Anastasia Chernobrovina: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Where did Irina Muromtseva go: the real reasons for the TV presenter to leave the Morning of Russia program Career in the capital

Today, almost every fan is interested in the personal life and biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina, her joint photos with her husband and children, but she carefully hides everything.

Anastasia Chernobrovina is a well-known personality in television circles, a journalist and presenter. The talented girl is known to many for her work with the television studios of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Channel One and others. By and large, only about her career and professional growth are known. A woman knows how to separate work and family, so it will not be possible to learn something valuable from her personal life.

Anastasia Chernobrovina was born on April 10, 1977 in Izhevsk. The parents of the future journalist divorced when the girl was very young. Anastasia's mother had to work in several places at once, so the girl was mainly raised by her grandmother. This did not play a big role, but she only speaks positively about her relationship with her grandmother.

In the lower grades, the girl did not differ from her peers. Just like everyone else, she studied, was fond of reading, participated in amateur performances. Significant metamorphosis occurred with Anastasia Chernobrovina at the age of 13-14. During this period, the girl wanted to stand out among her peers.

Chernobrovina brightly painted and dressed, which often drew attention to herself. Maybe she wanted to become an actress at that time, but she chose a completely different industry.

After leaving school, she decided to become a psychologist and enrolled in a local college. However, after six months, the girl realized that another area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity - television - would help her stand out among her peers. Therefore, she entered the television department at the Izhevsk University of Culture.

The educational process was so interesting that she managed to achieve considerable results. Work on television was supposed to help huge prospects and earn due popularity. The girl worked hard and was always ahead of all her fellow students.

At present, many are interested in who is the husband of Anastasia Chernobrovina, how her personal life and biography develop. It is very difficult to find answers to such questions, but it is known that she has been living with her beloved man for a long time, who is not connected in any way with the creative profession.

Carier start

Anastasia Chernobrovina took her first steps on television in her hometown of Izhevsk. While still in college, a girl with a bright appearance was invited to the local news channel. Soon, having ascertained the talent of the presenter, she was offered to host her own program.

As part of this project, famous people came to Anastasia Chernobrovina's studio: actors and singers who came to Izhevsk on tour. So, already at the beginning of her career, Anastasia Chernobrovina gained vast experience in communicating with Russian media personalities.

Valentin Gaft, Igor Kvasha, Alexander Kalyagin visited the host's studio. The broadcast of the journalist was popular with the local population.

Soon, the talented girl becomes crowded within the framework of regional television, and she decides to move to Moscow.

Career in the capital

In the capital of Russia, the journalist decides to continue her education and enters the University of Culture and Art. Anastasia Chernobrovina is mastering the profession of film and television manager. In parallel with this, Anastasia begins working on the central channel "Russia" in the program "Vesti PRO". As part of this project, Chernobrovina travels a lot around the cities of Russia. Then the journalist goes to the TV-6 channel, where she works in the information program Day by Day.

Anastasia Chernobrovina in the program "On the Planet"

In 2000, the girl tries herself as the host of the major television project "Girl - 2000". In this project, Anastasia is looking all over the country for the best young girl with beauty, talent and intelligence. After this work, Chernobrovina switches to Channel Three and broadcasts the Great Swimming program. In addition, the young journalist launches her own project "Working Noon". The program tells about the everyday life of workers in factories, factories and other large enterprises in the country.

Transfer "Morning of Russia"

In 2002, the journalist was offered to return to the Russia-1 channel. She starts working in the most popular program of the Good Morning, Russia TV channel. Every weekday for several years, Anastasia Chernobrovina wished good morning to the people of the whole country. This project made the host famous throughout Russia.

Popularity was given to Anastasia Chernobrovina and her colleagues is not easy. The girl had to completely change the regime of the day, because the shooting of the popular program took place at 2 am. At the same time, I had to go to bed before 18.00.

Anastasia Chernobrovina host of the program "Morning of Russia"

However, after a short period of time, Anastasia Chernobrovina got used to such a difficult schedule and began to take part in other popular projects. For example, in 2009 she participated in the program "Dancing with the Stars". Her grace and plasticity were noted by both the audience and the jury. A little later, the presenter became a participant in the Fort Bayard program, where she showed herself as a girl with a stubborn, strong character.

