Elena Malysheva: biography, career and personal life of a doctor and TV presenter. Elena Malysheva: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo Who are the children of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva is a TV presenter or, as she is sometimes called, a TV doctor. She hosts medical programs, where she explains in simple terms how diseases arise and how to deal with ailments.

Her medical shows are full of illustrative examples and comparisons, which have spawned a huge number of jokes and memes, and some episodes of episodes have turned into viral videos on the Internet. This influenced the popularity of Elena Vasilievna, thanks to her programs, the number of people who got acquainted with medical information in a popular form has increased.

Childhood and youth

Malysheva Elena Vasilievna (nee Shabunina) was born on March 13, 1961 in the city of Kemerovo. Father Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin and mother Galina Alexandrovna Morozova worked as doctors. Elena has a twin brother, who is often called a twin brother in the press, and an older sister. All the children followed in the footsteps of their parents, received a medical education and in one way or another connected their lives with medicine.

Elena graduated from school with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine. In 1984, Shabunina graduated from the university with honors, receiving a red diploma. The girl did not stop there and decided to continue her studies in the capital. In the same year, she entered the Moscow Postgraduate School of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and after 3 years she defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of heart rhythm disturbances by adapting to stressful effects and activating gamma-aminobutyric acid”.

In her youth, Elena Vasilievna Malysheva worked as a general practitioner, but then she became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Second Medical Institute in Moscow. Currently, she holds the position of professor at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry and works as a TV presenter.

A television

She did not immediately become the chief TV doctor of Russia. The television biography of Elena Malysheva began in 1992 in her native Kemerovo. The first program called "Recipe" was released on the city TV channel "Kuzbass". And Elena Vasilievna got on television by accident.

When her youngest son was 10 months old, he became seriously ill. The baby was operated on in Moscow, and the family returned to Kemerovo: it was easier to go through the rehabilitation period in their hometown. Then Malysheva suddenly noticed that there were no good and informative medical programs on the air. Elena Vasilievna even called the press service of the Kemerovo administration to complain about this omission.

Elena Vasilievna's school friend, German Gandelman, persuaded Malysheva to change the situation herself - to go to local television. He also introduced his girlfriend to the editor-in-chief, introducing her and stating: “This is Elena Malysheva. She will host a good health program.” And a young mother with medical knowledge immediately began to broadcast live on the Kuzbass TV channel.

A year later, Malysheva headed the Lazaret program, which aired on the Severnaya Korona TV channel, which broadcast on the 6th frequency channel of Russia. The bright TV presenter was quickly noticed and invited to Moscow, where since 1994 Malysheva became the author and host of the daily program “Did you call the doctor?” on RTR. In parallel with her work on television, she improved her medical knowledge and took a course at the European Center for Health and the Environment in the USA. By the way, only the most prominent health journalists were invited to these courses.

In 1997, the ORT channel resumed the release of the popular Health program, which was previously hosted by Yulia Belyanchikova. Elena Malysheva became her successor - now she has become the host, leader and author of the program.

Elena Malysheva in the program "Health"

All the time while Malysheva worked as a TV presenter, she did not stop studying. After 10 years, Elena Vasilievna wrote and defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. In the same 2007, Elena Malysheva became a member of the Academy of Russian Television.

The popularity of the Health program and the presenter grew. Since August 2010, Malysheva has also hosted the program “Live is great!”, Which airs daily on weekdays in the morning prime time on Channel One and Radio Russia.

Elena Malysheva in the show "Live great!"

Reviews for the show are controversial. A number of viewers and netizens believe that at the age of Elena Vasilievna it is already indecent to host such shows, the program itself is called phantasmagoric, and the actions of Malysheva and her co-hosts are offensive and emphatically stupid.

The chief TV doctor of Russia and her team are not afraid to raise slippery and risky topics in programs. On the federal channel, problems with potency or gas formation are discussed. In the show, puppet shows are sometimes played out, mock-ups and costumes are used, children participate, the audience bathes in tea, doctors depict internal organs - the least what happens in the studio looks like a serious medical broadcast.

Show Malysheva "Live great!"

This makes Malysheva's broadcasts bright and memorable, causing a public outcry. Although sometimes this resonance also has a humorous connotation, giving abundant food to parodists. "Friendly cartoons" on Malysheva have been done more than once and. In 2011, the TV doctor was even awarded the Silver Galosh anti-prize in the Malysheva and Udalysheva nomination.

Also, ill-wishers accused the TV presenter on the Internet of inadequacy, and sometimes attributed to her participation in a world conspiracy, for unclear reasons, often referring to her external resemblance to and alleged Jewish nationality.

Critics of Elena Malysheva also claim that her program “Live Healthy!” is an adaptation of the popular American program "Doctor Oz", based on the same themes and uses the layouts of the same name.

Despite all this, the TV audience loves the program and still watches it with pleasure. Professional doctors recognize this program as useful and express gratitude to the TV presenter for popularizing the simple and obvious, but not popular idea among the population that in case of illness, you need to consult a doctor and turn to official medicine, and not go to healers and do not self-medicate.

At the same time, Elena Malysheva does not at all deny the positive impact of folk remedies, for example, she speaks positively about the effect of tea on the body, but at the same time she repeatedly emphasizes that no matter how herbs improve health and promote metabolism, they will not replace pharmacological drugs.

Most likely, the outrageous and bright format of health programs was chosen specifically so that the episodes would be remembered and distributed on social networks and websites, and the advice of doctors would be seen and understood by various age audiences.

