Presentation of elementary school methodology. Non-traditional techniques in art lessons

natalia popovich

Moral education is one of the sections of all educational programs. Both in kindergartens and schools, they study in detail the country in which you live and your city. Of particular importance is the education of patriotic feelings: love for native land, Motherland. Everyone should know the history, sights of their region. Interesting to know about the peoples of your city about culture, about folk costumes. It is boring to tell children from illustrations, it is much more interesting when the information is supported by exhibits that you can pick up, consider in more detail. And when the office is decorated in a variety of ways, this is a plus for the teacher. Some will think that this is difficult, because not everyone has a sewing machine, but I assure you, to make a wonderful the costume is possible without a machine, the main thing is to have a great desire and patience and, of course, creative imagination (how are we without him). I offer detailed execution techniques dolls in a festive Russian folk costume from simple, improvised materials without the use of a sewing machine.

Materials used:

Textile: red satin, white nylon or any white material

Decorative braid, jacquard,

thread, needle,


Meter, pencil, scissors, glue gun.

AT kindergarten I took doll, washed it, combed it - and I got this gorgeous:

Then she set about implementing her plan. Since I don't have a sewing machine, I sewed everything by hand. If something is wrong, do not judge strictly.

Our folk costume will consist of a bottom white shirt with trim, shorts, a top red dress (sundress) and kokoshnik.

I took the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba pattern for a blouse at home: I have two girls and naturally they have dolls, took one of the blouses and embroidered it (then sewed it back until my girls saw it, otherwise it would have been a global tragedy, made a paper pattern to fit my dolls, then transferred it to the material. Here's a detail.

To prevent the pattern from moving, we fix it with needles and circle it.

We translate the pattern on the right, then turn it over and circle the left side. Cut out the detail. The clasp will be on the back. Trying on doll. I think it turned out well. The part is single, only the side seams are sewn, but we will sew later when we make the sleeves.

In the decoration of the collar, I used red braid (it’s good that now there are no problems with the choice of this material, I bought what I liked) I just sewed it in a circle, and I got a stand-up collar.

Just like on a shirt, we sew a braid on the sleeves, having previously taken measurements from the hand dolls:

I describe my actions in detail, maybe someone will find this material useful. Let's go farther: we sew the sleeves into the shirt and sew it (shirt) and sleeves, can be tried on doll. I didn’t make a fastener on a shirt, I just wrapped it up and that’s it, a sundress will not let her unbutton. This is such a beauty...

We turn to sewing the sundress itself. We measure growth dolls and cut off the rectangle, taking into account future folds on the sundress.

Choose a color scheme for jewelry. I chose jacquard and decorative ribbons as it is easier for me because they can be glued discreetly with hot glue. We put ribbons and ribbons on the material, we get to work. At the beginning, I put the ribbons on glue (pointwise, but I didn’t take a photo so that they would not go over the material, then I sewed it on.

We sew the part, but not completely, leaving room for the future fastener.

We adjust the length along the top, since the bottom is already finished. We make the necessary assemblies according to the figure. We have a sundress, so we sew a belt and straps to the top of the skirt, you can try it on. For the belt and straps I used the same braid as on the sundress itself. We sew the fastener after trying on the sundress. I used a button as a fastener, you can sew Velcro, even, probably, it will turn out even better (I think so). Here's a sundress I got.

Smoothly, we have reached the last product - the kokoshnik.

Here we need imagination, we take the wire as a basis, but not very thick, so that the kokoshnik is flexible. We measure the head dolls and twist this frame.

In order for the kokoshnik to keep its shape, you need to cover it with something durable. Atlas - the material is easily wrinkled, I did not want to stick it on cardboard. The idea was suggested to me by a colleague, I share it with you: every housewife, for sure, has gelatin at home, we dilute it and soak the material in it (I took sheet gelatin, it is easier to use, dissolved two plates in a small amount of water, and then dry it on a flat surface., it turns out just fine. Firstly , the material became almost like cardboard, secondly, it stopped blooming at the edges, and, thirdly, it cut out just wonderfully!

When the material is ready, we move on to the next phase of our work: using hot glue, we fix our frame on the material.

FROM reverse side we do everything in the same way, but we cut out a little more of our kokoshnik to make it easier and more inconspicuous to stick the decor in a circle.

For decoration, I used sequins. When decorating, we give free rein to imagination and get this beauty:

Our kokoshnik is ready, you can dress up the beauty.

I forgot about the main thing, underwear is being made simply: make a pattern according to doll, cut and sew on the sides and middle (unfortunately, I didn’t take a photo, it can be made from a white children’s sock, it’s even easier, only the middle is sewn, I think you can figure it out yourself.

Main point: we dress up our beauty and get a lot of pleasure from the work done! I think it turned out even better, not worse dolls bought in the store.

All success and creative ideas in your projects!

Russian Ragdoll comes from a family of folk toys, the history of which goes back to ancient times. Dolls have accompanied a person from his first steps on earth. Wood, clay, straw, fabric and other available materials in the hands of the master became toys for children and ritual figures for adults. N.D. Bartram, one of the most reverent researchers of folk toys, noted that dolls were part of the everyday life of both children and adults.

