Autumn picture from straw. We decorate the interior: Autumn crafts from straw (38 photos)

Straw paintings- this is a great decoration for your interior. Applications on various topics will help to give the room a special sophistication and taste. It's hard work, but it's worth it!

For this work you will need the following materials:

Straws, scissors, burlap, buckwheat seeds, frame, scissors, iron, tracing paper, work sketch, brush, PVA glue.

Harvesting and preparation of straw.

It is best to use straw stalks of oats, rice, rye, buckwheat, wheat, barley, millet and other plants. The stems must be collected when the ears are already ripe (July, August). The straw is cut and dried for three days, then knots, spikelets, leaves are removed with scissors. Straw tubes are stored in cardboard box, in a dry place.

We prepare straw ribbons as follows:

Straws must be placed in a container, pour water and boil it for 15 minutes. When the straw has become soft, it must be cut lengthwise with a thick needle. Then push the edges to both sides and smooth with a hot iron from the inside until it becomes almost dry, and then dry it, ironing it from the face.

Stick strips of straw on tracing paper. It is necessary to adjust the straws one to another carefully so that there is no gap between them.

Painting technique.

The basis for the picture is a fibreboard covered with burlap.

A drawing is drawn. You can either come up with it yourself, or pick it up and copy it onto paper. The desired pattern must be transferred to tracing paper, and then to paper (tracing paper) the details of the selected pattern. Before proceeding with the application, it is necessary to determine in advance the direction of the straw in different details: vertical, horizontal (petals) or obliquely (leaf) and cut out accordingly details. For example, a leaf is cut along the vein in half (two parts). It is very important to choose the right direction of the straw. Flowers must be collected from individual petals. To give the effect of bulge, the petals must be bent in a round shape. ballpoint pen. Glue is smeared in the middle of the flower and buckwheat seeds are poured. It can be seeds of rapeseed, dill and many other plants.


Cut out a vase from cardboard. Then it is necessary to cut straw strips of the same width and glue them vertically in a row.

The distances between the strips are not left, but the density should not be excessive. The straws are glued on top with a second strip of paper. After the glue dries, the prepared base is intertwined from the selected strips of the same width. Weaving is done in a checkerboard pattern. FROM reverse side The resulting wicker rug is glued, and then the necessary vase is cut out. To give a shade, the vase can be ironed.

After all the details are ready, it is necessary to assemble them (according to the picture) on a burlap stretched over plywood and glue them with PVA glue.

You can varnish the top of the straw. This will make her even more expressive. We put the finished picture in a frame and hang it on the wall.

Straw applique is ready! You will need to find time and, of course, stock up on the desire to please yourself with a beautiful thing made by yourself and you can decorate your interior.

Straw is one of the oldest materials cultivated and processed by man. The hand that lifted the first ear, touched the stalk, never left it. Therefore, straw paintings are so appreciated by lovers of real, natural creativity.

How to buy a straw painting

Probably, you have already paid attention to the extensive range of paintings. It is clear that among such a variety it is easy to get confused. So take note of a few useful tips to help you make the right choice:

Choose slowly;
. consider the location;
. focus on the artistic component;
. take the picture that you really like.

In fact, all the advice on the right purchase of a straw painting comes down to one thing - you need to spend time choosing. But why rush when we are talking not about a banal purchase, but about an interesting artistic concept that can highlight the interior or serve as a special gift.

Nowadays, objects based on synthetic materials are everywhere. Therefore, the purchase of an original product made from natural material, in this case from straw is often a desire to become a little closer to nature. And if you decide to buy a picture of straw, it means that you definitely decided to get a stylish and refined thing that connoisseurs of rare art, and just all friends and acquaintances, will appreciate.

Chinese straw technique

Many people have heard about the diligence and ever-increasing skill of Chinese craftsmen. Therefore, it is not surprising that Chinese straw paintings are in ever-increasing demand. Straw is a material from which you can make many exclusive masterpieces that amaze the imagination, the variety of species depends only on the imagination of the master. And the Chinese masters, who have decided to return to the natural natural material, do not lag behind other artists from around the world in creating unique pieces of art.

Straw paintings - development of creativity

The picture made of straw is suitable for decorating any interior. She is able to make it not only more comfortable, but also more expensive. After all, work in the Hand Made style is always a special value. Therefore, these products are not suitable for hiding them in the far corners in order to cover repair errors or fill an empty corner of the wall. On the contrary - these works are just created in order to show them to guests. Therefore, regardless of the purpose of purchasing straw paintings, you can be sure that this purchase will justify itself both as an original gift and as an unusual interior decoration.

Examining the unique creations, one wants to take part in this amazing skill. Therefore, buying a picture from straw is often the first step towards subsequently trying to make it with your own hands. To make this dream come true, there are many master classes, but in our online store you can buy ready-made straw paintings and immediately make an original gift or embellish the interior of your home.

Find out the terms of delivery and payment in the relevant sections. Waiting for you!

