What is communication. Communication



the process of interconnection and interaction of societies. subjects (classes, groups, individuals), in which there is an exchange of activities, information, experience, abilities, skills, as well as the results of activities; one of the necessary and universal conditions for the formation and development of society and the individual.

The real mediators of all forms of O. are not only the results of spiritual activity - ideas, values, ideals, and moods, but also material things - tools and means of man. labor, objects that embody social values ​​and people, . In the process of O. experience is transferred and assimilated, the structures and essences of interacting subjects take place, historically specific types of personalities and the entire diversity of people are formed. individualities, occurs personality.

Societies. relations and O. are interconnected, but not identities. concepts. K. Marx and F. Engels in their early works used "O." as to designate societies. relations (material and ideological), and to characterize the immediate interpersonal relationships. In their later works, "O." used preim. to characterize interpersonal relationships, which Marx and Engels saw in the "processing of people by people." Societies. relations are primarily concrete-historical. communications, a way of connecting societies. stakeholders (classes, groups and individuals, as they are included in these groups) with each other in the process of activity and in accordance with its nature, societies. functions, conditions for their implementation. They represent a system-forming factor that provides a given society, system, its functioning and. O. is the directly experienced and concretization of societies. relationships, their, personal. Society does not exist as independent. "face" along with and outside of its constituent individuals and societies. relationships do not exist outside of real life and O. people. “... It is the personal, individual of individuals to each other, their mutual relationship as individuals that has created - and everyday recreates - the existing relationship" (Marx K. and Engels F., Works, T. 3, With. 440) .

O. expresses not only society, but also the personal of individuals for each other in the process of societies. reproduction of the person himself in all the richness of his personal abilities, needs, values ​​and others characteristics. In O. the formation of the personality, its consciousness and self-consciousness is carried out. K. Marx wrote: “... A person first looks, as in a mirror, into another person ...” (ibid., T. 23, With. 62, approx.) . Another, a partner in O., at the same time, the most important stimulant own development, and the object of activity. Therefore, O. is a condition for the formation of a person as a social being capable of living together with his own kind. In O. receives not only rational information, forms ways of thinking. activity, but also through imitation and borrowing, empathy and identification, a person learns. , feelings, forms of behavior.

It is customary to distinguish direct O. (direct contact) and indirect O. (when there is a space-time distance between partners). Personal contact has a greater power of emotional impact, suggestion, it directly acts socio-psychological. "" infection and imitation. oral and so-called. paralinguistic information (facial expressions and gestures), in which the definitions are fixed. social meanings. In indirect O., nreim is carried out. the assimilation of societies. consciousness through the liter, perception of works of art, mass media and T. n. Here O. wears preim. one-sided, but it has a lot to enrich the entire system of the relationship of the individual with the world, breaks the framework of the immediate. environment, makes the individual involved in all the events of the world, to different generations, countries, eras. If personal contacts are a means of rallying and consolidating relatively small, "contact" groups, then indirect O. contributes to the organization and consolidation of large social communities in which directly. contacts of each with each is practically impossible.

O. is a multifaceted process studied by philosophy, sociology, general and social psychology, linguistics, pedagogy and others sciences.

Parygin B. D., Fundamentals of socio-psychological. theory, M., 1971: Sokovnin V. M., On the nature of man. O., Frunze, 19742; Methodological problems of social psychology, M., 1975; Bueva L.P., Man: activity and O., M., 1978; The problem of O. in psychology, M., 1981.

L. P. Bueva.

Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editors: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983 .


COMMUNICATION - interactions between people, ch. O. immediate. In the interpretation of social relations, communication is a form of their implementation, which provides (along with objective mediation) the reproduction and accumulation of human experience, cooperation and division of human activity. The concept of “communication” is also used to characterize the interactions between different social and cultural systems (“interethnic communication”, “communication of cultures”), that is, in a broader sense than interpersonal. In any case, communication cannot take place without interindividual contacts; they remain “nuclear structures” in any interpretation of communication. For philosophy, communication is special, since it concentrates forms of thinking and activity, generally significant and subjective intentions of individuals. Difficulties in the descriptions of communication are explained by the definitions of this phenomenon as direct and indirect, immediate and mediated. In direct communication, people interact “face to face”, in this form, jointness, direct collectivity of human activity is carried out. But just as activity is not reduced to direct collaboration, so communication is not reduced to direct contacts.

