How to write the word with the accent 500 years. Correct stress in words

Stress in Russian, unlike, for example, French or Polish, is free. It can fall on any part of the word: be at its beginning, stem or end. Therefore, difficulties with its correct placement can be not only for those for whom Russian is foreign, but also for native speakers.

In contact with

Difficulties and annoying mistakes

Almost every person experienced uncertainty about how to properly stress a particular word. IN - words with movable stress. This means that its placement can change when the word form changes.

Therefore, people often doubt how to pronounce: FROM AIRPORT OR AIRPORT, directory or directory, cakes or cakes, clog or clog - that is, put the stress on the second or third syllable. In words, doused and turn on at the end or at the base? The list of doubts goes on.

A textbook example of an ingrained error in the masses is phrase you pr A you who persist in saying you are right, or calls instead of ringing. In official speeches, reports, etc. often instead of contract, you can hear the contract. You can make a list of office and stationery» words that are incorrectly pronounced by quite literate people, moreover, in their own language. Mistakes are repeated, fixed and become typical.

Correct speech says a lot about degree of education of a person, professionalism, intelligence and personal qualities. How to avoid annoying mistakes?

What to do?

How to put stress on borrowed words x in languages ​​with static stress is easy to remember, since there is a single rule of orthoepy. For example, in French, firmly established in our everyday life: blinds, chassis, coupe, - the stress always falls on the last syllable.

In Russian, there is a single rule about how to put stress in "difficult" words, absent. Of course, how to check the correct accent with orthoepic dictionary, everyone knows. For reference, you can use both electronic and paper versions. But not everyone knows that there are other methods. They can not only check word stress, but also to fix in memory correct pronunciation.

You can check the correct stress using the spelling dictionary.

Memory is different

Specialists distinguish different types of memory. Each of them plays a role in the formation of human literacy:

  1. Visual memory will help preserve the visual image. Correct stress, highlighted with a bright marker, will be remembered for sure. The list can be hung both at home and in the office.
  2. Always putting the emphasis correctly in "difficult" cases will help auditory memory. To do this, you need to say the words aloud several times or even sing them. The arrangement will "settle" in memory. After all, it is no coincidence that the lines of hits are so easy to remember.
  3. speech motor memory with the help of physical organs of speech will help to remember , how to put the correct stress in a particular case. The word must be clearly pronounced aloud several times. Muscle memory will store the pattern of the movement made.

Attention! All methods of memorization are based on certain types of human memory. Usually, each person is dominated by some particular type of memory. Therefore, it is important to know which memory is most developed in you.

Memorization methods

Always in sight

Easier to remember words correct accent accompanied by funny pictures. They can be printed or drawn and kept in a conspicuous place.

Words with the correct stress of frequently used words business you can include in such a list and hang at home or in the office:

  • rolled ABOUT G;
  • including AND T;
  • virgins E lopment;
  • provide E chenie;
  • quart A l;
  • move A Thainess;
  • prin I V;
  • on Wednesdays A m;
  • money A mi;
  • great danes ABOUT R.

Before a speech or report, it is enough for the owner of the list to run through the list with his eyes, and in the word the stress on the last syllable will be deposited in the memory.

Correct word stress.

Attention! Competent public speech with thoughtful construction logic, correct pronunciation and intonation will make the desired impression on the audience.

funny rhymes

arrangement syllabic stress very important for the formation of poetic rhyme. Therefore, rhyme can be used to determine, in case of doubt, the stress that is the norm. In most cases, rhymed verses will help determine the stress in words.

funny memory rhymes is a good way to remember how to pronounce words that cause difficulties. For example:

  • My blouse is off A, it turned out that it wasn't.
  • I will go to Courchevel to eat shchav there E l.
  • I drank in a hurry A and poured water A sing!
  • The one who loves ABOUT mouths, don't wear shorts!
  • If you are with money A we are going to Miami!
  • I took into account our agreement and drew up a dog ABOUT R!
  • Little came today I r, and yesterday the table came I R.
  • Oh! Just look: on my wall - graff AND you!
  • My ears are ringing or someone is ringing to me AND T?
  • He was tired and sat on a stump, tightened his rem E n.

As can be seen from the funny rhymes, it is not at all difficult to determine the normative stress in "insidious" words. Similar verses for memory training can be found on the Internet, in specialized literature, or you can come up with your own. This easy way of remembering is often used by graduates when passing the Russian language.

Funny rhymes like emoticons

Stories to remember

Get rid of doubts about correct accents short stories will help. For example, to remember what is removed in a word A the correct stress is placed on the last syllable, we come up with a plot: the thing is quickly removed because not TA. The consonance of the main (in which the stress is problematic) and the auxiliary word helps to remember the stressed syllable. In addition, the figurative-plot series is also included in the work of memory.

