Methods of teaching children mathematics using Z. Gyenes blocks

Gyenes Logic Blocks is an educational game guide created by Zoltan Gyenes, a Hungarian psychologist and mathematician. I use them very often with children.

Gyenes block games introduce children with elementary mathematical concepts -shape, color, size and thickness of objects. Games with blocks develop logical and analytical thinking (the ability to analyze, compare, classify, generalize), creativity, as well as perception, memory, attention and imagination.

Blocks can be used in games with children from 1 year old up to the school itself.

Since I often use them with toddlers, the necessary simple tasks from the albums that are on sale were not enough for me, and I made my own.

It is very easy to work with them. We put a page from the album in front of the child, to the right or above it, the necessary blocks. We invite the child to put blocks on figures of the same color and shape. If I give a child a picture of a steam locomotive, then I suggest putting small animals on blocks that want to go on a trip, for example, put a dog in a blue car, and a squirrel in a red one. Also often, after the child has completed the tasks, I ask him to help me put the blocks in place, and for this I ask him to give me first a large red circle, or a small blue square. Then I complicate the tasks, I ask you to give me not a blue circle, or a thick triangle, etc.

Such a game allows you to consolidate the knowledge of basic colors, geometric shapes in kids, develops spatial thinking, and the ability to complete tasks.

Also, when working with kids, I use other albums for blocks: "For the very smallest" and "Little logicians".

I would be grateful for feedback and comments)

Valentina Rozputnyaya
Master class for teachers "Blocks of Gyenes"

Master Class

SUBJECT: "The system of work on the use Gyenes blocks for the development of logical and mathematical concepts in preschool children "

Teacher-master: Rozputnaya Valentina Alexandrovna

Location:G. Kondopoga MDOU №20 "Spikelet" building 9

Target: to increase the level of competence teachers by mastering the technology of using games with Gyenes blocks in the formation of mental skills of preschoolers.


1. Promote among teachers knowledge of use Gyenes blocks. Familiarize yourself with the basic usage Gyenes blocks.

2. Facilitate learning teachers game application technology Gyenes blocks in different age groups.

3. Develop constructive pedagogical abilities.

Equipment and materials: presentation, sets Gyenes blocks, plot toys, methodological literature, hoops, an exhibition of albums and games with Gyenes blocks.

Dear Colleagues! Today I invite you to get acquainted with the technology of using games with Gyenes blocks.

With the help of logic games blocks we can in a complex form all the mental skills that are important for mental development and prepare the thinking of children for the assimilation of mathematics.

Because they contribute to the development of such mental operations as classification, grouping objects by properties, eliminating the superfluous, analysis and synthesis, children learn to guess, prove their answers, memorize material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, better prepared for school.

Creator of logical blocks is Zoltan Gyenes, world-famous Hungarian professor, mathematician, specialist in psychology, creator of a progressive author's methodology for teaching children - "new mathematics".

Didactic set "Brain teaser blocks» consists of 48 three-dimensional figures. Each figure is characterized by four properties. Let's remember what (name these properties)- color, shape, size and thickness.


a) four forms (circle, triangle, square, rectangle); why is there no green color?

b) three colors (red, blue, yellow);

c) two sizes (big small);

d) two types of thickness (thick, thin).

There are no identical figures in the set.

Also in games with logic blocks cards with property symbols are used. Properties are conditionally marked on the cards blocks(color, shape, size, thickness) (Show block of this color, this form is a presentation)

And cards with negative properties, pay attention to the crossed out cards, For example: not red. The use of such cards allows children to develop the ability to model properties, the ability to encode and decode information about them.

In addition to voluminous blocks, in my work I use a set of flat figures.

Detailed application technology blocks can be found by studying literature such as

Logic and mathematics for preschoolers. E. A. Nosova, R. L. Nepomnyashchaya. The book describes how to use Gyenes blocks and Kuizener sticks for children 2-6 years old. A description of various games is given.

let's play: math games for kids 5-6 years old. Edited by A. A. Stolyar The book will help to form the first elementary mathematical representations and a certain logical structure of thinking in children of 5-6 years old. It includes 59 logical and mathematical games with numerous options for conditions and a description of their implementation.

Games and exercises with logical blocks you can offer to children in the classroom and during free hours, both in kindergarten and at home. If you supplement them with other educational games and game tasks, "saturate" new game tasks, actions, plots, roles, etc., then this will only help children overcome intellectual difficulties.

There are several groups of games Gyenes blocks.

1 group of games. These are games of revealing and abstracting properties.

They develop the ability to distinguish from one to four properties in objects, to abstract one from the other, to name them. With their help, children will get the first ideas about replacing properties with signs-symbols, master the ability to strictly follow the rules when performing actions, and come closer to understanding that breaking the rules does not allow you to get the right result.

("Find the treasure", "Highway", "Unusual Figures" and etc)

2 group of games. Classification, generalization, comparison.

They help develop in children the ability to classify, generalize and compare objects according to one, two, three or four properties. First, kids master the ability to classify and generalize according to given properties, and then - according to independently selected ones ( "Where is whose garage", "Settled houses"). ("Track", "Find a Pair", "Catch a Three", "Domino").