In the course of social evolution, a variety of subject and symbolic means arise that provide indirect communication between human individuals, connections of various human activities. The problems of culture are largely determined by their growing role in people's lives. Taking into account this circumstance prevents the opposition and rupture of the concepts of activity and communication, of communication and productivity, of the compatibility and separation of people's social existence. The concept of activity emphasizes the realization of human forces, the concept of communication draws him to the direct and indirect connections of these forces. Both concepts from different angles reveal forms of movement, cooperation, translation of human forces and abilities in social space and social time. The development of social science in the 20th century, in which the division of labor dominated integral ideas about social processes, led to simplified interpretations of communication and activity: communication was reduced to intersubjective interactions, activity - to human impact on things. Accordingly, the diverse forms of communication were reduced to ideas of direct contacts between people. From the connections of communication, as it were, the problems associated with it were also squeezed out, from the activity - people, the social qualities of human objects. And although the philosophical and methodological gave all the grounds for understanding the complexity of the problem of communication, in fact, both in the ordinary and in the scientific consciousness, stereotypical interpretations of communication as a direct thing dominated and continue to operate! any interaction between people.

V. E. Kemerov

New Philosophical Encyclopedia: In 4 vols. M.: Thought. Edited by V. S. Stepin. 2001 .


See what "COMMUNICATION" is in other dictionaries:

    communication- a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people (interpersonal O.) and groups (intergroup O.), generated by the needs of joint activities and including at least three different processes: communication ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Communication- with God, with brothers and sisters in faith, the most important thing in the life of a Christian. Man was created to live in fellowship with God. However, their relationship was broken by the man's disobedience. Jesus came to restore them, atoning for sin by His death, ... ... Detailed Dictionary of Biblical Names

    Interaction of individuals or social groups: consisting in the direct exchange of activities, skills, abilities, experience, information; and satisfies the needs of a person in contacts with other people. In English: Intercourse See also: ... ... Financial vocabulary

    The interaction of two or more subjects, consisting in the exchange of messages between them, having subject and emotional aspects. Communication is based on the realization of a special need for contact with other subjects, the satisfaction of which ... ... Psychological Dictionary

    COMMUNICATION, communication, pl. no, cf. (book). Mutual relations, connection. Close communication. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    A concept that describes the interaction between people (subject-subject relationship) and characterizes the basic human need to be included in society and culture. Sometimes the term "O." It is also used to characterize the interactions between ... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

    COMMUNICATION, I, cf. Mutual relations, business or friendship. Close, friendly O. with people. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    A person can do without much, but not without a person. Ludwig Berne The only luxury I know is the luxury of human communication. Antoine de Saint-Exupery It is enough to be with someone in an elevator to see how few people ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

According to psychologists, the need for communication is one of the basic needs of the individual. Why is it so important? Communication is one of the guarantees of the harmonious development of the personality, a condition for both spiritual and physical health, as well as a way of knowing oneself and others. And even despite the fact that communication between people has always been the basis of the social existence of mankind, it became a direct object of psychological research only in the 20th century.

Communication is what accompanies us everywhere. We communicate from infancy: we learn to smile at our parents and recognize unfamiliar faces. Then we learn to speak. Conversation is verbal communication. But who teaches us non-verbal communication - facial expressions, gestures, correct intonation?

Communication ... What is it?

Activities and communication determine the social contacts of people.

Of course, there are certain differences between activity and communication as types of activity. The result of activity is either some ideal or material product, while the result of communication is some mutual influence of individuals on each other. Despite such differences, activity and communication are interrelated aspects of people's social activity. Without intensive communication, activity cannot arise. In addition, communication is a specific type of human activity. In the real life of a person, they act as a unity, but in some situations they can be realized separately and independently of each other.

What is the role of communication in human life? This is not only a type of activity, but also a multifaceted process that includes such components as the interaction of two or more people, the exchange of information between them, the formation of behavior patterns, relationships between people, the image of the inner "I" of the individual, and so on.

