What about Valya Isaeva after the transfer. Valya Isaeva and Khabib Potakhonov: the ugly truth about the purest love story

In 2005, the story of Valya Isaeva, who gave birth to her first child at the age of 11, stirred up the whole country. Valentina was an orphan, the girl was raised by her grandmother. Valya's life changed dramatically when she met Khabib Patakhonov, a native of Tajikistan, on her way. At that time, the guy was 19 years old. The couple began a relationship, as a result of which Valya became pregnant. Soon the whole country found out about her situation and began to call the unusual couple “Romeo and Juliet” behind their backs.

At first, some assured that Khabib should go to jail for having a relationship with a minor, while others begged to give future parents a chance to build a family. As a result, Valya and Khabib built a family, but failed to save it. More recently, the couple publicly found out the relationship, visited various talk shows. Patakhonov even managed to marry a second time, but soon filed for a divorce. Isaeva was also not alone for long, she had a young man who, as it turned out later, turned out to be a dummy.

“We had nothing at all with him. It was a show. I was forced to say so. This "lover" was found by TV people. The guy is our neighbor. TV people made up this story, and we had to play it. They introduced him as my lover, although this guy has a wife and a child. The television people first signed a contract with us, but they didn’t talk about the script until the very end. I didn't know they would come up with this. And when I found out, I could no longer refuse, because then I would have to pay a penalty - 500 thousand rubles, ”Isaeva admitted.

Now Valya and Khabib are together, soon they will have a third child. “Khabib and I reconciled. We are fine! We decided to save the family for the sake of the children. Moreover, we are expecting a third child. I am in my fifth month of pregnancy,” said Isaeva. Moreover, she admitted that she did not have love interests, which the public had recently attributed to her.

Valya forgave her husband many, even the fact that he had once raised his hand to her. Isaeva is not afraid to talk about it openly. “He beat me back in 2015. I thought I wouldn't forgive. But she forgave me, because Khabib promised to control himself and did not allow any more assault, ”said the young mother. By the way, the eldest daughter of the spouses Amina is 13 years old. At this age, Valya was already a mother with two years of experience. Now she is doing everything so that the heiress does not repeat her mistakes.

“We tell her everything openly and ask her not to repeat our mistakes. Khabib says to her: “You will learn, you will finish school, I will find you a groom. If you don’t want to get married, you will continue to study.” The teachers, of course, looked closely at her, maybe they were afraid at first, as if of something ... But she is a modest, home child. Sometimes he plays with his brother, sometimes he teaches English, sometimes he helps with the housework. Fully loaded with studies, she plans to go to college. He doesn’t even sit on social networks, he doesn’t correspond, ”Valya continued.

Amina is already making plans for the future. The girl dreams of finishing school and flying to Tajikistan. Parents approve of Amina's choice and are themselves thinking of moving from the capital, since, in their opinion, it is difficult to live here.

According to the material "KP.ru"

New lover

Recently, the same "Juliet" - Valya Isaeva - reappeared on the television screen. No longer a thin girl, but a 24-year-old woman with appetizing forms. But Khabib - the same "Romeo" - has not changed much, looks much younger than his years.

On the show, Valya introduced the audience ... her lover. A tall red-haired young man (a head taller than Khabib) entered the studio with a bouquet of flowers for Vali. Khabib freaked out naturally - not in public. "I am Muslim! I can't do that!" He boiled and attacked the opponent from the back - jumping up, hit him on the back of the head.

After recording the program backstage, Khabib was very aggressive, threatened. We warned him that it was in his interests to behave quietly, - the television people explained to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

As it turned out, the couple made money on the divorce: the heroes did not come to the studio for free. Everyone received their fee. In total - 250 thousand rubles.

“We have not had a family for two years”

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" called Valya for clarification: is it true what the audience saw?

- Valentina, have you and Khabib not lived together for a long time?

Yes, two years. I have had another man for a year and a half now.

- Why didn't you confess to your husband all this time?

There was no point. Yes, and he was not very interested in me. Lately, each of us has been living our own lives. All Khabib needed from me was for me to give him Russian citizenship ... He either disappeared, or sometimes he came only to spend the night. And I realized that it is necessary to finally dot the dots. What happened, happened.

- You hid from Khabib's revenge with your girlfriend for some time. Where do you live now?

At home with my grandmother. But we will leave soon - to my boyfriend in Kabardino-Balkaria (Valentina's new chosen one Viktor Popov is a locksmith from Nalchik. - Ed.). He only comes to Moscow to work. We will leave with the children, at least for a while, so as not to escalate the situation. I filed for divorce. Khabib does not want to give it to me, but the lawyers said that we would still be divorced through the courts.

- Are the relatives of your chosen one Victor ready to receive you?

Yes. He is a simple Russian guy and his parents are very nice people. They also respond very well to me.

