Where can I apply for a passport. How and where to apply for a passport and get a finished document

Upon receipt of a passport with the latest updates of 2017!

In accordance with federal law RF, internal passport of a Russian citizen cannot be an identity card from the moment of crossing the state border. To travel abroad, you need to issue a passport. This document is not required for persons who have a diplomatic or service passport (issued for the duration of a business trip). When visiting a number of countries with a sailor's passport, you are also required to have a passport.

Today, both old-style and new-style passports are issued - biometric. From March 1, 2010, foreign passports with electronic media are issued for a period of 10 years. In this document, the number of pages has been increased to 46, the security of the passport against forgery and the reliability in determining the identity of its owner have been increased. Everyone can still get an old-style international passport valid for 5 years.

Issuance of a new passport is not allowed without the withdrawal of a previously issued document, if its validity period has not expired. At the same time, biometric passports for a period of 5 years, issued before March 1, 2010, are considered valid until the expiration of their validity.

The application can be completed on a computer. You can download the application form for a passport and instructions for filling it out on the official website Federal Migration Service of Russia. Handwritten applications may also be submitted. In this case, the questionnaire must be filled out legibly, in block letters, in black ink, without errors or corrections.

Where to get?

To obtain a passport, a citizen of the Russian Federation must personally appear at the department of the Office of the Federal migration service(contacts of the departments of the Federal Migration Service in Moscow and St. Petersburg are given). Travel agencies or other commercial firms are not entitled to take over the issuance of a passport and can only provide a legal service by filling out a questionnaire.

Documents are submitted personally on a first-come, first-served basis, so you should choose the time of visiting this institution in advance. The smallest flow of visitors is observed during the non-tourist season ( autumn months, beginning of the year).

Since April 2010, Russian citizens have the opportunity to send an application for registration of international passports via the Internet.

To apply for an old-style international passport on the Internet, you must fill out electronic form on the site Unified portal of public services. After processing the application by the FMS employees, the applicant is assigned a date and time for submitting documents for issuing a passport to the district office of the FMS at the place of registration or temporary registration. After that, the applicant receives a letter with notification of the date and time of issuance of the finished foreign passport. Thus, despite the application for a passport through the Internet, in order to obtain a document, it will be necessary to come to the FMS twice.

If the applicant wants to apply biometric passport via the Internet, he will have to visit the passport office twice as well. The first time in order to submit documents at the appointed time and take a three-dimensional photo, the second - to get a passport.

Documents for obtaining a passport

To obtain a new generation passport, an adult citizen submits the following documents:

Application form - 2 copies;
- Photos - 2 pcs.;
- Citizen's passport Russian Federation and its copy;
- Employment book for non-working citizens;
- A copy of the work book for working citizens (preferably for filling out an application form);
- Males aged 18 to 27 provide a military ID and its copy (if available);
- Military personnel, with the exception of conscripts, attach permission from the command to the application;
- Foreign passport issued earlier;
- Receipt of payment state duty for issuing a passport.

If the questionnaire did not have enough columns to enter information about the places of work of a citizen over the past 10 years, then the applicant attaches another questionnaire with a description of his work activity.

Passport for minors

Information about children under 14 years of age will be entered in biometric passport parents. However, the law does not provide for gluing photographs of children in the parents' passport. In this connection, a separate new generation passport is issued for each child.

Application form for a child - 1 copy;
- Photo - 1 piece;
- Original and photocopy of the birth certificate;
- Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of the child and its copy;
- Foreign passport of the child, issued earlier;
- Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of one of the parents or other legal representative;
- For legal representatives who are not parents, documents confirming the rights of a legal representative are additionally provided;
- Receipt of payment of state duty.

If the name of the applicant parent on the child's birth certificate does not match the name on the this moment(the one indicated in the passport), you must provide all the documents that allow you to trace the change of surname (marriage certificate, divorce certificate, certificate of surname change).

To apply for a new generation foreign passport, the presence of a child is required.

State duty for issuing passports

The state duty for an old-style international passport is 1,000 rubles, when making changes to a previously issued passport - 200 rubles.

The state fee for an old-style international passport for a minor citizen under 14 years old is 300 rubles, from 14 years old - 1000 rubles.

The state duty for a new generation passport (biometric) is 2,500 rubles.

The state duty for a new generation passport for a minor citizen under 14 years old is 1,200 rubles, from 14 years old - 2,500 rubles.

Processing time

You will receive both types of international passports no later than one month after submitting the application at the place of registration and no later than four months when submitting the application at the place of temporary residence.

Passport can be obtained urgently, but there are some restrictions. This service can only be used by applicants with a permanent registration for at least five years, who have no previous convictions and who, on duty, do not have access to information of national importance. The processing time will be up to ten days, including business days and Saturday.