Dolls appeared with the birth of a child to protect him from troubles and illness, they were his first friends and comforters. Not a single holiday or event could do without the participation of dolls village life, whether it's a wedding or harvest, seeing off winter or Easter.

All types of folk toys deserve attention and admiration: their conventionality, sketchiness is not from poverty, but from the wealth of imagination. For an infinitely long time, one can peer into the images created by craftsmen, marveling at their ingenuity, wondering about the meanings and regretting the copies lost forever. Contemporaries do not attach special significance to your life. No one today bothers to write down what, for example, an ornament on a kitchen towel from Ikea means. And the descendants are left bit by bit to collect information and build hypotheses.

All lovers of ancient traditions are faced with the question of the reliability of knowledge about them. First, traditions tend to change, as the circumstances to which they are adequate change. Secondly, oral transmission distorts information, it is easily lost. The doll is not the most durable item. Moreover, the doll itself, without the accompaniment of a game or a ritual, is mute. She cannot tell about the nature of the manipulations that were performed on her. As a result, we now have relatively late material on the folk toy. Basically, the end of the 19th - 20th centuries. Historians, ethnographers, puppeteers did a great job of collecting this information from carriers that were already rare by that time. Several well-known and respected masters show excellent examples of the reconstruction of puppet images.

rag dolls

The choice of material for toys was often determined by the living conditions of the master. In places where pottery was distributed, clay whistles were popular, a master carpenter in free time he could carve a horse for his son, and bring especially good options to the fair. Rag dolls were the lot of women. These are the safest and favorite dolls for babies, these are favourite hobby for young craftswomen, and for adults, dolls were important participants in the rituals that life was full of in the past.

Each doll had its own purpose. It could be consolation, teaching, medicine, entertainment. The doll was not an "interior solution", beauty was secondary compared to content. For a long time, the dolls did not even have a face. On the one hand, they were protected from the penetration of evil spirits, in which our ancestors believed. But on the other hand, this once again emphasizes that it was not appearance that was important, but semantic load. Only later, in tribute to urban fashion, did they begin to draw with charcoal or embroider a face. But such a doll always has the same mood, and a doll without a face is always diverse, the owner's fantasy draws her face.

The craftswoman made the doll the way her mother and grandmother taught her. The fabric was torn, folded and tied with a red thread with a special knot or cross. A hundred years ago, it would not have occurred to a craftswoman to make a doll from expensive and new material. Old worn rags were used for dolls, the most accessible materials were bast, linen, birch bark, grass, branches, etc.

Rag dolls were inherited, sometimes more than a hundred of them gathered in chests with a dowry for a daughter. Unfortunately, most of these chests have not survived to this day. How many diverse images could we find in them, evidence of the everyday and spiritual life of our ancestors! After all, each region had its own characteristics, traditions, which, among other things, were reflected in toys.

For example, the famous Lovebird doll: in one region it was made from one piece of material and tied with a single thread. This emphasized the inextricable connection of the newlyweds, their integrity and unity. In another region, dolls were made from three identical pieces of fabric, as if to say that the spouses are equal, united by a common hand - joint activity, and should now walk together in one direction.

In my opinion, in working with a rag doll, it is necessary to distinguish between reconstruction and modern understanding of its role. Many meanings are inaccessible and not relevant to modern man. At the same time, a visual image or a story-parable that has survived to this day can form new meaning, or supplement the old one.

Tradition and modernity

With the advent of new materials, industrial production, with changes in people's lifestyles, both dolls and their significance in our lives have changed. The toy has become a childhood privilege. It seemed that rag homemade dolls completely gone from our lives, leaving a memory of themselves only in museums. But at the beginning of the 21st century, we suddenly meet them again. More and more modern craftswomen are turning to the topic of the Russian rag doll, teachers include it in educational activities with children, and author's copies appear on store shelves.

But at the sight of a rag doll, a modern person has a question: what about its past, which has its roots in pagan times? with the rituals and ceremonies during which her image was born? with evil spirits in the end, from which the doll was protected?

There may be many answers. From complete denial to complete acceptance of the way of life of past centuries.

We offer to look at the traditional doll in a new way. Puppet images created for centuries are a priceless treasure, an example of worldly psychology and wisdom. Dolls are wonderful companions for children and adults - a lot can be learned, learned and understood with their help. It is only important not to copy the attitude of our ancestors towards them, but to independently discover their meanings for yourself. Based on the visual image and the story that has come down to us, we formulate our request for the doll. It seems to me important to turn on intuition and think about what is relevant for us.

I am absolutely sure that the tradition can and should develop. Old rags and sloppy execution - this is for the home and for lovers of this format. Modern concepts of beauty and aesthetics require accuracy and new materials. At the same time, the simplicity and convention inherent in the doll should remain, and most importantly, the presence of internal meanings, which are also gradually changing these days.

