Where do you need to apply for maternity capital? Where to get a certificate for maternity capital?

On this page you will find information about who is eligible to receive maternity capital, the size of the mat. capital in 2017, is it possible to spend maternity capital on a car, maternity capital and a mortgage, Required documents. Always last news and changes about maternity capital.

What is the maternity capital in 2017

The amount of maternity capital from January 1, 2015 is 453 026 rubles. The amount of maternity capital in 2017, in accordance with the provisions of the draft law No. 15455-7 "On the federal budget for 2017 and for the planning period of 2018 and 2019", will not be indexed..

Until the end of 2016, it was possible to receive a lump sum payment from maternity capital in the amount of 25,000 rubles by submitting an application before December 01, 2016. (cm. the federal law No. 181-FZ "On a one-time payment at the expense of maternity (family) capital in 2016" dated June 23, 2016)

Who is entitled to maternity capital:

  • women who gave birth (adopted) a third child or subsequent children starting from January 1, 2007, if they did not earlier use the right to additional measures of state support;
  • men who are the sole adopters of a second, third child or subsequent children who have not previously exercised the right to additional measures of state support, if the court decision on adoption has entered into force since January 1, 2007.

General requirements: parents and children must have citizenship Russian Federation regardless of current place of residence. Also taken into account double citizenship, so if you live abroad but still have Russian citizenship, you can apply for maternity capital. In addition, the second child must be born no earlier than 00:00 hours on January 1, 2007. Those who have adopted second children (except for stepsons and stepdaughters), in which a third, fourth, and so on child has appeared since the entry into force of the law.

What can maternity capital be spent on (maternity capital use)

The funds that you are entitled to under the maternity capital certificate are not issued in the form of cash. According to the law, having received a certificate for maternity capital, the right holder can use it after three years. This measure was introduced to ensure the safety of children. However, due to the crisis situation in the economy, in 2009 it became possible to use maternity capital immediately after receiving a certificate to repay a mortgage loan.

Required documents for submission to the pension fund:

  1. Application for obtaining a certificate for maternity capital, state. sample, the application form will be issued at the Pension Fund Office, or you can download the application form and fill it out at home;
  2. Identity card (passport) and registration of the applicant himself;
  3. Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  4. Documentation confirming the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  5. Birth certificate or court decision on the adoption of children.

Frequently Asked Questions:

You can define a personal list of benefits and payments in the free service

How and where to issue maternity capital quickly and correctly? What documents are needed to receive mat capital in 2017? Is it possible to register family capital remotely?

Internet magazine "HeaterBober" welcomes its readers! Dmitry Shaposhnikov is in touch.

Subject new publication- registration of maternity capital. This material is especially relevant for family people, as well as those who plan to have children in the future.

The article will be of interest to those who want to improve their legal and financial literacy.

So, let's begin!

1. What you need to know before proceeding with the registration of mat capital - features and nuances

Maternity (family) capital program (MSK) - unique project which has no analogues in the world practice.

State Improvement Plan demographic situation has been operating in the country since 2007. MSC is a financial assistance to families in which a second (or next) child is born since the start of the program.

The initial size of the MSC has almost doubled over the years of the program due to indexation. On this moment the amount of the allowance is 453 thousand rubles. You cannot get this money in cash, but you can spend it on the most pressing family needs - buying a home, educating, building a house.

What are the conditions for obtaining a certificate

The main condition is the birth of a second child in the family (adoption) after 01.01.2007.

Anyone who is going to draw up matkapital should consider the following facts:

  • capital is issued once per family;
  • money is spent exclusively for purposes determined by law;
  • the right to possession is confirmed by a genuine certificate of the established form;
  • cashing out public funds or their unregulated use is punishable by law;
  • there is no time limit for issuing a certificate;
  • funds can be used before three years from the moment the child is born, for whom the MSC is issued (with the exception of mortgage debts, which can be repaid before the age of 3 years);
  • To obtain a certificate, the parent must have citizenship of the Russian Federation.

Persons who have given birth (adopted) more than 1 child are entitled to receive benefits. Usually the certificate is issued to the mother. The father has the right to receive state subsidies if he is the only parent or adoptive parent in the family.

The state body responsible for issuing certificates is the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR).

The same structure deals with the issues of channeling citizens' funds.


The Sidorov family decided to spend MSK on the construction of a cottage in the suburbs. They apply to a contractor who agrees to take funds as payment. family capital.

Mom (or dad) cannot simply transfer a certificate against receipt to representatives of a construction company. They need to go to the local branch of the FIU and “ask to send financial assets to improve the living conditions of their families.”

