Sanitary norms of preschool institutions. "Requirements SanPin to the organization of the walk." For teachers


Perhaps it is difficult to overestimate the importance of a walk in kindergarten. On a walk, children actively move, breathe fresh air, learn the world are trained to work. All this is beneficial for the health, physical and mental development of children.

Sanitary standards (SanPiN dated May 15, 2013 N 26 ON APPROVAL SANPIN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations) it is determined that the daily duration of a walk for children is at least 3-4 hours.

The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half - after daytime sleep or before the children go home. When the air temperature is below -15°C and the wind speed is more than 7 m/s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out at an air temperature below -15 ° C and a wind speed of more than 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5-7 years old - at an air temperature below minus 20 ° C and a wind speed of more than 15 m/s;

During the walk, the physical activity of the pupils and rational clothing are provided, depending on the weather conditions, including winter period.

The reason for the frequent morbidity of a child cannot be directly dependent on the conduct of walks in kindergarten. On the contrary, the kindergarten implements sports and recreational activities aimed at strengthening the health of each child.

Territory equipment requirements kindergarten:
1. It is necessary to inspect the areas daily before the walk:
all equipment on the site must be in good condition (no sharp protrusions of corners, nails, roughness and protruding bolts),
small game forms, physical education benefits, etc. must meet the age of children and the requirements of SanPiN;
2. Remote and didactic material for children's games, should correspond to the autumn-winter period. Toys must be hygienic, not broken, for different types gaming activities, allowing to measure the motor load in accordance with the season of the year and the age of children;
3. The fences of the kindergarten should not have holes, openings to prevent the penetration of stray dogs and unauthorized leaving of children;
4. Pits in the territory must be filled up, wells are closed with heavy covers;
5. If dangerous and suspicious objects are found on the site, immediately inform the administration (guard), take the children to another site or to a room;
6. The gates of the kindergarten must be bolted;
7. In case of unauthorized departure of a child, immediately send an employee to search for him and report the incident to the nearest police station;
8. The requirements for the manufacture of snow structures (slides, slides, snow, etc.) must be met.

When organizing walks in the autumn - winter period, you should:
1. Dress children in accordance with temperature conditions, avoid:
- frostbite, hypothermia or overheating of the child's body;
- getting wet children's clothes, shoes;
2. Protect children from exposure to the following hazards typical for the autumn-winter period:
- injuries during games on the grounds not cleared of snow and ice;
- injuries from icicles falling from roofs, hanging blocks of snow during the thaw period;
- falling from slides, in cases of lack of caregiver's insurance
(provide control and direct insurance by the educator while sliding down the hill, climbing, jumping off a hill, sports equipment, throwing);
- injury: metal or wooden racks of objects sticking out of the ground, low stumps on playgrounds for outdoor games, injections with broken glass, dry branches, knots on trees, shrubs, splinters from sticks, boards, wooden toys, etc .;
- injuries to the pupils' legs: in the presence of pits and potholes on the site, when jumping from stationary equipment without the teacher's insurance;
- Injuries when sliding on an ice track;
- when organizing the work of preschoolers;
- injuries, bruises during games with sports elements;
- injuries, bruises during games on a wet and slippery ground;
- injuries, bruises when riding on the feet from ice slides, on sleds, while moving into icy conditions on slippery paths, outdoor steps, areas not cleared of snow, ice and not sprinkled with sand;
- injuries from touching metal structures on a frosty day with open parts of the body (face, hands, tongue, lips);
To not allow:
- infection with gastrointestinal diseases, acute respiratory infections, if the child takes dirty and cold snow, icicles.
- clean the roofs of all buildings from snow, sprinkle icicles with sand.