The authority of Malysheva in the field of medicine for the mass audience was so great that scammers began to use it. At the beginning of 2016, the TV presenter included a fragment in one episode of the program, where she tells how she found an advertisement for monastery tea on the Internet on her behalf. Elena Malysheva exposed the deception and stated that not only did she not advertise such a product in the program, but she also found out that the tea had not undergone any research and was hardly medicinal at all. The TV presenter asked her viewers not to believe such advertising.

The TV doctor added points to her popularity with the help of an effective diet she developed. Moreover, the diet of Elena Malysheva became popular even before it was officially presented. Some time ago, the Internet literally exploded with all sorts of recipes for harmony “from Malysheva”. At that time, the lion's share of these recipes, again, was outright fraud.

Elena Malysheva about diets and weight loss

Elena Malysheva reacted to the sudden popularity of her name like a real professional - first she organized a project in which volunteers lose weight in real time, registered the official website of Elena Malysheva, and then launched her own diet food delivery brand and released a design book about diets. This is how the real and quite effective diet of Elena Malysheva appeared. The doctor herself has been keeping her figure in shape for many years: with a height of 168 cm, her weight does not exceed 63 kg.

The TV presenter emphasized simplicity. Malysheva's diet is not constant complex recipes and calorie counting, all calculations and preparations are made by professional nutritionists and cooks.

The program participant is delivered ready-made blast-frozen dishes from a varied menu, which includes cereals, diet soups, as well as desserts and seemingly “harmful” foods like spaghetti or chili con carne.

The site also presents suitable diet programs for both weight maintenance and a balanced diet for hypertension. Thus, the program makes it easy and effortless to follow a healthy diet at home, which makes it interesting for both losing weight and busy people who do not want to spend money on cooking or sacrifice their health.

Book-constructor "Diet of Elena Malysheva"

Elena Vasilievna continues to support the work of the project, shoot programs about health and does not plan to complete educational activities in the near future, in the program schedule of Malysheva's show, as before, they are in prime time.

During her professional career, Elena Malysheva has become the author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine. And for her contribution to the development of Russian television and radio broadcasting in 2006, she was awarded the state award "Order of Friendship" and two government awards: the medal "For Services to Domestic Health Care" and the badge "Excellent Health Care Worker".

Personal life

Elena Vasilievna is happily married. Her husband is a scientist, professor, doctor of medical sciences and molecular biologist Igor Malyshev. The personal life of Elena Malysheva has never been a top topic for the tabloid press and has not provided food for rumors and gossip.

The Malyshev family raised two sons - Yuri and Vasily. The eldest son Yuri chose the profession of a doctor and works with his mother on television. It is known that he works as a creative producer of the program “Live is great!”.

In early 2015, Elena Malysheva became a grandmother: her eldest son had a son.

Elena Malysheva now

In 2017, as part of the Living Healthy! The project "Breath of the Motherland" was launched, the participants of which are offered highly qualified assistance in resolving health problems.

In March of the same year, Elena Malysheva opened the Elena Malysheva Medical Center clinic in Moscow, which offers a wide range of medical services. In the medical institution, consultations are conducted by specialists familiar from the First Channel program - neurologist Dmitry Shubin, cardiologist German Gandelman, anesthesiologist Mark Galperin, gastroenterologist Igor Gorodokin and otorhinolaryngologist Igor Branovan. In a personal account "Instagram" the TV presenter posts small videos from the “Consultation in a Minute” series, in which doctors answer questions from viewers.

Sometimes the doctors of the Elena Malysheva program face non-standard patient problems. In 2018, the guest of the program “Live is great!” became an Internet star, who became famous for his biceps pumped up with a dangerous substance. The young man was nicknamed Bazooka Hands.

Synthol injections turned out to be unsafe for the health of the young man, he began to experience severe pain from the inflammatory process in the muscles. On the program of Malysheva, a council of doctors was assembled, which determined that it was not possible to pump out a dangerous substance from the muscles of the Synthol Muscle.

In November 2018, Elena Malysheva visited Elena Malysheva, who had recently undergone a gallbladder removal. The TV doctor called the reason for the illness that led to the surgery, the extreme diets used by the singer. Anita admitted that sometimes she arranged fasting days for herself, limiting her fat intake. This, according to the doctor, had a negative effect on the functioning of the gallbladder.

Anita Tsoi on Elena Malysheva's program in 2018

Malysheva herself uses the fractional nutrition method, which helped her lose 10 kg. The essence of this diet is that each time the portion does not exceed the volume of one glass. This allows the human stomach not to stretch in size, and the feeling of fullness comes even with a small amount of food.

Slimmed TV presenter. Now, in addition to her favorite skirts and dresses, Elena Vasilievna does not refuse elegant trouser suits. Fans of the TV presenter have already appreciated the updated wardrobe, which the doctor shows in the photo in the microblog.


  • 1992 - "Recipe"
  • 1993 - "Infirmary"
  • 1994 - "Did you call the doctor?"
  • 1997-2014 - "Health"
  • 2003 - "City of Women"
  • 2010 - "Life is great!"

The well-known TV presenter and doctor Elena Malysheva has been working on television for a long time, on the first channel. Through simple explanations and TV shows, she conveys important information about health to citizens. Few people know, but Elena Malysheva is not just a television worker, but also a doctor with a higher education and a degree in cardiology.

