Ivan Urgant ridiculed Buzova's intellectual abilities. Latest news from the section "Society"

So, the scandalous TV presenter Olga Buzova became the "star" of the popular program "Evening Urgant". Many netizens have repeatedly complained that Buzova has become "too much", and, of course, the creators of the program could not help but take advantage of the opportunity to once again "walk" on a famous person - in a humorous way, of course.

Olga Buzova unexpectedly found herself under the gun of the program "Evening Urgant": the star of "House-2" became the object of jokes of the hosts of the show Ivan Urgant and Dmitry Khrustalev. The fact that they chose Olga as a topic for conversation is, in general, not surprising. After Buzova broke up with football player Dmitry Tarasov and suddenly began to sing, there were too many of her both on the Internet and on television. Why not a reason?

But Ivan decided not to discuss Olya's scandalous divorce and not her vocal abilities, but her level of intelligence. Moreover, the information occasion arrived in time: in school No. 2 of the Chechen village of Pravoberezhye, schoolchildren were forced to write an essay about the “Olga Buzova phenomenon”. The teacher suggested that the students consider the TV presenter as a "hero mass culture modern Russia and discuss how a simple girl from St. Petersburg turned into a TV show star.

Ivan Urgant started from afar: in his traditional section of the most discouraging news of the week, he read out a message that scientists predicted in billions of years. collision of Earth with Mars.

- This is a very dusty job - to make predictions for billions of years ahead. This is the second dream job after the librarian Olga Buzova, Urgant joked. Thus, hinting that Olga is not a very well-read person, and on her bedside table you are unlikely to find a volume of Dostoevsky or a collection of Akhmatova.

Then Urgant and Khrustalev remembered that Olya herself was a writer. Last year, Buzova released an autobiography. The hosts suggested that her book "The Price of Happiness" be included in school curriculum as study guide for the rising generation. And at the same time enter into Russian schools obligatory subject "buzology" or "home economics-2".

What teachers suggest to Chechen schoolchildren to pore over, Olga already put on paper with her own hand last year. Buzova shared her success story in her book The Price of Happiness. The price of the biography itself, by the way, is rather big: you can buy it in online bookstores for 850-900 rubles.

In addition to the sentimental story of a simple St. Petersburg girl who went through fire, water and copper pipes at Doma-2, the book describes the brightest episodes of a happy family life Olya and her then-current husband Dmitry Tarasov. Readers are also invited to smell what it smells like inner world Buzova.

- The author had few words to convey to the readers his amazing love for life, - says the abstract, - therefore, a specially created fragrance "Emotion No. 1 by Olga Buzova" is applied to each page of the book, magically conveying the mood of the Author. Also, using a special QR code located in the book, readers will be able to download Olga's new DJ set, so that, listening to special music and inhaling the aroma from the book, they will completely plunge into the world of Olga Buzova.

As you know, Olga Buzova almost daily attracts attention with scandals and unexpected statements, as well as details of the history of her divorce from football player Dmitry Tarasov. Initially, skeptics came to the conclusion that there was no discord among the "Tarabuzikov", and the couple simply wanted to "promote" on the current topic.

Meanwhile, to a great surprise, Buzova and Tarasov really got divorced at the end of December last year, and then not only Olga, but everyone, "who is not lazy" began to earn money on the "topical topic". The so-called "hype", inextricably linked with the name of Buzova, brings income to TV shows, magazines, and just enterprising bloggers, who also did not fail to "speculate" on the topic of someone else's underwear turned inside out, and once again throw mud at the TV presenter.

However, Olya herself is not embarrassed by this state of affairs: Olga rarely reacts to criticism, since she receives such a huge number of comments that there would not be enough hours in a day to "shut everyone's mouths." And, it is worth noting, a very ambiguous attitude towards the personality of a TV presenter, singer, writer, designer and theater actress in one person, often due to the obvious stupidities that Buzova commits with enviable regularity.

So, according to critics, Olga is trying her best to impress the public that, of course, she is still hurt because of the break with Tarasov, but a woman "should be strong", and, of course, proud. Nevertheless, Buzova follows the life of the football player very carefully, and literally "catch" every frame with Dmitry, who ends up on the Web.

