Comparison of preschool education programs. Analysis of the preschool education program

Comparative analysis of the "Basic educational program of preschool education" Kindergarten 2100 " / edited by R.N. Buneeva / and "Educational program of preschool education "Development" / edited by Bulycheva A. I. /

Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior educator, MDOU "Bell" b. Dukhovnitskoye village, Saratov region
Material Description: The proposed material will be useful to teachers of preschool education when choosing DL Programs.

Both Programs have been revised in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.
In accordance with the requirements for the structure of the educational program, the program "Development" ensures the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological characteristics.
The program is aimed at developing children's abilities in the process of specific preschool activities, in the process of communication with adults and children.

Unlike the “Development” Program, the result of raising a child under the “Kindergarten 2100” Program should be the preschooler’s awareness of himself, his characteristics and capabilities, the disclosure of his individual potential, the ability to cooperate with peers and adults, communicate with them, the habit of maintaining a healthy lifestyle life, for physical education, as well as psychological and functional readiness for school. A feature of the OOP "Kindergarten 2100" is that it is designed taking into account the characteristics and patterns of development of modern children, who differ significantly from their peers of the last century. Modern children have a new type of consciousness: system-sense (N.A. Gorlova), and not system-structural, characteristic of children of the last century. In their minds, the semantic sphere dominates, which determines the semantic orientation to activity. In other words, if the child does not understand the meaning of the activity that is offered to him, then he refuses to perform it.

The authors of the "Development" program shift their main attention from the content of education to its means. The task facing the authors of the program was to create specially educational situations at each age and use the situations of the natural life of children that develop their general abilities to the maximum extent. The theoretical foundations of the "Development" program are the following provisions. The first is the concept of self-value of the preschool period of development, developed by A. V. Zaporozhets. The second is the theory of activity developed by A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davydov and others. The third is the concept of development of abilities developed by L. A. Wenger and his colleagues.

The main goal of the Kindergarten 2100 program is to implement the principle of continuity, to ensure the upbringing and development of preschoolers in close connection with the integrated School 2100 system, with its postulates and concepts. A key feature of the program is a real solution to the problem of the continuity of preschool and primary school education. Pre-school education should create conditions for the maximum possible disclosure of the potential of each child in accordance with his age. A modern kindergarten synchronizes the processes of upbringing and learning, which begin to complement each other, rather than oppose each other, and also ensure the rich development of children. The child believes in his own strength, learns to be successful, sees his potential, becomes the subject of his life. All this, undoubtedly, makes it easier for the child to say goodbye to kindergarten and enter school, and also preserves and develops in him an interest in learning in new conditions.

The Development program has several lines of development:
* development intellectual abilities children, which occurs in the process of assimilation of substitution actions, the construction and use of visual models, as well as words in the planning function.
* development creativity child. They are manifested in the independent testing of new material, in the process of mastering new methods of action jointly with an adult and other children, but most importantly, in the formation of ideas and their implementation. In many sections of the program there are tasks aimed at developing children's opportunities at an ever higher level to create and implement their own ideas.
* development of communication skills. Communication skills are considered as playing a leading role in the social development of a preschool child. The result of the development of communicative abilities will be "socialization" as the mastery of ways of behavior that make it possible to comply with communicative norms and be accepted in society.

The main lines of development of preschoolers on which the program "Kindergarten 2100" is based:
* development of arbitrary activities;
* mastery of cognitive activity, its standards and means;
* switching from egocentrism to the ability to see what is happening from the point of view of another person;
* motivational readiness.
These lines of development determine the didactics and content of preschool education. The program "Kindergarten 2100" was developed taking into account the accumulated positive experience of modern preschool education, as well as taking into account the latest approaches and scientific discoveries in this area. This system does not claim to be universal, but its authors are convinced that it helps to overcome the negative trend of the primitive idea of ​​preschool education, and also ensures the continuous development of the child in conditions unified system at all educational levels.

Special developmental tasks for mastering various means of the "Development" program are offered to the child in the context of specific preschool activities, mainly in a playful way ( the programs are similar in this, it brings them closer). In a playful way, in the form of communication with adults and peers, the child “lives through” certain situations, connecting his emotional and cognitive experience. Along with this, the child's own cognitive activity also develops - from children's experimentation (N. N. Poddyakov) to the transition to solving cognitive problems and puzzles outside the game form.
The similarity of the Programs can also be seen in the organization of work in all educational areas:
1. Physical development;
2. Game activity;
3. Social and personal development;
4. Cognitive development;
5. Speech development;
6. Artistic and aesthetic development.
As for the Planned results of the development of the program "Kindergarten 2100" and "Development", they are based on the point of view of A.G. Asmolova: "... in preschool education, it is not the child that is evaluated, but the conditions created for his development, allowing him to be different, be successful and feel like a person with a usefulness complex" (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, these are psychological, pedagogical, personnel, material and technical, financial, information-methodical and other conditions for the activity of a preschool institution).

In the program "Kindergarten 2100" for each target and each age, the authors described the conceptual base (in the form of primary ideas) and the stages of formation and assignment of skills, as well as their implementation in creative activity. This table of planned results forms the basis for variable approaches to assessing the level of individual development of the child. It does not set strict standards for development, but only describes its possible manifestations, allowing you to build an individual educational trajectory for each child.

In the "Development" program, as the main criterion for assessing the psychological and pedagogical conditions of the activities of a preschool institution, the authors propose an assessment of ways professional activity teachers. To this end, they developed a special scheme for monitoring the activities of the teacher and his interaction with children in any of the educational situations and a methodology for evaluating the methods of activity.
In both programs, a system of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of children was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of pedagogical actions with a view to their further optimization. According to the results of diagnostics, the evaluation of the quality of the educational activities of the institution is not provided.
In conclusion, I would like to point out features of the analyzed Programs.

Dignity program "Kindergarten 2100". Preschoolers who are brought up under this program are able to clearly defend their point of view, they are independent, sociable, liberated and open to the world. The program is based on conducting a dialogue with children, and the educator not only transfers knowledge, but allows the child to discover it himself. The learning process is accompanied by classes with colorful manuals, consisting of several parts and including an impressive amount of knowledge and entertaining tasks. And yet - the principle of minimax. Knowledge is given within the age norm to the maximum, but minimal requirements are imposed on the assimilation of knowledge (according to the limits determined by the State Standard). Comfortable development conditions are provided for each child, each of the preschoolers learns at an individual pace. This eliminates overload, but the effectiveness is not reduced. The minimax principle allows you to determine the lower level of content that each child should learn, and also suggests its upper limit.

Individuality the program "Development" is that the program indicates the features of professional activity and training of teachers under the program "Development" (interaction between adults and children, personnel conditions for the implementation of the program). The authors of this program have always been in the position of mandatory special training for teachers to work under the "Development" program. Offered to the market of educational services in the early 90s, when education turned to developing student-oriented interaction between the teacher and children, the implementation of the program became possible only in conditions of special training for teachers. For this purpose, an educational center for the training of teachers for work under the "Development" program has been created and continues to operate.

I think I was able to reveal the merits, individuality, nuances of these programs, which will help you without a doubt choose one or another program and hope that with its help you will successfully create conditions for the maximum possible disclosure of the potential of each child in accordance with his age.

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Non-state educational institution of higher professional education

Eastern Economic and Legal Humanitarian Academy (VEGU Academy)

Specialty 050707. "Pedagogy and methods of preschool education"

Specialization - Preschool education


According to the methodology of training and education in the field of preschool education

Analysis of educational programs in preschool educational institutions

Gimaletdinova Zinfira Zauzyatovna

Raevsky 2012





The modern system of domestic preschool education is based on the principles of dynamism, variability of organizational forms, flexible response to the needs of society and the individual, is characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children, a variety of pedagogical services.

Among the factors influencing the efficiency and quality of education of children in preschool educational institutions, an important role belongs to the educational program. It is a guideline for the creative activity of educators: it determines the content of the educational process in the preschool educational institution, reflects the worldview, scientific and methodological concept of preschool education, fixes its content in all main areas of child development. In accordance with the direction and level of implementation of the program, the type and category of preschool educational institutions are established.

The modern differentiation of preschool education, the variety of types of preschool educational institutions imply significant variability in the use of programs and pedagogical technologies, while maintaining the unity of the main goals and objectives of preschool education.

1. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions

educational program preschool kids learning

The main programs of preschool education determine the content of the preschool stage of education, its level and direction, based on priority goals and objectives. They guarantee the necessary and sufficient level of education for the comprehensive development of the child.

