How to write a fairy tale and what is needed for this? Fictional stories about animals. How to come up with a short fairy tale about animals? Invented fairy tale 6 sentences

The fairy tale is the favorite genre of literature for both writers and readers. Fairy stories are written for children, teenagers and adults. Fairy tales for kids are usually extremely simple, with a clear message and moral, a clear division of characters into “good” and “bad”. Works for older children are already deeper and more ambiguous, raising complex topics and encouraging them to think. Well, fairy tales for adults are a completely separate subgenre, which is worth talking about separately. Today's article is a site about how to write fairy tales for a children's audience.

Features of a modern fairy tale

In a literary fairy tale, there is always an element of something extraordinary - magical objects, fictional worlds and creatures, unusual events, etc. People can fly there, animals can talk, furniture can come to life... The unbelievable happening is limited only by the author's imagination.

As a rule, in a fairy tale book there is a villain who intrigues the main character and his friends. In the finale, good, as usual, triumphs: evil is punished, and all positive characters begin to live happily ever after.

However, in our age of post-postmodernism, many storytellers (especially those whose work is aimed at teenagers) try to avoid this traditional scheme. They rethink classic stories and change the usual rules of the game.

So, negative characters in some stories are completely absent. A canonical example is books about Moomin and Prostokvashino. After all, one cannot seriously consider Morra and the postman Pechkin as villains.

In addition, negative characters often become the main characters from the point of view of which everything that happens is presented. They, as a rule, cause sympathy and sympathy, in contrast to the sugary and always correct goodies.

True, all this usually does not apply to completely children's fairy tales. They are modernized to be interesting for today's children, but at the same time they follow traditions - the victory of good over evil, a guaranteed happy ending, clear morality, etc.

How to start writing a story

First of all you need:

  1. Choose a main theme, a leitmotif around which the plot will revolve or which will become the starting point for its development. It can be something quite ordinary - for example, relationships between family members or a trip to the sea. But this must be approached from an unexpected angle. The theme can also be something more original - a treasure hunt, a found magic wand or an acquaintance with a magician.
  2. Decide where the action will take place. In most fairy tales, all events take place in a fictional world, which can be completely independent (the country of shorties from Dunno’s adventures) or be part of ours (the world of wizards in Potter). Also, the arena for the development of the plot can become a familiar reality, where something unprecedented begins to happen ("Mary Poppins").
  3. Come up with bright characters - heroes and villains. Protagonists can be ordinary people with whom some magical event has happened, talking animals, magical creatures, etc. The main thing is that the public should follow their adventures with interest and worry about them. An antagonist can also be made an ordinary person who has set foot on the path of evil, or a powerful sorcerer.
  4. Write an intriguing first line. Look how the main best-sellers of recent years begin: “When I was young, there were dragons in the world”, “The Wilkinson family turned into ghosts all of a sudden”, “Bertha the little fox felt miserable. Life ended before it even started." Try to come up with the same catchy beginning, after which you immediately want to know about dragons, and about the Wilkinsons, and about the misadventures of Bertha.

Learning to write a fairy tale

Many of today's writers boldly ignore the golden rules of storytellers. But many writers adhere to them, preferring the good old traditions to postmodernism. Among these traditions, for example, is a simple and understandable language. Although children's fairy tales are also read with pleasure by some adults, their main audience is still quite young.

Therefore, sentences with a confusing structure, hard-to-read words and incomprehensible terms should be avoided. Complicated language is a completely superfluous element of a fairy tale text. More attention should be paid to the characters, action and magical surroundings.

Morality in a modern fairy tale is not served directly, but is usually present. The works emphasize the importance of family, friends, justice and all sorts of positive qualities - mercy, responsiveness, etc.

It is advisable to come up with a happy ending for your book, when the antagonist gets what he deserves, and all the problems and hardships of the protagonist end. The protagonist finds what he aspired to, and usually receives valuable life lessons in the process.

If the continuation of the fairy tale is planned in the future, after the happy ending, you can write an afterword in which the defeated villain swears revenge or a new, even stronger and more dangerous enemy appears.

An old fairy tale in a new way

The fashion for reworking classic fairy tales appeared quite a long time ago. Most often, a new look at well-known stories is given in fairy tales for adults. But even children's storytellers like to take some old work and breathe new life into it, modernizing the old text or writing about all the events from a different angle.

In postmodern books, princesses, carried away by dragons to high towers, make friends with their captors, beautiful princes turn out to be those scoundrels, and evil witches and sorcerers turn into strong personalities misunderstood by society, who really wish everyone only the best.

In addition, the classic plot can be revived by changing the time and place of the action or the images of the characters. For example, Ivanushka the Fool can become a seventh-grader Vanya, who caught a magic pike while fishing, and Little Red Riding Hood can become a pizza delivery girl delivering to a dangerous area.

