The most terrible medieval torture for girls. Torture with a sexual bias Torture of the genitals of men stories


( Minghui . org ) Until March 1, 2013, there were 3,649 confirmed deaths of Falun Gong practitioners due to persecution and torture in China. Because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses vast resources to cover up its crimes, the confirmed death toll is only a small fraction of the actual death toll, which is definitely much higher.

Of all practitioners' confirmed deaths, 53% are women.

In fact, tens of thousands of female practitioners are subjected to incredible abuse, including rape, forced abortion, imprisonment, physical torture, administration of unknown drugs, and even organ harvesting while they are still alive. And in addition to that, countless families have been broken up.

This article provides a detailed account of numerous cases of various types of sexual abuse and torture of women who practice Falun Gong.

We hope that readers will be able to understand the gravity of the situation and will do everything in their power to help stop these crimes.

Practicing Falun Gong is not a crime. Freedom of belief is a right guaranteed by the Chinese Constitution, but the Chinese Communist Party has been ruthlessly persecuting Falun Gong for nearly fourteen years. Who will you support in your heart? A peaceful spiritual practice that brings great benefits to millions of people around the world, or a cruel and corrupt regime that persecutes it?


Part A - Women who died as a result of torture

Wang Yuhuan: Several layers of her clothes were soaked with blood as she died from wounds caused by torture.
- Yu Xiuling was killed by being thrown from the fourth floor when she was barely breathing.
- Wu Jingxia was beaten to death on the third day after her detention.
- Shi Yongqing was sold by party officials and later raped and tortured to death.

Part B - Women who have been gang-raped

Rape is a common abuse of female Falun Gong practitioners.
- Government officials protect perpetrators who sexually abuse and rape female practitioners.

Part B - Other sexual abuse of female practitioners

Dalian Forced Labor Camp: Severe sexual abuse of female practitioners.
- Bullying practiced at the notoriously brutal Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.
- A young girl had a mop handle inserted into her genitals.
Chen Chenglan fainted after the torturers roughly stepped on her chest, and her nose and mouth bled profusely.

Part D - Women are given drugs that destroy the central nervous system

Guo Ming died in agony and loneliness after more than ten years of suffering in mental hospitals.
- In the Banqian Women's Forced Labor Camp in Tianjin, female practitioners are drugged.
- Song Huilan's right foot began to rot and then fell off as a result of being injected with harmful drugs.

Warning: some of the photos are hard to read

Part A - Women who died as a result of torture

Torture interrogation is a common method used by CCP agents in an attempt to force practitioners to succumb to pressure. More than 40 methods of torture are known to be used by agents of the regime, and a significant proportion of the victims are women and the elderly. This incredible cruelty resulted in the death or disability of many innocent people.

The CCP Uses Over 40 Torture Methods to Harass Falun Gong Practitioners

Wang Yuhuan: Several layers of clothing were soaked with blood as she died from wounds caused by torture

Wang Yuhuan, from Changchun City, Jilin Province, was arrested more than ten times and sent to forced labor camps nine times before she died.

After Gao Peng and Zhang Heng arrested Wang on March 11, 2002, they tied her up and stuffed her into the trunk of a car before taking her to the torture chamber the following evening. They tied her feet to the "tiger bench" ( torture method) and forced to sit upright with their hands tied behind their backs. Then, every five minutes, they subjected her to a torture called "big shake and press."

"Shake and press" - torture, during which the tormentors shake the victim's hands tied behind his back and pull in different directions, from which the bones of the victim come out of the joints, and this causes extreme pain.

They also lowered Wang's head as close to her legs as possible until she began to feel like her neck was about to break. At the same time, they pulled hard on her ankles, causing her unbearable pain. As a result of this torture, she trembled and lost consciousness many times.

Very quickly, Wang's hair and clothes were soaked with sweat, tears, and blood. Every time she lost consciousness, the torturers poured cold or boiling water over her to wake her up. The boiling water burned her already damaged skin.

Wang Yuhuan

After more than four hours of torture on the "tiger bench" and being burned with cigarettes, Wang fainted again because she couldn't stand cigarette smoke. The torturers poured cold water on her to wake her up and burned her eyes with cigarettes. Her two front teeth were knocked out, and her face was swollen and black and blue. She also lost hearing in both ears.

Wang was tied to the tiger bench three times in her 17 days of detention, and each round of torture was more brutal than the last. At one point, the police dressed Wang in a thick sweater and tight pants to prevent others from seeing her bloodied body, but her clothes were soaked with her blood. They put another layer of clothing on her, but soon she was also soaked in blood.

Although Wang's body was completely exhausted and she was on the verge of life and death after the incessant torture, the police sent her to the prison hospital for further persecution.

As soon as she arrived there, she was tied to a bed and injected with an unknown drug. After that, her legs became numb and her feet became cold. She was also subjected to sexual abuse.

After her release, Wang described how she and other female practitioners were stripped naked and tied to wooden boards for 26 days. All this time, the policemen, doctors and male prisoners constantly mocked them.

On May 9, 2007, Wang was arrested again and interrogated by agents from the Domestic Security Division that same night. When she was released, her entire body was covered with wounds, and her internal organs were severely damaged. She had difficulty swallowing and could not walk on her own. On September 24, 2007, she died at the age of 52.

Yu Xiuling was killed by being thrown from the fourth floor while she was still breathing

Yu Xiuling

Practitioner Yu Xiuling, 32, is from Chaoyang District, Liaoning Province. On September 14, 2011, she was arrested at home and taken to the Shijiazi Detention Center. A few days later, at 8:00 am on September 19, she was transferred to the Longcheng Police Station for interrogation.

