The real name is Harry Axe. Harry Axe

Surprisingly, the marketer of a large St. Petersburg company with knowledge of three foreign languages, Igor Alexandrov, and the aggressive rap artist Garry Topor are one and the same person.

Childhood and youth

Harry is a native of the Leningrad outskirts. He was born in the northern capital in the middle of winter, January 10, 1989. His childhood passed on Dybenko Street. In the 90s, local drug addicts and drunkards often met there. These memories will remain in Igor's memory, which he will mention in his compositions.

Igor was the second child in the family, he has an older brother. As a child, the boy loved to watch horror films and dreamed of working as a surgeon. And the future rapper practiced on soft toys. He cut the fabric with a knife or scalpel, pulled out the “stuffing” of plush hares and bears, and then sewed up the cut. Passion for "surgery" could be inherited by Igor - his father is a military doctor.

When the boy went to first grade, his father gave him a book, but not an encyclopedia or an atlas of the Earth, but a "Dictionary of Killers" - a collection of stories about maniacs. Later, the student's library was replenished with the volume "The Horrors of Nature" - a book about animals that can kill a person.

At school, Igor was not an inveterate hooligan and studied well, triples in the report card appeared extremely rarely. Closer to the end educational institution the young man left his "passion for dissection" and became seriously interested in football. But not as a sport - he was interested in commenting on what was happening on the field.

Despite such original hobbies of youth, Igor chose a serious specialty - "International Marketing". During his studies, student Alexandrov mastered two foreign languages: English and French. In addition, he also knew Serbian, because. his family roots are not only from Russia, but also from Serbia.

Having received a diploma of higher education, Igor, who by that time had already become known as rapper Harry Topor, began working in his specialty in one of the largest companies in St. Petersburg.


Studying in the first year of the institute, Igor Alexandrov began to compose texts and rhyme lines. Then he came up with the pseudonym Harry Ax. According to one version, the rapper named himself in honor of the character of the film, according to another, Harry is an interpretation of the name Igor, and he somehow introduced himself with the word “axe” as a child.

In 2008, Topor's first mixtape, Postulates of Rage, was released. It has 15 songs. The performance of the tracks is distinguished by a certain aggression, emotionality and a special way of reading. A year later, a collection of 17 recitatives, My Enemy, was published. Tracks are gaining popularity, and Harry goes to the audience - begins to perform in clubs. He is kept company by a friend and colleague.

The ax does not stop there and in 2010 releases the Echo of War mixtape, which instantly became popular. The tracks are dedicated not only to the war as an event, but also to the fight against Harry's inner demons. Later, in 2013, a new collection "Anatomical Theater" was released. 6 compositions are presented by Ax solo, and 7 are recorded in collaboration with other rappers. Among them are Talibal, Lupercal, Altabella and Blank.

In 2013, Harry takes part in the prestigious Versus battle for the first time in the rapper world. His rival was Billy Milligan(). The ax in the verbal contest won a landslide victory.

A month later, in October of the same year, Harry participates in the second rap battle. This time his opponent is . And again the victory went to the Ax. Moreover, the opponent even wanted to give up ahead of time, but the jury was asked to bring the competition to the end. The third victory was won by Harry Ax at the end of 2013 in a rap battle with.

Harry Topor - "I'm Not Welcome Here"

In 2014, Harry was again announced as a participant in the battle. Rapper ST rhymed against him. But this time the jury awarded the victory to ST, and not to Ax. After that, Harry decided to temporarily not participate in the Versus battle. But together with friend Tony Routh, the rapper releases new album OS Country. Friends also participated in the recording of the recitative, which was later released as a video.

Another video clip - for the song "Curb" - the musician dedicated to two idols of his youth, director and performer leading role in iconic painting"Brother". Harry dedicated the song to his native city. And in 2016, another collection of tracks called "Faces of Death" is released.

Harry Ax - "Curb"

Also, 2016 was marked for the artist by participating in the entertainment show " Evening Urgant". So even more listeners recognized the rapper, since the audience of Channel One has millions of viewers. In 2017, Ax decides to return to the Versus battle and gets into a rap fight with Obe 1 Kanobe.

Harry Topor - "Pearl of Vizmoria"

Luck is again on the side of the assertive Harry Axe. At the same time, clips are released for musical compositions"Sannikov Land" and "Pearl of Vizmoria".