Chernobrovina developed not only a leading career, but also worked as a reporter on many large projects. In 2007, the journalist received an award for a film about the participants of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. The work of this format was highly appreciated, as it was of great public and social importance. I had to spend a considerable amount of time to collect the proper information. As a result, her work began to be talked about even abroad.

Anastasia Chernobrovina during participation in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

Anastasia Chernobrovina herself has repeatedly said that in her personal life and biography, children and her husband are of great importance to her. Although no one knows anything about them, the woman is an exemplary wife and has only been married once. Colleagues and friends more than once spoke of her only positively.

Continuing a career

In 2009, the presenter began working on the My Planet channel. The journalist hosted several tourist programs at once, including the One on the Planet project. In parallel with this, Chernobrovina continues her reporting work. The journalist prefers to cover a variety of topics, but she considers projects devoted to geography and tourism to be her favorite ones.

Anastasia Chernobrovina on the set of the My Planet program

"Tiksi - Permafrost Territory" is an author's project that deserves special attention. Thanks to this work, the woman received an honorary diploma from the state. Since 2012, she has served as Assistant to the President of the Geographical Society, working on various media projects. Many people talk about her work and only in a positive way.

Anastasia Chernobrovina and her work colleague Andrey Petrov

In 2015, Chernobrovina, together with her colleague Vladislav Zavyalov, was awarded the TEFI award as the best presenters of morning programs.

In 2017, the personal life and biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina continues to interest thousands of fans, but it is not possible to find joint photos with her husband and children.

Anastasia Chernobrovina received the Taffy award for her work

Chernobrovina often acts as a presenter at major state concerts. She gained this experience thanks to a large number of her own author's television projects, excellent diction and attractive appearance.

Personal life

The temporary departure of Anastasia Chernobrovina was associated with marriage, pregnancy, and even switching to another channel. However, the popular presenter and journalist did not confirm any of these versions.

Anastasia Chernobrovina carefully hides her personal life and claims that it should not become public. However, in an interview, the presenter said that her chosen one is not a representative of show business and does not work on television. He works as a landscape designer. The couple has no children yet, but the journalist dreams of a big family.

Chernobrovina rarely sees her chosen one because of her constant employment, but she believes that this does not interfere, but rather improves their relationship.

In 2017, it will not be possible to find joint photos of Anastasia Chernobrovina with her children and husband, to find information about her personal life and biography. Everything is carefully hidden.

Not so long ago, there were rumors in the press about a serious illness of a journalist. Chernobrovina's fans were concerned about her rapid weight loss. Anastasia denied this information. She claimed that such weight is associated with an active lifestyle and the lack of high-calorie foods in the diet. Therefore, fans very carefully follow all her achievements and changes.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Chernobrovina

Answering questions about height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Chernobrovina, it seems that before us is a fragile, young girl who still has her whole life ahead of her. It is hard to imagine that this amazing presenter is already forty years old. However, this is not surprising, because with a height of 169 centimeters, her weight is 50 kilograms, so she looks stunningly slim and petite. In addition, he constantly takes care of himself, visits beauty salons and spas, but at the same time notices that he does it without fanaticism. It doesn’t matter if you are a host or not, but you should look good, Anastasia thinks so. But where did her creative path begin? Let's tell here.

Biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina

The biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina begins in the city of Izhevsk. It should be noted that her mother gave birth to her at a very young age, because she was only seventeen years old. The pregnancy was not planned, but the grandmother of the future presenter insisted that the child be born. Nothing is known about the father of the TV presenter, he almost does not maintain relations with him, although at one time she found him on her own. Nastya's mother then got married three more times, but to no avail.

Anastasia then also had a sister, Olya, who, consider, Chernobrovina raised herself, because her mother could disappear for days at work. But Nastya repeatedly repeated in an interview that she did not blame her mother for anything, because she did everything so that the children had at least the most necessary things. Until the end of school, the girl lived with her grandmother, who taught her everything. Grandmother taught her patience, instilled a love of reading, made her do any business in an excellent way. This greatly influenced her desire to be the best in everything, no matter what she undertakes.