There are also special cases to speed up the paperwork process.

1. The need to provide urgent medical care abroad. To do this, you need to submit a corresponding letter from a medical institution. Another option is a medical opinion obtained at the place of residence of the applicant, along with a letter from a foreign medical institution about the possibility of urgent admission for treatment.

2. Serious illness or death of a close relative abroad. To do this, you must submit a telegraph notice.

Getting a passport

To receive a ready-made passport, you must also personally appear at the FMS department. Of the documents you will need to present an internal passport. The document of a child under the age of 14 is received by his legal representative upon presentation of his Russian passport and birth certificate of the child.

Foreign passports for teenagers from 14 to 18 years old are also issued only in the presence of their parents, guardians, etc. You must have two internal Russian passports: the recipient and his representative.

Biometric passport

A biometric passport differs from an old-style document in that it contains an electronic carrier of information about the owner. The new passport has a plastic page in which a contactless chip with an antenna is implanted. The scheme contains the personal data of a person contained on the first page of the passport: digital photograph, last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, gender, passport number, date of issue and expiration date of the passport. It can also be written biometric information owner. For example, fingerprints or an image of the iris. A note that the document contains biometric data is placed on the front cover of the passport.

Issuance of a new passport is not allowed without the withdrawal of a previously issued passport of any type, if its validity period has not expired.

Why do you need a new passport?

To issue a new passport instead of the old document is the exclusive right of the applicant. The disseminated information that some countries do not allow holders of old-type passports to enter their territory is not reliable. There is also no information that the issuance of old passports will supposedly be stopped in the near future.

A biometric passport does not provide any visa benefits and does not facilitate border control. True, in the future it is expected that the holders of new passports will be able to cross the border faster due to the installation of special equipment that reads information from the document automatically. In the meantime, the "passport of the XXI century" provides almost the only advantage: at some airports there are special kiosks for self-registration, which read information from the electronic chip in the passport. This allows you not to stand in line for registration and save time.

Today we have to find out where to apply for a passport. This question arises among citizens who decide to start traveling the world. The fact is that without a foreign passport it will not be possible to legally leave the territory of the Russian Federation. No country will host unknown person(excluding refugees). Therefore, now we will get acquainted with the procedure for issuing foreign passports in Russia. What information can be useful to the population in addressing this issue?

Passport types

What is a passport? This is an identity card of a citizen, which is valid outside of Russia. Without this document, you will not be able to leave the country.

Where to apply for a passport (in Moscow and other cities)? Before you solve this issue, you need to decide what kind of foreign identity card you want to get.

There are several foreign passports. Namely:

  • old model;
  • biometric (new sample).

The process of their registration is not much different. But you should pay attention to the fact that these passports have enormous differences. They will have to be taken into account before applying for the issuance of a document.

The difference between passports

So what is the difference between an old-style international passport and identity cards? The main differences can be considered:

  1. Validity period. Old "foreign tickets" are issued for 5 years, new ones - for 10.
  2. Passport information. Information about children can only be entered in old-style foreign passports.
  3. Safety. New documents have biometric data, which makes them more secure.
  4. Price. Practice indicates that old-style foreign passports are cheaper than new ones.

You will also have to pay attention to the fact that if the parents have biometric "foreigners", minor children will also have to issue separate foreign passports. After all, as already mentioned, it is impossible to enter data about the child into the parent's foreign identity card.

Where to apply

Where to apply for a passport? Today, the inhabitants of the Russian Federation are given a certain freedom of choice. Certain authorities are involved in the preparation of relevant documents. There are several. Where exactly to go? This is up to everyone to decide.

Where to apply for a passport in Moscow or other regions of the country? You can ask for help at:

  • migration department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • public services service.

There is no significant difference in where exactly to go. Also, the type of a foreign passport does not matter - all documents are issued without problems in the listed authorities. The difference lies only in the preparation of the necessary package of papers to bring the idea to life.

The role of propiska

Some are interested in which specific body a citizen should apply for a foreign passport. Do I need to go to the district office or can I come to the place of residence?

There is no difference in where exactly a person will turn. Everyone has long understood where to apply for a passport. All of the listed institutions can be located both at the applicant's registration and at his actual place of residence. Registration does not matter in this matter. The only difference is that if a person goes to the registration office, then a foreign passport will be issued to him faster.

Processing time

How long does it take to review each request? We have already figured out where to apply for a passport. And how quickly can I get an identity card in my hands?

It all depends on where exactly the citizen applied with the application. An application for the issuance of a foreign passport is considered:

  • at the place of registration - 1 month;
  • when applying outside of registration - up to 4 months;
  • urgently - up to 3 days.

These rules apply to all types of foreign passports. What else should every citizen know?