Having turned on the imagination at full capacity, all that remains is to transfer your ideas to paper and create a full-fledged manuscript. And about how and where to attach it, read the site material. How to compose a fairy tale will also tell you this video:

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Yarochka Ozernaya, 6 years old

Once in the spring, early in the morning, when the sun had just woken up, an amazing story happened to my grandfather Vanya. It was like that.

Grandfather Vanya went to the forest to pick mushrooms.

He walks slowly, purring a song under his breath, looking for mushrooms under the Christmas trees with a stick. Suddenly he sees - a hedgehog sits on a stump and cries bitterly. The hedgehog's leg was broken and hurt. Grandfather took pity on the hedgehog, wrapped his leg, treated him to a sweet candy. Grandfather loved lollipops very much, because he had no teeth and he could not chew real sweets. The hedgehog really liked grandfather's lollipops. He thanked him and ran to his children.

But a few days later, the hedgehog with his sons brought many, many mushrooms to grandfather on his back and asked to live with his grandfather under the house with his whole family. They all ate sugar mushrooms together and sucked on delicious candies.


If you had a hedgehog at home, what would you feed him?
Why did the hedgehog want to live with his grandfather?
Have you ever seen a hedgehog? What is the nature of this forest animal?
What forest gifts can you make sweets from? Come up with some forest candy recipes and draw them.
o All children are little hedgehogs. Each hedgehog must tell how and how he will help grandfather.


Lilya Pomytkina, 7 years old, Kiev

There were little fairies in the flowery meadow. They lived together and loved to help people, especially children.

One day a little girl came to the flower field. She wept bitterly because her finger was cut. She didn't notice anything but the pain. Then the fairies surrounded her in a dense ring and waved their wings in unison. The girl felt relieved and stopped crying. The fairies asked the sun's rays to quickly dry the girl's tears, and she began to listen to everything around. She heard flowers smell, insects buzz, and birds sing. And the fairies whispered to her that the world around was beautiful, that the wound on the finger would soon heal, and you should not be very upset.

One little fairy brought a tiny plantain leaf and put it on the wound. Another asked a ladybug to play Rain or Bucket with a girl. And the third - called the breeze to smooth the girl's disheveled hair.

And the girl felt so good that she began to smile and play with the fairies. After that, the girl always came to the clearing of the fairies if she felt bad.

When she grew up, she did not forget the clearing with fairies and in difficult times she always called the little fairies for help.


How would you help the girl if you were the fairies?
Give the children cards with the names of different qualities. Children have to think of how the fairies taught someone this or that quality.
Remember some difficult situation from your life and think about how different heroes of a fairy tale could help you in this situation, for example: fairies, a breeze, sunlight, etc.
Imagine that the good fairies have invited you to the festival of the forest fairies. Draw this holiday and tell about it.


Makarova Olya, 8 years old

Once upon a time there was a boy Kolya. He had new shoes. But his shoes lived very badly. Kolya did not take care of them: he did not wash, did not clean and threw them anywhere. The shoes did not know what to do. Then they decided to take Kolya to a shoe factory so that he could see how much work needed to be done in order to sew such wonderful shoes. The next day, the shoes took Kolya to the factory to see how shoes appear from a piece of leather. The factory was huge, and Kolya was surprised at how many craftsmen and machines it takes to sew shoes. Then an important woman approached them. She said hello and asked the shoes how they were doing and whether Kolya was taking care of them. The shoes sighed sadly, but said nothing. They didn't want to complain about their master. Kolya felt very ashamed and thanked the important woman for her work.
Since then, Kolya has always taken care of his shoes, because he saw how much work it takes to sew such shoes.


How will Kolya take care of his shoes after this incident?
Tell us how you take care of your shoes.
What qualities should the owner have in order for his shoes to enjoy life?
Talk to your favorite shoe and then tell everyone what it told you about.
How can shoes thank a person for his care? Think up and draw a fairy tale about how your shoes took care of you.
Discuss with the children how to care for shoes in different seasons and weather.


Vnuchkova Dana, 8 years old

There lived a little spider. He was all alone and was very sad that he had no friends. One day he decided to go and find some friends. It was spring, the sun was warming, and dew shone on the grass. Two moths were flying over the green meadow. One is white and the other is red. They saw a little spider, and the white moth asked him:
- Why are you so sad?

Because I have no friends, - the spider replied.

But moths are not friends with spiders, because spiders cannot fly, said the white moth.

And the red moth said:
- Let's be friends with you, I'll teach you to fly.

The spider was very happy and agreed. Since then, they became friends and flew over the meadow together. A moth on wings, and a spider on a balloon made of cobwebs.