Yes, no doubt, some programs with her participation cause an ambiguous reaction, but in general, the viewer loves her. There are videos that have become Internet memes and are often discussed by the public. Elena Malysheva promotes a healthy lifestyle, which is definitely worthy of praise.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Malysheva

The popular TV presenter looks pretty young, and this prompts you to think about the question of her height, weight, age, how old is Elena Malysheva. She recently turned 56 years old, her height is 168 cm, the famous TV presenter weighs 63 kg. According to Malysheva herself, she constantly has to deal with being overweight, although this is not easy.

Having a passion for flour, you have to constantly limit yourself, and after relaxing, again take your will into a fist. Of course, Elena Malysheva does not have bad habits, like most of her compatriots. She has no cravings for smoking or alcohol. For a while, Malysheva even went in for sports at home, but because of her dislike for physical activity, she left. The TV presenter is well aware that physical exercise is important for health, but she can’t suppress her laziness.

Today Elena Malysheva looks good, the fact that she adheres to proper nutrition gives its effect, and therefore, she clearly looks younger than her peers.

Biography of Elena Malysheva

The future celebrity was born in Siberia. Malysheva's parents also healed. Elena's maiden name is Shabunina. Elena has a twin brother and an older sister. Medicine attracted all members of the family. Three children decided to follow in the footsteps of their parents.

Malysheva first studied at school, and excellently, and then she entered and studied perfectly at a medical university. In the mid-80s, Elena Malysheva had already received a degree in cardiology.

Malysheva was a general practitioner and also assisted for the Department of Internal Medicine.

The biography of Elena Malysheva, as a famous doctor and TV presenter, began in 1992. Then, Malysheva first participated in a TV show. It was the local TV channel. The idea of ​​​​Elena Malysheva's participation in the filming of the TV show was submitted by a good friend Herman Gandelman.

A few years later, Malysheva is invited to another TV channel, where she becomes the TV presenter of the Lazaret program. The next step on the road to fame - work on RTR as the leading medical program, which was broadcast every day. Despite her education, Elena Malysheva strived for more, developed in the field of medicine. In parallel with filming, she managed to study at courses in the States. By the way, anyone could not get to these courses, but only by invitation.

Since 1997, Malysheva has hosted the Health program. Here she was waiting for great popularity. Soon, Malysheva took the post of not just a presenter, but also a leader and author of a television show.

After 7 years, Elena Malysheva received a Ph.D. It is worth noting that she not only worked on television, but also constantly studied, gained more and more knowledge and skills in the field of medicine. Malysheva perfectly combined work and study, as evidenced by achievements not only in educational terms, but also in the field of television. This is evidenced by the membership of Elena Malysheva in the Academy of Russian Television.

Three years later (2010), Elena Malysheva began acting in “Live Healthy!” Without abandoning the previous program. It was broadcast on the most viewed Russian channels on weekdays.

Not everyone is enthusiastic about Malysheva, some even consider her and her colleagues on TV to be uneducated and funny. Someone, on the contrary, is her fan. The thing is that Elena Malysheva, like any other doctor, can shamelessly discuss the most delicate topics that are usually not made public. Viewers of federal channels are sometimes horrified when gases or potency become a topic for discussion. It often happens that the hosts themselves, including Malysheva, act out funny scenes and ridiculous situations. Although, most likely, this is done just in order to defuse the situation and relax the people who came to talk about a delicate problem.

It is possible that such a manner of behavior on health programs was developed in order to attract more attention and create a resonance. As you know, non-standard attracts and attracts people.

Elena Malysheva about monastery tea:

Naturally, Elena Malysheva's career is viewed from a different angle. The network often laughs and discusses the TV presenter, invites you to talk shows, asking ridiculous questions, and also awards the Silver Galosh. This is a kind of integral part of the style and image of Elena Malysheva. She is not only a serious and educated woman, a physician, but also a person who is able to talk on any topic, without embarrassment and resentment.

As for the usefulness of the TV show and Malysheva's advice, there are also some contradictions here. There are a lot of people, and even colleagues of Malysheva, who recognize her advice, admire and gain experience. But, there are those whose opinion is the opposite. Part of the audience watching the program "Life is great!" frankly, he considers her advice not only stupid, but also dangerous to health.

Personal life of Elena Malysheva

The personal life of Elena Malysheva is not full of a series of novels, divorces and other things, like other domestic celebrities. The TV presenter only got married once, and is married to this day. Malysheva's chosen one is Igor Malyshev. He is engaged in molecular biology and has a doctoral dissertation behind him.

According to the TV presenter, her husband rarely watches a TV show with her participation, and if he does, he does not climb with tips and corrections. Igor and Elena Malyshev work at the same medical institute. There is no gossip about Elena Malysheva's personal life, because there is nothing to gossip about. Elena and Igor Malyshev have two sons with a slight age difference.

Family of Elena Malysheva

The family of Elena Malysheva consists of her sons - Yuri and Vasily, as well as her husband. It is known that the TV presenter has a twin brother Alexei, who works in the surgical department, he is also the head of this hospital. Elena Malysheva's sister, Marina, works as a neuropathologist in Tuapse, at the same time heading a branch of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise.

The eldest son Yuri followed in the footsteps of his mother, received a medical education. At the moment, he holds the position of creative producer of the program “Live is great!”. The youngest son is a lawyer.

Children of Elena Malysheva

The children of Elena Malysheva are the sons of Yuri and Vasily. Three years ago, he tied the knot with a girl Karina, who is Armenian by nationality. In 2015, Yuri and Karina had a boy, Igor. This is the first and so far the only grandson of Elena Malysheva. Malysheva admits that she gets along well with her daughter-in-law, she likes both Karina's character and her thriftiness and decency.

