How to confess to a girl in feelings? How to confess to a girl in love: beautiful, original and not embarrassed Is it possible to immediately confess your love.


Before you confess your love to Cancer, you need to study the features of this zodiac sign. Cancers are those people who cannot open their soul to the first person they meet. Even for most friends, Cancer remains a mystery. People born under this sign, although romantics, always remain on the alert. They are very rational and practical. They can be called too cautious. People born between June 22 and July 22 have sometimes impossible combinations in their character. You will always have to put up with this, because Cancer cannot be redone.

This sign is very touchy. Men are outwardly rude and sometimes cruel, but inside they can have a huge heart filled with love. Cancer women are looking for a master in a partner. Prone to suggestion to a partner of great love. Both women and men of this sign are looking for the balance in which they will love and be loved. It is very difficult for Cancers to confess their love first. At best, they can veil the confession with a joke, since if they refuse, it will be unbearably painful for them. And if they show signs of attention, then it is worth taking a reciprocal step.

Cancer partners must be perfect. Therefore, you must always be in full combat readiness. There should not be a single flaw in the appearance, all clothes are carefully selected, and makeup is impeccable. Hair should not be in a mess, but styled in an elegant hairstyle. Men should not have lint on their clothes, let alone stains. Every day you will need to shave, and not leave a stubble.

Share his dreams, support in his endeavors. After all, for Cancer, this is very important. He must constantly feel support from a person close to him. Let him take care of you.

Cancer must see its ideal not only in appearance. His couple should be well-read and smart. Education is not in last place when choosing a partner. But it is quite difficult to fully meet all these parameters.

When the moment comes in which Cancer hints at love in the form of a joke, then tell the whole truth about your feelings. Speak directly, in a calm and gentle voice. You shouldn't be too nervous. Self-confidence is one of the key factors. Cancerians feel when there is insecurity in a partner. And they can run away from recognition, thinking that even if the relationship starts, it will end soon.

If you don’t even wait for a hint of recognition from Cancer, then you should create a romantic atmosphere. Whether it's a picnic on the roof of the house or dinner in a cozy restaurant, the main thing is that the whole atmosphere should be saturated with love feelings. When dinner starts, have a glass of wine for the two of you and your relationship. Note how Cancer looks good, what a wonderful conversationalist and person he is. And then go directly to recognition. After this, Cancer will not be able to resist.

When you are in love with a girl, the best solution is to confess your feelings to her, even if you are not sure of reciprocity. This is the best thing you can do, don't wait too long or her feelings for you may change.

1. Know that even if she does not love you, you will still take the burden off your soul.

2. Don't make it such a big deal. Just tell her straight.

3. Be calm, nervousness or drama can make her reject you. Don't get mad at her if she refuses.

Be strong and ready that your confession will not have the desired effect.

4. Remember, loving a person is not someone's plan or goal.

5. Take it easy with her, a declaration of love may come as a surprise to her, and she may need time to think about it.

6. Wait for the right moment. Do not tell her about your love when you are among the friends of one of you. Wait for the moment when you will be alone, but when it comes, do not hesitate.

7. Respect her reaction. If she doesn't love you, your life isn't over yet. It may hurt you, but these are her feelings and decision.

8. Make sure you're ready for an emotional roller coaster. There will be ups and downs ahead, if you plan to say that you love only for the sake of sex, then you should not. If you truly love someone, you will respect them, take care of them, be with them in their joys and sorrows. Are you ready for this?

9. "I love you" is a statement, not a question. Don't wait for an answer because there isn't one.

  • Be yourself, be natural. If you are rejected, don't be angry.
  • Love is a complicated thing. She may change her mind after giving you an answer. Don't chase her to make sure she hasn't changed her mind yet.
  • Make sure you are prepared for any possible reaction.
  • Try to look good and be sure to take a shower. Perhaps this is exactly what you are missing right now.
  • If she rejects you, offer her your friendship. Letting her know that you care about her may help her change her mind later on.
  • Fear is normal.
  • Be confident! Look into her eyes, stand still and smile. It is very important to speak without hesitation, especially if you act a little embarrassed but justified. You must demonstrate that you are confident in your words and can back them up with the strength of your devotion.
  • Do not demand an answer "here and now", you can be harshly put in your place or publicly made a laughingstock.
  • Do not tell everyone about your love for her until you tell her personally. It would be very bad if she heard it from someone else.
  • If you've been her friend for a long time and want more now, then she may not see you in that light. In this case, you have to "change yourself", become the person she can fall in love with, and not just a guy who is pleasant to spend time with. It should be a positive change that brings out the best in you. For example, start going to the gym. You will get fit and maybe she will see you as the man of her dreams, with the personality she has loved all along.

