How long should a newborn sleep. From a month to a year. Day and night sleep: norms, periods and duration.

In a newborn baby, sleep takes up most of his life, especially in the initial months after birth. Good rest allows the baby to quickly adapt to the world around him, so the task of parents is to organize comfortable and cozy conditions for the child’s sleep, but how much your baby will sleep depends on his individual biological rhythm.

Your baby sleeps a lot: what is still normal?

This is how the offspring learns that even the stages without mom and dad are quite normal and, above all, parents are always faithful reliably. For newborns, the beginning of life is filled with excitement, excitement and first experiences. Because little ones need a lot of sleep too. Parents usually feel that their child will sleep all day.

Children need plenty of sleep per day to be healthy. This disgrace is completely misplaced. In particular, for the first time, parents should address all questions to professionals. Because they can only learn. In principle, each child is different, and also sleeps differently. However, parents should take care of regular habits in order to get normal sleep as soon as possible.

How much sleep does a newborn need?

Each baby creates his own schedule of sleep and wakefulness, so you do not need to strictly follow the proposed recommendations and change the crumbs regimen on your own. On average, a newborn should sleep 16-17 hours a day, starting from three weeks of life, the amount of time allotted for sleep decreases to 15 hours, and over the first three years it gradually comes to the norm of an adult - 8-9 hours.

In fact, you have to sleep with many babies first. Surprisingly, babies have a certain rhythm between sleep and wakefulness, like an embryo in the womb. This will continue shortly after birth. First, newborns learn to navigate day and night and learn different fixed meal times.

Many children are awake every 2-3 hours, so they spread throughout the day. Unfortunately, wax phases are also applied at night. Especially in the first months and weeks, moms and dads need a lot of energy to get together with babies during the night.

At first, the periods of sleep and wakefulness will be mixed, that is, the baby will sleep for 3-4 hours, with breaks for feeding. In the first half of the year, babies often confuse day with night, which causes a lot of anxiety for parents. To prevent this phenomenon, try to constantly offer the baby active games during the daytime, communicate with him, play. And, on the contrary, create a peaceful atmosphere at night - dim the lights, eliminate extraneous sounds. During the sleep of the child, rest with him, this will help save strength and nerves for night festivities. The change of modes occurs gradually, soon the child himself will get used to the general schedule that is convenient for everyone, but no one can say for sure how long this will take.

My baby sleeps a lot: rhythm and structure

In no case should you interfere with the initially natural rhythm and disturb the sleep behavior of infants. This should only be in case of health problems. Otherwise, babies may lose weight even because of your concern. One exception is premature babies or infants with medical conditions who need to eat regularly every 3 hours. Here, parents gently awaken their babies and interrupt their sleep to provide the necessary food.

How much sleep on average

  • in the first month - 16-17 hours a day;
  • in the second month - 15-16 hours a day;
  • in six months - 10-11 hours + 1-2 daytime sleep 1.5-2 hours;
  • per year - 10-11 hours + 1-2 daytime sleep for an hour.

If a newborn sleeps constantly during the day, not even waking up for feeding, he should be woken up, because after sleeping in the daytime, the baby will become naughty at night. Sleepless sleep may be the result of fatigue or an onset of illness, therefore, in given period the baby should be closely monitored. If the child feels normal, cheerful and satisfied, then everything is in order, perhaps this is just a kind of biological rhythm of the body. But when the baby is restless, naughty and crying, you should seek the advice of a pediatrician.

Better sleep control

The Federal Center for Health Education has prepared a guide to proper sleep behavior and provided parents with expert support. In addition, children's phones contribute to sleep control. For many parents, it's more of a turmoil and fear, their little ones can happen in their sleep. Like worrying that her baby is sleeping too much.

Additional features and additional features such as

  • Sensors, cameras, mats, counter-talk features make everyday life easier.
  • And finally, your children fall asleep too.
Parents are proven to handle their children under control, all other tasks are much easier. Should there be trouble falling asleep? This usually happens during the day.