According to rumors, Olga even tried to "break through" to the celebration of Tarasov's birthday, but either she was not allowed there, or this is just speculation. Meanwhile, in her microblog, the girl noted on the same day that she was going to a holiday - a birthday, which greatly excited the public. Olga really ended up on the festivities, but on the occasion of the next round date of the restaurant’s existence, and whether the TV presenter “got out” in this way after the shameful failure to pass the face control at Tarasov, or simply “childishly” scared everyone, none of the fans will know .

From the luxurious celebration of the football player's name day, videos immediately began to appear on the Web, and one of them, of course, "accidentally" caught Olga's eye. The TV presenter saw the performance of her friend Hannah, and was indignant that the singer dared to take the hand for the first time "introduced to the public" Nastya Kostenko, new sweetheart Dmitry.

Here, of course, Buzova behaved very "well-mannered, restrained and intelligent", once again proving that she had no idea about all this: the girl immediately wrote a malicious post right on the page of her friend, accusing her of venality, and " in a friendly way" wished Hannah to "return everything", informs rsute.ru. "Everything" is a divorce that will follow after a young girl also invades the singer's family and "takes away" her husband.

Skeptics ridiculed Olga's hysterical behavior, noting several "failures" in the tirade and behavior of the TV presenter at once. Buzova constantly calls Anastasia Kostenko "sh**ava", and notes that she dared to "steal" her husband from her. But after all, Olya herself got along with Dmitry when he had a newborn daughter, it turns out that the TV presenter imputes to Nastya what she herself did a couple of years ago?

In addition, critics ask to explain to them the meaning of the word "take away" - does it mean that Tarasov is a weak-willed animal that can be easily taken on a leash and "subdued"? It turns out that Buzova is one of those people who do not admit their own mistakes in life, and the whole world is to blame for their "misfortunes", but not they themselves - Network users have repeatedly come to this conclusion.

About the phenomenon of Olga Buzova. Evening Urgant. Fragment of the issue dated 03/23/2017


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Olga Buzova unexpectedly found herself under the gun of the program "Evening Urgant": the star of "House-2" became the object of jokes of the hosts of the show Ivan Urgant and Dmitry Khrustalev. The fact that they chose Olga as a topic for conversation is, in general, not surprising. After Buzova broke up with football player Dmitry Tarasov and suddenly began to sing, there were too many of her both on the Internet and on television. Why not a reason?

But Ivan decided not to discuss Olya's scandalous divorce and not her vocal abilities, but her level of intelligence. Moreover, the information occasion arrived in time: in school No. 2 of the Chechen village of Pravoberezhye, schoolchildren were forced to write an essay about the “Olga Buzova phenomenon”. The teacher invited the students to consider the TV presenter as a “hero of the mass culture of modern Russia” and discuss how a simple girl from St. Petersburg turned into a TV show star.

Ivan Urgant started from afar: in his traditional section of the most discouraging news of the week, he read out a message that scientists predicted in billions of years. collision of Earth with Mars.

This is a very dusty job - to make predictions for billions of years ahead. This is the second dream job after the librarian Olga Buzova, Urgant joked. Thus, hinting that Olga is not a very well-read person, and on her bedside table you are unlikely to find a volume of Dostoevsky or a collection of Akhmatova.

Then Urgant and Khrustalev remembered that Olya herself was a writer. Last year, Buzova released an autobiography. The presenters suggested that her book "The Price of Happiness" be included in the school curriculum as a teaching aid for the younger generation. And at the same time to introduce in Russian schools a compulsory subject "buzology" or "home economics-2".

By the way, students of school No. 2 from the Chechen Right Bank assure that writing such unusual composition they liked it. Moreover, teachers gave them complete freedom of choice. Introduced at school new item"Youth culture" - it is for him that high school students need to write an essay about the hero of our time. As role models, the students were offered a choice of singers Yegor Creed and YurKiss, as well as TV presenter Olga Buzova. Buzova is the most popular - her students choose it most often. Especially since Olga personally visited Chechnya. In January of this year, she flew to Grozny at the invitation of the Firdaws fashion house, which is run by the daughter of the president of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, Aishat Kadyrova.

What teachers suggest to Chechen schoolchildren to pore over, Olga already put on paper with her own hand last year. Buzova shared her success story in her book The Price of Happiness. The price of the biography itself, by the way, is rather big: you can buy it in online bookstores for 850-900 rubles. In addition to the sentimental story of a simple St. Petersburg girl who went through fire, water and copper pipes at Dom-2, the book describes the brightest episodes of the happy family life of Olya and her then-current husband Dmitry Tarasov. Readers are also invited to smell what the inner world of Buzova smells like.