In psychology, the concept of communication is defined as the process of interaction between two or more people, which consists in the exchange of information, which is both cognitive and emotional in nature. In the course of communication, interpersonal relationships arise, find their manifestation and form. Also, the concept of communication involves the exchange of feelings, thoughts and experiences.

In the process of research, psychologists identified the content of communication, its purpose, means, structure, as well as functions and forms.

What are the parties and content of communication?

As already mentioned, the process of communication involves the exchange of information. And the information transmitted from one person to another is the content of communication. Despite the fact that human communication is multi-subject and can be of the most diverse nature, it can be classified according to its content.

In addition, there are three aspects of communication.

Communicative is the exchange of information between those who are engaged in joint activities. The interactive side of communication is an exchange of not only words, but also actions. Perceptual - this is the perception of communicating with each other.

What is the purpose of communication?

When people begin to communicate, they pursue a certain goal. That is, the purpose of communication is what it was started for, which means that they can be very diverse. For example, the purpose of communication may simply be in itself. Or in the introduction of one person to the point of view and experience of another.

What are the means of communication?

The means of communication are those methods of coding, transmission, processing and decoding of information that is transmitted in the process of communication. They are divided into verbal or verbal, that is, those that are represented by speech, and non-verbal means, or non-verbal communication, which include gestures, facial expressions, intonations, touches, glances, and so on.

Non-verbal communication - what is it for?

For clear understanding of each other, people need non-verbal means of communication. Naturally, non-verbal manifestations are relevant only for oral communication.

Non-verbal communication is often called "body language", because the external non-verbal manifestations of feelings and emotions that are performed by the body are also a kind of set of signs and symbols. Why do we need "body language"?

Communication with people is unthinkable without non-verbal manifestations. Their main function is unambiguous: to supplement the spoken message. For example, if a person tells you about his victory in any business, he can, in addition to this information, throw his hands up triumphantly so that they are above his head, or even jump for joy.

Another function of non-verbal communication is to enhance the verbal message, as well as its emotional component. The two forms of communication can successfully complement each other. For example, if the answer is “No, I don’t agree with you,” the interlocutor repeats his message in the form of shaking his head from side to side in denial, or, if the answer is “Of course it is,” with an affirmative nod.

Non-verbal communication can express the contradiction between words and actions. For example, if you know the peculiarities of communication with a particular person, and he will joke and have fun when he feels completely developed in his soul, this will not hide from you.

Non-verbal communication helps to focus on something. For example, instead of the word "attention", you can show a gesture that will attract the eyes of the audience. So, a gesture with a raised index finger on an outstretched hand will emphasize what the speaker is saying.

In addition, forms of communication can successfully interchange each other. For example, instead of speaking some text, you can use a gesture that replaces it. So, you can immediately indicate with your hand the direction the interlocutor needs, or shrug your shoulders as a sign that you do not know the answer to the question posed.

Non-verbal means of communication

It is extremely important to learn how to balance verbal and non-verbal means of communication in your behavior and speech. It is commendable if your communication skills allow you to do this. Such a balance allows you to convey the necessary information to the interlocutor as accurately and fully as possible, as well as to understand his response message. Methods of communication must fulfill their main function - the transmission of a message. If a person speaks monotonously and unemotionally, then soon his interlocutors will get tired, start to be distracted and not receive all the information. Or, on the contrary, if the speaker gestures too actively, interjections often slip into his speech, and words are a rare occurrence in his speech, he will overload the interlocutor's perception with unnecessary information, which will quickly tire him. Such a message will definitely alienate the listener from such an expressive conversation partner.

So, non-verbal means of conversation. It's time to define them. Communication without words falls into the following four categories.

Gestures and posture

In life, people evaluate each other even before they speak for the first time. Therefore, you can create the impression of a fussy person or, conversely, self-confident, with only one pose or gait. Gesticulation allows you to emphasize the meaning of all of the above, as well as to place accents and express your attitude to what you have said. However, it must be remembered that, for example, business communication does not allow speech to be accompanied by unnecessary gestures. In addition, it must be remembered that in the communication of each people there are their own gestures, and the gestures common to two peoples can be interpreted in completely different ways.