The girl's desire for publicity was not immediately apparent. It even happened that when she found out that there would be a photographer at school, she could run away from lessons. But still, the makings of a TV presenter woke up in her early childhood. She loved to record on a dictaphone, then listen to her voice. Her grandmother's upbringing allowed her to develop her speech apparatus well, and her erudition broadened her horizons. After the girl graduated from high school, she decided to go to the Faculty of Psychology.

The main goal at that time for her was to understand various human problems, to help people solve them. But after six months of study, she accidentally ended up on local television, where she eventually worked for three whole years, trying her hand as a presenter. Then over the course of three years, the career of a TV presenter went uphill. She worked in the program "Day by Day", and also created the program "Working Afternoon" on her own.

This program was dedicated to ordinary people who work in the vast expanses of Russia. She began hosting the Morning of Russia program in 2002, and it was thanks to interesting information and natural charm that she could maintain excellent ratings. Seven years later, her old dream came true, she began to host the My Planet program, in addition, she is also the author of this project. At present, the woman continues to improve and develop. She leads various programs, travels and reads a lot. Although, at one time, she realized for herself that psychology is not a profession to which she wants to devote her life, but this does not mean that she is not interested in this science. Nastya reads psychological books, tries to look at life with optimism, does not refuse to help her friends and relatives when they turn to her. A talented woman has proven that she can be talented in many areas of life.

Personal life of Anastasia Chernobrovina

The personal life of Anastasia Chernobrovina is covered with a veil of secrecy. The news repeatedly appeared on the Web. Anastasia Chernobrovina got married, a photo, but, as you know, these are all speculations. To date, Anastasia is not married, she has no children. She prefers to remain silent about the relationships that she now has. The journalists only managed to find out that her lover is an interior designer. They have been together for more than ten years, but they rarely see each other, because both are busy. Although, it is quite possible that it is in rare meetings that their secret of a good relationship lies. Maybe they still decide to tie their lives officially or have already tied. Again, information appeared on the Web that they did this, but there is still no exact evidence.

Family of Anastasia Chernobrovina

The family of Anastasia Chernobrovina today is herself and her work. And this is not an exaggeration, because the woman has a very busy schedule, which she, in principle, does not want to revise. But this does not mean that she does not have a relationship, because it is known in the press that Nastya has been for more than ten years, has a lover, whom she does not want to talk about much, even hides the name of the young man. No one knows if she is going to start a family with this man with him, but in any case, they are in no hurry, if only because they rarely see each other.

Maybe that's why they are happy that for them every meeting is a holiday. But then information began to appear that the woman was still married. One can only guess why, working on television, Anastasia so zealously guards her personal life. Maybe because she has something to hide, or maybe she believes that it really does not concern anyone.

Children of Anastasia Chernobrovina

The children of Anastasia Chernobrovina are a closed topic for the TV presenter. Even if she doesn't have one. In general, Anastasia is extremely reluctant to talk about her personal life, she does not want to expand on this topic. As far as is known, she has always been responsible and cautious about her personal life, so she does not have illegitimate children that she could give birth to by accident. Nastya is a responsible woman, therefore she believes that if you decide on a child, then this must be done consciously and purposefully. Maybe the TV presenter wants children, but so far she is not doing anything for this. Anything is possible in the future, so fans can only wait.

Although, as the facts below show, Anastasia already has a child, but this is so vague and incomprehensible that it is difficult to draw any conclusions on this matter. Therefore, any fan of the TV presenter can decide for himself whether he wants to see Chernobrovina as a mother and wife, or let her remain a free woman. One thing remains accurate: Nastya is very zealous about not interfering in her personal life, and she remains really personal and hidden from prying attention.

Husband of Anastasia Chernobrovina

The husband of Anastasia Chernobrovina is still unknown, because she hides him. Often you could meet a request on the Web Anastasia Chernobrovina husband or Anastasia Chernobrovina and Andrey Petrov husband and wife. All these rumors appear on the basis of the fact that for a very long time Chernobrovina has been broadcasting in company with Andrei Petrov, who also jokingly says that he is “married” to Nastya.