The author had few words to convey to the readers his amazing love for life, - says the abstract, - therefore, a specially created fragrance "Emotion No. 1 by Olga Buzova" is applied on each page of the book, magically conveying the mood of the Author. Also, using a special QR code located in the book, readers will be able to download Olga's new DJ set, so that, listening to special music and inhaling the aroma from the book, they will completely plunge into the world of Olga Buzova.

About the phenomenon of Olga Buzova. Evening Urgant. Fragment of the issue dated 03/23/2017. Today in the issue: an American geophysicist warned of a possible collision between Earth and Mars in billions of years, in a Chechen village, schoolchildren were asked to write an essay about the phenomenon of Olga Buzova, a little girl, when meeting with the Pope, took off her headdress from the pontiff, and in Courchevel, Mikhail Prokhorov's chalet was robbed.

Showman and actor Ivan Urgant questioned the education of the star of "House-2" Olga Buzova. This happened as part of the Evening Urgant show.

Olga Buzova unexpectedly found herself under the gun of the program "Evening Urgant": the star of "House-2" became the object of jokes of the hosts of the show Ivan Urgant and Dmitry Khrustalev. The fact that they chose Olga as a topic for conversation is, in general, not surprising. After Buzova broke up with football player Dmitry Tarasov and suddenly began to sing, there were too many of her both on the Internet and on television. Why not a reason?

But Ivan decided not to discuss Olya's scandalous divorce and not her vocal abilities, but her level of intelligence. Moreover, the information occasion arrived in time: in school No. 2 of the Chechen village of Pravoberezhye, schoolchildren were forced to write an essay about the “Olga Buzova phenomenon”. The teacher invited the students to consider the TV presenter as a “hero of the mass culture of modern Russia” and discuss how a simple girl from St. Petersburg turned into a TV show star.

Ivan Urgant started from afar: in his traditional section of the most discouraging news of the week, he read out a message that scientists predicted in billions of years. collision of Earth with Mars.

“It is a very dusty job to make predictions for billions of years ahead. This is the second dream job after the librarian Olga Buzova, Urgant joked. Thus, hinting that Olga is not a very well-read person, and on her bedside table you are unlikely to find a volume of Dostoevsky or a collection of Akhmatova.

Then Urgant and Khrustalev remembered that Olya herself was a writer. Last year, Buzova released an autobiography. The presenters suggested that her book "The Price of Happiness" be included in the school curriculum as a teaching aid for the younger generation. And at the same time to introduce in Russian schools a compulsory subject "buzology" or "home economics-2".

By the way, students of school No. 2 from the Chechen Right Bank assure that they liked writing such an unusual essay. Moreover, teachers gave them complete freedom of choice. The school introduced a new subject "Youth Culture" - it is for it that high school students need to write an essay about the hero of our time. As role models, the students were offered a choice of singers Yegor Creed and YurKiss, as well as TV presenter Olga Buzova. Buzova is the most popular - her students choose it most often. Especially since Olga personally visited Chechnya. In January of this year, she flew to Grozny at the invitation of the Firdaws fashion house, which is run by the daughter of the president of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, Aishat Kadyrova.

What teachers suggest to Chechen schoolchildren to pore over, Olga already put on paper with her own hand last year. Buzova shared her success story in her book The Price of Happiness. The price of the biography itself, by the way, is rather big: you can buy it in online bookstores for 850-900 rubles. In addition to the sentimental story of a simple St. Petersburg girl who went through fire, water and copper pipes at Dom-2, the book describes the brightest episodes of the happy family life of Olya and her then-current husband Dmitry Tarasov. Readers are also invited to smell what the inner world of Buzova smells like.

“The author had few words to convey to the readers his amazing love for life,” the abstract reads, “so a specially created fragrance “Emotion No. 1 by Olga Buzova” is applied to each page of the book, magically conveying the mood of the Author. Also, using a special QR code located in the book, readers will be able to download Olga's new DJ set, so that, listening to special music and inhaling the aroma from the book, they will completely plunge into the world of Olga Buzova.

About the phenomenon of Olga Buzova. Evening Urgant. Fragment of the issue dated 03/23/2017. Today in the issue: an American geophysicist warned of a possible collision between Earth and Mars in billions of years, in a Chechen village, schoolchildren were asked to write an essay about the phenomenon of Olga Buzova, a little girl, when meeting with the Pope, took off her headdress from the pontiff, and in Courchevel, Mikhail Prokhorov's chalet was robbed.

