Surprise moment with birthday gifts. Nine Incredible Birthday Surprise Ideas for a Girlfriend

Liana Raymanova October 14, 2018, 20:55

When a loved one celebrates a birthday, I want to make this day unforgettable for him. You can bring this idea to life not only with the help of gifts, but also by organizing exciting surprises for him.

How to organize gift giving?

An original surprise for a man on his birthday can be unusual gift giving. Surprises from his beloved will give him special pleasure.

Surprise Day

You can make a day of surprises for a young man by placing small souvenirs in the most unexpected places. Let him see a greeting sticker on the mirror and a small souvenir in a beautiful box in the morning in the bathroom. For breakfast in a closed plate, give him an original keychain. Then, of course, feed and a delicious breakfast! In a portfolio for work, put a gift in the form of a diary or a CD with records of your favorite band. Let him find him at work and enjoy a good day! And in the evening, arrange a luxurious romantic dinner, learn belly dance and perform for your loved one! Such a day of surprises will be remembered by a loved one for a long time, despite the fact that the gifts had a small value.

When you want a birthday to remain in a person’s memory for a long time, give him gifts in an unusual way.

How to give a ring?

An unusual surprise for a birthday in the morning for a loved one can be the presentation of a ring. Hide the jewelry box in a house slipper. When she gets out of bed and wants to put on her shoes, she will be surprised that something is bothering her. How bright for her will be the moment when she realizes that this is a new ring!

Gold ring with diamonds, SL(price link)

How to give a gift in a restaurant?

You can organize a drawing of a birthday girl in a restaurant. Arrange with the waiters so that they knock over the container on it. And fill the container with rose petals, small coins.

You can give a gift with the words that there is an amazing rarity inside. It is available in Russia in a single copy, costs a lot of money and is awarded to a woman in honor of such a significant event. When the birthday girl opens the box, she will see only fragments from the vase. Of course, this will not be a real gift! Say that the dishes are beating happily and give her a real present!

Gift-draw for the birthday girl

Ideas for small birthday surprises for loved ones are inexhaustible. But you should prepare for them in advance and carefully. think about every little detail, so that there are no overlaps.

A gift can be hidden in an original way under the guise of the most ordinary things. Then you get cool gifts with a surprise for your birthday.

hidden decoration

Everyone knows the way how to hide the decoration in a drink or a cake, but you can make it even more interesting. Arrange with a pizzeria that they put a decoration in pizza or sushi. Order food delivery so that your beloved hears about your order. At dinner, seemingly so ordinary and unromantic, she discovers an ornament in a box of restaurant food.

How to give a small present in an original way?

A pleasant birthday surprise at a party will be the delivery of an unexpected package. Arrange for a huge box to be delivered at the end of the event. Let there be many more boxes in it according to the principle of nesting dolls. Put a present in the very last box. Even an insignificant souvenir in such a situation evoke strong emotions. And if there is a paid trip, there will be no end to joy!

We present a small present in an original way

How to organize a congratulation?

You can not only give a gift in an unusual way, but also congratulate the birthday man so that he I remember my birthday for a long time.

Unexpected meeting

You can arrange an unexpected birthday surprise at home. Agree with friends and relatives that no one will congratulate the birthday man on this day. Let him be a little upset! But in the evening, meet him with a noisy company, present gifts and have fun celebrating his birthday by dancing until the morning!


An interesting surprise for the birthday boy will be the presentation of an invitation to a country walk. Have a picnic in nature with barbecue and fishing. Such a gift is especially good in warm weather. It will appeal to people who prefer to relax in nature, away from the noise of the city.

For lovers of extreme entertainment, give a parachute jump, someone is more suitable for a horseback ride.

Do not limit your imagination and make this day the brightest moment of your life! Emotions, pleasure are always remembered much more often than the usual presentation of a gift.

Holiday event invitation

A cool idea to invite a birthday boy to a party is not quite the easy way. Print a receipt for a non-existent fine in the name of the person in whose honor the event is being organized. After reading official words warning to immediately pay off debts, indicate the phone number that a person must call to find out about the details and details. When the frightened hero of the occasion calls, invite him to a party or leave a note on the answering machine with information on where to arrive.

