Irkutsk theater school how to act. Irkutsk Theater School

New publications about educational institutions of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region

On the main page there is a poster with the current repertoire and a poster of upcoming performances. In general, the design of the site gives the impression of an elegant and concise.

The resource has many thematic sections.

For those entering the school, the section "applicant" is intended. It contains information about the forms of education, the procedure for admission to educational institution, information about benefits upon admission. At the bottom of the page are several links to download useful documents.

The student will find on the official website a lot of information about the life of the school and the educational process. In particular, the resource has a section TsTV (center for promoting the employment of graduates). In it are guidelines, portfolio of the graduate course, as well as information about the activities of the center.

The information in the "parents" section is divided into four blocks: "parents of applicants", "parents of first-year students", "parents of second-year students", "parents of third-year students" and "parents of fourth-year students". In these blocks, parents can find course listings, timetables, scholarships, and meal reimbursement information. These pages also contain a list of telephone numbers that parents may need: the telephone number of the watch, the director of the school, the chief accountant, deputy directors for education, educational work and hostels. Also, parents may be interested in the section "office for the prevention of socially negative phenomena" - a center that develops students' healthy lifestyle skills and prevents the use of narcotic substances. This page mainly describes the essence of the center's activities.

For the convenience of readers, we have prepared a navigation list of technical schools and colleges that you can enter in the city of Irkutsk after 11 classes.

Theater School - the only theatrical educational institution of the secondary vocational education in Siberia and Far East. Opened on September 1, 1962. Director - Svetlana Ivanovna Dombrovskaya.

Irkutsk Theater School: general information

The school prepares specialists of advanced educational level of training: graduates have the opportunity to obtain an additional qualification "Head of a creative team".

Over the years of its existence, the school has trained about 1000 actors of the drama theater, puppet theater, musical theater.

Approximately every tenth graduate of the school was awarded professional awards and titles.

History of the Irkutsk Theater School

The establishment of the school was due to the fact that the oldest theater Siberia - due to its remoteness from the center, it was difficult to form a troupe, renew it with young people. In the late 1940s, a studio was opened at the theater, in which, in addition to acting skills, special disciplines and some general subjects were taught. Diplomas were issued purely symbolic, having the status of local significance. The studio was small, recruitment was not carried out regularly, but it was she who became the base of the school, which was opened by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR No. 755 dated July 14, 1962 in.

The first director of the school was Aya Zinovievna Levikova, who led it from 1962 to 1969, the first leaders ("masters") of the courses produced were the actor V.V. Leshev and director E.D. Korsakov. From the very beginning, he joined the teaching staff, and then became the Artistic Director of the school - now National artist Russia, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, laureate of the Golden Mask Prize.

From the memoirs of V.K. Wenger:

“... In the early sixties, on the basis of the studio at the Drama Theater, Irkutsk was organized and opened its doors theater school. I was offered a teaching job - to teach the basics of stage movement. Subsequently, I released three courses that I directed and taught "The Mastery of the Actor." Today, when I have decades of teaching experience behind me, I can confidently say that this practice has brought me enormous benefits. Through lessons with students, I more deeply and truly comprehended the meaning of acting.

During the years of its existence, the leaders of the school were Yu.T. Porokhnitsky, I.K. Kulik, E.P. Khaydukova, O.V. Staritsina and especially for a long time was A.D. Konovalov.

In 1964, in parallel with the specialty "Aker Drama Theater and Cinema", a department was opened that trained actors for puppet theaters. Genuine masters of puppetry taught there: Vladimir Pochekunin, Valery Kiyurin, Nikolai and Claudia Odintsov, as well as directors and actors Yan Sonin, Vadim Lobanov, Vladislav Kazimenko. The shortage of the profession was obvious.

The current artistic directors of the courses are:

  • Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Anatolyevich Buldakov,
  • Honored Artist of Russia Nikolai Anatolyevich Konstantinov (graduate of the college),
  • Honored Artist of Russia Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Varlashov,
  • Honored Artist of Russia Tatyana Vladimirovna Dvinskaya (graduate of the college).