Another option is to present a story-picture. For example: "We draw THAT I sew THAT flu." Thus it is easy to remember that the stressed syllable in the word "t At flask" - " THAT».

Emphasis on words. How right?

We learn to put stress in a word. Literacy education


Sometimes even educated people encounter stress problems: they make mistakes or are not quite sure of the correct choice of their option. Simple and affordable ways will help to get rid of these doubts forever.

Why do people mispronounce words?

As soon as we hear from the lips “your phone is ringing”, “lay down in place”, “that dress is more beautiful”, then we ask ourselves: why do people speak incorrectly? After all, everyone once studied at school, placed stresses in words and pronounce them drawlingly with the correct stress.

The thing is that in Russian there is no single rule for stressing words, unlike, for example, Spanish, where there are only two rules for pronunciation.

New words with the wrong accent come to us from different regions. So, for example, in the southern dialect of the Russian language there are the following pronunciations: means A, understood, raised.

Our neighbors from Belarus and Ukraine also have a huge influence on the language. The languages ​​are close enough that they often get mixed up. This is especially noticeable in areas that border on each other. As a result, new variants of pronunciation of words are born in our speech.

As soon as we hear the distorted sound of a word, we begin to doubt ourselves: “Am I pronouncing the words correctly?” In order not to mislead ourselves, we have selected the 30 most tricky words with incorrect pronunciation. This is where we most often make mistakes.

Borrowed words in Russian

In speech, we use a large number of borrowed words. Meanwhile, in each language there are certain pronunciation rules that must be taken into account.

french words

A large number of words of our language were borrowed from France. They have become so ingrained in Russian speech that sometimes we mistake them for native words.

But they do not lose their roots and are also intertwined with family ties. The French language has its own specific rules for pronunciation of a word. In most cases, the stress falls on the last syllable.

  • dispensary;
  • apostrophe;
  • partner;
  • blinds.

Despite the fact that in most cases the stress falls on the last syllable, there are exception words in the language:

  • creams;
  • phenomenon.

English words

Our speech is constantly enriched with English words. The most traceable trend of this language is the stress at the beginning of a word. And the examples below will help you to verify this:

  • marketing;
  • barmen (bar).

In English, like in any other language, there are exception rules:

  • pullover (pull over);
  • login (login).

german words

Words from Germany came into Russian speech for many years. There are many compound words borrowed from other languages ​​and formed from two or more roots. Therefore, each language unit has its own accent.

  • quarter. It comes from the German word qartal, and it comes from the Latin quartus;
  • shoe. Borrowed from German tyffel;
  • kitchen. In German, this word was borrowed from Latin;
  • scarves. Derived from the German scharpe.

related words

In Russian, mobile stress. Therefore, it is simply impossible to check the pronunciation of a word according to one rule. Here it is important to remember a few simple rules:

  1. In the words beets and the newborn vowel sound "Yo" is always stressed.
  2. Pamper, ring, lighten - in these words, the main thing to remember is that in verbs the stress never falls on the first syllable. Also, in words belonging to the group of verbs ending in -it, the stress falls on the last syllable.
  3. Wholesale, cakes, exhaust - these words with a fixed stress, in all norms of the word, the stress will fall on the same consonant.
  4. Barrel (barrel), kitchen (kitchen) - are pronounced with the same stress as in the noun.
  5. Sorrel, workshops, belt - the pronunciation of these words must be remembered.
  6. Dancer - according to the rules of the noun suffix after the consonant "C" is written under the stress "O".
  7. Plum - in a word, the stress always falls on the first syllable. This is indicated in all orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language.
  8. Facilities. The word is singular, the stress falls on the first syllable.

A person remembers images better

Write the words on sticky notes, make the stressed vowel bold, and post them around the house so you don't forget.

Mentally draw not the words, but the object itself. For example, the word "barmen". Imagine that you came to a bar, and the bartender's badge does not have a name, but the very word bartender with a bold letter "A".


Compose rhymes for words in which you are confused with pronunciation:

  • calls - sorry, knock, approve;
  • cakes - still lifes, stolen, erased;
  • creams - chrysanthemums, schemes.

There are many interesting poems on the Internet about the correct stress of a word. Learn memory rhymes - this will help you not to make mistakes in pronunciation:

Flew off the fire

And faded quickly

If it's wrong, then a spark,

If true - Spark!

Make friends with guides

Go to the library, buy a spelling guide in a bookstore, look at electronic reference books as soon as a controversial issue arises.