Citizens living in remote areas, or people who for some reason do not want to visit the FIU in person, have the right to remotely issue a certificate, which we will discuss in the relevant section of this article.

Most parents who have already gone through the registration procedure testify that the collection of documents and the process of obtaining a certificate itself do not present any particular difficulties. A lot of time, effort and energy is not required here. The set of documents is minimal, the attitude of the PFR employees is benevolent.

Mothers do not have to run to the local FIU office immediately after giving birth. You can also make a certificate a few years after the baby is born. No one rushes parents with the use of money after the paperwork is completed.

Briefly about the anti-crisis measures of the government - lump-sum payments from MSK funds in the amount of 25,000 rubles: all owners of the document have the right to receive them, however, the cash withdrawal period is limited to November 2016.

It is important!

In addition to the federal benefit, families with more than one or two children may receive regional maternity capital for housing or other needs. The amount of such an allowance is an order of magnitude smaller (100-200 thousand rubles), but there are much more options for the legal use of this money.

2. Where and how is maternity capital issued - procedure

So, after the birth of your 2nd child, you decided to exercise your legal right to use government subsidies.

The sequence of your actions will be as follows:

  • a birth (adoption) certificate of a child is issued in the registry office;
  • the citizenship of the baby is issued at the local branch of the FMS;
  • an application is made for obtaining a MSC and, together with the necessary documents, is provided to the PFR employees;
  • wait for a decision within a month;
  • in case of a positive answer, you receive a certificate and use the mother capital at your discretion.

It is not necessary to deal directly with the applicant. Mom (or dad) has the right to entrust the design to a trusted person. True, the signature on the certificate on the day of its issuance will need a personal one.

And now - in more detail and step by step.

Step 1. Collection and preparation of documents

Prepare the necessary documents right away. Since they will have to be left to the FIU employees for several weeks, it is advisable to make copies (suddenly within a month you will need the original passport or certificate). Copies can be made by the employees of the Foundation themselves, if they are well asked.

The list of documents for obtaining a certificate is standard in all Russian offices of the PFR:

  1. Applicant's passport.
  2. Birth document for 2 children, as well as documents for all other children.
  3. Document confirming the child's citizenship.
  4. Parent registration (if registration is not in the passport).
  5. adoption document.
  6. pension document.

Documents can be submitted in person, through a representative, by mail and via the Internet.

Step 2. Applying to the Pension Fund

Together with the documents, a written application from the parent about the desire to receive a certificate is submitted to the PFR department.

A standard form can be taken at the office of the Fund or printed via the Internet on the official website of the PFR.

Be careful when filling out the paper, because in case of errors you will have to rewrite the application again, and employees can detect inaccuracies even a couple of weeks after submitting the application.

The statement includes the following items:

  • passport details;
  • data of the pension certificate;
  • information about registration (location);
  • Name, status, place of birth of the applicant;
  • Contact details.

The application is officially registered by the employees of the fund and, together with the rest of the documents, goes into processing.

Step 3. Waiting for a decision and getting a certificate

The application will be considered for a month. After a positive decision is made, employees are required to notify the applicant within 5 days that their application has been reviewed and satisfied.

For 4 weeks, the employees of the Fund are obliged to check the accuracy of the information provided by the applicant, to find out if there are any circumstances that prevent the issuance of a certificate.

The authenticity of the documents is checked, it is found out whether the citizen was held liable for offenses against the child, whether there was a fact of deprivation of parental rights (or the right to adopt).

A positive decision allows the parent to obtain a uniform certificate and use the assets secured by it after 3 years from the birth of the child.

The document itself is not yet money, but only the right to dispose of it. All financial transactions are governed by the same government agency- FIU. Transferring money on your own initiative (and even more so cashing them out or trying to do so) is prohibited by law.

For clarity, we present instructions for issuing a certificate in the form of a table:

3. What you can spend money on mat capital - TOP-3 popular destinations

Obtaining a certificate is only the first step in using public funds. Further concern is the effective use of this money in the interests of the family. It is allowed to send financial assets only to the directions provided by law.

We advise holders of the right to federal money not to rush into investing, unless, of course, there are problems with living space. Every year, new promising options for the use of MSCs appear, which make it possible to manage subsidies even more profitably and efficiently.

For example, at the state level, the issue of granting parents the right to purchase is being considered, about which there is a separate article on our website.

Consider the most relevant at the moment directions of using MSCs.

Direction 1. Improvement of living conditions

Statistics show that the most popular option for applying federal benefits is the purchase of housing.