But as far as we know, they are connected only by business relations, nothing more. They work well together, they are comfortable with each other, but this never led to a romantic relationship. But this does not stop the fans, so they continue to come up with various romantic stories about this wonderful couple.

Anastasia Chernobrovina pregnant photo 2016-2017

Anastasia Chernobrovina pregnant photo 2016-2017 - it sounded like a bolt from the blue, because before that, it was believed that a woman had no family, and she was not going to have children. But the man with whom she had been dating for more than ten years was still able to conquer her and rumors began to circulate that in 2014, she nevertheless got married.

But again, there is no clear evidence, because the ceremony was performed in secret, so it is difficult to say how true all this is. However, if a couple already has a child, then this will become known, at least a little. I must say that Anastasia was always jealous of her personal life, carefully concealed it, therefore, nothing can be said about her with accuracy. She's really good at hiding like a true journalist.

Where did Anastasia Chernobrovina disappear from the Good Morning broadcast?

At one time, the audience sounded a real alarm on the topic: where did Anastasia Chernobrovina disappear from the Good Morning broadcast.

Questions immediately began to arise: “where did Anastasia Chernobrovina go, where did she disappear,” and also “where is Anastasia Chernobrovina now, why isn’t she leading “Morning of Russia”? There are no reliable answers to these questions, the press cannot find information that is unified in its opinion. There are no particularly accurate sources on the Internet either.

Some argue that the star TV presenter was offered a better position, that she is now working in other programs. Others say that just the pregnancy prevented Anastasia from continuing to work on her usual projects. But soon she will be back and everything will fall into place. One way or another, Chernobrovina was and remains the favorite TV presenter of thousands of Russians.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Chernobrovina

About Anastasia Chernobrovina, you can find a sufficient amount of information about her career, creative path, childhood years. That is, everything that is usually written about public people who constantly flash on the screens. One of these sources is the Wikipedia page (,_Anastasia_Andreevna), which contains general facts about the TV presenter, about how she achieved success in her field, when it happened and under what conditions circumstances.

But Anastasia Chernobrovina does not have a page on Instagram. And it is not surprising, strange, if this charming, mysterious woman had it, given that the TV presenter does not want to tell anyone about her personal life. But Instagram just exists for those who want to share different events, even sometimes the most intimate ones. But this is not about Chernobrovina. So, fans will have to be content only with independent resources, read what is freely available. The Wikipedia page is always at the service of those who want to know something about Anastasia Chernobrovina.

Millions of Russians have been meeting the morning with this smiling TV presenter for many years. Anastasia Chernobrovina appeared on the morning air in 2002. Since then, every day she charges the audience with positive and excellent mood. The tireless journalist releases her own documentaries, travels the world and introduces viewers to the beauties of exotic countries.

Childhood and youth

Nastya was born in Izhevsk in April 1977. Here, in Udmurtia, her childhood and youth passed and her first steps in the profession were taken. Until the age of 7, Anastasia Chernobrovina grew up in the town of Glazov, 200 km from Izhevsk. Parents separated when the daughter was small.

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At school, Anastasia Chernobrovina was an excellent student. Mom at that time got married, got a job as a deputy director of a restaurant in the city hall, and soon the youngest daughter Olga appeared in the family.

After receiving a school certificate, the girl went to continue her education at the college of Izhevsk, choosing the faculty of psychology.

A television

The girl's desire to become a TV presenter appeared after school, when Nastya entered college. After six months of study, Chernobrovina realized that she was interested in television much more than psychology. The student went to the regional channel. She was accepted and appointed as a journalist for the Novosti issue. Soon she was already hosting an author's program on one of the TV channels.

At the age of 19, a TV presenter from Izhevsk went to the capital. Anastasia entered the University of Culture and Arts, where she chose the specialty "Film and TV Management".

Chernobrovina managed to conquer Moscow and make a brilliant career as a TV presenter in a short time. In the mid-1990s, Nastya prepared stories for the Vesti v 11 infotainment program, which aired on RTR. Then she was entrusted with making special reports for Vesti PRO, and the journalist traveled all over the country on business trips. Then there was the entertainment project "Big Swimming".

