Nod looking at Savrasov's painting the rooks have arrived. Synopsis of the nood for the development of speech "compilation of a descriptive story based on a picture a

Municipal educational institution

« secondary school № 101

Dzerzhinsky district of Volgograd

Summary of the lesson on the topic:

course "Image of the Motherland"

Compiled by:

teacher primary school

MOU secondary school No. 101

Nazarova O.O.

Volgograd, 2016

Acquaintance with the picture of Savrasov A.K. "The Rooks Have Arrived".

Goals: Involve children in beautiful world painting, poetry, music. Introduce students to the history of painting.To teach to carefully examine the pictures, talk about their content, see and understand means of expression that the artist uses to feel the beauty of the work

Educational tasks:

- To teach children to consider reproductions of paintings, answer the questions posed; improve the ability to select words - definitions for nouns.

- To form the ability of children to carefully examine the reproduction of the picture and see the image of the landscape in the unity of its content and means of expression;

To consolidate the ideas of children that the image of nature is called a landscape;

Development tasks :

- Develop creative imagination.

- Develop skill verbal description paintings;

develop in children artistic perception landscape painting;

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary;

Develop observation, visual attention and memory;

Educational tasks:

Interest in art.

Love to native land, alive and inanimate nature, the ability to feel its beauty.

Conduct form: lesson-conversation

Equipment : the teacher has a computer, a multimedia projector, a presentation for the lesson, a demonstration reproduction of the painting by A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”, an excerpt from the cycle of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”; students on their desks have reproductions of paintings, helper sheets.

Preliminary work: viewing pictures of nature, reading stories and poems about nature.

Planned results:
manifestation of interest in the art of A. K. Savrasov;the ability to share with the teacher and other children impressions about the picture.

During the classes.

Teacher activity

Student activities


Continue the sentence. Poets write...

Reading by children of previously learned poems.

What do these poems have in common?

What is your favorite season and why?

List the characteristics of each season.

Continue the sentence. The composer writes ... (The phrase is posted on the board)

Listening to excerpts from the cycleP.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons.".

Guys, how can you show the seasons.

How else?

Come up with a phrase that would end with the wordpaintings.

( The phrase is posted on the board)


1. White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow

The field is white

Like a veil

All dressed him up. I. Surikov

2. Ripe lingonberries,

Become the days are colder,

And from the bird's cry

My heart became sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away

Away, beyond the blue sea.

All the trees are shining

In multi-colored attire. K. Balmont

3. If there are thunderstorms in the sky,

If the grasses bloomed

If early morning dew

Blades of grass are bent to the ground;

If in the grove above the viburnum

Until the night, the rumble of bees,

If warmed by the sun

So it's already ... summer. E. Trutneva

4. Dawn early in the morning

thawed patches here and there,

The stream runs like a waterfall

Starlings fly to birdhouses.

Droplets ring under the roofs

The bear got up from the spruce bed,

The sun caresses everyone with warmth,

Who knows this time of year?

(They're about the seasons)


(write a poem or story, write music)

(draw or paint a picture)

(The artist writes...)

Introduction to creativity Savrasova A. K.

Today we will take a closer look at the work of A.K. Savrasov. Listen to his biography. (slide 1-2)

(slide 3-24)

What genre are these paintings? Is it still life, portrait or landscape. Explain.

What seasons do you see in these pictures?

Choose the pictures that match this poem.

Student presentation.

Reading a poem by Ivan Bunin to students.

Melting water rages
Noisy and muffled, and drawn out.
Rooks flying herds
They shout both cheerfully and importantly.
... Between round loose clouds
Innocently the sky is blue
And the gentle sun warms
In the lull of the Humen and courtyards.
Spring, spring! And she's all happy.
As in oblivion, what are you standing

And you hear the fresh smell of the garden
And the warm smell of melted roofs.

Acquaintance with the reproduction of A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Why did you decide that this particular picture corresponds to this poem?

The history of the creation of the picture (slide 25)

Reproduction talk

Guys, now look at the picture very carefully.

You have helper sheets on your desks where you can write down your favorite words, phrases that can be used in the description of this picture.