Each educator and all teachers replacing him should teach children to recognize dangerous situations in illustrations, explain to children.
Coordinate with the senior nurse, head of the possibility of going for a walk, depending on the state of weather conditions, air temperature.
The teacher should inspect the clothes, shoes of pupils for compliance with weather conditions.
Children should always be provided with spare clothes in case of bad weather, which parents bring in advance for this;

Safety requirements while walking
1. It is not allowed to organize a walk, work on the same playing area at the same time 2 groups of pupils, the presence of parents on an evening walk
2. The teacher provides supervision, control over the calm exit of the pupils from the premises and descent from the porch, do not run, do not push, when descending and ascending to the 2nd floor, hold on to the railing, do not carry large toys and objects in front of you that block the view of the path and others
Additional safety requirements when walking in winter:
1. Provide control and direct insurance by the educator of pupils while sliding along the ice paths, sledding;
2. Make sure that when sledding, the next child patiently waits until the child sliding in front of him reaches the end of the slope, slide;
3. Do not allow children to sit with their backs to the slope when sliding down the hill on a sled;
4. Make sure that children do not take dirty snow, icicles into their mouths;
5. When frost and wind increase, take the children to the kindergarten;

Safety requirements in situations during the walk:
1. All employees who temporarily replace the teacher in the group take on the functions of saving children.
2. In the event of unforeseen situations, it is necessary:
- ensure the safety of children;
- make sure that there is no dangerous situation;
- inform the administration about the incident, provide first aid in case of an accident;
- inform the rescue service by phone, if the situation requires it.

Safety requirements at the end of the walk
1. Organize a calm entry of pupils into the kindergarten (the 1st subgroup passes and undresses under the supervision of an assistant teacher, the 2nd - under the supervision of a teacher).
2. Clean the pupils' outerwear, shoes from snow, dirt, sand.
3. Check how the pupils put their clothes in the lockers. If necessary, change the pupils into dry clothes, underwear.
4. Organize execution hygiene procedures: going to the toilet, washing hands with soap.
5. Ensure drying of wet clothes, shoes after rain or in winter time

Types of walks in kindergarten

1. By venue:

On the territory of the kindergarten;

Outside the territory of the kindergarten (possible in older groups, for short distances).

2. By content:

Traditional, including the labor activity of children (cleaning leaves, snow, etc.), outdoor and quiet games, etc .;

Thematic: consisting of observations and conversations on a specific topic (animals, clouds, trees, city transport, etc.), can be a street theatrical production, a quest with overcoming simple obstacles - requires a pre-prepared scenario;

Target: organized exit outside the territory of the kindergarten, for a short distance (up to 2 km);

Excursion (as a rule, museum): 1 time per month, starting from the middle group;

Camping: can be held 1-2 times a year in older groups.

The content of the article

  • Norms 2015-2016
  • Daily regime
  • Treatment
  • Food unit
  • SanPin for staff

Norms 2015-2016

SanPin is a regulatory document that regulates sanitary and hygienic standards established by the state. IN this case We will talk about the norms for preschool institutions. The document SanPin describes the requirements that determine the content of groups, the microclimate and lighting in play areas, as well as the norms for children's nutrition and much more. SanPin, approved in 2013, is currently in force in Russia. The norms and rules prescribed in this document also apply to the current 2015 year.

According to the general requirements of SanPin for kindergartens, all norms and rules must be observed to the same extent, regardless of the organizational and legal form of the institution or the type of preschool institution. At the same time, children's groups placed in residential apartments or loma, the so-called family groups, should not be guided by these rules.

Rospotrebnadzor is one of the main regulatory bodies that oversees the implementation of the norms and rules of SanPin. In addition, the regional and federal committees of education and the prosecutor's office.

The age of children admitted to kindergartens in accordance with SanPin is from 0.2 to 7 years. The quantitative filling of groups in preschool educational institutions is calculated based on the area of ​​​​the room in which the group will study and play. For different ages children have different standards.

  • For groups up to three years, at least 2.5 sq. meters per child;
  • For groups with an age category of three to seven years, at least 2 sq. meters per child.

The calculation is based on the actual number of children in the group.

Daily regime

In the latest changes to SanPin, the rules and norms related to the daily routine of children in a preschool educational institution have been almost halved. Continuous wakefulness of a child from 3 to 7 years old should not exceed 6 hours, for babies under 3 years old, the norms are set depending on medical indications. Daily walks should be at least 3-4 hours, only twice a day - before lunch and after daytime sleep. For each age, SanPin indicates the norm of sleep duration per day, which averages 12 hours per day, of which at least 2.5 hours should be during the day.