Imagine that in a web balloon you and a spider are traveling above the earth. Draw your journey and tell about it.
Tell us about a friend of yours who taught you something.
What can a spider teach moths?
Give the children cards with drawings of different insects. Each, on behalf of his insect, must tell what he can teach any other insect. For example: what an ant can teach an earthworm, a butterfly can teach an ant, etc. Then the children draw how different insects taught each other.
Divide the children into groups of three. One child in the group is a spider, the other two are moths. Children should come up with small dramatizations about the friendship of a moth and spiders.


Yana Dankova, 8 years old

It was a sunny day. The sun shone brightly brightly. There were dew drops on the bush, like gold. Then I went to the bush and wanted to take them. As soon as I touched it, everything disappeared. And I was very sad, but the sun saw that I was crying and whispered to me: "Don't cry. Everything will be fine, just don't cry." When I heard these words, I was so happy that I wanted to jump and sing songs. And suddenly I saw the same drops of dew on the bush. I went to the bush, sat down on a pebble and looked at the golden drops.


How would you calm a girl in the place of the sun?
Has the sun ever soothed you? Tell and draw how the sun helped you in different situations.
Imagine that the sun gave the girl magic dew drops. Each drop could grant her one wish. Draw the fulfilled desires of the girl. According to each other's drawings, the children tell what desires and how they fulfilled the droplets.


Sasha Timchenko, 8 years old

I was walking through the park and saw a flock of leaves. They fell to the ground. Verba began to feel sad. And the leaves that fell from it also saddened. But when they fell to the ground, they wrote a sentence: "Dear willow, you loved us, and we love you too."


Give the children cards with drawings of leaves from different trees and ask them to thank the tree on behalf of these leaves for taking care of them.
You can give the children cards with drawings of different trees and ask them to say goodbye to their leaves on behalf of these trees.
Think up and draw a fairy tale about how a flock of leaves decided to travel to the southern countries together with migratory birds.


Naumenko Regina, 9 years old

Once upon a time there was a girl named Nadezhda. Hope was as beautiful as a rose. Her face was white, with rosy cheeks, and her eyes were emerald green. But her character was very prickly. She often pricked people with her taunts like thorns. Once Nadezhda fell in love with a very handsome young man. She never pricked him and spoke to him affectionately. But it so happened that her beloved young man forgot about her and did not want to come to her anymore. Nadezhda was very sad, but did not want to say anything bad about the young man. Girlfriends persuaded Nadezhda to inject the young man. They spoke:
- Since he forgot you, prick him with your thorns.

I love him and don't want to harm him, - answered Nadezhda.

But Nadezhda could not live without her beloved. Then she pricked herself, her red blood spilled, and Hope turned into a wonderful red rose.


Children are given cards with pictures of different colors. Each child in turn names any one quality with which he associates this flower. Then the children draw a magical bouquet of those flowers that will teach a person one or another quality.
Draw roses of Faith, Love, Happiness, Joy, Peace, etc., and talk about how these roses have helped people.
What do you think, if Nadezhda's beloved had not left her, would her character have changed?
Draw Nadezhda and her beloved in the form of certain flowers.


Perky Mariyka, 9 years old

There lived a pretty little girl in the world. She was very beautiful, with white hair, blue eyes and a kind tender heart. One day, mom went to work, and took her daughter to a neighbor to look after her.

The neighbor was a single woman with no children. She treated the girl to cookies and went for a walk with her. The neighbor held the girl by the hand and boasted to all passers-by about what a beautiful daughter she had. The girl never deceived anyone and did not like it when others deceive. She realized that their neighbor would very much like to have a daughter. And after the walk, when my mother came home, the girl told her everything.

Mom thought for a long time and came up with. She baked a huge, delicious cake and invited a neighbor. A neighbor came and was very happy with the cake and such nice people. They sat and talked for a long time, drank tea, ate cake. And when the neighbor decided to leave, the girl gave her a fluffy white puppy. The puppy squeaked and licked his new mistress right in the nose. The neighbor burst into tears of happiness. And since then they have always walked together - a neighbor with her puppy and a girl with her mother.


Come up with a recipe for a pie that a mother and her daughter baked and draw it.
Who was the girl's mother? What would you do in her place, after the girl would tell you about the neighbor's deceit?
Think of a fun game that a mother and daughter, a neighbor and a puppy played in the park.
Draw kind hearts of the girl's mother and her daughter.


Misha Kozhan, 8 years old

My grandmother lived in a big city. She loved nature so much that she planted oak trees under her window. He was so small that he could not bear the weight of a titmouse if she sat on his twig. Grandmother took care of her oak tree and greeted him every morning, looking out of the window. And my grandmother had a little grandson who often came to visit her. Together they went to their oak tree and looked after it. Then they sat side by side, and the grandmother read fairy tales to her grandson. Every summer they took pictures at the oak tree, and then rejoiced, watching how the baby and the tree grow. The oak tree had many new branches, and it no longer bent under the weight of the birds.

