How to draw a puppet face. How to draw a face for a textile doll

Children's crafts from vegetables with their own hands
Consider several options for easy vegetable crafts that children can make on their own.
This work will contribute to the development creativity in a child, also perfectly develops his horizons, not to mention a great pastime.
Funny crafts are made from vegetables.

From an eggplant, for example, it can turn out to be very cute. penguin.
To make the simplest option, you only need an eggplant, beads with pins for the eyes. Part of the eggplant is peeled, thus making the breast of the future penguin. Cuts are made on the sides of the breast, which will become paws (wings). We attach the eyes to the stalk, which does not need to be removed in advance.

Potatoes, carrots and a few toothpicks can make a very funny potato man. Vegetables are pre-washed and dried. Carrots are cut into circles, from which the arms, legs and eyes of the future little man are then cut out. All elements are connected with toothpicks. We complete the funny hairstyle with the help of all the same toothpicks.

little people

Another funny craft in the form of a man is made from cucumber, carrots, and matches.
From a cucumber we make a body, a head and a cap, from a carrot - a mouth and hair.
As a result, it should be girl.
Part of the cucumber in the shape of a semi-cone will serve as the torso in the dress. A cap is made from the cut tops.
We cut out the eyes from the pulp and attach them to the cut off “ass” of the cucumber with the help of matches.
In the same way we fasten hair from carrots. We combine all this into one common composition.

Children's crafts from vegetables with their own hands can be an excellent decoration for a festive autumn table.

Rat Larisa from radish

The next craft is called "". Yes, just like the old woman Shapoklyak! To make a radish rat with our own hands, we need a radish, lettuce, a radish, a few olives, and, of course, toothpicks. And now the preparation steps:

  • We wash and properly dry the radish. This is the body of the future rat. We remove unnecessary leaves, except for the place where we will have a tail, and we remove the roots, except for the front, where the antennae will be.
  • Then cut off the front part of the radish and, using a toothpick, fix the radish, the spout of our Lariska, on the cut place. You can also stick a couple of toothpicks next to the radish, these will be the mustaches.
  • In order to make ears for a rat from leaves, it is necessary, as in other fakes, to simply make notches on the body in the appropriate places, and carefully place and fasten the lettuce leaves in them.
  • In conclusion, we make the eyes of the rat. To do this, cut the olives in half and attach them with toothpicks to the body. Ready!

  • How to make a duck from cabbage and eggplant with their own hands in the form of crafts for children in kindergarten, for example. To do this, simply take a curved vegetable and one head of Chinese cabbage. The cabbage will serve as the body for the duck, and the eggplant, you guessed it, the neck. We fix the products with toothpicks, and the eyes and beak can be made from the same pepper.

With the help of zucchini and your sleight of hand, you can make a DIY shark model! To do this, just take a knife to cut out the fins and tail! If there is no zucchini on hand, replace it with a large cucumber.

We take a curved cucumber, which will serve as the body. Cut the second cucumber in half: one half is the head of the crocodile, and the second is the tail. For the half that will go as the head and mouth, carefully shape the teeth with a knife, cutting out small triangles. Using the third cucumber, cut out Gene's legs. For the eyes, you can use any berries.

Craft cheburashka from potatoes

Interesting and simple vegetable crafts

Every autumn, thematic exhibitions under the general title "Gifts of Autumn" come to kindergartens and primary schools. And the main actors on them are handicrafts from vegetables and fruits.

From zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, melons, watermelons, apples, grapes and other natural material from branches and beds, you can do:

  • Figurines of animals, birds, cartoon characters, people
  • Designs - appliances, houses, household items, dishes
  • Flat paintings and panels with different subjects
  • Flowers and animals in the carving technique (not to be confused with)

Artistic carving of vegetables and fruits

Another technique for making crafts from vegetables or fruits with your own hands is Carving(cutting out). This is when everything superfluous is cut off from the original form and a new figure is obtained, similar to something or someone.

Banana, eggplant and broccoli dog

watermelon turtle

watermelon dinosaur head

Zucchini squash shoes

Piggy salad bowl with watermelon, berries and melon

Watermelon submarine

Bell Pepper Frogs

You can also cut flowers from vegetables and fruits. A sharp knife and our master class will help.

Master class "Bouquet of pepper tulips"

The flowers turn out to be very authentic, especially after 12 hours - dried petals close, closing around the centers. But it doesn't spoil the view.

Photo after 12 hours

For work you will need:

  • fleshy bell pepper - yellow and red
  • cherry tomatoes - small and even
  • barbecue sticks
  • patisson (for the base)
  • vase - we have woven from paper tubes
  • Cup
  • red cabbage leaves, green hot peppers and viburnum sprigs - for decoration
  • teiplant

With a sharp, not long knife, we cut out the peaks on the pepper, trying to make both halves neat and go to work. We wash one part, where the testicles are, in water, removing the seeds and the core. This can be done by hand.

