Day of painting in kindergarten senior group. Synopsis of an open integrated lesson in the senior group on familiarization with landscape painting using the painting I

Main tasks:

- to form an interest in different types of art;

- to teach to see, notice, understand and emotionally respond to works of art;

— develop Creative skills children.

Playable character: musical bell.

Equipment: a map of the country of Arts with the image of cities: Music, Artists, Folk masters, Poets, Writers, Theaters, Songs and dances; fields of Athletes, groves of Chistyulek, Igrovy mountains, the sea of ​​Sleep (marked with symbols understandable to children).


surprise moment

A bell rings outside the door. A teacher with children finds an unusual bell that has a face, a bow, and legs. The bell tells that the Fairy of Arts sent him to the children. He brought with him a map of the country of the Arts so that the children could travel through it and not get lost. Offers to consider the map, determine the place for it, so that everyone can see, determine the type of transport on which they will go on a trip.

Morning exercises "We are merry bells"(to the music)

Goals: raise emotional and muscle tone; develop a sense of rhythm, plasticity, grace.

The bell "turns" all children into small musical bells, offers to gain strength before a long journey.

As a basis, you can use logarithmic poetic exercises, gymnastic exercises from the psycho-gymnastics "Gnomes".


Don-don-don - the bell rings.

La-la-la - he says something.

Ding-ding-ding - tilts his head.

Bom-bom-bom - disheveled the whole hairstyle.

Ring-ring-ring, he smiled at the sun.

Dili-dong is finally awake.


Goals: to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills, a conscious attitude to maintaining one's own health; develop an interest in poetic and prose art.

The children go to the Chistyulek grove, as dirty people are not allowed into the country of Arts. The teacher uses excerpts from Moydodyr, nursery rhymes, riddles.


Journey through the cities of the country of Arts

Goals: consolidate children's knowledge about different types of art, works of art; develop the creative abilities of children; develop an interest in works of art, a desire to create them.

City of Music

On the train to the music, children get to the city of Music.

listen musical works and discuss the impressions of P.I. Tchaikovsky (children's album), V. Shainsky (children's songs), beat musical plays.

Artistic accompaniment.

Quietly, quietly sit next to each other

Music enters our house.

In an amazing outfit

Multicolored, painted.

And suddenly the walls will move apart.

The whole earth is visible around:

The waves of the dark river are dancing,

The forest and the meadow doze quietly,

Steppe paths run into the distance,

Melt in a blue haze.

This music is rushing

And leads us along.

City of Masters "Dymkovo Masters"

Children examine toys, listen to the story of the teacher, children about toys.

City of Artists magic colors»

(pictorial activity)

Target: develop creative thinking using iso material, fine arts, imagination.

Equipment: sheets of paper with a wax pattern, paint blue color, brushes.

The bell says that Zimushka-winter gives children gifts from the ice kingdom: magic paints and sheets of paper on which nothing is visible. But if the children paint over the sheets with paint, they will see what is in her ice kingdom.

Didactic game "Find a Pair"("Game Mountains")

Goals: consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, color, develop speech.

The snowmen have lost their mittens, we need to help them find a pair.

Walk "Field of sportsmen"

Children go to visit Zimushka-winter.

Sedentary game "Collect the magic mirror"

Goals: develop the ability to navigate in space; consolidate knowledge geometric shapes, count to 5; develop speech.

Zimushka-winter says that her magic mirror, with which she covers the earth with snow so that plants and animals do not freeze, broke into 5 fragments. In the search, children will be helped by snowflakes on which tasks are written to complete.

Task 1. Observation of the snow

Goals: consolidate knowledge of the properties of snow; teach how to measure its thickness; show that grass is hiding and warming under the snow; consider the components of snow.

Zimushka-winter invites children to examine the snow. Talk about the benefits of snow. Determine whether it is possible to sculpt from it today, why.

Task 2. Search activity

Goals: teach children to draw their own conclusions; develop inquisitiveness, curiosity.