How much do babies sleep after 2 months of life?

By the second month of life, the child should already establish his individual schedule of rest and wakefulness. Of the prescribed 15 hours, most of the time the newborn will sleep at night, the remaining hours are evenly distributed during the day.

Sleep needs of your children

Many parents report trouble falling asleep. The affected person often has to take their own nose. Because the original errors can be negative later. Most babies want to have fixed and rituals. It also includes a sleep ritual before a night's rest or midday nap. This makes it easier for children to sleep. We know that this takes on parental and sometimes nerves. But your obligation is paid a little later.

Are your little ones going through a phase in which they have trouble falling asleep? A baby bed, night light, pleasant temperatures, as well as soothing sleeping areas create an optimal base. Typically, sleep problems are physical, mental or psychological reasons. Real reasons can be found in close proximity to your little one, such as in a baby bed.

Night rest up to six months rarely passes without awakening, since a small body needs additional nutrition at certain intervals - the baby should wake up no more than 2 times a night, ideally - only once. If the baby does not sleep well throughout the night, perhaps he does not have enough breast milk, try feeding the baby before bedtime with infant formula or porridge (required after consulting a doctor).

My baby sleeps a lot: less sleep for babies

For example, there is too much heat in many children's rooms and children's rooms. In addition, many baby phones with camera temperature sensors provide you with the correct temperature in the baby's room. You will see that little ones sleep much better. You can assume that after about a year, the need for sleep decreases piecemeal. By this time, you should have fixed the solid rituals for falling asleep.

Here are the most important tips for fast sleep

This need should never be exceeded for a few days. Finally, it can lead to health problems. Do you have trouble falling asleep or just can't find the right ritual? In this process, stories, fairy tales, and children's books are highly ranked on the list of the most popular rituals.

  • Listen to good night songs with dim light.
  • Children consciously rest at night.
  • Never get angry or become physically active in the evening.
  • Choose a pair of pajamas or a nightgown.
  • Mom or dad should bring the baby to bed every day.
before leaving the nursery.

As for daytime rest, it is important to put the baby to bed at the same time every day to establish a permanent regimen. Starting from 3-4 months, a newborn should be taught to fall asleep on his own. To do this, after feeding, put the baby in the crib, shake it, stroke the baby, sing him a song. A well-fed and contented toddler should fall asleep without whims and discontent.

Thus, newborns need a lot of sleep. In fact, some children sleep up to 19 hours a day. But 16 hours is perfectly normal. Only around one year of age does sleep behavior decrease. Attempts to stabilize sleepy rhinitis from the very beginning. Then there will be no serious problems with falling asleep. It is important to remain patient and calm here. Because these characteristics always lead to the goal when toddlers and babies fall asleep.

Do you have questions about sleep or sleep? We look forward to your messages and comments. If the newborn is too sleepy to breastfeed regularly, persistently and effectively, then he needs to be awakened to get enough food. The following article briefly outlines the causes of drowsiness and how a child is subjected to anamnesis.

How to arrange a comfortable bed?

In order for the child to sleep well, try to organize optimal conditions for him, because the slightest discomfort will lead to whims and discontent of the crumbs.

  • Comfortable bed and nice linens promote deep and restless sleep. For restless babies, it is recommended to make a kind of cocoon from a blanket or a warm diaper, enveloping the body of the crumbs around. This allows the child to feel secure in their sleep, so they are less likely to wake up without a good reason.
  • Optimal temperature just needed to create a cozy atmosphere in the room. The average level of humidity and air temperature of about 24-26 degrees are considered the norm for a baby, no matter how old he is.
  • Silence is one of the prerequisites for falling asleep quickly (especially for active and restless children), while laying down the child, it is worth eliminating all extraneous sounds - turn off the TV, put away the phone, it is permissible to leave calm music or the mobile on. Of course, it is not worth completely protecting the baby from sounds, but it is still recommended to try to keep silence.
  • No foreign odors- newborns are susceptible to odors, in addition, some of them can cause severe allergic reactions, so you should not put them in the nursery flower bouquets, use scented lamps or any air fresheners.

