Observation of the summer period for the senior group. Summer observation on a walk in the senior group


- know and distinguish between 6-7 flowering herbaceous plants;

- know the characteristics appearance and the structure of flowers, the frequency of flowering (primroses blooming in summer, autumn flowers), the dependence of growth and development on external conditions (moisture, nutrient soil, light, heat);

- recognize flowers in nature, in pictures, use the names of flowers in speech;

- distinguish flowers according to their place of growth (garden, meadow, field, forest, water);

- have an idea about flowering medicinal plants (lungwort, lily of the valley, coltsfoot, dandelion, etc.);

- about how flowers are grown, how some of them reproduce;

- about the flower garden, its arrangement;

- to know about the meaning of flowers in human life;

- be able to compose descriptive story about a flower.

vocabulary work

Titles : flowers, rose, tulip, chamomile, carnation, lily, bluebell (others most often found in the area in the garden, parks and squares, in the meadow, in the forest, lakes and ponds), stem, roots, leaves, bud, petals , seeds, dried flowers, primroses, wreath, bouquet, medicine, perfume, jam, Red Book.

Signs: garden, field, meadow, water, mountain, steppe, desert, rare, medicinal, spring, summer, autumn, annual, perennial, beautiful, fragrant, fragrant, tender as the sun, noble, proud, prickly, curly, creeping, bulbous , low, tall, multi-colored, lively, dry, healthy, stunted, bright, pale, withered, withering, blooming, lying down after rain, sun-loving, shade-tolerant, etc.

Actions: grow, bloom, close, open (petals), lower (heads), crumble, lean towards the ground, turn after the sun, freeze, dry out, get sick, plant, sow, water, feed, heal, delight, delight, scatter (seeds) , collect, cut, tear, weave, make a bouquet, protect.

Observations of flowers at the preschool educational institution, in parks and squares

The teacher's story about the flower and examining it.


♦ Do you like this flower? How?

♦ What does it look like?

♦ What parts can be distinguished from it?

♦ How tall is this flower compared to other flowers?

♦ Does it grow as a large bush or as a solitary plant?

♦ What color leaves does the flower have? Form? Do they grow from the earth itself or from a stem? Are they many or few? What is their surface?

♦ What can you say about a flower? What colors and shades are the petals painted in? What shape is the flower itself and its petals? How many petals does a flower have? How are they located in relation to the core?

♦ Does the flower smell? What does this smell remind you of?

♦ What do the petals feel like? What is in the middle of the flower? Is the center immediately visible or do you need to open the petals? What color is the center of the flower? Does the flower look up at the sun or is it tilted towards the ground? Are all flowers the same? What is the difference?

♦ What can you say about the stem of a flower? What height is he? Thick or thin? Does it grow straight or bend to the ground? Smooth or rough to the touch? Free from leaves or not?

♦ In what month of summer does this flower bloom? How long?

♦ Is it an annual or perennial plant?

♦ Is it planted with seeds, tubers or bulbs?

♦ Is it a garden, meadow, field or forest plant? Why?

♦ How should these flowers be cared for so that they are always beautiful?

♦ Is this plant hardy or does it need special care?

♦ Do these flowers cut into a bouquet? What time of day is best to do this?

♦ What insects come to the flower to eat or rest?

♦ Does the plant react to the weather? Times of Day? How?

Plastic study "Flower"

A task: to develop plasticity, pantomimic expressiveness.

The teacher invites the children to “turn” into the flower they were watching and depict it in a bud, blooming, reaching for the sun, bowing its head in the rain, washing itself with dew, opening its petals for insects, etc.

Competition for the best drawing of a flower from nature

A task: develop focused attention, visual perception, visual skill, a sense of color and shape.

The teacher offers the children to sit comfortably near the flower, put easels (modeling boards) on their knees and draw the flower as they see it. Children's drawings are considered, a flower gallery is made up of them. Drawings are selected and encouraged, in which the flower is depicted more realistically, with all the details.

Reading poems about flowers


- to form the ability to single out lines in poetry that characterize the distinctive features of a flower, features of growth, reproduction;

- to cultivate a sense of beauty from contact with the artistic word.

Sample list of poems: A. Prokofiev “Poppy”, M. Poznanskaya “Chamomile”, E. Serova “Dandelion”, “Bell”, “Carnation”, “Hungry bumblebee”, “A water lily lies on a leaf”, A. Tolstoy “My Bells” , I. Tokmakova "Forget-Me-Nots", E. Blaginina "Dandelion", E. Trutneva "Summer Flies", "Flowers", T. Shorygina "Dandelion", "Chamomile", counting "Like we have in our flower bed", N. Konchalovsky tongue twister “Margarita collected”, G. Yunusov “Bell”, E. Alyabyeva “Meadow flowers”, “Garden flowers”, “Bell”, “Bell flower”.

Reading informative stories and fairy tales about flowers


- to form knowledge about the features of the appearance, place of growth, timing of flowering of herbaceous plants;

- develop voluntary attention, memory, imagination, figurative speech;

- to cultivate interest in flowers, the desire to admire them, grow them and delight others.

Stories:"Flower from Africa" ​​(Uzambara violet); “Their flowers resemble orchids” (irises); "Orange defenders" (marigolds); "Flower of the Sun" (sunflower); "Flower-thimble" (foxglove); "Champion of honey plants" (ivan-tea); "Sung by the Romans" (yarrow).

B. Alexandrov "Flowers meet summer" (5-7 years)

Questions and tasks

♦ What flowers bloom in flower beds in June?

♦ Why are they called perennials? How does the author describe them?

♦ Describe the flower based on the picture and story.

♦ Draw June flowers.

N. Pavlova "Summer" (5-7 years old)

Questions and task

♦ What summer flowers are described in the story?

♦ Where do cornflowers usually grow?

♦ Why is the cornflower an unusual flower?

♦ Show how the cornflower transmits pollen to insects.

M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow" (5-7 years old)

Questions and task

♦ What flower is the story about?

♦ Why are boys so interested in dandelion?

♦ What time of day does a dandelion close its petals?

♦ How did they talk about the meadow when the dandelions had their petals open?

♦ Use your fingers to show how the dandelion closes and opens its petals.

N. Pavlova "Yellow, white, purple" (4-6 years old)

Questions and tasks

♦ Why did the meadow constantly change its color?

♦ Which herbaceous plant blooms to make a meadow yellow? White? Lilov?

♦ What interesting things did the filly tell the beetle about the buttercup? Bedstraw? Mouse peas?

♦ Why didn't the beetle see the flowering meadow?

♦ Draw a flowering meadow in spring and in different months of summer.

♦ Act out scenes from a fairy tale.

N. Pavlova "Like a Cloud" (5-7 years old)

Questions and tasks

♦ What herbaceous plant is the story about?

♦ Bedstraw is a garden or meadow plant?

♦ What flowers did the bedstraw want to look like? Why?

♦ What did the raindrop compare the flowers of the bedstraw to?

♦ What do bedstraw flowers smell like?

♦ How is the bedstraw stem different?

♦ Draw the bedstraw and its flowers with paints and fingers.

♦ Role play scenes from the fairy tale.

I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Bells" (5-7 years old)

Questions and task

♦ How can you call the flowers that grow in the meadow, in the forest?

♦ What feelings does the beauty of a flowering meadow evoke?

♦ Draw a picture of a flowering summer meadow.

Didactic game "Tell me about yourself"


- to form the ability to compose a detailed descriptive story about the selected flower (structure, color, shape, size, duration, flowering time, place of growth);

- guess the flower from the description, if necessary, supplement your story, based on clarity;

- develop imagination, memory, monologue speech;

- to cultivate an attentive attitude to the speech activity of comrades.