So let's remember:










A.P. Chekhov once famously said: “In fact, for an intelligent person, speaking badly should be considered as indecent as not being able to read and write.” And one cannot but agree with this. A person learns to speak from the first days of his life: first, he singles out his name from the general cacophony of surrounding sounds, then the words that are spoken most often. Later, the child begins to reproduce the words, repeating them exactly as he hears from loved ones.

But, unfortunately, not everything that we learn from others corresponds to the norms of our native language! Science is called to help understand the rules of pronunciation orthoepy(Greek orthos- "correct" and epos- “word”), one of the sections of which is the study of the placement of stresses in Russian speech.

Accented words to remember

Take a look at the spelling dictionary and you will be surprised to find how many mistakes we all make in our everyday speech! Here and there we hear daily the ugly: "p ABOUT nyala", "vz I la", "sn I la."

Cake A x or t ABOUT mouths

And, after all, you just need to remember one simple rule: In feminine verbs in the past tense, the ending -a becomes stressed.. Remember and enjoy the correct pronunciation of words such as: understood A, stripped off A, took A, lied A, lied A, waited A, drove A, perceived A called A .

There are not so many exceptions to remember: A la, sl A la, cr A la, cl A la and all words with the prefix You-(you drink - in S saw, in S kick - in S zero).

Another trap was the use of plural nouns. Here the error lies in wait for us at the stage of the formation of the plural. For some reason, many turn the word "dogs ABOUT r" to "agreement A", and "professor" and "doctor" turn into monstrous "professor A' and 'doctor A". In fact, everything easier than a steamed turnip»:

  1. Most masculine plural nouns end in -ы.
  2. The ending is always unstressed!

Remember? Now you should have no problem with words like: aerop ABOUT rt - aerop ABOUT mouths, prof E quarrel - prof E quarrel, d ABOUT ktor - d ABOUT who, bow - b A nts, ​​scarf - sh A rfs, dogs ABOUT r - Great Danes ABOUT ry, elevator - l AND ft, , buhg A lter - bukhg A lters

We are all proud that the Russian language is rightfully considered one of the richest languages ​​in the world. But the penetration of foreign words into speech is an inevitable and quite natural phenomenon. Few people know that in the true Russian language there are no words starting with the letter " A «.

Most words that begin with the first letter of the alphabet AND that one is of Greek origin, and some came to us from Turkic (for example: watermelon, arshin, argamak). The fashion for the use of French among representatives of the upper classes, which began during the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna and ended during the Napoleonic Wars, enriched our speech with a huge number of Gallicisms.

The current generation is watching how the Russian language is actively enriched with words of English origin. Alien words that have settled in our dictionaries, for the most part, retain stress in their usual place.

So for French borrowings, the stress falls on the last syllable, for Latin - on the penultimate one. The correctness of stress in words of foreign origin is best checked in dictionaries, but those words that have become firmly established in our everyday life must be remembered: alphabet AND t, apostrophe ABOUT f, def AND with, shutters AND , rolled ABOUT g, necrol ABOUT g, quart A l, part E r, esp E rt, fet AND w, f ABOUT rzats, fax AND miles.

You should also remember the rules for placing stress in the following adjectives: At honny, sl AND new, gr At sew, ukra AND nsky, moza AND chny, wholesale ABOUT wow, long time ago AND shny.

The most popular words with stress at the olympiads

Learning the correct placement of stress can be an exciting experience. Often, just knowing the rules of the Russian language is not enough. Many stresses need only be remembered by referring to special orthoepic dictionaries.

When preparing high school students for passing the exam, it is usually proposed to study up to 500 of the most common word forms, which can cause difficulties with the correct placement of stresses, but their number is not limited to this. The study of stress norms is a laborious process, but the result can exceed all expectations: our speech will not be full of illiterate I la", "pr ABOUT cents", "contract A”, which means we will not be ashamed in front of the classics of Russian literature.


If you are preparing for school olympiads or for passing the exam, then be sure to learn the stress in the words from the table below.

Stress in words - a list for the exam: table

Video. 3 life hacks for memorizing accents

Features of stress in Russian (continuation)

Separate conversation O ra require unstressed words. Service words and particles, as a rule, do not have an accent in Russian. Some of them are monosyllabic prepositions and conjunctions, b ywa yut with pre-stressed words, the so-called proclitics. They are approx yk they are pronounced in pronunciation to the following independent words with stress: on the water, on the road, from the forest, along the ut I.Others are monosyllabic particles, which are ut Xia enclitics, that is, post-stress words. They are adjacent in pronunciation to the previous word, having eat have a hit.: someone came, tell me, I promised, you opened the door, will they come neither .In these combinations, the particles then, ka, after all, the same, whether become enclitics.