3 group of games. Logical actions and operations.

These games and exercises are intended mainly for older preschool children. They will help develop in children the ability to divide sets into classes according to compatible properties, develop the ability to perform logical operations "Not", "And", "or", the ability to use these operations to build correct statements, encode and decode information about the properties of objects. As a result, the child will be able to freely reason, justify the legitimacy or fallacy of his actions ( "Help the figures get out of the forest", "Build a house", "Undress blocks» ).

The presented games and exercises, with some exceptions, are given in three versions. Let's look at these options on the example of a game "Highway", another name for this game - "Build a Path". In this game, children build a track, the construction rules are written in the table. The arrow shows which figure follows which one, you can start with any figure. Games and exercises of the first option (I) develop in kids the ability to operate with one property. Highway game 1

With the help of games and exercises of the second option (II) develop the ability to operate with two properties at once. Highway game 2

Games and exercises of the third option (III) form the ability to operate with three properties at once. Highway game 3

Showing game options on an example game "Highway".

Before starting work with children, it is necessary to establish on which rung of the intellectual ladder each child is located. If a child easily and accurately copes with tasks of a certain level, this is a signal that he should be offered games and exercises of the next difficulty group. However, it is possible to transfer the child to subsequent game exercises only if he has grown out of the previous ones, that is, when they are not difficult for him. If, however, children are kept at a certain level or given more complex games and exercises prematurely, then interest in classes will disappear. Children are drawn to mental tasks when they are difficult for them, but doable.

In our kindergarten, work with blocks has been going on for 20 years in all age groups, a system of classes has been developed using Logical blocks.

Junior preschool age

Since logical blocks are standards of shapes - geometric shapes (circle, square, equilateral triangle, rectangle, they can be widely used from an early age. Children get acquainted with blocks in various activities. During the manipulation with blocks children set that they have different shapes, colors and sizes.

In order to more effectively familiarize children with the properties of logical blocks you can offer them the following tasks:

find the same shapes as this one by color (shape, size);

find shapes other than this one, according to the shape (by size, by color);

find the blue pieces (triangular, red, square, large)

name the color of this figure (shape, size). (we play)

After such self-acquaintance with blocks you can move on to games and exercises.

In the first younger group, children operate with one property, at the beginning of the year it is a color or value, and at the end of the year we add a shape. We use games for grouping objects, identifying and abstracting properties.

In the second younger group, children begin to operate with two properties at the same time and divide the sets into classes according to one property, use the logical operation "Not" (all round, all not round).

Middle and senior preschool age.

In the middle group, children operate with two, and at the end of the year with three properties at the same time. Divide the set according to two compatible properties.

At the older preschool age, games become more emotional and rich, children show elements of creativity and already operate with three or four properties, using logical operations. "Not", "And", "or".

And now I want to introduce you to one of the games called "Undress blocks» . And although this game is intended mainly for children of older preschool age, with regular classes with blocks, we can play it with the children of the second younger group.

I would like to draw your attention to

I want to attract your attention,

Mathematics is an exact science, therefore, following the methodology of conducting logical and mathematical games, I am based on the stages of activity

Stages: 1-plot (string,

the second stage is the development of the plot, during which children become active participants:

Master, transform, change information about the properties, relationships, dependencies of objects, shapes, sizes, numbers;

Master the system of cognitive actions (ways of knowing): examine objects, abstract, compare, group and classify;

They generalize, draw conclusions, predict the development of the situation, schematize, use signs and symbolic substitutions.

3- debriefing

Analysis of a life situation similar to the one that took place during the logic-mathematical game;

Focusing the attention of children on the most striking event of the logical and mathematical game (plot, action);

Creation of an imaginary situation based on a logical-mathematical game.

14 SLIDE Game "Undress blocks-1»

Target: develop the ability to split a set of one property into two subsets, perform a logical operation "Not".

For this game we need blocks and two toys(bunny and bear).

Imagine that you are children. I ask five people to come out.

The guys, Bunny and the bear cub quarreled, they can’t share the candy in any way. Let's help them and share the candies so that the bunny has all the red ones.

What candy does the bunny have? (all red) What about the mouse? NOT…

You can share next time. blocks by shape.

When children learn to share blocks between toys playing this hoop game.

For example, blocks are flowers, and the hoop is a vase, we put some flowers in a vase, and lay the others around.

Note that we have two places: inside the hoop and behind the hoop.

Target: to develop the ability to split a set into two compatible ones, to perform a logical operation "Not", "And", "or".

And again we offer to help toys. Let's treat the bunny and the teddy bear with pies. Teddy bear loves "round" pies, and a hare - "yellow".

At this stage, it is convenient to use cards with the designation of these properties.

During the game, the children find out that there are sweets that suit both the teddy bear and the hare (we put them in a box between toys, and there are also sweets that do not suit anyone (put them in a bucket aside).

During the game, the candies are constantly moving from one place to another until the children find the right solution.

I suggest you play and share candies. Again I invite five people.