The teacher invites the children to go to magical land colors. He “turns” all children into flowers, but no one knows which ones (the child chooses a flower and says its name to the teacher in the ear). About the selected flower, the child must make a riddle-description, remember all the similarities in appearance, places of growth. Use gestures, pantomime when describing. The winner is the one who described vividly, in detail, and the children were able to guess the flower. For the description, you need to choose the most famous flowers for children. To compare the description with the appearance of the flower, you can use the natural flowers of the site or postcards and pictures with their image.

Walk No. 1

Seasonal Watch (June)

To consolidate knowledge about the relationship of animate and inanimate nature;

Learn to distinguish changes in the life of plants and animals in summer time;
- form an idea of ​​the summer months.
Progress of observation

♦ What season is it now?
♦ How did you guess that summer ?
♦ List the characteristics of summer.
♦ Why is it getting warmer in summer?
♦ What does a person do in summer?

How much sun! How much light!

How much greenery around!

What is this? This summer

Finally hurries to our house.

Fresh smell of juicy herbs,

Ripe ears in the field

And mushrooms in the shade of oak forests.

How many delicious sweet berries

In a clearing in the woods!

Here I am hired for a year

Stock vitamins!

♦ How many months does summer last?

♦ What is the name of the first summer month? (June)
There are a lot of proverbs and sayings about this month:

In June the sun is high, and far from morning to evening;

In June, the first berry is put in the mouth, the second is carried home.

If the nights are warm in June, then you can expect an abundance of fruits.

June is the first month of summer. In June, the longest days and the shortest nights, it is warm and light; this is the month of tall grasses, motley meadows. This is the time when the berries begin to sing.

Grasshoppers chirp in tall grasses; bees and butterflies fly over the flowering meadow. In June, haymaking begins, wheat, rye, barley and oats ripen in the fields. Birds have a lot to do, chicks appear in nests.

Didactic game

"Make a sentence" - children make up a sentence with the proposed word.

Purpose: to teach how to make sentences with a given word.

Labor activity

Loosening sand in the sandbox.

Purpose: to cultivate industriousness, the ability to work together.

Outdoor games

"Third wheel". Purpose: to teach to follow the rules of the game; develop agility and speed.

"Owl". Purpose: to teach to navigate in space; develop interest in the game.

Individual work

Movement development. Purpose: to exercise in running at speed, to improve the technique of the long jump from a place.

Independent activity with remote material at the request of children.

Walk No. 2

Sun watching

To form the idea that the Sun is a source of light and heat

Give children an idea of ​​the state of the weather summer; fix the names of seasonal clothes.
Observation course.

Behind the warm summer sun

Take a quick look out the window

And put your hands up

To catch a hare basket.

Midges nap on a blade of grass

And the snail warms its horns

From under the leaves of insects

Muzzles are drawn to the sun.

The spider loves the sun

Worm, bug, cricket,

Flowers love the sun

Learn to love too!

The sun is the source of light, heat and life on Earth. In all directions, light and heat spread from it. In summer, it heats up more, so children walk naked (in lightweight clothes, in a headdress). The teacher suggests noting that the sun is high during the day - it's hot outside; in the morning and evening the sun is low, so it gets cooler. The days are long, the nights are short.

♦ When you come back from a walk, do you notice where the sun is?

♦ Why do you feel that summer has already arrived?

♦ What happens to plants when the sun shines brightly and for a long time?

♦ Why do you need to wear hats (panamas, caps) in hot weather?

♦ What are people wearing in summer?

♦ Where can you hide from the scorching rays of the sun?

Place two stones. One - in the sun, the other - in the shade, closing it with a wooden box so that it is dark there. After a while, check which pebble is warmer. Conclude that objects in the sun heat up faster than in the shade.

"Lay out the pattern"

The teacher offers to lay out a pattern of pebbles in the sand. Purpose: to develop imagination.

Labor activity

Help for children junior group in cleaning up the area.

Purpose: to develop industriousness, a desire to help kids.

Outdoor games

"Sun and moon". Purpose: to cultivate speed and agility.

"Bouncer". The goal is to practice throwing and catching the ball.

sand games

"Draw the clouds and the sun." Purpose: to develop imagination, fantasy, fine motor skills of hands

Individual work

"Get in the hoop."

Walk No. 3

Insect watching (butterfly)
Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the appearance of a butterfly, lifestyle, and its meaning.
Observation course.

I'm at the yellow butterfly
Quietly asked:
Butterfly, tell me
Who colored you?
Maybe it's buttercup?
Maybe a dandelion?
Maybe yellow paint
That neighbor boy?
Or is it the sun
After winter boredom?
Who colored you?
Butterfly, tell me!
The teacher offers to observe how beautifully, merrily the motley-winged beautiful butterflies flutter: and yellow lemongrass, and dark red urticaria, and pigeons, and cabbage whites, and iridiums, and mother-of-pearl. Consider the appearance of butterflies, body parts, find out what they eat.
Leads children to the conclusion that butterflies differ in size and color of wings.

Butterflies have a very beautiful pattern on their wings - one of the most beautiful among those created by nature. They have two pairs of wings. But you can’t grab butterflies by the wings, as they are covered with delicate pollen, which is easy to wipe off, and after that the butterfly will not be able to fly after that.
Butterflies have 6 legs with which they hold on to flowers and move along them.
They have antennae and a coiled proboscis. Sitting on a flower, the butterfly deploys its proboscis, lowers it inside the flower and drinks nectar.
Butterflies fly from flower to flower, so they carry pollen. Pollinated plants will have more seeds.

The teacher makes riddles about butterflies for children:
All four petals moved at the flower.
I wanted to tear it off, it fluttered and flew away. (Butterfly)
Not a bird, but with wings:
Flying over flowers
Collects nectar. (Butterfly)
Didactic game.

“Guess by the description” - the teacher describes the insect, the children guess.

Purpose: to teach how to write a descriptive story, to develop attention, connected speech.
Labor activity.

Invite children to collect garbage (sticks, branches, pieces of paper) on the site.
Purpose: to educate children careful attitude to nature. Involve children in cleaning the kindergarten and caring for the environment.

Outdoor games

"Butterflies". Purpose: to teach to run in all directions, change direction at a signal. "Snake". Purpose: to teach to run holding each other's hands, to accurately repeat the movements of the driver, to make turns, to step over obstacles.

Purpose: to teach the long jump from a running start.

Walk No. 4

Watching the summer rain
Purpose: to consolidate summer seasonal signs, changes taking place in inanimate nature.
Observation course.

The sun was burning hot

The sultry earth melted.

A cloud came running at night

The fields were waiting for the rain.

Glad, glad all the blades of grass,

And ears, and flowers,

What funny raindrops

They pour loudly from above.

The rain is noisy and cool,

A song full of wonders!

At dawn breathes eagerly

Moisture-filled forest.
The teacher invites the children to watch the first summer rain. Summer rain is warm and heavy. If a strong wind blows, the rain will fall sideways. The birds do not sing, they hid from the rain. The teacher offers to listen to how the rain makes noise, its drops are knocking on the roof of houses, verandas.

Asks children if rain is good for plants? Offers to observe the plants of the garden after the rain.

The teacher asks the children questions:

♦ Where do puddles go?

♦ Why do we need rain?

It draws attention to the fact that the rain is fine, drizzling, it is heavy - a downpour; goes in different directions, it can be oblique and straight.

Research activities

Invite the children to throw a pebble into a puddle, what happened to the pebble? Why is he at the bottom of the puddle? Then offer to lower a paper boat into a puddle. Why did the boat stay on the surface of the puddle?

Purpose: to form the ability to think, reason, prove.

Didactic game

"Good bad". The goal is to develop connected speech, the ability to speak out in complex sentences, to see positive and negative qualities in one phenomenon.
Labor activity

Sweeping the veranda.

Purpose: to teach correctly, to use brooms.

Outdoor games

"Pass - get up." Purpose: to instill in children a sense of camaraderie, to develop dexterity, attention.

"Find the ball." Purpose: to develop in children observation, dexterity.

Playing with sand and water.

"Laying out and printing on the sand"

Individual work

"Fun Jumps"
Purpose: to practice jumping rope.