Students and teachers joke

Don't lean on the screen! She won't forgive you!

- How many times a day do you cry behind your butt?

- How much can you endure! Do we have a house of tolerance?!

On stage movement, we first say: "Yes, I know!", And then: "It doesn't hurt me!"

In the script lesson:

Give me a three syllable word.

- Goat.

- I say three-syllable!

- Horse.

One of the students:

- Something I already want to "Be a woman" ...

(about the play "To be a woman - this is wonderful!")

Students write a rough resume for employment:

- Extra skills? Vocals with vocabulary!


The address: 664003, Irkutsk st., Timiryazev, 20.

Tel. 209462, tel/fax: 208458, 206196

Goncharov Vladimir Anatolievich

Senior Lecturer
He has been teaching at the Institute since 2002.

2002-2004 Postgraduate studies at the Higher Theater School named after B. Shchukin at the department of actor's plastic expressiveness.
1997-2002 Oryol State Institute of Arts and Culture. Diploma of the faculty of directing and skill of the actor.

As a plastic director, he took part in performances:
2013 "Wizard emerald city» Dir. Y. Dezhkin. Mosconcert (Children's Department). Moscow city
2012 "Gypsy Paradise" Dir. P.Bobrov theater "Romen" Moscow
2012 "Phantom of Love" Dir. G. Trostyanetsky theater BUF St. Petersburg
2011 "Kathen from Gelbron" Dir. Georg Zhzheno. Youth Theater named after Kiselev, Saratov
2011 "Twelfth Night" B. Brecht. Dir. G. Trostyanetsky. Mickiewicz Theatre, Czesthoven
2010-2011 "Humpbacked Horse" Dir. Y. Dezhkin. Mosconcert (Children's Department). Moscow city
2009 "Santa Claus and Last Year's Snow" Dir. A. Smirnov. Mosconcert (Children's Department). Moscow city
2009 Class-concert "Objects of Love" Dir. A. Schukin. TI named after B. Shchukin. Director assistant
2008 " good person from Sichuan" B. Brecht. Dir. G. Trostyanetsky. St. Petersburg
2007 "Lizard" Dir. V.Mosharov. TI named after B. Schukin Diploma performance of the Korean studio, Moscow
2007 "Peter Pan" dir. R.Olinger MTYUZ - director of plasticity.Moscow
2006 "Green Bird" K. Gozzi dir. G. Trostyanetsky MTYUZ - assistant director in plastic. Moscow city
2009 "Mymyrenok" Dir. Y. Dezhkin. Mosconcert (Children's Department). Moscow city
2009 "Goodbye, ravine" Sergeenko Dir. V.Sazhin. State Specialized Institute of Arts.
2005 "Goodbye, ravine" K. Sergienko VTU im. Schukin Diploma performance of the Korean studio. Moscow city
2010-2011 " The Snow Queen"Dir. Yu. Dezhkin. Mosconcert (Children's Department). Moscow
2005 "Pippi Longstocking" A. Lindgren Mosconcert (Children's Department). Moscow city
2004 Class-concert "Evening of plastics" VTU im. Schukin. Trainee assistant. Moscow city

2014 Work in the laboratory to support theaters in small towns in Russia: Kronshadt; Sviyazhsk (Republic of Tatarstan), Togliatti, Kolomna. Master classes in stage movement.
2013-2015 Theater College under the leadership of O. Tabakov, Moscow.
2009-2015 - Yaroslavl State Institute (Moscow branch). Moscow city
2009 -2012 - Yaroslavl State Institute (Moscow branch). Moscow city
2009 -2012 - Kolomna National Theatre. Children's studio, Kolomna
2008 - Russian State University for the Humanities. Moscow city
2006 -2007 - Work with theaters of the CIS located outside the Russian Federation. Departure to the cities: Mukachevo (Ukraine); Almaty, Petropavlovsk (Kazakhstan). Master classes in stage movement.
2005 - Theater Center "on Strastnoy" Master classes in stage movement for actors from Armenia and Azerbaijan.
2005 - Theater Center "on Strastnoy" Master classes on stage movement.
2005 - Work with theaters of the CIS located outside the Russian Federation
2005 - VTU named after Schukin. Gypsy Studio at the Romen Theatre. Moscow city
2005 to the present - Theater "Aktem". Moscow city.
2004 to the present - VTU them. Shchepkin. Moscow city
2004 -2008 - Yaroslavl State Institute (Moscow branch). Moscow city
2004-2005 - VTU im. Shchukin Korean studio. Moscow city
2002 to the present - TI them. B. Shchukina - stage movement teacher.
Russian language. English.