Why do we call this painting a landscape?

What colors prevail in the picture? - What mood does this picture evoke in you: sad, sad, joyful?

Can you list everything you see in the picture?

Close your eyes, imagine that you find yourself near these birches. What sounds can you hear?

What is the main thing in the picture? -

What is shown on foreground?. These birds are the first heralds of spring. They brought on their black wings a warm fresh wind, joyful fuss, new hopes. Rooks returned to their homeland - to their nests. They sat on the trees and incessantly repeat their joyful news about the approach of spring. What are they doing?

What helps to feel the movement that Savrasov conveys by depicting a picture of spring?

Pay attention to how the artist carefully drew the branches of the birch trees, which came to life from the bird noise. They seem to reach for the sky, despite the severity of the nests. Look carefully, Aleksey Kondratyevich wrote not only every branch on the tree, but also on the snow, on the ground. Here we also see an industrious rook with a twig in its beak. It seems that he is about to take off and continue his hard work.

What can you say about how A.K. Savrasov depicted snow?

What is depicted behind the birches, in the background?) - The foreground gets its natural continuation in the background, opening up behind the village on the right and left. The artist perfectly expresses the length of the fields: under the oblique rays of the dim sun, narrow layers of snow that has not yet melted stand out in places on the black earth. These create the impression of a huge space captured on the canvas.

How did the artist depict the sky?

Guys, how do you think up, is it possible to draw air? - What other characteristics of air can you add?) - What do you think, what did Alexey Savrasov want to convey in his work?

Guys, what do you think what qualities the artist possessed.

(It depicts nature)

(light blue, gray-blue, yellowish, grayish-brown, etc.)

(rooks, nests, church, field, sky, birches, old houses, snow, pond)

(cries of birds, the noise of birch trees, the sound of water flowing into the pond)

(birches with rook nests, rooks)

(repair of old nests, construction of new ones).

(rooks that fly over nests)

(the snow has not yet melted, it has turned gray, timid shadows fall on it from birches)

(village, old church, endless meadows and fields

(the sky is still low, faded, with gray-blue clouds, light blue at the top and covered with a dark stripe on the horizon) (the air is transparent and light in spring)

(Students answer)


- How did you see the Motherland today? What memories did this picture evoke in you?

Write your story or picture about the Motherland.

(Children choose to complete the task. An exhibition of drawings is organized. Stories are read out.)

Drawing up a descriptive story based on a reproduction of a painting by A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Synopsis of GCD on the development of coherent speech in senior group

Kovtunova Svetlana Anatolyevna, teacher Kindergarten VNIISS settlement of the Ramonsky municipal district of the Voronezh region
Work description: I bring to your attention a summary of the GCD, during which the children of the older group learn to write a descriptive story. The material will be useful to kindergarten teachers.
Topic:“Compilation of a descriptive story based on the reproduction of the painting by A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived” (Synopsis of the GCD on the development of coherent speech in the senior group)
Introducing children to cultural heritage Russian people; to consolidate and deepen ideas about the genres of painting and the means of its expression.
- To help children see and feel the intimate beauty of their native Russian nature in the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”,
- to develop an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature, aesthetic feelings and experiences, the ability to correlate what is seen with the experience of one's own perception of spring nature;
- to teach the artistic vision of a landscape painting, to stimulate the desire to carefully consider it,
- to learn to compose descriptive stories based on a landscape painting,
- enrich vocabulary definitions, to form figurative speech, the ability to understand and select figurative expressions and comparisons;
- consolidate knowledge about spring changes in wildlife and inanimate nature;
- clarify and expand ideas about migratory birds, about their life in the spring.
preliminary work
1. Acquaintance with poems about spring by F.I. Tyutchev “Spring”, “Spring Waters”, S.Ya. Marshak “Spring Song”, April.
2. Observation will take the coming spring in nature with educators and parents.
Reproduction of A.K. Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived", encyclopedia of world art "Masters of Russian Painting".
Musical and technical equipment
Music Center, musical instruments(tambourines, rattles, spoons, noisemakers), voices of birds in the DVD-recording, A. Vivaldi album "The Seasons", "Spring", I. Strauss "Village Swallows".