Walk No. 5

Observation after the rain, the appearance of a rainbow in the sky
Purpose: to consolidate summer seasonal signs, changes taking place in inanimate nature. Understand the term "rainbow".
Progress of observation

The rain has stopped and the sun has risen.
And a miracle happened in heaven
A rainbow stretched across the sky,
Gray and fat piercing the clouds.
shimmering with different colors,
Under the bright rays of the sun
She makes us all happy,
And the sky is decorated with a rainbow-arc!

The teacher invites the children to admire the rainbow, express their opinion about its appearance, tell what they like about it; name the colors of the rainbow and count them. He says that a particularly bright, festive rainbow occurs after a noisy summer thunderstorm or during a thunderstorm. With a drizzle, the colors of the rainbow are pale, and the rainbow itself can turn into a whitish semicircle, since it is formed when the sun's ray is refracted in every drop of rain. The rainbow appears after the rain, when the sun peeks out from behind the clouds, only in the direction opposite to the sun. If you face the sun, you won't see a rainbow.

What a miracle - beauty!

painted gate

Appeared on the way!

Neither enter nor enter them. (Rainbow)

What a miracle rocker
Did it hang after the rain?
Very bright, colorful
And what a beautiful!
Multicolored gate
What are they called ... (Rainbow)

The teacher asks the children questions:

♦ When does a rainbow appear?

♦ What does a rainbow look like when it appears in the sky?

Didactic game


Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about primary and secondary colors.
Labor activity

Cleaning the area from dry branches.

Outdoor games

"Find where it's hidden."

"Wolf in the ditch" Purpose: to teach jumping.
Individual work

"Get in the hoop."

Purpose: to practice throwing at a target.

Purpose: to continue to teach children to choose a game of interest, unite in a group.

Walk No. 6

Earthworm observation.
Purpose: to introduce the earthworm, its structure, its way of life, living conditions, habitat.
Progress of observation

I'm looking at a worm.
I see soft sides
The tail is bent like a hook.
What a cute worm!
But where is the head?
Where is the eye or two?
I twist the worm around
I want to find eyes.
Maybe the ray was bright
And the worm closed its eyes?

The worm is long, looks like a rope, it has no legs, head, one body, in the middle there is a clearly visible belt. Worms are of great benefit to plants: they dig up the earth, loosening it, mixing it, which is very important for the root system of herbaceous plants.

♦ Which of the guys saw these inhabitants of the soil before.

♦ Where was it?

♦ Why are worms called earthworms?

♦ When is the easiest time to spot them?

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

My tail is indistinguishable from my head.

You will always find me in the earth. (Worm)
Draws the attention of children to the fact that these underground inhabitants most often crawl out of their minks during rain. Water fills their burrows, and they lack air.
Didactic game

“Who will name the actions more” - children select verbs that characterize the actions of an earthworm.

Purpose: to activate vocabulary verbs.
Labor activity

Dig a hole for the worm.
Purpose: to cultivate a positive attitude to work, a sense of compassion and a willingness to help.
Outdoor games


"Do not fall".

Individual work

Playing with sand and water.
Purpose: to educate children in the desire to build together with sand.

Independent activity of children with portable material and at the request of children.

Purpose: to continue to teach children to choose a game of interest, unite in a group.

Walk #7

Spider watching

Purpose: to expand and consolidate knowledge about characteristic features the appearance of the spider, its vital manifestations; form realistic ideas about nature.

Progress of observation

Fog cast over the bushes

golden silks,

On the edge, near the pines,

I hear a spinning spider.

He tirelessly and zealously

The thread spins, weaving a network,

So that over the stems of weeds

Fly with the wind.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the web shining in the sun. Who lives here? Slightly touches the web with a stalk. The spider immediately jumps out. He made a web-net, catches insects in it. You should not interfere with him, it is better to watch how he will still weave a web.

Invites children to observe and answer questions:

What does a spider look like?

How does he move?

Where does it live and what does it eat?

How does a spider catch insects?

Does the spider have enemies?

How can you predict the weather from the behavior of spiders?

People have noticed that the behavior of spiders can be used to judge the weather:

♦ Before bad weather, spiders do not spread nets to catch insects.

♦ If a spider sets to work on new webs or fixes flaws in an old

What riddles, poems, fairy tales, songs about a spider do you know?

The body of a spider is divided into two parts: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. The spider has eight eyes and a mouth on its head, and the breast rests on four pairs of legs. On the lower part of the spider's abdomen is a spider web, through which it secretes a web.

Spiders are predators, they feed on other insects: flies, mosquitoes, bugs and butterflies, which they catch with the help of a web - cobwebs. For the winter, spiders clog into cracks in the bark, crevices of old stumps and fall asleep until spring.

Research activities

Take a magnifying glass and examine the spider. (A spider has eyes and a mouth on its head, and the breast rests on four pairs of legs.)

Labor activity

Site cleaning.

Purpose: to teach correctly, to use tools. Work in a team

Outdoor games

"Run and jump", "Jumpers". Purpose: to develop motor activity the ability to jump long.

Independent activity

To teach children to build the buildings necessary for the game (house, steamer, etc.); use natural material in games (sand, water, etc.). To develop and enrich the themes and content of children's games.

Individual work

Movement development.

Purpose: to improve jumping over a long rope (fixed and swinging, on two legs, standing facing and sideways to it).

Walk #8

Dandelion watching

Purpose: to continue acquaintance with the medicinal plant - dandelion; to form the ability and desire to actively preserve and protect nature;

Progress of observation

wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
Grow up - dress up,
In a white dress
Lush, airy,
Obedient to the wind.

“The dandelion is a very curious flower. Waking up in the spring, he carefully looked around him and saw the sun, which noticed the dandelion and illuminated it with a yellow ray. The dandelion turned yellow and fell in love with the luminary so much that it does not take its enthusiastic gaze away from it. The sun will rise in the east - the dandelion looks to the east, rises to the zenith - the dandelion raises its head up, approaches sunset - the dandelion does not take his eyes off the sunset ”(S. Krasikov).

In early June, fading, dandelions put on white fluffy hats. Ripe dandelion seeds are decorated with tufts of fine white hairs.

A light breeze will blow, and dandelion fluff will scatter over the meadows and fields. One basket of flowers gives more than two hundred seeds, and the whole plant - up to three thousand!

Bright yellow dandelion!

Why did you change your jacket?

He was handsome, young

He became, like a grandfather, gray-haired!

The teacher asks the children questions.

The teacher asks the children questions and riddles:

♦ What does a dandelion look like?

♦ How are its seeds spread?

♦ Why is it said that a dandelion has two dresses?

♦ What is his other dress?

♦ What does it consist of White dress?

♦ Do you know what dandelion seeds are for?

And when it blooms
Definitely flies away!
Just blow on the "sarafan" -
Flies away... ! (Dandelion)

On the green grass
In the summer suddenly snowflakes
They flew off the white ball
Light fluff.
Girls and boys know:
They flew around - ... (Dandelions)

Labor activity

Collection of medicinal plants.

Purpose: to teach how to collect medicinal plants correctly.

Outdoor games

"Owl". Purpose: to learn to act on a signal. "Fifteen". Purpose: to cultivate speed and agility.

Individual work

"Brave Guys"

Purpose: to exercise in fast running; develop dexterity.

Walk #9

Ant watching

Purpose: to expand knowledge about the features of the appearance of ants, their vital manifestations; arouse interest in the environment.

Progress of observation

Ant is a hard worker, rare,
Everyone in the forest knows about it
Carrying branches all day
He respects hard work!
Well, if someone is lazy -
The ant is not friendly with this one,
Everyone has to work!
Loafer - no one needs!

The teacher gives the children a riddle, offers to answer questions.

He is a real worker

Very, very hardworking.

Under a pine tree in a dense forest

He builds a house from needles. (Ant.)

♦ What do ants look like?

♦ How do they move?

♦ Where do ants crawl? What are they carrying?