Batalina Olga Sergeevna
Senior Lecturer.

Born in Moscow.

Graduate of FGOU SPO “Studio Schools (Schools) at GAANT p / r. Igor Moiseev" with a degree in "choreographic art" in 2002.
In 2008 graduated from RATI-GITIS (specialty - directing choreography; qualification - choreographer).

Work experience:
- soloist of the state academic ensemble folk dance named after Igor Moiseev from 2002 to 2013;
- teacher of the School-studio (technical school) at the ensemble. I. Moiseeva from 2003 to the present;

TI teacher Boris Schukin since 2013

The main course taught is "dance".

Tsomaeva Aida Feliksovna

Senior Lecturer

2006 - 2008 - TI im. B. Shchukina, assistant trainee at the Department of Plastic expressiveness of the actor;
1998 - 2002 - TI im. B. Shchukin, diploma of theater and film actress;
1988 - 1997 - "School of Arts", choreographic department (North Ossetia).


2016 "Salinger" dir. Stasyuk V.V., Tee im. B. Shchukin

2014 - Lysistrata (Aristophanes), dir. R. Kiselev (International Slavic Institute), choreographer;

2014 - "Once upon a time there was a dog" (Khugaev), dir. K. Jeliev, TI im. B. Shchukina, choreographer;
2014 - "20 minutes with an angel" (Vampilov), dir. D. Belova, School of Drama G. Sidakov, director of the stage fight;
2014 - "Khanuma" (Tsagareli), dir. P.E. Lyubimtsev, TI im. B. Shchukina, choreographer - tutor;
2013 - 2014 – Cinderella (opera Massenet), dir. V. Yachmenev, State Classical Academy. Maimonides, choreographer;
2013 - Tic-Tac-Toe (Chervinsky), dir. N.I. Dvorzhetskaya, TI im. B. Shchukina, choreographer;
2013 - "Dream in midsummer night"(Shakespeare), dir. Rachevskaya, International Slavic Institute, choreographer;
2012-2013 - "Golden Dreams" - alumni ball, Moscow, choreographer;
2012 - "Til" (G. Gorin), dir. A.L. Dubrovskaya, TI. them. B. Shchukina, choreographer;
2011 – Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), dir. A. V. Bachurin, International Slavic Institute, choreographer;
2009 - The House of Bernarda Alba (Lorca), dir. E. Germanova, International Slavic Institute, choreographer;
2005-2006 – Lotte World Seoul, South Korea, show choreographer.
2014 to present time - Hollywood Academy "Doors to Hollywood" stage movement teacher;
2011 to present time - TI im. B. Shchukina, jazz dance teacher;
2008 to present time - School of Drama G. Sidakov, stage movement teacher;
2008 to present time - the children's center of Aesthetics and Beauty "Katyusha", a teacher of Caucasian dances;
2013 - N. Mikhalkov Summer School, jazz dance teacher.
Work as an actress:
2014 – Master class with Mark Dacascas as stage combat assistant;
2010 - 2011 - "Choreographic miniatures" dir. I.N. Filippova, TI im. B. Schukin;
2005-2006 - "Lotte World" Seoul, South Korea, ballet dancer;
2002-2005 - "Arvaidan" - ballet dancer, North Ossetian State Theater.

Semaeva Olga Alexandrovna

Senior Lecturer
Born in Nikolsk in 1965.

1991-1993 Assistant at the Higher Theater School named after B.V. Shchukin in the department of plastic expressiveness of the actor.
1987-1991 Moscow state institute culture.