Already in 2002, Chernobrovina returned to the channel "Russia". This time for a long time. Since then, the TV presenter has been hosting Good Morning, Russia! As part of this project, the journalist managed to travel around half the planet in a few years. Long-distance business trips began for Anastasia after the appearance of a new column called "All the mornings of the world."

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Anastasia Chernobrovina and Vladislav Zavialov

In 2009, the creative biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina entered a new stage: she became the author and TV presenter of the One on the Planet program on the My Planet channel.

The journalist has many awards. Among them is the diploma of Russian President Vladimir Putin, with which he awarded the journalist for the project - the documentary film "Tiksi - Permafrost Territory" in 2010. In 2015, the TV presenter became the winner of the TEFI award in a pair with a colleague in the nomination "Morning Program Host".

Personal life

This side of the TV presenter's life is tightly closed from prying eyes. At one time, she was credited with an affair with her colleague on the Morning of Russia program, Andrei Petrov. But they are connected only by professional interests.

Family photos of a media person cannot be found in the public domain on the Internet. But it is known that in 2014 Anastasia married her beloved. He is a landscape designer by profession, most often in France for work.

Chernobrovina does not name the name of her half, preferring to keep the intrigue. In an interview with curious colleagues, Anastasia slightly lifts the veil of secrecy and admits that she often travels with her husband and spends most of the holidays with him. Anastasia Chernobrovina is happy with her personal life.

In her free time, the TV presenter likes to travel, learn foreign languages. In order to improve her English skills, she once spent her entire vacation in Oxford, where intensive 12-hour classes were held daily. Another hobby of Chernobrovina is fishing. The opportunity to sit in silence by the river with a fishing rod allows her to relax after a busy work schedule and get a positive charge.

Anastasia Chernobrovina is famous for her slender figure (height 165 cm, weight 47 kg), and among her colleagues she is known as a great fashionista. The TV presenter manages to use unexpected details and accessories in her wardrobe without turning them into kitsch. She collects hats that, according to viewers, are in harmony with her hair. In case of a quick release, Anastasia has a whole collection of black and white outfits. The TV presenter in the studio is even jokingly called BW.

Anastasia manages to show off her slender figure in the photos she takes while traveling. Chernobrovina loves to visit eastern countries, where she attends massage procedures, seaweed wraps. Pictures in which she appears in a bathing suit are released to the public.

Anastasia Chernobrovina is a famous Russian TV presenter and a talented journalist. A positive and sophisticated careerist every day gives her sincere smile to the viewers of the Morning of Russia program.

Difficult childhood in a provincial town

Anastasia Chernobrovina was born in the small town of Glazov. Natalia, the mother of the girl, gave birth to a daughter at a minor age. She broke up with the father of the child before her birth, and never met him again. Raised and raised little Anastasia grandmother. To adequately provide for her daughter, Natalya worked hard and hard.

Chernobrovina has a younger sister, Olga, who was born in her mother's next marriage. The future TV presenter raised her on her own, taught her to walk and read. Anastasia loves her very much and takes care of her to this day.

The future television star lived with her grandmother until graduation. In her free time, she took her granddaughters and went with them to the forest, where they picked berries and mushrooms. In addition, the grandmother instilled in the girls an interest in reading literature.

At school, Anastasia was a timid and shy child, she did not have the makings of a leader. At home, alone with herself, she recorded her voice and practiced tongue twisters. Thanks to her grandmother, Chernobrovina developed a conversational talent, her speech became beautiful and staged.

The wrong choice of profession and the first steps on TV

After receiving a diploma of basic education, Anastasia Chernobrovina entered the Izhevsk College at the Faculty of Practical Psychology. An open and good-natured girl wanted to master the profession of a psychologist. She sought to help people find the right answers to difficult questions, to teach them how to manage anger and emotions.

Anastasia Chernobrovina host of the program "My Planet"

By chance, Chernobrovina ended up on local television, where she was offered the position of TV presenter. After studying for literally half a semester, the girl quit psychology without hesitation and worked for three years on the Izhevsk news channel.