Many peoples have a proverb: my house is my fortress. A home is a place where it is warm and cozy, where a person rests after work and worries, and, of course, it must be safe and reliable. Our ancestors also had a desire to protect and decorate their home. At the very entrance, the guests were greeted by the Bereginya doll, made by the caring hands of the hostess. People believed that a person bad mood will not be able to step over the threshold of the house that this doll protects. Or maybe the mood of the guests simply immediately improved at the sight of such a young lady, and good people I wanted to return to a beautiful and comfortable home.

By the name of the doll, you can guess its purpose. It is filled with healing and fragrant herbs. It was believed that the smell of grass drives away diseases, the chrysalis was crushed to purify the air and the grass was brewed from it for treatment. Parents left her at the head of the child at night, so that the sleep was strong and calm. Yes, and for an elderly person - this is a godsend.

And if a child’s tummy hurts, then a doll warmed up on the stove (or a battery :-)) will not only soothe and warm, but also amuse. Such a doll can serve as a wonderful gift and souvenir, wonderfully fits into any home interior. The doll is filled with fragrant hand-picked herbs - oregano, mint, thyme, lemon balm, black currant.

A play doll is not just a toy for fun. Playing life situations with peers, inventing their own rules and plots, the child thus enters the adult world and finds his place in it. A bearded man in a bright shirt may turn out to be a hunter with a gun, the head of the family with a wooden spoon, or a worker with an ax. Or maybe this doll will become a memorable souvenir for an adult, a symbol of a homely and strong owner.

A strong, weighty doll, stuffed with wool, grain, with copper coins in her hands - an image of well-being. Such a doll is needed both at home and at work. We all want what we do to be good. Maybe the doll reminds us: do good, and it will come back to you...

The image of the Tula doll Barynya is very close to any Russian woman. Everything is under her control, everything is managed, while not losing her cheerfulness and sense of humor. Her clothes are rich, her hands are in a master's position. She is also called Lady Ladushka - because with such a hostess everyone is well-groomed, no one is forgotten - peace and harmony in the house.

A folk doll is a doll invented by craftsmen from the people. And it is not always the masters of the past. Today, the rag doll continues to live and be born. So there was a little Brownie, a friend of the Dolly for good luck. Favorite children's cartoon makes this image recognizable and very dear. I really want to settle this at home in order to be sure that they will definitely look after you.

The image of an energetic and cheerful woman, prosperous old age, respected work. Grandmother is always at work - she sews, and knits, and nurses her grandchildren, and cooks porridge. It can be given any look, put into the hands of any business. Everything is argued in good and skillful hands. And you can plant a grandfather next to each other - it will become doubly more fun.

The rich man is a friend of the Krupenichka doll. Just like her, it is stuffed with cereals and grains. In his hands is a bag of good things. This is a symbol of a strong owner - you can always rely on this. But like Krupenichka, he reminds us that everything is good in moderation. Prosperity is when you have as much as you need.

The bell is a doll-symbol of good news to the house. Such a doll lives above the front door and invites joy and pleasant events into the house.
It has long been said that the ringing of a bell has a miraculous meaning. Indeed, the melodic chime creates a good, even festive mood.
We hope that our bright bells will please you too.

Among the wedding dolls, their rightful place is occupied by dolls depicting a bride and groom, a married couple. This couple has one common hand for two - an image of the fact that two people will now go hand in hand in life.

They made them for the wedding for the bride and groom, so that young people understand that now they are nowhere without each other, now they are always together.

Such a doll is important not only for a young romantic couple, it is often necessary for experienced family men to remember that lovers should not look at each other, but in one direction.

Little hostess. You can give it to your daughter in addition to the apron. Previously, mother sewed an apron for her daughter as a sign that the girl is already a real helper, copes with household chores and errands. A very touching and undeservedly forgotten tradition. With the Domovushka doll, you can both clean up and cook. No wonder they say that home is when it smells like soup...
Housekeeping - sounds somehow proud and pleasant.

The name of the doll comes from the groats with which it is densely stuffed. Traditionally, this cereal was buckwheat. The first handfuls of selected buckwheat for sowing were taken from a bag sewn in the form of a small chrysalis. So they tried to transfer the saved forces of the breadwinner of the earth to the new harvest. After harvesting a new crop, the bag-doll was again filled with selected cereals. The doll was made with the wish of prosperity in the family. So that there is no more and no less money, kindness, children, worries, love than you need. Enough.

Among the wedding dolls, their rightful place is occupied by dolls depicting a bride and groom, a married couple. They can have one common hand for two - a symbol of the fact that two people will now go hand in hand through life.
Or these are small dolls peeking out from a pair of bast shoes: a husband and wife are two boots (well, or bast shoes) of a pair.
They were made for a wedding so that young people would understand that now they are nowhere without each other, now they are always together. But sometimes this image is very relevant for experienced couples. How helpful it is to remember that husband and wife are still one.