After all the candies are shared,

What kind of sweets does the bear cub have? (round not yellow) At the bunny? (yellow not round) What are the common ones? (round and yellow) Which ones didn't hit anyone? (not round and not yellow).

If in the first games the children cannot answer these questions, do not try to answer them. They will do it themselves in the next games.

You can enter a rule: if someone notices an error, says "stop" and fixes it. This increases attention and develops mutual control.

First you need to find out how many places you got (four); you can invite the child to jump to any place and name it or put a toy (1st place - inside all hoops; 2nd place - inside red, but outside blue; 3rd place - inside blue, but outside red; 4th place - outside hoops).

Then we put on hoops and blocks images and offer game tasks (flower beds, fish - aquariums, bird feeders, etc.).

A game "Undress Blocks - 3»

Target: to develop the ability to split the set according to three compatible properties, to perform a logical operation "Not", "And", "or", evidence-based thinking.

Now we take three toys (wolf, hare, fox) and we will share between them blocks for building houses.

To begin with, we will designate places for blocks: 1 - suitable for all toys, 2 - a wolf and a hare, 3 - a hare and a fox, 4 - a fox and a wolf, 5 - they do not suit anyone.

Now let's split blocks so so that the wolf is all round, the hare is all big, the fox is all blue. To make it easier to remember the rule, we place property cards next to the toys.

What figures turned out to be common to all toys? (round large blue) What figures were found only in the wolf? (round not big not blue) Only the rabbit? (big not round not blue) Only the fox (blue not big not round) What figures are common for a wolf and a hare? (round big not blue) For wolf and fox? (round blue not big) For a hare and a fox? (large blue ones are not round) What figures did not suit anyone? (small (not big) not round not blue).

If the child, characterizing the group, names only two of the three properties, we draw his attention to other groups blocks, which have the specified properties; then we ask him to name the group again, but in such a way that it cannot be confused with any other.

When repeating the exercise, the partitioning rule blocks are called by children. Each time a different combination of properties is indicated - the bases of the partition blocks.

For example, divide the figures so that the wolf is all thin, the hare is all triangular, the fox is all small, or the wolf is all large, the hare is all blue, the fox is all thick; the wolf is all yellow, the fox is all red, the hare is all square, etc.

If as a result of unfolding blocks some places(boxes) turn out to be empty, we encourage the children to find out and tell why it happened, while in every possible way we stimulate evidence-based thinking. (Why did certain figures end up here? Why is this or another place without figures? Why can’t certain figures be put together with others)

Further exercises can be carried out as "games with three hoops".

First, we invite the children to put a toy or jump on any of the places in the hoops and name where it is. located 1st - inside all three hoops, 2nd - inside the yellow and red, but outside the blue hoop, 3rd - inside the red and blue, but outside the yellow hoop, 4th - inside the yellow and blue, but outside the red hoop, 5th - inside the yellow, but outside the red and blue hoop, 6th - inside the red, but outside the yellow and blue hoop, 7th - inside the blue, but outside the yellow and red , 8th - outside of all hoops.

Then the children solve various game tasks proposed adults: they plant a front garden with flowers, lay out cakes on a festive table, make a mosaic, and so on. Partitioning rules blocks they offer themselves. For example, lay out the cakes on dishes so that all red cakes are on the red dish, all triangular ones are on the blue one, all thick cakes are on the yellow one, or make a mosaic so that all the round pieces of glass are in the red window, all the big ones are in the blue one, all the yellow ones are in the yellow one, etc.

As a result of using the Games with Gyenes blocks preschoolers develop a logical thinking: the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, generalize, compare, classify, and at the stage of completion of preschool education, children not only have elementary ideas of mathematics, but also model the concepts of computer science.

Using this tool for several years, I want to note that during games with Gyenes blocks children have a strong interest in mathematical games and mental activity in general. Children become more active, proactive and independent in the learning process.

Many years of experience allows us to talk about high achievements in the preparation of graduates of our kindergarten for school (diagram)


Our meeting has come to an end. So that I can evaluate my work, I propose to establish feedback. Try to answer these questions.

How has your initial knowledge changed?

What was useful? What new did you learn? Will it work for you? Was it familiar to you? Does the initial knowledge correspond to the new? What impression did you get on master class? Will you use it at work? What remains unclear? What can really be applied?

Gyenes blocks are a set of 48 figures of different colors, sizes, volumes and sizes. Each piece in the set is unique. Games with Gyenesh blocks are aimed at the formation of elementary mathematical concepts for children from 2 to 8 years old. With their help, you can study the characteristics of objects: colors, shapes, volume, size.

Classes with blocks can be carried out both arbitrary and on auxiliary materials - albums.

I want to warn you right away that this toy is a serious development tool when a child and an adult play together. Independent games of children with blocks do not allow the effective use of their developmental potential. The same can be said about classes only on albums. I myself accidentally looked into the detailed description of free games with Gyenesh blocks without albums, which I am very glad about. That is why I want to draw your attention to games with blocks without albums. Although, of course, albums do not hurt for a change.