After 13 hours of torture, Yu was barely breathing. To cover up their crimes, the police threw her off the fourth floor and cremated her body around midnight that same day.

Wu Jingxia was beaten to death on the third day of detention

Wu Jingxia with his son

Wu Jingxia, a practitioner from Weifang, Shandong Province, has been arrested, imprisoned, beaten and extorted numerous times. On January 17, 2002, she was arrested while distributing truth clarification materials.

The police took her to the Changyueyuan Police Station and handcuffed her to a radiator. The next day, she was transferred to the Kuiwen District Brainwashing Center, where she died on the third day of detention. She was only 29 years old.

When her family saw her body, it was covered in wounds. Wu's face was covered with a towel, but it was clear that blood had flowed from her mouth.

Wu's back was black and blue, and there was a long, red cut on his neck. When the relatives changed her clothes, they saw that the bone of her thigh was broken and the bone came out of the flesh.

Wu was a breastfeeding mother and was not allowed to express milk for three days while in detention, causing her breasts to swell. Seeing that her chest was swollen and it was already causing her pain, the police brutally shocked her with electric batons in the chest area.

After Wu's death, her family's phone was tapped and her family's freedom was restricted.

Shi Yongqing was sold by party officials and later raped and tortured to death

Shi Yongqing

Shi Yongqing, a peasant woman from Qizhou Town, Anguo City, Hebei Province, has been imprisoned many times for going to Beijing and appealing for Falun Gong. She became mentally deranged due to the torture she was subjected to in the Baoding Forced Labor Camp.

In order to avoid responsibility, Qizhou Township Party Secretary Cao sold Ms. Shi to Ding Village, Ding District, where she was abused and raped.

Shi later sued Cao for human trafficking, but she was sent to a forced labor camp. After being released from the camp, she was directly sent to the Zhuozhou Brainwashing Center, where she died as a result of torture on January 27, 2005, at the age of 35.

The local police station did not allow her relatives to perform an autopsy, and they were given 1,000 yuan to buy their silence. Her family were forced to bury her soon after. Her child was forced to drop out of school as there was no one else to take care of him. Her husband had a stroke as a result of stress and lost sight in one eye.

Part B - Women who have been gang-raped

In addition to physical torture, the CCP constantly and systematically uses rape as a way to humiliate and inflict psychological harm on female practitioners.

Illustration of torture method: Sexual abuse of female practitioners

Rape is a common abuse of female Falun Gong practitioners

At the notoriously brutal Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, camp staff threw 18 female practitioners into the men's cells and incited the inmates to rape the women, resulting in death, disability, and psychological instability for the victims.

Jiang, an unmarried woman, became mentally deranged after being gang raped and gave birth to a child after being released. Now the child is over 10 years old.

In May 2001, Wanjia Forced Labor Camp in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province placed more than 50 female practitioners in male cells and incited the male inmates to sexually abuse and rape them.

The following month, Tan Guanghui, from Bin County, Heilongjiang Province, was placed in a men's cell, where three men raped her. Later, a guard raped her again at Wanjia Hospital. She was also forced to take unknown drugs, which caused her to become mentally deranged.

In the Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison, female practitioners, including Huang Xin, were stripped of their clothes and thrown into the men's cells, and incited male prisoners on death row to rape them.

The Guangdong Provincial Forced Labor Camp threatened female practitioners that they would be raped by male inmates if they did not renounce their belief in Falun Gong.

In October 1999, officers from the Fuyu County Detention Center in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province, stripped a practitioner naked and placed her in a male cell, where she was gang-raped by male inmates.

In July 2001, agents from Xingtai Police Station and Qiaodong Police Station in Hebei Province handcuffed the hands and feet of female practitioners and raped them in a police car while being taken to a detention center. One of the policemen boasted that he had raped three Falun Gong practitioners.

Government officials protect persecutors who abuse and rape female practitioners as well

The CCP not only encourages the persecutors to sexually abuse female practitioners, but also negotiates and protects the persecutors. These persecutors are police officers, 610 Office agents, and people who are incited by the police.

On the evening of May 13, 2003, a senior student named Wei Xingyan from Chongqing was raped at the Baihelin Detention Center in Shapingba in front of two women inmates. After that, at least ten practitioners were sentenced to 5 to 14 years in prison for exposing this "state secret" about this police rape. Ten years later, Wei's whereabouts remain unknown.

On March 17, 2000, two practitioners from Xinjin District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, one of whom was a college student, were gang-raped at the Wuhou District Government Office in Chengdu City, Beijing. Wang Tao and two other police officers were involved in the rape.

In February 2001, Zou Jin, 70, from Changsha City, Hunan Province, was raped at the First Detention Center in Changsha City by a group of police officers from the Jingwanzi Precinct run by Lei Zhen. She was later sentenced to nine years in prison and is currently dead.

In 2002, Hu Qun, head of the Zhengding District 610 Office, Hebei Province, along with two other agents, raped three unmarried female practitioners, one of whom was named Yu, at the Guohao Hotel.

Gao Fei, head of the Zhuozhou City 610 Office and director of the Nanma Brainwashing Center in Hebei Province, raped several female inmates at the brainwashing center. He also tried to stop the victims from exposing his actions.