Personal life

Harry (aka Igor) is not only a successful marketer and a popular "evil rapper" (as he calls himself), but also a loving husband. In the midst of the summer of 2015, the performer tied the knot with a pretty brown-haired woman named Natalia. The girl's maiden name is not known to the public, but after marriage she took her husband's surname.

Before marriage, the couple maintained a relationship for three years. The wedding took place on the Black Sea coast, according to Harry, on the territory of Putin's dacha. But fans, knowing about the rapper's sense of humor, appreciated the joke of their idol. Wishes appeared in the comments to the photos of the newlyweds family happiness and the early arrival of children.

Despite his secrecy in matters of personal life, Harry Ax arranged the only video chat for fans, which was attended at that time by his future wife. The rapper mostly answered questions from fans with jokes. He spoke about his acquaintance with Natalya, which allegedly took place in prison, that the girl was actually 40 years old.

In ordinary life, Igor is also a big fan of football and has been a fan of the St. Petersburg Zenit team for many years. The musician does not forget to devote time to sports. With a height of 185 cm, its weight is 82 kg. The ax speaks patriotically about his hometown and even got a tattoo on his body with the number of the region - “78”.

Harry Ax now

The life of the most famous "rapper from Dybenko" is followed by thousands of fans in "Instagram" on his page. In 2017, Harry released another album called "The Man in the Hedgehog". The collection includes 12 tracks, including: "Aspirin", "Lieutenant Rzhevsky", "Sannikov Land", "Puppies Go to Paradise" and others. New songs include collaborations with T.Wild, Tony Routh, Altabella and R-Tem.

Harry Topor - "Lieutenant Rzhevsky"

However, even with such active musical activity Harry continues to work as a marketer and states that music is his favorite hobby.

Harry Ax and Tony Routh continue to work together. Rappers give concerts, opened a joint online store for youth clothing. On the personal pages of the musician in

Igor Alexandrov, known worldwide as Harry Axe, was born in St. Petersburg in the troubled Dybenko district. In the tracks he positions himself as the so-called "Evil Rap", which is an unusual mixture of aggression and humor. From the very beginning creative way showed that in his city rap may not be what people used to see it from the outside.

Thus, in 2008, the debut release " Postulates of Rage”, which represents a still uncertain, but still platform for a mixtape released in 2009 -“ My Enemy ».

Garry Topor has worked with performers from Russia, Ukraine, Belgium, Turkey, Germany, France, Canada and Israel. Now, together with a number of outstanding St. Petersburg MCs, he is writing at the studio Berlin Records.

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Harry Topor, a favorite of the youth public, calls his work "evil rap", and himself - "Evil rapper", explaining the intensity of passions and aggressiveness by his childhood spent in one of the most disadvantaged areas St. Petersburg. He grew up on the outskirts of the northern capital - Dybenko and reflects the danger of this place in his texts with a frenzy that is not devoid of ironic wit. This was proved in 2008 by Harry's first album, Postulates of Fury. The second collection of Ax "Echo of War" appeared in 2010, and in 2012, fans of the work of "Evil rapper" were pleased with the appearance of his new single "Autopsy will show." Since 2014, Harry has become a frequent performer and collaborator with his colleague Tony Routh. In the summer of 2015, the female part of the rapper's fans was completely struck by the news of the appearance of Harry Topor's wife.

A message about the wedding of the famous aggressor appeared on the Internet on July 15 and it was written that Harry got married, but not anywhere, but on the territory of the Black Sea dacha of President Putin. As proof of this, photographs of a newlywed couple are added to the publication against the backdrop of a picturesquely manicured garden and an impressive building behind a beautiful pond. One of the rapper's correspondents said that this area, indeed, is very similar to Putin's summer residence in the vicinity of Gelendzhik, near Golubaya Bay. How the wedding organizer managed to take such pictures, getting so close to, most likely, the restricted area is unknown. From some of Harry's statements, it becomes obvious that he is a big mess and loves jokes like a child - probably there is some kind of tricky trick here too.