Anastasia Chernobrovina on the set

Then Anastasia went to conquer the capital. First of all, she entered the Moscow State University of Cinematography. After training, she got a job at the Rossiya channel of the leading infotainment program Vesti v 11. In parallel with this, the young journalist was preparing informative reports for the Vesti Pro program.

Anastasia Chernobrovina host of the Good Morning Russia program

Leading "Morning of Russia"

For three years, Anastasia Chernobrovina was the permanent host of the morning show "Day after Day" on the capital's channel. Then she was invited to the TVC channel to host the program "Big Swimming". This cooperation lasted a little less than a year, and Anastasia returned to her beloved and native channel "Russia" in the project "Good Morning, Russia". The presenter traveled to many countries in search of interesting material for the program "All the mornings of the world."

Anastasia Chernobrovina winner of the "Tefi" award

Anastasia Chernobrovina took part in the show "Dancing with the Stars"

In 2009, on the My Planet channel, the journalist launched an author's project, where she was the host. The audience loved her for her soft, open and friendly image. Anastasia Chernobrovina is a titled and extraordinary journalist. She was repeatedly awarded for informativeness and non-standard approach to presenting information. The most significant award for Chernobryvina is a diploma for the documentary film "Tiksi - Permafrost Territory", presented personally by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The most mysterious woman in the media space of Russia

Anastasia Chernobrovina has never been married and has no children. He prefers to remain silent about his personal life. She does not give reasons for the yellow press to discuss it. It is only known that Anastasia has a beloved man with whom she has been dating for more than ten years.

In her free time, Anastasia Chernobrovina travels the world

But the couple never lived under the same roof. It can be assumed that the reason for this is the busy travel schedule of the presenter, which does not allow her to focus on everyday life and household.

Read about the life of famous public figures

Anastasia Chernobrovina, whose photo in her youth and now is represented by only one picture, amazes numerous viewers with her enthusiasm, beauty and ability to approach everything from a humorous point of view.

Even at the beginning of the new millennium, she was able to win a leading position among the most sought-after TV presenters. Already at that time, the television audience was asking questions, what height, weight, age, how old is Anastasia Chernobrovina?

It is hard to imagine that this amazing young woman has already crossed the forty-year milestone. With a height of almost 170 cm, she weighs 50 kg, remaining the same beauty that first appeared on television screens.

Anastasia Chernobrovina answers questions about her youth that every woman must be happy in order to be beautiful.

Answering questions about height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Chernobrovina, it seems that before us is a fragile, young girl who still has her whole life ahead of her. It is hard to imagine that this amazing presenter is already forty years old.

However, this is not surprising, because with a height of 169 centimeters, her weight is 50 kilograms, so she looks stunningly slim and petite. In addition, he constantly takes care of himself, visits beauty salons and spas, but at the same time notices that he does it without fanaticism.

Simultaneously with her work on the RTR channel in Vesti s 11, Anastasia makes exclusive reports for Vesti PRO. To collect topical material, she had to travel all over Russia. In 2001, she was invited to another channel, and now she is already leading the entertainment and information block "Big Swimming" at the TVC.

They lured (you can’t say otherwise) Anastasia Chernobrovina to this program not at all by chance. The project was first aired in 1998 and was very popular at first. But other channels also fought for the attention of the audience, specifically NTV and ORT literally “stepped on the heels” of Rossiya.

The result - the popularity of the program "Good morning, Russia" gradually fell. In 2002, the program was divided into blocks and a team of young announcers was recruited, among whom was Anastasia. They ensured that the rating of "Morning of Russia" (new name) soared to unprecedented heights.

Anastasia on TV was called a “perpetual motion machine”, because she constantly had little success - she wanted to constantly create something else, new and interesting! In 2009 (without stopping her work at Morning of Russia), she creates and hosts the My Planet program.

Nastya Chernobrovina made a documentary film "Tiksi - Permafrost Territory". As part of the My Planet program, she, along with a film crew, goes to the Ust-Lensky Reserve, showing the audience the nature of a little-studied region.