Warnings for those who want to confess their feelings to a girl:

  • She can immediately say that she loves you, be prepared for this. If this happened, most likely, not everything is in order, I am sure that this is one of her feelings for you, but you cannot immediately correctly express your attitude towards a person without first considering it .. Most likely, she understands how important this is for you. If she is your friend, don't let her rejection ruin your friendship with her. When telling her about your love, for the sake of a closer relationship, do not lose the ones you already had.
  • No means no. If she rejected you, remember that there are many other people worthy of your attention. Also, if she said no, don't try again the next day, week, etc.

Boys are just as afraid of rejection as girls. Therefore, many of them first think about whether to confess feelings to a girl? What if she loses interest or starts to manipulate? Get those thoughts out of your head! Any girl will appreciate your recognition. Perhaps she has been waiting for him for a long time. Or maybe she loves you too, but doubts your feelings. So don't be afraid confess your love to your girlfriend. There is no point in hiding your feelings.

How can you confess to a girl in love

Of course, you can just go up to the girl and tell her “on the forehead” “I love you!”. But every girl deep down dreams of a romantic and spectacular recognition. It is important for her not only to hear these cherished words, but also to understand that she is really dear to you, that you are ready for feats for her sake. How beautiful to confess feelings to a girl?

Call the girl and invite her on a date. Say that you know one interesting place and want to show her. Intrigue her. Answer her questions vaguely, play with her curiosity.

When you meet a girl, don't give her flowers. Just take your hand, smile and lead you to that most interesting place. Such a place could be:

  • amusement park
  • shore of a bay, lake or river
  • open roof in the city center
  • cozy bench in the park where roses bloom
  • equestrian club (with the possibility of horseback riding in the forest)
  • flying club (with the possibility to fly by plane or paraglider)

The place must be chosen in advance, based on the hobbies and inclinations of the girl. For example, if she is afraid of heights, it is foolish to invite her to the roof, and if the girl is an extreme lover, a park bench will not impress her for sure. The main task is to achieve an enthusiastic “how great it is here!” from your favorite girl.

Having chosen a good moment, remove from your backpack / pocket / package:

  • a bottle of champagne or wine
  • fruits, berries, sweets or chocolate
  • a small gift for a girl (a nice souvenir or decoration)
  • sparklers or soap bubbles (to make her smile)

It all depends on your imagination and your budget. The main thing is to show that you are prepared and that all this is only for her. Girls love to be surprised.

It is also important to do it without pathos, try to be as natural and sincere as possible. Smile.

It's time to say the cherished words. To originally confess your love to a girl, you need to choose them correctly. Here are the options:

  • "girl's name", I decided to arrange a little party for you to say how much I love you
  • "girl's name", I'm ready for a lot for your smile, because I love you
  • I hesitated to say these words for a long time, and today is just the right day for this I love you
  • you gave me the meaning and desire to live, taught me to see bright colors, I love you
  • I've never done anything like this before because I've never met girls like you
  • I fell in love with you like for the first time and I can’t hide it anymore, you captured my thoughts and my dreams

If these phrases seem too pretentious to you, limit yourself to three words “I love you”, because it is in them that the main meaning lies.

How to confess love to a girl via SMS

If you still decide to confess your love to your girlfriend via SMS, it is important to carefully consider the text of the message, the time and place of sending. We advise you to send such SMS at a certain moment, for example:

  • exactly at the time when the girl usually wakes up, which sets the alarm clock
  • at the moment when the girl lies down and prepares to fall asleep (this can be easily found out from her herself)
  • you can send an SMS 5 minutes before your meeting, to which you will arrive with a bouquet of flowers
  • you can send SMS even during the meeting itself, smile and look at her reaction
  • a girl's birthday is the perfect time for such a confession
  • you can send SMS immediately after your date, if it went smoothly and successfully
  • you should not send an SMS declaration of love at the height of the working day or at a time when the girl is having fun with her friends

What to write to make an original declaration of love to a girl?