Oak was always looking forward to when the grandson would come to visit his grandmother. He was very fond of listening to his grandmother's tales with him and then retold them to his friends: the birds, the sun, the wind and the rain. Once the grandson came to his grandmother, but they did not come out to the oak tree and did not even greet him. Oak tree waited and waited, but did not wait. Then he asked the sparrow to look out the window and find out what was the matter. Sparrow flew in upset and said that his friend was in bed, he had a high temperature, and his throat hurt. Oak was very alarmed and called all his friends for help.

The raindrops gave the boy a drink of living spring water, the sun's rays warmed his neck, the breeze cooled his hot forehead, and the birds sang such a wonderful song that he immediately became cheerful. And the disease receded.

Thank you, oak tree, for your help, the boy said to his friend the next day.

Soon the boy went to school. Both of them grew and became prettier to the delight of their grandmother. The boy listened to fairy tales and thought that when they both grow up and become big, he will come to the oak already with his children and will also read fairy tales to them under the wide dense foliage of the oak. That thought made my heart warm and calm.


Think up and draw a fairy tale that the grandmother told her grandson and the oak tree.
Draw a tree that you are friends with or would like to be friends with and tell us about it.
Divide the children into groups and ask them to come up with and draw different situations when the oak tree and the boy will come to each other's aid.
Give the children cards with drawings of different inhabitants of the earth - trees, flowers, animals, birds, etc. Children should, on behalf of those who got them on the cards, tell how and how they would help the boy to recover.


Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

The enchanted garden slumbers in winter silence. Snowflakes-fluffs sleep peacefully under the spreading branches of cherries. Snowflakes had an interesting dream. As if they are circling around the cherry, and the cherry says to them: “What fun you are, my beloved children,” and then strokes them and hugs them. The fluffy snowflakes felt the gentle warmth and woke up in an instant. They were sad because they were not children of cherries, but cherries comfort them: "Don't be sad. As soon as the sun warms, you will become droplets and merrily slide down to my roots."

That's how it all happened. The souls of snowflakes fell in love with their kind comforter. In the spring, they rolled down to her roots and became her real children: some are a leaf, some are a flower and a cherry. The dream of snowflakes came true.


Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

All cherries were ripe, only one berry remained green and small. She saw a beautiful, red berry next to her and said to her:
- Let's be friends.

The red cherry looked at her and replied:
- I don't want to be friends with you. I'm so beautiful and red, and you are green.

The green cherry saw a large cherry and said to her:
- Let's be friends.

I won’t be friends with you, you are small, and I am big, - answered the large cherry.

The little cherry wanted to make friends with the ripe berry, but she didn’t want to be friends with her either. So there was a little cherry without friends.

Once all the cherries were harvested from the tree, only the green one remained. Time passed and she matured. There was not a single berry on any tree, and when the children found a cherry, they were very happy. They divided it up and ate it. And this cherry was the most delicious.


Nastya Zaitseva, 8 years old

Winter lived. On New Year's Eve, her daughter was born. Winter didn't know what to call it. She told everyone about the birth of a winter baby and asked what name to give her, but no one could come up with a name.

Winter was sad and went to Santa Claus to ask for help. And he replies: "I can't help it. I don't have time, I'm getting ready for the New Year."

Meanwhile, the daughter ran to her mother Zima and said:
- The wind is very kind. He helps everyone. I told him that I wanted to learn how to dance and he taught me. Here, look, - and she began to dance.

Daughter, you dance very beautifully, - Zima praised her daughter.

Mom, why are you so sad? Probably tired, preparing for the New Year?

No, I just have a lot to do, - my mother answered, - and you run and play.

Winter told him about everything, and suggested that the Wind fly to her to ask Snow what to name her daughter.

They flew to the Snow, and Winter says:
- Snow-brother, you probably know that my daughter was born?

I know, because I do not appear on earth on my own, but thanks to your daughter. She helps me.

Help me think of a name for my daughter, - asked Zima.

I know what name to give her - Snowflake. From my name - Snow.

That's what they called the daughter of Winter Snowflake. And they all together cheerfully met the New Year.


Come up with your own names for the different seasons and explain why you named them that way.
What would you name a snowflake if you didn't know its name?
What other children does Zima's mother have, and what are their names? (A snowstorm, an ice floe, hoarfrost, a snow maiden, etc.) Draw winter gifts that different children of Winter will prepare for people. According to each other's drawings, children guess which children of winter gave people certain gifts.
What things should Mommy Winter do for the New Year? Draw the most important winter things to do.

Already in the second grade, children in the lessons of literary reading receive the task: come up with a fairy tale. Younger students love to write fairy tales. But how to come up with a fairy tale, where to start?

On our site we offer you a sample of a fairy tale invented by children. Based on the children's text of the fairy tale, the students themselves will be able to dream up and come up with those heroes of the fairy tale that they like and remember best.