Mimicry, look and facial expression

The main transmitter of information about a person is his face. It is it that tells about the mood, feelings and emotions of the individual. As Tolstoy said, the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Not without reason, many trainings and seminars on developing an understanding of the mood of children begin with the fact that participants learn to recognize basic emotions from photographs, such as fear, surprise, longing, anger, sadness, joy, and others.

Distance between interlocutors and touch

By the distance your interlocutor chooses for a conversation, you can determine how he treats you. Why? Because the distance to the interlocutor is determined by the degree of proximity to him.

Intonation and voice characteristics

These two elements of communication, as it were, combine non-verbal and verbal means of communication. It is with the help of different intonations, timbre, loudness, rhythm and tone of voice that the same phrase can sound absolutely different, while the meaning of information changes to the exact opposite.

Ten secrets of confidential communication

In order for others to better understand you, you should adhere to the basic rules of confidential communication. Described below, they are not the fruit of tedious office work, but are based on the experience of those people who use them day in and day out.

Learn to take an interest in people and it has to be done sincerely. First rule: your business is secondary. You will never have a good conversation if you care about nothing but your own business. Remember the simple formula for success: "I would like / would like to consult with you."

Learn to listen. Being a good listener is a great quality, but not everyone is born with it. Often this skill is more valuable than the ability to speak beautifully. In any conversation, first listen to the interlocutor, and then start talking yourself, taking into account what you heard earlier. Remember that any person tends to listen to another only after he has been listened to.

Tell the interlocutor what you can give him. All people tend to communicate with those from whom they will have at least some “benefit”. You should not immediately begin to praise yourself, your abilities, the quality of the services that you provide. It is better to explain to the person what exactly he will have if he accepts your offer.

Criticism should be moderate. Criticism often comes back like a boomerang. If you start criticizing a person, then he can repay you with the same coin. Therefore, first you should focus your attention on your own mistakes, and only then point out the shortcomings of the interlocutor. Also, don't point out other people's mistakes directly. Indirect criticism is perceived much more calmly. It is necessary to criticize not a person, but only his actions and deeds. Don't blame people for being stubborn, misunderstanding, incapable of restraint, or inability to listen.

Speak without metallic notes in your voice. The vast majority of people are not overjoyed when they are ordered, reminded of their duties, or simply communicated with them in a commanding, instructive, arrogant or edifying tone. If you use a similar tone, then, as it were, you put the person in a dependent, “childish” position. A completely natural human reaction is reciprocal resistance, a similar tone, or simply irritation.

Don't forget that you can be wrong too. If any unpleasant incident happened, then everyone wants to call their neighbor a “hero” of success. In adverse situations of any kind, people tend to look for the root of the problem not in themselves, but in the people around them. It is necessary to learn to share with others the responsibility for what happened, and even better to learn to find the causes of failure in yourself, your loved one. In addition, by accepting the blame for yourself, you simply disarm the accusers, and there is nothing left for them but to say that this could happen to anyone.

Learn to praise people. Talk to people about what they are doing well. It is possible that their abilities and qualities that you praise are only in their infancy, but your interlocutor, having heard your feedback, will strive to “fix” their dignity, develop it in themselves. Think well of people, talk about their good qualities, trust them. Do not be afraid to look funny or inappropriate when giving a compliment, in addition, do it sincerely, from the bottom of your heart. A good start to a conversation and one of the best ways to cheer up is a compliment. If you think you're bad at giving compliments, just look at the person and find something good in them, and then note that trait out loud.

Make the attacker your friend. As a rule, when we are forced to deal with a rude, intolerant, and perhaps even aggressive person, we feel resentment or irritation. Try to put yourself in his place. Perhaps he is very tired, dealing daily with people who do not care how he is doing, perhaps he is sick or has trouble at home or at work. Who knows, maybe he just has a weak nervous system and a high susceptibility to stress? Forget for a couple of minutes about your offense and listen to another.

Firstly, the trust and gratitude that you evoke by being interested in other people's problems will help you negotiate with your interlocutor. Secondly, you can try together to find a solution to the problems of the interlocutor. As a result, the person felt better, and agreed, and you did not let us down in his eyes.

Do not inflate a quarrel and learn to respect the opinion of the other person. This does not mean at all that you should be silent when you are insulted and make endless concessions. Just be above the fight. Even in the most heated discussions, don't let yourself shout "It's your fault" or "You're wrong!"