These simple rules will help you create for your crumbs a convenient and comfortable sleeping place, where the baby can fully relax without disturbing you.

Young children, especially newborns, need frequent breastfeeding, 8 to 12 per day. If newborn babies every 2 - 3 hours breastfeed and drink while persistently and effectively, then he can sleep peacefully the rest of the time.

However, some children do not wake up often enough due to various problems to prevent their hunger, or parents do not recognize their child's glaring signs in time. Important breastfeeding opportunities are then missed. Some children sleep after only a few turns on the chest or before they have had enough to drink. Long breaks between breastfeeding times - usually during the night - can also make a baby sleepy during the day. If a newborn baby sleeps more than 3 hours a day, drinks less than 8 drinks a day, or produces less than 4 full bowel diapers, he should be breastfed regularly, at least ten times a day this way.

What is one of the most significant events in the life of any person? Of course, this is the birth of a child! And it must be treated with full responsibility. Many parents, from the first days after the birth of their little miracle, are concerned about the question - how much should a newborn sleep? Sleep for babies is one of the leading aspects for successful physical and mental development.

Possible causes of sleepiness in a newborn

When mom and baby are together a lot and as close to skin-to-skin contact as possible, the baby hardly cries and stabilizes both physically and mentally. Thus, the newborn consumes fewer calories. Because of the constant contact, the mother can immediately recognize the baby and respond to it. Screaming is already late hunger. Also at night, the baby should sleep in close proximity to the mother so that he can be breastfed regularly.

If the child is too sleepy, he needs to be awakened. The ideal time to wake up is when the baby, if he is sleeping, is showing signs of hunger on his own. If it is too rare, it should be taken out of sleep. If the child sleeps very low and does not recover, then it is worth trying after 15-20 minutes.

What determines the duration of a newborn's sleep?

During the first weeks of life, children spend most of their time sleeping. In books on pediatrics, you can often find such an indicator of sleep duration - 19-21 hours a day. IN real life these numbers are changing.

According to average statistics, newborns sleep 17-19 hours a day and this is also the norm.

So the baby can be woken up

Well maintained over and over again. Put on a bare chest. Cotton swab with colostrum or milk under the baby's nose, keep some milk milk dripping into his mouth and wait until he swallows, and then again a little mother's milk. This is usually done at the chest. For example, a small soft spoon, pipette, syringe or food probe. The mother may also express her breasts directly into the baby's mouth.

  • Child Strokes and names His feet are tickled or massaged.
  • Wipe the child's face with a damp cloth.
  • Make the light a little brighter.
  • Take the baby partially or completely, change diapers.
  • Gently roll the baby when he is lying down or hold him carefully.
Fluid flow helps induce and maintain absorption and swallowing.

The duration of a child's sleep depends only on himself, and no books can make him sleep as much as it is written there. Each person is unique and his biorhythm is unique with him.

How much a child sleeps depends on his condition - in order for sleep to be longer, it is necessary:

  • organize comfortable temperature conditions in the room (newborns do not sleep well in a hot room);
  • the child must be fed;
  • swaddle a newborn so that he does not wake himself up with the movements of his arms or legs;
  • provide the baby with psycho-emotional contact with parents (often say gentle and affectionate words).

If the child sleeps too much or too little

Many parents believe that the duration of sleep directly reflects the state of health of their child: if the baby sleeps often and for a long time, it means that he is absolutely healthy and vice versa. But it is not always the case. Do not worry that your baby sleeps for a long time, while deviating from generally accepted norms, if:

Thus, the baby should be fed regularly until he becomes stronger and more alert and can actively drink. If the baby falls asleep before he can reach the second breast, then it should be offered again after 10 minutes, an hour, or when the baby shows hunger signals.

