I loved to read - after all, it seemed to me the most interesting thing to know the world with the help of books. But, despite this, I did not finish school with a gold medal. Computer science and physical education were not given to me. I prefer to sit and read books. So I decided to enter the Moscow University of Young Writers. And that's left Last year and you can enjoy your life. The university gave me a separate room in a hostel as a student who has no other place to live. They did not want to lose such a well-read and interesting person, because I passed the entrance exams perfectly. And now five years have passed since I live in this room with Ryzhik, I took him in an animal shelter. I like animals. And I decided to take it in a shelter because an animal without a home will understand better than a man, who also did not have his own family and home. That's how we live.

Putting the kettle on to warm up, put Ryzhik's portion of his breakfast, consisting of liquid animal food, into Ryzhik's bowl and went to the bathroom to clean herself up. A thin girl with copper hair and blue eyes looked at me from the mirror. I have never dyed my hair. The color was native, not red, namely copper, turning into dark red. They were thick and straight below the shoulder blades. This is my pride. Even though they called me redheads, I didn't care. As the saying goes, as long as you like it. My height was not big, sixty-eight meters. The eyes were the color of the blue of the sea, which, in combination with copper hair, looked unusual. Round and large, they gave a resemblance to some anime girl. Dark red thick eyelashes emphasized the eyes even more, and thin half-moon eyebrows made me a mystery. And also a straight little nose, slightly upturned at the end. Only lips, alas, with a defect - upper lip a little more than the bottom, but both are plump, which smooths out this irregularity. High cheekbones on an oval face gave a little elegance. In a word, not ugly, I liked myself.

At the university, I had few friends, and not friends, but acquaintances who often asked me only to give lectures to copy. I'm not greedy, I gave without asking to give something in return. Well, there was no boyfriend either, because for everyone I was a strange red-haired girl. Although once I was invited on a date, there were kisses and hugs, but no more. I wasn't into casual relationships.

Combing and braiding my hair, I completed water procedures got dressed and went to breakfast.

Not only is it Monday, but it's also raining. Many say that autumn is the time for poetry and writing masterpieces, but this weather does not inspire me. What could be better than a warm and sunny summer. Sit on the grass under a tree and write down thoughts and fantasies in a notebook. And this autumn only makes you sit at home and mope.

Sipping tea and looking at the drops on the window, I completely forgot about the time, and today we were supposed to be the first pair of poetry with Lev Sergeevich. Very interesting person, but as he reads poetry, you just listen.

- That's it, Ryzh, I'll go to class, don't get bored and don't make noise. - After stroking Ryzhik, she took the prepared bag for the university from yesterday evening and left the room, locking it with a key.