♦ What do they eat?

♦ What is the name of the ant house?

♦ Are there many paths around the anthill?

♦ What do ants build their house from?

♦ What kind of enemies do ants have?

The teacher offers to observe the movement of the chain moving towards the anthill. The ant is the strongest insect on earth, it carries loads 10 times its own weight. He has a thickened abdomen, chest, head, three pairs of small legs. The ant has strong jaws, very mobile antennae, which act as organs of touch. Ants are great builders. Ants are predators, they exterminate many insects. They have many enemies: birds, bear, anteater.

Research activities

Experiment with ants: on the path where the ants pass, pour a thin layer of sand. Ants will definitely go around it and return to the beaten path.

Labor activity

Site cleaning.

Purpose: to teach correctly, to use tools. Work in a team.

Outdoor games


Purpose: to develop running, agility.

"Do not fall".

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to pass the ball back and forth with straight arms.

Independent activity

To teach children to build the buildings necessary for the game (house, car, etc.); use natural material in games (sand, water, etc.). To develop and enrich the themes and content of children's games.

Individual work

Movement development.

Purpose: to cultivate endurance.

Walk #10

Watching inanimate object- looking at the flower bed.

Purpose: to teach children to admire growing flowers, to see and perceive their beauty, to protect the beautiful creations of nature.

Progress of observation

Our flower bed is a feast for the eyes!
Admire her!
lifts the mood,
Anyone who comes close to her.
How many fragrant flowers are here!

How many delicate petals:
Silky and fluffy.
Thin, flexible stems.

So many colors fit
Just don't take your eyes off!
Like a rainbow came down
Paint flowers for us.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the flowers growing in the flower beds, offers to find out which of the flowers are familiar to the children, and introduces new ones. He asks how plants should be treated (do not tear, do not trample). Helps children identify the main parts of plants, name: "Stem, leaves, flower." Explains that there are flowers that grow only one summer, they are called annuals. But there are also perennial flowers (peonies, phlox, golden ball), their roots hibernate in the soil.

The teacher asks the children questions:

♦ Why are flowers planted?

♦ What are the names of the flowers that grow in a flower bed?

♦ What flowers did you and I plant in spring?

♦ What flowers do you like best?

♦ What other flowers do you know?

♦ Why do plants need leaves, roots?

♦ Can they be plucked from the flower bed?

♦ What do you need to make beautiful flowers?

♦ What helps flowers grow? (Sun, rain, earth and people.)

Research activities

Compare flowers (how similar and different from each other).

Didactic game

"Form words"

Purpose: to expand and activate vocabulary. Learn to form adjectives from nouns.

Field of cornflowers. - Cornflower field. The smell of the meadow. - Meadow smell. Etc.

Labor assignments

"Visiting Cinderella" Give the children sticks and offer to loosen the ground around the flowers.
Purpose: to cultivate industriousness, to involve in loosening the soil.

Outdoor games

"Jumps". Purpose: to teach children to jump rope, "Flowers". Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about colors, improve reaction, speed qualities.

Individual work

Walk on a curved path (walking with limited mobility).

Purpose: to improve walking technique while maintaining balance.

Walk #11

plantain watching

Purpose: to introduce the medicinal plant - plantain; develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants, the rules for their collection, storage and use.

Progress of observation

You will always find it
Along the path without difficulty.
Leaves grow large
It's called a plantain.
It's plain and simple
But always your assistant.
Attach a leaf to the wound
Tie it tight.
The wound will heal quickly
Pain, resentment will disappear!

The teacher introduces children to the medicinal plant Plantain. This perennial herbaceous plant is found almost throughout the entire territory of our country, grows near roads, in fields, along forest edges. The plant has a root, stem, leaves, rosette. It is better to collect plantain away from the roads, as passing cars emit exhaust gases containing substances harmful to health. Plantain leaves have medicinal properties. Eyes are washed with a decoction of the leaves, a clean fresh leaf of plantain is applied to wounds, burns, insect bites .. Plantain leaves can be dried. But it is only necessary to dry the plant in a place protected from the rays of the sun.

The teacher asks the children questions and makes a riddle:

♦ What is the name of the plant we have examined?

♦ What parts does it consist of? (root, stem, leaves, inflorescence)

♦ Where does plantain most often grow?

♦ Where is the best place to collect it?

♦ What part of psyllium is considered medicinal?

Research activities

The teacher invites the children to consider how the veins of the plantain leaf are located. Compare with a leaf of another plant (in plantain, the veins are convex, protrude outward, they can be felt, while other herbs do not).

Didactic game

"Recognize and name."

Purpose: to form the ability to recognize and correctly name medicinal plants.

Labor activity

Cleaning up large debris in the area.

Purpose: to teach to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts.

Outdoor games

"Find where it's hidden."

Purpose: to teach to navigate in space.

"Traps" (with ribbons)

Purpose: to teach children to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to act quickly on a signal. Develop orientation in space, the ability to change direction.

Individual work

Development of movements (in jumps, walking on a log straight and sideways):

“From bump to bump”, “Cross the river”.

Purpose: to develop coordination of movements.

Walk #12

Supervision of the work of the janitor

Purpose: to activate cognitive activity; develop the ability to see the expediency of labor actions; learn to evaluate the results of work.

Progress of observation

The janitor will rise at dawn,
Clean up everything in the yard
And cut the bushes himself.
Beauty to our joy!

The teacher invites the children to pay attention to the work of the janitor.

Janitor's work starts early in the morning. In the work of the janitor, different tools are used.

♦ What time of year?

♦ How has the job of a janitor changed over the summer?

♦ What tools does a janitor need?

♦ Why is the profession called a janitor?

The teacher makes riddles for the children:

Stand in a row
sharp fingers,
Tsap - scratches.
Pick your bunches.
Lots of friendly guys

They sit on the same pole.
How they start to frolic -

Only dust swirls around.

Didactic game

"Who needs what to work?".

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children that different things help people in their work - tools of labor, to cultivate interest in the work of adults, the desire to work.

Exercise "Say one word" Purpose: to consolidate generalizing words.

Labor activity

Help the janitor.

Purpose: to distribute work, taking into account the strengths and capabilities of each child. Raise respect for the work of adults.

Development exercise fine motor skills hands

"Collect a broom from the branches."

Outdoor games

"Friendly Guys"

Purpose: to continue to teach children to act on a signal, to navigate in space.

"Run to the flag."

Individual work

Movement development.

Purpose: to consolidate the skills of throwing objects at a distance.


The crab made the rake to the crab.
Served the rake to the crab crab:
"Hay rake, crab, rob!"

Independent activity with remote material at the request of children

Purpose: to continue to teach children to choose a game of interest, unite in a group.

Walk #13

bird watching
Objectives: To continue introducing children to birds. Learn to distinguish birds by plumage, size, voice; develop observation, memory.

Progress of observation

Sing along, sing along:
Ten birds - a flock.
This bird is a nightingale
This bird is a sparrow.
This bird is an owl
Sleepy head.
This bird is a waxwing
This bird is a corncrake
This bird is a bird
Gray feather.
This one is a finch.
This one is a haircut.
This one is a merry siskin.
Well, this one is an evil eagle.
Birds, birds - go home!

The teacher notes that in the summer there are a lot of birds, they sing in different voices, fuss about the chicks. In June, the chicks of many bird species leave their nests. Chicks fly out of the birdhouse - starlings, young sparrows get out of secluded corners, tit chicks fly out of hollows and artificial bird houses. The babies got out of the nest. But the work of parents does not end there. Adult birds feed and protect their children. They have small chicks that need to be fed and warmed. The teacher draws the attention of the children to how quickly swallows and swifts fly, catching insects. Talks about birds feeding their chicks summer insects, thus helping to preserve plants.

The teacher asks the children questions:

♦ What kind of birds come to our site?

♦ What size are they?

♦ What are the benefits of birds?

♦ What color are they?

♦ What do they eat?