Now we plant the flowers on a skewer, leaving 2 cm in the middle for the tomato nozzle. We tap the stem.

The side without the base of the pepper is very soft and can quickly slide down the stem. We make a support at the bottom - we strengthen the top with electrical tape, and then on top of it - a green tape.

We put a small squash into the mug - this is the basis for the bouquet. For a vase, you can use a small pumpkin, green zucchini.

Set up a bouquet. We decorate it with cabbage leaves, viburnum sprigs, green hot peppers.

Crafts with the addition of decorative elements

You can add decor from other materials to vegetables and fruits: plasticine, foamiran, feathers, material, as well as beads, buttons, berries.

In this way, piglets appear from potatoes:

Pumpkin Fashionista:

Watermelons and pumpkins make wonderful samovars, teapots, flower vases, clocks and funny Halloween masks.

And "Cross" offers you another master class.

Master class "Wise turtle"

Tortilla does not need to be introduced. it famous character works "Golden Key", which is loved by all readers. The turtle is a symbol of wisdom, so we will make a fairy-tale hero.

We will need:

  • half a head of cabbage
  • large dark green cucumbers (without pimples)
  • wooden toothpicks and 3 skewers
  • base - flat plate and greens
  • floral wire
  • cap fabric, braid, needle and thread
  • scissors for cutting toothpicks
  • eyes

Let's start with the shell. Cut the cucumbers into circles of equal thickness. Divide the toothpicks in half with scissors or a knife.

If you break the toothpicks with your hands, you will get uneven shaggy edges, and they will spoil the overall picture of the shell.

We attach each circle to the base-cabbage with 3 wooden "carnations". This is enough to hold the cucumber.

For the head, cut off the end of the cucumber of the required length. We select so that the head and neck are similar - rounded, even.

For the beauty of crafts, we decorate the place where the neck is attached to the body with a cucumber “washer”: we make a circle from a cucumber, remove the middle and put it on the neck blank.

In the body, we will provide a place for the neck and select some leaves from the cabbage.

When the whole shell is ready, we will strengthen the head and neck of the turtle here on skewers.

We make eyes, turn the wire in the form of glasses. We make a cap from a circle of fabric.

We make legs from four columns of cucumber, fasten to toothpicks. Set the turtle on a flat plate. For beauty, cover it with leaves red cabbage. You can use any greens.

For the entourage - tagetes flowers, and the image of the wise and somewhere even flirtatious turtle Tortilla is completed!

An excellent and long-lasting turtle option is made from green zucchini squash.

Secrets and subtleties of creating crafts

  1. Before starting work, all vegetables must be washed, dried, and then used as material for creativity.
  2. Wooden toothpicks, skewers, floral wire will help in this.
  3. Be sure to keep in mind that crafts made from vegetables or fruits have a short shelf life. Soft tomatoes and juicy cucumbers, for example, quickly “leak”, and this must be taken into account when composing compositions.
  4. It is better to use "long-term" vegetables and root crops: potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, onions.
  5. Ideally, crafts should be prepared immediately before the exhibition, if time permits.
  6. It is best to install each craft on a base / stand. Otherwise, the composition will not have a logical conclusion.


Take advantage of our tips and master classes on creating a wide variety! This is an interesting, fun and useful hobby for children and adults!

In kindergartens and schools in the fall, around October-November, the Autumn Festival is celebrated. On this day, children bring to kindergartens and schools made on their own or with the help of their parents.

On the Autumn holiday, exhibitions are held where they show how the fantasy of children was embodied through crafts from vegetables and fruits.

Very young kids show simple children's vegetable products, kids school age are already able not only to show a more vivid fantasy, but also to do many autumn crafts from vegetables on their own.

Right now, autumn sometimes, in September-October, the largest number of various gifts of nature such as fruits, vegetables, natural material, which helps to create beautiful and interesting meadows, create a new "image" and "beauty" for vegetables and fruits and invent different characters from them.

Crafts from cucumbers

For example, most often cucumbers are used to make Gena the crocodile from the well-known Soviet cartoon. Cheburashka can help complement the creation of Cheburashka.

So, look at the creativity of parents together with their children. How differently cucumbers and potatoes are decorated as crocodile and cheburashka.

A crocodile can be made from one whole and long cucumber, or it can be made from several. You can decorate with a thin piece of carrot figuratively cut out as a scarf and tongue. Cheburashka can be made from raw potatoes by cutting it into circles.

And here are some cute frogs. Just like the real ones! This "set" of a couple of frogs is similar to the fairy tale about the Frog Princess. You can play with such beautiful toys, and then eat with appetite. Cucumbers, carrots, peppercorns were used.