But, unfortunately, as always happens, his son already has his own family, and each family has its own way of life and customs. Because of this, Malysheva tries not to interfere with advice, so as not to escalate the situation. Elena's husband was very happy with his grandson, he constantly loves to babysit him, change clothes, without experiencing any hassle.

The eldest son of Elena Malysheva is Yuri. wedding of a young couple

The eldest son of Elena Malysheva is Yuri Malyshev. The guy followed the family tradition and received a higher medical education. At the moment he works with his mother on television. Today he is happily married and is raising a wonderful son (Malysheva's grandson) Igor.

It is known that the children of Malysheva mainly live in the United States of America. Malysheva's husband loves his grandson, pays him a lot of attention. According to Malysheva, the husband is so passionate about raising his grandson that he does not notice anything around. The son of Yuri Malyshev is a real joy for happy grandparents.

The couple had a great wedding. Elena Malysheva (wedding of the eldest son) photo below:

The son of Elena Malysheva - Vasily

The youngest son of Elena Malysheva is Vasily Malyshev. There are few introductions about him on the network, only that he is a lawyer by profession, as well as a bachelor and lives in the States. Vasily loves his mother and tries his best to support her, even while away from her.

A big part in the life of Malysheva is taken by the elder brother Yuri. He works with his mother on television. Many gossip that it was he who began to insist on jokes and nonsense for the broadcast of television programs.

Elena Malysheva's husband - Igor Malyshev

The famous TV presenter praises and presents her husband in every possible way. For her, he is perfect. In short, Elena Malysheva's husband is Igor Malyshev, a very calm and balanced person. He also chose the profession of a doctor. The views of the spouses agree in many ways.

Minor disagreements arose only with questions about the upbringing of sons. Igor supports his wife in everything. He rarely watches TV shows with his wife. As you know, Elena and Igor Malyshev live in perfect harmony, without quarrels and scandals. A dream is not a family.

Elena Malysheva's diet for weight loss at home. Menu for the week

Elena Malysheva's diet at home is also very popular. The menu for the week is designed so that you do not have to starve or come up with sophisticated recipes. With the help of such a diet, many have lost excess weight and are still not gaining.

The list of products for the diet will not cost a pretty penny, as it happens with other diets. Elena Malysheva insists that fried food releases harmful substances that prevent the body from being cleansed of toxins and excess fat. There is a lot of material on the network that describes in detail the list of products and the complete list of dishes.

The popular Elena Malysheva, although she leads a healthy lifestyle, eats right, follows all the advice, as a doctor and a person who monitors her health, she looks too suspiciously young. Especially, fans and spiteful critics drew attention to the absence of deep wrinkles on Malysheva's face.

Like it or not, many have long suspected Malysheva of using plastic surgery. If you look at the photo of Elena Malysheva before and after plastic surgery, then everything is obvious. Many celebrities turn to plastic surgeons for help, and most likely, Elena Malysheva is no exception.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Malysheva

The TV presenter and chief physician of the country is very popular. Because of this, Elena Malysheva's Instagram and Wikipedia contain a lot of detailed information. On Instagram, Elena Malysheva has almost 49 thousand subscribers. Malysheva often updates new photos, delighting her fans. These are snapshots from the workflow, that is, from the filming of the TV show, and other snapshots.

Elena Malysheva causes mixed reviews, not everyone loves her, but she is definitely not boring and meticulous, but extraordinary, calm, with humor. No one is obliged to listen to the opinion of Elena Malysheva, but watching a program with her participation is a real pleasure.

Elena Malysheva- an ambiguous character, almost every inhabitant of the post-Soviet space knows her. Some admire this woman even after the program "Live healthy" they immediately run to fulfill all her advice, for example, eat kiwi skins, poop according to all the rules, substituting a small stool under their feet during defecation, and what else did this madam not have time to advise unfortunate viewers over the long years of the existence of her programs. But other people are sarcastic towards Elena Malysheva, openly laugh at her and even consider her a pea jester, and some even collect and collect pearls that she gave out on the air Elena Malysheva, by the way, candidate of medical sciences, professor! Look, you will laugh to tears.

At the time of this writing Elena Malysheva turned 56 years, on television she 1992 year, though she began her stormy educational medical activity in her native Kemerovo where she was on maternity leave with her parents.

Elena Malysheva happily married for about thirty years, together with her husband Igor Yurievich Malyshev they gave birth and raised two sons.

eldest son Yuri was born in 1988 year, named after his paternal grandfather, doctor by education, married, happy father of a son Igor. And here is the youngest son Elena Malysheva name is Basil, he is named after his maternal grandfather, and a lawyer by profession.

An interesting story of close acquaintance Helena, then Shabunina and her future husband Igor Malyshev. Together, the two went to graduate school at Moscow, they knew each other with a hat, but one day they met quite by chance on the street of their native city Helena- in beautiful Kemerovo. Elena out of courtesy invited a colleague to visit her, Igor I was not taken aback and came to dinner that evening. Elena was a chaste girl, it seemed to her the height of bad manners to accept a polite, on-duty invitation from a girl and come to her house. To entertain the silent guest, Elena Malysheva began to show him the first book that came to hand, it turned out to be an illustrated album on fine arts. Nude, kissing scenes, light erotica, Elena she was embarrassed and closed the album, but the ardent young man decided that all this was a hint at the beginning of a relationship. Then bored Elena I decided to turn off the light and turn on the New Year's, flickering lights on the Christmas tree, all this without any intention, but now Igor almost showered the shy Elena kisses, again taking it as a hint, if the parents had not come in and called the guest to the table, he would not have escaped a hot slap in the face. Further, events began to develop rapidly, Igor Malyshev dad liked Helena, which means that the matter remained small, Igor I had to just surrender to the impulse of feelings. Offer Elena Igor did it in a very original way, he invited her to become the mother of his two sons, and this request was made on the metro platform, the doors slammed shut, confused Elena sailed off, she did not sleep all night and thought - where did she get Igor children, and what happened to their mother, and in the morning she replied that she agreed to adopt the children of her beloved, but let him first reveal the secret of what happened to their mother. Igor was confused, as you probably guessed, he had no children, it was about future, joint with Elena children.