Lesson progress

The music of A. Vivaldi from the album "Seasons" "Spring" sounds.
- The snow is melting, streams are running,
In the window it blew in the spring ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!
clear blue sky,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
Again a long time passed.
(A. Pleshcheev)
What season is this poem about?
- About spring.
- Spring is a celebration of the awakening of nature. What miracles happen in spring?
- Snow melts, thawed patches appear. The trees are waking up from their winter sleep. There is a smell of rotting leaves in the air. Migratory birds return home from distant lands.
- The rooks are the first to return, they are called the heralds of spring. Today you will learn a lot of interesting things about rooks.
It is no coincidence that our lesson takes place in a multi-studio, we will continue our acquaintance with the wonderful book “Masters of Russian Painting”. She will tell us about another great Russian artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov. Here is his portrait.
(portrait display)
And the main work of this artist "The Rooks Have Arrived". For more than a hundred years, Savrasov's work "The Rooks Have Arrived" has been a symbol of the Russian landscape.
(Draw the attention of the children to the easel on which the picture is located)
The artist simply and soulfully depicted the first steps of spring. What do you see in the picture?
- A flock of rooks flew to the birches.
- Tell us about the rooks, what do they do?
Rooks repair old nests and build new ones.
- What does a rook do at the roots of a birch?
- HE found a twig and holds it in his beak.
- Do you think the rooks are happy or sad?
- They are joyful, cheerful, because they returned home to their homeland.
- The rooks scream loudly, speak the rook language, show how they speak.
- Gra-gra-gra!
What is the first sound we hear? Is it hard or soft?
- solid sound"G".
Where do rooks build their nests?
- On tops of trees (birches).
- Rooks are friendly birds. Returning from distant countries, they inspect old nests, repair them and build new ones, several nests on one tree. Such places are called rookeries. Here they are! What are the names of such places?
- Rookers.
- What can you tell about trees?
- FROM right side the paintings are young, slender birches, and in the middle - old, clumsy ones.
- Which birches have more nests and why?
- On the old ones, because their branches are thick, strong, the nests are well fixed on them.
- And when the leaves bloom, the nests will not be visible at all, the chicks will be safe.
- What can you say about the sky? What is it?
- Blue-grey clouds in the sky. It is low, sad, a little gloomy. The sun hid behind a cloud, a shadow from birches falls on the snow.
- Look at the ground. What can be said about the earth?
- The ground is still covered with wet, loose, gray, darkened snow, thawed patches are visible here and there.
What else do you see in the picture?
- Behind the birches you can see an old wooden building, and behind it - a church with domes.
- Guys, what do you feel when you look at this picture?
- The rooks have arrived, which means it will soon be warm, but still a little sorry for the outgoing snow-white winter.
- Guys, did you like the painting by A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”?
(children's answers)
Let's write a story about this wonderful picture. Let's talk about the sun, about snow and clouds, about the coming spring and the outgoing winter, about birches and noisy rooks. Try to tell slowly, expressively, conveying your mood and attitude towards the main characters with your voice.
(Children, if they wish, tell from the picture, and the teacher records them on a voice recorder)

Well done boys! We have a good collective story that guys from neighboring groups can listen to with us.
And now I would like you to play the game "Rooks have arrived."
Read the words correctly
Fly from one place to another!
(Children fly from one place to another by reading the words: park, glade, rookery, birch)

- Guys, what other migratory birds do you know. Name them and put the named bird on the tree.

(Children seat birds on a tree)

All birds are beautiful. They delight us not only with their beauty appearance but also with their songs. Let's hear them sing.
(DVD-recording with the voices of birds sounds)

Now look at the birds again, and then close your eyes.
We remember the birds
We close our eyes.

(Remove some bird)
We open our eyes
Who did not answer.
(The game is repeated several times)
Earlier in Russia, children became in a round dance, and all together called the birds. Let's call them with a nickname. And our musical instruments will help us.