Original congratulations in public transport

For such a congratulation, you will have to take into account many of the smallest details: agree with the driver and the conductor of the vehicle, make sure that at the right time the birthday girl is in it, but the effect will be worth it. Arrange for the controller to try by all means to disembark a person, insisting that his ticket or travel card is not valid. Then the driver should intervene with the words that you can’t mock a person on his birthday. Let him do it with speakerphone. Without any doubt, all passengers will join the driver's congratulations.

Congratulations to a loved one in public transport

Original congratulations at work (study)

If you want to make an unusual congratulation for your colleague, you will have to agree with the authorities so that the birthday called to his office for a serious conversation. This can be done through a loud announcement or ask one of your colleagues to do it. Let the hero of the occasion be warned that the director (dean, rector) is very angry today, probably something terrible has happened!

When the birthday boy enters the office, the director must, in a stern voice, announce a forced reprimand to the employee and punish him in the form suspension from work for a day without pay. And it is done in honor of such a wonderful event as a birthday! Of course, any person will be delighted with an unexpected day off! For many, this will already be a gift! (Try to agree that the person is still paid for that day).

Congratulations birthday boy at work

Congratulate your loved ones in unusual, funny ways, and their reaction and pleasure will thank you for your concern!

The name day of a close friend is a real puzzle: you don’t know how to surprise a friend on her birthday, while giving a gift that she has long dreamed of. Even an inexpensive present will be remembered for a long time if emotions and impressions become an attachment to it.

Method number 1 - create intrigue

You can surprise a friend not with a gift, but with the process of delivery. As an option, do not immediately give the main gift, but arrange an adventure game. First, give a friend a gift box with a mini surprise and the first puzzle, solving which she will get to the second mini surprise with another clue, and so on until she gets to the most important gift. And in each mini-surprise, in addition to tips, put nice little things: a chocolate bar, a flower, a soft toy or a souvenir.

You can be intrigued if the present is packed in a small box, which is placed in a larger box, and so on. In the process of unpacking the gift, the birthday girl will go through the possible options in her head.

Method number 2 - make an original gift

A win-win option is to surprise a friend with a gift made for her. T-shirt, mug, phone case with a name or photo will not get dusty on a shelf or in a closet. The girl will like the picture with her portrait.

A professional artist will draw such a portrait from a photograph, and to make it even more interesting, ask the master to depict the birthday girl in the image of a favorite character in a book or film, against the backdrop of the sea, landscape, mountains or castles of the Middle Ages. You can paint a picture in different styles of painting: from romanticism to post-impressionism.

Method number 3 - create a mood

A birthday surprise for a friend can be made even before the main gift is presented, creating a mood. The birthday girl will be delighted if she wakes up in a room decorated with balloons, fresh flowers or butterflies. Do not torment her with the expectation of the first congratulations on the phone. She will not be offended by a night call with a request to look out the window if she sees in it a wish laid out with the help of candles.

It is unexpected and joyful to receive congratulations from strangers. To do this, let a dozen people she does not know send an SMS with congratulations at the same time. An incredible number of letters from unknown numbers will cause a lot of emotions in a friend. In order not to congratulate her with banal phrases, get ready: write a comic song, create a slide show or shoot a video in which you say warm and sincere words to her.

Method number 4 - make an original gift with your own hands

A proven way of original congratulations is a do-it-yourself surprise for a girlfriend. For a sweet tooth, it is more pleasant to receive goodies not in a bag or box, but in the form of a bouquet, in which sweets are wrapped instead of flower buds.

An alternative option is to bake homemade cookies, but not with fruit or cream filling, but with wishes. Another original way to congratulate is to make a cake out of cardboard. Let it consist of boxes in the form of pieces of goodies, inside of which there will be pleasant little things: a magnet with a joint photo, lip gloss, a bottle of your favorite perfume. If you plan to donate money, then it is better to give it in an unusual and original way, for example, in a bag tied on a balloon, or in a photo frame.