Sometimes an excuse takes a hit. on se b I, then the significant word following it turns out to be unstressed. Most often, they pull the blow on themselves. pre d logs FOR, FOR, UNDER, ON, FROM, WITHOUT.
ON - on the water, on the mountain, on the hand, on the ear, n
A winter, for a year, for a house, for a floor. But such a transfer of the stressed vowel is not always oi coming off. We are speaking go to the mall(but not on the pier), climb the hill(but not on the hill), decree be on the door(but not on the door), run aground(but not stranded).

Transferring stress to a preposition, according to the norms of orthoepy, is possible en when the combination of a noun with a preposition is part of a stable O company or when it appears in the adverbial meaning and has an adverbial character. In the same case ae , when it is important to highlight the noun as the object to which the action is directed, and when it is a noun But e acts as a supplement, a blow. does not go over to the suggestion. For example:

believe in a word, but: turn inward ima reference to the word "transformation";
to lower the ship into the water, but: because of the sun glare, it hurts to look at the water;
this person is unclean in his hand, but: in his hand b
yla bandage applied;
put the load on her shoulders, but: he put his palms on her shoulders;
move the hat on the nose, but: put the juggler
l on nose cardboard cylinder;
the old man is deaf in the ear, but: the mother looked at the boy's ear.

We will say take sin upon the soul. It's stable chi vy turn, and blow. fixed in it. But you can't say: so much production falls on shu population.We are speaking fall like snow on a goal ov y. This is also a phraseological unit in which the emphasis is traditionally placed on a preposition. But you can't say: he threw the horse fe tti on the heads of friends.

Often the stress in Russian is shifted
si are used on the preposition NA when combined with numerals: nA two, nA three, nA five, nA ten, nA one hundred, nA two, nA three. But if there are two numerals nearby with the value of approximation, such a movement is a blow. Not about comes out: leave for two or three days, for five or six months, for two or three days. pronunciation n A two-three, na three-five - incorrect. The preposition remains unstressed even in that case cha e, when two numerals are connected by the union OR: for two or three days, for five or six months, for two or three days.

Stress is not transferred in Russian
yk e on a preposition and when there is a clarification with the first numeral. Compare: leave for two months - leave for d VA months and ten days; business trip for a year - business trip for a year and three months; meet cha scheduled for three hours - the meeting is scheduled for three hours and thirty minutes.

Finally, it should be said that sometimes the content No text suggests the need to save the beat. on a significant word, and not transfer it to pr units log. In a conversation about the work of the famous Russian composer, it was about the suite for two Russian ie themes (not on two). The facilitator highlighted the word two to draw attention to it it orii.

BEHIND - for a leg, for a hand, for a winter, for a soul, for a mountain one , for a night, for a day, for two, for three, for five, for seven, for forty.

But here are the same restrictions:

hide your hands behind your back - hide that to sit behind the back of the mother;
grab by the hands - grab by the hands and n
ABOUT gee;
you can get there in two hours -
behind two hours and forty minutes.

ON - on the forest, on the field, on the floor, on the su, two by two, three by three, one hundred, two by two, three by three.

Doesn't take a hit. on a preposition when combined eg about with numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten... fourty and complex numbers tel nym eleven, twelve, five hundred, six hundred, etc.: for five hours, for six days, for nine rubles le y, forty kopecks.

The stress is not transferred in the description
nn above cases:

two or three plates, five or six be Human;
for two or three days, for two or
tr And the day;
for two or three days, for three from to
fishing another day;
two centners, but two and three ten
you x centner.

UNDER - Under the feet, under the arms, down the mountain, p One nose, in the evening.
FROM - AND from home, from the forest, from sight, from n
os u.
WITHOUT - without a trace, without a year
de la, to no avail.
FROM- hour From hour, year From year, From
ro du.

Some two-syllable prepositions are always are unsuccessful. These are BECAUSE, FROM UNDER and prepositions with a fluent O: POD, NECESSARY, OBO, OTO, FROM - because of LE sa , from under the table, under me, about me, from everyone, from everyone.

Weak words are the words that That rye, although they have an accent in the phrase, but weaker than that of independent words. I call this accent t p casual. Weak words are many adverbial prepositions, such as AFTER, AROUND, PASS, AROUND, OPPOSITE, Across, EYE LO and others. That only a weakened blow falls on these words is clearly felt when compared with fr the basics in which these words, used as adverbs, become carriers of the normal hit.:

mother stood behind the children - the river ost al ass at the back;
the train raced mi mo fields - a car about
ex ala past;
he waved after the bus - people what
-That shouted after;
we will come after an hour - we will come
To you after;
there was a spring near the house - it’s enough to go to
district yes Approx.