(Execution of the call)

Already you, little birds, chirping,
Fly to us!
Spring is clear, spring is red
Bring us.
(After the call is completed, the children put down musical instruments. The cries of birds are heard, barely audible)
- Do you hear guys? What's this?
- Migratory birds fly to us!
- Look, a flock of birds is flying, and here is another and another!

They heard our call and hurried back to their homeland.
(Children find illustrations of bird flights)

Back forward

Attention! The slide preview is for informational purposes only and may not represent the full extent of the presentation. If you are interested this work please download the full version.

Targets and goals: to form the ability to build a text in a certain compositional form; to form the ability to select speech means, work with synonyms, antonyms; to learn to express in a word their impressions, ideas; the ability to perceive the author's vision of the world, his position on the means of penetration into the world of artistic images.

Equipment: multimedia equipment, presentation of paintings by Russian artists about spring, a reproduction of Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived", cards with additional material on the students' tables.

During the classes

Message topic and purpose.

The snow is already melting, streams are running, Alexey Pleshcheev

Spring blew through the window ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!
clear blue sky,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's been a long time again...
What are these verses about? ( About spring)

What changes in nature characterize the arrival of spring? ( Listening to student responses

In spring, nature wakes up and blooms. Poets, writers, artists admired the spring. They dedicated their poems, music, painted pictures to her.

Listen to P. I. Tchaikovsky’s plays “March”, “April” from the cycle “The Seasons” and look at paintings by Russian artists about spring.


Look at the painting by Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”. What is the mood of this picture?

Today in the lesson we will learn to write an essay - a description based on Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”

Painting work.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

Raging hollow water
Noisy and muffled and drawn out.
Migratory herds of rooks
Shouting and fun and important.
Black mounds are smoking,
And in the morning in the warm air
thick white couples
Filled with warmth and light.
And at noon puddles under the window
So spill and shine
What a bright sunspot
The “bunnies” flutter around the hall ...

What signs of spring are mentioned in Bunin's poem?

Consider the picture.

What mood does the picture evoke in you, sad or happy?

(joyful and sad, slightly sad mood)

In the picture, the artist depicted nature. What is the name of this genre of fine art? ( It's a landscape .)

This is a lyrical Russian landscape. Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov was the founder of just such a landscape.

The lyrical landscape is poetic, excited, sincere.

In his painting, Savrasov masterfully conveys the state of nature. This is a kind of story about what happens in nature with the arrival of spring. The image of spring nature created by the artist is a lyrical experience of what he saw, somewhat sad, touching, exciting the viewer.

Can this landscape be called beautiful? ( The landscape is simple, modest, uncomplicated, but very close, evoking a slight sadness. Everything is ordinary, but shown with some kind of exciting feeling)

How does the artist show us the approach of spring? (The snow melted in the field, the dark brown, moisture-saturated earth was exposed. But there is still no bright sun, the azure sky is covered with lead-white clouds, although the edge of the sky is already turning blue.)

What colors prevail in the picture? (Yellow-blue, grayish-brown, yellowish-brown, blue, bluish-gray.)

The overall feeling of the colors of the picture is light. It is built on a soft, unsharp juxtaposition of slightly chilly shades of a bluish-gray sky, water, snow with gray-brown tones of thawed earth, branches and tree trunks, and a fence. Such transitions make the image more real.

What do we see in the foreground of the picture? (Trees with a dense network of branches, with numerous rook nests.)

Pay attention to how the artist carefully painted each twig not only on the tree, but also on the snow, on the ground, with what love he showed in the foreground a rook with a twig in its beak. And all this is vital and truthful, does not leave the viewer indifferent.

What do you see in the background? (A village, endless distances, open spaces, the breadth of the Russian land.)

Both the village and the fields are not depicted in great detail. Why? (The artist wanted nothing to distract our attention from the rooks, because they are the most important thing in the picture.)

Let's define the features of the composition of the picture, how the various elements are located on it, how the foreground, middle and background are thought out. The main thing in the picture is the rooks in the trees. They immediately grab our attention. Everything else, as it were, against their background, “behind”. The slender silhouette of the church is hidden behind the trees. The horizon line, as it were, is close to the average plan, in order to clearly distinguish trees with rooks against the sky. The sky takes up most of the picture, and the trees go high up. Yes, and everything here is directed upwards. Using such a compositional technique, the artist gives us the opportunity to more vividly feel the arrival of rooks, their appearance in their native places.