A doll of Ten Hands was given to a bride or a young housewife for a wedding with the wish that the woman had time to cope with numerous chores around the house and in needlework: weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting. Over the past centuries, women's duties have changed, but their number has not decreased. The image of a multi-armed doll is still relevant, it reminds you that you should not constantly put off all things for later. We can handle everything.

Traditional dolls "kuvadki" accompanied the baby from the first days of his life. They were put or hung in the cradle to entertain the baby and drive away evil spirit.
The word "kuvada" denotes an ancient rite associated with the sacrament of the birth of a child. Our ancestors saw in the birth pangs the intervention of evil forces that torment the defenseless baby and the woman in labor. Therefore, the man, the father of the child, took an active part in scaring away evil spirits, performing ritual actions.
A woman gave birth in a bath, and in the dressing room at that time a man sat on a basket with eggs and pretended to hatch them. Thus, he "took a hit on himself."
After the birth of the baby, the woman and the midwives bathed in the hole. And only after that the baby was placed in a cradle, over which kuvadka dolls were hung, with which the baby could play and have fun.

It is possible to perform pupae in the form of birds or in the form of traditional kuvadok. This is both a module for a child and an accessory for the home.

Shrovetide is a holiday unique in its prevalence. For every nation, the time between winter and spring is celebrated as the beginning of a new cycle of life. The pagan tradition has not lost its relevance either with the advent of Christianity or in modern times. One of the main ceremonies of this holiday is the burning of an effigy of Shrovetide, as a symbol of getting rid of everything old, dilapidated, unnecessary and making room for the young and new.

But it turns out that the big Maslenitsa had a younger sister - a domestic Maslenitsa. The owners told her about their plans for the year and gave her an order so that the doll would help them come true. The doll stood in the most prominent place and constantly reminded of what was to be done.
A year later, the doll, tired of her duties, was given an honorary farewell - she was burned along with a large stuffed animal. And it was replaced by a new Maslenitsa.

In Russia, pagan and Christian holidays often coincided in time, intertwining and complementing each other. Kolyada - Slavic holiday winter solstice and the pagan deity of the same name. The winter solstice falls on December 25th. And the Kolyada holiday is celebrated from December 25 to January 6.
This time (according to the old style) Christianity calls Christmas time. These days stand out from the entire calendar year with a great saturation with magical rites, signs and customs. People believed that on such days the border between the old and the new economic year passes, and the doors to other world and much becomes possible.
People sought to use such opportunities to their advantage and ensure their well-being for the whole year. One of the ceremonies was a tour of the yards with holiday greetings. Christmas carols were held with the participation of the Kolyada doll.
This doll is a symbol of the sun and good relations in the family. The doll was made from saw cut birch, bark or paper. In bags of salt and bread - so that the table is always full and the family does not feel the need for anything. Behind the belt is a broom, with which she drives away evil spirits. Kolyada lived in the house for a year.
It was believed that she brings happiness, peace and harmony to the family. A year later, Kolyada was burned and a new one was made.

Before the wedding, the bride made the doll, using the skills of embroidery, weaving, weaving belts and lace. The skill of the future wife was judged by the clothes of this doll. The doll was put on a tray with a wedding loaf, which was baked by the mother of the bride. A whole composition was created on the tray: a “Beauty” doll was placed in the center of the loaf, the tray was decorated with wheat ears and handicrafts made by the bride. After tasting the magnificent loaf and appreciating the skill of the craftswoman, the guests left money and gifts for the young on a tray. After the wedding, the doll was carefully preserved

The shifting doll was common among peasant families in the central and northwestern provinces of Russia. This complex doll has two faces - one of a young unmarried girl, the other of an adult, sedate woman with a child. Turning the doll over, you see the transition from one state of a woman to another. You can clearly see how the costume, mood and role of a woman change. The doll helped the woman to realize and accept the changes in her life.

Doll for a girl dreaming of marriage. And not just about marriage, but certainly about a successful one. There is no need for hands in such a marriage - the husband wears it in his arms, and 7 outfits on the doll are also not without reason! For each collar, the girl thinks of the quality of the future husband - so that he is caring, handsome, with a sense of humor ...
And the bride herself with a long, rich braid is a feast for the eyes and a joy for any groom.
And after many years of marriage, the wife will look at her doll and compare the desired and the actual ...

But seriously, if a girl believes in a successful marriage and happy family if she looks to the future with joy and hope, she will not create obstacles for herself to realize her dreams.

Helper doll from the fairy tale about Vasilisa. Given by her mother, the doll accompanied the girl in all her adventures and difficulties, helping, prompting and guiding her. A very delicate doll, it is pleasant to play with her, tell her secrets and easily dress up.

The doll is an image of motherhood, care and tenderness. Such a doll was given to brides and already married women with the wish of a happy and easy motherhood. The baby nestled comfortably under her mother's wing. It's time for worries and troubles. But they are nice...

In order to be happy, you must first understand what you need for this. When you make a wish, you create a detailed picture in your imagination, which you gradually try to get closer to. Wishlist - was the most beloved girl's doll. She was told her dreams, given beads, ribbons, decorated and consulted. The doll helped the girl understand her desires, and they, of course, came true.