The integrity of the educational process can be achieved not only by using one main program, but also by the method of qualified selection of specialized programs, each of which includes one or more areas of the child's development. The main programs determine the features of the organization of children's lives in the context of ensuring all its aspects and taking into account the use of the following forms of children's activities: classes as a specially organized form of education; non-regulated activities; free time during the day.

2. Variety of programs and their classification

At present, the main organizational form of preschool education is preschool educational institutions of six different types, as well as educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age. Accordingly, the bulk of preschool educational programs developed so far are aimed precisely at preschool educational institutions.

At the same time, due to a sharp reduction in the network of preschool educational institutions and the inability to accept all children of preschool age, since 2000, variable and alternative forms of preschool education began to develop.

Recent years in Russia are characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children, a variety of pedagogical services that are offered to children and their parents. Along with the state, there are non-state kindergartens. Most of the children's institutions solve the problems of the general development of children, but there are already institutions that aim at the early development of the special abilities of preschoolers (aesthetic centers, preschool groups and kindergartens at lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.); integration of education of healthy children and children with some problems of physical development; creation of preschool groups working in conditions of bilingualism, and others. This state of affairs in preschool education is directly related both to the growing demands of parents who want to raise the general level of development of children, to reveal certain abilities in them, to prepare them for studying at a particular school, and with changes in school education itself.

All programs of preschool institutions can be divided into complex and partial.

Complex (or general developmental) - include all the main directions of the child's development: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic; contribute to the formation of various abilities (mental, communicative, motor, creative), the formation specific species children's activities (subject, game, theatrical, visual, musical activities, design, etc.).

Partial (specialized, local) - include one or more areas of development of the child.

The integrity of the educational process can be achieved not only by using one main (complex) program, but also by the method of qualified selection of partial programs.

Comprehensive programs of preschool education:

* The program of education and training in kindergarten The team of authors, ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova.

Partial Preschool Education Programs

* The health-saving program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" Authors: R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeev.

Environmental education programs

* Program "Young ecologist"

* Program "Web"

* The program "Our home is nature"

* The program "Design and manual labor in kindergarten" Author L.V. Kutsakov.

Programs for the socio-moral development of preschoolers

* Program "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture" Authors: O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhanev.

* Program "Development of children's ideas about history and culture" Authors: L.N. Galiguzova, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova.

Programs of physical development and health of preschool children

* The program "Play for your health" and the technology of its application in preschool educational institutions. Authors: Voloshina L.N., Kurilova T.V.

* The author's program "Play for health", it is based on the use of games with elements of sports. The program was created on the basis of meaningful experimental work in preschool educational institution No. 69 in Belgorod. It is addressed to kindergarten teachers, physical education instructors, trainers of children's sports schools, centers, health camps.

Brief overview of programs

"Rainbow" - comprehensive program upbringing, education and development of preschoolers, according to which kindergartens in Russia work. The program ensures the comprehensive development of the child, its most important components are play and physical development, the formation of the habit of a healthy lifestyle, and the provision of mental comfort for each child.

The program is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For all the main activities of preschoolers, there are sets of benefits for children of various age groups and recommendations for educators.

For classes under this program, sets of manuals for preschoolers for all types of activities and methodological recommendations for educators have been created.

The main goals of the program:

providing the child with the opportunity to joyfully and meaningfully live the preschool years;

ensuring the protection and strengthening of his health (both physical and mental);

comprehensive and timely mental development;

formation of an active and careful-respectful attitude to the world around;

familiarization with the main spheres of human culture (labor, knowledge, art, morality).

red color - physical culture: in the classroom, habits are formed to protect one's health, to cleanliness, accuracy, order, cultural and hygienic skills and elements of self-control during movements, skills of correct behavior in situations that threaten life and health, and their prevention are developed;

orange color - the game: the game is considered the leading activity of the work, it allows you to provide psychological comfort, create an atmosphere of emotional warmth, security, remove excessive organization and neuroticism in children. It allows a feeling of sympathy and interest in a playmate to arise;

yellow color - visual activity and manual labor: - training visual activity and artistic work occurs through the acquaintance of children with samples of folk and decorative and applied art (works by Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo toy, etc.). Children are taught to draw with pencils and paints, modeling on the basis of acquaintance with folk plasticity;

green color - designing: makes it possible to develop imagination, fantasy and mentally educate the baby; children learn to build from building materials, develop constructive prerequisites, join the process of creativity in design;

blue color - classes in musical and plastic arts: they allow you to develop aesthetic experiences, form an interest in music, develop the musical and sensory abilities of the child, the ability to move to the beat, spatial coordination;

blue color - classes on the development of speech and familiarization with the environment: teaching native and foreign languages occur through familiarization with the works of folk art, fiction;

purple color - mathematics: mathematics is taught in an atmosphere of goodwill, support for the child, even if he made a mistake, the desire to express his opinion is encouraged; children not only learn mathematics, but master the skills of educational activities: they determine the task, the direction of the search, evaluate the results.

The program "Childhood" is a program for the enriched development of preschool children, which provides a single process of socialization-individualization of the individual through the child's awareness of his needs, capabilities and abilities.

Developed by a team of teachers of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. Herzen /V.?I. Loginova, T.?I. Babaeva, N.?A. Notkin and others, edited by T.?I. Babaeva, Z.?A. Mikhailova / The motto of the program: "Feel - Learn - Create"

Program objectives:

To develop in children, on the basis of different educational content, emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, readiness to manifest a humane attitude to children's activities, behavior, actions;

To promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities and speech;

Awaken the creative activity of children, stimulate the imagination, the desire to be involved in creative activities;

Strengthen the physical and mental health of the child, form the foundations of motor and hygiene culture.

Program "Origins" (L.A. Paramonova, T.I. Alieva, A.N. Davidchuk, etc.)

Comprehensive regional program. Developed by order of the Moscow Committee of Education. Based on many years of psychological and pedagogical research; takes into account modern trends in the development of public preschool education. The goal is the versatile, upbringing and development of a child up to seven years old. The program identifies the following age stages: early childhood (represented by infancy /up to 1 year old/ and early age /1-3 years old/) and preschool childhood (represented by younger preschool age /3-5 years old/ and senior preschool age /5-7 years old). years/). The program has basic and variable components. It is an open-type program that involves the use of a wide variety of pedagogical technologies.

Program "Development" (L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko, N.S. Varentsova, etc.)

It is one of the first variable programs of preschool education. The fundamental principle is developmental education based on the psychological theory of L.A. Wenger on the development of children's abilities in preschool childhood. The specific difference from other programs is in the increased attention to teaching aids, the formation of ways for preschoolers to solve cognitive and creative problems. The main goal is the mental and artistic development of children. Designed for children aged three to seven years. In addition to the traditional sections, it contains non-traditional ones: "Expressive Movement", "Artistic Design", "Director's Game", the choice of which is carried out by preschool institutions independently. Advantages of the program: a clear structure, detailed elaboration of the educational material, the provision of each lesson with a specific detailed work plan, teaching aids.

Purpose: comprehensive development, upbringing and education of children under the age of 3 years. Developed in the spirit of the ideas of humanization of family and social education of young children.

The originality of the program is in a wide range of coverage of the period of a child's development, starting from the intrauterine period (including the preparation of the mother for the birth of a child) to his adaptation to entering a preschool educational institution.

The program is addressed primarily to the family and preschool teachers.

The program contains information materials on all areas of personality development of a child up to 3 years old, as well as methodological recommendations.

Along with traditional sections (physical education, health protection and promotion, movement development, self-service skills, speech development), some sections reflect new developments in the field of pedagogy (for example, a section on environmental education of children early age).

For the first time, a section on psychological preparation parents for the birth of a child.

Program "Gifted Child" (L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko, etc.)

It is a level version of the "Development" program. It has a common conceptual basis with it, is based on the theoretical provisions of the scientific school of L.A. Wenger on the development of children's abilities. Designed for educational work with gifted children of the sixth and seventh years of life (for two years). It contains material that helps to enrich the development of the abilities (intellectual, artistic) of mentally gifted children, as well as a unique technology for teaching such children.

In the practical activities of preschool institutions, the mathematical cycle "Mathematical Steps" has found wide recognition. (This cycle is the author's and is represented by didactic manuals on the formation mathematical representations in preschool children from 3 to 7 years. For each age group, the author developed the content of training.

In the cycle "Mathematical Steps" the main ideas of the concept of developmental education by D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov, in which the content, methods and forms of organization of the educational process are directly consistent with the patterns of child development.