In April 2004, Chen Danxia from Xianyu District, Fujian Province, was beaten and raped by perpetrators who were instigated by the police. She became pregnant and had to have an abortion. Because of this injury, she became mentally unstable. Her mother, who also practiced Falun Gong, died as a result of the persecution, and her younger sister, also a practitioner, was imprisoned for six years.

While detained at the Changzhi Psychiatric Hospital in Shanxi Province, 19-year-old Xiao Yi was gang-raped 14 times over the course of three nights. Her chest and lower body were covered in scars from cigarette burns. After being severely tortured, she was unable to move.

In the summer of 2002, a 9-year-old girl (an orphan daughter of a practitioner) was raped by three men at the Changping Psychiatric Hospital in Beijing. Her screams and cries were heartbreaking.

Part B - Other sexual abuse of female practitioners

The cases of sexual abuse of female practitioners that have taken place all over China are too many to count. Below are just a few examples.

Female Practitioners Are Constantly Shocked With Electric Batons In The Breasts And Private Parts

Dalian Forced Labor Camp: Inhuman sexual abuse of female practitioners

In order to force several hundred imprisoned female practitioners to renounce their belief in Falun Gong, officers from the Dalian Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province inflicted extremely inhuman sexual abuse on them, causing irreparable physical and mental harm to the victims.

Chang Xuexia was stripped naked and severely beaten. The group of persecutors, following the instructions of guard Wan Yalin, pinched Chang's nipples and hair on her genitals, and inserted a toothbrush into her genitals. Seeing that there was no bleeding, they took out a larger brush and inserted it into the genitals.

Wang Lijun was tortured three times with a thick rope they rubbed against her genitals. The persecutors also used a broken wooden stick, which was inserted with a sharp end into her vagina, which caused bleeding in the genital area, and they also became very swollen. She couldn't put on trousers, and she couldn't sit. It was very difficult for her to urinate.

Torture demonstration: Shoe brush inserted into genitals

Fu Shuying was tied to the bed with her arms and legs outstretched and kept in that position for more than an hour. During this time, the pursuers inserted a stick into the genitals, from which they became inflamed and infected. They also used a toothbrush, causing her to bleed profusely. Then they poured a hot pepper solution into the vagina.

Zhong Shujuan was tortured by inserting a toilet brush into her genitals, causing him to bleed.

Sun Yan was stabbed in her genitals, which caused profuse bleeding. She was then forced to stand at attention, and her blood spilled onto the floor. After this torture, she could not walk normally.

Qu Xiumei was hung up for five consecutive days. The persecutors poured an aqueous solution of hot pepper into her genitals and rubbed it with a rag, as a result of which she could not lie down to sleep for more than three months.

Man Chunrong poured hot sauce into her genitals.

These shocking methods of torture are beyond the imagination of any normal person, and even the behavior of the most brutal thugs from the street cannot be compared to this. However, the guards involved shamelessly stated that they were only following orders from superiors in "transforming" practitioners.

- Bullying at the notoriously brutal Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

The guards at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Liaoning Province not only put female practitioners in the men's cells to be raped, but also forced them to strip in front of the cameras to further humiliate them. The guards also forced the women to stand naked outside in the snow to freeze them. The persecutors even inserted electric batons into the women's genitals and shocked them.

In early 2003, Guo Teying and several other guards shocked Wang Yunjie's chest with two electric batons at the same time for several hours without stopping. As a result, Wang's breast tissues were completely torn apart.

The next day, the guards crossed Wang's legs and tied her head with a rope to her legs so tightly that she looked like a ball. They then handcuffed her hands behind her back and hung her by the handcuffs for seven consecutive hours. After that, she could not sit, stand, or walk.

In November 2003, the guards found out that Wang only had a few weeks left to live, so they told her relatives to come and pick her up. After being released, her breasts continued to fester more and more. She died in July 2006.

Wang Yunjie's chest rots due to electric shocks

Xin Suhua from Benxi was kicked on her private parts many times, causing her to fall into a coma.

- A young girl was inserted into the genitals of a handle from a mop

On June 26, 2010, Hu Miaomiao from Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province was detained in the First Division of the Hebei Province Women's Forced Labor Camp. Guard Wang Weiwei and the inmates forced her to stand for long periods of time and beat her severely.

They inserted a mop handle and their fingers into their genitals. Even after three months, her wounds have not yet healed. She could no longer stand upright and move around. This young woman was in unbearable pain.

Chen Chenglan passed out after the persecutors roughly stepped on her chest, and her nose and mouth bled profusely

In 2000, Chen Chenglan from Laishui County, Hebei Province went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was illegally arrested and sent to the party school, where Laishui Township head Liu Zhenfu pushed her to the floor while beating her, and then violently stepped on Chen Chenglan's chest.

Chen immediately bled from her mouth and nose and lost consciousness. Her breasts swelled up and then turned black and blue.

The Chaoyang Second Detention Center in Beijing used the same torture on some female practitioners, whose names are unknown. The persecutors placed a wooden board on the stomach of the victims, and four people jumped or stepped on it with force. As a result, the internal organs of the victims were severely damaged, and blood and urine came out of their bodies.

Another practitioner was stripped naked and tied to a cross. She was forced to defecate in a tied position.

Picture: Several people stand on a woman's stomach

At the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labor Camp in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, one practitioner refused to scold Master Li Hongzhi. For this, she was stripped naked and hung from a metal window frame. The persecutors grabbed her chest and pulled her with all their might. As a result of this torture, blood came out of the nipples of her breasts.

Mu Chunyang and another policeman named Pan from Zhuguo Township, Pingdu City, Shandong Province, stripped female practitioners naked and used a poker as a hook, inserting it into the victims' genitals while striking their chests. They also burned their faces with red-hot pokers.