Method number 5 - give emotions and impressions

Impressions and a good time will surprise a friend on her birthday. So that the celebration of the name day does not turn into banal gatherings at home, and the hero of the occasion feels like a queen, and not a dishwasher and a cook, book a table for her in a restaurant. Spending holidays at the table is a stereotype; it’s better to celebrate your birthday in a water park, on the beach, in a bowling alley or a paintball club. At the end of the evening, make the final surprise - give a limousine ride through the city at night.

For calm natures, a certificate for procedures in a spa or beauty salon will be a good gift, which will give you the opportunity to pamper yourself and relax. A certificate for a professional photo session is the best surprise for a friend who loves to be photographed.

In each of us, regardless of age, there lives a child for whom a birthday is associated with magic and the fulfillment of desires. But often the presents received on this day are secretly given to relatives or acquaintances, and there is simply no place in the house for “things necessary in the household”. Therefore, it is better to give the birthday man something unusual.

To bring joy to a loved one, you just need to be a little more attentive to his desires. After all, you must have heard what he dreams about. Or try to imagine yourself in his place. A tenth frying pan will not bring great joy to a woman, a man will be skeptical about a set of socks or a cheap cologne, and children do not perceive clothes as a gift at all.

If you want to surprise the birthday boy with an unexpected surprise, you will need imagination, creative solutions and enough time to prepare. Indeed, in one evening on the eve of the celebration, it is unlikely that it will be possible to come up with and do something worthwhile.

DIY surprises

Exclusive gizmos made by hand in a single copy are highly valued. Therefore, if you have any talent in the field of needlework, in this case it will definitely come in handy for you. After all, items of clothing, various accessories for interior decor, handmade jewelry are very expensive.

You can please your beloved friend, mother, niece, for example, with an original fashionable summer handbag, knitted with your own hands and intricately decorated with laces, beads, flowers. The bag can also be sewn from leather or thick fabric or use the macrame technique. The bag can be completed with a cosmetic bag, a wallet and a mobile phone case made in the same technique.

If you are a decoupage master, present a chic set of glasses, artfully decorated with ribbon flowers, beads and seed beads. Similarly, you can arrange a bottle of good wine. Such an original hand-made surprise will not only delight the birthday girl, but also cause amazement and envy of the guests. After all, such a set will be an exclusive decoration of the festive table and it is impossible to meet a second one.

With your own hands, you can embroider a picture or sofa cushions with ribbons or beads, which will serve as a decoration for the living room. If the craftswoman has artistic talent, she can embody the portrait of the birthday man in her creation, then this gift will be especially valuable and will cause universal admiration.

Men whose hobby is making original things with their own hands can also surprise with their art on their birthday. Graceful carved wooden photo frames, wall panels, a set of cutting boards for the kitchen or an amazingly beautiful hot stand will not leave any housewife indifferent.

Collective surprises

If the birthday boy is a work colleague, a collective surprise can be prepared for him. Having sent him with some important task from the office for two hours, quickly set the festive table, decorate the room with many balls and hand-made posters with original congratulations. Congratulate the hero of the occasion who has returned from a short "business trip" in chorus on his birthday and seat him at the table. You can also give him comic awards made in advance with your own hands on this day.

A theme party arranged in the office in honor of the hero of the occasion will also cause him a pleasant surprise. Prepare, for example, impromptu costumes and props of the Indians and cowboys of the Wild West. On the walls you can hang announcements in which the sheriff announces a reward for the capture of wanted dangerous criminals, the most important of which is the birthday boy. Country music will be in the background. Indians, decorated with feathers, and cowboys in hats meet the birthday boy.

As accessories for creating an entourage, you can use everything that can somehow be connected with the theme: horseshoes, whiskey bottles, if there is a guitar and cacti, they will also be in the theme. Organized during the celebrations, competitions such as lassoing, water pistol shooting, dart throwing and peace pipe lighting will create an atmosphere of general fun.