The final result directly depends on the quality of straw pre-treatment, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to carefully prepare the stems for work. The stalks of wheat, oats, rye, buckwheat and other cereals collected after the ripening of the ears are dried and the leaves and nodes are cut with a sharp knife or scissors.

The resulting tubes are poured hot water and boil until the straw softens. At this stage, various color shades of the material are achieved: if light blanks with a pearly overflow are needed for work, then the water in which the straw is boiled must be drained several times at the time of its yellowing.

To enhance the whiteness effect, you can add a little laundry bleach to the water - this will give the straw a silvery white color.

You can achieve the yellowness of the stems by adding a small amount of baking soda to the water, and Brown color obtained by treating with a stain, a saturated solution of potassium permanganate or by ironing the straw with a hot iron. To obtain other colors, the straw is dyed acrylic paints.

The stems softened with boiling water are cut lengthwise with a needle, an awl or a sharp knife, after which they are carefully smoothed with an iron on the inside. When the straw is almost completely dry, it is treated with an iron from the outside. The prepared material is stored in a dry place, preferably under a tightly closed lid.

The simplest technique for making paintings is gluing strips of straw prepared for work onto sheets of paper. A sheet with glued strips of straw is placed under a straightening press, after which the necessary pattern is applied to it by hand or using a stencil, carbon paper. With scissors, the pattern is cut out along the contour and pasted onto the dense textured material of the base of the picture. Velvet paper, burlap, cardboard, plywood or any dense fabric can be used as a base. The finished picture is inserted into the frame, covered with transparent varnish.

When cutting out fragments of a picture, it is important to follow the correct direction of the straw: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, etc.

Another technique for creating paintings involves creating two copies of the desired pattern, one of which is cut into separate numbered fragments, and the second is used as a sample when assembling the finished product.

The drawing is transferred to tracing paper, cut into parts, after which straw is individually glued to each part. desired color in certain direction. The parts are dried under pressure, the straw is trimmed with scissors so that it does not break out of the contour. If you need to create a convex element of the picture, then the workpiece in the wet state is twisted with a pen or felt-tip pen in the right place and dried without using a press.

The contours of the pattern are applied to the base material, after which, guided by the assembly scheme, individual elements are glued and left to dry. The finished picture is varnished, edged with strips of straw, satin ribbon or inserted into a frame. Dense dark-colored materials look best as a base, contrasting with the amber sheen of the straw.

Autumn is the time when you want to bring a little more warmth and comfort into the house. And even such trifles as handmade fakes help in this. One of the most unusual, original and beautiful straw fakes are obtained. Straw is a light and pliable material that is interesting to work with.

What can be made from straw?

You can come up with a lot of ideas for crafts, ranging from simple bouquets with the addition of autumn colors and straw dolls, which used to be always woven for the harvest festival in Russia, and ending with complex paintings, some animals that you can make with your children, decor of flower pots, mirrors and photo frames and other crafts for the home.

DIY straw bouquets

Bouquets of flowers made from this natural material will look very impressive. In order to make one such flower, you will need a fabric of your favorite color and discreet threads, wire, paper or cardboard, glue, scissors, ammonia, hydroperite (a few tablets) and water.

How to do?

First you need to make a solution of water, ammonia and hydroperite. Leave the straw stalks in this mixture for 6-8 hours, depending on the saturation of your solution. Then rinse the straw tubes thoroughly and cut them along the fibers. Carefully glue the resulting ribbons onto the paper, press them carefully so that there are no bent ends. Then take a second sheet of paper, preferably a thicker one, and after drawing a stencil on it, press it against the resulting layer of straw stalks.

From the back side, cut out a few neat leaves and glue scraps of fabric to them. At the edges, trim the leaves with threads, gluing them to the glue. After the resulting product dries, cut it out. Then make 6 more leaves and prepare a circle of cardboard. Glue the leaves to the circle on both sides, then pierce the flower in two places and connect all the elements into one composition with a wire. The flower can be decorated with ribbons or beads. To create a bouquet, make several of these flowers.

Here master class on how to make a bell flower from straw:

DIY straw paintings

One of the most popular techniques is the production of both flat and visually three-dimensional straw paintings. It is not difficult to master it yourself, it is enough to figure out how it is done, although this is a rather laborious process.

How to do?

To create a neat and beautiful picture from straw you will need, again, scissors, thick sheets paper (or cardboard), glue, brushes, pencils and, of course, the straw itself. First of all, you need to figure out what you will depict on your "canvas". Next, lightly draw the main details on paper or take as a basis, for example, pictures from coloring books, books and magazines. Please note that we draw the basis of your picture not on the paper that will be the basis of the fake, but on any other.

Then prepare the straw in the same way as mentioned above: lower it into the ammonia solution, cut the straw with scissors, iron it. Glue the straw onto the traced details, let them dry, then carefully cut out. After all this, you can safely take the sheet of paper or cardboard prepared by you for the base. We glue the resulting pieces of the picture directly onto the “canvas”, gently press it. The picture is ready! If you want to make it a little brighter, paint it with paints or ribbons.