The main thing - do not interfere with children to fantasize. And you will see what your children are capable of. They can draw pictures for their fairy tales, and you can help arrange their compositions neatly and beautifully. Perhaps your child will not stop at one work. All students in grades 2-4 like to compose fairy tales.

Fairy tales invented by children in grades 2-4.

Magical forest

Once upon a time there was a family: mother, father and their children: Masha and Vanya. One day the guys went to the forest for mushrooms. They walk through the forest, and Masha asks Vanya: “Do you think there is a candy forest?” And Vanya answered her: “Maybe, but I have never seen him.”

The children gathered mushrooms and wandered into the depths of the forest. The guys saw that in front of them was a fabulous candy forest. Trees are like lollipops, clouds are made of cotton candy, and instead of berries there are chocolates. The children got a whole basket of sweets. Masha and Vanya came home and cooked mushroom soup and baked a cake out of sweets. The whole family was very happy with this dinner.

The Tale of the Dandelion

There lived a dandelion. He was very handsome: green and slender, with a yellow hat. So I was proud of myself. But days passed after days, and the usual bright cap began to turn pale. And soon the dandelion became completely gray-haired. At first, he is very upset that now he is not so handsome.

And he once said to a neighbor maple: "Oh, I was so beautiful, and now I'm all gray-haired, nondescript, I'm so upset." Dandelion, you are upset in vain, your hat is seeds, the wind will scatter them on the ground and next year many dandelions will grow from them - your children.

As soon as the maple said this, the breeze blew, picked up fluffs - umbrellas from a dandelion and they flew far, far away. The wind has died down. Fluffy seeds gently fell to the ground. And the following spring, new, young dandelions grew out of them, as beautiful as their parent.

Once upon a time there was a parrot and his name was Kesha. Once Kesha decided to go on a journey around the world. Flying through the jungle, he sat down on a branch to eat kiwi.

But suddenly, a net attacked him. They were robbers and they caught Kesha, put him in a cage and went to bed. The parrot gnawed two twigs with its strong beak and fled.

After the flight, he flew around the world, but since then he was very careful, many incredible stories happened to him, he found best friends, he was almost eaten by a cat, he fought with a crow and all this time he was looking for a home and owner.

One day he flew past the house and saw how one boy was doing his homework. Kesha sat on the windowsill and tapped on the window with his beak. The window opened a little and the boy took Kesha home. And since then, the parrot has a home and a family.

Fairy tale friendship with Bolsheukh

There lived a wolf cub, he helped everyone day and night. One night he was looking at the stars and heard a sound. It was someone saying something and the wolf cub heard that this voice was saying to him:

- Hello what is your name?

“I don’t know, but what is your name?” the wolf cub answered.

My name is Big Ear.

The wolf cub was frightened when he heard this name. Uh said:

- Do you want to go out of the darkness?

- No, hold on.

I can't wait any longer, I'm leaving.

Wow got out. The cub closed his eyes and thought, "I wonder how big he is?" The wolf opened his eyes, looked around, saw no one and asked: "Where are you?"

The wolf cub looked down and saw a little man. The cub did not understand why such a little man was called Bolsheukh.

“They call me that because I hear very well,” Bolsheukh explained.

"And what are you hearing now?" Volchok asked.

“Oh,” shouted Big-Ear, “I hear the hawk trying to destroy the raven's nest. There are little crows.”

"Let's run there as soon as possible," said Wolf Cub. "We'll help."

With all legs, friends ran to save the crows.

At a large oak they saw a hawk, he circled over the crow's house. The wolf cub was not afraid: he grabbed a handful of acorns and threw them at a big bird. She flapped her wings in surprise and flew away.

Raven thanked Bolsheukh and Wolfcub and wished them strong friendship for many years to come.

A story about kindness and friendship.

Once upon a time there was a fox cub, his name was Bim. Once he was invited to a birthday party in a nearby forest to his cousin Boom. Boom was very fond of playing football, so Beam decided to give him a soccer ball.

He walks through the forest and comes to a river. The river was so wide that it could not be jumped over, but could only be crossed over a bridge. But the bridge, for some reason, was broken and he didn't know what to do. Fortunately, at that time, his friend a beaver, whose name was Dobrovich, was swimming past. And Bim says to the beaver:

“Hi, Dobrovich, help me cross the river, otherwise I’m late for my cousin’s birthday.”

“Okay, Bim, I’ll think of something now,” said the beaver and swam to the shore.

He knocked down a tree, which fell over the river and turned into an excellent bridge. The little fox thanked his friend the beaver and happily ran further across the new bridge.