♦ What changes in the life of birds occur in summer?

♦ How do birds take care of their offspring?

♦ What other birds do you know?
Didactic game
“Onomatopoeia” - the teacher calls the birds, the children pronounce onomatopoeia. Purpose: to consolidate the pronunciation of individual sounds.
Labor activity

Sweep the area. Purpose: education of diligence, responsibility for the work performed.

Outdoor games

"Swan geese". Purpose: to improve the running technique, achieving naturalness, ease and accuracy of the task. "Birds and cage". Goal: increase motivation for gaming activities, exercise running in a half-sitting position with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement

Individual work

Usage various kinds walking: different position of the hands, high knees (like a stork, crane, heron).

Walk #14

Watching passers-by

Purpose: to draw the attention of children to how passers-by are dressed. Offer to look at each other's clothes. Teach children to see and distinguish between changes in clothing depending on the weather and season.

Progress of observation

Summer, summer is upon us!
It became dry and warm.
Straight down the track
They walk barefoot.
Bees are circling, birds are flying,
And Marina is having fun.

The teacher asks the children questions.

♦ What season is it now?

♦ Why did everyone take off their warm clothes and dress lightly?

♦ How did the air temperature change with the arrival of summer?

♦ Remember how people dressed in winter, in spring?

♦ What is the difference between winter clothes and summer clothes?

♦ The sun, what kind, how does it shine?

♦ Why do people wear hats (panamas, caps)?

The teacher invites the children to pay attention to passers-by, to the change in the appearance of people. Offers to look at each other's clothes, what the children are wearing.

Makes riddles for children (Clothes).

Put me on your head
And run on the hottest day
And if you take it off - your mother is unhappy.
I am a summer hat.. (Panama)

What's on your feet in summer? -
It's hot in boots in summer!
To make the legs happy
I will wear ... (sandals)

Who eats little candy,
And he doesn't like cakes
In the summer it will be very slender,
And put on ... (Shorts)

In winter, put on a hat, coat,
What about in summer? -
T-shirt... (Skirt)

Didactic game

"Name three things"

Purpose: to exercise children in the classification of objects.

Labor activity

Sweeping paths in the area.

Purpose: to teach to work together, to achieve the task by joint efforts.

Outdoor games

"Run to the flag."

Purpose: to teach to perform actions strictly on the signal of the teacher.

"Burners". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to act on a signal. Develop dexterity.

Individual work

Ball exercises.

Purpose: to continue to perform exercises with the ball; develop running speed.

Walk #15

Insect Watching

Purpose: to expand knowledge and ideas about the features and appearance of insects, to give a concept of the relationship between insects and plants.

Progress of observation

Insects on the road

We will see a lot

They are always easy to recognize.

If only there are six paws

You counted exactly

Be sure then

It's an insect!

In summer, the sun sends a lot of heat and light to the earth. Plants grow rapidly, flowers bloom, a large number of insects appear. The teacher draws the attention of children to the insects encountered: midges, beetles, ants, bedbugs, ladybugs, wasps, bees. The teacher makes riddles for the children and asks questions:

Flower juice is fragrant

Theme "With a birch in a round dance"


- to form knowledge that there is a substance in the birch bark - betulin, which colors it white; ants, lemon butterflies, urticaria, beetles, birds (woodpecker, tits, finches, robins, capercaillie), bears love birch sap; By the end of summer, seeds are formed near the birch in place of the flowers. When they ripen, they fall to the ground, and the wind carries them; at the end of summer, birch leaves begin to turn yellow;

— ecological culture;

- develop inquisitiveness, curiosity.

vocabulary work: birch, birch, slender, white-trunked, curly, weeping, thin branches, birch sap, birch var, birch grove, birch bark, birch brooms, boletus; grows, makes noise, leans, rustles, leaves turn yellow; betulin, racing tree.


The teacher invites the children to touch the birch trunk on a hot day. Draws attention to the fact that the white color of its bark reflects the sun's rays. Compares with light panamas and hats on the heads of children. Offers to touch pieces of white and black fabric, which were previously placed in a place heated by the sun.

Children, together with the teacher, examine the birch bark, watch the birds and insects that fly and crawl to the birch.

Reading stories and poems about birch

I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Birch"


- to form an idea of ​​​​a birch grove;

- develop imaginative thinking, imagination, speech;

- to cultivate interest in birch, the desire to learn more about it.


♦ How is a birch trunk different from other tree trunks?

♦ What birds like to sing on the birch?

♦ Why is it so nice to be in a birch grove in summer?

T. Shorygina "Birch"


- to form knowledge about the features of the growth of birch, its benefits, the attitude of a person towards it;

- develop attention, auditory perception, memory, speech;

- to cultivate interest in native nature, the desire to preserve and increase it.


♦ Where do birches grow best?

♦ Why is birch called a "racing" tree?

♦ How do people treat birch in Russia? Why is this generous and kind tree?

♦ Which of the forest dwellers likes to feast on birch sap?

V. Rozhdestvensky "Birch"


- expand ideas about birch;

- develop imagination, imaginative thinking, poetic ear, expressiveness of speech;

- to form an interest in the artistic word. Questions and task

♦ Why do Russian people love birch so much?

♦ What other poems, songs, round dances do you know about birch?

T. Shorygina "Birch", "Dance of birches", "Birch sap", "My birch"


♦ Whom did the birch give her juice to drink?

♦ How does the appearance of a birch change in different seasons?

♦ At what time of the year do you think birch is the most beautiful?

G. Yunusov "Birch Song"


♦ Why is it so nice to touch the birch?

♦ What do you think she is singing about? What is he dreaming about?

Riddles about birch

A task: develop logical thinking, the ability to highlight the characteristic features of a tree.

Russian beauty

Standing in the meadow

In a green blouse

In a white dress.

The beauty is worth:

Braids are green,

White dress,

combustible bark,

weeping branches,

Flying seed.

Not caring about the weather

He walks in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days

May gives her earrings.

Alena costs:

green scarf,

thin mill,

White sundress.

Mini-study "Birch"


- to form the ability to imagine the image of a birch and convey it with expressive pantomime;

- develop imagination, expressiveness of pantomime, plasticity;

- to cultivate interest in wildlife through entering the image.

The teacher pronounces the text and, together with the children, accompanies it with movements.

caregiver. The warm summer has finally arrived! The white-trunked birch trees straightened their carved leaves, extended their thin twigs to the sun and softened under its rays. The birches smiled at the sun.

Suddenly a playful breeze came and invited the birch trees to play.

The birches were surprised, but agreed.

They shook the birch trees with their thin branches, at first very quietly, then stronger and stronger. Each leaf-finger greeted its neighbor.

But the naughty wind brought with it a cloud that covered the sun. The birch trees are upset. They hugged themselves with twigs to keep warm.

And then the rain began to drip, the birch trees got wet to the last thread. Branches hung like whips.

The wind was afraid that the birch trees might get sick. Dispersed the clouds. The sun came out and the birches sighed happily.

Game-reincarnation "You are a small tree"


- develop empathy (sympathy), observation, dialogic speech, the ability to express judgment;

- to form ecological consciousness.

Educator. Recently, we were walking along the streets of the city and saw how many young trees were planted instead of sick old ones. Among them there are birches - thin, fragile. People tied them to pegs so that the wind would not break the thin trunk. Every day a special machine waters the trees so that they do not dry out and take root quickly.

Imagine that you are weak, thin little birch trees with delicate leaves and fragile twigs. Anyone can offend such a baby.

A strong wind blew and broke a small fragile branch. Does your toe hurt? Tell the mischievous wind about it.

The children are talking.

Let me take pity on your toes. (Strokes the fingers of the children, sentences.)

The gentle summer sun came out, warmed the birch trees. What is your mood? What would you like to say to the sun?

The children answer.

But what is? In summer, it suddenly became cold, gloomy clouds hung, and it began to rain so hard that all the leaves of the birch trees drooped, and some even fell to the ground. Tell me, birches, how do you feel at this time? How can you help?