In this photo you see Elena Malysheva, her husband Igor Malyshev, their sons Yuri And Vasily.

On this photo Elena Malysheva with her husband Igor.

And like this Elena Malysheva she looked young, in the photo she is on the right.

This photo shows the family Elena Malysheva. It turns out that Helena I have a twin brother and his name is Alexey. Sister Marina several years older than the twins.

Like this Elena Malysheva could now look on the air. A few years ago, viewers were asked to choose a new image for Elena Malysheva or vote for the old one, that is, the host of the program "Live healthy" I could take off my glasses, put on lenses and start doing bright makeup. But the audience did not want change!

In this baby photo you see from left to right: Elena Malysheva, her sister Marina and twin brother Alexey.

In this photo you see Elena Malysheva in young age.

Full name: Elena Vasilievna Malysheva

Age: 57 years old

Father: Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin

Mother: Galina Alexandrovna Morozova

Zodiac sign: ♓ Fish

Place of Birth: Russia, Kemerovo

Nationality: Russian

Height: 168 cm

Family status: is married (Igor Yurievich Malyshev)

Children: Yuri, Vasily

Activity: TV presenter, therapist, cardiologist

Biography of Elena Malysheva

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, cardiologist and general practitioner Elena Malysheva has been explaining to Russians in a simple and understandable way for many years where diseases come from and how to deal with them. She rightfully won the unspoken title of the country's chief TV doctor.

Doctor and TV presenter Elena Malysheva

Elena jokingly says that Masha Rasputina sang about her in her famous song “I was born in Siberia”. In this cold and harsh land, the biography of the excellent student Lenochka Shabunina began.

Malysheva family: mother and father

Malysheva Elena Vasilievna was born on March 13, 1961 in a respected family of doctors in the capital of Kuzbass - the city of Kemerovo. Elena's father, Shabunin Vasily Iosifovich, born in 1930, was of Jewish origin. He worked as chief physician in one of the city hospitals in Kemerovo.

Elena Malysheva with her parents, brother and sister

Mom, Morozova Galina Alexandrovna - Russian by nationality, also a doctor by education, led the infectious diseases department in the hospital. The family had three children, and all connected their lives with medicine.

Sister and twin brother of Elena Malysheva

The elder sister, Marina Vasilievna Kostenko, lives in Tuapse, has a specialization in a neuropathologist, and manages a branch of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. Elena has a twin brother, 10 minutes older than her - Shabunin Alexei Vasilievich, lives in Moscow, has a specialization in surgery, works as the chief physician of the Botkin Clinical Hospital.

Children's photos of Elena with her twin brother Alexei

Lena graduated from Kemerovo secondary school No. 19 with a gold medal. I was going to enter the journalism faculty of Moscow State University, but my mother imposed a taboo on journalism, even forbade her daughter to leave the house. Since Lesha's brother was going to study as a surgeon at a medical institute, Elena went to enter the university with him for company.

Career: how Elena Malysheva got on Channel One

Now, from the height of her years, Elena realized that the profession of a doctor was the best choice in her life of all possible. She came to the work of a TV presenter and author of her programs already with a large amount of professional knowledge of a doctor.

1978-1987: medical education

In the summer of 1978, Lena passed her first exam at the Kemerovo Medical Institute with excellent marks and was immediately enrolled as a medalist. In 1984 she received a red diploma on graduation from the Faculty of Medicine.

Elena Malysheva in her youth (pictured right)

She continued her studies at the graduate school of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. She defended her dissertation in 1987 and received the degree of candidate of medical sciences. At the moment, Malysheva is a professor at the Moscow Medical and Dental University.

1989-1992: Early television career

After graduating from graduate school, Elena almost one after another gave birth to two sons. The life of a young family in a Moscow hostel was so difficult that Malysheva got a job as a doctor on duty at the capital's hospital No. 51. During the day she was with the children, and at night she was on duty in the emergency department. Then the youngest son fell seriously ill, and Elena was forced to leave for her parents in Kemerovo.

Elena Malysheva at the beginning of her career

When the child was on the mend, she began teaching at the Kemerovo Medical Institute and accidentally got on local television. An old acquaintance brought Malysheva to the chief editor of the TV channel, she shared her ideas and received an invitation to host a medical program. In 1992, the program "Recipe" began to appear on the Kuzbass TV channel.

1993-1997: the road to the country's central TV channels

In 1993, the youngest son of the Malyshevs finally recovered, Elena's husband came for the family and took them from Kemerovo to Moscow. Although she offered her husband to stay in Siberia, because there was already work and her own TV show.

Igor then told his wife: “If we don’t return to Moscow now, even to the hostel for now, you will never forgive yourself for this!”

Returning to the capital, Elena began working as an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the 2nd Pirogov Medical Institute. She taught students, treated the sick, but the thought of TV did not give rest. Still, she had already plunged into this world, so she went to the television center.

Elena Malysheva on the set of the program "Did you call the doctor?"