If a quarrel nevertheless happened, then you should not reject the interlocutor's claims against you. There is no need to make excuses either, because this will only stimulate the opponent to continue the quarrel and support his desire to prove that he is right and you are to blame.

Smile more often! Looking at a smiling good-natured person, even the most aggressive and unsociable people become more friendly and peaceful. A witty and cheerful fellow traveler is able to cheer up dull, tired travelers on a long journey.

If a person smiles, then even the most gloomy person looks more cheerful. It is important to learn to smile, even if you are in a bad mood. Trust me it will get better! A sense of humor and a smile are the professional qualities and tools of those who constantly communicate with people at work.

In addition, a benevolent and sincere smile cannot spoil any face, on the contrary, the vast majority of people become more attractive.


Communication- a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people (interpersonal communication) and groups (intergroup communication), generated by the needs of joint activities and including at least three different processes: communication (information exchange), interaction (action exchange) and social perception ( perception and understanding of the partner). Without communication, human activity is impossible. The psychological specificity of the processes of communication, considered from the point of view of the relationship between the individual and society, is studied within the framework of the psychology of communication; the use of communication in activity is studied by sociology.

Ideas about the development of communication

The history of the development of means of communication

Phylogenetic development of communication

According to the American psychologist and specialist in the study of communication and cooperation M. Tomasello, and his cooperative models of human communication, the first human forms of communication were pointing and pictorial (iconic) gestures.

Ontogenetic development of communication

Emotional communication of a child with people begins from the third month of life (revitalization complex), mastering the verbal language of communication occurs at the age of about a year.

Up to three months, the main means of communication are primitive facial expressions and elementary gestures, communication is a means of achieving the satisfaction of physiological needs. In the period from 8-10 months to one and a half years, the stage of verbal-non-verbal communication takes place, aimed at satisfying cognitive needs. In the period from one and a half to three years, business and gaming communication appear; from three to 6-7 years, skills of plot-role-playing communication develop.

Forms of communication action

Three forms of communication action are possible:

Classifications of parties and functions of communication

  1. Communicative: the exchange of information between communicating individuals.
  2. Interactive: organization of interaction between communicating individuals (exchange of actions).
  3. Perceptual: the process of perception and knowledge of each other by partners in communication and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis.
  1. information and communication (reception and transmission of information)
  2. regulatory and communicative (mutual adjustment of actions in joint activities)
  3. affective-communicative
  1. instrumental function (main work function, exchange of information in the process of management and joint work);
  2. syndicative (cohesion of groups)
  3. translational function (used in the transfer of knowledge, assessments)
  4. self-expression (search and achievement of mutual understanding)

Functions for the purposes of communication:

  1. contact (establishing contact, that is, readiness to receive and transmit messages and maintain a relationship)
  2. informational (reception and transmission of messages in response to a request)
  3. incentive (target stimulation of activity)
  4. coordination (mutual coordination and consistency in joint activities)
  5. function of understanding (adequate understanding of the meaning, mutual understanding in general)
  6. emotive (exchange of emotions)
  7. the function of establishing relationships (fixing one's place in society)
  8. the function of exerting influence (changes in the state, behavior, personal and semantic formations of the partner)

Types of communication

In accordance with the content, the following types of communication can be distinguished:

  • Material - the exchange of objects or products of activity.
  • Cognitive communication - the exchange of information, knowledge. When we learn from our friends about the weather on the street, food prices, the start time of the concert, how to solve a mathematical problem, we are dealing with a cognitive type of communication.
  • Conditional or emotional communication is the exchange of emotional states between communicating individuals. Cheer up a sad friend is an example of emotional communication. It is based on the phenomenon of emotional contagion.
  • Motivational communication is the exchange of desires, motivations, goals, interests, or needs. It takes place both in business and in interpersonal communication. Examples are: motivating staff to work successfully in an enterprise (business communication), a conversation aimed at persuading a friend to go to a concert with you (interpersonal communication).
  • Activity - the exchange of skills and abilities, which is carried out as a result of joint activities. Example: learn to cross stitch in a circle of embroidery.