It should be emphasized that the program for children of the seventh year of life is quite substantial, it involves the formation of knowledge and skills necessary for further schooling.

Much attention in the program is paid to teaching children how to write numbers, signs, which, as we noted above, distinguishes this program from others.

Work on the formation of geometric representations involves not only familiarity with geometric figures, but also their analysis, associated with the selection of their constituent parts.

The program "Development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten" (O.S. Ushakova)

The purpose of the program is the development of speech skills and abilities in preschoolers, the formation of their ideas about the structure of a coherent statement, as well as the ways of communication between individual phrases and its parts. The program fully discloses the theoretical foundations, describes the areas of work on the speech development of children.

The program "Design and art work in kindergarten" (L.V. Kutsakova)

The purpose of the program is the development of constructive skills, artistic and creative abilities, artistic taste. The program is also aimed at developing in preschoolers such mental processes as imagination and associative thinking, at educating them industriousness, perseverance, and patience. In the classroom, teachers introduce children to various methods of design and modeling. The program allows you to apply to children with different levels of intellectual and artistic development differentiated approach.

Under this program, work is underway in the first junior, second junior, secondary and preparatory groups.

Program "Development of ideas about a person in history and culture" (I.F. Mulko)

The purpose of the program is the moral, patriotic and mental education of preschool children. The development of their ideas about the foundations of legal and social consciousness, as well as the place of man in culture and history, his role in technological progress.

Under this program, work is underway in the second junior, middle and preparatory groups.

Program "Introducing children to the history of Russian folk culture" (O.L. Knyazeva)

The purpose of the program is the moral and patriotic education of preschoolers, through introducing children to Russian folk culture. Teachers introduce children to the life and life of people, their character. They are introduced to the moral values, traditions inherent only to the Russian people, the peculiarities of their spiritual and material environment.

According to the program of O.L. Knyazeva "Introducing children to the history of Russian folk culture" work is underway in the second junior, middle and preparatory groups.

Program "Learning to live among people" (N.I. Zaozerskaya)

The program is aimed at the social and moral, moral and aesthetic development of preschool children.

Under this program, work is underway in the second junior, middle and preparatory groups.

All of the above partial programs recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The program "Fundamentals of Safety for Preschool Children" (R. B. Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva, N. N. Avdeeva)

The program involves solving the most important socio-pedagogical task - educating the child's skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations. Developed on the basis of the draft state standard for preschool education. It contains a set of materials that provide stimulation in preschool childhood (senior preschool age) of independence and responsibility for one's behavior. Its goals are to form the skills of reasonable behavior in the child, to teach them to behave appropriately in dangerous situations at home and on the street, in public transport, when communicating with strangers, interacting with fire and other objects, animals and poisonous plants; contribute to the formation of the foundations of ecological culture, familiarization with a healthy lifestyle. The program is addressed to educators of senior groups of preschool educational institutions. It consists of an introduction and six sections, the content of which reflects the changes in the life of modern society and thematic planning, in accordance with which educational work with children is built: "Child and other people", "Child and nature", "Child at home", "Health of the child", "Emotional well-being of the child", "Child on the city street". The content of the program leaves each preschool institution the right to use various forms and methods of organizing education, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, sociocultural differences, the uniqueness of home and living conditions, as well as the general socio-economic and criminogenic situation. Due to the special importance of protecting the life and health of children, the program requires mandatory observance of its basic principles: completeness (implementation of all its sections), consistency, taking into account the conditions of urban and rural areas, seasonality, and age targeting.

Program "I, you, we" (O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina)

The proposed program is relevant for all types of preschool educational institutions and can effectively complement any preschool education program. Provides the basic (federal) component of the state standard for preschool education. It was developed in order to fill a significant gap in traditional domestic education related to the social and emotional development of a preschool child. It is aimed at solving such important tasks as the formation of the emotional sphere, the development of the child's social competence. The program also helps to solve a set of educational tasks related to the education of moral norms of behavior, the ability to build one's relationships with children and adults, a respectful attitude towards them, a worthy way out of conflict situations, as well as self-confidence, the ability to adequately assess one's own capabilities.

Program "Discover yourself" (E.V. Ryleeva)

It is devoted to the most important problem of modern preschool education - the individualization of the personal development of children two to six years old and the task of developing self-awareness in preschoolers by means of speech activity, which is inextricably linked with it. The program is based on the principles of humanistic psychology and the author's technology based on them, which allows to personalize the educational content, make it more flexible, adequate to the needs and interests of children with different levels of personality development and abilities. It covers several leading areas of the state standard of preschool education: "Speech development", "Development of ideas about a person in history and culture", "Development of natural science ideas", "Development of ecological culture". It has a block structure, a concentric layout of educational material, which allows children to selectively assimilate the educational content of the program. The main thematic blocks of the program: “I am like this”, “The world of people”, “The world is not made by hands”, “I can” - provide the formation of ideas about significant areas of human life, allow you to correct self-esteem, prepare children to overcome difficulties on their own. The program provides for the possibility of active involvement in the pedagogical process of the parents of pupils. It is addressed to educators of preschool educational institutions, teachers of educational institutions such as "Primary School - Kindergarten", psychologists, tutors, parents.

Program "Harmony" (D.I. Vorobieva)

The main idea of ​​the program is the holistic development of the personality of a child of two to five years old, his intellectual, artistic and creative potential. The leading principle is the multi-stage integration of educational and upbringing tasks of various types of activities in terms of content, with an emphasis on the productive activities of children (graphic, constructive, artistic and speech, theatrical). The structure of the program provides for work in two interrelated areas: the accumulation of social experience of knowing oneself and the world around (to see, hear, play, create) and its implementation in the conditions of independent activity of children. The program contains new original technologies, which are based on the search activity of the child, providing him with a subjective position in the cognitive and creative process. An integral part of the "Harmony" program is the "Rhythmic Mosaic" subprogram for the development of the child's rhythmic plasticity, built on a single conceptual basis.

Program "UMKA" - TRIZ (L.M. Kurbatova and others)

The program contains a dialectical approach to the formation of the creative abilities of children of three to six years old based on the development of active forms of thinking in unity with creative imagination. The program creates the prerequisites for a systematic vision of the world and its creative transformation. Provides for the development of fantasy in children; enrichment of the subject-spatial environment of a children's educational institution and determines the conditions that contribute to the solution of inventive problems by preschoolers (fairytale, play, ethical, environmental, technical, etc.). It provides for the widespread use of interactive forms and teaching methods. Basic principles: humanistic orientation, cross-cutting, multi-stage nature (covers junior, middle, senior preschool age, primary school age), psychological support for gifted children, variability of use in the system of basic and additional education. Consists of three relatively independent parts:

programs for the development of thinking and creative abilities of preschool children - "Umka" - TRIZ;

version of the program, including educational content for organizing work with children in the studios of intellectual and aesthetic development;

a subprogram that prepares teachers of preschool educational institutions for the implementation of the program for the development of thinking and creative abilities of preschool children "Umka" - TRIZ.

Semitsvetik program (V.I. Ashikov, S.G. Ashikova)

This program is designed to solve the problem of cultural and environmental education of preschool children - the initial stage of the formation of a spiritually rich, creative, self-developing personality. How a child learns to think and feel will depend on his actions, actions. The authors see the solution to this problem in the awareness of a small person of that sublime, refined and beautiful that the surrounding world, nature and world culture give. The upbringing of morality, a broad outlook, the development of creativity through the perception of beauty is the main feature of this program. Much attention in the program is given to the joint creative activity of children and adults. The program is designed for use in kindergarten, various art and creative children's studios, as well as in home education.

Program "BEAUTY - JOY - CREATIVITY" (T. S. Komarova and others)

It is a holistic integrated program for the aesthetic education of preschool children, effectively contributing to the spiritual and intellectual development of children in preschool childhood. It is built on the author's concept of aesthetic education and the development of children's artistic and creative abilities, based on the principles of nationality, the integrated use of different types of arts (musical, visual, theatrical, literature and architecture), the child's sensory development. It has a clear structure and takes into account the growth of children's creative abilities from two to six years old. Includes all sections of work on aesthetic education in kindergarten. Along with the traditional, the program also widely uses non-traditional educational means for aesthetic education - leisure and entertainment.