Independent activity of children in a preschool educational institution should be at least 4 hours a day. This includes games, preparation for study, personal hygiene. These requirements apply to children aged 3 to 7 years. For children aged 1.5 to 3 years, continuous independent activity should not exceed 10 minutes, that is, 10 minutes in the first and second half of the day. The educational load for children of different ages is also regulated in the document. The main thing is that such activities should be carried out every day in the morning and afternoon. It is worth noting that educational activities that require higher activity and mental tension should be organized in the morning.

The requirements relating to the duration of children's walks are now advisory in nature and are set on the basis of weather conditions, which are very diverse throughout our country. With a properly organized walk, children receive more than half of the necessary movement needs per day. SanPin recommends as motor activity for children apply:

  • morning exercises;
  • Physical education both outdoors and indoors;
  • Physical education minutes;
  • Various active games;
  • Rhythm;
  • Special sports activities;
  • simulators;
  • Swimming.

Walk children in kindergarten.

For children aged 5 to 7 years, among the necessary physical activity, up to 8 hours of recreational and educational activities per week should be provided. In addition, it is necessary to include a complex for hardening pupils, which consists in airing the premises, washing cold water, exercise and walk outdoors.

The exact norms for finding groups of different ages in the pool can be found in the text of the regulatory document. After visiting the pool, children can be taken out for a walk no earlier than 50 minutes in order to prevent hypothermia.


According to SanPin, airing the premises of children's groups must be carried out repeatedly, during the absence of children. The duration of ventilation depends on the air temperature outside the window and the quality of heating in the room. Airing should be stopped half an hour before the children return to the groups. In the warm season, airing is permissible in the presence of pupils, in which case it is advisable to avoid drafts. The document contains a table that clearly indicates the duration of such procedures in a preschool.

According to SanPin, quartzization of groups in kindergarten must be carried out twice a day according to the schedule and after that airing should be carried out.

Washing and processing toys in kindergarten according to SanPin must be done daily after the children leave home. In the youngest groups - twice a day. Toys intended for outdoor play are washed immediately after returning from the street with them. It is also necessary to process toys just purchased, this must be done with soapy water for 15 minutes, then rinsed in clean water. The detergent used to treat toys must be safe for children.

In accordance with the norms of SanPin, bed linen in kindergarten should be changed as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. Washing of linen and towels is carried out either in the laundry room of the preschool educational institution, or a special organization with which a contract for the provision of laundry services has been drawn up.

In accordance with sanitary standards, for each child in the kindergarten group there should be an individual pot, and for children over 5 years old, personal seats made of safe materials should be installed on the toilets. Processing of pots should be carried out immediately after use using detergents and disinfectants. Toilets are cleaned at least twice a day.

Food unit

Each kindergarten group should be equipped with a sink for washing dishes with hot and cold water according to SanPin. The dishes are first cleaned of food debris, then washed with a sponge with the addition of mustard and soda. Then they are washed in water at a temperature of 50 degrees with the addition of bleach, then rinsed in water at least 70 degrees and dried on a grid intended for this. Once a day, the dishes should be boiled in clean water.

If there is a suspicion of a foodborne disease, then the dishes should, after cleaning and washing, be treated and disinfected in a solution of chloramine or bleach for 30 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly and dried.

All dishes in the preschool must be marked according to SanPin. Each pan must have an inscription for which dish it is intended, the marking is applied with oil paint.

Vitaminization in kindergarten according to SanPin is carried out taking into account the state of the pupil, with the obligatory control of the health worker and with the notification of parents.

If the menu does not include fortified drinks, then vitamins are added to the third dishes - compote or jelly, at a certain temperature

Norms of premises and equipment

In the SanPin for the pool in the kindergarten, it is clearly spelled out what rooms should be near the pool and what they are equipped with, as well as what kind of staff is needed in the pool. Special meaning should be given to cleaning and disinfection of the pool. With good water circulation in the pool, a complete water change should be carried out within 8 hours. If there is no circulation, the water should be drained daily. Cleaning of the swimming bowl should be carried out by the responsible employees. Showers, toilets and locker rooms are cleaned daily. spring-cleaning monthly. It is necessary to monitor the quality of water in the pool once a day.