Soon, the fox cub encountered a new danger on its way. There was a steep cliff in front of him, over which he himself could not have crossed. And then the little fox remembered that his friend Mikhalych the bear lives nearby. When Bim told Mikhalych that he could not cross the ravine, Mikhalych gave him a rope with which the fox could overcome a new obstacle. The little fox took the rope, tied it to a tree and easily descended and joyfully ran on. And now the neighboring forest was already visible.

Soon Beam ran to his cousin's house, congratulated him on his birthday and gave him a soccer ball. Boom was very happy.

Fairy tale "Hare - braggart"

Two hares lived in the forest. One is a braggart, the other is a hard worker. Once, while walking through the forest, they met their friends hares. The boaster immediately began to brag: “Imagine, I saw a bear last night, no, even three bears. They started biting me. I killed one bear with my right paw, another with my left, and a third with my foot. The bears got scared and ran away. »

The hares shouted: "You're all lying!" Hare Worker said: "Do not believe him, you know what a braggart he is." Hares did not want to walk with him and ran away.

The braggart thought for a long time why no one wants to be friends with him. Then the bunny heard the wolf growling. “What a plump bunny!” the wolf growled and licked his lips. Hare-Hvastunishka did not wait long, but ran away with all his might. The wolf ran after him. The braggart ran without looking back. Out of fear, he closed his eyes and fell into the hole. The wolf didn't notice him.

Only in the evening did his friends hares find him. The worker said: "Don't brag anymore and then everyone will be friends with you."

Wolf - firefighter

There was a wolf in a forest. One day he was walking through the woods and smelled smoke. He went to the smell and saw the fire!

The wolf grabbed a fire extinguisher and began to put out the fire. To his surprise, pies rained down from the fire extinguisher. The wolf managed to put out the fire. And he became a real forest firefighter.


In the city of Bimbograd, a tree grew on the central square. A tree is like a tree - the most common. Trunk. Bark. Branches. Leaves. And yet it was magical, because Thoughts lived on it: Smart, Kind, Evil, Silly, Cheerful and even Wonderful.

Every morning, with the first rays of the sun, Thoughts woke up, did exercises, washed themselves and scattered around the city.

They flew to Tailors and Postmen, Doctors and Drivers, Builders and Teachers. They hurried to schoolchildren and very young children who were just learning to walk. Thoughts flew to serious bulldogs and curly lapdogs, to cats, pigeons and aquarium fish.

Therefore, from early morning, all the inhabitants of the city: people, and cats, and dogs, pigeons - all did different things. Smart or stupid. Good or evil.

Thoughts had a lot of work to do, especially Merry, Clever and Kind. They had to be in time everywhere and visit everyone, not forget anyone: neither big nor small. “In our city,” they often said, “there should be as many jokes, joy, smiles and fun as possible.”

And they flew over large avenues and small streets, over long squares and huge squares, ahead of their harmful relatives: Silly, Evil and Boring Thoughts.

How Clever, Cheerful and Kind Thoughts were once upset when bad weather came to their city. She brought with her a cold wind, covered the sky with black, shaggy clouds and overturned a prickly rain on the square and streets of Bimbograd. Bad weather dispersed the residents of the city to their homes. Kind, Merry and Clever Thoughts were very upset. But their harmful sisters, Evil and Silly, on the contrary, were happy. “Now that it's cold and damp,” they thought, “no one will have fun. We will quarrel everyone, even the kindest and most affectionate. This is how the evil-doers reasoned, going to the inhabitants of the city.

But they rejoiced in vain. The harmful sisters have forgotten that another Thought lives on the tree - their distant relative, Wonderful Thought.The Wonderful Thought did not often come to the inhabitants of the city. But if she visited someone, then miracles began in the city. Important Engineers recalled their childhood and arranged colorful fireworks and fireworks. And the Chefs and Confectioners amazed the inhabitants of the city with such cakes and pastries that even the Architects and Artists gasped: “That's it,” they exclaimed, “we sign up for the Confectioners!”

On that rainy, overcast day, Wonderful Thought thought for a long time about whom to visit, and decided that it had been a long time since she had visited the Jolly Shoemaker. The Merry Shoemaker was indeed a merry man. But on this day he was sad. The bad weather spoiled his mood.

But as soon as Wonderful Thought looked into his workshop, the Merry Shoemaker's face became cheerful again. The master took out a brush, and soon the shoes turned lilac and red, cornflowers and daisies painted by him bloomed on the heels, and socks were decorated with butterflies and dragonflies.

He worked tirelessly, and only when the last black shoe turned into lilac, he put down his brush and went out into the street.

"Hey! he shouted. Children of Bimbograd, I need you! The city needs you! Run here and we'll beat the weather!"

And soon, boys and girls, shod in multi-colored shoes, boots, shoes and boots, walked along the streets and squares. In multi-colored - blue, red, yellow - puddles a black cloud was reflected and turned into a blue, red, yellow cloud. And when the last cloud turned into a lilac cloud, the bad weather was gone.