Depending on the communication technique used and its goals, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Contact masks - formal communication, when there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality of the interlocutor. The usual masks are used (politeness, courtesy, indifference, modesty, sympathy, etc.) - a set of facial expressions, gestures, standard phrases that allow you to hide true emotions, attitude towards the interlocutor.
  • Secular communication - its essence is non-objectivity, that is, people do not say what they think, but what is supposed to be said in such cases; this communication is closed, because the points of view of people on a particular issue do not matter and do not determine the nature of communication. For example: formal politeness, ritual communication.
  • Formal-role communication - when both the content and the means of communication are regulated, and instead of knowing the personality of the interlocutor, knowledge of his social role is dispensed with.
  • Business communication is a process of interaction in communication, in which information is exchanged to achieve a certain result. That is, this communication is purposeful. It arises on the basis of and about a certain type of activity. In business communication, the personality, character, and mood of the interlocutor are taken into account, but the interests of the case are more significant than possible personal differences.
  • Interpersonal communication (intimate-personal) - the deep structures of the personality are revealed.
  • Manipulative communication - aimed at obtaining benefits from the interlocutor.

Means of communication

  • Verbal (speech)
  • proverbal
  • Nonverbal:
  1. facial expressions
  2. Gesticulation
  3. visual contact

Components of communication

Communication model: source, channel, message, recipients, feedback

Communication procedure

The steps in the communication process are:

  1. The need for communication (it is necessary to communicate or find out information, influence the interlocutor, etc.) - encourages a person to make contact with other people.
  2. Orientation in order to communicate, in a situation of communication.
  3. Orientation in the personality of the interlocutor.
  4. Planning the content of his communication - a person imagines (usually unconsciously) what exactly he will say.
  5. Unconsciously (sometimes consciously) a person chooses specific means, phrases that he will use, decides how to speak, how to behave.
  6. Establishing contact
  7. Exchange of opinions, ideas, facts
  8. Perception and assessment of the interlocutor's response, monitoring the effectiveness of communication based on the establishment of feedback.
  9. Adjustment of direction, style, methods of communication and ways of their interaction.

see also



  • W. L. Levy. The art of being different - St. Petersburg. : Peter, 1993. - 191 p. : ill. - (The art of being; book 1). - ISBN 5-7190-0006-2.
  • Luneva O. V. Communication // Knowledge. Understanding. Skill. - 2005. - No. 4. - S. 157-159.
  • Smirnov I. Motherfucker, or about extreme techniques of rapprochement/distancing in a communicative act // Smirnov I. P. Genesis. Philosophical essays on socio-cultural initiative. SPb., 2006. S. 87-108.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Sail
  • Fedorov, Sergei Viktorovich

See what "Communication" is in other dictionaries:

    communication- a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people (interpersonal O.) and groups (intergroup O.), generated by the needs of joint activities and including at least three different processes: communication ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    COMMUNICATION- the process of interconnection and interaction of societies. subjects (classes, groups, individuals), in which there is an exchange of activities, information, experience, abilities, skills, as well as the results of activities; one of the necessary... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    communication- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Communication- with God, with brothers and sisters in faith, the most important thing in the life of a Christian. Man was created to live in fellowship with God. However, their relationship was broken by the man's disobedience. Jesus came to restore them, atoning for sin by His death, ... ... Detailed Dictionary of Biblical Names

    Communication- interaction of individuals or social groups: consisting in the direct exchange of activities, skills, abilities, experience, information; and satisfies the needs of a person in contacts with other people. In English: Intercourse See also: ... ... Financial vocabulary

    Communication- the interaction of two or more subjects, consisting in the exchange of messages between them, having subject and emotional aspects. Communication is based on the realization of a special need for contact with other subjects, the satisfaction of which ... ... Psychological Dictionary

    COMMUNICATION- COMMUNICATION, communication, pl. no, cf. (book). Mutual relations, connection. Close communication. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    COMMUNICATION- a concept that describes the interaction between people (subject-subject relationship) and characterizes the basic human need to be included in society and culture. Sometimes the term "O." It is also used to characterize the interactions between ... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

    COMMUNICATION- COMMUNICATION, I, cf. Mutual relations, business or friendship. Close, friendly O. with people. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    COMMUNICATION- A person can do without much, but not without a person. Ludwig Berne The only luxury I know is the luxury of human communication. Antoine de Saint-Exupery It is enough to be with someone in an elevator to see how few people ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms


Many things are incomprehensible to them, not because our

concepts are weak; but because they are not included in the circle of our concepts.