Flowers are planted in the courtyard of the kindergarten in order to separate playgrounds from utility zones. According to SanPin, fruit-bearing, poisonous and thorny plants cannot be planted.

The size of furniture in a kindergarten according to SanPin must be of the same group and correspond to the table given in the decree. Each group of children's height should correspond to the size of the furniture.

Marking furniture in kindergarten according to SanPin should be done by color, depending on the size of the furniture.

SanPin for staff

All staff, including kindergarten teachers, must undergo medical examination when hiring. examination and certification of knowledge sanitary norms. Further, every two years, a test is carried out for knowledge of the same standards, and educators are also regularly tested. For example, testing "FGOS preschool education". All preschool teachers are provided with overalls.

According to the new SanPin, a kindergarten nurse must have at least a secondary medical education and have at least 3 years of work experience. The presence of a medical book is mandatory, every three months a medical examination must be carried out. When working, it relies on a document of due instructions and internal labor regulations

You can learn more about the SanPin norms for preschool educational institutions by clicking on the link.

Vera Kostikova
Walks for different age groups

Walk occupies in the daily routine of preschool children age considerable time and is of great pedagogical importance. According to SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations", approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26, the recommended duration of daily walking is 3-4 hours. Duration walks determined by preschool educational organization depending on climatic conditions. The time allotted for walk must be strictly adhered to. Organized walk twice a day: in the first half of the day and in the second half of the day - after daytime sleep or before the children go home.

structural components walks are: various observations;

labor assignments;

physical activity: mobile, sports games and game exercises;

Independent activity of children;

Individual work on different directions of development of pupils.

These components do not act as separate pedagogical activities, but as logically substantiated parts of the main one, which is planned by the educator in a particular age group on a walk, and allow you to make it more effective and interesting.

The sequence of structural components may vary depending on the type of previous educational activities. For example, if the children were in a lesson that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then at first walks outdoor games, jogging, then observations are held. If before walks was physical education or musical lesson, then stroll starts with observation or quiet play.

Each of the required components walks lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the background independent activity children.

In the motor activity of children on walk should include:

Outdoor games and physical exercises in the morning walk: in junior group - 6-10 minutes, in the middle group - 10-15 minutes groups - 20-25 min. At the evening walk: in junior and middle groups - 10-15 min, in senior and preparatory groups - 12-15 min. Outdoor games can be supplemented or replaced with sports exercises or in senior preschool age sports games , games with elements of competition.

Clothing Requirements children:

At any time of the year, clothes and shoes should correspond to the weather at the moment and should not overheat or overcool children;

With temperature fluctuations from +3 to -3 ° C and light wind, children's clothing should consist of three layers, including underwear. Outerwear consists of a warm jacket, trousers or gaiters; warm boots on the feet;

At temperatures from -4 to -10 ° C, children wear a winter jacket or down jacket with three layers of clothing. - with more low temperatures it is recommended to increase the number of layers of clothing to four or five, depending on the heat-shielding properties of the outer clothing. - in summer period To prevent overheating, children wear light hats.

In order to avoid overheating of children, it is necessary to adhere to the order dressing: at the beginning, children put on tights, leggings, then sweaters, overalls, shoes, and only last but not least, hats, outerwear and a scarf.

Children return from walks also in subgroups. junior caregiver picks up the first subgroup of children. Children of the second subgroups continue to walk for another 10-15 minutes with the teacher.

Duration walks in winter, the street is reduced when the air temperature is lower and the wind speed is higher than the indicators of the corresponding indicators set in the chart children's age.