The children answer.

Luckily the rain stopped and the sun came out again. It caressed the birches. And here and beautiful butterfly flew in and sat down to rest on the branches of a birch. Are you happy with such guests? What would you like to talk about with a butterfly?

The children answer.

A boy walked past young birch trees and plucked a twig to give to his mother. How will you react to this? Did the boy do the right thing? Tell him how you felt when he broke the twigs?

The children are talking.

But here's another problem! Voracious caterpillars have settled on your branches, which eat all the young leaves. How can you help?

The children answer.

Tell me, birches, please, what do you dream about, looking at the other side of the street, where big birches grow? Would you like to grow up somewhere else? Why did people drop you along the roads? What benefit do you bring to people? Animals? What would you like to ask all people?

The children are talking.

Let's all take care of our native nature together, protect young trees from breakdowns and diseases, drought, dust.

Drawing on the theme "Birch Grove"


- to consolidate ideas about the appearance of birch, distinctive features different types birches;

- develop visual skills creativity, sense of composition, space;

- to form an interest in wildlife.

Game "Journey to the Forest"


- to consolidate knowledge about the flora and fauna of the forest;

- develop imagination, pantomimic and speech expressiveness, motor activity;

- to form an interest in the native nature.

Equipment: Audio recording of forest sounds.

Educator. Guys, we have already traveled a lot in different places. But they haven't been to the summer forest yet. Do you want us to go there? What are we going to go there? (Listens to the children's options.) How many suggestions! Let's choose one of them.

Children imitate movement on the selected object to a place on the territory of the preschool educational institution where there is a forest area or trees.

Finally we got there! Did you lose anyone along the way? Take a look, listen. Can you hear the birds singing in the forest? “Coo-coo, coo-coo”, who sings like that? Of course, cuckoo. She is meeting us. Let's ask her: "Cuckoo, cuckoo, how long do I have to live?" How did the cuckoo answer us?

And what is this bird with a red cap that hammers at the bark of a pine tree? How does a woodpecker knock?

Children show.

Let's tell a quatrain with me about this. Beak will be forefinger one hand, and the bark of a tree - the palm of the other hand.

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Woodpecker hammering a tree

Beak "d-d-d" knocks.

In the oak he looks for bugs,

The most harmful worms.

Let's go into the forest. What soft moss underfoot! We walk on the moss inaudibly, on toes. An impassable thicket lies ahead. Follow me one by one. Let's go down the narrow path. We ended up in a strip of spruce forest. What trees grow in a spruce forest? Is spruce a coniferous or deciduous tree?

The children answer.

Smells like pine and resin

The old forest is dense.

Bell daring

Hung over the steep.

How many fallen trees here after a strong wind! We will have to climb over them.

Children overcome imaginary obstacles.

Walk carefully, move apart the thorny branches, lift them up, do not prick yourself.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree -

Prickly needle.

Oops, I hit something! But it's not a tree. Who is this?

Who is prickly, like a Christmas tree,

Does he wear needles on his back?

Of course, hedgehog. Show me what he is.

Finger gymnastics

A big tree grows in the forest Children spread their fingers with their palms away from themselves, connect their thumbs.

The tree has a prickly needle. Springy fingers connect with pads in pairs. A hedgehog lives in a hole under the tree, They cross their fingers.

You can't take it with your hands. Squeeze and unclench crossed fingers.

It's time for us to leave the spruce forest. Light ahead. This means that the deciduous forest begins. What trees grow in it?

The children answer.

But why does it seem to me that these are not trees, but girls in white sundresses?

The children answer.

We came to birch grove. How bright and beautiful it is! Let's dance together with the birch trees.

Children perform a round dance "There was a birch in the field."

I don’t want to leave the birch grove at all. But ahead of the oak forest. What trees grow here?

It is covered with dark bark,

The sheet is beautiful, carved.

And at the ends of the branches

Lots and lots of acorns. (Oak)

The children answer.

That's right, oak trees grow in the oak forest. Here we will become oak trees.

Poem with movements "We will become trees"

We will become trees Children put their feet shoulder-width apart, hands on their belts.

Strong, big.

Legs are roots Spread your legs wider.

Let's spread them out wider.

To keep the tree A clenched fist is placed on top of another clenched fist.

Didn't let it fall

From the depths of the distant They bend over, fold their palms in a cup, unbend.

They got water.

Our body is a mighty trunk, With open palms, they pass over the body from top to bottom, swaying from side to side.

He wobbles a little

And with its sharp tip

Reaches into the sky. They fold their palms with a hut, with a sharp end up. Raise joined hands up.

Our hands are branches Raise your hands up, palms away from you, fingers open. They close their fingers over their heads.

Crown together form.

In the crown they are not at all afraid, They shake their heads negatively.

When the winds blow hard. They swing with raised hands.

Fingers will be twigs Wiggle the fingers of both hands.

Leaves cover them. Cover one hand with the other.

As autumn comes after summer, Raise one hand, then the other.

The leaves will scatter. Raise your arms to the sides.

Children, you are like oak trees, strong, strong, not a single wind will knock you down! But the forest is rich not only in trees. In summer, many different berries ripen in the forest. What?

The children answer.

Of course, the berries ripen at different times during the summer, but we have a magical forest, all the berries ripened at once. Now I will give you baskets (imaginary), and you will collect ripe berries in them. Each of you will collect your own. Then tell me what berries you picked, what size, shape, color they are, what they taste like.

Children imitate picking berries.

The teacher reads poems about berries at his discretion.

Come, children, tell us what berries you have collected.

The children are talking.

Well done, we got a lot of berries. Now you can have some fun!

Children perform a round dance "Let's go to the forest for raspberries."

We completely forgot about mushrooms! In the summer there are a lot of them in the forest, especially in August. We'll collect mushrooms and we can return home. Collect tribes and tell which of them are edible, what they are called, under which tree they grow.

Children perform.

Children, let's all say goodbye to the forest together.

Goodbye, dense forest!

We will still come to you.

Let's say "thank you" for the gifts

Let's sing a ringing song.

E. Alyabyeva

The game "Journey to the forest swamp"


- to consolidate knowledge about the flora and fauna of the forest swamp;

- develop imagination, pantomimic and speech expressiveness, motor activity, orientation in space;

- develop an interest in nature.

preliminary work: reading, telling and looking at pictures, illustrations about the swamp.

Educator. Guys, last time we traveled with you through the summer forest. But we have not visited all of its places. In the forests underfoot there can be not only moss and grass, but also water. Which of you has seen a forest swamp in the forest or on the edge of the forest? How is a swamp different from a lake, pond, river? What did your parents warn you about when you approached the swamp? Why is the swamp dangerous?

The children answer.

The swamp is not only dangerous, but also very interesting to explore. It contains many plants and animals, it retains the moisture necessary for all living things. When people drained the swamps, this led to a violation of the ecological balance in nature, ravines and dry winds began to appear in these areas. It turns out that there is nothing superfluous in nature, the earth also needs swamps.

I suggest you take a trip to one of the forest swamps. It's not easy to get to, so we'll become geese-swans and we'll fly. Where are your wings? Make your wings flap more vigorously in order to fly faster.

Children imitate the flight of swans, move around the entire site behind the teacher.

Let's scream like swans: "Kurly-kurly-kurly."

Children perform.

So we flew over a meadow, now over a river, a field, a small village, and, finally, a forest appeared in front, on the edge of which our swamp. Landing. I warn you to be very careful in the swamp. There are places with a quagmire from which it is impossible to get out. Let's sit down on the edge of the swamp, on solid ground. Now you can turn into children again. Look around, look around.

Guys, we recently went to a birch, traveled in a birch grove. And why are the birch trees near the swamp so thin, crooked, low?

The children answer.

When we showed a birch tree from the forest, we depicted it as a slender girl in a white sundress, and now show a birch tree near the swamp.

