Is it possible to register for public services without SNILS. How to get SNILS for a baby

On the official portal of the PF Russian Federation published an exact explanation that it is impossible to issue an insurance number via the Internet.

This is due to the law on the protection of personal data of insured persons. According to him, all information must be exclusively confidential and stored only in the archive of the PF itself.

If you need to order a duplicate or restore SNILS, the PF will not be able to help you online. At a minimum, the time frame for this ban has not been named, so we can hope that the legislation in this area will be amended in the near future.

Portal "Gosuslugi": is there an opportunity?

If you ask the question "How to get SNILS?" to the State Services portal, then disappointing news awaits you. The unified registry may offer you to make a huge number of all kinds of documents online, however, if you select the "PF" tab, you will see that SNILS cannot be issued in this way.

More than once, the leadership of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation promised dissatisfied citizens to at least consider the possibility of such a service appearing online, however, so far this is prohibited by law.

How can I apply for SNILS

It is quite logical that the most convenient way to get SNILS is through the State Services portal. However, since this is this moment impossible, it is worth considering options for its real design.

You are an official person. In this case, your employer should take care of the execution of this document. Moreover, the law prescribes that he must do this no later than two weeks from the date of your registration.

You - do not work, or work unofficially. In this case, you need to deal with the state structure for the order and execution of all documents on your own.

The registration of SNILS for children under the age of 14 is handled by their parents. The child does not need to be present. If he is already 14, he can go through this procedure on his own.

Documents required for registration of the number:

  • identity document;
  • application form filled out.

If you yourself submitted a package of documents to the PF, then you will receive them back in your hands, respectively. If the employer dealt with this issue, then after completing the documents, it is within his competence to hand you SNILS in exchange for a signature in the statement.

Thus, you see that it is not yet possible to find out how to get SNILS through the State Services portal. More recently, the head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation promised to consider the issue of paperwork online. Nevertheless, while this is not available, there is always the opportunity to issue it in a classic way - in one of the regional offices of the Pension Fund.

SNILS- This individual number personal account of a Russian, which is registered in the system of compulsory pension insurance. It contains the personal data of the insured person, personal account number, date and place of birth, as well as the date of registration in the system. On reverse side maps contains background information.

Everyone, including children, must draw up this document, so parents need to take care of the preparation of documents in a timely manner. About whether it is possible how to get SNILS for a child through public services , step-by-step instruction and a guide to action, we will tell in our material.

According to the law "On individual (personalized) registration in the system of compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation", information about the insured person is confidential and its disclosure is prohibited. It is this law that makes it impossible to issue SNILS via the Internet, including the State Services portal.

Those who are thinking about how to get SNILS for a child through the State Services, the step-by-step instructions for which have not been published, need to go to the Unified Services Portal and make sure that there is no such service. Moreover, neither for children nor for adults. Of course, this would allow the Russians to save a lot of time and effort.

It turns out that it is possible to issue SNILS to a child only through the department pension fund. To do this, you need to contact the department at the place of residence of the parents or the child who is 14 years old.

There are several ways to issue SNILS for a child:

  1. If the child is under 14, then the parents or legal representatives of the child go to the Territorial Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is not necessary to bring him to the Pension Fund.
  2. If the child is already 14 years old, then he independently goes to the Pension Fund and receives a document. Of course, for reassurance, parents can accompany him, but their signatures and permissions do not appear anywhere.
  3. If the child is studying educational institution, then SNILS can issue the leadership of this institution.

Documents for obtaining SNILS for a child

Parents or legal representatives of the child must bring to the territorial office of the Pension Fund:

  • Passport of the applicant (one of the parents);
  • Baby's birth certificate;
  • Questionnaire of the insured person, signed by the parent-applicant.

These are the papers that are necessary for registration of SNILS little child at the age of 14. If a 14-year-old teenager is sent for a document, then he independently fills out and signs the questionnaire of the insured person and provides his passport. Ready document are received either by the applicant's parents or by the 14-year-old child himself upon presentation of his passport.

Does a child need SNILS at all?

All parents ask themselves this question, while many are in no hurry to complete this document. And in vain, because it significantly expands the rights and opportunities even for newborn children. So, SNILS may be needed:

  • To receive medical care, including in clinics. Children get sick often, and in order for the baby to be registered in the clinic and to receive free assistance, he needs SNILS.
  • If the child is disabled, then in order to receive social benefits, you must provide SNILS. It is his number that is indicated in most registers for receiving social benefits.
  • When entering kindergarten and school, they also require SNILS.
  • To register on the State Services Portal. It is he who allows you to draw up the majority required documents, so parents do not have to drag the baby in line, but simply enter his data in the appropriate field of the portal.
  • If the child is disabled or receives some kind of social benefits, then SNILS is its kind of identifier in general social registries.
  • If a teenage child wants to earn extra money in the summer, then the employer needs his SNILS number to deduct insurance premiums.

Based on the foregoing, the child needs SNILS. Simply put, this document is mandatory for all citizens of the Russian Federation. To date, it can be issued only in the territorial offices of the Pension Fund.