Our version of Gyenes blocks from the manufacturer Corvette. It is made of cheap but safety-certified plastic. This is a very budget option. The key point in choosing the Corvette option was the availability of albums for games with tasks. Corvette releases 8 different albums based on Gyenes blocks. Also, for Gyenes blocks, it is from Corvette that you can find additional developments with tasks in developing communities.

You can find other very attractive options for Gyenesh blocks made of wood, but practice books do not usually come with them. Albums produced by Corvette are unlikely to fit blocks from another manufacturer. It can also be noted that the prices for Gyenes wooden blocks are “biting”. Therefore, I settled on blocks from the Corvette.

Gyenes blocks | Lyrical introduction (Yana's acquaintance with blocks)

I have been eyeing the author's methodological materials for a long time. Before Yana was 2 years old. 7 months we did not feel a shortage of developmental materials, so earlier I put off acquiring them. After the last leap in development, most of our educational toys have become irrelevant. Therefore, when choosing gifts for the new year 2016 for Yana, I wanted to find options for toys with a large age range and developmental potential. By the way, in you can find the chronology of its development from birth, as well as our timing of the introduction of developmental tasks, the initial reaction to them and the effect.

I decided to turn my attention to developing toys of author's methods. Of course, I took care of the safety net by buying a few plush toys and a set for a story game in Ikea. No one can guarantee that a new toy will be received with a bang. Actually, this did not happen to us.

The first acquaintance with Gyenesh blocks was a complete disappointment. I don’t even know for whom the disappointment was big - for Yana, who was simply not interested in laying out figures according to templates in albums, or for me, who had been anticipating her interest in new development kits for so long. I again and again listed the merits of the albums to Yana, played with them myself and with other characters, trying to attract her attention. But it was all in vain.

Yana treats templates with great coolness. Apparently, these are the fruits of excessive attention 😈 . By the way, Yana has the same attitude towards a beautiful mosaic with large details and patterns that are understandable for two-year-olds. Although most kids are happy to collect them according to patterns. Yana always has to persuade, and if she collects it, then only out of a favor.

After our unsuccessful acquaintance, I had to read on the Internet details about the use of blocks. After that, I decided to try random games without albums. Then a miracle happened, Yana's games were captured so much that it became difficult to complete them. When Yana already got a taste, everything went into business, including albums with templates. Although, according to reviews on the Internet, many kids are primarily interested in album lessons.

Gyenes blocks | Free games

I give options for games with Gyenesh blocks that we practice.


For kids 2-3 years old at the stage of acquaintance, you can simplify the game by providing not the entire set, but part of it.

  1. Acquaintance with the features of objects. Sampling by one feature (color, shape, size, thickness). Please select blocks according to one attribute:
  • red/blue/yellow;
  • square/round/rectangular/triangular;
  • thick/flat;
  • big/small.

Sampling by color

2. Acquaintance with the features of objects. Sampling blocks on several grounds. Please select blocks according to several criteria. At this point, you can feel the huge potential of the developmental material. There are a huge number of options for such samples. I will give a few examples. For example, select all:

  • yellow squares and rectangles;
  • thick and round figures;
  • small and thick triangles;
  • blue and flat figures.

Selection by color and shape. Yellow squares and rectangles

Developing the ability to organize

This is a game of reverse sampling. Mom makes a selection and invites the baby to determine the sign by which the selection was made. To get acquainted with such games, you can try a variety of selection options. The main thing is that the hidden sign catches the eye of the child. Also, at the initial stages, we give tasks to determine one feature, then we complicate it.

I offer Yana the simplest option, showing several groups (rows) of figures and asking her to tell me how they differ.

Blocks are divided into rows by thickness.
Another task for the thickness, but here it is already more difficult. The colors take away from the thickness. This level of complexity has caused difficulties for Yana so far.

Continue row

Another task for the development of thinking, the continuation of the series. It is a classic task from intelligence tests 😀 . Yana is not yet given even the simplest color range. But we've only done it a couple of times.

The color range is yellow-red-yellow-….
A series of square-circle-square-…


This creative direction of activity cannot be ignored for any toy with geometric shapes.

In Yana's development diary, I already wrote that the last couple of months she has had a big breakthrough in the field of design. Gyenes blocks also came in very handy.

Of course we have Lego. It has its advantages, but try making a house out of ordinary Lego Duplo blocks. Even for an adult, it will take a lot of time. And kids can't do it at all. A house made of Gyenes blocks from a square and a triangle is obtained in a couple of seconds for both an adult and a baby.

For design classes, I adopted. For the first couple of classes, I got a lot of the simplest objects of real life.

Arbitrary construction of the simplest objects

Yana was imbued with the idea and at this stage repeats the designs that she memorized, and also improvises. I must admit right away that so far her improvisations are far from objects from real life. But the main thing is that the process has begun.

Arbitrary design. Real life object construction for "advanced constructors"

For the first time reading such material, it seems that such games are difficult in terms of implementation. I want to convince you otherwise. Just remember a couple of options or write them down on a piece of paper for the first time. Try to play. If the kid likes it, then, I'm sure, your brain will immediately generate a dozen more options for games.