The bride of the famous musician is a real beauty and all that is known about her is her name - Natasha. She looks lovely in a white dress and veil, but one can only guess about her age and occupation. With this, everything is clear: mystery and understatement add pluses to the rating of the rapper himself, on which his financial situation depends. However, it is already possible to draw some conclusions about the habits and character of the girl. Judging by the statements and revelations of Topor, who assures his listeners that he does not drink or smoke, does not take drugs, his chosen one, too, is unlikely to sin with such shortcomings. Harry also does not favor girls with too free morals, which means that his Natasha has a good knowledge of ethics and knows how to behave within the bounds of decency. Something on the pages of the Ax still appeared about artificial and natural beauty. Therefore, the image that his beloved chose is, most likely, close to natural.

According to some regulars of Harry's blog, who probably know him better than others, Natasha is an old love of the rapper and has appeared with him at concerts more than once, flashed in common photographs. According to estimates of jealous fans, they have been together for more than three years and finally decided to register their relationship. Many of the site's subscribers are happy for Ax - for such a period you can fully study all the advantages and disadvantages of your betrothed and not make a mistake in choosing, and therefore the young sincerely wished happiness and "children". Moreover, Harry, according to his assurances, is going to be the most exemplary father: he has a great example of his own father - a military doctor. By the way, there were also many girls with broken hearts among the correspondents of this news.

After announcing his wedding, Harry introduced Natasha to everyone in a video chat. Together they got in touch with fans from an Italian cafe. The rapper answered questions from the audience himself. Harry Axe's wife was friendly, reserved, even shy, and looked very nice. True, her husband's jokes constantly went "around the bush" with direct answers and were distinguished by a play of fantasy. He increased his wife's age to forty, although they look the same age, joked a lot about her rejuvenation to thirty through plastic surgery and stated that they met in prison. Natasha was not always active, but willingly agreed with him. When answering polls about football, it turned out that she did not understand this hobby of her husband very well. The incentive to improve the taste of Ax's wife appeared and now, one can hope that she has a clear goal ahead of resolving family harmony.

A - Aggression

Yes, I write evil rap. Yes, I am aggressive and short-tempered. For example, if a drunken dude sits next to me and starts yelling at everyone, then I will either tell him to get out or just do it all at once. But the fact that rage awakens in me instantly does not make me inadequate. If at someone's birthday I see, say, a Kosovo Albanian, then of course I will not jump over the entire table and poke a fork at him - it's enough just not to talk to him and not spoil anyone's holiday. Aggressive doesn't mean mean. With all adequate people I communicate normally. And with close people I am very kind.

B - Battle

I am so unlucky with rivals that it seems that I own voodoo and pierce their dolls with knitting needles before the battle. I can't name my next opponents yet. By the way, I don't feel bad about any of them.

I was shocked by the situation with Noise. It's a shame that this happened. I honestly prepared for the battle and counted on decent resistance. I will say one thing - I would like him to come prepared.

There is an opinion in Vanya's group that Noise's behavior was a kind of protest against non-freestyle battles. If so, then I don't understand it.

B - Beginning

In my first year, I recorded my first tracks on a "tram" microphone. I still don’t know what a “tram” microphone is and how it differs from a “non-tram” one, but, apparently, it is this one that is used in transport. I didn't have an instrumental, my friend played something like "Metallic" on the guitar, and I read the lyrics. I didn't understand the recording process at the time, but I saw some dudes read softly (mimics a low, husky voice), so I just muttered something into the microphone. As a result, my older brother said that he did not understand a word, and I was very upset.

I took up “serious” hip-hop about four years ago.

Z - Envy

Lyokha Alexandrov once said a wise thing: "Envy is the engine of progress." For example, I have a healthy envy of performers who gather 1000 people at a concert - this pushes me to record more tracks and shoot more quality videos. At the same time, this does not negate the fact that I am sincerely happy for them.

Z - Evil rap

I labeled my music as "evil rap". Someone listens to him because of the thirst for aggression in the ears during training, someone because he sees acute social problems in him, and so on. Every creative person who does something lives in his own reality. Welcome to my little world - the quintessence of violence and sexual aggression.

I'll tell you a case. One of my former colleagues always pointed out to me that I was doing rap - that is, complete nonsense. After the release of Dancing with the Dead, he himself came up and told me: “I haven’t told anyone about this yet, but a couple of years ago, a friend of mine predicted to me that I would meet a person who would tell everyone about dancing with the dead, but they wouldn’t listen to him. and will continue to die. Since then, we have never touched on the topic of my music.