Crafts from potatoes

Potatoes are a fertile material. Using this product as crafts, you can come up with various images and figures. for example, you can pick up round potatoes and attach eyes, hands, ears, paws from plasticine to them and it will turn out - Smeshariki!

Potatoes can also be adapted in the form of a horse, look at what a beautiful horse it turned out to be.

In autumn, such a rich holiday is made in order to show the children how much nature and the earth have given us vegetables and fruits. Tell them about the benefits of these products and thus expand the horizons of the kids, train their imagination and fine motor skills when creating masterpieces.

When parents are told that there will be a holiday of autumn gifts, some parents are puzzled by the question of how to make crafts from vegetables.

To make it easier for parents to think about what to create and what to use in this work, we have selected a few interesting ideas what children did for the autumn holiday and demonstrated at exhibitions.


Probably the simplest and most interesting craft is hedgehogs! How to make and from what to make hedgehogs ?! They can be made from almost any vegetable or fruit.

We choose the basis, for example, kiwi, apple (cut in half), potatoes, a piece of zucchini, beets or radishes. And the kid can gently stick toothpicks, making needles for the hedgehog.

And on top of the needles, the hedgehog can also chop dry autumn leaves, and an apple, and mushrooms, and many different stocks that these little animals pull into their mink.

Of course, everything must be done under the supervision of a mother or another adult. And such actions as, for example, cutting an apple are done by an adult, not a child.

In the process of creating an edible hedgehog, you can even come up with some kind of fairy tale with your child. Let the kid fantasize!

Crafts from eggplant zucchini

Zucchini will do a great job of serving as cars or pigs. Craftswomen also make shoes from zucchini or eggplant. And it looks especially beautiful with carving on the skin in the form of a pattern.

Eggplant can be used to create very simple penguin characters.

Penguins are very easy to make. The skin is simply cut off and cut along the entire length of the eggplant, and the tail is not cut off at all. We make eyes from what we have, and if not from anything, then plasticine is used.

Here is a selection of photos of simple but very cute vegetable ideas for creating cool characters.

The snake was made from a long cucumber, pepper and olives were used to create an eye and a “scarf”.

One machine is made using zucchini, zucchini, radishes, carrots. Everything was connected with toothpicks or matches (of course, after breaking off the sulfur).

The second machine is created on the basis of an eggplant. Here the wheels have different diameters and a small zucchini went on them.

Another penguins on the island are zucchini and skillfully carved sledges, bows, a hat made of carrots.

Frogs - cucumbers. And snowmen are apples, they can also be made using radishes or radishes. Hats in the form of a lemon slice and carrot bows and mittens.

Crafts from apples

I really liked one idea that moms brought to life! Apples are taken, washed, wiped dry.

Then mom makes the icing: the protein is whipped with sugar and a couple of drops of lemon juice are added.

We take a regular medical syringe, naturally NOT using a needle. And fill the syringe with our white egg white mixture. And draw on the skin of apples. You can draw anything: snowflakes, butterflies, just drawings, decorative curls, arrows, faces, waves, dots, etc.

Apples take on a beautiful appearance and you can just eat them later!

You can also make a wonderful caterpillar by connecting apples of the same size together with toothpicks.

To do this, we prick our fruits on both sides of the toothpick, make paws using carrots and make antennae with grapes! You can draw a face with plasticine or egg white icing (described above how to do this).

Apples in peas! These fruits can be decorated like this. Take the red and cut circles or triangles from the skin. Do the same with a green apple or yellow color. And now, attach colored circles on the contrary: green circles are attached to a red apple, and red circles are attached to a green apple.

Crafts from a pumpkin

The queen of autumn is, of course, the pumpkin. This product is wonderful both for its valuable vitamin properties and is suitable for pumpkin crafts for the autumn holiday and for the Halloween holiday, which is also celebrated in the fall!

When creating figures using fruits or vegetables, very often you need to fasten the parts together. For this, toothpicks are best and safer.

If you additionally use plasticine for decoration, or even more so markers or felt-tip pens, then, of course, you should not eat this product.

The richness of nature is really so diverse! Autumn is a great time for the development of children using natural material. Because it is safe, affordable and simple.

Using autumn leaves of trees, cones and plasticine, twigs, all the food gifts of autumn, you can develop creative imagination in children, stimulate their imagination and interest in the world around them.

As a developing tool, do-it-yourself crafts made from vegetables and fruits made with the help of parents are perfect.

DIY bow crafts

What can you think of as a do-it-yourself craft for a holiday using a bow ?! It turns out you can make flowers!

If the onion, peeled from the skin, is cut from top to bottom in each layer without cutting to the very end and open the onion petals, then you get a real lotus! You can decorate with greenery.