Based on the concept of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers. The main goal is to develop constructive skills and artistic and creative abilities of children, to introduce them to various modeling and design techniques. It is built on the integrated use of all types of design and artistic work in kindergarten. Designed for all preschool age - from three to six years. It provides for a differentiated approach to children with different levels of intellectual and artistic development, including children with weak and strong motivation, as well as gifted ones. The selection of educational material for creativity meets the principles of preschool didactics and the age capabilities of children. It contains technologies based on the use of non-traditional teaching methods and techniques that allow the teacher to develop associative thinking, imagination, creative skills, practical skills, artistic taste, aesthetic attitude to reality in children. Much attention is paid to the creative nature of the joint activities of the teacher and children.

Program "NATURE AND ARTIST" (T.A. Koptseva)

The program is aimed at developing in children of four to six years of age a holistic view of nature as a living organism. The world of nature acts as a subject of close study and as a means of emotional and figurative influence on the creative activity of children. The problems of ecological and aesthetic education are solved by means of fine arts, the methods of dialogue of cultures, the spiritualization of natural phenomena, fairy-tale situations, etc. are used. Children are introduced to world artistic culture as part of spiritual culture. The program has block-thematic planning. The main blocks "The World of Nature", "The World of Animals", "The World of Man", "The World of Art" contain a system of artistic and creative tasks that contribute to the transfer and accumulation of experience in preschoolers of the emotional and value attitude to the world, the increase in the experience of creative activity, the development of skills and skills of visual, decorative and constructive activities, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Program "OUR HOUSE - NATURE" (N.A. Ryzhova)

The content of the program provides familiarization of children with the diversity and richness of the natural world, promotes the development of initial natural-scientific ideas and environmental concepts. Developed for the purpose of educating children of senior preschool age. Provides continuity with education in elementary school in the courses "The World Around" and "Nature". The main goals are to educate from the first years of life a humane, socially active person who is able to understand and love the world around him, nature, and treat them with care. The peculiarity of the program is the formation in the child of a holistic view of nature and the place of man in it, environmentally competent and safe behavior. Elements of ecological knowledge are organically inscribed in the general content, including natural and social aspects, which is determined by the structural features of the program, the educational material of which includes teaching and educating components. The program provides for the wide use of a variety of practical activities of children in matters of study and protection environment. The content of the program can be specified in accordance with local natural and climatic conditions.

Program "LIFE AROUND US" (N.A. Avdeeva, G.B. Stepanova)

Developed in accordance with the content of the state standard for preschool education in the section "Development of the ecological culture of children." Provides for environmental education and upbringing of children of senior preschool age, the study of the relationship between nature and social phenomena that is accessible to their understanding. The theoretical basis of the program is the concept of personality-oriented education, in the center of which is the creation of conditions for the development of the child's personality. It provides an opportunity for a child to learn environmental information in an accessible way, to form an emotionally positive, careful and responsible attitude of children to wildlife. The program is supplemented by an exemplary thematic lesson plan and organizational and methodological recommendations for its implementation.

Program "JUNIOR ECOLOGIST" (S.N. Nikolaeva)

It is aimed at the formation of the principles of ecological culture in children of two to six years old in a kindergarten. It has a theoretical justification and detailed methodological support. Ecological culture is considered as a conscious attitude of children to natural phenomena and objects that surround them, to themselves and their health, to objects made from natural materials. It consists of two subprograms: "Environmental education of preschoolers" and "Improving the skills of employees of preschool educational institutions." The structure of the first subprogram is based on children's sensory perception of nature, emotional interaction with it, elementary knowledge about life, growth and development of living beings. The ecological approach to familiarizing children with nature and the ecological content of all sections of the program is based on the main laws of nature - the relationship of living organisms with the environment.

Program "SPIDER LINE" (Zh.L. Vasyakina-Novikova)

The purpose of the program is to form the foundations of planetary thinking in children, to develop a reasonable attitude towards the world and towards oneself as an inhabitant of the planet Earth. The program offers a new original system for the development of ecological ideas, based on the principle of centering the content of work on the child with the wide use of search methods of teaching and game activities. It is represented by four blocks: "Where do I live?", "Who do I live with?", "How do I live?", "When do I live?". Through the knowledge of his "I", his vital needs, the child comprehends the diversity of the relationship between nature and people. Designed to work with children of all age groups of a preschool educational institution.

Program "HARMONY" (K.L. Tarasova, T.V. Nesterenko, T.G. Ruban / Edited by K.L. Tarasova)

The program implements a comprehensive holistic approach to the musical development of a child in preschool childhood. The purpose of the program is general musical development children, the development of their musical abilities. The content of the program is determined by the logic of the formation of musical abilities in preschool childhood at each stage. It includes all the main types of musical activities available to preschool children: listening to music, musical movement, singing, playing children's musical instruments, musical dramatization games. The central place in the program is given to the formation musical creativity in children and the improvisational nature of the classes. The musical repertoire of the program, new and extensive, is selected on the basis of a combination of highly artistic and accessible to children works of classical, modern and folk music different eras and styles; organized into blocks of topics that are accessible and interesting to children, fully presented in the anthologies of the musical repertoire and partially in recordings on audio cassettes.

Program "SYNTHESIS" (K.V. Tarasova, M.L. Petrova, T.G. Ruban, etc.)

This program aims to develop the musical perception of children from four to seven years old. It has a broad educational aspect. Its content introduces the child not only into the world musical art but also artistic culture in general. The program is based on the principle of an integrated approach, in which musical works are considered in a single complex with works of fine art and fiction. At the same time, the core art form in the program is music. The program included works accessible to children classical art and folklore. For the first time, along with chamber and symphonic music, synthetic genres of musical art - opera and ballet - are used in teaching.


The purpose of the program is to teach children three to six years old how to select melodies by ear and play children's musical instruments (in an ensemble, orchestra). The program is distinguished by a fundamentally new method of teaching children to play musical instruments, based on the selection of melodies by ear. Along with the development musical ear(timbre, sound, melodic) and a sense of musical rhythm in the program, the issues of the general development of the child as a person are comprehensively resolved. The musical repertoire of the program consists of works of classical, modern and folk music, including new ones specially written for this program.

Program "BABY" (V.A. Petrova)

The program provides for the development of musical abilities in children of the third year of life in all types of musical activities available to them, and contributes to their familiarization with the world of musical culture. The basis of the program is the works of the classical repertoire, the rich range of which implies the freedom of the teacher to choose one or another piece of music, taking into account the level of training and development of a particular child. The program has significantly updated the repertoire of musical games.

Program "MUSICAL MASTERPIECES" (O.P. Radynova)

The program contains a scientifically substantiated and methodically built system for the formation of the foundations of the musical culture of preschool children (three to seven years old), taking into account the individual and psychophysiological characteristics of children and interconnected with all the educational work of the kindergarten. The program is based on the use of works of high art, authentic examples of world music classics. The fundamental principles of the program (thematic, contrasting comparison of works, concentric, principles of adaptability and syncretism) make it possible to systematize the repertoire of musical classics and folk music in order to accumulate intonational experience of music perception, develop creative abilities in various types of musical activity, flexible application of forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical work depending on the age and individual characteristics of children. The program interrelates the cognitive and creative activities of children in the process of forming the foundations of their musical culture.


This program defines new guidelines in the moral and patriotic education of children, based on their familiarization with Russian folk culture. The main goal is to promote the formation of a personal culture in children, to introduce them to the rich cultural heritage of the Russian people, to lay a solid foundation for the development of national culture by children on the basis of acquaintance with the life and life of the Russian people, their character, their inherent moral values, traditions, characteristics of material and spiritual environment. In parallel, the program addresses the issues of expanding the basic culture of the personality of educators of preschool educational institutions. The theoretical basis of the program is the well-known position (D. Likhachev, I. Ilyin) that children, in the process of getting acquainted with their native culture, are attached to enduring universal human values. The program is designed to work with children of three to seven years old, includes long-term and scheduling. Offers new organizational and methodological forms of work; contains information materials from various literary, historical, ethnographic, art criticism and other sources.


Dedicated to the historical and cultural aspect of the development of a child aged three to seven years. Created on the basis of the achievements of modern science and advanced pedagogical experience of preschool educational institutions of the Ivanovo region. It determines the content and necessary conditions for the formation of the civic foundations of the personality at the early stages, its patriotic, moral, ethical and aesthetic orientation, the upbringing of love and respect for one's people, their cultural wealth and versatile talent. The peculiarity of the program is the integration of the historical, ecological, aesthetic, ethical ideas of the child on the basis of a wide familiarization with the cultural heritage of the native land, folk traditions, and the original nature of the native land. The main criterion for selecting material is local history culture, art and history, facts and events as components of the general national culture of Russia. The program includes three blocks that contain a wide range of topics that provide for the acquaintance of children with their native land, its history, folklore, folk and fine arts, etc. in specially organized classes and outside classes. The program defines the content of the joint activities of the teacher and children, provides for the organization of independent activity, within the framework of which the creative activity of each child develops.