Drowsiness due to irritation

If a child avoids too much stress during sleep, further stimulation is counterproductive. In such cases, it is recommended to create a quieter, quieter, possibly darker environment. The baby can regenerate itself through great skin contact with the mother and repeated application.

  • the child eats well;
  • actively and plays a lot;
  • does not cry for no reason;
  • the child is always in a friendly mood and is happy to make contact.

The main thing is not the duration of sleep, but the quality of sleep - if the baby sleeps calmly, does not cry in a dream, physiological processes do not disturb him (often children under six months do not sleep well due to colic in the tummy), he wakes up in high spirits - then there is reason for concern No!

If the child is too sleepy to dry the chest for a long time, then breaks may be inserted. The milk flow can also be manually controlled. This makes the baby perk up for a while and consumes more milk.

  • Walker M: Sleepy baby.
  • B: Management breastfeeding for a doctor.
The joy of the baby was great. Already during pregnancy, his future parents were preparing everything to make a wonderful reception for the future little earthly citizen. The ultrasound pictures were amazed by everyone, the siblings were looking forward to the new little brother or sister, the mom relaxed on the pregnant yoga, and the dad told the baby about belly-like love stories at night.

Sleep phases in a newborn

There are four main phases:

  1. initial (the period when the child begins to fall asleep);
  2. superficial sleep (this type of sleep is observed immediately after falling asleep or during the period when the body is ready to wake up);
  3. deep sleep (the most qualitative and important phase);
  4. final awakening.

The first three phases can alternate 4 to 6 times per night. In an infant, deep sleep is much shorter than in an adult, and superficial sleep is longer, and it is because of this that children often scream, shudder, make various movements (mainly with arms and legs), and change facial expressions in their sleep. Due to the fact that superficial sleep is longer, children easily wake up from any discomfort that disturbs them, most often from hunger.

In fact, everything was fine, but sometimes the mother noticed that her baby was moving a little in her stomach. The ultrasound was still inconspicuous, only the heart rate was quite slow. Even the study of fruit water did not produce any anomalous results. Then - a few weeks before the date of birth - the baby wraps around in the stomach in the stomach, and everything suddenly suddenly takes off. Doctors advise the emperor, the child has been delivered. Mom tries to breastfeed her baby, but she sucks and does not swallow.

Feeding is very troublesome, often the child sleeps. And at least the baby sleeps a lot. He hardly reacts to external stimuli. Soon the doctors put in a stomach tube to make sure the baby gets enough food. The stories of newborns with Prader-Willi syndrome and their parents may look the same. However, with prenatal diagnosis, this syndrome is hardly recognizable due to its deficiency.

Every month, the deep sleep phase increases, and the child sleeps calmer and longer. In an infant, in the initial phase of falling asleep, sleep may be interrupted due to a slight sound, touching him, trying to shift or move him. A sign that the baby has plunged into a phase of deep sleep is the relaxation of the muscles of the whole body (at this moment the child can be transferred to his bed without fear that you will disturb his sleep).

How much sleep do newborns need:

The duration of a child’s sleep from birth to one year directly depends on age: so children younger age need more sleep than babies after six months.

Consider the basic norms of sleep for a child up to a year:

- at the age of 0 to 4 months, newborns sleep 16 - 18 hours a day, their body still needs quality and long-term rest;

- At the age of 5 to 7 months, your baby already sleeps for about 13 - 16 hours. At this age, the child's nighttime sleep increases - the child may miss one feeding;

- starting from 7 months and up to 9, the child becomes more active and he spends 11-13 hours sleeping. At this age, the child begins to explore the world with great interest and relaxation begins to fade into the background;

- from 10 months to a year, children form a day regimen - they sleep all night without waking up (for a duration of 12-13 hours a day).

But, remember one thing - your child is individual and if he develops with a regimen that does not correspond to generally accepted norms, then it means that it is comfortable for him and you do not need to try to adjust his behavior to any rules.