Consider the options described in point 4 above, try to combine them into a coherent message. You can add compliments in recognition, for example: "your sunny smile haunts me in my thoughts and dreams." If you don't like romance, write simpler and more logical. Write what you think. Write in one breath, you do not need to pick up words for ten minutes. The more sincere you are, the better.

It is better if the words of SMS recognition are yours and only yours. You should not look on the Internet for rhyming and banal poems about love. However, you can add a beautiful classic quote to the SMS, such as "To love is to see a miracle invisible to others." Add that your favorite girl is the very miracle for you.

Hi magazine, happy new year, nerves of steel as you get asked all sorts of questions multiple times.

The question is small, but it will be interesting for you.

I have a best friend whom I fell in love with, but she has a boyfriend whom she never advertised, but apparently, in six months they became directly related to each other.

I fell in love with her like Martin Eden fell in love with Ruth, and she inspires me to impossible feats. We communicate very well with her, although we have also known each other for about half a year, but we communicate as if we had spent our whole lives together. She probably already read in my eyes what I feel for her, and she constantly inquires about my personal life.

At the last meeting, it became difficult for me to keep all this in myself, and I wrote her a real letter of recognition and made a symbolic gift, she will receive them soon. Although I love her, I am not going to take her away from the guy with this letter and ruin her relationship, but I want to show her that she will find a sincere friend in me.

Question: is it even worth doing such things, knowing that she has a boyfriend?


Hello, swindler! Happy holiday. Thanks for the wishes, they are as relevant as possible. And about your interesting question, there is nothing to say. We haven't had this in a long time, or rather, never.

So listen here, Martin Eden, all these “probably, in my eyes she has already read what I feel for her, and constantly asks about my personal life” and “we communicate very well” does not mean that she perceives you as partner. Most likely, you are just her friend zone fun. Maybe she thinks you're a faggot, didn't think about that? And this happens. Well, at least I thought so. Don't forget that girls who are in a relationship are very fond of making friends. The only problem is that they don’t see men in their friends, unlike guys. They need them for peace of mind. If she found her boyfriend at the moment when you were talking to her, then it's too late to rock the boat. For getting into the friend zone is easy, but getting out of it is very difficult.

What can I say, it's a very bad situation. What a pity that you realized about your love only after she found her love. And you need to confess tete-a-tete, speak directly to your eyes or, as in the movie "Real Love" - ​​to a Christmas song, with confessions written on paper. And the letter is cowardly and obviously does not give you an advantage.

You see, in fairness, girls need to be beaten off only when they don’t get along with the guy, when they are scattered along different shores, and parting is only a matter of time. Then the breakup will not bring her any torment, and the former will not want to fill your face. Or he wants to, but in conscience you'll be right. In any case, you will justify yourself by the fact that everything was going to break. Just trust almost four years of successful personal experience. After all, man lives by the law of the jungle, so females often have to be beaten off.

Or you need to beat off other people's brides when they just started a relationship. This is ugly from a human point of view, but it gives your confession a chance to reach the heart.

In this situation, if you say that “in six months they became directly related to each other”, you have practically lost all chances for reciprocity. Only the girl was confused, although she guessed everything anyway. After all, she inquires about your personal life, because she loves you ... more like a friend, and she hopes that the new young lady will bring down your love impulse, thus depriving her of unnecessary bunts.

I had a friend, his name was Francois Mouse. Francois managed to recapture the girl, but after a while he greatly regretted it. The girl considered herself a whore, her conscience tormented her. They ended up breaking up a month later, and according to intelligence, she's basically not interested in a relationship. Interestingly, they then reunited with the former, but also not for long.

Oh, yes, you are not going to beat her off the guy with this letter and ruin her relationship, but you want to show her that she will find a sincere friend in you ... Tell me, why the hell are you turning on a fool? Or do you really think so? Confess to a girl in love so that she considers you her friend? Dude, you just made it worse. Now it will be much more difficult for her to communicate with you. And please, do not deny that deep down you hope that she will leave her boyfriend and come running to you crying, with the words “I have been waiting all my life for you to confess to me.” But she will not come running, most likely, she will pretend that nothing happened, or she will start avoiding you altogether. In general, do not hide behind excuses like “I don’t want to ruin their relationship.” This is ridiculous.