Yana appreciated the arbitrary games with Gyenesh blocks. I have a hard time completing them, as she usually needs to continue. Towards the end we have album classes.

Albums for Gyenes blocks

Albums on Gyenes blocks are designed for different ages. When choosing a specific album, I would advise focusing not on age marking, but on the level of knowledge of the child.

I really liked album "Lepim absurdities"(Babadu). It is marked “from the age of 4”, but if you have been enthusiastically engaged in development with the baby, then even in less than three years it can come up. This album stands out for its colorful design. By the way, if you have a “developed” child of 4 years old, keep in mind the album may no longer be interesting to him. The album contains tasks for studying colors, shapes, sizes, volumes. Below I have provided clickable photos of spreads.

The second album in our arsenal "Little Logics"(Babadu). It is intended for children from two years of age. The design of the illustrations of the album is quite modest. The album contains tasks for learning colors, shapes and sizes.

I foresee questions at what age is it better to purchase a set of blocks. Already at the age of one and a half they can be used to study colors, and at the end of the second year to study shapes. We have them appeared only towards the end of the third year, and I think this is timely. In my opinion, there is no need to rush. The optimal age of acquaintance with the blocks will depend on the perseverance and temperament of the baby. For calm Yana, this is the end of the third year, for active kids, perhaps it will be 4 years.

You can buy Gyenes blocks and magazines for classes on them here: My-shop.

That's all for now about Gyenes blocks. By the way, some of the random games can be adapted to other educational toys, including Lego parts. In addition to the Gyenes blocks, we purchased Nikitin squares and cubes, Kuizener sticks and a mathematical tablet with rubber bands (). We can say that Yana's early development program has been rebooted. I will try to write more about this soon.

Hello dear readers!

Each system of early development has its own disadvantages and advantages, some of which attracts us more, some do not appeal to us at all. Let's look at another one, the logical blocks of Dyonish, I think few have heard. And if you haven't listened, listen even more so.

A little about the author

From an early age, Zoltan was very fond of mathematics, it seemed to him quite interesting and was easy for him. At the age of 23, he already became the owner of a doctoral degree.

Over the years, he decided to create something of his own, in which it would be easier to convey mathematical teachings to his little children, who went to his classes.

From here, various logic games and exercises appear, which should not only teach the baby, but also interest him even more in further studies. This is what he wanted more. He wanted children to want to do math themselves and play again and again.

The essence of the technique

Gyenes developed a methodology for teaching mathematics and showed us with numerous examples that this is a rather interesting and entertaining science, and it involves many more useful things in its development.

Thanks to many years of practice among preschool children, Gyenes presents us with unique teaching aids. His method has 6 steps.

On the way to the development of mathematical abilities, the creative and intellectual potential of the child is simultaneously affected and revealed, and sometimes the parent, playing with the baby without noticing it, is fond of the game.

Each stage carries a certain load and without the previous one you will not move on to the next.

Here you will not find boring notebooks and boring textbooks, everywhere there is a game, funny drawings, unusual mysterious schemes and symbols that you just want to unravel. So,

The task for parents is to study the methodology themselves and to interest the child as actively as possible.

In many countries, the method of the mathematical logic game of Z. Gyenesh, or, as it is also called, Denyesh blocks, is very popular for the early development of the ability to flexible, free thinking in preschoolers and primary school children. Recently (since the 90s Russian production of didactic material has been established), this system of game exercises, as well as the author's set of visual aids, has been successfully practiced by domestic teachers in order to implement the tasks of the cognitive and intellectual development of children. Positive experience has been accumulated in the practical implementation of the pedagogical system in correctional and mixed-age groups.

Gyenesch's Author's Theory: Six Steps to Learning Math Concepts for Kids

Zoltan Gyenes is a famous Hungarian mathematician, practicing teacher and psychologist who radically changed the stereotypical perception of mathematics as a routine and uncreative scientific discipline. The game technique of Z. Gyenesh is aimed at helping children of preschool and primary school age in an entertaining way to master a variety of mathematical concepts, form and develop the most important intellectual skills and psychological processes necessary for the implementation of independent logical thinking.

Personal pedagogical experience and knowledge in the field of developmental child psychology helped Z. Gyenes to invent and implement the concept of six steps in learning mathematics for the smallest. In addition, the theory received original methodological equipment with a set of didactic materials in the form of additional game aids and visual logical blocks, which became an effective tool for developing the creative and mental potential of children. The methodology is used both in official pedagogy and in the system of self-education.