Children represent a birch.

You know, under such birch trees even boletus grows like a sponge filled with water. So much moisture. What other plants grow in the swamp?

The children answer.

You can only walk in the swamp with a stick. What is it for? The children answer.

Choose a stick that is stronger and more authentic. We will measure the depth in front of us. If the stick does not fall through, you can advance. Show me your sticks (imaginary). Is everyone ready? We follow each other, step by step, so as not to fail.

And who is so green in the swamp? Guess: “Rides like a ball; swims like a fish." Of course it's a frog. How many of them in the swamp! And we will become funny frogs. Sit like frogs. Let's make a real frog choir.

Now jump, frogs, over bumps, catch mosquitoes.

Like funny friends

Jumping, croaking frogs.

Kwa-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva,

We will sing until morning.

Poem with movements "Laughing Frogs"

Two laughing frogs Children show index and middle fingers.

They jumped. Depict jumping with your fingers.

With a paw - clap, with another - clap, They slap their feet.

Cheeks puffed up. Show the roundness of the cheeks with the fingers.

Saw a mosquito They show a mosquito with fingers folded into a pinch, trace the trajectory of its flight with their eyes.

They shouted: “Kwa-kva-kva!” Depict the mouth of a frog, opposing thumb the rest of the fingers closed.

The mosquito flew away like the wind. Throw the hand forward sharply, putting out the index finger.

It's good to live in the world! Stroking palms on the chest, put the thumb forward.

caregiver. What kind of bird appeared ahead? Guess.

There is a sharp-nosed bird in the water,

Don't move, fool!

Standing on the left or on the right foot,

What is the real difference here? (Heron.)

G. Bukovskaya

That's right, it's a heron. Herons live in the swamp. Let's become herons. Show how they sleep on one leg. What do they eat?

The children answer.

That's right, frogs. Let's play an interesting game.

An outdoor game "Frogs and Heron" is held.

You were very dexterous frogs and herons. But it's time for us to move on. We still have a lot of interesting things to look forward to. See what those red beads are on the surface of the swamp moss? What is the name of this berry?

The children answer.

Cranberries grow only in swamps. It is harvested in late August - early September. This is a very healthy berry. We will collect it by jumping from bump to bump. Count how many cranberries you have collected.

We'll go to the swamp

We will collect a lot of cranberries.

And it grows on a hummock

And hangs on a thin leg,

Standing out in red

Pouring sour juice.

Carefully we step

Collect cranberries together.

I will put you a large basket, and you pour out all the cranberries that you have collected. Now in the winter we will have a lot of vitamins. We will cook fruit drinks, kissels. How many berries did each of you collect?

The children answer.

Let's go around the edge of the swamp. Get behind me, walk carefully, watch carefully. Ahead is a large pile of dry branches, and snakes, vipers, curled up on them. They may bite. Viper venom is deadly. Let's go around them quietly, carefully, on tiptoe so as not to disturb them.

Be careful in the swamp

And don't step on the snake.

It's not easy to see her here.

Go slowly, don't rush.

Like a stick, can stretch

A dangerous snake for us.

Then she curls up into a ball

Among the bushes lies, hissing.

Don't disturb her peace

And walk around carefully.

The swamp is her lawful home,

And you are a guest here

Here and look!

E. Alyabyeva

Finally got past the vipers! We didn't touch them, and they didn't sting us.

Some fabulous things are happening in our swamp! I hear the voice of the Waterman from the fairy tale "Flying Ship". Remember this? We will also become water. We sat on the bottom, and now we rise to the surface and sing the song of the Waterman, who complained about his life in the swamp.

I am Water, I am Water.

Someone would talk to me.

And then my girlfriends -

Leeches and frogs.

Fu, what a mess!

Oh, my life is a tin

Yes, well, into the swamp!

I live like a toadstool

And I fly, and I fly

And I want to fly!

Y. Entin

I think that Vodyanoy is now happier, he has got so many friends.

Guys, here is another hero of the fairy tale. He catches leeches with a net, and his name is Duremar. What story is he from?

Tatiana Pivovarova
Observations in nature in summer, senior preparatory group

1."Clover-porridge". Draw the attention of children that clover-porridge white color. Discuss why the flower is called that. Reading a nursery rhyme "His curls grow like wool on a lamb, but he is just a porridge for every lamb." Pay attention to the unusual structure of clover flowers . Develop an interest in life nature.

2."Summer evening". Draw the children's attention to the fact that when everyone goes home, the sun shines brightly. Recall winter evenings compare, draw conclusions. To reinforce children's ideas about the time of day.

3."Friends of Flowers". Consider pollinating flowers insects: moths, butterflies, bees, bumblebees. Tell that these insects not only feed on flowers, but also pollinate plants, and without pollination there will be no fruits. Show pollen. Activate Dictionary words: "pollination, pollen, nectar". Develop an interest in life nature.

4."Wild Sorrel" Consider the flower of wild sorrel, pay attention to its small leaves, compare with the garden one. Tell that it can be put in soup, if you type one outside the city. interest in the plant world nature.

5."Mugs". Consider large burdock leaves, fantasize about where these leaves can be used. Tell how burdock is used as a medicinal plant, about the possibility of using burdock roots for food. develop imagination, observation, interest in plants, living nature.

6."Flowers in the central flower bed". observe blooming daisies, lupins, lilies. Consider the variety of flower shapes, petals and centers. Develop involuntary memory by memorizing the names of the colors you like. Develop an interest in life nature.

7."Red clover". Draw the attention of children to the color of clover, that it is rather a dark pink shade. Pay attention to the unusual structure of clover flowers (there is no middle, the petals are many but narrow).Tell how cows and sheep love clover. Remember the tale of V. Bianchi "Owl" how in this fairy tale the clover disappeared in the meadow. Develop interest in the world of plants, living nature.

8.“Weeds. Mokritsa." observe weeds that appeared on the beds, to tell that they interfere with the plants that we planted, taking away water and nutrition from them, pushing them away with their roots. Consider the most common weed - wood lice, how fragile it is, with a thin stem, but how much it grows. Talk about the need for weeding. Develop an interest in life nature for growing garden plants.

9."Nettle". Examine the nettle, remind you that you can’t touch it, it "burn". Explain why, look through a magnifying glass small "thorns" on nettle leaves. Tell that nettle can be used for food, make threads from it, use it as a medicinal plant. Expand children's ideas about plants, interest in living nature.

10. "Clover Leaves". Consider "triple" clover leaves, tell what is very rare to find "happy" sheet of 4 parts. To develop children's ideas about plants, interest in living nature.

11."Warm Summer Rain". To draw the attention of the children that the summer rain is warm, and we hide in the gazebo just so as not to get our clothes wet. Introduce children to the concept "short rain", explain that a short summer rain can be waited out. Reading Art. I. Tokmakova "Summer downpour poured puddles".Develop children's ideas about the environment, interest in inanimate nature.

12."Ladybug". Consider a ladybug, explain how it differs from other beetles. (color). Tell that there are yellow ladybugs, very rarely - white and black, with a different number of dots. Note that the ladybug's wings have the same number of dots. Talk about the diet of a ladybug. Remember what other beetles we know. Develop an interest in life nature.

13. "Bumblebee". Look at the bumblebee up close, tell how beautiful, fluffy and striped it is like a tiger cub, and kind - if you don’t touch it, it won’t bite. Talk about the lifestyle and nutrition of bumblebees. Warn the children not to touch the bumblebee. Consolidate children's knowledge of insects, develop interest in living nature.

14."Spider".Continue to expand ideas about the features of the appearance of spiders, their life. Reading V. Orlov's poem "The First Path" To form an interest in the world around.

15."Snail". Watch the big snail, consider how she crawls, how she exposes her antennae, and removes them from a light touch. Discuss why a snail needs a shell, whether there are snails without a shell (slugs, what snails eat, whether insects are snails. Expand ideas about the features of the appearance of snails, their lives. Form interest in the world around them.