Do you know a guy like? The guy was terribly in love with the wife of his close friend, whose name, by the way, was George Harrison, the legendary ex-Beatle. He was well aware that it was wrong to beat off the wives of his friends, and wrote one of his best songs, Layla. It is not surprising that after a while the couple broke up, and the girl ran away to the guy who wrote such a beautiful song. They got married, the ex-husband was even their best man at the wedding. True, the marriage did not last long. Here's a story of happy but short-lived love. However, Clapton patiently waited, and did not say who this song is dedicated to. Because even though Harrison was a very peace-loving person, he grew up in a working-class area of ​​Liverpool, and there they beat their faces for such things.

In general, we summarize. It’s wrong to write declarations of love when you’ve missed your chance, and everything is fine in a person’s personal life. It is even more wrong to write a declaration of love in the hope of friendship. Now you have to either wait for the moment when their relationship comes to naught, or find a new girlfriend and not make more of these mistakes. Fight for your love always, but don't take it to the extreme. Or live with Tyutchev's poem on your lips and do not cause discomfort to other people.

Be silent, hide and hide
And your feelings and dreams -
Let in the depths of the soul
They get up and come in
Silently, like stars in the night,
Admire them - and be silent.

How to confess to a girl in love? Falling in love arises suddenly at first sight or after many years of communication and friendly gatherings, this feeling can creep up quietly and gradually, or it can cover with an avalanche of surprise. Whether the chosen one will guess about the feelings that have arisen in her direction will depend on how the process of falling in love proceeds and your temperament. After all, whether it is worth confessing love to a girl depends on whether she notices your feelings, whether she gave a reason to think about the possibility of further relationships. Even if she is busy, you recently had a big fight, or she is not eager to communicate - confession can turn her attitude towards you, as many girls hide feelings and wait for the first step from a guy.

Prepare for the conversation in advance, even if for her it will be like spontaneity and impromptu. Think over the time and place, find out the girl’s life situation in order to correct your actions or possibly postpone them until better times (if she has a misfortune, then she is unlikely to be able to adequately accept romantic proposals), or, on the contrary, accelerate (if she is thinking about moving to another city just because no one keeps her here).

A hindrance in direct and honest recognition becomes, and many other feelings, because of which people doom themselves to. Of course, it is necessary to realistically assess your chances, but it is pointless to refuse recognition because of the fear of rejection. Think about what you will lose by not taking the first step or by taking it, and then evaluate the possible gains in either case. Perhaps you decide to change your strategy or charm your beloved by communicating more rather than going straight with confession, but you will have to talk about feelings, and it’s better to do it yourself and first than to wait for a similar question from the girl.

How to confess to a girl in love if you are shy?

The embarrassment arises from ignorance of the situation, the girl herself and her needs. Simply approaching and confessing to someone whose image is fictional rather than known in live communication is a difficult task and has an unlikely chance of success. Whether it is worth confessing love to a girl depends on your level, but I would like to note in advance that it is unlikely that the girl will understand what is happening if there are no signs of attention from you.

Initially, make sure that she notices you from the rest of the environment, show signs of attention, care, communicate more often on interesting topics. At the same time, she will get used to you, and you will get closer, and accordingly, the level of awkwardness in recognition will decrease.

Due to strong excitement, tk. the situation of recognition is a very emotionally significant event, even experienced speakers forget words or start to talk complete nonsense, and confident leaders or athletes catch themselves shaking their knees and sweating their palms. So that the confession does not spoil your own experience, try to imagine the conversation as detailed as possible, perhaps rehearse, and it is better to build the text in a monolithic affirmative form so that you do not have to wait in the middle for the girl’s answer to some non-main question (such moments can be great to knock you off your mood and increase the level of anxiety, which will pull up the constraint and bring everything to naught).

If there is no place to gather courage for a personal conversation, then there are beautiful and romantic remote declarations of love. The options are varied: send a bouquet, a toy, an ornament with an attached note that communicates your feelings by courier, or send a beautiful postcard signed by your hand; leave a message at her house in the form of balls on trees, an inscription on the pavement, a posted custom-made banner. Having caught your fantasy of remote recognition, refuse the help of SMS, messages in social networks and applications, do not ask to transfer mutual acquaintances. Such methods will convey information to the girl, but are unlikely to cause an emotional response, such confessions may offend some sensitive persons or be perceived as a joke. The sphere of love for girls is extremely important, so do everything so that you don’t think of little significance for you - she should see that you have made an effort.