A 29-year-old college teacher from Xinjiang Autonomous Region had her hands cuffed behind her back, and then wires were attached to her breast nipples and an electric current was passed through them.

Part D - Women are given drugs that destroy the central nervous system

In addition to arrests, brutal torture, and sexual abuse, CCP agents also poison persistent practitioners, causing them unbearable pain, mental illness, and disability.

- Guo Ming died in pain and loneliness after more than a decade of suffering in mental hospitals

Before her arrest, Guo Min worked at the Sima Township Tax Bureau Branch in Laishui County, Hubei Province. Because of her refusal to give up her belief in Falun Gong, she was admitted to the Kangtai Psychiatric Hospital in Huangguan City in 2000 and transferred to the Red Cross Psychiatric Hospital two years later.

More than eight years of detention in the second hospital caused great harm to her physical and psychological health.

Due to harmful drugs and psychological torture, her menstrual period stopped for six years, and her belly swelled to the size of a nine-month pregnancy. In July 2010, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer.

The members of Guo's family, deceived by the CCP's lies, were afraid of being persecuted and therefore feared to demand her release for many years. Guo died on August 4, 2011, at the age of 38, with no one around her.

During her last days in the hospital, Guo was incontinent and no one took care of her.

In the Banqian Women's Forced Labor Camp in Tianjin, female practitioners are poisoned with drugs

The guards threatened the staunch practitioners, saying that they would be tortured and made mentally deranged if they refused to "transform". They secretly mixed food, drink, and drips with unknown drugs that destroyed practitioners' central nervous system.

Many practitioners had difficulty reacting to what was happening, losing their eyesight, feeling in their arms and legs, their blood pressure increased, heart pains appeared, or they became completely mentally abnormal.

Zhao Dewen from Beichen District in Tianjin was forced to take unknown drugs and suffered a stroke. She died in the camp on June 3, 2003.

At the end of 2000, Zhou Xuezhen from Beichen District was arrested at her home. During her detention in the forced labor camp, she was locked up in a pigsty, where she was badly bitten by mosquitoes. As a result of this torture, she lost consciousness.

She was also kept in solitary confinement and forced to take unknown drugs. The guards only released her when she became mentally disturbed.

Zhao Binghong worked at the Dagang oil field in Tianjin. She became mentally deranged after being tortured in a forced labor camp. Despite her condition, the guards often incited incarcerated criminals and drug addicts to beat her, causing her entire body to turn black and blue. She was released only after the end of her sentence.

On November 14, 2008, Chen Yumei from Dagang District in Tianjin was arrested. She was chained to a bed with her legs and arms sprained on both sides for more than two years. She was also forcibly injected with unknown drugs.

The guards even intentionally pumped air into Chen's body to make her die faster. She was released only after she became mentally deranged.

Torture Demonstration: "Dead Man's Bed"

Bai Hong used to work at Quanyechang Health Clinic in Heping District, Tianjin City. After she was imprisoned in a forced labor camp in the winter of 2002, the persecutors' collaborators severely beat her, then stripped her naked and locked her up in a pigsty.

Bai went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. So the persecutors tied her to the bed. They also forced her to lie naked on a cement slab. On another occasion, the persecutors threatened her that they would leave her with the dogs. As a result of this persecution, Bai became mentally deranged.

Wang Jingxiang was mentally and physically tortured in the forced labor camp. The guards mixed unknown drugs into her food. Wang became mentally deranged and temporarily lost her memory.

Mu Xiangjie is a practitioner from Tianjin City. She was tortured and injected with unknown drugs. For a period of time, she became mentally deranged and found it difficult to control her thoughts.

Wang Yuling from Dagang District. Due to the unknown drugs she was given, she temporarily lost sight in both eyes and could not feel her lower body. When the persecutors dragged Wang across the floor, she didn't even know that her shoes had come off.

Ma Zezhen from Wuqing in Tianjin. She was a very healthy person when she was first sent to the forced labor camp. In 2001, the guards incited the inmates to forcefully give her twice a day unknown drugs.

Each time, several people pressed it and pinched their nose to pour the drugs into their mouths. They did this for two years, which caused Ma's health to deteriorate greatly. She could barely move.

Song Huilan's right foot began to rot and then fell off after being injected with poisonous drugs.

Ms. Song Huilan from Xinhua Farm, Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province, has been persecuted numerous times. In December 2010, she was arrested by officers from the Hengtoushan Police Station, Huachuan District, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. When Song was held in the Tangyuan District Detention Center, she was injected with unknown drugs. Soon her mind became sluggish and it was difficult for her to control the movements of her body. Her right leg turned black and began to rot. Sun also felt intense discomfort in her heart.

Song Huilan's right foot fell off

On February 23, 2011, the head of the detention center, Yan Yong, brought in several people who pinned her to the bed and handcuffed her. They quickly injected her with a whole bottle of an unknown drug using a drip. The woman immediately felt discomfort and began to roll on the floor. Song also couldn't walk.

After that, Sun lost sensation in her legs below the knees. Her body and tongue became numb and she could not walk. Song suffered from incontinence and grew weaker and weaker. Her consciousness was retarded.

In the first hours after midnight on February 28, she felt severe pain in the region of her heart and could not bear it. When the detention center doctor saw her the next day, he said that her right leg had been completely destroyed. At that time, there were large purple blisters on her right leg.