DIY straw dolls

Making straw dolls is an activity that our ancestors loved to do so much. In order to make one of these dolls or amulets, you will need toothpicks, wire, scissors and cloth.

In this case, neither straightening nor smoothing the straw is necessary. It just needs to be trimmed so that all the straws are the same length. Bend them in half so that the ends stay even. Determine where your doll's head will end, and then carefully mark it with wire. Next, form the waist, again tying it with wire. If the doll breaks, insert a toothpick like a spine into the knot between the "head" and the "body". Hands can be made both by ordinary braiding of straw, and with the help of toothpicks - in this case, the straw should be wrapped around the rod. Using wire, attach the resulting handles to the doll. This will finishing touch- the toy is ready!

DIY thatched houses

Miniature houses made of straw look interesting and fabulous. And, most importantly, to perform such a fake is quite simple. To make it, you will need thick paper (or cardboard), glue, scissors, pencils, beads or ribbons for decoration and straws. First you need to make a "frame" of the house, its walls. To do this, you need to take sheets of cardboard or thick paper and draw them in such a way that when glued they form a box.

Mark the door and windows of your house, then carefully cut them out. We glue the resulting walls into a rectangular box. Then you can proceed to the next part of the work - glue the house with straw. To do this, measure the length of its walls so that the straws do not turn out longer or shorter. After the walls of the house have been pasted over, you need to make a roof according to the same principle as the box - a triangle should be made of thick paper or cardboard. Next, we glue the roof with bunches of straw. We connect the roof with the walls - we got a house. In order to make it more beautiful, you can use paints and brushes, additional decorations in the form of feathers that could “peep out” from under the straws of the roof. Door and window openings can be decorated with fabric or thin wooden plates.

DIY straw crafts: photo gallery

Our planet Earth is amazingly beautiful. For thousands of years, artists have depicted its unsurpassed beauty and extraordinary grandeur, linking it together with spirituality, eternal youth and great wisdom. A modest particle is possessed by places where, breaking through the thickness of silt, mud and water, a plant is born, blooming a flower of absolute perfection above the water surface. It is considered one of the oldest on the planet - this is the Lotus. Lotus flowers are measured by the sages with the ship, on which a drowning person can find his salvation in the ocean of life... And today our team offers not just sailing into a dream, but the role of a real, wonderful, wonderful "shipbuilder". Indeed, in the hands of a brave master there will be an amazing, most common material - a simple straw! Dreamed? Do you want to touch with your own hands a small part of the beauty of your planet? Agree! And together we will feel the joy of meeting with an amazing lotus flower, a flower of exciting water and hot sun, creating our straw paintings which will bring us closer to living energy and allow us to admire the source of natural charm.

How to prepare material for straw crafts

If you have the opportunity to collect a variety of straw ears, then you are very lucky, since each variety of grain crops has different properties and is distinguished by its unique shades: buckwheat is famous for being reddish, oats and rice are white, rye, barley and wheat are golden.

The middle part of the straw stalk is considered the best material. The selected ear is cleared of integumentary leaves, internodes and spikelets are carefully cut off. The resulting straw tubes are boiled for 30 minutes and acquire special properties of strength, flexibility, softness, and elasticity.

Still wet, straw tubes are carefully cut along the stem, smoothed (with an iron) on both sides, finally drying (until completely dry) the resulting long-awaited straw ribbons, which are ready to make straw crafts for beginners:

straw material

How to prepare details for a painting

We will definitely need: a pencil or pen, PVA-K glue (it is better than usual), if it is convenient - glue brushes and tweezers, and also, you need to choose the right background (base) for the straw picture. These can be various suede and fabric options (linen, velvet, velor, cashmere), velvet paper, colored cardboard, wood and its analogues ... The background is very important and if it is chosen correctly, as in our craft, then the product acquires additional meaning. The background of our work is a green shade of velvet, neatly pasted on cardboard (along the perimeter).

Stages of creating a picture of straw

1. We create a sketch of the original we like;

2. Having numbered the individual elements of the parts, we begin to cut them out, clearly orienting ourselves along the contour lines.

Cut out the elements

3. Lubricate the front side of each cut-out part with PVA glue, carefully gluing our straw ribbons. Here it is necessary to take into account the color combination of the straw and its correct direction:

Glue the straw to the front side of the sketch details

4. We iron the dried parts on both sides, then carefully cut off the excess straw from them, focusing on the contour of the wrong side.

We cut off the excess ***

Assembling a picture from straw

So, our details are ready! We carry out a final check: we carefully lay out all the details on the base, first checking the accuracy, the chosen color, eliminating the presence of distortions, because the straw has a rich color gamut and the slightest mismatch of shades can change the whole picture.

Trying on details ***

Having made sure of everything thoroughly, we begin to glue each individual element of our drawing to the base in stages. Carefully, slowly, with confidence!

We start gluing Glue carefully … following the sequence … and matching shades

Received picture and others straw products sure to be beautiful! To do this, they must be placed under a press until completely dry ... and if you want to extend the durability of the work, place it under glass. A video tutorial on creating straw paintings can be viewed at the end of the master class.