I found my Kemerovo fellow directors, to whom I proposed my concept of a medical program. And already in 1993, on the 6th channel of the Northern Crown television company, the first issue of the author's program Malysheva "Lazaret" was released. Since 1994, on the Delovaya Rossiya (RTR) channel, she has been broadcasting the daily program “Did you call the doctor?”.

1997-2017: work on Channel One

In 1997, the ORT TV channel decided to revive the Health program, Dr. Elena Malysheva was invited to the project as a leader, presenter and author. She still leads this program on Sunday mornings. As part of the program in 2009, Elena launched the Lost Too Much project, where participants lose weight in front of viewers.

Elena Malysheva in the Health program

In 2007, she became a member of the Academy of Russian Television, defended her next dissertation, and received the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. Since 2010, she has been the host of the morning weekday program on Channel One “Live is great!”.

Elena Malysheva in the project "Life is great!"

Since 2012, she has been promoting the Elena Malysheva Diet project on the TV channel. Clinics "Medical Center of Elena Malysheva" with the widest range of services have been opened in many Russian cities. It is also expanding its network of weight loss clinics around the country.

Personal life and husband of Elena Malysheva

In the personal life of Elena Malysheva, everything is stable, clear and successful. She is happy in her only marriage with Igor Yurievich Malyshev. Although she did not marry until the age of 26. As Elena says about herself, “the chances of marriage were zero for a not very beautiful, but very smart girl.” And only the father was sure that Lena would definitely meet a good man.

Wedding of Elena Malysheva

She met Igor in Moscow graduate school. Ironically, Malyshev turned out to be Elena's countryman, he comes from the city of Novokuznetsk in the Kemerovo region. When they started dating, Lena read the poems of her favorite poet Mayakovsky to her future husband, and he patiently listened to everything to the end. Parents really liked Igor.

Elena Malysheva with her husband Igor Malyshev

Elena herself, after 30 years of family life, does not tire of repeating that her husband is a rare person and worthy of all praise. She is sure that she owes her success in life only to her husband. Igor Yurievich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, molecular biologist, head of the Laboratory of Cellular Biotechnologies. For his research work, he received several awards - the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation.

Sons of Elena Malysheva: Yuri and Vasily

The Malyshevs have two sons, their age difference is slightly less than three years. The brothers are very similar to each other and adopted the characteristic facial features of their father.

Yuri Igorevich Malyshev

In March 1988, the couple had their first child, the son of Yura. Elena then prepared for the defense of her thesis, and planned the whole day by the minute. Pet, wash, feed your husband, give a massage to a child, play and walk with him, and be sure to do scientific work for a couple of hours.

Elena Malysheva with her sons Yuri and Vasily

When my son was ten months old, I went to work in the city hospital as an on-call therapist. Yuri continued the dynasty of doctors, he is a doctor by education, now he works on the program “Life is great!” as creative director.

Vasily Igorevich Malyshev

In December 1990, the second son Vasily was born. After his birth, Elena had to return to her parents in Kemerovo. The kid suffered from acute respiratory infections, as a result, he began to have intussusception of the intestine. The boy was operated on and rescued. Only it was difficult for a young family to exist in Moscow in the early 1990s - empty store shelves and huge lines for groceries.

Elena Malysheva with her youngest son Vasily

Elena's husband sent her with her sons to their homeland, it was easier under the wing of mom and dad. When Vasily fully recovered, the Malyshevs began to live together in Moscow. The youngest son did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, he chose the profession of a lawyer for himself.

How many grandchildren does Elena Malysheva have

Yura, the eldest son of the TV presenter, in the summer of 2014 married a girl named Karina, a graduate of the Plekhanov Academy. Elena loves her daughter-in-law and affectionately calls Karishka. She coincides with her mother-in-law in many ways - in her views on life, in responsibility for the family, in the ability to work.

Grandson of Elena Malysheva - Igor

When Yura got married, his mother did not have a drop of jealousy, but only pride that her son had chosen an intelligent, serious and educated life partner. On January 25, 2015, Yuri and Karina had a son, Igor, and Elena Malysheva became a grandmother for the first time.

Height and weight of Elena Malysheva

Viewers have been seeing Elena Malysheva on screens for more than twenty years, but few people realize that all this time she has been waging a stubborn struggle with being overweight. Lena has been a plump girl since childhood, she never considered herself a beauty. But now for her age she looks great, so millions of viewers listen to her advice.

Parameters of the figure of Elena Malysheva:

  • Age: 57 years (as of December 2018)
  • Height: 168 cm
  • Weight: 63 kg
  • Dimensions: 86/65/92
  • Foot size: 38
  • Eye color: light brown
  • Hair color: fair-haired

Elena has developed a whole system, with the help of which the participants of her project “Drop the excess” lose weight and which the presenter herself follows. Malysheva advises never to starve, as obesity of internal organs can be provoked. You need to eat your fill, but only healthy, non-caloric, natural food.

Elena Malysheva has a slim figure

Between the main meals, there must be snacks, the body needs to be fed every 2-3 hours. Don't forget to count calories. For women losing weight, Malysheva calculated the energy value per day - 1200 kcal. The doctor advises to drink plenty of water every day. The minimum norm for a day is 8 glasses.

Diet basics from Elena Malysheva

Each piece of food must be chewed 12 times. Be sure to arrange fasting days once a week (buckwheat, fruit, rice or vegetable). Move more. No diet gives 100% results without additional physical activity.