Olga Buzova unexpectedly found herself under the gun of the program "Evening Urgant": the star of "House-2" became the object of jokes of the hosts of the show Ivan Urgant and Dmitry Khrustalev. The fact that they chose Olga as a topic for conversation is, in general, not surprising. After Buzova broke up with football player Dmitry Tarasov and suddenly began to sing, there were too many of her both on the Internet and on television. Why not a reason?

But Ivan decided not to discuss Olya's scandalous divorce and not her vocal abilities, but her level of intelligence. Moreover, the information occasion arrived in time: in school No. 2 of the Chechen village of Pravoberezhye, schoolchildren were forced to write an essay about the “Olga Buzova phenomenon”. The teacher invited the students to consider the TV presenter as a “hero of the mass culture of modern Russia” and discuss how a simple girl from St. Petersburg turned into a TV show star.

Ivan Urgant started from afar: in his traditional section of the most discouraging news of the week, he read out a message that scientists predicted in billions of years. collision of Earth with Mars.

“It is a very dusty job to make predictions for billions of years ahead. This is the second dream job after the librarian Olga Buzova, Urgant joked. Thus, hinting that Olga is not a very well-read person, and on her bedside table you are unlikely to find a volume of Dostoevsky or a collection of Akhmatova.

Then Urgant and Khrustalev remembered that Olya herself was a writer. Last year, Buzova released an autobiography. The presenters suggested that her book "The Price of Happiness" be included in the school curriculum as a teaching aid for the younger generation. And at the same time to introduce in Russian schools a compulsory subject "buzology" or "home economics-2".

By the way, students of school No. 2 from the Chechen Right Bank assure that they liked writing such an unusual essay. Moreover, teachers gave them complete freedom of choice. The school introduced a new subject "Youth Culture" - it is for it that high school students need to write an essay about the hero of our time. As role models, the students were offered a choice of singers Yegor Creed and YurKiss, as well as TV presenter Olga Buzova. Buzova is the most popular - her students choose it most often. Especially since Olga personally visited Chechnya. In January of this year, she flew to Grozny at the invitation of the Firdaws fashion house, which is run by the daughter of the president of the republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, Aishat Kadyrova.

What teachers suggest to Chechen schoolchildren to pore over, Olga already put on paper with her own hand last year. Buzova shared her success story in her book The Price of Happiness. The price of the biography itself, by the way, is rather big: you can buy it in online bookstores for 850-900 rubles. In addition to the sentimental story of a simple St. Petersburg girl who went through fire, water and copper pipes at Dom-2, the book describes the brightest episodes of the happy family life of Olya and her then-current husband Dmitry Tarasov. Readers are also invited to smell what the inner world of Buzova smells like.

“The author had few words to convey to the readers his amazing love for life,” the abstract reads, “so a specially created fragrance “Emotion No. 1 by Olga Buzova” is applied to each page of the book, magically conveying the mood of the Author. Also, using a special QR code located in the book, readers will be able to download Olga's new DJ set, so that, listening to special music and inhaling the aroma from the book, they will completely plunge into the world of Olga Buzova.

03 April 2017

The reason for the jokes on the television was her performance in the show "ProjectorParisHilton".

This weekend, the Doma-2 star performed at the ProjectorParisHilton concert at the Crocus City Hall. On stage, Olga performed her song “I Get Used to”, which became a hit after her divorce from Dmitry Tarasov. Alexander Tsekalo, Sergey Svetlakov and Ivan Urgant wanted to refrain from joking towards the guest star, but could not. During the speech of the TV presenter, Ivan took the microphone from Olga, so the audience in the hall realized that the star of "House-2" was singing to the soundtrack.

Olga Buzova! Live sound!” Urgant announced. The hall appreciated the joke with friendly laughter and applause. Despite the awkwardness of the moment, the ex-wife of Dmitry Tarasov laughed along with everyone, and a little later published a video from the concert on the microblog, accompanying it with funny hashtags: “I can sing even without a microphone”, “I sing as best I can” and “I learned to sing from Britney Spears ".

Note that this is not the first joke of Ivan Urgant against Olga Buzova. In one of the broadcasts Evening Urgant The TV presenter made fun of the mental abilities of the heroine of his show, discussing at the same time her autobiography, The Price of Happiness, written by her.