The picture was such a success that it received a high award - a diploma of the President of Russia. But this was not the first experience in documentary films: three years earlier, her film “Phenomenal Twins, or How Ours Conquered Eurovision” brought the creator the main prize at the European television competition.

For a particularly valuable contribution to the development of television broadcasting in Russia, Anastasia Chernobrovina in 2011 received the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland - not many scientists, writers, military people are awarded this state award, but she deserved it!

In the photo Anastasia Chernobrovina and her colleague Vladislav Zavyalov

People like Nastya Chernobrovina are called "media people". They do not participate in scandalous shows, but are always welcome guests on positive programs. She was invited to the ninth season of Dancing with the Stars, twice she visited the Ford Bayard game.

People love Nastya for her literacy, clarity and spontaneity at the same time when she leads programs or acts as a guest on projects. Anastasia Chernobrovina at a fairly young age (only 40 years old) achieved unprecedented heights in career growth, but what about her personal life? Is there a place for love and family happiness in her unusually tight schedule?

Where did Anastasia Chernobrovina disappear from the Good Morning broadcast?

At one time, the audience sounded a real alarm on the topic: where did Anastasia Chernobrovina disappear from the Good Morning broadcast.

Questions immediately began to arise: “where did Anastasia Chernobrovina go, where did she disappear,” and also “where is Anastasia Chernobrovina now, why isn’t she leading “Morning of Russia”? There are no reliable answers to these questions, the press cannot find information that is unified in its opinion. There are no particularly accurate sources on the Internet either.

Some argue that the star TV presenter was offered a better position, that she is now working in other programs. Others say that just the pregnancy prevented Anastasia from continuing to work on her usual projects.

According to a brief reference from Wikipedia, Nastya Chernobrovina was born in April 1977 in the city of Izhevsk. The family of the future screen star was the most ordinary, and for some time Nastya generally lived with her grandmother, since the girl's parents divorced.

At school, Anastasia studied well, was an exemplary and calm girl. However, in adolescence, cardinal changes began to occur with Nastya: she increasingly wore bright and catchy things, did outrageous hairstyles and makeup that attracted the attention of others.

Nastya for a long time could not decide on the choice of her future profession: first she enters the faculty of psychology, then decides to become an engineer, and only then - to the television faculty. And in 1998, Nastya begins working on the Rossiya channel and hosts the Vesti at 11 program.

The first thing that caught my eye when I saw Anastasia: her face was tired, there were bruises under her eyes. Apparently, Nastya does not get enough sleep, because she works a lot.

Communication with her and examination confirmed my innocence. Nastya sleeps catastrophically little - 3-5 hours a day. Such a rhythm of life in itself is capable of taking 8-10 years of life.

Improper nutrition (and Nastya eats only yoghurts, fruits and chocolate, and even then very little) led to an acute shortage of vitamins and minerals. Outwardly, this is expressed in dry skin and weakness of the hair follicles, which causes hair to fall out.

In addition, we found problems with the stomach: manifestations of gastritis and duodenitis, which in the future promised peptic ulcer. Their cause is malnutrition and stress.

And the most unpleasant thing is the obvious signs of arrhythmia, which is fraught with the risk of strokes. Nastya is only 33, but all the harbingers of a stroke are already there. Among other things, Chernobrovina was found to be underweight and had vision problems.

Nastya's genetic lifespan is 74-77 years, but malnutrition stole 6 years from Nastya, chronic lack of sleep and fatigue - another 9 years, stress - another 11 years. In total, the workaholism of the TV presenter took her more than a quarter of a century.

What to do?

About how our fitness expert Oleg Taktarov helped Anastasia get in shape, he already told in his column. Yulia Chekhonina had to rebuild her ward's nutrition system - so that it became sufficient and complete.

And I will share one episode from our eight weeks with Nastya, which, it seems to me, can become a turning point in her future life.

Shock therapy

When Nastya's three-week vacation ended, she again rushed to work - and we began to seriously fear that our ward would not return to her usual way of life.

Therefore, we decided to resort to the method of shock therapy and deceive the TV presenter a little - for greater fidelity. I invited Nastya to take part in the shift of intensive care doctors. The ambulance left allegedly to call a patient with a heart attack.