Kuzma Prutkov

Definition of the concept of "communication". Structure and means of communication

Communication- a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, the perception and understanding of another person.

Given the complexity of the concept of "communication", it is necessary to designate its structure, which consists of three interrelated parties: communicative, interactive and perceptual.

Communicative side communication consists of exchange of information between people.

Interactive side communication is to organize interactions between individuals, i.e. in the exchange of not only knowledge and ideas, but also actions.

Perceptual side communication means process perceptions of each other partners in communication and the establishment of mutual understanding on this basis.

G main means of communication is language.

Language- this is a system of signs that serves as a means of human communication, mental activity, a way of expressing self-consciousness, personality.

Signs are of great importance in the process of communication.

Sign - e then any material object (object, phenomenon, event) that acts as an indication and designation and is used to acquire, store, process and transmit information.

So, the word "table" is a sign. All signs of a given language (for example, Russian) form a system of signs: the words "table", "chair", "sofa", etc. are united by a common idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfurniture . The general content that is embedded in a given sign is called its meaning. By learning the meanings of signs and how they are organized to convey a message, people learn to speak a particular language.

Language becomes a means of communication, a means of establishing mutual understanding for those who speak it. At the same time, he becomes a means of isolation for those who do not know him.

We can say that we can understand a person as a bearer of a certain culture only by understanding the meaning of his words and deeds. It is possible to understand him as an individual only by taking into account both the meanings and the personal meanings of his speeches, gestures, etc.

§ 2. Characteristics and content of communication. Mechanisms of influence in the process of communication

There are two types of communication: verbal and non-verbal. Communication carried out with the help of words is called verbal (from Latin - verbal). In non-verbal communication, the means of transmitting information are non-verbal (non-verbal) signs (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonation, views, etc.).

Speech is able to accurately and impartially capture the intellectual considerations of a person, serve as a means of transmitting unambiguously interpreted messages.

l Postures, gestures, facial expressions. In general, they are perceived as general motor skills of various parts of the body (hands - gestures, faces - facial expressions, postures - pantomime). This gross motor skills reflects a person's emotional responses.

l Paralinguistics - pronunciation features, voice timbre, its height and volume, speech rate, pauses between words, phrases, laughter, crying, sighs, speech errors, contact organization features

Paralinguistic and extralinguistic systems are "additions" to verbal communication.

l Proxemics (from English - proximity). The founder of proxemics E. Hall called it spatial psychology.

l Visual communication - eye contact.

l Non-verbal means of communication are most often used to establish emotional contact with the interlocutor and maintain it during the conversation, to fix how well a person controls himself, and also to get information about what people really think about others. The American psychologist J. Treiger called non-verbal means of communication an emotional language, since most often they “tell” us exactly about the feelings of the interlocutor.

Firstly, they are able to point the interlocutor to the most important points of the message.

For example, we slowly, with pauses, pronounce the phone number that the interlocutor writes down. When telling how to get to the right place, we emphasize (with the help of words) directions - "to the right", "two blocks", etc.

Secondly, non-verbal means of communication complement the content of the statement.

Third, non-verbal means of communication testify to the attitude towards the interlocutor, since they express the feelings of the speaker.

We clearly feel the arrogant disdain of the one who "sips words through the itch", and we feel deep Respect for the interlocutor, who has a good speech with pauses of attention in anticipation of a response. Wishing to show our negative attitude, we can give, with the help of appropriate intonation, an offensive meaning to the usual formula of politeness such as "thank you", "be kind" and fill the most neutral ones again with tender feelings.

Fourth, non-verbal means of communication make it possible to judge the person himself, his state at the moment, his psychological qualities.

Main mechanisms of cognition another person in the process of communication are identification, empathy and reflection.

Identification- identification, likening oneself to one's interlocutor .. This, of course, is not the only way, but in real situations of interaction, people use this technique when an assumption about the internal state of a communication partner is based on an attempt to put oneself in his place.

There is a close relationship between identification and another similar phenomenon in content - the phenomenon of empathy (from the Greek - empathy).