After she was released, Sun could not walk or bend her arms or legs. She lost sensation in her body. Her right foot and all her toes were black, and blood was oozing from her foot. Even touching the foot caused severe pain.

Song's right leg was deteriorating day by day. Even with a slight movement, liquid with blood began to come out of the right foot.

Her daughter and older sister took care of Sun day and night. In addition to severe pain in her right leg, she also experienced severe pain in her heart. Every second she experienced unbearable pain. On May 25, 2011, her right foot fell off her leg.

(To be continued)

There is no doubt that the most sensitive places of the human body are the genitals, their rich innervation is due to the need to produce an orgasm, which enhances the procreation reflex. All this was provided by nature even in animals. In humans, all these reflexes were reinforced by a feeling of love. Isn't it strange that those parts of the body that were supposed to give joy from intimacy with a loved one, in someone's perverted brain, began to be used for savage torture. Most likely, the first step on this terrible path was the invention of this kind of torture for men. We can be convinced of this by the drawings of Ancient Egypt and Assyria, where we see incisions on the penis, squeezing the scrotum, cauterization with a torch. However, the sources of those times did not convey to us such torture of women. Therefore, we begin the story with the torture of men. The simplest and most effective method was a simple beating. It is widespread throughout the world and in our time. So in ancient Greece, the introduction of a thorny branch into the urethra of interrogated people is described. Speaking about the emperor Domitian, Suetonius in "The Life of 12 Caesars" writes - "he added one more to many tortures that existed hitherto - he burned people's shameful members with fire." His predecessor Tiberius was no better, whose fierce suspicion became legendary - "intentionally having drunk people with pure wine, then they suddenly bandaged their members and they were exhausted from urinary retention and cutting bandaging."

We have already talked about the breast press, which was used to torture the unfortunate captives. For men, a similar device was made, with which the testicles were slowly crushed. Few people could endure this torture. In one of the inquisitors' manuals, it was said that "with the help of the press in the genital area, you can force a man to confess to any crime." There was a more sophisticated device, nicknamed the "goat", it was a log hewn with a wedge with a perpendicular stand attached to it. The accused was seated astride this projectile, pulled to a vertical stand, so that he leaned on the sloping seat with his groin. The latter was made like a vise, its halves were moved apart, so that the intimate parts of the interrogated person fell there, and then began to slowly move.

I was talking about the "Witch Chair", the executioners invented a special version of it for men when they were seated on the seat, where the spikes were fixed in such a way that they pierced the scrotum and penis. Often during interrogation, the executioner simply pressed on the intimate organs of the tortured, stringing them on spikes, trying to achieve a confession.

Just like women, men crushed and cauterized their nipples, hung loads from them. I will not talk about such devices as the "crocodile" and the toothed crusher, specially invented by the executioners of the Inquisition to torture men.

In Stalin's dungeons, torture "to put pressure on the balls" was popular. The man was undressed below the waist, the guards pressed his arms and legs to the floor, spreading them apart, and the investigator with the toe of his boot (or an elegant shoe) pressed on the scrotum, increasing the pressure until the person confessed to everything. Ex-Minister of State Security A. Abakumov, testifying, said "no one could stand this, it was only necessary not to go too far, otherwise it would be difficult to bring to trial later."

The German Gestapo liked to inject acid through a catheter into the bladder of the accused, causing severe pain. In our time, this method has been adopted by the Italian mafia and Arab terrorists.

It was popular and has remained to this day hanging the interrogated by the intimate organs or jerking the rope attached to them. As one of the witnesses against South Africa, heard by the International Tribunal in 1980, described: "... once Major Haas and Lieutenant Stevens tied a copper wire to my genitals, they tied the other end to the doorknob. Stevens lit a blowtorch and held it to my face , I moved away, the wire was taut and I lost consciousness. They poured water over me and everything was repeated several times. Haaz was saying something to me, but I was screaming in pain so much that I didn’t hear anything. "

Knowing perfectly well the most tender places of a woman - her breasts and crotch, the executioners invented more and more new ways to inflict as much suffering on their victim as possible. So there was torture with the phallus or "member of Satan." It was rough, often deliberately studded with sharp edges, spikes or petals, making it look like a bump. The name "member of Satan" came from the medieval superstition of priests that the devil's penis is scaly and causes severe pain during an act of love. So the executioners with force drove this object into the interrogated woman's vagina, roughly jerked it back and forth, twisted it, this brutal instrument, especially if it was dotted with scales that did not allow it to be easily pulled back, tore the walls of the unfortunate vagina to shreds. The sexual organs of the accused were cauterized with fire, doused with boiling water, as it was said in "exposure to heat and cold." At all times, they liked to burn the nipples of those being interrogated with red-hot iron or fire. Terrible pain forced most people to confess. In the Sudebnik of 1456 it was said, "flog a woman without work, her boobs need to be baked red-hot, then she will tell everything." Like men, women were beaten in the groin, and in Latin American countries, the favorite method of the police is kicking a woman in the lower abdomen.

Top 10 weirdest cases of male genital mutilation:

1The performance artist who nailed his testicles to Red Square (Russia)

In November 2013, Pyotr Pavlensky, a 29-year-old performance artist from Russia, nailed his scrotum to the cobblestones of Red Square near Lenin's Mausoleum to protest the Kremlin's crackdown on political activists.

After the incident, Pavlensky received medical treatment at the hospital and was then taken to the police station.