Romantic surprises

For a loved one on his birthday, an ideal surprise would be a romantic evening organized without his knowledge or presented with unusual experiences.

Remove everything unnecessary from the room, place a lot of heart-shaped candles around the perimeter on the carpet, put a bottle of good wine in the center, two glasses, beautifully decorated fruit desserts. Of course, for dinner you need to cook something more substantial.

For decoration, gel-filled balloons and rose petals sprinkled on the carpet are suitable. For more comfort, place a few sofa cushions on the floor. By the time the birthday boy arrives, turn on the bewitching music, turn off the lights in the room and light the candles. Such a surprise will certainly touch your soul mate.

An unforgettable surprise will be the launch of Chinese "sky lanterns" into the night sky - paper balloons with burners attached to their base. As the air heats up, the lanterns slowly and beautifully fly up, becoming like small sparkling stars. Balls can be additionally decorated with your own hands to make them look unusual. Watching a flock of lanterns flying into the night sky is very touching and romantic.

Balloons are liked by both children and adults, and when they are present in large numbers, the atmosphere of the holiday is felt immediately. An original surprise and addition to any gift will be a huge bunch of colorful balloons filled with gel, which will be under the ceiling throughout the holiday, decorating the room. If at the end of the holiday the birthday boy is not sorry to part with them, he will be able to launch them into the starry sky together with the guests.

Surprise dreams

The fulfillment of the most cherished desires of the birthday man will be the most pleasant present for him. If he has been dreaming of trying or acquiring something for a very long time, try to “work as a magician” and make his wish come true.

Organize, for example, a parachute jump or riding a troika of horses, if you are sure that the hero of the occasion has long dreamed of such a gift. The emotions of this day will be remembered by him for a long time.

A noisy party with the performance of songs in the karaoke club will give the birthday person the opportunity to feel like a pop star, and a photo session in the amusement park will remind the impressions of this day for many years.

How to surprise your best friend on her birthday?

There can be a large number of varieties, but the main thing is not to overdo it and not at all put a young girlfriend in a sluggish position, coming pompously to visit when she is not waiting for anyone. The same goes for huge bears - a present that needs to invent a place to store it many times. The main rule of a successful surprise is that it must cause a storm of impressions. To guess, it is necessary to proceed from the tastes of a person, his desires and disposition. But a surprise for a friend’s birthday should by no means mean buying a thing that she has long wanted - it’s cute, but still just a present. It is better to give impressions - they are much more valuable than all things. So that the surprise is actually a surprise, pick up a moment when nothing distracts your girlfriend. And do not forget to prepare a couple of warm words. Well, so that you do not have a headache, we will tell you 23 extraordinary ideas, how to make a birthday surprise for a friend that fits into any budget.

So... If there are not so many economic means, surprise:

  1. Surprise box. Give a gift box, just give up the usual filling as gifts, much better - fill it with butterflies, flowers, or weightless balls.
  2. Surprise from weightless balls. Inflate a lot of balloons, hide them behind the door, covering them with a film so that they do not fall out. When a friend opens the door during the day, they will fall on her. Such a birthday surprise will be perceived by girls and women with humor.
  3. Endless wishes. Come up with rhymes and connections with her last name and print them out on plain paper. Post them all over her daily itinerary.
  4. Congratulations on asphalt. Try to remember your childhood and draw a festive inscription from crayons on the pavement (crayons are not punishable by law) or vice versa on the walls of the building. (By the way, our artists can draw real masterpieces).
  5. Congratulations on a marketing-billboard. Rent a billboard for advertising and place her portrait on it with wishes. Your girlfriend will certainly accept such a surprise.
  6. Money surprise-bouquet. If you expect to give a real surprise with money, instead of a stereotypical bouquet, present a bouquet of balloons or toys, hiding cash, sparkles, confetti in them.
  7. Song recording. Record a funny song with your buddies and congratulate your friend.
  8. Ticket to the rink or rollerdrome. A wonderful surprise would be to secretly gather a few close friends, call the birthday girl and go rollerblading or skating with a cheerful company.
  9. Bowling lane rental. Book a track in advance so that together with the birthday girl you don’t have to stand in line on her birthday. And when the game is paid, divide into teams and help win the hero of the holiday (the ideal option would be to change names to nicknames in advance).
  10. congratulatory poem. Try to remember all the main dates for you, nicknames, jokes and include it all in a nominal congratulatory poem. It is quite possible to state it orally or write it on an elegant postcard.
  11. Cookies with omens, wishes and predictions. It is quite possible to both purchase it and bake it with your own hands, putting pieces of paper with cool omens inside the finished cookies.
  12. A bouquet of sweets or a box of goodies. It is quite possible to make a bouquet without the help of others, having bought all the required sweets, or purchase from us. Including if the birthday girl is an adult young lady, she will be delighted with a rather big box with sweets, fruits and kinder surprises. If desired, it is also quite possible to hide an auxiliary gift inside.
  13. A very large snow statue. If a birthday surprise for a friend is planned in the winter, it is quite possible to make a very large snowman near her building, dressing him in a hat and giving a bunch of balloons in his hand. And later, as in childhood, call her outside and make a snow fight with a present for a favorite.
  14. Oscar figurine. If a friend expects to celebrate her birthday, it is quite possible to warn everyone invited in advance and play the Oscars. It is quite possible to give nominations to guests, and the largest cup to the birthday girl.
  15. Quest in search of a present. Make a solemn quest on your friend's birthday in search of a present. For example, give her a small gift, and there will be the first clue. Further, when she discovers the 1st surprise, it is quite possible to hide the next small surprise (glitter, shadows, handkerchief, notebook, pen, Best Friend medal, whatever comes to mind) as well as 1 hint. So until she finds the main present.

    If the money allows you to do something more... You can contact us!;) or do one of the following things yourself:

  16. Traveling in a limousine. Book an evening limousine ride around the town with your friends and celebrate her birthday in it, visiting memorable points in her life, at each of which acting out scenes from her past and filming.
  17. Rent a table. Book a table at the club and have a real party with close friends (tell your girlfriend that you have taken care of everything, just let her know in advance so that she can get ready. In addition to the club, it is quite possible to choose a beach, a boat, just a cabin in a cafe.
  18. Private dance. If you have a bachelorette party - order a private dance for the birthday girl. But be careful with such a surprise if your girlfriend is married (although you can ask your boyfriends to dance a little comic surprise - it is always appreciated with a bang +)).
  19. Spa certificate. Buy a relaxing spa certificate and take her there after a hard day's work. This will perfectly remove exhaustion and set you up for a real holiday. She can also be met by an amazing knight in armor and take her there on a carriage, reading poetry ...
  20. Strip dance membership. Including if a friend has never had a distinctive love for sports, she will definitely like classes on the pylon.
  21. Fish peel trip. As long as the Garra Rufa fish remove rough skin from the feet, it is quite possible to have an unsurpassed chat with close friends over a cup of cocoa or aromatic tea.
  22. Interest class. It is quite possible to purchase a personal or mass master class of any topic from us - from soap making to learning the basics of samba.
  23. Day at the water park. It is quite possible to feel like the queen of the beach, including in winter. In addition, in the water park you don’t really need to drive on slides - there is also a jacuzzi, sauna and relaxation area. And let the thought be including the most reckless one, it will most likely be another excuse for your smiles years later.
  24. Draw. You can arrange an unforgettable prank for your friend, which she will remember for a lifetime!

Don't go through the usual pitfalls like buying a very large bear - we've got you covered with over 20 really cool surprises for your friend's birthday. Think and implement. Or call us! 😉

Leave us a request, and we will come up with something individual, especially for you.

The main rule of a successful surprise is that it should just cause a storm of emotions. To guess, you need to proceed from the tastes of a person, his desires and character. But a birthday surprise for a friend should by no means mean buying a thing that she has long wanted - it is, albeit a pleasant one, but still just a gift. It is better to give emotions - they are much more valuable than any things.