The idea of ​​six steps for mastering mathematical knowledge and skills has been successfully tested in practice and proved its effectiveness. The content features of each stage received their author's name:

  1. Free creative play. The content of this phase consists in setting a specific task for the child by the teacher. In search of a solution, the kid sorts through spontaneous options, experimentally finds the correct answer. This is the stage of introducing the child to the task that needs to be resolved. So begins teaching the child mathematical wisdom.
  2. Rules of the game. Having overcome the stage of trial and error, the baby proceeds to the second phase - learning the rules of the game. For an educator or parent, it is important to correctly and clearly convey to the mind of the child the most important information about the rules for achieving the desired result.
  3. Matching phase. Taking the third step, the child is faced with the need to perform a mental operation of comparison. The author of the method suggests that adults try out the idea of ​​several similar games in the game with children, but with different didactic material. For example, first we play blocks, then cut out the figures of animals or lay out geometric shapes. We must see that the child independently solves the algorithm for the correct achievement of the goal, regardless of the game material. Thus, you can make sure that the baby's intellectual actions are meaningful, and are not the result of mechanical memorization and automatic reproduction. This stage is necessary for the development of abstract thinking abilities.
  4. Introduction to the abstract number symbol. At the fourth stage, various schemes, cards and game tables will be in demand for the development of visual perception, the formation of visualization skills, and acquaintance with the abstract meaning of numbers.
  5. symbolic stage. The fifth step brings the child to the conclusion that the logical chains of different game series lead to a common result. To understand game cards, a special language of symbols is needed, which the kid himself creates in the course of classes.
  6. Stage of independent conclusions. The final stage will be the longest. The kid, with the help of an adult, studies the meaning of the terms axiom and theorem, independently draws the necessary logical conclusions based on the description of the rules of playing cards.

The possibilities of the manual are not limited to classes in the formation of elementary mathematical knowledge, you can play games of Gyenish when learning English. Preschoolers post images, choosing the right shapes and commenting on their actions (“big blue triangle”, “little yellow square”)

Gjenish developed his methodology for children in the age range from two to eight years, taking into account the intellectual and psychological characteristics, so mathematical lessons are perceived with enthusiasm and dedication. Adults need to be patient in studying the theoretical part of the method, as well as deal with a set of didactic aids. The developed ability of the baby to quickly and freely cope with complex mental exercises will be a worthy reward for parents and caregivers for their diligence and perseverance.

The program of classes with blocks: goals and objectives for different age groups

The goals of the methodology for the early development of mathematical abilities by Z. Gyenish:

  • Acquaintance with the basic geometric shapes, as well as the concept of a form standard, the formation of the ability to determine the color and size of an object, the development of the idea of ​​a set;
  • Acquisition of primary skills of algorithmic thinking;
  • Activation of memory, development of the ability to concentrate and hold attention, as well as mental processes of imagination and speech;
  • Formation of spatial thinking, modeling and design skills;
  • Actualization of creative potential;
  • The development of an intellectual culture of thinking: the ability to compare, generalize, systematize, make an independent analysis, understand the meaning of an abstract sign, encode and decipher information, argue one's statements.
  • Education of personal initiative and strong-willed qualities in achieving the educational goal, solving practical problems and overcoming obstacles.

Features and general rules for using visual aids for each age category:

The ability to define one property (shape, color, size or thickness).

  • The first junior group (2-3 years old) - Z. Gyenes blocks are in demand from the middle of the school year as an additional element in gaming activities. The educator gradually includes blocks, additional diagrams and cards in order to form and consolidate ideas about one property of the object. The acquired skill of operating with a single property of an object is applied not only to the game manual, but also to fairy-tale literary characters, thus expanding the space of game modeling and activating the fantasy and imagination of children. For greater comfort and effectiveness of classes, it is recommended to distribute children into small subgroups.

Video: Gyenes logical blocks in the I junior group

Feature matching skills.

  • The second younger group (3-4 years old) - the teacher connects the concept of the second qualitative distinctive property, by the end of the school year, children freely distinguish between two properties of the object and its symbolic encrypted image in the form of a card. The ability to read cards containing coded information about the properties of an object is developed, and the acquired skills are used in a logical game.
  • Middle group (4-5 years old) - during the year, children master the skill of identifying and comparing three characteristics. Gradually, the negative particle “not” is introduced into the speech lexicon. Situations are actively played when each child is given three symbol cards and offered to select the corresponding logical blocks or figures, which then need to be used as building blocks according to a given algorithm of actions, for example, for the joint construction of a building or the construction of a road, a playground, etc.

Improving acquired skills in the face of increasing complexity of tasks for logical operations of systematization and classification.

  • Senior and preparatory group (5-7 years old) - the practice of using cards for three properties continues, by the end of the academic year the fourth property is introduced. The task of the teacher is to teach children to strictly follow the rules of the game, to fix in the mind of the child the understanding that a violation of the correct sequence will not achieve the desired result. The range of game exercises becomes more diverse and complex due to the use of new didactic tools such as hoops and algorithmic schemes.

Logic cubes, as well as cards - symbols, will help children come up with a variety of games, and these games, in turn, will be useful for mastering the actions of substitution and visual modeling, coding and decoding

In carrying out the final diagnosis of the success of pedagogical activity according to the method of Z. Gyenesh, one should be guided by the following predicted result:

  1. Pupils improve communication skills, the desire for cooperation in educational and gaming activities increases.
  2. Logical thinking develops, the cognitive and creative potential of children is revealed.
  3. Children show more independence and activity.
  4. The initial stage of mastering mathematical knowledge is successfully overcome, interest in this academic discipline is laid.