This is not the first time Pavlensky has resorted to such dramatic methods of protest. Before that, he sewed his lips shut to protest the jailing of two members of the punk band Pussy Riot, who staged a 2011 rally at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior against the Kremlin's actions. He was also arrested for standing naked, wrapped in barbed wire outside a government building in St. Petersburg.

Source 2The Lonely Man Who Cut Off His Penis Because He Didn't Need It (China)

In October 2013, Yang Hu, a 26-year-old single man from China, decided to cut off his reproductive organ because he did not see any benefit in it.

Mr. Hu (not pictured) suffered from progressive depression due to the fact that since he moved to the city, he could not find a girlfriend. Even worse, he worked so long shifts at a clothing factory in Jiaxing, eastern China, that he began to doubt that he would ever meet a woman.

The depression became so deep that he decided to cut off his penis, as "there was no use for it", believing that this would make him forget that he needed a girlfriend. However, after he felt hellish pain, he decided to ride a bicycle to the hospital, where he would be helped.

When he arrived at the hospital, the doctors said they couldn't save his manhood and told him to go back home and bring his penis before he could be treated.

Unfortunately, when Mr. Hu returned to the hospital with his penis cut off, the doctors said that the organ had been without blood for so long that it could not be reattached.

The main question is why the doctors did not provide the man with an ambulance. By car, he could get home faster and his penis could be saved.

3The man who tore off his penis after taking hallucinogenic mushrooms

In June 2013, an unnamed 41-year-old from Columbus, Ohio, ripped off his penis while drugged from taking "magic" mushrooms.

The man was insane when he was found naked, covered in blood and screaming outside Ypsilanti Middle School in Michigan with parts of his penis lying on the ground, police said. Everything indicated that the man tore off his penis with his own hands.

Apparently, the man broke the window at the school, because of which the alarm went off, and the police went to the scene of the incident.

The police took the man to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. He later told investigators that he had visited friends in Ypsilanti and had taken hallucinogenic mushrooms, but that he did not actually remember what happened after that.

Despite the fact that the event was covered with pleasure in the media, what then happened to the man and his body was not reported.

Source 4The Portugal model who castrated his lover with a corkscrew

In January 2012, 23-year-old Renato Seabra (Renato Seabra) from Portugal, who previously worked as a model, beat his 65-year-old lover Carlos Castro to death and then chopped off his testicles with a corkscrew in their room in New York. York.

Castro, a well-known TV presenter and writer in Portugal, decided to part ways with the model and said he would no longer pay for Seabra's chic lifestyle. In his hearts, the model kicked his lover on the head, stabbed him in the face and smelled like a corkscrew, and to top it all, he smashed the monitor on his head. Seabra then castrated Castro with a corkscrew, made incisions on his wrists, and hung his former lover's scrotum from them. He showered, changed, took $1,600 from Castro's wallet, and hung a "do not disturb" sign on the door of his room before heading to the hospital. The day after the murder, Seabra confessed to his crime.

According to Seabra's lawyers, their client killed Castro due to hallucinations that led the former model to believe that he had received a task from God - to rid Castro of homosexuality.

In December 2012, Seabra was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison.

Source 5Drunk man tried to rape a raccoon and got his penis bitten off (Russia)

In January 2009, Alexander Kirillov, a 44-year-old man from Russia, was drinking with his friends over the weekend when he had the idea of ​​raping a raccoon in front of his friends. You probably guessed what happened next. The animal was frightened and tried to defend itself by biting Kirillov's penis.

The man was taken to a hospital in Moscow, where plastic surgeons tried unsuccessfully to repair his mangled organ.

Source 6Former politician whose penis had to be amputated after overdosing on Viagra (Colombia)

In September 2013, Gentil Ramírez Polanía, a 66-year-old Colombian former politician, had his penis amputated after he overdosed on Viagra to impress his girlfriend.

After the erection lasted several days, gangrene began to develop in his penis and he had to go to the hospital due to unbearable pain.

When he sought medical attention, the doctors told him that the only option was amputation, which would prevent the inflammation and gangrene from spreading to other parts of his body.

Source 7Peruvian Man Lost His Penis Due to Improper Penis Implant Surgery (USA)

In 2007, Enrique Milla, a 65-year-old man from Peru, lost his penis as a result of post-operative inflammation.

Milla decided to lie down on the operating table to have an implant inserted into his penis, due to the fact that he was suffering from erectile dysfunction, but the doctors erroneously gave the go-ahead for the operation - the patient suffered from high blood pressure and diabetes, which is a contraindication for this procedure.

Two weeks after the operation, Milla developed an infection that eventually developed into gangrene. To save his life, his penis had to be amputated.

The lawyer of the doctors accused Milla of improperly caring for the organ after the procedure. According to the lawyer, Milla could have caught the infection by having sex shortly after the operation, which led to the infection.

8 British Airways pilot's penis injured during surgery (UK)

In December 1994, James Williams (not pictured), a 38-year-old UK airline pilot, suffered genital mutilations during surgery.

It was a reverse circumcision operation - Mr. Williams' scrotum was to be grafted onto his penis, but this time the skin was grafted from his thigh.

Due to the fact that the implantation was carried out incorrectly, gangrene developed in the penis, and in two years it took five operations to restore the pilot's penis.

British Airways have revoked Williams' pilot's license due to his mental state. He was left to work in the company as an authorized executive body in the field of civil aviation.

As expected, Williams sued the surgeon for £3 million in damages. In 1998, the former pilot agreed to a pre-trial settlement of 800,000 pounds.