Zimushka-winter invites children to answer the question: “Is the snow really as clean as it seems? Can you eat it?" He offers to collect snow in a bucket, bring it to heat and see what happens to it.

Task 3. Skating on ice tracks

Target: develop agility and balance.

Zimushka-winter asks the children how ice differs from snow, how to make an ice track, offers to ride on it.

Preparation for sleep

Equipment: cassette "Island of Seagulls" - sounds of wildlife.

Children must swim across the Sea of ​​Sleep on a "sea bed".


City of theaters

Reading excerpts from the fairy tale "Mitten" with examination of illustrations, dramatization.

Goals: to maintain interest in fairy tales; develop attention, speech, expressiveness.

Zimushka-winter invites children to remember the fairy tale "Mitten". While reading, ask the children questions.

Examining the thawed snow

Goals: show children that water is formed from snow in heat, which contains particles of dirt; to teach to draw conclusions, to express judgments; develop speech.

Winter invites children to go to Explorers Street.

Musical didactic game"Hen and Chicks"

Goals: develop high-pitched hearing; learn to correlate the pitch of the sound with actions.

Equipment: Masha doll, metallophone, chicken and chicken toys.

Moving to the city of Songs, Music.



I.O.O. "Artistic and aesthetic development", " Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”


"Artistic and aesthetic development": Develop a strong interest in children visual activity. Update children's knowledge of genres visual arts(landscape, portrait, still life). Strengthen the ability to highlight distinctive features and constituent elements of works of various pictorial genres (landscape, portrait, still life). Develop imagination and creativity.

"Speech development": To develop the dialogic speech of children, to exercise the ability to give complete answers, making up complex sentences.

"Social and communicative development": Establish rules of conduct in public places.

Material and equipment: Reproductions of paintings in different genres of painting, watercolor paints, gouache, oil paints, a set for batik, cereals, oilcloths, toothpicks, picture blanks, napkins.

Logic of educational activity.

Educator: Guys today we will go to one very wonderful place, try to guess where.

This place is so wonderful

Everything here is very interesting.

There are pictures in a row,

They are told to look at them.

What is the name of the place?

We have one answer

This is(Exhibition of paintings) , (or art gallery)

Educator: We'll go to art gallery. Recall the rules of behavior in the exhibition hall(do not make noise, do not touch the pictures with your hands) . Well, let's go to the art exhibition.

(music sounds, open the curtain, the children enter the group)

Educator: You and I ended up in an art gallery, today, I will be your guide. Let's go to the first picture. See what genre of painting is depicted.

Children: children's answers


If you see in the picture the gifts of the forest on the table,

Fruits, vegetables in a basket or a rose in crystal,

Or a bronze vase, or a pear, or a plum,

Or all items at once,

Know that this is a still life.

Educator: What artists depict in still life.

Children: children's answers

Educator: Well done! Let's go further.

(Music sounds, move to the pictures of portraits)

Educator: Look guys, what genre of painting is depicted in these paintings?

Children: children's answers


If you see what's in the picture

Whoever looks at us,

Or a prince in an old cloak,

Or a climber in a robe.

Or a pilot, or a ballerina,

Or Kolya is your neighbor, of course

The painting is called a portrait!

Educator: Well done! Let's go further.

(Music sounds, children approach reproductions of the landscape)

Educator: What is the genre of painting here?

Children: children's answers


If you see: a river is drawn in the picture,

Or spruce and white frost,

Or a garden and clouds

Or a snowfield

Or a field and a hut

Be sure the picture is called "landscape".

Educator: Guys, what is depicted in the landscape?

Children: children's answers

Educator: Did you like the pictures? Please go to the one that you especially remember.

Educator: What did you like about this picture? Do you know how it was written? Please come to the table and find this material. (Children find the material with which they painted those pictures that they liked, the blank of the picture and cereals remain on the table).