Vaschenko Maria. 5-B


There were various vegetables in the garden. Among these vegetables, onions also grew. He was very clumsy, fat and unkempt. He had a lot of clothes, and they were all unbuttoned. He was very bitter, and who did not approach him, everyone cried. Therefore, no one wanted to be friends with onions. And only a beautiful, slender red pepper treated him well, because he himself was also bitter.

The onion grew in the garden and dreamed of doing something good.

Meanwhile, the mistress of the garden caught a cold and could not take care of the vegetables. Plants began to dry out and lose their beauty.

And then the vegetables remembered the healing properties of onions and began to ask him to cure their mistress. Luke was very happy about this: after all, he had long dreamed of a good deed.

He cured the mistress of the garden and thereby saved all the vegetables that were grateful to him for this.

The onion forgot all the grievances, and the vegetables began to be friends with him.

Matroskin Igor. 5th grade


Chamomile grew in one garden. She was beautiful: large white petals, a yellow heart, carved green leaves. And all who looked at her admired her beauty. The birds sang songs to her, the bees collected nectar, the rains watered her, and the sun warmed her. And the chamomile grew to the joy of people.

But now the summer has passed. Cold winds blew, the birds flew away to warm lands, the trees began to drop their yellow leaves. It became cold and lonely in the garden. And only the chamomile was still the same white and beautiful.

One night a strong north wind blew, and frost appeared on the ground. It seemed that the fate of the flower was decided.

But the children who lived in a neighboring house decided to save the camomile. They transplanted her into a pot, brought her to a warm house and did not leave her all day, warming her with their breath and love. And in gratitude for their kindness and affection, the chamomile bloomed all winter, delighting everyone with its beauty.

Love and care, attention and kindness are needed not only for flowers ...

Shakhveranova Leyla. 5-A class


Kharchenko Ksenia. 5-A class


Autumn is my favorite time of the year. Nature sums up the past summer. And how wonderful to be in the park at this time!

And here is my favorite oak forest. Mighty and majestic oaks are preparing for a cold and long winter. Their leaves are still firmly attached to the branches. And only ripe acorns fall into the yellow autumn grass.

And the river Moskovka flows very close by. In its water, as in a mirror, autumn nature is reflected. Golden leaves - boats float downstream. Bird singing is not heard, majestic swans are nowhere to be seen. They left the park a long time ago and flew to warmer climes.

And at this time I want to say in verses:

Escaping from the northern blizzards,

Birds tend to go south in autumn.

And we hear the hubbub

From river reeds.

The starlings have long since flown south,

And the swallows hid behind the sea from the blizzards.

Will stay with us in rainy days

Crows, and doves, and sparrows.

They are not afraid of the harsh winter,

But everyone will be waiting for the return of spring.

Goodbye my park. I will look forward to meeting you after the winter blizzards and bad weather.

Klochko Victoria. 5th class


Have you noticed that dreams are sometimes dreamy and sometimes not? I will tell you why this happens.

A good fairy lives on a very distant star, and this fairy has many, many daughters, little fairies. When the night falls, and the star on which the tiny fairies live, lights up, the fairy mother distributes fairy tales to her daughters. And fairy crumbs fly to Earth, flying into those houses where there are children.

But fairy crumbs do not show fairy tales to all children. Usually they sit on the eyelashes of closed eyes, and since some children do not go to bed on time, the fairies cannot sit on their eyelashes.

And when the morning comes and the stars go out, the little fairies fly home to tell their mother who and what fairy tales they showed.

Now you know that you need to go to bed on time to see fairy tales.

Good night!

Fisherman Ksyusha. 5-A class

Daisies in January

Puppy Sharik and duckling Fluff watched snowflakes spinning outside the window and shivered from the cold.

Cold! The puppy clicked his teeth.

In summer, of course, it is warmer ... - said the duckling and hid its beak under the wing.

Do you want summer to come again? Sharik asked.

Want. But that doesn't happen...

Grass turned green on the leaf and small suns of daisies shone everywhere. And above them, in the corner of the drawing, a real summer sun shone.

You thought it up well! - the duckling praised Sharik - I have never seen daisies ... in January. Now I don't care about any frost.

Malyarenko E. 5-G class



Chamomile grew in one garden. She was beautiful: large white petals, a yellow heart, carved green leaves. And all who looked at her admired her beauty. The birds sang songs to her, the bees collected nectar, the rains watered her, and the sun warmed her. And the chamomile grew to the joy of people.

But now the summer has passed. Cold winds blew, the birds flew away to warm lands, the trees began to drop their yellow leaves. It became cold and lonely in the garden. And only the chamomile was still the same white and beautiful.

One night a strong north wind blew, and frost appeared on the ground. It seemed that the fate of the flower was decided.