Developed in accordance with the structural component of the state standard for preschool education "Development of ideas about a person in history and culture." Particular attention in the program is given to the enduring values ​​of world civilization. The main goal is to form in children of senior preschool age the foundations of spiritual culture, a humane attitude towards a person and his work, respect for cultural property different peoples, the development of cognitive activity, creative abilities. The content of the program at a level accessible to children introduces them to the life of people in different historical eras, gives elementary ideas about technological progress.

Program "THEATRE - CREATIVITY - CHILDREN" (N.F. Sorokina, L.G. Milanovich)

The purpose of the program is to develop the creative abilities of children by means of theatrical art. It scientifically substantiates the phased use of certain types of children's creative activity in the process of theatrical incarnation; the means and methods of theatrical and gaming activities are systematically presented, taking into account the age of children; a parallel solution of the problems of art-speech, stage and musical art is envisaged. The leading principle of the program is the involvement of children in productive theatrical and game creative activity, the creation of stage images that evoke emotional experiences. The program is partial and can serve as an addition to complex and basic programs.

Program "LITTLE EMO" (V.G. Razhnikov)

The purpose of the program is the emotional and aesthetic development of preschool children of five to six years old, introducing the child to a full-fledged emotional and aesthetic culture: the child will be able to look at the world through the eyes of a poet, artist, musician; learn to compose and perform the simplest works of art. The program is based on the development of artistic moods by children, common to all aesthetic phenomena. Emotional and aesthetic culture is not forcibly mastered in the simplest forms of artistic activity, accessible to almost every child. These are rhythmic-sound improvisations, color improvisations and syllabic poetic rhythms; in artistic games, the child masters the creative positions of the author, performer and viewer (listener). The program provides for parallel training for both the child and the teacher. It is intended for educators of preschool educational institutions and teachers of artistic education, as well as parents.

Educational program "Kindergarten - House of Joy".

This program was created by Natalya Mikhailovna Krylova, Associate Professor of the Perm state university and Valentina Tarasovna Ivanova, an innovative teacher in 1985 on the basis of Perm State University.

The program is built on a solid philosophical, physiological, hygienic and psychological foundation. The scientific basis of the program "Kindergarten - the house of joy" is the Standard program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by R.A. Kurbatova and N.N. Poddyakova. The program reflected all the best created by domestic and foreign teachers and psychologists. Its tasks are:

Caring for the health of the child and promoting the enrichment of the mental and physical development of each child;

Assistance in the development of various types of activities by the child at the level of independence and the development of his creative potential;

Assistance in mastering the basics of spiritual culture.

The central core of the program, as a system, is the moral and labor education of a small child, which contributes to the formation of value orientations of a child's personality.

What is this - the House of Joy?

The concept of "Home" denotes the ability of each child, taking into account his age, gender and personality, to live every day of his life as actively as possible, satisfying his needs: physiological and spiritual. In our “house” there is such an atmosphere, such relationships between adults and children, when everyone is understood and accepted, loved and respected for being an individual.

"Joy" - this word denotes an emotion that occurs at a moment of great spiritual satisfaction and pleasure, if the activity that a person performs has a positive result.

Thus, to live in the “House of Joy” means to be in a state of activity every conscious minute, the success of which is confirmed by the emergence of the emotion of joy.

For a teacher to educate in the "House of Joy" means to contribute to the enrichment and development of the unique individuality of each child. The child is accepted by the educator as a system that has the right to preserve its autonomy, originality and uniqueness.


Thus, a large number of educational programs makes it possible for a modern preschool institution to solve problems not only educational.

Today, we can confidently state the fact of the formal or meaningful transition of most preschool educational institutions to the search mode. This mode is transitional on the way to qualitative changes and the transfer of preschool educational institutions to the development mode. Another aspect is related to the qualitative features of this transition: to what extent the innovations implemented in the preschool educational institution correspond to the urgent needs and opportunities for its development, satisfy the interests and needs of children, parents, teachers, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable high development indicators. So the question of definition actual problems in the development of preschool education becomes the most important.


1. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions: Textbook. allowance for students. ped. universities and colleges / Ed. T.I. Erofeeva. - M., 1999.

2. Getting ready for certification. Methodological guide for preschool teachers. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2005 (1st edition, 1999)

3. Website for preschool education workers

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Organizational and content conditions of spiritual and moral education of a preschool educational organization

graduate work

2.1 Comparative analysis of the program "From birth to school" and "Childhood"

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" establishes that "the main general educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education ensure the implementation of the federal state educational standard, taking into account the type and type of educational institution, educational needs and requests of students, pupils and include in self curriculum, work programs training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that provide spiritual and moral development, education and quality of training of students.

As noted above, the educational process in a preschool educational organization is based on the educational program of preschool education, developed by each preschool educational institution independently. The structure of the program is represented by a mandatory part (invariant), which is based on one or another exemplary educational program of preschool education, as well as a variable (formed by participants in educational relations) part. Spiritual and moral education and development of preschool children is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Below is an analysis of exemplary educational programs for preschool education of a new generation, the process and content of spiritual and moral education in which are reflected in the content of the section "Social and communicative development". This analysis was carried out in order to identify the most practical program for the work on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

Program "From birth to school"

Program "Childhood"

Junior group

To consolidate the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street. Continue to form elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad. Provide conditions for the moral education of children. Encourage attempts to feel sorry for a peer, hug him, help. Create game situations that contribute to the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others. Teach children to communicate calmly, without shouting. 49 To form a benevolent attitude towards each other, the ability to share with a friend, the experience of correctly assessing good and bad deeds. Cultivate an attentive attitude and love for parents and close people. To teach children not to interrupt a speaking adult, to form the ability to wait if an adult is busy.

Learn to live together, use toys, books together, help each other. Teach children to be polite (to teach how to say hello, say goodbye, thank you for your help).

1. To promote the establishment of positive contacts between children based on common interests in activities with toys, objects and mutual sympathy.

2. Develop emotional responsiveness, love for parents, affection and trust in the educator.

3. Help children learn how to interact with peers in the game, in everyday communication and household activities (quietly play side by side, exchange toys, team up in pair play, look at pictures together, watch pets, etc.).

4. Gradually teach children to follow the elementary rules of the culture of behavior in kindergarten.

middle group

Contribute to the formation of the child's personal attitude to the observance (and violation) of moral norms: mutual assistance, sympathy for the offended and disagreement with the actions of the offender; approval of the actions of the one who acted fairly, yielded at the request of a peer (divided the cubes equally). Continue to work on the formation of friendly relationships between children, draw the attention of children to each other's good deeds. To teach collective games, the rules of good relationships. To cultivate modesty, responsiveness, the desire to be fair, strong and courageous; learn to experience a sense of shame for an unseemly act. Remind children of the need to greet, say goodbye, call preschool workers by name and patronymic, do not interfere in the conversation of adults, politely express their request, thank for the service rendered

1. Cultivate a benevolent attitude towards adults and children: be friendly, show interest in the actions and deeds of people, desire, following the example of a teacher, to help, to please others.

2. Develop emotional responsiveness to adults and children, empathy for heroes literary works kindness to animals and plants.

3. Cultivate a culture of communication with adults and peers, a desire to follow the rules: say hello, say goodbye, thank you for the service, contact the teacher by name and patronymic, be polite when communicating with elders and peers, learn to restrain negative emotions and actions.

4. To develop the desire for joint games, interaction in a pair or a small subgroup, for interaction in practical activities.

5. To develop confidence in children, the desire for independence, attachment to the family, to the educator.

Senior group

Cultivate friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing together, working, studying; the desire to please elders good deeds; the ability to independently find common interesting activities. Bring up respectful attitude to those around you. To teach to take care of the younger ones, to help them, to protect those who are weaker. To form such qualities as sympathy, responsiveness. To cultivate modesty, the ability to take care of others, to be grateful for help and signs of attention. To form the ability to evaluate their own actions and the actions of peers. To develop the desire of children to express their attitude to the environment, to independently find various speech means for this. Expand ideas about the rules of conduct in public places; about duties in the kindergarten group, at home. 50 Enrich children's vocabulary with polite words (hello, goodbye, please, excuse me, thank you, etc.). Encourage the use of folklore in speech (proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, etc.). Show the importance of the native language in the formation of the foundations of morality.

1. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards people, respect for elders, friendly relations with peers, caring attitude towards kids.

2. To develop good feelings, emotional responsiveness, the ability to distinguish the mood and emotional state of people around and take this into account in their behavior.

3. Cultivate a culture of behavior and communication, habits to follow the rules of culture, be polite towards people, restrain immediate emotional impulses if they bring inconvenience to others.

4. Develop positive self-esteem, self-confidence, self-esteem, the desire to follow socially approved norms of behavior, awareness of the growth of one's capabilities and the desire for new achievements.

preparatory group

To cultivate friendly relations between children, to develop the ability to independently unite for joint play and work, to engage in independently chosen business, to negotiate, to help each other. To cultivate organization, discipline, collectivism, respect for elders. Cultivate a caring attitude towards babies, the elderly; learn to help them. To form such qualities as sympathy, responsiveness, justice, modesty. Develop volitional qualities: the ability to limit one's desires, to comply with established norms of behavior, to follow a positive example in one's actions. Cultivate respect for others. To form the ability to listen to the interlocutor, not to interrupt unnecessarily. Develop the ability to calmly defend your opinion. Enrich the dictionary with formulas of verbal politeness (greeting, farewell, requests, apologies). To expand children's ideas about their responsibilities, especially in connection with preparation for school. To form an interest in learning activities and a desire to study at school.

1. Develop a humanistic orientation of behavior: social feelings, emotional responsiveness, goodwill.

2. To cultivate the habits of cultural behavior and communication with people, the basics of etiquette, the rules of conduct in public places.

3. Enrich the experience of cooperation, friendly relationships with peers and interaction with adults.

4. To develop the beginnings of social activity, the desire to participate in the life of the kindergarten as elders: take care of the kids, participate in decorating the kindergarten for the holidays, etc.

5. Contribute to the formation of positive self-esteem, self-confidence, awareness of the growth of their achievements, self-esteem, the desire to become a schoolchild.

6. Cultivate love for your family, kindergarten, hometown, country.

Thus, based on the analysis of two general education programs, we can conclude that the program "From birth to school" in the field of "Social and communicative development" is aimed at familiarization with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral) , its regulations do not have strict boundaries, which provides an opportunity for a creative approach in the organization of the educational process.

The program is aimed at developing the personality of the child, and not at acquiring a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities. The most important condition for the implementation of the program is the personality-oriented interaction of adults with children. There is a place for independent activities of children.

An exemplary general educational program "Childhood" in the field of "Social and communicative development" is aimed at the socialization of the child, i.e. the entry of a child into culture through his awareness of his capabilities and abilities has more regulated tasks.

The program offers rich educational content. Meaningful connections between sections allow integrating educational content in psychological and pedagogical work. Planning for this program is flexible, there are no conditional schemes, tables, etc. in the program itself, which gives scope for the creativity of teachers.

Analyzing these programs, we can conclude that the program "From Birth to School" is more extensive and functional for the work of the educator, its content is easy to understand.

2.2 Analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution

According to the main provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard, the developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational organization must meet the following requirements: - safe; - rich in content; - transformable; - polyfunctional; - variable; - aesthetically attractive; - health-saving; - meets the needs of preschool children.

The developing subject-spatial environment created in the institution allows teachers to: ensure the unity of educational, developing and teaching goals and objectives in the organization of the educational process;

Combine the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability;

Provide for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of an adult and children and independent activities of preschoolers; be based on the complex-thematic principle of building the educational process;

To build training taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas.

Adequate organization of the developing subject-spatial environment stimulates the development of self-confidence in children, forms cognitive interests, encourages willingness to cooperate and support others in difficult situation, that is, it ensures the successful socialization of the child and the formation of his personality.

This analysis was carried out for a visual comparison of the subject-developing environment organized in different age groups preschool educational organization and helped determine the level of accumulation of equipment, as well as the formation of a subject-developing environment for the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

An analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution and its characteristics in educational programs made it possible to compile the following comparative table.

Age group

The subject environment of an exemplary general educational program of preschool education

"Birth to School"

The subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution

Junior group

Corner of didactic games: games on moral and ethical education.

Book corner: books of Kuban writers for children.

Music corner.

Role Playing Corner:

1. Doll furniture: table, chairs (4 pcs.), bed (2 pcs.), sofa, cabinet for doll linen, stove

3. Dolls: large (3 pcs.), Medium (7 pcs.).

4. Carriage for dolls (3 pcs.).

1. Doll furniture: table, chairs (4 pieces), bed (2 pieces), sofa, cabinet for doll linen, stove.

2. Toy utensils: a set of tea utensils (large and medium), a set of kitchen and table utensils (large and medium), bowls (basins) (2 pcs.), buckets.

3. Dolls: large (4 pcs.), Medium (7 pcs.).

4. Carriage for dolls (2 pcs.).

5.Attributes for the games "Shop", "Hospital", "Family", "Kindergarten", "To the country", "Hairdressing salon", etc.

6. Various attributes for dressing up: hats, glasses, shawls, skirts, capes, etc.

7. Soft toys: large and medium.

middle group

Book corner:

Theater zone:

2. Small screens for a table theater.

3.Different types of theater: planar, rod,

puppet (bi-ba-bo dolls: family and fairy-tale characters).

4. Costumes, masks, attributes for playing fairy tales.

5. Animals and birds, three-dimensional and planar on stands, small, 7-10 cm.

6. Figures of fairy-tale characters, planar on stands (small).

7. Thematic set of fairy-tale characters (volumetric, medium and small).

8.Set of figurines: family.

9. A set of masks: animals, fairy-tale characters.

Role play corner:

1.Doll furniture: table, chairs, bed, sofa, stove, cabinet, furniture set for medium size dolls, Dollhouse(for medium sized dolls).

3. A set of doll bedding (3 pcs.).

5. Doll carriage (2 pcs.).

6. Attributes for games with

production plot,

reflecting the professional work of people: “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Hairdresser”, “Salon “Charm”, “Cafe”, “Steamboat”, “Sailors”, etc .; with everyday plot "Family", "Kindergarten", "To the country", etc.

Book corner:

1. A bookcase, a table and two chairs, a soft sofa, a screen that separates the corner from the zones of outdoor games.

2.Children's books according to the program, children's favorite books.

3. Albums for viewing: "Professions", "Family", etc.

Role play corner:

1.Doll furniture: table, chairs, sofa, kitchen, cabinet, furniture set for medium dolls, doll house (for medium dolls).

2.Toy utensils: a set of tea utensils (large and medium), a set of kitchen and dining utensils.

3. A set of doll bedding (1 pc.).

4. Dolls are large (2 pcs.) and medium (6 pcs.).

5. Doll carriage (1 pc.).

6. Attributes for games with

production plot,

reflecting the professional work of people: “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Hairdresser” - “Salon “Charm”, “Cafe”, “Steamboat”, “Sailors”, etc .; with everyday plot "Family", "Kindergarten", "To the country", etc.

7. Various attributes for dressing up: hats, glasses, shawls, skirts, helmet, cap / peakless cap, etc.

8. Soft toys (medium and large).

Senior group

Book corner:

Theater zone:

6. Crown, kokoshnik (2-4 pieces).

7. Tape recorder.

Role play corner:

5. Carriages for dolls (2 pcs.)

8. Substitute items.

9. A set of furniture "School".

10. Attributes for the games "Daughters-

mothers”, “Kindergarten”, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”,

"Barbershop", "Cook",

Sailors, Pilots,

"Library", "School", "Station", "Bank", etc.

Privacy corner.

Book corner:

1. Bookcase, table, two chairs, soft sofa.

2. Children's books on the program and favorite books of children, two or three constantly changing children's magazines, children's encyclopedias, reference literature in all branches of knowledge, dictionaries and dictionaries, books on interests, on the history and culture of Russian and other peoples.

3. Illustrative material in accordance with the recommendations of the program.

Role play corner:

1.Doll furniture: table, chairs, sofa, wardrobe.

2.Toy utensils: tea utensils set (medium and small), kitchen utensils set (medium), dinnerware set (medium).