Educator: Guys, look, there's something left on the table. What is it? (children answer). Do you think this could be a painting? Would you like to create our art exhibition? Then we go to the workshop. (Children go to the tables where the materials are prepared.)

caregiver : Guys, pay attention, there are cereals on your tables. Name them. Templates lie: flowers, cars, ships. You choose any of them, circle it with a toothpick on your workpiece and lay out the drawn object with grits. Grains are optional. Before we get started, let's prepare the fingers.

Let's do finger exercises."The rain came out for a walk"

One, two, three, four, five,

The rain came out for a walk.

Went slowly, out of habit,

Where is he in a hurry?

Suddenly he reads on the tablet:

"Do not walk on the grass!"

The rain sighed softly.


And left.

The lawn is dry.

Educator: Now our fingers are ready, proceed.

Independent activity children, individual assistance of the educator.

Educator: What kind beautiful pictures you got it. Come out to the palace, show them to our guests. Now we have our own exhibition of paintings. We have in Bezenchuk Exhibition Center"Rainbow", there are also many beautiful paintings, we will definitely visit it.

Program content:

To teach children to compose words-comparisons, based on photographic materials and life experience;

Use epithets in the language, develop coherent speech, logical thinking;

Consolidate knowledge about the portrait, as a type of easel art, about the proportions of a person's face and shape, improve the technique of working with colored pencils and watercolors;

To improve the ability of children to draw a portrait of their mother, to convey the features of her face and hair;

Cultivate love for mother and respect for maternal feeling.


photos of their mothers, reproductions female images, watercolor, graphite and colored pencils, brushes, paper.

Previous work:

Painting self-portraits, drawing portraits of your family, conversations, looking at photographs and illustrations, didactic games, reading works of art and listening to music.

The course of the lesson in the senior group of kindergarten

Children stand in a circle

Edit: Children! Guests came to us, we must say hello together, say cheerfully together.


Good morning!

Turn left and right, smile at each other.

Good morning!

We wish you joy and smiles, and we also wish you: cheerfulness for the whole day!

Recall: Children, some of the paintings from the art gallery were brought to our group. What is an art gallery?

Children: (this is a room where there are a lot of paintings, and people are looking at these paintings; we saw an art gallery in the museum)

Question: Who draws these pictures? (Artist)

Yes, children, the artist, like a magician, takes a blank sheet and writes a work - a real miracle! (Children become in a semicircle)

I invite you to consider these beautiful paintings. And what is the genre of painting in these paintings?

Children: this genre is called a portrait.

Question: What other genres do you know? (landscape, still life)

Children, who did the artist depict in these portraits? (woman).

How are these women different?

Children: (face, hairstyle, look, age).

Question: Children, all these women are somebody's mothers. And this exhibition is called: “Everything in the world begins with mom”

I know that you love your moms very much!

Now, kids with yellow emojis will tell you what their mom likes to do.

And children who have red emoticons compare their mother with someone or something warm, kind, magical.

Children: (My mother loves to dance.., My mother is like a star because she is bright)

Vosp .: I suggest you draw a portrait of your mothers and replenish the exhibition "Everything in the world begins with a mother."

Let's warm up our hands a bit.

Finger gymnastics"Friendship":

They are friends in our group (The fingers of both hands are connected rhythmically to the castle)

Girls and boys.

We will make friends with you, (Rhythmic touch of the fingers of both hands)

little fingers

One, two, three, four, five. (Alternately touching the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger.)

One, two, three, four, five. . (Repeat 2 times)

Play: Now come up to me and together we will remember the sequence of drawing a portrait (first stage: a simple pencil - draw a face, nose, eyes, lips, second stage - with a simple pencil we complement the hairstyle, neck, torso to the chest, stage 3 - we take colored pencils or paints and paint the portrait) We sit down.

Nice and straight seated!

Got a pencil in hand!

Good morning leaf! (the hand leans towards the leaf)

Good morning, neighbour! (Left - right turn of the hand)

Good morning all neighbors! (Circular rotation of the hand and arm)

Stopped! We started drawing.