1 junior groups up to -15 C quiet - at least 1 hour

from -12 С wind up to 5 m/s – not less than 30 min

2 junior groups up to -20 C quiet - at least 1 hour

from -18 С wind up to 5 m/s – not less than 30 min

Medium groups up to -25 C quiet - at least 1 hour

from -20 C wind up to 7 m/s to - 24 C wind up to 2 m/s (inclusive)– at least 30 minutes

seniors, preparatory groups up to -30 C quiet - at least 1 hour

from -25 С wind up to 10 m/s to -29 С wind up to 3 m/s (inclusive)– at least 30 minutes

Planning walks outside the site start from 2 junior groups.

In preparation for walk the teacher must first inspect the place walks, route, coordinate with the head. Driving route groups should provide for the least possible number of crossings of the carriageway and, if possible, the use of only controlled crossings.

The head, or the deputy head for educational and methodological work, appointed by order, conducts targeted briefing with an entry in the Journal of targeted briefing on the organization walks and excursions outside the Kindergarten site with all employees accompanying children, agrees on the total number of children going to walk.

In case of far walks it is important to provide for the required number of adults at the rate of one adult per 15 children. The teacher must first inspect the route and coordinate it with the head of the Kindergarten.

If, for some reason, children from groups remained in the Kindergarten, they, at the direction of the head of the Kindergarten, should be under the supervision of a certain employee who may be responsible for the life and health of children.

Children while hiking walks, excursions outside the Kindergarten site must be accompanied by at least two adults. One of the escorts is appointed senior.

Children are built in a column of two and take each other's hands. While moving in a column, children should not have any objects or toys in their hands.

One of the convoy escorts is in front groups, the second is behind.

Each of the escorts must have a red flag. Group must be marked with red flags carried by the first and last couples of children.

Forms of work with children walk in winter.

On the walk with children in winter, you can use the following forms work:

observations of live and inanimate nature, feeding birds;

Conversations with children on any topic;

Stories of the teacher and pupils from personal experience;

Creation of ice cubes and drawing up patterns from them, decorating the site;

Snow molding;

Drawing in the snow;

Labor on the site;

Conducting outdoor games in each age group;

Reading fiction and acting out fairy tales;

Role-playing games using snow buildings;

Educational games for the development of memory, attention, thinking;

diverse motor activity: physical education classes (according to the schedule, physical culture leisure activities, skiing, sledding, ice-boats, snowmobiles, various relay races and games using sleds and skis, snowball games, sliding along ice paths.

Yes, during walks you can invite children to watch how it snows, to consider snowflakes on clothes. The subject for observation will be trees, birds. In order to be able to watch the birds every day, the teacher with the children hangs pre-made feeders on the site and takes out bread crumbs for them.

If it is cold outside, the teacher draws the attention of the pupils to how the snow crunches under their feet, and explains why this happens. It will be interesting to observe the patterns on the glass. Together with the teacher, children can dream up and find friends outlines Pattern: herringbone, snowy mountains, white bunny, etc. during walks children analyze the weather, and then in group enter the results of observations in the calendar of nature.

It will be informative to conduct experiments with water. For example, filling molds with colored water, children will receive colorful ice cubes with which you can decorate the site.

If the snow is sticky, then it can be used as a building material and build a hill, a fortress, or just play snowballs. Taking some snow with you group, pupils will be able to observe its transformation into water.

Introducing children to work, the teacher can offer them to pile trees and shrubs with snow, repair snow buildings (if necessary, take part in the construction of a snow fortress. Organizing walk game It is important to ensure that all children are involved in this activity.


Planning the content of children's activities on walk depends on the season, weather, previous types of directly educational activities, interests, age pupils and is built taking into account the main components walks.

The choice of game depends on the season, weather, air temperature. On cold days good to start walking with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, jumping. In wet, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn) you should organize sedentary games that do not require a lot of space.

In warm spring summer days and early autumn games are organized with jumping, running, throwing, balance exercises. In hot weather, playing with water becomes relevant. During walks plotless are widely used folk games with objects, games with elements of sports games.

It is also necessary to pay attention labor activity children, the organization of which depends on the weather and season. For example, in autumn, pupils can collect flower seeds, harvest in the garden, in winter they can rake snow, make snow out of it. various structures. The results of this activity can be presented as part of a competition for the best snow building on the territory of a preschool educational institution. At the same time, it is important for the teacher to take into account that labor tasks should be feasible for children.