4. Dolls in the clothes of boys and girls (medium).

5. Carriages for dolls (1 pc.)

6. Sets of clothes and bedding for dolls.

7. Attributes for dressing up (hats, glasses, beads, scarves, sundresses, skirts, etc.)

8. Substitute items.

9. A set of furniture "School".

10. Attributes for the games "Daughters-

mothers", "Kindergarten",

"Shop", "Hospital",


"Barbershop", "Cook",

Sailors, Pilots,

"Builders", "Zoo", etc. Games with a public plot:

"Library", "School", "Bank"

preparatory group

Book corner:

1. A rack or an open showcase for books, a table, two chairs, a soft sofa.

2. Children's books on the program and favorite books of children, two or three constantly changing children's magazines, children's encyclopedias, reference literature in all branches of knowledge, dictionaries and dictionaries, books on interests, on the history and culture of Russian and other peoples.

3. Illustrative material in accordance with the recommendations of the program.

4.Albums and sets of postcards with views of the sights of the Kuban.

Theater zone:

1. Screen, two small screens for a table theater.

2. Costumes, masks, attributes for staging fairy tales.

3. Dolls and toys for various types of theater (planar, rod, puppet (bi-ba-bo dolls), table, finger).

4.Attributes for the shadow theater

5. Sets of masks (fabulous, fantastic characters).

6. Crown, kokoshnik (2-4 pieces).

7. Tape recorder.

8. Audio cassettes with music for performances.

Role play corner:

1.Doll furniture: table, chairs, sofa, wardrobe.

2.Kitchen set: stove, sink, washing machine.

3.Toy utensils: tea utensils set (medium and small), kitchen utensils set (medium), dinnerware set (medium).

4. Dolls in the clothes of boys and girls (medium).

5. Carriages for dolls (2 pcs.)

6. Sets of clothes and bedding for dolls.

7. Attributes for dressing up (hats, glasses, beads, scarves, sundresses, skirts, etc.)

8. Substitute items.

9. A set of furniture "School".

"Barbershop", "Cook",

plot: "Library", "School", "Car Service", "Sea Port", "Railway Station",

"Fire Station", "Rescuers", "Bank", etc.

Book corner:

1. A rack or an open showcase for books, a table, two chairs, a soft sofa.

2. Children's books on the program and favorite books of children, two or three constantly changing children's magazines, children's encyclopedias, reference literature in all branches of knowledge, dictionaries and dictionaries, books on interests, on the history and culture of Russian and other peoples.

3. Illustrative material in accordance with the recommendations of the program.

4.Attributes for the shadow theater

5. Sets of masks (fabulous, fantastic characters).

6. Crown, kokoshnik (2-4 pieces).

7. Tape recorder.

8. Audio cassettes with music for performances.

Role play corner:

1.Doll furniture: table, chairs, sofa, wardrobe.

2.Kitchen set: stove, sink, washing machine.

3.Toy utensils: tea utensils set (medium and small), kitchen utensils set (medium), dinnerware set (medium).

4. Dolls in the clothes of boys and girls (medium).

6. Sets of clothes and bedding for dolls.

8. Substitute items.

10. Attributes for the games "Mothers and Daughters", "Kindergarten", "Shop", "Hospital", "Pharmacy",

"Barbershop", "Cook",

"Pilots", "Builders", "Zoo", etc. Games with a public

plot: "Library", "Railway station",

"Fire station", etc.

Analyzing this table, we can conclude that the content of the developing subject-spatial environment in the preschool educational institution is partially implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The preschool institution lacks equipment for organizing education in the educational field of "communication", namely in spiritual and moral development.

2.3 Thematic and event planning with the inclusion of work on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children

The analysis of the planning documentation made it possible to get acquainted with the content of the work on the spiritual and moral education of children in the conditions of a preschool educational organization. Note that certain forms of work are implemented in agreement with the parents (legal representatives) of the pupils.


1. Diagnosis of children's knowledge of spiritual and moral values.

2. Questioning of parents about spiritual and moral education in the family and the orientation of the educational process in an educational institution.

3. Consultation for parents: "Features of the spiritual and moral education of preschoolers."

4. God. Creation of the world. Reading a story from a children's Bible.

1. Feast of the Intercession Holy Mother of God. puppet show- fairy tale "Scarf - cover."

2. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: "Shawl (veil)", "Autumn".

3. A conversation about honesty, love, kindness.

4. Icons. Difference icons.

1. Consideration of illustrations, icons about the childhood of the Virgin.

2. Directly - educational activity on the topic: "From the mother of heaven to the mother of the earth."

3. Who are angels. Handmade "Angel".

4. Excursion to the temple. Conversation "The temple is the house of God."

1. Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Virgin. Puppet show - fairy tale "Three steps".

2. Reading and discussion of literary works about St. Nicholas.

3. The game of spiritual and moral orientation "Helpers of St. Nicholas".

4. Preparing for the Christmas tree.

1. Reading and discussion of literary works about Christmas, learning poems.

2. Design on the topic: "Eight-pointed Star of Bethlehem."

3. Matinee "The Feast of the Nativity of Christ"

4. Exhibition of children's works: "Christmas card"

1. Feast - Meeting of the Lord. History of the holiday. Conversation.

2. Outdoor games: "Help grandma, grandpa."

3. Conversation on the topic: "Rules for honoring and respecting elders."

1. Entertainment Maslenitsa. Puppet show - fairy tale "Adventures on Shrove Tuesday" (week before Lent).

2. Visual activity on the topic: "Shrovetide has come to us"

3. The game "Mirilka".

4. Direct educational activity on the topic: "In the world of kindness."

1. Gatherings. Palm Sunday

2. Conversation. "What is Easter" The history of the origin, traditions and customs of the holiday.

3. GCD on artistic creativity on the topic: "Easter card".

4. Competition for parents: "Easter card".

1. Thematic entertainment: "Festival of folk games."

2. Conversation: "Good and bad deeds"

3. Final diagnostics

1. Entertainment - Trinity. Puppet show fairy tale - "The Adventure of Little Red Riding Hood".

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Irina Morozova
Variability of exemplary programs of preschool education ( comparative analysis)

« Variability of exemplary preschool education programs»

1 slide. Comparative analysis of exemplary general educational programs of preschool education"Rainbow" edited by E. V. Solovyova and "Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

2 slide. Program"FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL" is innovative general educational program document for preschool educational institutions prepared taking into account the latest achievements of science and practice of domestic and foreign preschool education.

Program written in accordance with GEF DO. Publishing house Mozaika-sintez Moscow, 2014

3 slide. To the benefits programs"Birth to School", of course, it should be attributed to the fact that it covers all age periods of physical and mental development children: infancy (from 2 months to 1 of the year: infant group); early age (from 1 year to 3 years: the first and second groups of early age) ; preschool age(from 3 years to schools: junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups for school).

4 slide. The authors programs called her"Rainbow" on analogy with a seven-color rainbow, since it includes the seven most important activities of children and activities in the process of which the upbringing and development of the individual takes place child: physical culture, game, pictorial activities and manual labor, design, musical and plastic arts, speech development classes, familiarization with the outside world and mathematics. Each section corresponds specific color rainbows, highlighting originality its use with preschoolers

5 slide. Work on program"Rainbow" is carried out in various forms of organizing children's activities, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children and types of activities. Delivered in program tasks are also implemented in the so-called everyday learning situations, during regime moments. Game forms and methods of teaching and consolidating the acquired knowledge are widely used. Great importance is attached to the independent cognitive and productive activities of children.

7 slide. Leading Goals Programs"Birth to School"- creating favorable conditions for a full life of a child preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities, ensuring life safety preschooler.

8 slide. Tasks programs"Birth to School". Protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being.

9. Raising patriotism, active life position respect for traditional values.

9 slide. Main sections programs.


Target Section (Explanatory note; Planned results of the development of the MEP)

Content section (Contents educational five educational areas; technologies for implementing the content of the OOP in accordance with educational areas; Technologies for creating an atmosphere of joyful living preschool childhood; Support for children's initiative; Interaction with the family, Pedagogical diagnostics; Corrective work and/inclusive education)

Organizational section (daily schedule, Organization of group life; Forms of implementation preschool education; Additional paid educational services; methodological support; personnel policy; holidays, events; developing subject-spatial educational environment; exemplary calculations of standard costs for the provision of public services for the implementation programs)

10 slide. Planned development results Programs.

Planned development results Programs. Targets at the completion stage preschool education, also completely match:

12 slide. Content Features programs"Birth to School":

Focus on the development of the personality of the child

Patriotic orientation Programs

Focus on moral education, support of traditional values

Aiming for the future education

Focus on preserving and strengthening the health of children. Focus on taking into account the individual characteristics of the child

13 slide: Content Features programs"Rainbow"

Program"Rainbow" conceived and implemented as covering all major aspects education children aged 2 months to 8 years in a kindergarten and provides for the possibility of a wide variability operating conditions.