Doll "Successful" - the image of a figure whose work is arguing, everything is ready for the deadline. This is a symbol of a person who achieves the desired both in work and in life. A well-dressed, elegant doll stands firmly on its feet. Shoulder bag - these are things that are within our power, for pleasure and joy.

Symbol of new life, spring, female power. In the Tula province in March, women performed the rite of invocation of spring. In bright outfits, they called the birds to return home as soon as possible so that a new fertile year could begin. The doll, as it were, tells us: "Everything is in your hands. If you want - and Spring will come."

Brooch "For free"

Have you ever wondered what jewelry says? About status, about taste, about the fact that a person wants to protect himself from unnecessary other people's attention - let them look at bright trinkets rather than at me. But in our age of new materials, middle incomes and the desire to express themselves, jewelry has another curious function.

Modern ladies use accessories to tell about themselves: earrings - cakes, a pendant - a key, a bracelet made of skulls ... I just want to solve this puzzle. I, of course, could not resist not to take part in this creative process. I offer a collection of accessories based on a folk doll with the author's interpretation ...)) Perhaps you will have your own associations ...

Brooch "For free" - the doll used to be put out the window so that those passing by would know that the bride-to-be lives in this house, they could appreciate the skills and taste of the girl. Now, not everyone lives on the first floor, which means that the number of spectators is sharply reduced. An alternative is a brooch that can be worn on the chest, drawing attention to yourself when you want it.

This doll is the embodiment maternal love and caring for every member of the family. The doll itself symbolizes the unity of the male and female principles. It is based on a twist, a dense column of fabric, birch bark or logs. She is dressed up as a married woman, and six small children are tied to her belt. It turns out the Family - seven people like me, and everyone needs the love and care of others.
This doll was made as a symbol of happy motherhood and protected from prying eyes.

Pregnancy is a doll that was made for a woman expecting her first child. The baby lies wrapped in birch bark and tied with a mother's belt, like an umbilical cord. With the help of a doll, a woman was preparing for motherhood, for changes in her life.
The colors of the costume are calm, not defiant, but red is always present, as a symbol of health and strength.

A doll symbolizing the feminine essence. It was made for a woman who wanted to have children. It was believed that she invites children's souls into the house. Elegant and unusual doll. It was sewn by a female relative: sister, godmother, mother or grandmother.
She stood in the most visible place, and after she completed her task, she was sent to play with the child.

A mischievous little doll was found in a dig ancient city Rzhev in the layer of the 10th century. Made from linen. The main thing in this doll is hair, it contains the strength and beauty of a woman. The braid twists up and serves as a support for the doll, making it stable. She reminds a woman of the energy and strength hidden in her.

Since ancient times, women have used a variety of jewelry to look beautiful. Small puppets, which served as a talisman, which were worn around the neck, were very popular. This is the first toy for a child who spends even more time on his mother's breast, and a symbol female beauty and health.
When the child grew up and for the first time went out for a walk on his own, they put the doll around his neck and said: "Go for a walk, and the doll will look after you." So the child got used to independence.
The name and homeland of the doll was given by the Finno-Ugric people "Veps", still living in the northern regions of central Russia.

The chrysalis depicts a nurse leading the baby - hence the name vedochka (leading to life). She is connected with the child by a common hand, i.e. always there, always ready to help and teach. This is a symbol of parental love and care for the baby and a reminder that a little more and he will already walk the road on his own.

There are many proverbs and sayings about the horse: "Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan all around", "You don't eat it yourself, but feed the horse!" and others. Not a single hero in Russia could do without a horse! The horse is both a protector, and a helper, and a friend. Bast Solar Horse - a symbol of goodness and happiness in the house!

This doll, a symbol of a turn in life, is named after St. Spiridon of Trimifuntsky, whose memorial day falls on the day of the winter solstice, after which the days begin to arrive, the sun turns to summer. From Spiridon the sun for the summer, winter for frost. After Spiridon, at least for a sparrow's lope, let the day come. In the hands of the puppet, the wheel is a symbol of the sun. If you are ready for a turn in your life, for good and joyful changes - this doll is for you.)

A small bunny that is worn on a child's finger. Warmed by the warmth of a child's hand, this cozy character becomes a friend and companion of the baby. And besides, it develops children's imagination, since its facelessness allows the child's imagination to complete the expression of his muzzle.

For already adult comrades, the bunny becomes a brooch that will always be there.

Here it is - a new family tree! The wedding doll was placed in the center of the wedding loaf and then kept by the spouses all their lives. Feet on the ground, head in seventh heaven! happiness-happiness!!

This elegant fashionista belongs to play dolls. The girl herself sewed it or the mother for her daughter, not only for fun. With her help, the girl learned to sew outfits, comb and style her hair. With her, she played daughters - mothers and other children's games beloved for many centuries.

Sleepless nights are well known to every mother, when the baby cries and acts up for no particular reason. folk recipe good night- doll "Insomnia", stuffed with soothing herbs and magic words: "Drowsy-insomnia, do not play with my child, but play with this doll." The doll has no age restrictions.