- Victor doesn't offend you?

Just let him try! (Laughs.) I don't think that will happen. I never heard a single harsh word from him. He loves my children very much. I have complete confidence in this man. In general, I learned to protect myself. Already such a number will not work, as with Khabib!

- You won't endure more beatings?

Of course not!

- Did you suffer from Khabib for a long time?

All 12 years! He beat me for nothing. She didn't say it that way, she didn't look at it that way. Jealous. Although I didn't give a reason. Didn't change him. At the same time, they told me, he ran around the girls ...

"Stole a Child"

They say that Khabib, having learned about something else, threatened you with reprisal and even kidnapped his son? And he told the boy that his mother was dead ...

Yes. He took his son away and did not let him see him for a week. That's what it came to - to the kidnapping of a child! I wanted to take my son to Tajikistan. But the lawyers said: if, God forbid, Amir is taken away, we will imprison you.

- And now Khabib threatens you?

Not now. Scared. He comes to the children, communicates. But where he lives, what he does, I don’t know and I’m not interested. I allow him to come only during the day.

Can't you forgive Khabib?

No. Only divorce. He is still trying to persuade me to give him Russian citizenship. But I won't do anything to him. Meaning? He'll take over the apartment and that's it...

Valentina herself does not work anywhere yet. At school, her daughter is praised: Amina is a good student, it is clear that her mother works with her a lot.

My marriage was unsuccessful, it was a rash step, Valya sums up. - The only thing that Khabib gave me good is the children. They are the meaning of my life. But only with the birth of my second child, I fully felt what happiness it is - motherhood.

As it turned out, her new chosen one Viktor Popov, when he met Valya, did not know anything about her past. And when she revealed the truth to him, he was already head over heels in love and did not back down.

I will take care of Valya and her children, ”Viktor promised on the air of the Channel One talk show “Let them talk.” - I want to take her with the children and leave here ...


Khabib Patakhonov: I will get citizenship and let my wife go

« KP called Khabib Patakhonov for comments.

- Khabib, they say you are divorcing your wife Valya?

Already separated.

- Officially?

No, they are not officially divorced. We separated, but we are still married. We agreed with her (Valya. - Ed.) that I would completely finish my business - I would receive Russian citizenship, and then we would divorce. She gives her go-ahead about it. No problem. Since 2007, I renounced my citizenship - I was a citizen of Tajikistan, although I am an Uzbek by nationality.

- And now you live illegally in Moscow?

No, legally, I have a residence permit.

- Why couldn't they get Russian citizenship earlier?

There was no official income. I'm a taxi driver, I have a rental car. And in order to obtain citizenship, in addition to the Russian language exam, you need a certificate of income. And now I will have a simplified form of obtaining citizenship.

I have been married for over five years. My wife is Russian, and two children are registered in my last name ...

- Does Valya live with another man now?

No. She is at home with the children.

- After the divorce, the children will remain with their mother?


- How did you react to the fact that she had another?

I don't want to discuss it.

- You beat Valya?

Please don't bother me anymore!

Valya Isaeva is the youngest mother in Russia. The girl was born on September 11 (according to the horoscope Virgo) in 1993 in the industrial part of Moscow - Kapotnya.

The girl's childhood was very difficult, because after her birth, her mother immediately left her in the care of her lover, who was not Valya's biological father. True, this man was not long with little Valya. His favorite hobby was alcohol, which he took quite often and in large quantities. Thus, the man's health could not withstand such a toxic effect, and after a few years he dies. So, Valya goes into the care of his mother, Antonina Zenkina. It was at this time, when the girl was only 11 years old, that she met her lover in the person of a Tajik guest worker, Khabib Patakhonov.

A young man came to Moscow to earn money and, in search of some kind of housing, finds out that a certain elderly lady is renting a room. Having agreed with Antonina Zinkina, Khabib begins his stay with a small family. True, all this in the future turned into a real scandal, which to this day does not lose its relevance.


No matter how aesthetically pleasing it may sound, Valya was able to get her share of fame in 2005, when it was learned that an 11-year-old girl from Moscow became pregnant from an 18-year-old guest worker Khabib Patakhonov. According to Valya’s grandmother herself, she was completely unaware of their connection, since she disappeared at work all day long, and she simply didn’t have time to follow the girl, and she couldn’t even think that everything could turn out like this.

For a long time, Valya did not want to admit that she was pregnant, but when she began to ask adults about the possibility of pregnancy at the age of 11, some rumors began to circulate, and the tummy, which rounded over time, only confirmed them. Thus, Khabib is summoned to court and sentenced to a suspended sentence of three years. Khabib himself swore an oath to marry Valya, because he is madly in love with her. In 2006, she gives birth to her first child, daughter Amina.