14 slide: Goals and objectives of interaction with the families of pupils

AT program"Birth to School" The goal is to create the necessary conditions for the formation of responsible relationships with the families of pupils and the development of the competence of parents.

15 slide. Forms of interaction with the family ( "Birth to School")

16 slide. Features of the organization of the subject-spatial environment according to program"Birth to School"

Program"Birth to School" does not impose any special special requirements for equipping the developing object-spatial environment (as, for example, in Montessori program, in addition to the requirements specified in the Federal State Educational Standard. In the absence or lack of funding, program can be implemented using equipment that is already available in preschool organization , most importantly, to comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Education and the principles of organizing space, indicated in program.

17 slide. Features of the organization of the subject-spatial environment according to program"Rainbow"

educational the organization, in accordance with the goals set, creates a developing subject-spatial environment according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Depending on the material and personnel conditions that the organization has, and the nature of the request that parents make to it, it is possible to organize the logistics of three levels. The minimum level is mat. those. provision allows you to successfully implement GEF DO in a mass kindergarten, with any, arbitrarily modest material capabilities. It implies the co-creation of teachers and parents in the creation of RPPS, many elements of which are created by their hands with the feasible participation of children. If the organization has some additional capabilities (pool, theater, additional specialists), then the organization has the resource to create a basic level. If the organization is focused on working with families that have higher demands for education child and ready to financially support the development of MTB preschool educational institution, organizes additional paid educational services, can provide an advanced level of logistics.

18 slide. Style "rainbow" groups

Developing object-spatial environment "rainbow" preschool groups are distinguished by an abundance of children's works, each of which is characterized by a bright individuality of the idea and the means of its implementation. The zone of cognitive development, the zone of mathematics and literacy is rich. Free access for children should always be various visual materials. Availability required "Shelves of beauty".

19 slide. AT program developmental function comes to the fore education, which ensures the formation of the child's personality and orients the teacher to his individual characteristics, which corresponds to modern scientific "Concepts preschool education» (authors V. V. Davydov, V. A. Petrovsky and others) about the recognition of self-worth preschool childhood.

Program"Rainbow" Personality is brought up by Personality. Therefore we know what: it is important for children that the teacher is really interested in what he is talking about;

children want to know about the lives and experiences of adults;

a child can only be taught well what you love to do;

a child can only be taught well by the adult he loves;

in "rainbow" groups of children do not have the same work;

in "rainbow" there are no identical groups in kindergartens;

each educator creates his own day, month, year of life and work with children as an author's work.

Practical work No.

Topic: Comparative analysis of educational programs of institutions of additional education for children

Check out two educational programs for additional education for children: "Fundamentals of Fine Arts" and "Getting ready for school";

Conduct a comparative analysis of programs on the proposed issues, present the results of the analysis in the table.

Topic questions

"Fundamentals of Fine Arts"

Additional educational program

"Getting Ready for School"

1. Title page program meets the requirements (yes / no), what comments

The title page meets the requirements, there is a seal, a signature, the program is approved.

Does not meet the requirements, there is no signature and seal. No program approval

artistic and aesthetic orientation

socio-pedagogical orientation

3. Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency

focused on giving them a basic systematic education in fine arts,

based on the predominant study of such types of fine arts as

painting, drawing, graphics. This program is aimed at ensuring that children acquire certain knowledge

on the history and theory of fine arts, as well as fundamental practical

knowledge and skills in this area.

The relevance of this teaching method is expressed in the psychological readiness of children

to the school, as to the next stage of its development, life path.

Novelty is revealed in the main types: motivational readiness, intellectual

readiness, psychological and communicative readiness.

4. Purpose and objectives of the additional educational program

The purpose of the program is to teach children the basics of visual literacy and their active

creative development taking into account the individuality of each child through classes

visual activity, familiarization with the achievements of the world art


Educational (associated with children's mastery of the basics of visual arts)


 Familiarity with the genres of fine arts;

Developing (associated with the improvement of the general abilities of students and

the acquisition by children of general educational skills and abilities that ensure the development

    development in children of sensory-emotional manifestations: attention, memory, fantasy, imagination;

Educational: (associated with the development of personal qualities that contribute to

to other people, to oneself):

    the formation in children of a sustainable interest in art and activities

artistic creativity;

Development of language thinking, speech mechanisms,

communication skills and cognitive abilities in preschool children.

In accordance with the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010

years (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2005 No. 803) into the structure of the general

education, a “pre-school stage” is introduced, within which training is carried out with

six (six and a half) years. Due to more early start systematic education

Several issues require special attention.

organization of the process of education, upbringing and development of children at the stage of pre-school

education, taking into account the needs and opportunities of children of this age;

will ensure the preservation of the inherent value of this period of development, the rejection of duplication

Strengthening and development of the emotionally positive attitude of the child to school,

desire to learn;

The formation of social personality traits of the future student, necessary for

successful adaptation to school.

5. Age of children participating in the implementation of this additional educational program

This program is designed for children aged 6 to 14 years old,

6. Terms of implementation of additional educational program

7. Forms and regimen of classes

To implement the program, several forms of classes are used:

Introductory lesson

At this lesson, the presence of parents of students (especially 1st year students) is desirable.


Introductory lesson

Lesson from nature

memory lesson

Thematic lesson


Testing lesson

Competitive play session


Combined activity.

Final lesson

preparation for reporting exhibitions.

Duration of classes according to the requirements of SanPiN

1 year of study - 72 hours (2 times a week for 1 hour) and 144 hours (2 times a week for 2 hours).

2nd year of study - 144 hours (2 times a week for 2 hours).

3rd year of study - 144 hours (2 times a week for 2 hours).

Educational process organized using pedagogical technologies,

providing individual, personality-oriented development, is regulated

curriculum, a schedule of directly educational activities, compiled

in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN

8. Expected results and ways to measure their effectiveness

As a result of the implementation of the program, it is expected to achieve a certain

the level of children's mastery of visual literacy. Children will know the special

terminology, get an idea about the types and genres of art, learn to handle the main

art materials and fine art tools.

A final interview is held at the end of the academic year. As in the middle of the year, it consists of two stages: 1 - frontal examination is performed in writing in small groups of 5-6 people; 2 - an oral interview is conducted individually with each child. The child's response is evaluated on a five-point scale.

Written in small groups. It is advisable to combine children into one group,

with equal reading skills.

During the examination, training is not applied, the result of the implementation is recorded

tasks and methods. The performance of each task is evaluated on a 5 point system. Per

the correct execution of the third columns in the second and third tasks is added 1 more

9. Forms for summing up the results of the implementation of an additional educational program (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational and research conferences, etc.).

The following forms of summing up the program are used:

Fine art competitions, participation in exhibitions of various levels.

works are not displayed

10. The educational and thematic plan of the additional educational program shall contain:

List of sections, topics (yes / no)

Number of hours for each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes (yes / no)

List of sections, topics: yes

List of sections, topics: yes

Number of hours for each topic, broken down into theoretical and practical classes: yes

12. Provision of the program with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, trips, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.) List the available ones.

Game gymnastics in the form of exercises (drawing in the air) helps the child

quickly master the basics of fine art.

13. Presented: didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, topics of experimental or research work, etc. List the available


"ABC of drawing"

"Technique and character


"Line and Image"

"Color spectrum.

Warm and cold

"Color circle"

"Basic and


"Achromatic and


"The basics of composition"


"Static, movement

in composition”, etc.



15. Classification of the program by level of development


educational and cognitive

16. Classification of the program according to the form of organization of the content and process of pedagogical activity

enriched with modern gaming techniques

by form of organization - subgroup

17. The list of references contains:

List of literature used by the teacher when writing the educational program; (Not really)

The list of normative documents regulating the educational activities of the teacher; (Not really)

18. The presence of an application to the program, (yes / no) List which ones.

Considering and making a comparative analysis of the educational programs of institutions of additional education for children, we conclude that the program of artistic orientation, in contrast to the socio-pedagogical orientation, meets all the requirements.

Cons of the "Getting Ready for School" program:

    The title page is off topic.

    Not provided with methodological types of products (development of games, conversations, trips, excursions, competitions, conferences, etc.)

    Didactic and lecture materials, methods for research work, subjects of experimental or research work, etc. were not provided.

    The list of normative documents regulating educational activities teacher;

    Applications are not available

Disadvantages of the Artistic Orientation Program:

    App not available

The results of the analysis made it possible to determine what each program provides. We believe that the "Getting Ready for School" program is not well designed.