Great place on walks assigned to observations (pre-planned) for natural events and social life(including the labor of adults who work on the territory of the preschool educational institution or outside it). Observations can be made with group, subgroup of pupils as well as individually.

In addition, on walks work is carried out on the development of children's speech. Together with the teacher, the pupils learn small poems, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, lyrics, and also fix the pronunciation of "difficult" sounds. main place during walks is given to independent games of pupils.

During walking is important to keep all the kids busy. The teacher needs to ensure that the pupils do not freeze, do not overheat. Approximately half an hour before the end walks the teacher organizes quiet games. Then the children collect toys, equipment.



SanPin - 13

The walk is the main regime moment life of children in preschool. There are daily walks throughout the year. In winter, the walk is carried out 2 times a day for a total duration of up to 4 hours, subject to the relevant sanitary rules (temperature regime and wind strength). In case of inappropriate weather conditions, the walk may be shortened or canceled.

The purpose of the walk is to improve health, physical and mental development children, restoration of the functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity, hardening.

Goals of the walk physical development children. Walking is the most accessible means of hardening the child's body, helping to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds; - optimization of motor activity. On a walk, children move a lot, and movement increases metabolism, blood circulation, and improves appetite. Children learn to overcome obstacles, become more active, dexterous, courageous and resilient. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, increase vitality.

Sanitary norms SanPin dated May 15, 2013. it is determined that the daily duration of a walk for children is at least 3-4 hours. a walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - d-lunch and in the second half - after a day's sleep or before the children go home. When the air temperature is below minus 15 degrees and the wind speed is more than 7 m / s, the duration of the walk is reduced. No walk when the air temperature is below minus 15 degrees and the wind speed is more than 15 m/s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5-7 years old - when the air temperature is below minus 20 degrees and the wind speed is more than 15 m/s.

When planning a walk, the teacher provides for a uniform alternation of the calm and motor activities of the children, the correct distribution of physical activity throughout the walk.

In the winter season, it is advisable to recommend to parents the so-called layered dressing of clothes, i.e. t-shirt > shirt (t-shirt) > sweater (jacket) > jacket. At the same time, the T-shirt is tucked into shorts, the shirt into tights, the sweater into pants. This method will protect the child's body from hypothermia in case he sweats or gets wet from snow. Each subsequent layer of clothing will protect against getting wet (soaked in sweat).

When choosing clothes (especially underwear), parents are advised to give preference to natural fabrics. If possible, exclude the purchase of outerwear lined with fleece. Synthetic fabrics help to increase the body's heat transfer, while not absorbing the sweat of a steamed child.

During walks, the teacher should:

  1. Protect children from playing on areas not cleared of snow and ice;
  2. Provide for the possibility of icicles falling from the roofs, hanging blocks of snow during the thaw period (from the veranda, from the hills, etc.);
  3. Prevent falling from the slides, in the absence of caregiver's insurance;
  4. Provide control while moving in icy conditions on slippery paths, outdoor steps, platforms that are not cleared of snow, ice and sand;
  5. On a frosty day, avoid touching metal structures with open parts of the body (face, hands, tongue, lips);
  6. Make sure that children do not take snow in their mouths, icicles, dirty mittens;
  7. Before each exit to the territory, inspect it for safety. During the walk, the presence of parents is not allowed. The teacher provides supervision and control over the calm exit of the pupils from the premises and descending from the porch, do not run, do not push, when descending and ascending to the 2nd floor, hold on to the railing, do not carry large toys and objects blocking the view of the path in front of you.

At the end of the walk:

  1. Organize a calm entrance for kindergarten students (the 1st subgroup passes and undresses under the supervision of an assistant teacher, the 2nd under the supervision of a teacher);
  2. Clean the outerwear and shoes of pupils from snow and sand;
  3. Check how the children have folded their clothes in the lockers. If necessary, change children into dry clothes;
  4. Organize the implementation of hygiene procedures: going to the toilet, washing hands with soap, washing the nasal cavity;
  5. Ensure drying of wet clothes and shoes.