Service cost

Where to apply for a passport? People can apply to the FMS, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the MFC. It is also allowed to submit a request through the "Gosuslugi". As already mentioned, this is far from a free service. You will have to pay a fee for it.

Its size is set by the state. It changes from time to time. In 2017, you need to focus on the following amounts:

  • 3,500 rubles - a new passport for adults;
  • 1,500 rubles - a new "foreigner" for a child;
  • 2,000 rubles - a foreign passport for an adult (old sample);
  • 1,000 rubles - the old type of foreign identity card for children.

If a citizen decides to turn to intermediaries to draw up a document, you will have to additionally pay for the services of the corresponding company. Their cost varies within 5,000 rubles. The fee is paid separately.

How to receive

Now it is clear where to apply for a new passport. And the old one too. How exactly is it necessary to act in this or that case? In general, the document execution algorithm is no different from obtaining other important papers.

All actions are reduced to the following steps:

  1. Collection of documents. A citizen must prepare a package of papers requested by the authorities for issuing a foreign passport. A complete list of them is presented below.
  2. Filling out the questionnaire. Usually this step is implemented when contacting the registration authority.
  3. Contacting the MFC / Ministry of Internal Affairs / FMS. At this stage, the citizen submits a written request for the issuance of a passport and attaches a prepared package of documents to it.
  4. Obtaining an extract on acceptance of the application.
  5. Expectation. As soon as the foreign passport is ready, the citizen will be informed about it.
  6. Receipt of the finished document. You need to pick it up where the person applied for consideration.

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. The process of obtaining foreign passports is not difficult. Unless regarding the collection of documents for the implementation of the idea.

By Internet

You will have to act somewhat differently if a person decides to create a request in in electronic format. Where to apply for a new passport? And the old one? This will help the service "Gosuslugi". With its help, the population can order most of the documents on the Internet.

Actions boil down to the following manipulations:

  1. Go to the site GosUslugi.ru.
  2. Get authorized on the service. The user must have an activated profile. If not, you will have to register in advance at the State Services. 15 days are given for activation.
  3. Click on "Government Services".
  4. Select "Ministry of the Interior".
  5. Among the offered services, click on the desired item - "Get a new passport" or "Order an old passport".
  6. Examine the information on the screen and click on "Get service".
  7. Fill out the form that appears on the screen.
  8. Indicate the place where you would like to get a passport - the MFC or the Federal Migration Service / Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  9. Submit a request for processing.
  10. Pay for the service. To do this, you will need to select the type of deposit and fill in the appropriate details.

That's all. Now you can wait for a notification about the readiness of the document. Next, the citizen will need to come to one or another issuing authority with a prepared package of documents and pick up a foreign passport.

Documents for adults

Now a little about what papers can come in handy. Where to apply for a passport in Moscow? In the capital, citizens actively use the "State Services". But this does not exempt them from the need to provide certain documents.

The following papers are required for an old-style international passport:

  • questionnaire (2 pieces);
  • attachments to the questionnaire (for example, if children are included in the "foreign country");
  • photos of the applicant (3 pieces);
  • military ID;
  • receipt with paid duty;
  • old passport(in the presence of);
  • documents indicating the change of surname (if any);
  • applicant's passport;
  • employment history;
  • photos of children and their birth certificates (when relevant information is required).

This list of papers is required from all adult citizens. When ordering a biometric foreign passport, there is no need for applications. Additionally, you will have to take fingerprints. This is done at the time of registration of the document or at the time of its receipt.


Are you planning to apply for a passport? Where to apply, we found out. How to do it - too. And what documents will be useful if you want to issue a "foreign border" for a child?

Minors under 14 need:

  • birth certificate;
  • photographs (3 pieces);
  • passport of one of the parents;
  • passport application form (filled in by a legal representative);
  • certificate of registration and citizenship;
  • check indicating payment of duty.

However, children under 14 can be included in the old-style international passport. Then the child will be able to travel without a separate document.

Minors over the age of 14 will need the following documents:

  • application form (2 pieces);
  • legal representative's passport;
  • the identity of the child;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty;
  • Photo.

That's all. Now you all know where to apply for an old-style international passport. We also talked about the issue of a new passport. All requests are processed both in multifunctional centers and in migration services.


From now on, it is clear where to apply for an old-style international passport. To do this is not so difficult. It is recommended to use the portal "Gosuslugi" in order to save time and effort. But no one forbids contacting the MFC / Ministry of Internal Affairs / FMS.

In fact, obtaining a foreign passport does not require any special knowledge and skills. When ordering this document, it is necessary to indicate which type is selected - new or old. Otherwise, you can issue the wrong "foreigner".

Where to apply for a passport? Everyone determines the answer to this question for himself. This allows not only to receive a document with comfort, but also to bring the idea to life in the shortest possible time.