(Children draw their mothers to the background of musical accompaniment. From photographs. The teacher makes sure that the children hold the pencil or brush correctly, the posture of the children, helps the children if necessary)

The ending. Reflection

Let's finish painting! Now come to me and we will all see together what beautiful portraits you got it. (Discussion)

Well done!

When the portraits dry, we will make frames for them and they will replenish the exhibition of paintings.

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the senior group of kindergarten, topic: "Art"


To acquaint children with the concept of "art", its types, creators and meaning in people's lives.
Recall friends with children literary works.
Improve your drawing skills manual labor, collective design.
Develop auditory and visual perception, the ability to coherently express their thoughts.
Dictionary: encyclopedia, art.
Arouse interest in children, an emotional response to works of art, a desire to continue acquaintance with it.


The book "Encyclopedia of a preschooler".
Sheets of paper tinted in Brown color, wax crayons black color.
Reproductions of paintings, pictures depicting rock paintings, sculptures, famous architectural monuments.
Musical instruments.
Empty eggs from Kinder Surprises, beans, flex stickers.
Audio recordings: Bach "Joke", Vivaldi "Spring", percussion music.
Video: P. I. Tchaikovsky's ballet " Swan Lake».
Various building materials.

Lesson progress:

Today most interesting book"Encyclopedia" will reveal to us one more of its secrets, tell us a lot of new things, introduce us to interesting things.
Do you remember what book is called "encyclopedia"? An encyclopedia is a book that tells a little about everything.
Let's quickly open our "Encyclopedia" and find out what it will tell us today.

It says Art.

What is "art"? These are works in which the authors want to tell other people about something. These works can be paintings, songs, movies, performances, books, dances and much more. There are different types of art and many of them are already familiar to you.

Painting and sculpture

Even ancient people decorated the walls of their cave dwellings with drawings, depicting people, animals, events of their lives on them.

Drawing "Rock painting"

Imagine that you are ancient people. If you imagine yourself as hunters, then draw a figure of a man with a spear and the beast you are hunting. If you are fishermen. Then draw a human figure, waves and fish. Or maybe you are picking berries, nuts or mushrooms in the forest. Maybe your job is to keep the fire going by adding wood to it. Think and draw.
Painters and sculptors have a talent for depicting the world and your fantasies.
After all, in his works - paintings and sculptures, he not only reflects what is in our lives, but also try to convey their thoughts, feelings, create a mood for us.

Sculptors sculpt, cut and carve figures of people and animals (statues), miscellaneous items and whatever they want.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Portrait, landscape, still life, sculpture"

In the corners of the room, under the ceiling, reproductions of paintings in these genres and an image of a sculpture hang, the children, at the request of the teacher, find the given images with their eyes.


You all know what literature is. Name the literary works of writers and poets known to you.

Didactic game "Mistake in the name"

Snow White and the Six Dwarfs - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
"Dasha and the Bear" - "Masha and the Bear".
"The Wolf and the Seven Lambs" - "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"
"Ducks-swans" - "Geese-swans".
"At the command of the fish" - "At the command of the pike."
"Princess Lizard" - "Princess Frog".

Didactic game "Tell me a word"

If the Christmas tree had legs,
She would run along ... the path.
She would dance
Together with us,
She would have banged... with her heels.
("Christmas Tree" by E. Trutnev)

My cheerful, sonorous ball,
Where did you rush ... jump?
I clapped your hand.
You jumped and loudly ... stomped.
("Ball" S. Marshak)

Masha put on a mitten.
- Oh, where am I finger ... business?
I don't have a finger, I'm gone
I didn’t ... get into my little house!
(“Where is my finger” N. Sakonskaya)

Suddenly from somewhere flies
Little ... Mosquito.
And in his hand it burns
Small... flashlight.
("Fly-Tsokotuha" K. I. Chukovsky)

Didactic game "What story illustration"

"The Lion and the Dog" L. Tolstoy.
Who said "meow"? V. Suteev.
"Flower-semitsvetik" In Kataev.
“Like an ant hurried home” by V. Bianchi.
"Owl" by V. Bianchi.