Handkerchief doll, girlfriend doll, whom you can tell everything, entrust everything. Her dress has a high absorbency of tears, which is useful not only for children, but also for adults. It is very useful to cry and relieve the soul.

Swaddle - the image of a newborn baby. They say that such a doll was given to the bride for the wedding, so that her maternal instinct woke up and everything worked out. After it turned out, the doll was given to the baby. It is a dense twist of fabric. It is easy to hold it in a fist, it is tempting to chew and scratch cutting teeth, this is the link between mother and child, mother's smell helps to create the effect of presence while mother is cooking in the kitchen.

This children's doll is made based on the northern doll "Bereginya." Northern peoples in the absence of the sun gravitate towards bright colors. And this idea is impossible not to use in the game with children. The materials for this doll are selected different according to tactile sensations.

It is interesting for children to look, touch in a variety of ways, and the connection between generations is felt.

The magpie-crow cooked porridge, fed the children ...
I think you know how to proceed :-)

Very necessary and cute set for mothers and little girls. Veps doll on the neck for mom and Baby doll for sleep. Everyone has their own, but they are part of a single whole, made of the same material.
Flax is an excellent antiseptic material, it is easy to heat it and apply it to a sore spot. With a toy, it is not so sad to get sick and it is not at all lonely to sleep.
Mom's doll is not just a beautiful decoration, it is also "a toy is always at hand", it can distract and occupy the child for a while.

In Conclusion About the workshop "Red Clew"

"Red Clew" appeared in 2011. From a small hobby that brings joy, it gradually grew into a workshop, with its own space, craftsmen, assistants and sympathizers. Now it is a community of like-minded people, professionals who love their little unusual work give her a lot of time and inspiration. The greatest happiness for the head of any business is when employees do not want to go home, they send letters with ideas at night, and they themselves volunteer to participate in noisy events.

The owner of the workshop is Vera Yarilina, a psychologist, art therapist, master and ideologist of the "Red Tangle".

"I met my first Stolbushka at the summer children's program, which I accompanied as a child psychologist. And it was love, from the first rag and the first knot. Each new opened doll surprised me with its beauty and worldly wisdom. These were not just decorative souvenirs, each the doll had its own character, its purpose and made you think. folk toy in their activities with children and families. And for several years now I have been happy with the excellent result of such classes. Children and adults get acquainted with a part of the history of their people, gain confidence that they can create such beauty with their own hands. And most importantly - inner world is reflected in the doll, and we can look at ourselves from the outside and even change for the better. "

The doll is the oldest and most popular toy. It is an obligatory companion of children's games and the most accessible work of art for children. What is a doll? The dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov explains that a doll is a children's toy in the form of a human figure. According to other scientists: archaeologists, art historians, this is any human figure, even if it is not a child's toy. Dolls imitate the adult world, preparing the child for adult relationships. Since the doll depicts a person, it performs different roles and is, as it were, a partner of the child. He acts with her the way he wants, forcing her to fulfill her dreams and desires. Playing with dolls takes on a serious social and psychological role, embodying and shaping a certain ideal, giving vent to hidden emotions.

Doll history.

Everything that happened around primitive man was incomprehensible and very often cruel, frightening. Water poured from the sky, and fire (rain and lightning) fell like arrows. Water, if it was a heavy downpour, washed away and carried away dwellings, people, crops. When the rivers overflowed, they also caused terrible damage. Lightning killed people and livestock, set fire to houses. The sun also did not always kindly warm man and the earth. There were times when it burned everything sown, depriving people of the harvest. The wind uprooted trees and destroyed homes.

And the man wondered: who is doing all this? Of course, these were some higher and powerful beings - gods. People created sculptures of gods, gave them names, and now a person had someone to ask for help and protection, someone to worship. So the gods appeared: Svarog, Dazhbog, Makosh, Perun and many others.

Most often, the gods were made in the form of human figures. Probably, these were the very first dolls.

When people came up with the gods, they felt more comfortable in this vast and incomprehensible world. The people who created the gods believed them, worshiped and hoped for their protection. So the first dolls made life easier for the first people.

At the dawn of civilization, primitive hunters not only drew pictures of the future hunt on stone, but also acted out scenes of the upcoming successful hunt, for which figures of people and animals were molded from clay. These figurines became the first dolls of mankind.

There was a time when dolls saved people's lives, replacing a person in the rites of sacrifice. Our ancestors had a terrible custom: to appease the gods, people were sacrificed to them. But one day it occurred to someone to offer the gods a doll instead of a living person. They took an ordinary log, dressed it in a scarf and a sundress, and sacrificed it to the gods. The gods accepted the sacrifice. So the log doll saved the man.

Other stuffed dolls appeared, which were sacrificed to various gods. Each doll had its own name: Kostroma, Morena, Kupalo, Yarilo...

The rites of sacrifice have since turned into real holidays: they carried dressed-up dolls with songs on their hands, danced around them, started games, then “gave” them to the gods - they drowned them in rivers, burned them on fires, scattered them over the fields. And in return they asked happy love, good harvests, health.