There are several ways to improve housing conditions with the help of the state:

  • buy an apartment or house for mother capital (add MSC funds to your own savings);
  • take a loan to purchase an apartment, a house in a bank secured by mother capital;
  • pay off the mortgage with family money;
  • build a house at the expense of MSC (on their own or with professional help);
  • to renovate housing.

The decision on the direction of subsidies is made by the FIU employees. Housing that is purchased with maternity money must meet certain requirements. It should be full, comfortable and have enough space for a comfortable stay for all family members.

Need details - read the detailed material on the topic of improvement living conditions on mat capital.

To issue a mortgage or a loan against mother capital, parents should contact banks that work with government benefits.

Please note that since 2015, microfinance organizations are prohibited from any transactions with family money.

Direction 2. Payment for education

Certificate holders have the right to pay federal funds for the education of their children in any Russian university, both private and public. The money can also be used to pay for the accommodation of students in a hostel.

There are other educational services that are allowed to be paid for with budgetary assets:

  • classes in kindergartens, including private ones;
  • studying in music or art schools;
  • payment for special courses of additional education.

As usual, the decision to transfer funds to accounts educational institutions accepts FIU. It is important that universities, schools and kindergartens that work with materiel capital are located in Russia and have permission to provide educational services.

Direction 3. Contribution to the pension

Not the most popular, but very progressive method of disposing of family funds. The money is placed in a non-state pension fund and kept there until a certain period.

Ideally, asset management should bring dividends to their owners. That is, the money is not just stored in the account, but multiplied. Agreements with some NPFs provide for early withdrawal of accumulated funds, together with interest.

4. Is it possible to remotely issue mat capital

Citizens living in remote areas or abroad of the Russian Federation have the right to issue a certificate remotely via mail. This option takes more time, but is completely legal.

Another way for those who, for some reason, do not want to go to the FIU office is to complete the procedure through the public services website. True, one cannot do without a visit to the office: applicants will need to personally certify certificates and documents provided remotely.

Since 2014, the My Documents service has been successfully operating - in the branches of this organization located in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to issue any state and municipal services on the principle of a "single window".

It is much easier and faster than visiting the FIU office, where there are often queues. The principle of operation of the Multifunctional Centers (MFC) eliminates the presence of delays and delays: you simply hand over the documents to the employees, and they perform all further manipulations with them on their own.

Through the MFC, it is also already possible to apply for the allocation of materiel funds (or part of them) for the needs provided for by law.

5. Refusal to obtain a certificate: in what cases can they not give mat capital

There must be good reasons for refusing to issue a state certificate.

The following are NOT eligible for certification:

  1. Citizens deprived of parental rights by the court.
  2. Citizens whose adoption was canceled in court.
  3. Persons who have committed a criminal offence.
  4. Persons who have already received mother capital before.

If citizens have provided FIU employees with false information or documents are declared invalid, this is also a legitimate reason for refusing to issue a certificate.

The most common reason for a negative decision is an incorrectly drawn up application or incorrectly executed documents.

Only eligible to apply Russian citizens. Do not forget to apply for citizenship for the child: this is done quickly and easily at the FMS department.

Remember that the refusal to issue benefits is not yet the final verdict. If you do not agree with such a decision, you have the right to appeal it in court.

Over the years of the program, many cases of illegal actions on the part of FIU employees have been registered. This applies to both the issuance of certificates and refusals to dispose of funds.

In order to exclude such situations and achieve legal rights, we recommend using the professional help of private and public lawyers.

6. Who can help in the registration of family capital

Not all mothers and fathers eligible for a certificate are aware of the legal intricacies of paperwork and the rules for disposing of federal funds.

Professional law firms will help you with the paperwork and competent allocation of funds for the needs of the family. Such firms work for a fee, but they speed up the receipt of a certificate and the transfer of assets to the necessary accounts.

Many families know about the use of family capital only in in general terms and do not know exactly how to dispose of state benefits, and what options are more promising and profitable.

However, one should be wary of scammers offering the so-called "black" schemes for cashing out mother's capital. Such companies offer to buy housing at inflated prices or simply help in turning a non-cash account into "real money".

We remind you that such events are illegal and criminally punishable. The minimum penalty for attempts to cash out federal assets is a refund to the state and a fine.

7. Conclusion

Making family capital is a simple event, if you prepare well for it and act within the established rules.

The use of state benefits is a real opportunity for family people to improve their living standards. It is important to dispose of state-provided assets with maximum benefit and efficiency. Our publications on MSCs will help you with this.

We wish you good luck with obtaining and using MSCs and ask you to rate the article! We are waiting for comments and comments on the topic.