Elena tells how to lose weight fast

According to the composition of food: remove fast carbohydrates (carbonated drinks, sweets, pastries, convenience foods) and fatty foods from the daily diet. Eat more protein (lean fish, meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products and chicken eggs). Start the day with a glass of warm drinking water, it will help the body wake up and start metabolic processes.

Elena Malysheva, 2018

In 2018, Malysheva appeared in a new image, as she lost weight. Now she can be seen not only in puffy dresses and skirts, but also in elegant trouser suits. The presenter lost weight solely due to fractional nutrition, there is no place for physical activity in her work schedule, occasionally she goes to the pool with her family.

How Elena Malysheva lives today

Elena's daily rise is at six in the morning, at ten she is already working at full strength. The program "Life is great!" does not lose ratings, but on the contrary, every year it increases its audience.

Elena Malysheva with the team of Channel One

Elena has a personal Instagram account. She publishes videos "Consultation in a Minute", where famous doctors answer questions from viewers. The practical help of her colleague on the program “Live is great!” provide consultations at the Elena Malysheva Medical Center clinic.

One of the "Medical Centers of Elena Malysheva"

Elena's television program has opponents, but there are still more supporters. Millions of viewers are grateful to her for teaching the basics of medicine. It is impossible not to recognize the fact that Malysheva is a great workaholic. Her motto is: "The harder life is, the harder it is to go crazy."

Photo: Instagram, youtube.com, vokrug.tv, teleprogramma.pro

Elena Vasilievna Malysheva- "Chief TV doctor of Russia", host of the TV programs "Health" (since 1997) and "Life is great!" (since 2010). Elena Malysheva is a professor at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry.

The early years and education of Elena Malysheva

Father - Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin(1930−2009) - worked as the chief doctor of a hospital in Kemerovo, later - in the Kemerovo city health department.

Mother - Galina Alexandrovna Morozova- Managed the infectious diseases department of the hospital.

Elena has an older sister, Marina, and a brother, Alexei. They are twins. Like their parents, all children became doctors.

Elena Malysheva graduated from secondary school No. 19 of the city of Kemerovo with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine.

Elena graduated from the Medical Institute with honors in 1984. In the same year, she entered the graduate school of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. In 1987, Elena Malysheva defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic "Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias by adapting to stressful effects and activating gamma-aminobutyric acid."

Elena Malysheva's work

After defending her dissertation, Elena Malysheva worked for some time as a general practitioner, then became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Second Medical Institute.

Now Elena Vasilievna works as a professor at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry.

Elena Malysheva's career on television

Elena Malysheva got on television quite by accident. Due to her son's illness, she returned to Kemerovo to restore the baby's health.

A school friend persuaded Malysheva to go on television and introduced her to the production editor with the words: “This is Elena Malysheva. She will host a good health program.” The girl immediately began to broadcast live.

In 1992, Elena Malysheva hosted the Recipe program on the Kuzbass TV channel (Kemerovo).

Six months later, Elena Vasilievna Malysheva and her family returned to Moscow. Having experience in television, Elena Malysheva became the author and host of the daily program “Did you call the doctor?”. It was a heading of the TV project "Business Russia" on RTR.

From the biography of Elena Malysheva on the Know Everything website, it is known that in parallel with her work on television, Malysheva took a course in the United States at the European Center for Health and the Environment. Only the most prominent journalists who deal with health topics were invited there.

In 1997, the Health program was revived on television (ORT channel), and Elena Malysheva became its host, leader and author.

All this time, Elena Vasilievna did not stop doing medical research. In 2007 she defended her doctoral dissertation. The topic of her work is "Reprogramming of cellular responses of macrophages: a new strategy for controlling the inflammatory process", according to Malysheva's biography on Wikipedia. In the same year, Elena Malysheva became a member of the Russian Television Academy.

Since August 2010, Malysheva has been broadcasting on Channel One - “Life is great!”.

Since 2012, she has been actively promoting a commercial project - Elena Malysheva's Diet.

Elena Malysheva has her own medical centers that operate in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Krasnodar, as well as Weight Loss Clinics in ten Russian cities, and their network is constantly expanding. The Elena Malysheva Center includes several specialized clinics.

Memes with Elena Malysheva, criticism

The work of Elena Malysheva in the programs "Health" and "Live healthy!" often causes considerable public outcry. Unusual approaches and themes lead to the appearance of Internet memes, it is quite possible that the authors of the programs deliberately provoke in order to draw attention to the program.

At the same time, many take Elena Malysheva's show seriously and are outraged by what they see. In November 2014, the Interregional Parents' Meeting, a public movement for the protection of the rights of parents and children, decided to send a complaint to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation about the programs Health and Live Healthy! since Malysheva's programs are allegedly engaged in propaganda of the beginning of early sexual activity among minors and the molestation of young people. Examples of program titles were given: “The whole truth about the vagina”, “Modeling an erection”, “How to choose and put on a condom”, “What happens during an orgasm”, “On the harmlessness of masturbation”. “It will be interesting to find out whom and with what we corrupted ...”, Malysheva herself commented on the news about this appeal.

In one of the programs, Malysheva raised the topic of gas emission during orgasm, which caused a wave of memes, and excerpts from the program were included in most comedy reviews on Youtube. In another issue, the presenter cut off part of the girl's jacket, demonstrating how the procedure for circumcising the foreskin in men takes place. Elena Malysheva also proved why it is useful to imitate an orgasm on holidays.

In one of the programs of Elena Malysheva, an experiment was conducted that led to the death of a rat, which caused outrage among viewers. Then it turned out, according to Malysheva's biography on Wikipedia, that the experience was indicative, and the animal was briefly sedated with a tranquilizer, which is used in surgical operations.