But what wonderful onion daisies! The middle is a carrot circle, which is notched along and across with a knife so that a small “fringe” is obtained. We decorate with greens or leaves of green trees or long leaves of leek.

And here are some beautiful onion crafts made for the exhibition by children with their parents. It turned out to be a real parade of onion men.

The ears and tails of raisins were made for the bulbous pigs, matches were used for the legs. Decorated beautifully and put up to show all the beauty of what you can come up with using the autumn harvest of vegetables.

Here are some interesting vegetable crafts presented young masters! These are all children's work.

Here is a selection of photos of beautiful and very interesting vegetable creations. Chic palm trees can be made like this: large pitted olives are strung on skewers, “palm leaves” are put on the very top, and all this creation is placed on an “island” of melon or any other fruit or vegetable.

The radish is presented in the form of a beautiful decoration using the carving technique - carving vegetables. In the same technique, a chic rose was created from the real red beetroot. A bouquet of "roses" is created using black radish or red radish. You can decorate with a sprig with leaves of a cherry or other fruit tree.

Mice and mushrooms can be made by carving enthusiasts in minutes. Very simple figures will turn out quickly enough - mice and mushrooms. Mice look especially touching and making them is quite simple. To do this, take a clean radish and cut off a piece from one, divide it in half and get the ears of mice. We make eyes and slots into which we insert the ears. Tails of radishes serve as ponytails. And the mice look very real.

Bulgarian pepper can serve as an excellent material when creating flowers from fruits. Look, it is enough to peel the pepper from the core and seeds and cut into small “fringes”. And you get aster flowers or peonies. If you take three different colors of pepper, you get a beautiful vegetable, not only a craft, but a beautiful decoration of the dish.

It is impossible not to show a bouquet of radishes and carrots, because it looks so natural and beautiful that you just want to admire it. Such a bouquet may well be made by parents on their own.

Crafts from vegetables can be not only delicious, but also beautiful, attractive and even funny!

And here is a huge hare made from radishes, eggplants, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and fruits are added. Looks simply gorgeous!

Here is another bouquet, but already fruity. A whole range of vitamins. Here and watermelon, oranges, bananas, pineapple, and from vegetables this beautiful bouquet is decorated with eggplants.

Such chic and healthy bouquets can be partially eaten and just admire the abundance of vegetables and fruits and decorate banquet tables in restaurants or at home during the holidays.

If you have ideas on how to make autumn crafts from vegetables with your own hands - share in the comments or send a photo to us via. And we will definitely publish them and share your ideas.

How to make crafts from vegetables and fruits with your own hands? The figure should not be complicated and at the same time be as similar as possible to a character that is interesting and well-known to children. In addition, it should not contain rare and little-known ingredients.

Necessary materials:

  • 3 cucumbers (one of them should be small and clearly rounded, others should be medium in size, with slight bends);
  • black olive or currant;
  • carrot;
  • toothpicks (at least 5 pieces);
  • a quarter of a ripe tomato;
  • sharp thin knife;
  • board for ease of use (optional).

On a note! Prepare vegetables for work. You should choose cucumbers of a special shape. For crafts, you will need 3 cucumbers, but it is worth making a reserve in case any part does not work out the first time, especially if this is a craft for children. Wash vegetables well and pat dry or dry.

"Crocodile Gena" from vegetables - a master class

Craft from potatoes "Bear with a barrel of honey", a master class with a photo

Potatoes are a great base for DIY crafts. If you decide to make any toy out of it, you should not use natural material in its raw form. So that the potatoes do not darken and lose their attractive appearance, it should first boil for a short time. Moderately soft potatoes are easy to pierce and cut, keep their shape and serve as a cheap basis for crafts for kindergarten and school.

Note! Choose from the available largest potatoes for the body of the craft, and the roundest for the head. Prepare all materials and products, wash carrots and potatoes. Boil the potatoes, but not until done. For crafts from vegetables, the potatoes must remain firm and at the same time take on the color of a boiled vegetable.

"Bear with a barrel of honey" from vegetables - step by step instructions:

Attention! Eating a figurine from undercooked potatoes is not recommended, especially for children.

Crafts from carrots with their own hands "Giraffe" - a master class with a photo

A do-it-yourself carrot giraffe is a bright and interesting craft that children will definitely like, as in kindergarten as well as at school.

On a note! Prepare all materials and products for crafts from carrots. Wash and dry carrots. Take the olives out of the jar. Peel all carrots.

Do-it-yourself "giraffe" from vegetables - step by step instructions

On a note! It is not recommended to move the finished vegetable crafts once again. It is better to put the carrot giraffe on a plate.

Craft from apples "Pig" do it yourself

Making a cute pig out of apples is very simple - this fruit has a dense peel and smooth surface, and the choice of apple variety will affect the appearance of your piglet.