2014 - Department of plastic expressiveness of the actor, teacher.
2010-2014 – Theatre Institute them. Boris Shchukin (Irkutsk studio), Irkutsk.
2004-2010 - Irkutsk Theater School, teacher of stage movement, rhythm and fencing. Irkutsk.
1995-2004 - Moscow Drama Theater "Engagement", director-teacher in plastic arts. Moscow city.
1995-1997 - Moscow State University culture and arts, teacher of stage movement and rhythm.
1993-1997 - Children's Center for Additional Education in Polyanka, teacher of stage movement and fencing. Moscow city.
The most significant productions.
2002 - "Four times zero" N.V. Gogol, State Theater Nations, plastic director. Moscow city.
2004 - "Novel without remarks" V. Slepenchuk, State Theater of Nations, plastic director. Moscow city.
2008 - "Romeo and Juliet" by W. Shakespeare, Irkutsk Academic Drama Theater named after N.P. Okhlopkov, plastic director. Irkutsk.
2009 - "Hamlet" by W. Shakespeare. IADT named after N.P. Okhlopkov, plasticity director. Irkutsk.
2011 - "I am Jeanne of Orleans" G. Shaposhnikov, N.P. Okhlopkov Institute of Fine Arts, plastic director. Irkutsk.
2011 - "Dark Ice" by I. Yakunin, N.P. Okhlopkov Institute of Fine Arts, plastic director, choreographer. Irkutsk.
2013 - "Holidays with Pirates", graduation performance of the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute (Irkutsk Studio), director. Irkutsk.
2014 - "Cat's House" by P. Waldgardt, children's opera, N.P. Okhlopkov IADT, director. Irkutsk.

Sokolova Marina Germanovna

Senior Lecturer

2008 - 2010 - Internship at TI them. B. Shchukina at the department "Plastic expressiveness of the actor"
1986 - 1992 – Saratov State University. N.G. Chernyshevsky. Faculty of Philology
1976 - 1984 – Saratov Choreographic School

2010 - Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies (theater department) - choreographic scenes for the graduation performance "Eggplants" (dir. Bordukov A.S.)
2009 - - Institute of Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies (theatrical department) - choreographic scenes for the graduation performance "Podshchipa" (dir. Bordukov A.S.)
2011 - choreography for the plastic performance "Dragon" (dir. Ivanov D.A.)
2013 - took part in the creation of choreographic scenes in the graduation literary and dramatic performance based on the works of A.S. Pushkin (dir. Bagrova E.O.);
2013 - staging of choreographic scenes for the plastic performance "Corsairs".
2014 - staging choreographic scenes for the graduation performance "Any-expensive" (dir. Bordukov A.S.).
March 2014 - work as a choreographer on set feature film"The Hunt to Live" (dir. S. Nikonenko)

2009 - to the present - teaching stage dance at the Institute for Humanitarian Education and Information Technologies (theatrical department, artistic director Korenev V.B.)
Teaching stage dance at TI im. B. Schukin:
2010/2011 - art course hands Pavlenkova N.N.
2012/2014 - course of artistic director. Koruchekov A.A.
2014 - 1st year art. hands Dubrovskaya A.A.; 1 course art director Knyazev E.V.
2014 - teacher classical dance in the center of aesthetics and beauty "Katyusha".
1984 - 2008 – Saratov academic theater opera and ballet (ballet dancer).

Zaseev Batraz Viktorovich

Stage Movement Educator


2009-2013 - TI im. B. Shchukin, course of A.L. Dubrovskaya and V.A. Etush, drama and film actor

2013-2015 - Master's degree at TI im. B. Shchukina, department of plastic expressiveness of an actor

"Methods of teaching the discipline "Stage fencing" for actors with hearing impairment" hands. A.A. Shchukin


2014 Until now ---- Russian state specialized academy of arts, stage movement teacher

2016 to the present ---- Moscow Art Theater, stage movement teacher

Summ Alexandra Valerievna
Lecturer, methodologist of the department
Education: Boris Theater Institute (master's degree, specialization "Plastic culture of the theater")
Teaching (stage movement):
Theater Institute. B. Schukina
Institute theatrical art them. I. D. Kobzon
Institute of Contemporary Art

