Thoughts about lying people. Lies - aphorisms, sayings, quotes

Lies are the embodiment of evil.
Victor Hugo

There are four kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, statistics, and quotations.
author unknown

A lie reveals a weak soul, a helpless mind, a vicious character.
Francis Bacon

Lies and deceit are the refuge of fools and cowards.
Philip Chesterfield

A liar needs a good memory.

The ability of a citizen or a citizen of a lower or uneducated level to report his illness or mental or physical defect is minimal, so often he is even ashamed to speak openly about it, so you must lie. Non-compliance is explained by the desire to use foreign language, someone else's experience. This contradiction creates a "necessity" for lying. A similar situation occurs not only in the field of medicine. Popularly speaking, lies for failure. For example, this is done in order to fail in the army or receive unemployment benefits.

A lie reveals to the one who knows how to listen, no less than the truth. And sometimes even more!
Agatha Christie

There are three kinds of lies: lies, heinous lies, and statistics.
Benjamin Disraeli

Lies - the same alcoholism. Liars lie and die.
Anton Chekhov

Lies often stem from indifference than from pretense.
André Maurois

While these are unpleasant things, they are not very rare. Perhaps then you should not talk about lies, but about deceit. Although everyone understands the importance of morality, he does not want to follow its requirements. Does it mean to be polite and pathetic, even if it is contrary to other positions or values? the best way for the individual is to lie for himself. The child lies to boast or leave, adults do this not only for others, but also for themselves. "I will begin new life from Monday" - a phrase familiar to many. Almost 80 percent of a lecture is self-evident, psychologists say.

One lie breeds another.

Lies have short legs but long arms.
Michal Hofman

Of all the most harmful lies, there is a vice.
Alexander Suvorov

A lie is like a heavy blow: if the wound heals, the scar will remain.

The most dangerous lies are truths, slightly perverted.
Georg Lichtenberg

Believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear.
English proverb

In the domestic sense, people want to avoid uncomfortable situations or conflicts. A lot of people talk about their health as both older people and people. But even here there is little truth. Therefore, it is not easy, and sometimes impossible, to “talk” with a doctor who is lying. Quite often we want to deceive ourselves, to convince us not to do anything else, to fire disabled people. Old people often do not cope with illnesses, they do not see real health problems. The circulation statistics, reporting on achievements do not reflect the real threats to society.

Western culture is the opposite Greek culture. This has two implications. First, it is an exception to Greek culture. The second consequence is the inability of the Greeks to become a state - in spite of their lust. We owe this knowledge primarily to the work of Costas Papaioannou, Cornelius Castoriadis and Costas Axelos. The ontological knowledge of their work, the knowledge of the ontological asymmetry of Western and Greek civilization is emphasized by Ms. Mangiro in the above book to make it a compass of political orientation.

We know very little and study poorly, and therefore we must lie.
Friedrich Nietzsche

We do not believe a liar even when he tells the truth.

One should not shamelessly lie; but sometimes evasiveness is needed.
Margaret Thatcher

Only those who are afraid lie.
Henryk Sienkiewicz

Half of all the lies you hear are not true.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

Based on this, the ontological analysis of the West offers us something unexpected, at least for me. Ontological political analysis is also an innovation that introduces the book into political thought. Its application to the various chapters of the book proves impressive praise. This is one of the very rare books that introduce the reader to the path of true political thinking.

Ontological infrastructure of the West. The basis of the cultural field involves the assumption of one of the following three ontological options. Latin choice. We are not a being, but an expression of being, a convention. German choice. Both individuals and we coexist as beings different levels.

A lie, outright or evasive, spoken or not, is always a lie.
Charles Dickens

The best liar is the one who can stretch the minimum number of lies over the longest possible time.
Samuel Butler

Lies degrade a person.
Honore Balzac

To lie is to acknowledge the superiority of the person to whom you are lying.
Samuel Butler

Greek choice. The linguistic attack on the three options is justified by the fact that the European peoples who built their culture on them were respectively Latin, German-speaking, and Greek-speaking. But let's take a closer look at the substantive definition of the three options.

The ancient Latins deified ours. Rome is a divine entity. Its despotic social hierarchy is sacred and inviolable. As a unique and eternal holy being, Rome demands world domination. His political ideology is Unesellalism. The ontological homologue of Latin is also us of Afro-Asiatic despotism such as Ancient Egypt and Ancient China. Their counterpart is also the Jewish ontological monism of the "chosen people". Only his own liberalism is eschatological.

Lies, like butter, slide over the surface of truth.
Henryk Sienkiewicz

GOLDEN RULE: Lie about others the way you would like them to lie about you.
author unknown

The one who lies does not realize the difficulty of his task, for he has to lie twenty more times in order to support the first lie.
Alexander Pope

On the ontological counterpoint of Rome, the rocks of the German military tribes appear. We, under the casual leadership of a military leader - a kelch, are based on extreme individualism. It continues as a feudalist and ends as a capitalist, and today, as "neoliberal" and "neoconservative", claims to be "global governance". His Course of Time: The Ontological Monophony of the Ego.