It seems to us that the artist is somewhere nearby. Where can he be, where does he watch the rooks from? (Somewhere nearby in the left corner, maybe in the attic of a large house or on the mezzanine by an open window.)

What do you feel when you look at the picture? (Light breeze, smell of thawed earth, gentle spring sun, freshness of spring air.)

What sounds could you hear? (Bird calls, hubbub, noise, flapping of wings, murmuring streams.)

What, in your opinion, was dear to the artist himself in this picture? (Rooks. They delighted and excited the artist with their arrival, and he managed to show the joy of the birds that returned to their homeland.)

Working on the picture, Savrasov wanted to show not only the awakening of nature, but also the love and loyalty of these birds to their homeland. A quiet, modest corner of Russia is depicted here, but for rooks it is the most expensive, and they will breed their offspring only here. The feeling of love for the motherland was inherent in the artist himself.

Try to describe the rooks, what are they like?

There are a couple of antonyms on the board. Choosing words from the list of antonyms, characterize the rooks.

(Peaceful - pugnacious, joyful - sad, calm - noisy, noisy - meek, calm - fussy, happy - sad, careless - hardworking.)

Find words in the following short text about spring that do not fit the content of the picture, and replace them with antonyms.

melts brightened snow. Slim the trees seemed to lean from the weight of the rook nests. The sky is covered blue clouds. Pure water flows into the pond.

Essay writing and proofreading

Consider a reproduction of the painting by the famous Russian landscape painter Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”. Read what description the art critic N. Borisovskaya gave her.

In the picture A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived” we see a corner of a Russian village with a small church, a wooden house, unblown birch trees. The landscape depicts a gray, dirty spring. The snow had barely begun to melt, forming dark puddles. But the “promise” of spring shines through in every detail of the picture.

The first heralds of spring have arrived - restless rooks. They fly over the trees, fuss about housing. A businesslike rook under a birch carries a twig in its beak.

So many sounds in this picture! Birds call to each other, and drops ring, the wind rustles in wet branches, and crooked trunks creak, a bell sounds.

The expectation of spring is also conveyed in colors. In the “dull” coloring of the picture, like the first spring ray, shades of pink, blue, lilac, golden colors peep through, with which the boundless distances, the high sky and the branches of trees ascending to it are drawn.

The artist perceives nature as a living being. The picturesque theme of the landscape is superbly expressed in the poetic lines of F. Tyutchev:

The earth still looks sad

And the air is already breathing in the spring.

Analyze where the author of the text begins the description.

  1. What is the main idea of ​​this text?
  2. How is it revealed?
  3. What is the mood of N. Borisovskaya?
  4. What does she feel when she sees a reproduction of the painting?
  5. What could you add to the description of the painting?
  6. Find the words with which parts of the text are “linked” into a single whole.
  7. Explain why many sentences in the text begin with a red line.
  8. Why do you think there are a lot of adjectives in this text? Find them.

Sample plan (ready plan)

1. The artist and his painting.

2. Awakening of spring.

3. Rooks are the main characters of the picture.

4. Visual means of the picture.

5. Attitude to the picture.

Student's essay.

In front of me is A. Savrasov's painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”. It depicts the first birds - rooks in the trees.

In the foreground of the picture are rooks on bare birch trees. These birch trees are old, broken off, and busy rooks sit on them, they make nests. Under the birch trees lies thawed and dirty snow. To the right of the old crooked birches formed a large puddle of melted snow. There is a bare bush near the puddle. Broken birch branches and traces of birds can be seen under the birch trees.

In the middle ground, behind the birches, the author depicted an old wet fence. Behind the fence are wooden buildings. old house probably residential. There is a church near it, it is old, but functioning. There is a chapel near it, it is also old and shabby.

In the background, behind the yard and the village, a thawing field spreads. On it are thawed patches, wet snow.

The artist depicted the sky as dull and evening. It has spring gray clouds.