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Irkutsk Theater School
Year of foundation



Dombrovskaya Svetlana Ivanovna


Russia Russia

The address
K: Educational institutions founded in 1962 Coordinates : 52°16′50″ s. sh. 104°17′44″ E d. /  52.2806° N sh. 104.2955° E d. / 52.2806; 104.2955 (G) (I)

Irkutsk Theater School- secondary vocational educational institution (college) in Irkutsk, which trains specialists in the specializations "Actor of the Drama Theater and Cinema", "Actor of the Puppet Theater", "Actor of the Musical Theater". The only theatrical educational institution of the secondary professional level in Siberia and the Far East.

11 graduates of the school were awarded the title People's Artist of the Russian Federation, 1 graduate - titles People's Artist of Ukraine.

School administration

To date, the Irkutsk Theater School is headed by:

Dombrovskaya Svetlana Ivanovna, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, director of the school

Gushchin Gennady Stepanovich, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, artistic director schools

Bormotova Nina Ivanovna, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

Kruchinina Zhanna Alekseevna, Deputy Director for AChE

Salnikova Natalya Igorevna, Deputy Director for educational work.

Famous graduates

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  • // Vesti-Irkutsk
  • on the Teatral website

An excerpt characterizing the Irkutsk Theater School

“If you please, hear the shooting,” said the bereytor, a retired soldier, “already all the gentlemen have risen, the brightest themselves have long passed.
Pierre hastily dressed and ran out onto the porch. Outside it was clear, fresh, dewy and cheerful. The sun, having just escaped from behind the cloud that obscured it, splashed up to half of its rays, broken by a cloud, through the roofs of the opposite street, onto the dew-covered dust of the road, onto the walls of houses, on the windows of the fence and on Pierre's horses standing by the hut. The rumble of cannons was heard more clearly in the yard. An adjutant with a Cossack roared down the street.
- It's time, Count, it's time! shouted the adjutant.
Ordering to lead the horse behind him, Pierre went down the street to the mound, from which he had looked at the battlefield yesterday. There was a crowd of military men on this mound, and the French dialect of the staff was heard, and Kutuzov's gray-haired head was visible with his white cap with a red band and a gray-haired nape sunk into his shoulders. Kutuzov looked through the pipe ahead along the high road.
Entering the steps of the entrance to the mound, Pierre looked ahead of him and froze in admiration before the beauty of the spectacle. It was the same panorama that he had admired yesterday from this mound; but now the whole area was covered with troops and the smoke of shots, and the slanting rays of the bright sun, rising behind, to the left of Pierre, threw on her in the clear morning air a piercing light with a golden and pink hue and dark, long shadows. The distant forests that complete the panorama, as if carved from some kind of precious yellow-green stone, could be seen with their curved line of peaks on the horizon, and between them, behind Valuev, the big Smolensk road cut through, all covered with troops. Closer, golden fields and copses gleamed. Everywhere - in front, on the right and on the left - troops were visible. All this was lively, majestic and unexpected; but what struck Pierre most of all was the view of the battlefield itself, Borodino and the hollow above Kolochaya on both sides of it.
Above Kolochaya, in Borodino and on both sides of it, especially to the left, where the Voyna flows into Kolocha in the swampy banks, there was that fog that melts, blurs and shines through when the bright sun comes out and magically colors and outlines everything seen through it. This fog was joined by the smoke of shots, and through this fog and smoke lightnings of morning light shone everywhere - now on the water, now on the dew, now on the bayonets of the troops crowding along the banks and in Borodino. Through this fog one could see the white church, in some places the roofs of Borodin's huts, in some places solid masses of soldiers, in some places green boxes, cannons. And it all moved, or seemed to move, because the mist and smoke stretched all over this space. Both in this locality of the lower parts near Borodino, covered with fog, and outside it, higher and especially to the left along the entire line, through the forests, through the fields, in the lower parts, on the tops of the elevations, were constantly born of themselves, out of nothing, cannon, then lonely, now lumpy, now rare, now frequent clouds of smoke, which, swelling, growing, swirling, merging, were visible throughout this space.