From childhood, a person hears music: mother sings lullabies, music sounds from the TV, in kindergarten we sing and dance to the music, there is always music at the holidays.

Composers compose music, and musicians perform music. And on what do musicians perform music, what do they play? On the musical instruments. What musical instruments do you know?

Musical instruments are percussion, string and wind. What do you think, what instruments are called percussion? Drums are instruments that sound when struck. What instruments can be classified as percussion instruments? Drum, tambourine, cymbals, rattles, maracas, castanets. Listen to how music played on percussion instruments sounds. (Hearing)

Manual labor "Rattle"

Children fill Kinder Surprise eggs with beans, close and decorate with flex stickers on top. Then the children listen to music. Executable on percussion instruments and play along with their rattles.

What do you think are stringed instruments? Stringed instruments are instruments in which sound is produced by touching a string. What instruments can be classified as strings? Violin, guitar, harp, balalaika. Listen to the music played on stringed musical instruments. (Vivaldi "Spring")

Exercise "What does a string sound like?"

Try to lightly hit a string on a stringed musical instrument, and now with force. Has the sound changed? Try to press the string with one finger. And with the other finger touch the string lower.

What are wind instruments? Wind instruments are called instruments, the sounds of which are extracted from the fact that the musician blows into them. What instruments can be classified as wind instruments? Pipe, flute, trumpet, saxophone.
Listen to how the music sounds. Performed on wind musical instruments. (Bach "Joke")

Breathing exercise "Playing the pipe"

Children fold their hands into a tube and take one long exhalation, several short exhalations, alternating short and long exhalations.

Music can be performed by one musician or several. And the orchestra consists of a large number of musicians who play different musical instruments, and the conductor leads the musicians.

Mobile game "Orchestra"

Children are divided into three groups - percussion, strings and wind instruments and imitate playing drums, violins, pipes. The teacher is a conductor. When the "conductor" lowers the baton, the children-orchestrants disperse and move in all directions. As soon as the "conductor" raises his baton, the children-orchestra find their seats and begin to "play".


There are dances that one dancer will perform. There are group dances. How many dancers do you think perform a group dance? Lots of dancers, a whole group. And how many dancers do the pair dance? Two dancers, because a couple is two.

Dances are fast and slow. Every nation has its favorite dances. For Russians, this is "Lady", for Ukrainians - hopak, and for Tatars - haitarma.

Ballet is not just a dance, but a whole performance in which music and dance tell a whole story. (Viewing an excerpt from the ballet "Swan Lake" by P. I. Tchaikovsky).

Theater and cinema

We've been to shows puppet theater, and each of you watched a movie at home or at the cinema.
In the theater, the action takes place on the stage, and in the cinema - on the screen.
But how does a movie or a play come about? The director chooses the script and selects the actors who will teach and play the roles. A lot of people are working to make it good and interesting for the audience. The producer finds the money, the artists paint the scenery, the dressers sew the costumes for the actors, the lighting fixtures light the stage or film set, make-up artists apply makeup to the actors - and they become "Baba Yaga" or "Pinocchio".

What are some of the films you've watched that you especially like?


Architects are trying to come up with such houses in which it would be not only convenient for people to live, but also pleased because their houses are beautiful. See what different houses the architects came up with different countries. (Show pictures).

Summary of the lesson:

What kind of art are we talking about today? Did you like listening to music, looking at pictures? What is art for? People enjoy meeting with works of art, experience, learn new things.

Collective construction from building material

Get out on the carpet, choose your building material and build a whole city.

Olga Ilyasova
GCD for art in senior group"In the Land of Painting"

Theme: "In the country of Painting"


1. To consolidate in children the ideas of what painting is, the ability to highlight the distinctive features and constituent elements of works of various painting genres (landscape, portrait, still life)

2. Introduce a new genre of painting - animalistic. 3. Introduce E. Charushin, as with animal artist, illustrator of children's books.