Source 9The woman who cut off part of her former lover's penis so he couldn't leave for other women (Australia)

In February 2011, Jian Chen, a 48-year-old Chinese woman living in Australia, chopped off her ex-partner's penis and stabbed him in the neck to prevent him from being with other women.

The Courier Mail reports that the man died of his wounds, including stab wounds to his leg and jaw, at Royal North Shore Hospital.

Xian Peng, 48, reportedly returned to Australia from China to see his ex-wife Jian Chen.

In August 2012, Chen was sentenced to the minimum term of 3 years and 9 months after she pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

According to Chen, she suffered from a "significant mental disorder" due to a mental disorder. Chen also believed that her husband was going to sleep with rich women and receive money from them, so she decided to destroy "his weapons" and prevent other women and unborn children from harming.

Source 10The college student who nailed his scrotum as punishment after losing a computer duel (USA)

In November 2013, Nathan Bells, a 20-year-old student, was playing soccer on an Xbox with his friend Saber Da Silva.

Everything was going quite well. The most interesting began later. As a "punishment" for losing the game, Bells had to pierce his scrotum with a stapler while his classmates filmed everything on video and then posted it on the school's website. Bells took out his genitals and pierced part of his scrotum. Then a friend with a stapler completed the “job” with a single push.

Naturally, the painful "trick" was filmed on video.

If memory serves us, Einstein once said: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the infinity of the universe."

One of the few authors who described the cruel, sometimes reaching outright atrocities, torture of savages was J.R. Scott. In his book entitled "The History of Torture", he described a gradual transition from cult-religious trials of young men ready to enter the period of maturity to outright mockery of enemies.

Let's start with the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Celts and other ancient tribes who perceived torture exclusively as gods. Because of their closeness to nature, they did not even notice the torment of the captive. Since, for example, they were quite cruel, it was considered normal, for example, to tear out a heart for them from the chest of a living person, having previously pierced it with arrows. Such tortures were distinguished by rudeness and uninventiveness, unlike the same Eastern tortures, but the savages did not feel the need for more sophisticated, psychologically thought-out torments of the former enemy - the current slave. He had to be killed in a certain way once and for all by religion. That's all the savages needed at first.

One of such tortures of the later Peruvian tribes (anti) is described by Picard: only captives with a high social status were sacrificed, ordinary warriors were killed immediately. The victim was stripped naked, tied to a pole, and they began to chop off or cut off the protruding and simply fleshy parts of the body with sharply sharpened flint knives. The members of the tribe moistened their fingers with the blood of the enemy and applied it to their bodies. Nursing mothers also smeared her nipples with it so that newborns could also receive their share of strength and power. This, by the way, is already more like, which are still considered the most ferocious of all.

The indifference of primitive tribes and savages to death, suffering and bloodshed arose from observing the life of wildlife that boiled next to them, where the hunting and survival of some creatures at the expense of others were quite commonplace. It was this attitude that later helped them to endure stoically torment, although more often savages preferred to die during a military raid than fall into the hands of the enemy, it was so humiliating for them.

In any case, the boys were prepared for the worst in advance, believing that self-torture would temper their body and spirit. As an example, let's take a rite of passage adopted in one of the Indian tribes of Guyana.

Here is what Brett writes about him: “Fantastically painted boys and young men lined up face to face in two rows. In their hands they held in their hands a maquarri (a whip over 3 feet long, with which severe injuries are inflicted), from which the name of the dance that they were to portray derives its name. The legs of the young members of the tribe were already bleeding. Dancing, they began to brandish these terrible whips, making sounds in turn, similar to bird cries. Near the dancers, men split in pairs and whipped each other's legs. The one whose turn was suitable for the next "portion" stood on one leg, the other obediently stretched forward. His partner, bending down, carefully aimed and in a jump that added a blow of power, inflicted a severe wound on him.

Probably from here - at least partially - originates. As, by the way, circumcision, which was also practiced by the natives (though not in Israel, but in Australia, Borneo, Polynesia, etc.). Moreover, in some cases, it even looked savage from the outside: the same Bushmen cut a teenager’s penis with a sharp knife or flint so that the urethra was opened, from the scrotum to the very head, expanding it with their fingers without any anesthesia. The procedure was called "mika". There was also female circumcision - however, already far from this area, in East Africa and Abyssinia, where girls who had reached puberty were removed with a blunt knife the clitoris, small and large labia.

But in other parts of the world, mutilation of the genitals was among the torture-punishments of the natives. Based on the records of Czekanowski, the Azande (aka side, bazenda or nyamnyam) punished adultery by amputation not only of the hands, but also of the primary sexual characteristics - to both spouses.

The Amazonian Indians, moving away from the genitals, came up with an initiation that was perhaps the worst. Two “cylinders” made of tree bark, plugged with something like a cork, were put on the hands of the young men. They required carefully and slowly going around all the members of the tribe, stopping in front of each dwelling and performing a short dance. Everything would be fine, but only before the start of the test, all painfully stinging insects in the area were driven into the cylinders, which they could only find: ants, wasps, hornets and other biters. As a result, "torture with poisonous mittens" became a real nightmare, and the hands after it did not heal for a very long time. By the way, if you want to know real estate in egypt hurghada prices online - feel free to follow the link earlier.

"Punitive" torture, however, was by no means more mild. In the Sandwich (Hawaiian) Islands, victims sentenced to death were beaten with clubs or strangled with a noose. Other criminals who were not condemned to death were simply injured ... But what! .. This is how Arago describes it: “Two members of the tribe held the guilty by the hands, two more by the legs, and the fifth by the hair, while delivered a sharp blow to each eye of the criminal, almost simultaneously sticking his index finger into the lacrimal sac and removing the eyeball from there. Perhaps, even in the Middle Ages, in comparison with this, it can be considered a less severe punishment.