Dolls, as if, did not attach much importance, but now, after the lapse of time, it turns out that not a single holiday could do without dolls.

For the manufacture of dolls were mostly improvised materials. They made dolls from straw, from clay, from wood, from bast, from reeds, from corn cobs, from grass roots, from branches and branches of trees.

Based on archaeological research and literary sources famous dolls ancient egypt- made of wood and fabric. From ancient China clay dolls have come down to us. In children's burials ancient era puppets and ivory puppets were found. In Athens, primitive wooden dolls were common. In feudal society, handicraft toys began to develop. In the children of feudal lords, and later in the children of the rich nobility and the big bourgeoisie, dolls were distinguished by unprecedented luxury. They were dressed in expensive outfits and the dollhouses were made with carved furniture and complete furnishings. Such dolls served to decorate rooms and were kept as family heirlooms.

Types and purpose of the doll.

According to their purpose, dolls are divided into three large groups: amulet dolls, play and ceremonial.

Guardian dolls. Interestingly, the rag dolls did not have a face. This is connected with ancient ideas, with the role of toys in the past, as a magical object. Such a “faceless doll” served as a “talisman”. The absence of a face was a sign that the doll was an inanimate thing, and therefore not available for instilling evil forces into it. Charm - an amulet or a magic spell that saves a person from various dangers, as well as an object on which the spell is spoken and which is worn on the body as a talisman. It used to be believed that if a “Kuvatka” hangs over a child’s crib, then it drives away this evil force. Two weeks before the birth of the child, the expectant mother placed such a doll-amulet in the cradle. When the parents went to work in the field, and the child was alone in the house, he looked at these little dolls and calmly played.

It is known that doll dresses were sewn not just like that, but with meaning. Firstly, the outfit should always have red - the color of the sun, warmth, health, joy. And they also believed that it has a protective effect: it protects against the evil eye and injuries. The embroidered pattern that once decorated the doll's outfit was also not accidental. Each of its elements kept a magical meaning, and the pattern in the face of the doll was supposed to protect the child. The word "pattern" meant "prize", i.e. "watching". Therefore, on the doll dress, as well as on the costume of an adult, they embroidered: circles, crosses, rosettes - signs of the sun; female figurines and deer - symbols of fertility; wavy lines are signs of water; horizontal lines - signs of the earth; diamonds with dots inside - a symbol of a sown field; vertical lines are signs of a tree, eternally living nature.

As a rule, these toys were small in size and all of different colors, this developed the baby's vision. The shore of sleep was hung over the head of the bed. They believed that she drives away bad dreams with her large wings.

Not only baby dolls were amulets. Dolls lived in houses. Isn't the garden scarecrow doll a talisman? Amulet, and even what! Protects garden crops from birds and livestock. Yes, and the kids are afraid of him, once again they will not pull the carrot from the garden. And if this doll is made still spinning, then there will be no price for it in the garden. As if a living man or woman walks around the garden, and even “waves away” the breeze with his hands. Such dolls can also be seen in our garden plots. Scarecrows are dressed in different ways: you can see a doll in a woman's outfit, tied with a scarf, or even a hat full of holes, and a man with a saucepan on his head instead of a hat.

play dolls, intended for the enjoyment of children. They were divided into stitched and folded. Rolled dolls were made without a needle and thread. A thick layer of fabric was wound around a wooden stick, and then tied with a rope. Then a head with handles was tied to this stick and dressed in elegant clothes. Play rolled dolls include spin dolls, which were made very simply. The body is a piece of fabric twisted around its axis and fastened with a thread. Hands are made in the same way and, finally, a small ball-head is attached to the body with a thread.

Researchers believe that the earliest among the traditional play rolled dolls was the “log” doll, which was a wooden log dressed in a stylized women's clothing. Later came more complicated doll. It was the simplest depiction of a female figure. The torso is a piece of fabric rolled into a “rolling pin”, a face carefully covered with linen rags. Towed or hair braid. Chest made of stuffed cotton balls. The costume, as a rule, was not removed from the doll.

The most simple folded doll is the “Lady” doll. It was made for children. younger age. First, the torso was made, covered with a white cloth and bandaged in three places, then they took a long piece, covered part of the torso with it, bandaged it, separating the head. The remnants of the fabric on the sides were cut into three parts and braided pigtails - these were the hands. A skirt, an apron were put on the doll, a scarf was tied on her head.

The play rag doll “Naked Baby” was distributed. Distinctive feature The technique of its manufacture was that the fabric at the bottom was not left as a single “hem”, but was divided into two parts and legs were formed, wrapping them with threads. The doll must be girdled. The “baby”, as the name already implies, was naked, without clothes, but the belt was not only an obligatory attribute, but also a very strong amulet. The head was tied with threads. It should be noted that the Naked Baby, depicting a boy, is quite rare among traditional dolls.