The actor of the program became “sick” - otherwise we would not have known what case we would have to go to, and a heart attack is one of the most likely endings for Nastya. During transport, the “patient” allegedly had a cardiac arrest, and a team of doctors fought for his life.

Of course, it’s not good to deceive, but Nastya saw live what really could happen to her - at any moment. She realized that this could happen right now, and not sometime in the distant future, and in a very abstract way. Since then, we have been calm - Nastya will not stop taking care of herself.


Nastya's purposefulness was her problem - it turned into workaholism and destroyed her health. But it was this quality that helped her in our project. It was enough to motivate Anastasia and show her the way of salvation, she did the rest herself.

The result is obvious - Nastya managed to return 17 of the 26 lost years of her life, and I hope that in her life there will be a place not only for work, but also for her own health.

The girl's desire to become a TV presenter appeared after school, when Nastya entered college. After six months of study, Chernobrovina realized that she was interested in television much more than psychology. The student went to the regional channel.

At the age of 19, a TV presenter from Izhevsk went to the capital. Anastasia entered the University of Culture and Arts, where she chose the specialty "Film and TV Management".

Chernobrovina managed to conquer Moscow and make a brilliant career as a TV presenter in a short time. In the mid-1990s, Nastya prepared stories for the Vesti v 11 infotainment program, which aired on RTR.

For a year, starting in 2001, Anastasia was assigned to lead the information and entertainment project "Big Swimming". The program was broadcast on the TVC channel. But already in 2002, Chernobrovina returned to the Rossiya TV channel.

This time for a long time. Since then, the TV presenter has been hosting Good Morning, Russia! As part of this project, the journalist managed to travel around half the planet in a few years. Long-distance business trips began for Anastasia after the appearance of a new column called "All the mornings of the world."

In 2007, the TV presenter tried herself as the author of the documentary "Phenomenal twins, or how ours conquered Eurovision." The film brought Anastasia the prize of the European TV competition "Erasmus euromedia award".

In 2009, the creative biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina entered a new stage: she became the author and host of a number of programs on the My Planet channel. The audience loves Nastya for her charm and smile, for the informative saturation of projects and ease of perception.

The journalist has many awards. Among them is the diploma of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, which he awarded the journalist for the project - the documentary film "Tiksi - the territory of permafrost" in 2010.

Anastasia Chernobrovina is today a recognized TV star and media person. She is often invited to various popular projects and shows. Anastasia appeared twice on the television game Fort Boyard and participated in the 9th season of Dancing with the Stars.

Her first appearance took place in 1999 on the NTV channel in the program Segodnyachko, popular at that time, the successor to the Vremechko program, the genre of which was defined as folk news. It aired three times a day: morning, afternoon and late at night.

Five years later, in 2006, she received an offer to work on the Rossiya TV channel, where her first broadcast took place, first as a news anchor, and then as a morning program.

Irina herself admitted that the project team has become a second family for her for such a long time. She fit perfectly into her new environment and successfully broadcast in tandem with Andrei Petrov, and later with Vladislav Zavyalov, when the project management decided to reshuffle.

In the process of work, Irina was able to fully reveal her acting talent, as she once dreamed of entering VGIK. This happened during the filming of scenes that clearly illustrate the current topics of the program's plots.

During this time, pleasant changes took place in her personal life: in March 2013, she became a mother for the second time and went to the maternity hospital directly from the filming of the last one before the maternity leave of the broadcast. Then the audience did not even have a question about where the presenter Irina Muromtseva had gone.

According to some sources and interviews that the TV presenter herself gave after leaving the program and the channel, in the summer of 2014, at the TEFI award ceremony, she received an offer from the general director of Channel One, not only to host a new Sunday project unique for Russian television, but also to produce it.

After much deliberation, the decision was nevertheless made, and, turning on their TVs on the morning of November 27, 2014, the audience wondered: where did the announcer Irina Muromtseva go and what kind of woman is taking her place on the air?

According to Anastasia Chernobrovina, work and husband are incompatible things at the moment, because she pays all her attention to her career. Filmed in several projects and makes grandiose plans for the future. We wish her creative success!