Further proceedings

So, the couple began their life together, however, after a while, another shocking article appeared that Khabib was beating his wife, Valya's grandmother herself told about this. But, after they were invited to a TV show, Valya, all in tears, claimed that this was not so. It was there that young Khabib made an offer to the girl, however, the TV people paid for this action, and they say that the banquet in the restaurant was also paid for by them.

Further, Valya finishes 9 classes and goes to college to be a manager. In 2013, she gives birth to a son, Amir. And everything seemed to be going well, until in 2018 it became known that Valya had been in a relationship on the side for 2 years. Their couple was back in the spotlight as Valya wanted a divorce but Khabib did not, threatening to kidnap the children, which he ended up doing by taking Amir's son away for a week. But because of the threat of the court, he still changed his mind about transporting the child to his homeland.

Hello again

If anyone thought that this was the end of their story, then no matter how it was. Many argue that their divorce in the past was an ordinary performance in order to earn money, since both of them were given 250 thousand rubles for participating in the show. And now the flame of love lights up again, however, only at Valya. On the popular show "Actually", the girl says that she wants to return her husband, but, unfortunately, she was a little late with this statement, since already in Tajikistan, Khabib marries, according to Islamic laws, her compatriot Zarina. On the program, the girl seriously quarreled with his new wife and even got into a fight with her. And in the next issue, it became known that Khabib was leaving Zarina for the sake of a long relationship with Valya.

With this turn of events, Zarina was extremely upset and did not even suspect that she could be betrayed in such a way. Many viewers were truly imbued with Zarina's grief, because the girl was actually in love with her husband, and at that time he kept in touch with Valya Isaeva and repeatedly beat Zarina, even when she was in position. It was because of the beatings that she eventually lost her child.

Khabib and Valya are truly worth each other, because there has never been such a chaotic and most abnormal romance in history.

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The heroes of the new issue of the program "Actually" were Valentina Isaeva and Khabib Patakhonov. About six months ago, the couple broke up. A young woman who gave birth at the age of 11 accused her husband of raising a hand against her. She went to her lover Viktor Popov. Valya claimed that she met with him in secret from Khabib for a long time.

However, in the transfer of Dmitry Shepelev, Isaeva decided to ask for forgiveness from Patakhonov. He also came to the studio with a statement: the guy is ready to terminate the marriage with a young woman.

“I won’t give him a divorce. Let him not even hope for it, ”Valentina responded.

Isaeva decided to prove that she had never cheated on her husband. “I realized all my mistakes, that I did wrong, we have children, they need a father,” the woman said. Khabib is not ready to forgive her, he recalls how he suffered when his wife left.

Earlier, Valentina was going to leave Moscow with Popov and go to Kabardino-Balkaria. But after a while, Isaeva broke up with her chosen one, returned home, and then decided to go to work.

Experts believe that Patakhonov and Isaeva are lying in the studio. According to Valentina, Khabib helps her with the children, and also stopped raising his hand to her. Her husband confirmed that he plans to marry another girl. The experts found out: Patakhonov is telling the truth, but he wants to commit this act to spite her.

Valentina continues to insist that Khabib cheated on his wife. Last time, his betrayal was proven.

After filming the talk show "Let them talk", where Valentina introduced Victor to the children, she disappeared. The guy met the girl on the Internet. A few weeks later they met in real life. According to him, the young woman claimed that she was in the process of divorce. Popov was ready to marry her.

“We met in different places, in hotels,” says Vali's former lover.

Isaeva sought protection from Victor, but in fact she was not going to get married. The experts found out that the young man was lying when answering questions about whether he was going to marry Val. In addition, Popov's parents were initially against his relationship with the mother of two children. It also turned out that Victor and Valentina had an intimate relationship.

Experts urged Isaeva and Patakhomova to make peace for the sake of the children. “I can’t forgive it and I don’t want to live with this girl anymore,” Khabib said.

The man is about to get married. The bride of Patakhomova appeared in the studio. He announced the search for a new girl after filming in the last program. Khabib asked his mother to find him a chosen one, a "home" girl. Her name is Zarina. They never met in person. Isaeva claims that Khabib consulted with her about how he would live with the chosen one.

Zarina began to quarrel as soon as she appeared in the studio. She began to say that Khabib is her Islamic husband. Valya started yelling at both her husband and his fiancee.

“First, explain to the children that you have another wife,” Isaeva says.

Unable to control her emotions, Valentina attacked Zarina with her fists and clutched at her hair. Talk show staff began to separate the women. Isaeva injured her opponent's nose.

The experts decided that Valya is still fighting for her husband. However, she still has not forgiven Khabib for the harm that her husband caused her. Expert Roman Ustyuzhanin also asked a question about Isayeva's betrayals. It turned out that she had other men - in addition to Khabib and Victor.

“I will make everything change,” Isaeva replied to the pleas of those present in the studio.