Empathy- is the ability to comprehend the emotional state of another person in the form of empathy. Only in this case is meant not a rational understanding of the problems of another person, but rather, emotional response to his problems. The emotional nature of empathy is manifested precisely in the fact that the situation of another person, for example, a communication partner, is not so much thought out as felt.

The term "empathy" was introduced by E. Titchener, who said: "I not only see importance, modesty or pride in others ... I feel these traits, play them in my mind ..."

In other words, the process of understanding each other is complicated by the phenomenon of reflection (from Latin - turning back). This is not just knowing or understanding a partner, but knowing how a partner understands me, a kind of doubled process of mirror relationships with each other.

Infection - unconscious, involuntary susceptibility of a person to certain mental states. It manifests itself through the transmission of a certain emotional state or, in the words of the famous psychologist B.D. Parygin, mental attitude.

For example, applause at the performance of a popular actor can play the role of an impulse behind which the situation will develop according to the laws of "contagion". The next example is "sickness" in stadiums during sporting events. In addition, the leaders (formal and informal) of any team are a model of the amplifier of a certain mental attitude that may arise in the group.

It has been experimentally established that the higher the level of development of a personality, the more critical its attitude to the impact and, thus, the weaker the action of the "infection" mechanism.

Suggestion - This is a purposeful, unreasoned impact of one person on another. With suggestion (suggestion), the process of transmitting information is carried out, based on its non-critical perception. The phenomenon of resistance to suggestive influence is called counter-suggestion. Suggestion is made by direct inoculation of mental states, and does not need proofs and logic. Suggestion is an emotional-volitional influence.

The effect of suggestion depends on age: children are more suggestible than adults. Tired, physically weakened people are more suggestible. It has been experimentally proven that the decisive condition for effective suggestion is the authority of the suggester.

Persuasion e. It is built on the fact that, with the help of a logical justification, to achieve consent from the person "receiving information. Persuasion is an intellectual influence on the consciousness of a person through an appeal to her own critical judgment.

Imitation - in reproduction of the features and images of the demonstrated behavior. Since we are talking about the assimilation of the proposed patterns of behavior, there are two plans of imitation: either a specific person, or norms of behavior developed by a group.

Analysis of communication as a complex multilateral process shows that its specific forms can be very different. In order to understand how a person is included in these processes, what he contributes to them, it is necessary to consider how specifically the processes of communication are revealed in various groups, as well as in various activities.

Similar information.

The concept of communication emerges not only in the sciences of society and man, but also in the natural sciences. From a social science point of view, communication - it is a way of transferring information from one person to another. It is also the process of establishing and evolving contacts between people or groups of people.

Communication is a type of joint human activity, without which any other type of joint activity is impossible. Communication accompanies many types of work.

The uniqueness of communication as a type of activity lies in the following. Almost all types of activity are built on the subject-object principle, that is, a person influences and modifies the object, which is what his activity is aimed at. Communication is usually based on the principle subject-subject, that is, the equal interaction of two individuals.

Communication functions.

In the structure of communication, psychologists distinguish three sides - perception, communication and interaction. From here it can be deduced three main functions of communication.

  1. perceptual function. She is - affective-communicative. Shows the emotional sphere of a person, his attitude to what surrounds him.
  2. Information and communication function. Information exchange function. It is this function that is most often associated with the concept of communication.
  3. interactive function. She is - regulatory and communicative. The function of organizing joint activities.

Goals and types of communication.

The goals of human communication many, but they are all divided into two types:

  • Communication as a means to some other end which has nothing to do with communication. For example, asking a passerby how to get to the bus station has a real goal - not to be late for the bus, and this goal is not directly related to communication.
  • Communication as an end in itself. When you call a friend to chat, your communication is an end in itself.
  1. Cognitive. Information exchange.
  2. Emotional. Exchange of emotions. Emotional contagion is what makes this kind of communication possible. An example is telling someone a joke to cheer them up.
  3. Motivational. Most often, the purpose of such communication is to convince someone, to persuade, agitate, etc.
  4. Activity. Exchange of skills and knowledge. Any sports section or a circle of singing lovers is an example of active communication.
  5. Material. Exchange of material values.

As a conclusion, we can conclude that such a complex activity as communication,