Their meaning is able to understand this because we live in their polarization. But the third ontological position cannot be understood in the same way, because its culture has long been destroyed. Because today's bearish cousins ​​are simply unthinkable. And this is only theoretical. Our key provides two key definitions of Aristotle: "Man is a political animal." And this is "a man alone, a beast or a god." It is no coincidence, Mrs. Mangiro says, that the Germans translated the first definition as "social animal." They equated "political" with "social".

Pain makes even the innocent lie.

To lie to oneself for one's own benefit is counterfeit; to lie for the benefit of another is a forgery; to lie in order to harm is slander; this is the worst harm of lying.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Exaggeration is a lie of well-bred people.
Joseph de Maistre

Lies bring endless torment to the soul and body.
Shota Rustaveli

However, they nullified what the Greeks were an ontological difference between human and animal sociability. Thus, the translators and "heirs of Greek civilization" thus became Aristotle's second definition: for a Person, as a "beast", which, in his opinion, is an original being, that is, a "god".

This implies that Latin is dominated by the double compulsion of nature, so God-Law and the Germans dominate the "beast within them". It is tragic that the already established nullification of the ontological difference between human and animal sociality emphasizes termite nests as a model of human communication. Consider how incredibly high the intellectual intelligence of the "social system" is, so that "the system works by itself." Without the need for thought, ingenuity and initiative of each person - the termite.

A lie corrupts the one who uses it, much earlier than it destroys the one against whom it is directed.
Romain Rolland

Who deceives you so often as you yourself?
Franklin Benjamin

I can't stand it when my lies are answered with lies. This is unfair competition.

So a sharp knife will not hurt, How a vile gossip will hurt a lie.
Sebastian Brant

Compare this with the autonomous development of the Technosphere and the replacement of socialism with its impersonal mechanisms. One sees everything else that is social, and the other sees people. They are simply doomed to exist in an impersonal - inhuman relation - self-sufficient social life animals. Nietzsche's famous phrase: "God is dead." In essence, he says that the "divine" self-understanding of the Latin "We" has been completely transplanted from the body of his despotic hierarchy into the German "We" as the self-respect of the Ego. As a result, the structure of the German We fully engages and becomes an autonomous and apparently uncontrolled Technological system that we already know about.

There are minds so deceitful that even the truth expressed by them becomes a lie.
Petr Chaadaev

Deceit is the worst vice.
Michel Montaigne

Lies have short but tireless legs.
Lech Navrotsky

Lies have a constant companion - cunning.
John Locke

You can lie only to your beloved woman and the policeman, everyone else needs to tell the truth.
Jack Nicholson

In Greek culture, Ms. Mangiro points out what is the basis of meanings in the Common Word of the human world, generates a love for getting out of the general biological rationality of the human animal. This gives rise to love for Pauline, where “well-being” fulfills the inexorable and indivisible unity of We and Ego, without humiliating one or the other, achieving a break with the zoological. This is the "level - the path of our existence", which Castoriadis calls the "institutionalized social imaginary" and approaches it through the "creation" of individual energy in a person.

The greatest liar is the unconscious liar.
Butler Samuel

First of all, they lie to those they love.
Nadine de Rothschild

Women lie easily about their feelings, and men even more easily tell the truth.
Jean La Bruyère

Don't tell him he's lying or he'll start telling the truth.
Joanna Wilinska

Where "creation" means "work for the municipality". Collective self-creation. Here animal life becomes political life. The psychosocial acquisition of ontological denaturation corresponds to "being in the world." In "the path of every administration". Where, according to Empedocles, from many and from one. That is why, at the city level, a person is a "project". The fundamental definition of this humanistic ontology, insofar as it transcends the polarization of the other two, creating a third level of existence, can be attributed to the correlative term "Triadic ontology".

No one has the memory to always lie successfully.
Abraham Lincoln

If a man never lies to a woman, then he does not care about her feelings.
Olin Miller

No one will lie if no one is listening.
James Beatty

The grander the lie, the easier it is to believe it.
Adolf Gitler

Everyone lies, but it doesn't matter because no one listens to anyone.
"Lieberman's Law"

It is actually an ontology, with the ancient meaning of the word. We have keyword wisdom: "Two metaphysics and ontology"! Our experience from the past and modernism from postmodernism in recent times has shown the reality of ontological nihilism. In this sense, "ontological" nihilism is the "dump" of cultures and at the same time, perhaps, the "way" of a person to another culture. It is stated that we are in the planned political "dislocation". With a systemic "breakdown of collective identity." It is now observed in a way that happened in other critical periods of Western history.