4. Exercise children in the ability to use the "gouache and foam rubber" technique.

5. Cultivate observation, kindness towards animals

6. Develop children's cognitive ability, logical thinking.

Equipment and material for the lesson: reproductions of paintings of different genres of painting, Fairy invitation, didactic game "Fold the picture", kitten toy, presentation " Animal genre”, Sheets for drawing, a bowl of foam rubber soaked in gouache, pieces of foam rubber, paints, a thin brush, a wide brush, a napkin, a jar of water.

Preliminary work:

looking at pictures different types painting.

Drafting descriptive stories by pictures.

Conducting didactic games "Compose a still life", "Collect a landscape",

Reading books by E. Charushin to children: “Tyupa”, “Tomka and Magpie”, “About big and small”, “About Nikita”, “About Tomka”, “My first zoology”, etc.

OD move

Greeting Logorythmic Zheleznov

Guys, today we received a telegram, the Fairy of Painting invites us to visit her Land of Painting, and magic colors will help us get there. You are ready to go to the “Land of Painting”.

In order to get into the country of painting, we need to close our eyes and say the magic words “Magic help, take us to the country of painting ...”).

Children "go" to the "Land of Painting". (Reproductions are located on the easels famous artists 3 reproductions of the landscape genre, 3 reproductions of the portrait genre, 3 reproductions of the still life genre).

Guys, here we are in the country of Painting, but here is her mistress.

Hello guys, I'm glad to welcome you to my amazing country. (Hello, Fairy) The people of my country are very fond of drawing, look at what beautiful pictures they painted.

Guys, let's come closer and take a look at them. What is another name for the paintings?


Let's remember what painting is?

Painting is one of the fine arts. The secret of painting is that the artist, with the help of brushes and paints, creates, as it were, a living world, visible to us as if through a window. Trees, flowers, the sea come to life under his brush. But paints in the hands of a real artist can tell not only about what he saw, but also about what he felt at that time: joy or sadness, anxiety or calmness. Colors can create a mood. Some colors delight, others excite.

See how artists express their feelings. They have a unique vision, as if photographing the world around them. They have amazing hands, they can quickly, deftly transfer the image they see to paper. So there are many paintings of various genres.

What are the names of paintings depicting nature called - LANDSCAPE.

(Child reads a poem)

The landscape is not just one area, but the whole huge world: forests, fields, rivers, mountains, seas, cities and villages, sun and clouds, rain and snow. They can show us not only the present, but also take us to the past of the Earth, where dinosaurs lived, or transfer us to other planets.

What do the artists want to tell us in these paintings?

Yes. About beauty wildlife- forest, sea, mountains and nature, changed by human hands - park, square, alley. About the diversity of her states: morning, evening, night, sunset, winter, autumn, spring and summer. And here the artists convey their mood, state - what happens in a person's soul when he sees the sun, feels the cold wind, rain or snow.

How do artists convey their mood?

Of course with the help of paints.

Bright, warm colors convey a cheerful, joyful mood. Pale cold tones cause sadness, make you think.

Let's find a joyful, sad, disturbing landscape with you.

Guys, what are the names of the paintings depicting beautiful things and objects - STILL LIFE. (the poem is read by the child)

Images of objects, food, flowers in paintings are called French word still life, which means "dead nature" And what did the artists want to tell us with these still lifes? They tell with colors how beautiful our world is, glorify the richness and abundance of nature, the work of the people who created these objects.

Which of the pictures did you like? Why? (discussion)

Find the most delicious still life.

The happiest still life?

The most unusual?

Drawing a person is a PORTRAIT genre. (poem)

Who is usually depicted in the portrait?

Yes. This is a person or a group of people, these are both adults and children, sometimes we can see who they are by profession: doctors, builders, musicians.

What does the portrait look like? (On the photo).