Parents should think about how to issue SNILS for a child immediately after the birth of the baby, because this document is important not only for calculating a pension; it allows the citizen to use all kinds of public services. The most skilled computer users try to apply for a "green card" through the global network, just to avoid the queue at the FIU office. However, is it possible to issue SNILS to a child online?

Why does the baby need SNILS?

Parents have a reasonable question: why issue SNILS to a child if he is still very far from retirement? There are several reasons:

  • From the FIU, information about a new person is sent to organizations engaged in medical and social insurance.
  • After receiving a “green card”, a young citizen acquires the right to some privileges: registration of free vouchers to sanatoriums, discounts on food (for disabled children), inheritance of the funded part of another person’s pension.
  • The presence of a “card” will give a young citizen the opportunity to get away from the hassle with documents upon reaching working age - after all, a pension account has already been opened.
  • SNILS is the guarantor of free medical care for the baby.
  • The document is required for admission to school and kindergarten.
  • Without a green card, a teenager will not be able to get a summer job, because the employer needs an account number where he will transfer insurance premiums.
  • The SNILS number acts as an identifier for the Universal Electronic Card (UEC) - it is to such cards that the government plans to transfer most of the country's population. UEK will replace not only SNILS, but also TIN, pension certificate, compulsory medical insurance policy.

In addition to the above, a document is needed in order to register on useful Internet resources, such as the Gosuslugi.Ru website.

Is it possible to issue SNILS to a minor through the State Services portal?

It is impossible to issue SNILS to a child through the State Services, and there is an explanation for this on the website: the ban follows from federal law No. 27 of 04/01/1996 "On the protection of personal data", according to which all information related to pension insurance should be stored only in the PFR itself. But here a contradiction also arises: if the data is confidential, then why does the portal ask for the green card account number during registration? It turns out that the very existence of "Gosuslug" runs counter to the above law.

Also, the portal "Gosuslugi" is not an assistant if a citizen needs to receive a duplicate document. Despite the fact that the number of Russians dissatisfied with such a restriction is very large, the time frame for the ban has not been named. The PFR management has already promised several times to consider the possibility of applying online, but so far, alas, the matter has not progressed further than promises.

Please note: a child will not be able to apply for SNILS online at all, so if as a result of your search you stumbled upon a paid resource that promises to issue a “green card” via the Internet, know that these are scammers, the main objective which is to lure money out of your pocket.

How to apply for SNILS for a baby?

There are several options for how to issue SNILS to a child:

  • If the child is under the age of 14, his parents or guardians must apply to the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a birth certificate for the baby. You don't have to take your baby with you.
  • If a young citizen is over 14 years old, he must deal with the execution of the document himself.
  • If a minor is studying at a college or school, the administration of this institution should take care of the registration of SNILS.
  • Parents can go with a request to issue SNILS to the employer - he is obliged to resolve the issue within 2 weeks.
  • In some regions, there are interdepartmental agreements between the registry office and the Pension Fund. The employees of the registry office themselves transmit information about the newborn to the FIU. However, this project is a pilot one - it is not a fact that such agreements will be valid for a long time.

Another method of registration is gaining popularity - through a multifunctional center (MFC). This method has a number of advantages:

  • Implemented electronic queue, therefore, the MFC is a place where a child can get SNILS quickly. There are also time limits for receiving a client - a maximum of 20 minutes. One pensioner will not be able to occupy a specialist for the entire work shift.
  • Convenient work schedule - the centers are open from 8 am to 8 pm without breaks and days off, so working citizens do not have to ask for time off.
  • The presence of a corporate culture guarantees a polite approach to the client and a high-quality approach to solving his problem.

What documents are required for registration?

The list of documents needed to apply for SNILS for a child is posted on the official website of the Pension Fund. The list is short and includes:

  • The child's questionnaire containing the parent's signature. The questionnaire can be completed by the parent himself if the child is under 14 years old.
  • Birth certificate of a minor.
  • Passport of the parent who submitted the questionnaire.

A child over 14 years of age must visit the FIU himself with a passport (or birth certificate, if the passport is still being issued), ask for a questionnaire and fill it out. The parent's signature on the form is not required.

The same documents will be required when applying to the MFC - this option is even more convenient, because the applicant is notified of the readiness of the document via SMS (which the FIU does not do).

How long does it take to issue SNILS for a child?

The Pension Fund itself has set the maximum period for issuing a document at 3 weeks, however, will have to wait longer if the applicant is acting through an employer. In this case, it is recommended to add another two weeks, which are allocated to the employer for the transfer of the questionnaire to the FIU. However, these terms are theoretical - in practice, the issuance of a document is much faster.

Parents who want to provide their child with a "green card" in early age, you should not rely on the Internet - the online registration service is not available now, and is unlikely to be available until it conflicts with the law. This does not mean that parents are doomed to languish in the endless line of the Pension Fund. There is an excellent alternative - the MFC, where they will serve you quickly, efficiently and politely.