Collateral stress (or second penn oe) is indicated by the sign "gravis", in contrast to the main blow., indicated by the sign "acute". Side kick. usually has the preposition THROUGH: etc squat oh thicket, through thickets, through fog. Always carries a side blow. etc. e Dlog EXCEPT: everyone gathered except me; take nothing boring with you, except for books; except for birches, there were and l ips.Some g lag free forms and introductory words WAS, HAPPENED, HAS TO BE: I would like to take up reading; sid We also ate, being a lo, in the evenings they talked together; Was he about to leave?

However, one should not get involved in side effects. and accents. If the speaker's speech is sustained at a moderate pace, the pronunciation of unstressed words - from the second P with a hard hit., and weakly stressed words - with a normal hit. will create excessive emphasis, to O which only complicates the perception of speech and interferes with the listeners.

Words with side accent attracted to s b e special attention. For the most part, each independent word to them her t just one hit. But there are words with a large number of syllables and complex in composition, which also have och Noah blow. This is mainly:

words formed by compounding two basics: all-metal, cranial, perpetual release;
words with some
f xami of foreign origin: A anti-clerical, ultra-reactive, super-blog, remilitarization;
compound words: ze msnarYad
, R A IS COUNCIL, o bllit, energy supply, party conference .

If there are two stresses in a word, then the main stress will be t is located closer to the end of the word, and closer to the beginning is a side. Also has a chen ie and the distance of the main blow. from the beginning of the word: horse-hating man, passing time denomination, chl o cleaner .

Commonly used compound words, if they are not licks usually do not have collateral stress: vacuum cleaner, drain, garden, water supply, black lake m, grateful, far-sighted, surveyor, centuries-old . No side kick. are pronounced and so common with lo wah, how earthquake, agricultural and others.

Side stresses often appear in kn words with stylistic coloring: ( cursing your crime, book depository) and in special layers wa x :( electr o newAcuum, galva noacoustics, radio reportAzh, film script, photo correspondent, shaft lift mn ik).

It happens when a compound word is formed by wording the main blow. moves closer to the center of the word and ends up on the wrong syllable That ry falls in a word used independently. So we say:

fighter - but a hammer, sva fuck Oets;
wave - but short-wave, d
whether newwave;
Ods cue;
sn th;
imported - but long-range
Oz ny;
wired - electrically wired;
seller - but book seller;
raftable - but timber-rafting;
creator - but verse
T thief;
ear - but about ear;
color - but one-color.

Compound adjectives and compound pores decimal numbers, in the first part of which there are 3, 4, from 11 to 20, as well as 30, 40, 50, 60 ... 100, are often pronounced with two stresses (according to boc noe - in the numeral): one 11 meter, fifteen meter And liter, seven ten kilometers, nine hundred years old, one hundred thousandth.

With two side kicks. on lane
V oh part and with the main stress on the second part, compound words are pronounced four hso pipes, electric machines construction, and in volume oh the driver .
Always have a side kick. complex layers
wa , written with a hyphen: co ntr-admiral, cabin t-company, cape-tent, i xt-club.

Collateral stress may fall on some at st avki: SUPER-, AFTER-, INTER-. But here, too, the degree of use of the word plays a role. For example them er, with a side kick. words are spoken by post-harvest, post-surgical, post-natal in about th. But it is missing from the words the day after tomorrow, the afternoon, afterword. And in words with prefixes INTER- To SUPER - side impact. always set: international, interbranch, interplanetary; sve R DEEP, SUPER MOBILE SUPER SPEED .

Collateral stress is necessary so that the right silt but to pronounce the corresponding vowels in the word. If you say the word ho zmag without secondary impact., then oh But will sound like this: hazmac. The listener may not guess the meaning of such a lo va. Hence the side kick. performs an important semantic function. In addition, it also plays an important role And list role. The appearance of a secondary blow. where it is not required, evidence tv et about colloquial style, for example: O hostel, seven hundred, nine hundred. In addition to the invalid colloquial env ace ki, such excessive stress makes speech tedious and difficult to sp iyatiya.

Visual and expressive possibilities accents are widely used are found in journalistic and artistic works. The author gives persons already have a striking characterization, showing the originality of his kick. and pronunciation. There are social c ional, professional affiliation of the character and the degree of his education. But, in a stylistically neutral speech, digression n ie from literary norms is unacceptable. Normative word stress contributes to the correct perception and action tv the value of the sounding word.