When the artist painted this picture, there must have been a cloudy sky, and he transferred it to the picture.

After I looked at the picture, I have the following opinion: this picture is good and written with soul. I like her.

Student's essay.

In the picture we see darkened snowdrifts swollen with melt water, the roofs of village houses, a fence. Melt water filled a small pond. In the distance one can see fields that have already been freed from snow. A church and a bell tower rise among the low houses. Above all this is the high spring sky, it has not yet become clear, but the blueness is already peeping through the clouds.

In the center of the picture there are gnarled birches, there are many rook nests on them. Rooks fuss, scream, make noise, they have a very important time - they build nests. They shout with joy and excitement because they have returned to their homeland. Looking at the picture, we seem to hear their joyful restless cries. Birds now need every twig, every twig. We see how, under a tree in the snow, an industrious rook firmly holds a small twig in its beak.

I look at the picture and smell the spring, I hear its sounds. The artist showed the beauty early spring. He put his soul into the painting.

In front of me is A. Savrasov's painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”.

A.K.Savrasov is a remarkable Russian artist. Before us is his painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”

Summary of the lesson.

Essay writing.

Gulyus Arnautova
Summary of classes on the development of speech. A story based on the painting by A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived” for children of the older group.

Program content: Develop emotional response to the spring manifestation of nature,

aesthetic feelings, experiences, the ability to correlate what he saw with the experience of his own perception of spring nature; promote artistic vision paintings, stimulate the desire to carefully her consider; keep learning how to write descriptive landscape painting stories; enrich the vocabulary with definitions, activate verbs, synonyms, form figurative speech, the ability to understand and select figurative expressions, comparisons, metaphors. Strengthen the ability to form single-root words.

Materials and equipment: Reproduction paintings A. TO. Savrasova« The Rooks Have Arrived» , reproductions paintings by Russian artists: portrait, still life. Prepare the dough for buns, finely chop the raisins for the eyes. Aprons, scarves, knife (under the supervision of a teacher)

Methodological techniques:

Artistic word;



Conversation by picture;

Help in drafting story

Sample teacher;


Physical minutes;

vocabulary work:

a) enrichment: rooks, nests, outskirts of the village, transparent, bluish-gray, darkened, loose, supple;

b) activation: action words, make noise, shout, repair, melt, disappear, etc. P: the words - definitions: joyful, noisy, old gnarled birch, elastic branches, dim, white-stone church, on rook language.

Lesson progress:


Guys look at paintings. Which groups can be divided(Landscape, portrait, still life).

Reading a poem by M. Yasnov "O pictures» .

If you see on picture If you see in the picture

A river is drawn, a cup of coffee is on the table.

Or spruce and white frost, Or juice in a large decanter,

or a garden and clouds or a rose in crystal,

or a snowy plain, or a bronze vase,

or a field and a hut, or a pear, or a cake

necessarily painting Or all items at once

called (landscape). Know what it is (still life).

If you see that with paintings

Someone is looking at you

Or a cloaked prince ancient,

Or like a climber

Pilot or ballerina

Or Arthur, your neighbor,

Necessarily painting

called (portrait).

Guys, today I invite you to the exhibition paintings famous artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasova.

But the guides at our exhibition, will you, children and you have to tell guests about one very famous picture. (A reproduction is displayed on the board paintings) . Do you know what it's called? (The Rooks Have Arrived.) (If the children find it difficult, the teacher invites them to come up with

its name paintings.)

In order to become a guide at our exhibition, preparation is needed. Who is a tour guide? (The one who conducts tours of the exhibition, talking about pictures) Yes, the guide is a person who is interested talking about pictures at an exhibition or about exhibits in a museum. But in order for visitors to the exhibition to be interested, the guide must study well and look at the picture. Look closely at picture what interesting things the artist saw and depicted on his picture? (He depicted the church, trees, birds, rooks) .

What did the artist depict in the foreground paintings? (trees, birches).

- Tell me about the trees in the picture, what are they? (The trees are gnarled, large, old, branched, dark below, light above, without leaves).