After the birth of a baby, each family, or mom and dad separately, begin to be interested in the vital question - what documents are needed to process and receive maternity capital. They can be submitted to the appropriate organization as soon as the parents have the birth certificate of the child.

Most often, this procedure does not take much time, since you only have to make photocopies of existing documents, as well as prepare the originals for verification.

The exception is cases when, instead of parents, a list of documents for maternity capital is prepared by a guardian, or the father due to the incapacity / death of the mother. Then some additional supporting documents with the seal of the court will be required.

Documents required for registration and obtaining a certificate for maternity capital

So, the necessary list of documents for maternity capital required to be provided in order to receive it includes:

  • application (you can write by hand at the place of submission of documents or print at home);
  • original passport of mom / dad with photocopies of the necessary pages;
  • original birth certificates of children, as well as their copies;
  • insurance pension certificate for adults and children. It can be issued immediately before submitting documents here, at the Pension Fund;
  • proof of marriage (certificate).

In addition to the above list, if the marriage between the parents was dissolved, they will require the appropriate certificate. And if the father submits the documents, then he will need death certificates and a court decision on this, or confirmation of the deprivation of mother's parental rights. When children are involved in registration, in the event of the death of their parents, they will also need certificates and a court decision.

If the parents are not citizens of the Russian Federation, then confirmation of the citizenship of the baby born in Russia, and therefore entitled to help from the state, will be required.

Where to apply for maternity capital?

For the parents of the baby to receive the MK, it is enough to apply with the package finished documents to the branch of the PF (Pension Fund) at the place of residence. There you will need to write an application, attach all available photocopies, provide the originals for verification and receive a receipt that will indicate when it will be possible to apply for a ready-made solution, a telephone number for contacting, as well as the date of registration of the submitted application.

As a rule, the application is considered within a month. At the end of this period, parents must again come to the same PF department and receive a ready-made

In addition to registration through the Pension Fund, it is possible to send documents by registered mail, with a notarized statement, or in Moscow and St. Petersburg contact the Multifunctional Center for the provision of various municipal and state services.

A project for accepting documents via the Internet online is currently under development, because for many parents this option is the most convenient.

How to spend maternity capital?

As before, you can spend money in the following main areas:

Is it possible to cash out assistance from the state?

The amount of about half a million Russian rubles cannot be received in cash, or rather the main part of it. Of this money, only twenty thousand can be cashed out, which can be spent on repairs, the purchase of medicines, basic necessities - at the discretion of the parents.

For several years now, Russia has been implementing Government program financial support for families raising children. Families in which a second (third or subsequent) child has appeared are entitled to a one-time receipt of maternity family capital (MCC). We will try to tell you about how to arrange maternity capital, where and what documents you need to take.

Where to get maternity capital?

A certificate for receiving maternity capital can be obtained at the nearest, to your place of residence, division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You can bring the necessary documents there yourself, transfer them with authorized persons or send them by mail. You can fill out the application in advance by printing it out on a computer and filling out the form, or write it at the reception at the Pension Fund.

Documents for registration

In addition to the application, in order to issue maternity capital, you will need:

  1. Mother's passport and its copy (the first page, with a residence permit, and the page with the children).
  2. Mother's birth certificate + copy.
  3. Birth certificates of children + copies.
  4. Marriage certificate + copy.
  5. SNILS for mothers and children. If the child does not yet have SNILS, then it will be given to you at the Pension Fund before you issue maternity capital.
  6. Certificate of divorce + copy (if there was a divorce).
  7. Certificate in the form F-28 from the registry office (on the conclusion of the first marriage, who had it).

There are times when the father of the children has to draw up maternity capital. For example, if the mother was deprived of parental rights, or she died. Then, instead of the mother’s documents, they bring, respectively, the father’s documents and add to the above list:

  • Documents confirming the deprivation of the mother of parental rights + copy.
  • Mother's death certificate or court decision recognizing the mother as deceased + copy.

If the MSC certificate is received by the children themselves, then the death certificates of the parents or guardians will still be needed.

In addition, when issuing a MSC certificate, it should be taken into account that:

  1. When changing the amount of maternity capital (in case of indexation of the amount, or partial use of funds), it is not required to replace the certificate.
  2. The application and documents for issuing a certificate can be taken to the Pension Fund at any time after the birth of the child (the submission period is not limited).
  3. The Pension Fund specialists must notify you of the date of receipt of the certificate (by phone call or letter), as a rule, within a month from the date of application.

Even at the stage of planning a child, parents think about how to get maternity capital. Having reached almost half a million, the amount of the certificate remains significant enough for the family to think about where to get maternity capital and what set of documents will be required for this.