Z - Evil rap - 2

Actually I have a fat producer. When he says something, only his shiny cheeks are visible. It is he who makes me do evil rap, even though I beg him to let me write about heifers, cars and heroin. Unfortunately, he does not consider it fashionable. However, I believe that one day he will die of obesity, and when his body cools down, I will finally write a track about how I drive a Lamborghini, drinking in it right at the wheel (pause) ... What do they drink in Lamborghini? Yes, at least a beer. After all, when you drive such a car, you do not care what to drink.

The funny thing is that now many will think that I actually have a fat producer.

L - People

Uneducated people annoy me. For example, when you tell a person that he looks like a rhinoceros, and he doesn’t even know who a rhinoceros is, then this is already beyond. Knowing the meaning of the word "rhinoceros" is the base, this is what children need to be taught even before the ABC. I also don't like ass lickers and the so-called. "glors", that is, those who support the performer only while he is at his peak. For example, Steam fans inspire respect in me because, both before the battle and after, they continue to fill up with messages about what a bastard I am. They do not turn away from him even in difficult times. It's another matter, they are idiots in the sense that in general they write something like this to me, but let's omit this moment. But many fans of the Tsar turned their backs on him after his defeat.

I'm sick of drunk heifers. I am by no means a moralfag, but girls do not need to bring themselves to the point of “the soul flew to heaven, and the legs to the police”, climb onto the bar, vomit on the crowd and simultaneously jerk off through the fly to a random acquaintance. I also want to give a cuff to smoking pregnant women.

M - Opinions of others

Of course, the opinion from the outside is important to me. And I would not like at all that after my tracks someone would start cutting people in the bathroom. It's just music after all. For example, horror movie directors are not crazy - they just shoot something that arouses certain emotions in people. So the characters of my tracks are just characters. At the same time, I do everything sincerely and do not deceive the listeners by talking about what is not in life.

N - Nationalism

I am proud of my Russian and Serbian roots and stand for the unification of the Slavic peoples. In fact, I would not like to touch on the topic of nationalism.

NG-New generation

Give a first-grader an iPad and he will figure it out right away. Give the iPad to me - I will only think for half an hour how to turn it on. I'm so ancient that until recently I did not know how to switch to the Russian layout in a Macbook. At the same time, most students are not aware of absolutely elementary things. Once at the battle, I said: “I'm Harry Ax and my goal is grandmas. I am Rodion Raskolnikov. Not everyone understood that I was talking about the ax as a tool, about grandmothers as about grandmothers-interest-bearers, associating myself with literary character. Some just thought my name was Rodion.

P - Dad

My favorite book since childhood is The Dictionary of Killers, which my dad gave me in first grade. By the way, this is still my only reference book. It contains all the maniacs, literary, political and historical killers. Around the same time, my father gave me The Horrors of Nature, a book about animals that kill people.

In general, from the age of four I fell in love with horror films. Unfortunately, now almost all horror films are shot according to the principle: forcing music - calm - someone jumps out sharply. About nothing. Personally, I like The Evil Dead, A Nightmare on Elm Street with a young Johnny Depp, The Living Dead - such films were frightening with plot tension.

My father was one of the best chemists in St. Petersburg. In high school, he made bombs, with which he scared, including his friends, laid a small amount of explosives under their rugs in front of the apartment. After he stopped doing this, only firecrackers for the New Year remained.

I look up to my father. He is height. Military medic and Ph.D. who has written many books. When I myself become a father, I will follow his approach to parenting.

P - Popularity

It seems to me that taking autographs is a big stupidity. I would never ask for a signature from Mario Balotelli, even though I consider him one of the most charismatic footballers of our time. He is the same dude, like everyone else, just achieved certain heights. Maybe just take a picture with him. You see, a journalist can write articles for seven years, and suddenly release an interview with Harry Topor, who was hit by a car the next day. Of course, the author of the view will be discussed. So is the case with me. I've been doing rap for seven years, and some kind of fame came to me only after Versus. O miracle! What about my released albums?

It's funny when a juicy girl with juicy tits and a fucking ass comes up to you asking for an autograph. I don't get it - it's more like I should be asking her for an autograph, isn't it?