At the same time, many doctors are also skeptical about what Elena Malysheva says on the air of her programs. Often, Malysheva is accused of inaccuracies, the presenter was reproached for statements that could offend representatives of some nationalities.

In 2013, representatives of the SoyuzPharma Association of Pharmacy Institutions prepared a letter addressed to the General Director of Channel One Konstantin Ernst with a request to apologize for Elena Malysheva to the pharmacy workers. The reason for the appeal, as reported in the news, was the release of the TV show “Life is great!” dated June 7, which included the plot "3 mistakes in the pharmacy." According to the professional pharmacy community, the host of the program, Elena Malysheva, allowed herself incorrect and even offensive statements about pharmacy organizations and their employees. In particular, the program was told that "a pharmacy is a store whose task is to sell and earn money and no other."

In April 2018, in one of the programs, Elena Malysheva spoke about the importance of shooting stray dogs. Her words outraged Internet users and some representatives of show business. Particularly active ones even created a petition, but, according to Malysheva, journalists and the creators of the petition pulled her phrase out of context.

“In the plot of our program, we talked about a 19-year-old guy who was bitten by stray dogs. And they showed you how to defend yourself if you were the victim of an attack. The guy has a pregnant wife. There are hundreds of such cases in Russia. And there are thousands more who survived, but became crippled or mutilated, because in most cases dogs bite in the face. If you imagine that it was you or your mother who ended up alone in the park late at night with a pack of stray dogs, then you probably don’t want to sign a petition against Elena Malysheva, who considers it possible to talk about this problem in her program, ”said Malysheva.

Elena Malysheva also said that she had nothing to say to those who value stray dogs more than people. “Just as there is nothing to say to those journalists who, consciously or because they are not interested in the reliability of the information, declare that I, it turns out, demanded to shoot dogs for the World Cup, and they will probably come up with something else,” summed up the presenter.

In general, the popularity of Elena Malysheva has a scandalous connotation. For example, in social networks there was a photo of Malysheva in a half-naked form. But Malysheva herself denied the authenticity of the photo, in which she was allegedly depicted half-naked.

“This picture has nothing to do with me,” the TV presenter told the Lenta.ru portal, suggesting that the photo was taken using Photoshop.

The TV presenter added that she is calm about the appearance of such pictures on the network, the only doubt is the reputation of the media that publish such photos.

In addition to the manufacturers of fake naked photos, Elena Malysheva also suffered from thieves. In the fall of 2017, her "Medical Center" was robbed. As reported in the news, at about 07:00 on September 27, the offender entered the office of a medical institution located in Perevedenovsky Pereulok in Moscow. After that, having opened the safe, he stole a large amount of cash from it and fled in an unknown direction. According to preliminary information, about 1.5 million rubles became the booty of the robber.
On the fact of the incident, a criminal case was initiated under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Theft on an especially large scale”.

Around the same time, the police detained an attacker who was trying to rob one of the capital's banks. Later, law enforcement officers established that the raider in 2014 starred on Channel One in Elena Malysheva's TV program “Live Healthy”, which was dedicated to constipation. The offender came to Russia from Egypt, married a Russian girl who bore him a daughter. In recent years, he worked on Channel One and received a good salary. But for reasons yet to be determined, he decided to rob a bank.

Personal life and interests of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva is married. Her husband was a scientist, professor, doctor of medical sciences and molecular biologist Igor Malyshev. The family has two sons: Yuri and Vasily.

Eldest son - Yuri Igorevich Malyshev(born 1988) is a doctor by education, works as a creative producer in the program “Live is great!”, Married in the summer of 2014 to a girl named Karina. Elena Vasilievna has a grandson Igor (born 2015).

By the way, it is with the eldest son of Elena Malysheva, Yuri, that the original medical suits, scandalous topics are associated. The news reported that it was Yuri who came up with and took part in the performance of the song about the testicles, which added to the list of memes of the program by Elena Malysheva.

Younger son - Vasily Igorevich Malyshev(born 1990) is a lawyer.

Elena Vasilievna Malysheva notes that her husband is a very balanced and calm person, self-possessed and serious, there are no professional conflicts with him. He very rarely watches his wife's programs. However, if any broadcast still sees and makes a remark, then Elena Malysheva agrees. Disagreements in the family are rare and only about the upbringing of sons.

Elena Malysheva's day is scheduled literally by the minute. The TV presenter gets up very early, Elena Malysheva treats her health and the health of her family with all responsibility. Elena Vasilievna does not drink or smoke. Elena Malysheva is sure that everyone is simply obliged to take care of themselves: sleep a lot and eat only healthy foods. By the way, Elena Vasilievna practically excluded meat from her diet, she prefers to eat vegetables and herbs. And in the morning the whole family eats oatmeal. And Malysheva advises everyone to start the day with her, because she removes cholesterol from the body.

The heroine of one of the episodes of the program “Live is great!” was the poet's daughter Robert Rozhdestvensky Catherine. She is a famous photographer, in front of whose lens they posed Ekaterina Andreeva, Grigory Leps, Joseph Kobzon and the host of "Live Healthy" Elena Malysheva.

Malysheva admitted that she really likes her own portrait, which Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya made many years ago.

This is my favorite portrait. I don't have glasses. Rebellious, sexy beauty. God, why do I wear glasses? Malysheva said.

The definition of "sexy rebellious beauty" Malysheva uses not for the first time. In 2015, in an interview, the TV presenter said that she does not specifically do laser vision correction, since glasses are part of her doctoral image.