I am not like Washington: my principles are higher and grander. Washington simply could not lie. I can, but I refrain.
Mark Twain

There are people who lie just to lie.
Pascal Blaise

Oh, it's easy to deceive me! I'm glad to be deceived!
Alexander Pushkin

We lie louder when we lie to ourselves.
Eric Hoffer

As specific attacks aimed at collapsing the culture of the ruler, as well as erecting concrete barriers in front of random free passage, the book further points out that in addition to what happens in the historical diachrony, at the same time in the same culture, the degree of socialization people will vary to the point of "not absorbing the individual" from society. Both on an individual level and a collective level, due to a failed social organization. Ontological History of Modernity.

The book tells, after all, how the dominant ontological choice of the modern West was, how the subordination of Latin to German, while the systematic exclusion of the Greek ontological choice. Some key points of this course are as follows.

Trouble forces even the honest to lie.
Publius Cyrus

Is it proper for a decent person to lie?

It would seem that lying is a simple matter and accessible to everyone, but meanwhile I have never seen a liar who would successfully lie three times in a row.
Jonathan Swift

Between truth and lies there is room for something more human.
Dominik Opolsky

Thus we have an ancient Greek-region, but with universal implications, two drops of a dominant ontological level. Greek meanings, surviving, went immunity against malicious challenge, with the strengthening of the new hegemony, as good Christian meanings. Here the author goes beyond Castoriadis, for whom Byzantium was the red cloth. That it contributed to Greek Christianity at the level of central significance is not, according to this interpretation, a "new ontology", but the fact that the Greek fathers of mercenary Christianity, in accordance with their Greek ontological ideas, embody in Orthodoxy.

  • In times of universal lies, telling the truth is extremism. George Orwell
  • Most importantly, don't lie to yourself. F.M.Dostoevsky
  • You can't scare away children with severity, they can't stand only lies. Tolstoy L.N.
  • If you manage to deceive someone, don't think that the person you deceived is a fool. You've just been trusted more than you deserve.
  • If a lie can be useful for a short time, then in the course of time it will inevitably turn out to be harmful. On the contrary, in the course of time the truth turns out to be useful, although it may now turn out to be harmful. Didro D.
  • If you are trustworthy, do not deceive even the villain. If you are endowed with power, do not boast of your superiority. If you have virtues, do not expose the faults of others. If you have no ability, do not envy the ability of others. Hong Zicheng
  • There are three kinds of lies: lies, heinous lies, and statistics. Disraeli B.
  • Women drink flattering lies in one gulp, and bitter truth in drops. Didro D.
  • Truth loves criticism, it only benefits from it; lies are afraid of criticism, because they lose from it. Didro D.
  • Truth is reinforced by sight and time, and falsehood by haste and uncertainty. Tacitus
  • How can you not trust a person? Even if you see - he is lying, believe him, that is, listen and try to understand why he is lying? Gorky M.
  • Whoever is accustomed to lying must always carry a large memory box behind him so as not to alter the same lie. Novikov N.I.
  • He who once knows how to deceive will deceive many times more. Lope de Vega
  • Only rascals lie. Dostoevsky F. M.
  • It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they are fooled. Mark Twain.
  • Only those who are afraid lie. Senkevich G.
  • We do not believe a liar even when he tells the truth. Cicero
  • Deceit is the worst vice. Montaigne M.
  • Lies are the embodiment of evil. Hugo W.
  • Lies and deceit are the refuge of fools and cowards. Chesterfield F.
  • A lie reveals a weak soul, a helpless mind, a vicious character. Bacon F.
  • A lie, outright or evasive, spoken or not, is always a lie. Dickens C.
  • Do not tell a lie - know that there is no power in a lie.
  • Deception and force are the tools of the evil ones. Dante A.
  • One lie breeds another. Terence
  • Cunning and flattery are blood relatives. Lincoln A.
  • The most dangerous lies are truths, slightly perverted. Lichtenberg G.
  • Free is the one who can not lie. Camyu A.
  • Shaming a liar, joking with a fool and arguing with a woman is all the same as drawing water with a sieve: deliver us from these three, God! .. Lermontov M. Yu.
  • Aphids eat grass, rust eats iron, and lies eat the soul. Chekhov A.P.
  • You said - I believed, you repeated - I doubted, you began to insist and I realized that you were lying. Chinese wisdom
  • Lies degrade a person. Balzac O.
  • Falsehood whispers, lies whisper, but the truth speaks loudly. Lope de Vega

Tags for quotes about lies: Lies, Liar, Falsehood, Untruth, Deception, Cheating

As he had just done Augustine in the Latin realm, hiring Christianity over the Latin collectivist ontology to make universalism - Catholicism. Moreover, the respective Germans will adopt Christianity in accordance with their own individualistic ontology, as originally Arianism and Protestantism subsequently.

After that, thanks to the extreme "pragmatic mutation" We are British due to the "adventurers" of the Norman Conquerors, capitalism will do it. That is, as you say, Walter Benjamin, a "parasite" on the body of Western Christianity. "Pure Worship" Mammon. But let's get back to the conflicts of ontological "plate tectonics".