In general, we can only enjoy our existence in a later time - and in a more civilized world. After all of the above, flowers will even appear.

In the Middle Ages, the church played a key role in politics and public life. Against the backdrop of the flourishing of architecture and scientific technology, the Inquisition and church courts persecuted dissidents and used torture. Denunciations and executions were massive. Women were especially helpless and powerless. Therefore, today we will tell you about the most terrible medieval torture for girls.

Their life was not like the fairy-tale world of chivalric novels. Girls were more often accused of witchcraft and, under torture, confessed to acts they did not commit. Sophisticated corporal punishment strikes with savagery, cruelty and inhumanity. The woman has always been guilty: for infertility and a large number of children, for an illegitimate child and various bodily defects, for healing and violation of biblical rules. Public corporal punishment was used to obtain information and intimidate the population.

The most terrible torture of women in the history of mankind

Most of the instruments of torture were mechanized. The victim experienced terrible pain and died from his injuries. The authors of all the terrible tools knew the structure of the human body quite well, each method brought unbearable suffering. Although, of course, these instruments were applied not only to females, but they suffered more than others.

Pear of suffering

The mechanism was a metal pear, divided into several segments. There was a screw in the middle of the pear. The device was inserted into the guilty woman's mouth, vaginal or anus. The screw mechanism opened the segments of the pear. As a result, internal organs were damaged: the vagina, cervix, intestines, pharynx. A very terrible death.

The injuries caused by the device were incompatible with life. Usually torture was applied to girls who were accused of being in touch with the devil. At the sight of such a tool, the defendants confessed to cohabitation with the devil, the use of the blood of babies in magical rituals. But confessions did not save the poor girls. They still died in the flames of the fire.

Witch chair (Spanish chair)

Applied to girls convicted of witchcraft. The suspect was restrained with belts and handcuffs on an iron chair, in which the seat, back, and sides were covered with spikes. The man did not die immediately from blood loss, the spikes slowly pierced the body. The cruel suffering did not end there, hot coals were placed under the chair.

History has preserved the fact that at the end of the 17th century, a woman from Austria, accused of witchcraft, spent eleven days in agony on such an armchair, but died without confessing to the crime.


A special device for prolonged torture. The "throne" was a wooden chair with holes in the back. The legs of the woman were fixed in the holes, and the head was lowered down. An uncomfortable position caused suffering: the blood rushed to the head, the muscles of the neck and back were stretched. But there were no signs of torture on the body of the suspect.

A rather harmless weapon, reminiscent of a modern vise, delivered pain, broke bones, but did not lead to the death of the interrogated person.


The woman was placed in an iron device, which allowed her to be fixed in a position with her legs pulled to her stomach. This posture caused muscle spasms. Prolonged pain, convulsions slowly drove me crazy. Additionally, the victim could be tortured with a red-hot iron.

Shoes with spikes under the heel

Torture shoes were fixed on the leg with shackles. With the help of a special device, spikes were screwed into the heel. For some time, the victim could stand on his toes to relieve pain and prevent the spikes from penetrating deeply. But it is impossible to stand in this position for a long time. The poor sinner was in severe pain, blood loss, sepsis.

"Vigil" (insomnia torture)

For this purpose, a special chair was created with a seat in the shape of a pyramid. The girl was seated on the seat, she could not sleep or relax. But the inquisitors have found a more effective way to gain recognition. The bound suspect was seated in such a position that the top of the pyramid penetrated the vagina.

The torture lasted for hours, the unconscious woman was brought to her senses and again returned to the pyramid, which tore her body and injured her genitals. To increase the pain, heavy objects were tied to the legs of the victim, hot iron was applied.

Witch goats (Spanish donkey)

A naked sinner was seated on a wooden block of a pyramidal shape, to enhance the effect, a load was tied to her legs. The torture hurt, but unlike the previous one, it did not tear the woman's genitals.

water torture

This method of interrogation was considered humane, although it often led to the death of the suspect. A funnel was inserted into the girl's mouth, and a large amount of water was poured. Then they jumped on the unfortunate woman, which could cause a rupture of the stomach and intestines. Boiling water, molten metal could be poured through a funnel. Often, ants and other insects were launched into the mouth or vagina of the victim. Even an innocent girl confessed to any sins in order to avoid a terrible fate.


The torture device looks like a chest piece. Hot metal was placed on the girl's chest. After interrogation, if the suspect did not die from pain shock and did not confess to a crime against faith, charred flesh remained instead of the chest.

The device, made in the form of metal hooks, was often used to interrogate girls caught in witchcraft or manifestations of lust. Such a tool could punish a woman who cheated on her husband and gave birth out of wedlock. A very harsh measure.

Witch Bathing

The inquiry was carried out in the cold season. The sinner was seated in a special chair and tied tightly. If the woman did not repent, dipping was done until she suffocated under water or froze.

Were there tortures of women in the Middle Ages in Rus'?

In medieval Rus' there was no persecution of witches and heretics. Women were not subjected to such sophisticated torture, but for murders and state crimes they could be buried up to their necks in the ground, punished with a whip so that the skin was torn to shreds.

Well, that's probably enough for today. We think that now you understand how terrible medieval tortures were for girls, and now it is unlikely that any of the fair sex will want to go back to the Middle Ages to the valiant knights.