R - Work

In principle, I have enough time for both work and hip-hop. By the way, I have to travel around the cities not only because of the performances, but also because of the duty of the profession. I won't say what my job is, but certainly not a butcher or a pathologist.

By the way, I speak English, French and Serbian. I want to learn Spanish.

C - Introspection

I'm more of an honest person. It's another matter if an unfamiliar person asks me how a hat sits on him, which I frankly do not like, then I will say something like: "Listen, it's okay." It would be foolish to cut the truth-womb and tell him: "You're like a cretin in it, old man."

What do I not like about myself? I have noticed that my nose is very oddly shaped.

T - Texts

In general, writing texts is my least favorite and hardest thing to do. But when you record a finished track, it's like you get rid of the burden.


In general, as a child, I dreamed of becoming a football commentator and voiced matches in FIFA on a computer. I also wanted to become a surgeon: at the age of four I dissected toys with a scalpel (yes, I played with a scalpel at that age), pulled out the stuffing and sewed them up with thread. This is how I treated them.

Childhood and youth I welcome guests and regular readers of the site website. So, rap artist Igor Alexandrov, better known as Harry Axe, first saw the light on January 10, 1989 in St. Petersburg. Ross with his brother.
As a child, Igor dreamed of doing surgery, then he caught fire to become a commentator on football matches.
The boy spent his childhood years on the street in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg - Dybenko. It was here that Aleksandrov saw the grim types of Russian realities: drugs, alcohol, and fatal robberies.
Probably, these pictures were deposited in the memory of the child and inspired him to pour all the memories into music in the future.

Musical career

Being a student majoring in International Marketing, our hero began to record his first tracks. All the rapper's recordings at that time were of very poor quality, and there was no money for a studio recording, but this is how the young man got his first experience in adding rhymes.
The pseudonym "Harry Ax", according to one version, was chosen in honor of a character from Guy Ritchie's black comedy "Lock, Stock, Two Smoking Barrels". The young man took a more serious approach to rap in 2008, when he released his debut mixtape, Postulates of Rage.
In the second half of 2009, a mixtape of a guy called "My Enemy" was released, made with the participation of such artists as: Hammad Toure, Atom, Rob Ryda, P-Side, Cote de Cauve, DIS. In the same year, judging by the photographs in in social networks, Harry began to give live performances along with his friend .
In 2010, Alexandrov graduated with a degree in marketing and got a job. As Harry recalls, during his studies, he learned English and French quite well.

A year later, Igor will present his new job"Echo of War", which brought Ax the first recognition in the rap community.
Harry got even more listeners after the release of 2013 "Anatomical Theater", consisting of 6 solo tracks and 7 joint tracks with Talibal, Luperkal, Altabella, Blank, Tanir, R. Abbasov.

In the same year, the artist was invited to the rap competition "Versus Battle", where he proved to be a very strong opponent. In 2013, Igor took part in three battles, winning a landslide victory over, CZAR and.

Versus #13: Harry Topor vs Noize MC (2013)

The following year, he tried his hand at the battle with Tipsy Tip, but suffered his first defeat against ST.

In the fall, the premiere of the 14-track album of Ax and Raut entitled "Osland" took place.

January 2016 is marked by the release of the disc "Faces of Death", which was attended by: Nigativ, Stevie Insane, Shikolai and, as usual, Tony Raut. The chorus in the track "Evenings on a farm near Dybenko" is made in the style of heavy rock sound.

In June, Aleksandrov starred in a program where he demonstrated his freestyle beatboxing skills. In early February 2017, the premiere of the video for the track "Sannikov Land" took place, which became the first single from the upcoming album.

Personal life

As for the rapper's personal life, it is known that in the summer of 2015 Igor married a pretty brown-haired woman named Natalya. The girl took her husband's surname.

Ax also admits that music is just a hobby for him. The young man, being a marketer by education, has been successfully working in his specialty in large companies for a long time.

Harry Ax now

On September 17, 2017, the Ax battle was released against the Moscow artist. The majority of judges gave preference to Igor. Frames from VersusBattleRu videos from YouTube video hosting
Personal archive of Igor Alexandrov

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Article prepared by resource "How Celebrities Have Changed"