To make the surprise a real surprise, choose a moment when your friend is not distracted by anything. And do not forget to prepare a couple of warm words. Well, so that you don’t have a headache, we will tell you 23 original ideas on how to surprise a friend on her birthday that fit into any budget.

If funds are not available

Surprise box. Give a gift box, just give up the usual present, better fill it with butterflies, flowers or balloons.

balloon surprise. Inflate a lot of balloons, hide them behind the door, covering them with a film so that they do not fall out. When a friend opens the door in the morning, they will fall on her. Such a birthday surprise will be appreciated by girls with humor.

Many wishes. Come up with wishes with her name and print them on plain paper. Post them all over her daily itinerary.

Congratulation on asphalt. Remember your childhood and draw a festive inscription from crayons on the pavement or on the wall of the house opposite.

money bouquet. If you plan to give money, instead of a standard bouquet, present a bouquet of balloons, hiding money, sparkles, confetti in them.

Song recording. Record a funny song with your friends and congratulate your girlfriend.

Ticket to the rink or rollerdrome. A great surprise would be to secretly gather a few close friends, call the birthday girl and go rollerblading or skating with a fun company.

Bowling lane rental. Book a track in advance so that you don’t have to stand in line with the birthday girl on her birthday. And when the game is paid, divide into teams and help the hero of the occasion win.

congratulatory poem. Remember all the important dates for you, nicknames, jokes and include all this in a personalized congratulatory poem. It can be told orally or written on a beautiful postcard.

fortune cookies. You can either buy it or bake it yourself by putting pieces of paper with cool predictions inside the finished cookies.

A bouquet of sweets or a box of sweets. You can make a bouquet yourself by buying all the necessary sweets, or you can buy it in a specialized store. Even if the birthday girl is an adult, she will be delighted with a large box of sweets, fruits and kinder surprises. Optionally, you can also hide an additional gift inside.

Huge snow sculpture. If a birthday surprise for a friend is planned in the winter, you can make a huge snowman near her house by dressing him in a hat and giving a bunch of balloons in your hand. And then, as in childhood, call her outside and arrange a snow fight with a gift for the winner.

Statuette "Oscar". If a friend plans to celebrate her birthday, you can warn all the invitees in advance and play the Oscars. Guests can be given nominations, and the birthday girl - the main prize.

Quest in search of a gift. Arrange a holiday quest on your friend's birthday in search of a gift. For example, give her some small gift that will contain the first clue. Then, when she finds the first surprise, you can hide the next small surprise (glitter, shadows, handkerchief, notebook, pen, Best Friend medal, whatever comes to mind) and one more clue. So until she finds the main gift.

If finances allow to arrange something more

Ride in a limousine. Book an evening trip around the city in a limousine with your friends and celebrate her birthday in it.

Rent a table. Book a table at the club and have a real party with close friends (tell your friend that you took care of everything, just warn her in advance so that she can get ready. In addition to the club, you can choose a beach, a boat, just a cabin in a cafe.

Private dance. If you have a bachelorette party, order a private dance for the birthday girl. But be careful with such a surprise if your friend is married.

Spa Certificate. Buy a relaxing spa certificate and take her there after a hard day at work. This will wonderfully relieve fatigue and set you up for a real holiday.

Strip dance membership. Even if a friend has never had a special love for sports, she will definitely like the pole lessons.

Fish peel trip. While Garra Rufa fish remove rough skin from the feet, you can have a great chat with your closest girlfriends over a cup of cocoa or fragrant tea.

Interest class. On specialized sites, you can buy an individual or group master class on any subject - from soap making to learning the basics of samba.

Day at the water park. You can feel like a queen of the beach even in winter. Moreover, in the water park it is not necessary to drive on the slides - there is also a Jacuzzi, a sauna and a relaxation area.

And let the idea be even the most reckless, it will surely become another reason for your smiles years later. Do not make banal surprises like buying a huge bear - we have given you more than twenty options for really cool surprises for your girlfriend's birthday. Think and implement.