Didactic material Z. Gyenes

  • The most important psychological indicators of the development of logic and concentration, imagination, non-standard thinking and memory will receive an additional incentive for development.
  • Working with the author's visual aids will develop speech, form the skills of analysis and systematization, teach you how to summarize information, and reveal the creative potential of the child.

Each figure is characterized by four properties. The main goal is to teach a child to solve logical problems on partitioning by properties. A flat version of Gyenesh blocks. The kits can be widely used in: familiarizing children with form standards, teaching actions with standards Cubes, the sides of which contain coded properties (shape, color, size, thickness) and negation of properties (crossed out sign) Cubes, the sides of which contain properties, negation of properties, as well as numbers from three to eight Cards contain coded information about the properties of an object The child takes a card with an example, solves it by decoding and selects the appropriate block Schemes for making cakes The selected block is a child places images of objects on the diagram under the number that was determined as a result of solving the example on the card The game “find a house for a lost figure”, in some houses one figure can live, in some - several Each ball is selected by solving a symbol card Correct decoding of information will allow you to select the necessary blocks and figures Each page of the album is an illustration on which the child will place blocks of the corresponding color, size and shape according to the model . You can easily draw such a diagram yourself This is how you can draw a symbol card by hand At home, the album can be replaced with a regular coloring book Scheme for making logical figures Parameters of the sides of logical figures

Math blocks

The classic set of methodological blocks includes 48 parts of various colors, sizes and shapes. The elements are made in accordance with the main list of geometric shapes and have the following characteristics:

  • Four block shapes: square, round, triangle and rectangle;
  • Three color options: blue, red and yellow.
  • Two thickness options: thick, thin;
  • Two size options: large, small.

It is also fundamentally important that the set does not contain identical geometric blocks.

Video: Gyenyes Logic Blocks

One set for organizing classes in a small subgroup contains 24 flat figures, which include an equal number (6 elements each) of squares, triangles, rectangles and circles, while the same as blocks that differ in color (red, yellow, blue) and size (large, small). A visual aid with logical figures is necessary for working with the concept of a form standard, learning to manipulate standards.

Cubes, the sides of which contain an encoded image of characteristics (shape, color, size, thickness) and the negation of properties (a crossed out sign), as well as a cube and numbers from three to eight on each face. This didactic material is important for the implementation of mastering the mental operations of substitution, sign encryption, decryption, and spatial modeling. The originality of logic cubes lies in the variability of the spontaneous choice of properties, which is made by throwing a cube, and this always arouses delight and interest in children.

Cards with symbolic transfer of information about the properties of the object, as well as arithmetic examples.

  • It will help the child to master the cultural tradition of the sign, encoded in the symbol, the transfer of information about the characteristics of the subject.
  • Develop the ability to perform abstract mental operations, decipher symbols.
  • Builds mental counting skills.

Albums, algorithmic schemes

The goal is to teach the child to strictly follow the rules, strictly follow the prescribed sequence of steps. Schematically indicate the path that needs to be done to solve the problem.

Ribbons or hoops can serve as additional didactic tools to define the playing area, with their help you can expand the range of exercise options, make them more varied and exciting.

Do-it-yourself Z. Gyenish materials

Most of the games can be played using flat figures, and they can be cut out of cardboard, colored paper, painted with colored pencils or paints, variants of card schemes can also be invented independently by analogy with ready-made ones and drawn by hand. If it is difficult to find sets of additional cards or albums for sale, then you can print algorithmic or digital cards, album options on a color printer.

Each page of the album is an illustration on which the child has to place blocks of the appropriate color, size and shape according to the model. The pictures are structured according to the principle "from simple to complex" - at the beginning there are drawings consisting of a minimum number of details

Card file of games

At the beginning of the lesson, it is necessary to explain to the child what the didactic material is and how it can be used in the game. We pour the contents of the set in front of the baby and let them touch, look, play. Objects from the didactic set of Z. Gyenes are used by the child in different ways in play activities: lay out, replace one block with another, rearrange, hide, find, distribute between toy characters, etc.

Determining the properties of an object - games for the little ones

  • A box for game elements can become an improvised "house" with "windows" corresponding to the shape of the blocks. The kid with interest and excitement will collect blocks through special holes.
  • We put the elements from the set in an opaque bag or fabric bag and ask the child to identify and name the object of a given shape by touch, justify his choice by voicing the sign, then get the necessary block and make sure the result is correct.
  • We lay out all the game elements in front of the baby and ask them to make a systematic selection by properties, sorting the blocks separately in the form of a circle, square, etc., then, subject to the condition of mandatory readiness and desire of the child, you can complicate the task by adding another sign, for example, color.
  • Playing in a sequential chain, alternating blocks according to a certain logical attribute (color, shape or thickness). The task may change variably, for example, first we ask you to continue the logical sequence in accordance with the pattern laid down in the exercise, or remove an extra object. The level of difficulty of this task can also be gradually raised by adding new game conditions.

Video: Gyenesh Logic Block Game

Revealing properties and performing a comparison operation

  • The game "Count and say how many figures."

The purpose of the exercise: to form the ability to correctly and accurately formulate a question, to develop the skills of determining the properties of objects, as well as comparing according to various parameters.