16."Dandelions" Examine the flower closely, note that the flower consists of many petals, the stem is a tube, there is a pluck, juice is released that stains the hands. Explain that dandelions are the only flowers that can be picked on the site, because there are a lot of them and they will be mowed down anyway.

17. Observation at the work of the janitor - mowing the grass with a trimmer. Draw the attention of children to the clothes of the janitor - goggles and gloves. Talk about why it is necessary to mow the grass.

18. "Blossomed dandelions" - note that some dandelions began to fade, parachute seeds ripened in them. Give the children the opportunity to each find and blow the seeds from the dandelion ball. Talk about the spread of seeds through the air. Develop interest in living nature.

19."Mowed Grass"- examine the cut grass, raising a handful of grass to your face, smell it. explain what it's called "hay", and in the villages it is stored for the winter to feed cows, horses and goats. Develop children's ideas about the environment.

20."Blossoming lilac" Consider a sprig of lilac, leaves and flowers. Feel the aroma of lilac, the shape of flowers - each inflorescence of many small flowers similar to carnations. Consider the color of the flower, say that because of the unusual color, this shade is called "lilac"

21."White Lilac" Consider a branch of white lilac. Determine if white and lilac branches smell the same? Tell them that lilacs usually only come in these 2 colors. Remind you that you can’t pick lilacs in the city. Develop an interest in life nature desire to protect her.

22."Blossoming acacia". Consider the yellow flowers of acacia, tell that pods will appear in their place. Remember what we still know flowering bushes. Develop an interest in life nature, connected speech.

23."Grass, bushes, trees". Discuss what one word to call them. Discuss the similarities and differences between these plant species. (size, growth period). Develop an interest in life nature.

24."Plantain". Pay attention to the rounded plantain leaves with characteristic veins. Continue to develop cognitive activity in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants. Explain that it is impossible to use the plantain plucked in the city for medicinal purposes. Develop an interest in life nature to the world of plants.

25."Earthworms". Consider an earthworm dug out of the ground, Expand ideas about the features of appearance worms: pay attention to its color (pink, to the fact that the worm is smooth. Explain that this is a completely harmless and very useful animal. Discuss the benefits of worms (formation of the soil layer).Discuss what worms eat, whether they are insects. Explain why worms are called "rain"- crawl out after the rain, because it is difficult for them to breathe in the soil soaked with moisture. Build an interest in the environment.

26."Thunderstorm". Compare ordinary rain and thunderstorm, name the similarities and differences. Get to know the concept "thunderstorm"; to form real ideas about the phenomenon nature; enrich vocabulary; develop observation.

27."Fly". Continue to expand knowledge and ideas about the features of the appearance of the fly, its vital manifestations, the harm and benefits of flies in nature(benefit - food for frogs and birds, pollinate flowers). Build realistic ideas about nature.

28."Dew on the Grass" Explain how it is formed a natural phenomenon. To form an interest in the surrounding world, in the inanimate nature.

29."Butterfly on Flowers" Carefully approach, without frightening the butterfly, and examine it. Consider the thin wings and spiral proboscis of a butterfly. Tell about the names of butterflies (lemongrass, cabbage, peacock eye, etc.) Consolidate children's knowledge of insects, develop interest in living nature.

Also possible themes observations:

"Plant Roots"

Maple "spouts"

"Topol, and his "children" (growth)


"Plant Transplantation"




"Crows and Crows"

"Clouds and Clouds"

"Cloudy and clear weather"

"Linden (Linden blossom)"

"Mushroom (drizzling) rain"

"Strong wind ("a storm warning")"


"Starling summer"

"Titmouse summer"


Anastasia Chernyaykova
Card file of a walk in senior group. June. Part 1. From 1 to 10


Status Monitoring nature: teaches to see signs of summer, differences from other seasons.

Physical control: exercise children in running between objects. Develop speed and agility.

P / and game: Vaska is a cat. According to the counting rhyme, the cat Vaska is selected. He sleeps in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children - mice, get up and dance around the cat, reading a rhyme, performing movements.

“Vaska walks gray

The tail is fluffy, white,

Vaska walks - koooot

Sits down and washes

wiped with a paw,

Gray mice are waiting.

Mice, mice - that's the trouble,

Run away from the cat!

The mice run away, and the Cat - Vaska catches them.

Work: remove branches from site.

Card number 2

Birch observations. Learn to see the difference in different seasons. Remember the names of the trees.

Physical control: learn to jump rope. Develop dexterity, speed, speed.

P / and game: "Owl and Mice" "day" "night"

Work: sweep the veranda.

Card number 3

Observation of insects and flowers. Determine the relationship of insects with plants and flowers. Fix the names of flowers and insects.

Physical control: Continue learning to jump rope. (dexterity, quickness, speed)

P / and game: "Owl and Mice". Owl - driver. Owl reports "day"- and mice quietly run around her. But suddenly comes sharply "night" and the owl goes hunting. Catches those mice that move, did not have time to freeze.

Work: Bring the sand into the sandbox.

Card number 4

Weather observation. "Rain". To consolidate knowledge of the signs of rain, bad weather. What is the weather like after the rain? Is rain necessary and important? What happens after rain in summer?

Physical control: learn to dress quietly, yield to girls. Cultivate a culture of personality, correct manners.

P / and game: "The Fox and the Mice". The fox is the leader. The game type catch-up, "Owl and Mice"

Work: help pull weeds from flower beds.

Card number 5

Observation of plants in the flower bed. Note the changes that have taken place since the flowers were planted. What are flowers for? What do we know about flowers? How to take care of flowers?

Physical exercise: exercise in throwing balls into the basket. Develop dexterity, accuracy, throwing power, put your hand when throwing correctly.

P / and game: "Sly Fox" pronounce: "Cunning fox, where are you?" He speaks: "I'm here!"

Work: sweep rubbish area.

Card number 6

Weather observation. Learn to recognize the signs of summer. Determine changes in nature.

Physical control: throwing length. Develop myopia. Agility. Place your hand correctly when throwing.

P / and game: "The Fox and the Mice". The fox is the leader. Game by type "Owl and Mice", "Catch-ups"

Work: help drag the sand into the sandbox in the younger group

Card number 7

Flower observation. Learn to watch flowers grow. See the difference. Repeat the rules for caring for flowers, what not to do, how to care not only for flowers on site, but also in group, at home.

Physical control: Exercise in throwing the ball into the basket. Develop dexterity, coordination, eye, speed of reaction.

P / and game: "Sly Fox". Children are built in a circle. To the side is the fox's house. Children close their eyes, the leader walks in a circle and touches the shoulder. This player becomes a cunning fox. Children open their eyes and try to guess who the cunning fox is. At the sign of the educator pronounce: "Cunning fox, where are you?" A fox after a few seconds. Suddenly runs into the middle of the circle and He speaks: "I'm here!". Everyone scatters, whoever she catches, takes to her house.

Work: help the janitor sweep the area around site.

Card number 8

Cloud observations. What are clouds? Why are they moving? What happens to the clouds? What do clouds look like?

Physical control: play russian folk games. Etc. tags.

P / and game: "Catchers". Leading. The children get up in a loose, on command they scatter, whoever the leader touched, he leaves the game.

Work: clean up toys, throw away broken ones.

Card number 9

Observation of insects, beetles. Why do we need insects and bugs? What benefit do they provide? What can't be done?

Physical control: jumping on - distillation. Agility, speed, ability to work in a team, coordination of movements.

P / and game: "Sly Fox". Children are built in a circle. To the side is the fox's house. Children close their eyes, the leader walks in a circle and touches the shoulder. This player becomes a cunning fox. Children open their eyes and try to guess who the cunning fox is. At the sign of the educator pronounce: "Cunning fox, where are you?" A fox after a few seconds. Suddenly runs into the middle of the circle and He speaks: "I'm here!". Everyone scatters, whoever she catches, takes to her house.

Work: sweep the veranda from debris and sand.