Who do you see on the birches? (Birds, rooks)

- Tell me about rooks, what are they? (black, noisy, noisy, funny, nosy, joyful)

What do they do rooks? (they build, repair nests, fly, shout, clamor, fuss, downstairs alone rook found a branch holding it in its beak)

- Rooks rejoice in the coming spring, that they have returned to their homeland in their nests. They have a lot of trouble, it is necessary to repair the nests so that they can hatch the chicks.

What trees did you choose? rooks for nests? (Rooks chose the old, a crooked tree, it is thick, branched, the nests are securely reinforced)

Remember the name of the place where he lives rooks? (rooker)

- rooker located on the outskirts of the village. It's quiet, calm, beautiful here. You can see several wooden houses, a white-stone church. - What did the artist depict in the distance? (field, meadow, forest, water meadows)

See if there is picture of the sun? (Not)

How did you understand? (Clouds in the sky).

The sun disappeared behind the clouds. It is not yet bright, lazy, slightly translucent through the clouds. The clouds are pale yellow. Shadows from birch trees are visible on the snow. The sun will either peek out, then again hide behind transparent clouds.

Guys, what can you say about the sky? (The sky is covered with bluish-gray clouds, it is low, sad, cold)

The rays of the sun illuminate the clouds, and it seems that the cloud is about to melt and the sun will brightly illuminate the spring earth.

Guys, how do you see snow? (Heavy, wet, darkened, melted, loose, gray, sad)

What words would you use to end your story about this picture? Soon the snow will completely melt and soft and silky grass will appear. The air smells of spring. The air is clean and fresh. Spring! Well, then, you are quite ready to be tour guides. But before starting the tour, we will have a lot of rest.


A flock of birds fly south

The sky is blue all around. (Children flap their arms like wings)

So that soon arrive, You have to flap your wings. (Children wave their hands more intensively)

The sun is shining in the clear sky, The astronaut is flying in a rocket. (Sipping - arms up)

And below the forest, fields -

The earth is spreading. (Low bend forward, hands parted to the side)

The birds began to descend, Everyone sits down in the clearing.

They have a long way to go

The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds)

And again it's time to go

We need to fly a lot. (Children stand up and wave "wings")

Here is the south. Hooray! Hooray! It's time for us to land. (Children sit at tables)

And now, dear tour guides, who will tell guests about this wonderful picture? (Three to four children are asked) Well done, good guides. Our gallery is closed, we are waiting for you to visit again.

And now I invite you to the table and invite you to mold yourself from dough rooks. March 17 according to the folk calendar - the day of Gerasim - rookery. On this day, our great-great grandmothers baked birds - rooks and counted that such hot pastries will bring the onset of warm days closer. So we will get down to business and we will bake rooks.

First, let's remember our regulations:

Wash the hands;

Put on an apron;

Tuck your hair under a scarf.

How to make buns rooks. Roll out the finished dough "sausages". "Sausages" cut into equal pieces, which are again rolled into thinner "sausages". Tie the resulting thin sausages into a knot. Thus, the knot itself is a figure rook. Grease a baking sheet with oil and lay the knots on a baking sheet. We are already finalizing the workpieces on it. Slightly pull one side of the knot - the head of the bird. We insert raisins - eyes. At the bottom of the knot, we again pull off the dough-tail. Cut the tail with a knife to get feathers. Lubricate the buns with strong brewed tea or a beaten egg. Leave for 10-15 minutes on a baking sheet.

And then we take it to the kitchen in the oven. When the buns are ready, a tea party is held at the common table.


Learn to compose descriptive stories based on a landscape painting;

To teach the artistic vision of a landscape painting, to stimulate the desire to carefully examine it;

To develop an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature, aesthetic feelings and experiences, the ability to correlate what is seen with the experience of one's own perception of spring nature.



Topic: Storytelling in a picture. Compilation of a descriptive story based on a reproduction of A. Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived".


Learn to compose descriptive stories based on a landscape painting;

To teach the artistic vision of a landscape painting, to stimulate the desire to carefully examine it;

To develop an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature, aesthetic feelings and experiences, the ability to correlate what is seen with the experience of one's own perception of spring nature.