Game scenario: Two teams of players participate. The teacher randomly lays out multi-colored blocks of various shapes and sizes and asks the children to ask questions that will begin with the phrase “How much ...?”. Each correct question gets one point, and the team with the most points wins.

Possible questions: “How many small blocks?”, “How many red pieces are in the second row?”, “How many blue thin pieces?” etc.

The simplest logical task on the regularity of one property A game to study one property The kid will fold such figures with interest on his own. You can also use cards with geometric patterns. The children were named three properties of the figures in order, starting from the first row. The child who had the necessary figure went out and laid out his block in the right place on the Christmas tree. The teacher plays the role of a conductor and distributes tickets to the children - geometric shapes. The same blocks are already on the bus seats. The guys need to find their place on the ticket The task of the hoop is to outline the playing areas to complete the task of sorting blocks

Blocks can be used to figuratively replace any object in a playful fairy tale or literary plot, for example, a large yellow round block will become an appetizing jar of honey for Winnie the Pooh, and a child’s fantasy can easily turn a yellow triangle into a goldfish.

You can offer the child to distribute gifts to his toys, for example, the bear will like round gifts, and the doll will like triangular ones, so only the necessary elements need to be selected from the entire set. The game will become more interesting if new friends appear in it, for example, the bear has his little brother, for whom, accordingly, smaller gifts will be needed, and the doll has a younger sister.

  • Game "Little amateur gardeners"

Working with symbols

  • The game "Decorate the Christmas tree with balls."

There should be five horizontal rows of three balls each. The number in the picture indicates the order of the ball, we start counting from the top of the tree. An example of filling the second row. The first ball is a big red circle, the second is a small red triangle, the third is a big red rectangle. Place the rest of the balls in the same way.

Sets "Logical figures" can be widely used by the educator in the pedagogical process when introducing children to the standards of forms, teaching actions with standards

  • Game "Pick a couple"

Purpose: Improving the ability to visually memorize and retain information in memory, develop the ability to recognize and operate with symbolic cards.

The game involves twenty-two pictures with symbols without negation. All cards are randomly shuffled and then laid out with the back side of six cards in each horizontal row. Thus, four remain in the lowest row.

The player turns over two self-chosen cards, if they are the same, then keeps for himself, after which he repeats his move. If the symbols of the cards are different, then he turns them upside down and puts them in place, trying to remember the image. All children carefully observe the manipulations with cards, since the task of each player is to collect the maximum number of paired cards, and for this it is necessary to remember the location of the previously opened cards. Each child who enters the game repeats similar actions, the one who scored the most cards wins.

Video: educational games for children with Gyenish blocks using a diagram map.

Games for systematization and logical actions

To conduct the game, you will need colored ribbons or hoops that outline the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe task so that two non-intersecting circles of different colors are formed on the floor. Explain the concepts of "inside", "outside". The task of the child is to place blocks of the corresponding color in each circle. The next task will relate to classification by shape, for example, we place only round blocks in a circle, and triangular ones outside. You can complicate the exercise by creating a zone of intersection of the hoops, thus forming three areas: left, right and common, in which the circles intersect. We ask the child to sort the blocks, for example, red ones should be in the right zone, all round ones in the left zone, and blue triangular ones in the general one. Additionally, you can ask to place all non-red blocks - outside the circles.

Formation of an operation for classifying blocks by two, three, four features with and without codes. Determination of intersection areas in hoop games. Development of logical thinking, attention

  • Game "Kid-architect".

The goal is to develop the skills of designing, decoding, reading diagrams and algorithmic maps. Additionally, you will need images of crossed out objects (“not properties”), drawings, diagrams or ready-made albums with pictures, which consist of combinations of logical forms.

We draw a drawing diagram (or take a ready-made one) to build a building, ask the child to select a building material, according to the instructions, and complete the task step by step. For example, for the construction of the first floor, we need three non-red rectangular elements, the second floor will consist of two non-yellow and non-round blocks, etc.

Video: Developing Attention with Gyenesch Blocks (using the Album)

  • Game "Digital Mosaic"

The child takes a card with an example, solves it by decoding and selects the appropriate block. Then, for example, such a card means that he must take a red thick circle and put it on the tractor figure, blocking the contour number six with a block.

Advantages and disadvantages of the author's method of Gyenes, reviews of teachers and parents


  • The system excludes the traditional educational approach to the study of mathematics with cramming the rules from textbooks and notes in notebooks.
  • Classes are held in an exciting game form in a relaxed creative atmosphere.
  • The child acquires an understanding of the most complex mathematical skills of analysis, synthesis, coding, algorithmization without realizing the complexity of these mental operations.

Disadvantages, according to parents, since teachers and methodologists of preschool education did not find any shortcomings of the method of Z. Gyenesh:

  • The technique is purposefully focused on the development and improvement of mathematical abilities, not taking into account other ways of thinking.
  • Limited color range and diversity in Z. Gyenish blocks.
  • For children of the older age category, one set is not enough to resolve more complex exercises.
  • It is often difficult for parents to find ready-made albums and character cards for sale.