For 2015, maternity capital has already reached 453,026 rubles, having risen by 23,600 rubles compared to 2014. The certificate amount is indexed annually, and if at the beginning of the program in 2007 the maternity capital was 250,000, now the amount of the allowance is really interesting for many parents who have two children. And if your family has grown, and you have not yet used the right to state support under this program, then now is the time to collect the necessary documents for maternity capital and go to the Pension Fund.

Where can I get maternity capital?

Now it is worth talking about where to get maternity capital. After all, if parents bring most of the documents for receiving benefits to multifunctional centers or social security, then all questions related to how to get maternity capital should be addressed to the local branch of the Pension Fund. It is noteworthy that you can use the nearest branch, at the place of actual residence, and not only at the place of registration.

You can find out the reception days by calling the department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation you need, or by finding the necessary information on their official website. Documents can be submitted either in person, directly at the reception, or sent by regular mail.

It takes a month to consider the application and make a decision on issuing a state certificate to the family, after which a letter is sent to the applicant within five days. It indicates the response of the commission and the timing when you can pick up a ready-made certificate for maternity capital.

Conditions for obtaining maternity capital

But before you go with the collected package of documentation to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you should clarify whether all the conditions for obtaining maternity capital are met in your family. There are not many of them, but, nevertheless, they are worth familiarizing yourself with.

To begin with, a family applying for maternity capital must meet the requirements approved in the law on maternity capital. The main requirements for the applicant are as follows:

  • Maternal capital only the person who is eligible to receive this subsidy receives. First of all, this is a woman who gave birth to a second (with some exceptions) child. At the same time, adoption is also the basis for obtaining a certificate. It is also possible for a man to obtain a certificate in cases where the mother loses the right to maternity capital or if the man is the only parent (adoptive parent) of children. If both parents do not have the right to receive this benefit, then the amount of maternity capital goes to the child himself.
  • Only citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to receive maternity capital funds. Both the person applying for the certificate and the born child must be citizens of Russia. However, there are exceptions to general rules how to get maternity capital to a non-citizen of the Russian Federation: the only exception is provided in the case of the transfer of MC funds to the father in the event that such rights are taken away from the mother.
  • Only the second (subsequent) children born between 01/01/2007 and 12/31/2016 bring their family the right to receive maternity capital.

Documents for registration of maternity capital

It is worth forgetting about any incredible hardships of obtaining a certificate: the entire mechanism for obtaining benefits is transparent and understandable. It is enough to bring the following documents to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence to receive maternity capital:

Do not forget, if you have not yet registered for a born baby SNILS, (and you will need it not only to receive maternity capital, but also to enter a child in kindergarten and registration of the policy), then you can simultaneously apply for maternity capital and SNILS without wasting precious time.

After submitting all the documents within a month, the commission considers the eligibility of the applicant, and if everything is in order, then a certificate is issued or sent by mail to the family within five days.

When can I get maternity capital?

Another burning issue is the time frame for issuing, obtaining and implementing the certificate. It is worth talking about all the time frames regarding the receipt of maternity capital by the family.

1. When can I get maternity capital?

Of course, immediately after the birth of a child, it is not at all necessary to run to draw up maternity capital. It can be issued in a few years, while the indexation of the amount will go in accordance with inflation. If all the conditions that ensure the right to receive a certificate are met, then the terms for applying for benefits are not regulated by law in any way and are left to the discretion of the parents. However, you still need to issue SNILS to your child, so it would be wise to combine registration insurance certificate with the submission of documents to the MK.

2. Terms of obtaining maternity capital after the submission of documents?

If the set of documents is chosen correctly, then no more than a month later you will receive a notification of a positive decision to issue you a certificate. You will receive the form itself within 5 days after the official notification at the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or by mail.

3. Deadlines for receiving money under the certificate after submitting an application for the direction of targeted spending of the certificate funds.

These terms directly depend on the chosen direction of targeted use of funds. For example, the terms for transferring maternity capital funds in case of repayment of a mortgage loan are two months from the date of writing an application to the PF, and if you buy housing directly, then 15 days is enough.

If the direction of education of the child or parents is chosen, or an increase in the mother's pension, then it is better to discuss each case separately at the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Getting maternity capital - everything is in your hands!

Of course, obtaining maternity capital is an additional chore, but the amount of the certificate allows you to more than recoup the time spent on obtaining benefits. After all, you just need to collect the documents you already have in your hands to receive maternity capital and take them to Pension Fund. After all, now you know the necessary algorithm for how to get maternity capital!