And here the artists depict not only their faces, posture, clothes, but also their mood: sad or joyful, calm or excited.

Let's look at some portraits. Which of them did you like the most? Why?

Fairy: What a great fellow you are, and I have prepared the same tasks for you (the didactic game "Collect a picture", the children are divided into 3 groups and collect pictures) - discussion of what genres of paintings did the children collect?

Guys, what is that sound? (Meowing and scratching sounds)

Fairy: Yes, this is my kitten Barsik, he’s sad for some reason, let’s play with him (physical education minute-logo rhythmic Zheleznova “We play snowballs boldly ...”)

Guys, do you know that people have long loved and worshiped animals. At all times, man loved, tamed animals, watched them, and reflected his observations in works of art: paintings, book illustrations, sculptures, frescoes, paintings of household items.

Today we will learn about another genre of fine art, where animals are depicted. (show presentation)

At all times, artists admired the colors and movements of living beings. Images of animals were found on the walls of caves, in drawings and sculptures of ancient times. Paintings depicting animals are called animalistic, and artists are called animalists. The word animal means animal. Therefore, artists who draw animals in their paintings are called animal painters.

The animalistic genre is inherently complex work, since the artist needs to draw this or that character so that this idea is understandable to the viewer, because the artist is conveying the character of the characters. Animals, like people, are brave and cowardly, good and evil. Animalists are artists whose animals and birds are the main characters of drawings and paintings. The animal world is infinitely diverse and colorful. But drawing animals is not so easy; they won’t pose. The animalist has to diligently observe and study their habits and character.

Animals were depicted in pencil, paint, charcoal, and one of the Russian writers of animal painters was E. Charushin, who was very fond of animals and studied their habits and plasticity all his life, admiring their color, flexible movements, expressiveness of silhouettes. He was very fond of nature, animals, especially babies - kittens, puppies, foxes, hares, etc. Watching them, Evgeny Ivanovich noticed their awkward movements, curiosity, naive clumsiness. And then he wrote funny stories about animals, drew illustrations for them. He has his own methods of transferring form and color. He seeks by simple means to express the character of each animal, to convey the joy of communicating with the living.

Evgeny Charushin - animal painter

I paint with watercolors

A squirrel under a shaggy spruce.

Little redhead jumping

On dry fallen needles.

I ask: "Well, at least a minute

Sit in peace!

So that I can draw

Your wonderful fluffy ponytail,

So that I can convey

A quick eye and a wet nose."

Let's look at E. I. Charushin's illustrations for the stories you already know.

Guys, we have examined the illustrations of E. I. Charushin and I suggest that today you also be animal artists and draw a little mischievous kitten.

Examining a kitten on a slide: color, shape (head, torso, paws, coat texture, character.

And to make your animals fluffy, shaggy, we will use foam rubber instead of brushes.

We will draw in the "gouache and foam rubber" technique, i.e. we do the main drawing not with a brush, but, as it were, trample it with foam rubber.

We collect a little of the resulting mixture on dry foam rubber and make several prints on the free area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palette - we remove excess paint. The most important thing is to make sure that there is not too much gouache on the foam rubber, otherwise the fluffy texture will not work.

First, we trample the outline of the animal with foam rubber and begin to fill it in: paint over the head, then the body, paws and tail. One color can be applied to another, but also with almost dry foam rubber, removing excess paint.

We will draw the eyes and nose with sticks, and the mouth and mustache with a thin brush. We draw with a thick brush, or in professional terms, we write the background around the little animal. First, for this, you should circle the silhouette and correct the proportions. Well, finally, in order for the eyes of our kitten to be alive, you need to put a spot of glare with white on the pupil.

Independent work of children. Analysis of children's work.

Well, guys, it’s time for us to return to the group, we need to close our eyes and say the magic words “Magic colors help, take us to the group ...”).

Summary of the lesson

Where have we been? What new genre are we introduced to? Who do animal painters draw?

Kind words are not lazy

Talk to us all day

Say goodbye to all guests.