Freehand doll was a playful sewing doll. It was sewn by girls up to 12 years old and was an exam in sewing and needlework. Then the girls helped prepare the dowry for the older sisters, getting to know traditional views clothes, along the way picking up something for his dowry. Each girl wanted to quickly make a doll, on which she could show her knowledge of the costume, so as not to stay too long with young children and get to the gatherings in time. They sewed dolls “for free” mainly during the Christmas and Great Lent, and in the spring, after Easter, they walked around the village, showing off the sewn dolls.

ritual dolls. The ceremonial puppet “Kosnitsa” depicted a woman during haymaking. “Pokosnitsa” is one of the simplest dolls in terms of the technique of making dolls. It is made without cuts and without a single seam, from a single piece of fabric. In the center of a rectangular patch of light colors, stuffing for the doll's head is placed - batting or rags. Then the head is formed and tied with threads. From the excess fabric on the sides, hands are formed and tied with threads. A skirt, an apron are put on the doll (but the “shirt” should be visible - the light base of the doll), a scarf is tied.

Doll “Kupavka”- This is a ritual doll of one day. She personified the beginning of bathing. She was floated on the water, and the ribbons tied to her hands took human illnesses and hardships with them - such importance was attached to the cleansing power of water. This doll of the holidays of Agrafena Kupalnitsa and Ivan Kupala. The procedure for making "Kupavka" is very simple. Two sticks of different lengths are tied crosswise. On the upper part of the cross, they strengthen the head of a light-colored fabric stuffed with rags, the hands of the doll are covered with the same fabric. Fix the fabric on the neck, arms and belt of the doll. Tie the straps of a sundress made of bright fabric. They put a skirt, a scarf on the doll, tie a belt, and tie ribbons of fabric on their hands. Since this doll is summer, it is customary to decorate it with grass, fresh flowers, green twigs.

The ritual doll “Maslenitsa” was made of straw or bast, but a tree was always used - a thin trunk of a birch. Straw, like wood, personified the exuberant power of vegetation. Clothes on the doll should be with a floral pattern. There were also Shrovetide dolls in human height, made of bast or straw. It was fixed on a wooden cross. The doll was decorated with ribbons, artificial flowers. On her hands they put dishes used in the preparation of pancakes, hung ribbons, tying which people made wishes. These ribbons, in order for wishes to come true, had to burn down with the doll.

“Home Maslenitsa” She was called the daughter of Maslenitsa or her younger sister. It is a small, 20 - 25 cm high, straw or bast doll with a white rag face. “Home Maslenitsa” symbolized strong prosperity and healthy offspring of a young family. She was considered a strong amulet of the home, fulfilling the precepts of the owners of the house. They kept this doll in a red corner or at the entrance to a dwelling. On one of the days of the festive Maslenitsa week, when young people came to their mother-in-law for pancakes, this doll was put up in windows or yards. According to tradition, the bride and groom were greeted with “Home Shrovetide”.
In some areas there was a Goat doll. It is based on a wooden cross, and the muzzle, horns, beard are made of bast and straw. “Goat” was dressed in a bright special dress and a sheepskin coat or fur coat, on top of which ritual objects were attached: pipes, hurdy-gurdies, tambourines, a horseshoe as a gift for good luck, bells, bells, wooden beads, earrings, bags with gifts, wreaths of well-being with small children. red bags with grains of cereals, a wooden block as a gift to a bachelor, as a reminder of the need to get married. The “Goat” doll was a symbol of vitality, and she had to bring this strength to the owner of the hut and his land, his field, so that bread would be better born.

I must say that the people have always attached importance to the health of children and families. So some ritual dolls were healing. This is Kozma and Demyan. They were made from medicinal herbs: yarrow, chamomile and other herbs. There is such a legend. Two brothers lived in Russia - the weather. They were disinterested. These brothers treated people and did not take money or food for treatment. But one day one of the brothers took some food for work. Another brother was very offended by him and asked after death to bury them in different places but the people judged in their own way. After all, food is food for existence, not money, and therefore they were buried together. For good deeds they were elevated to the rank of saints. Therefore, they used to make dolls in their honor and put them in a red corner so that they would bring goodness and health to the house.


Dolls are not only toys, but also close friends. They look like people. With their silent obedience, dolls awaken hidden feelings. If the children in the family are uncomfortable, then the dolls are punished. With a cry, they are dragged along the floor, fed with hated porridge and left in a dark room. In games with dolls, children learn to communicate, fantasize, create, show mercy, train their memory. But the main thing in these games is emotional contact with the doll. Children do not just get used to dolls - they become attached to them as to living beings and painfully part with them. You should not throw away the old doll, it is better to wash it, comb it, sew new clothes. All these actions are lessons of sensitivity, thrift, attention, kindness. Dressing an old doll in new clothes is a lesson in good taste and even some artistic crafts. Dolls accompany us all our lives. As a child it's toys, visiting puppet shows. They entertain, teach, educate, decorate the house, serve as a collector's item, a good gift.

If you really want, then everyone can make their own doll, without limiting themselves in their fantasies. She will have her own character, her own bright personality.