And, of course, a declaration of love without a personal presence is suitable for the primary reconnaissance step, and if the girl reciprocates and you meet in person, then repeat, looking into her eyes. Now you have nothing to be ashamed of, because she knows about your feelings and came to the meeting, and she will be pleased to see the reality of your intentions.

How beautiful to confess to a girl in love?

Faced with a situation where the decision to open up is already ripe and asking for implementation, the next moment comes when the guy chooses the most beautiful and authentic ways of recognition. Before this step, think about your own feelings several times, because girls perceive such confessions differently than guys, while for guys such a confession may be an invitation to a summer affair, a girl may take this as an imminent marriage. Of course, not all situations have such a significant difference, but girls definitely take such words much more seriously than guys, and if this is not love for you, it’s better to just shower her with compliments and attention, but not confessions. If everyone has thought it over and is aware of your feelings quite seriously, then your chosen one deserves a beautiful recognition.

Most of all, girls like your confidence and full attention in her direction, so when making a confession, look into her eyes. Not only can not everyone withstand long visual contact, but also when revealing their feelings and worrying about their future fate and its response, this becomes an extremely difficult task, but it will be worth it. No flowers or crazy deeds can make up for such a look.

Decide on a place of recognition. There is no unequivocal advice on how best to confess to a girl in love, but each place has its own characteristics. If you choose a public place, then it is worth confessing loudly, openly, possibly drawing other people into the process. Such an idea will amaze the girl, perhaps embarrass her, the support of society will obviously be provided to you, because. the guy is a daredevil and well done and few who can do this, and your princess simply cannot refuse. If, in a public place, you confess quietly and imperceptibly, so that only a girl can notice it, then doubts are inevitable about whether you are embarrassed by her. When you are not ready for such a large-scale and audience-filled recognition, it is better to choose cozy places, quiet cafes, lonely benches in squares, so that there are no people nearby. Speak not much, in a quiet, but firm and calm voice, as if this is the usual state of affairs and there is no secret or discovery in this. Show restraint and strength of character and do not ashes her with an expectant look in search of a mutual response to recognition, give the girl the opportunity to realize what happened, to cope with her own feelings and surprise, because the discovery of the feelings of another person can come as a surprise.

How to originally confess to a girl in love?

The girl is chosen, the decision is thought out, the words are found, but what to do when you don’t want to act according to all the boring patterns or in a situation if you fell in love with a beauty who receives a lot of confessions every week. The issue of original recognition is quite relevant and requires courage and imagination in its implementation. Start looking for an option from the preferences of your chosen one, any information about her preferences will help: at a concert of your favorite group, you can ask for a minute at the microphone for recognition, your favorite writers and poets will help you find the right words, her desires and dreams will help formulate plans for the future, preferences in places and food will be given scope for choosing a place.

Arrange an original declaration of love will also help your personal skills and creativity. Owning a word, you can dedicate a poem, a fairy tale, a story to her - something that you are best versed in and can. Beautifully design your text - you can steam it with a letter (the usual paper mail, which you have already lost the habit of and do not expect to receive), publishing a separate book for her or connecting friends (let the musicians sing a song, and the actors play a play you wrote). You can work with photos by creating a photo book, placing her photo with a confession on a banner in front of the house, they will help you arrange a joint photo as a puzzle, calendar, picture.

Use goodies not only as a gift to accompany your text, but as an independent element of recognition. In a box of chocolates, you can put many small notes with confessions attached to each candy, and in a cafe you can agree in advance on the design of a dish or coffee ordered by a girl with words about your love.

In addition to beautiful words read in magazines and heard in films, add a piece of yourself to your love confession. Make your loved one laugh with jokes or remember funny situations together, you shouldn’t make a frozen official procession out of such a serious event, even if it’s serious, maintain lightness. Express yourself in your own words, and do not change your usual speech with someone else's text (guys who usually speak slang, confessing their love, begin to express themselves in the literary language of the eighteenth century, which makes the girl think more about whether everything is fine with him than to immerse himself in the feelings of what is happening ).

And finally, an option that is extremely rare, suitable for those who have already seriously decided everything - is to arrange a walking date for her, bring her to the registry office, where to make a marriage proposal, naturally accompanying a declaration of love. A risky, original, bold act, which, despite its surprise for the girl (get ready to catch her and nervous ones), often ends in a happy life together.