Vocabulary work:

Enrich vocabulary with definitions, activate verbs, synonyms, form figurative speech, the ability to understand and select figurative expressions, comparison, metaphors.

Preliminary work:

Consideration of illustrations on the topic: "Spring";

Examination of a reproduction of the painting by I. Levitan "March";

Hearing musical works: H. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" ("March", "April"), Vivaldi "The Seasons" ("Spring");

Reading poems about spring.


Reproduction of the painting by A. K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived";

Record player


Paintings depicting birds

Lesson progress

I. - Guys, guess the riddle.

Melting with snow

The puddle came to life

The day is coming.

When does it happen? (Spring)

That's right, it's spring.

Listen to A. Pleshcheev's poem "Spring".

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

In the window it blew in the spring ...

Nightingales will soon whistle

And the forest will be dressed in foliage!

clear blue sky,

The sun became warmer and brighter,

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

Again a long time passed.

II. - After a long winter, the earth wakes up under the warm rays of the sun.

The snow melts, thawed patches appear. Trees started to wake up, freeing themselves from winter sleep.

The air smells of rotten leaves, tree bark, the smell of a warm spring breeze. The first spring heralds - rooks - are returning home from distant places.

III. - Look up at the birds. These are the first spring birds. Blow on them. They seemed to come alive, feeling the warm spring breeze.

Guys, you recognized the rook among these birds. Show. Correctly. Rooks arrive in our area earlier than other birds. A joyful hubbub is heard over the tall birches (they sit down).

IV. - Guys, look how wonderfully the artist A.K. Savrasov spoke about this in his painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”.

What interesting things did the artist see and depict in his painting?

(He saw a flock of rooks descend on the birches, how they make noise and rejoice, returning to their old nests).

Tell me about the rooks. What are they doing?

(They correct, repair nests; below, at the roots of a birch, a rook found a twig and holds it in its beak. Rooks are joyful, cheerful, funny, noisy. They scream loudly, speak the rook language, share their impressions of a long journey from the south to their beloved homeland. They are happy that they have finally returned home.They tell each other about their plans for the future (how they will build their nests, raise their chicks, teach them to fly, etc.).

Why do you think the rooks chose this place for their nests?

(It’s calm, quiet here, it’s beautiful here. This is the outskirts of the village, you can see several wooden houses, a white-stone church. Behind the houses you can see a plain with darkened snow, a forest in the distance.

What trees did the rooks choose?

(The rooks chose an old clumsy birch. It is thick, the branches are elastic. The nests are securely fastened. When the leaves bloom, the nests will not be visible in the dense crown of the tree).

Guys, look carefully, is there a sun in the picture?

How did you guess?

(The sun has disappeared behind the clouds. It is still dim, lazy. It shines a little through the clouds. The clouds are pale yellow. Shadows from birches are visible on the snow.

It feels like the snow is melting under the warm rays of the sun. The sun will either peek out, then again hide behind transparent clouds),

Guys, what can you say about the sky? What is it, the spring sky?

(The sky is covered with bluish-gray clouds, gray-yellow, fluffy, thoughtful, transparent, a little gloomy, etc.)

Guys, tell me how you see the snow?

(Darkened, loose, damp, cold, wet, melted, sad, melted, etc.).

Guys, and now I suggest you "enter the picture." What do you feel when you look at this picture?

(A little cold, joyful, one feels freshness, cheerfulness, trembling expectation of the sun, the warmth of spring, a slight sadness for the outgoing snow-white winter).

Guys, did you like the painting by A. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”?

(Answers of children).

v. - Who wants to compose a story based on this wonderful picture? Tell about the sun and the sky, about snow and clouds, about the coming spring and the passing winter, about birches and noisy rooks. Try to tell slowly, expressively, conveying your mood and attitude towards the main characters with your voice.

(Children on doing tell from the picture).

MDOU d / s "Lily of the valley"



An open lesson on the development of speech in the Yolochka preparatory group for school

for children with tuberculosis intoxication

Topic: “Compilation of a descriptive story based on a reproduction of a painting

A. Savrasova "The Rooks Have Arrived"

Conducted by: educator I

qualification category

Mosina S. I.