But the children who lived in a neighboring house decided to save the camomile. They transplanted her into a pot, brought her to a warm house and did not leave her all day, warming her with their breath and love. And in gratitude for their kindness and affection, the chamomile bloomed all winter, delighting everyone with its beauty.

Love and care, attention and kindness are needed not only for flowers ...

Shakhveranova Leyla. 5-A class


Autumn has come. It was cold, the wind was blowing. The wind tore off the leaves from the maple and carried it away into an unknown distance. And so he reached the very top branch and plucked the last leaf.

The leaf said goodbye to the tree and flew over the river, past the fishermen, across the bridge. He was carried so fast that he did not have time to see where he was flying.

Flying over the houses, the leaf ended up in the park, where he saw multi-colored maple leaves. With one he immediately met, and they flew on. On the playground, they circled over the kids, swept them down the hill and rode on the swings.

But suddenly the sky frowned, black clouds gathered and poured heavy rain. The leaves were carried to the windshield of a car parked by the road. The driver brushed them off with the windshield wipers and they landed on a pile of leaves on the side of the road. What a pity that the trip was short...

Kharchenko Ksenia. 5-A class


One morning I came to school and, as always, I went to room No. 223. But I did not see my classmates in it. Harry Potter, Hermione Greiger and Ron Weasley were there at the time. They learned magic, turning objects into living beings with a wave of a magic wand. I immediately closed the door because I didn't want to be turned into some kind of animal.

I went in search of classmates and on the way I met fairy-tale characters: Uncle Fyodor, Matroskin the cat, Winnie the Pooh. But they passed by without noticing me.

Looking into another office, I saw Snow White and the seven dwarfs cleaning the classroom and laughing merrily. I also had fun, and I went on in a good mood.

Famous writers sat in another office: Pushkin, Nekrasov, Shevchenko, Chukovsky. They composed poems and read them to each other. I had to carefully close the door so as not to disturb them.

After looking into the diary, I went to the music room, where I finally met my friends. I was late for class and had to wait until the bell rang to tell what I had seen. But after the lesson, we did not find any of those who met me. The guys didn't believe me. And you?

Shulga Sasha. 5-A class.


There lived an ordinary boy. One day he was walking down the street. It was a wonderful sunny day, but suddenly the wind came up, the sky was covered with clouds. It became cold and gloomy.

Tatiana and Ivan

Illustrators: Kozlova D.,

Mayorova K., Tkachenkova V.

There lived a family. Mom, dad, three sons, and the youngest son Ivan was special. Most of all, the parents loved the youngest son. For this, the brothers disliked him and wanted to kill him. When mom and dad left, the brothers were left alone. Then they took sharp knives and wanted to kill Ivanushka. But then mom and dad had already arrived and kicked them out of the house. The brothers have nowhere to go, let's go to the forest. And they came across an old house. We entered the house. And there sits a witch with her cat. And she says:

Why did you come, really for dinner with me?

No, the brothers answered in unison. They thought and said: - They kicked us out of the house. We wanted to kill my brother, he is very strange.

Nothing, - said the witch, - I will help you if you help me.

How can you help us? the brothers ask.

I will bewitch your brother, and you will bring me daughter Tatiana to Tsar Nicholas.

The brothers agreed and set off on their journey. For ten years they traveled to Tsar Nicholas. And they do not know how to take Tatyana. They climbed over the big wall.

We reached the chambers of the princess. They tied her up and left. The way back was faster, it took the brothers five years. They got to the witch. And the brothers say:

We've done our part, now it's your turn.

Good, - said the witch, and began to conjure.

And the brothers ask: - Why do you need Tatyana?

I want to marry my son, - says the witch. She finished conjuring and says: “Come home, jump on your brother and he will become whatever you wish.” They returned home and see in front of them not a little boy, but already a groom. “Here they came, they didn’t get dusty!” the parents said.

Night fell, everyone fell asleep. The brothers got up, began to splash water on Ivan and say: “We want him to become a frog!” Witchcraft didn't work. "Liar witch!" said the middle brother. And they went back to the witch.

Are you a witch, you decided to deceive us, the potion does not work!

How does it not work? - the witch was surprised, - Well, let's go. When she was collecting the potion, the brothers asked: - Where is Tatyana?

He sits in the cellar, waiting for my son.

They entered the house and the witch began to conjure. It does not work. Ivanushka woke up, took her by the collar and over the threshold. He asks the brothers: "Where is Tatyana?" The brothers told Ivan where Tatyana was. Ivan followed her. He enters the witch's house, sees Tatyana tied up on a chair. He untied her, began to go out, and there the witch's son came in, and without a word pushed Ivan away and left with Tatyana. Ivan caught up with him, pulled out a sword and plunged it into the witch's son.

Soon Ivan and Tatyana played a wedding, lived and made good.