Get a passport in an electronic queue. Electronic queue for a passport

Time goes fast. And so I did not notice how a couple of years had already passed, how my foreign passport. How about on vacation abroad? It's time to urgently correct the situation. Several years have passed since the last time I received my passport. The rules for obtaining were erased from memory, and they change quite often in our country. Looking through various portals state structures, I found that the rules for obtaining a passport were noticeably simplified. If you believe what is written, then at the time of the summer of 2016, only an application is needed to obtain a foreign passport. And there are no copies of labor and no assurances from the employer. I myself signed the application, handed it over to the nearest department of the Federal Migration Service, and in a month you receive a passport. But as our officials love it, the rules are written in an ornate way and some incomprehensible moments remain. If you look at reviews real people, blogger posts and YouTube videos, you get a mess of rules that have changed several times. Some nimble bloggers add the year 2016 to their old articles and pass out outdated information as reality, thereby misleading the Internet community. So, how to issue and receive a foreign passport in the middle of 2016? If you know some of the nuances, then all documents can be submitted in one day, when such a desire appeared.

How I applied for a new biometric passport for 10 years in 2016

Now you can still get paper passports of the old sample for 5 years, or biometric ones for 10 years. Both make 1 month. Of the advantages of old-style passports, they call the possibility of subsequent entry of children, and the fee is smaller. They can also be obtained at multifunctional centers for the provision of public services, but this is a dubious advantage. Of the shortcomings - there are countries where paper passports are not allowed. And if you add up 2 duties for 10 years, it will turn out more expensive.

I decided for myself to get a biometric passport for 10 years. The Federal Migration Service itself assures that the fastest and easy way submit documents for biometric passport a new model is to use the unified federal portal of public services. Is it so? The procedure for submitting documents includes photographing on special equipment and fingerprinting, that is, you still have to appear in person at the department of the Federal Migration Service. Therefore, in this case this portal is an extra link that can and should be eliminated to speed up the process of filing documents. In addition, there is a difficult registration with confirmation.

In order to go through the FMS department at one time, when applying, you need to make some preparations. Namely, fill out an application. The application must be completed and submitted in one copy. There are 2 options here: the first is to pay the money to the company for filling out applications, which is located in the same building of the FMS. I used to do that. But this time I decided to use the second option and do it myself. What’s more, it doesn’t take much effort. In mid-2016, application forms can be downloaded on the official website of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:. All forms are at the bottom of the page.

The document comes in PDF format with editable fields and is filled out directly in the Adobe Reader program on the computer. There are many tips on the Internet that you need to fill out the application only in capital letters. Now there is no such requirement. Therefore, you need to fill in as in sentences, that is, the first letter is capitalized, and the rest are lowercase. In the department of the FMS, you can take a printed application form and fill it out by hand in block letters, but this is very tedious.

Application for a new passport. Fill example

Fields to fill in the program are highlighted in blue. This highlight is not printed. You will print a white letterhead with black text. At first, everything is simple: enter the last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth in the appropriate fields. We put a cross to select a gender. Next, we come to the main intrigue of this application: there is a place for a photograph on the form. So, there is no need to paste any photo or attach it. We just leave this place empty. The photo will appear there after you are photographed on special equipment at the FMS during your visit. Specify the locality of the place of birth. In the next block, information about the change of surname, name, patronymic is filled in. I did not change, so I put a cross in the NO column.

In block 6, the address of residence is filled in. Everything seems to be simple there. A subject is an oblast, a krai, a republic. Everyone knows where he lives. In fact, the registration address is filled in here. The only illogical point here is that the district of the city is written in the district column, so it would be more logical to place this column after the settlement, but perhaps for a village that is located in some district, everything will be logical.

In block 7, it is possible to indicate an additional address if you are temporarily staying in some place or permanently living without registration. My registration address and residence address are the same, so I put a cross at the actual residence and rewrote the same address.

In column 8 we write our cell phone.

In block 10 - the data of your civil passport.

Columns 11 and 12 are secrecy and a contractual ban on traveling abroad. I put a cross on NO.

In block 13, the data of the previous passport is entered if its validity period has not expired. My previous passport was not valid for a long time, so I left this field blank.

The following is the reverse side of the statement. By the way, the application must be printed on one sheet on both sides, otherwise they will not be accepted. First you need to print the front side. Then turn over and print the reverse side. If the printer has a duplex printing module, then everything happens automatically.

In block 14, information from the work book for the period of the last 10 years is simply copied. Dates indicate only the month and year. The month of dismissal from the previous place of work must coincide with the month of admission to new job. If for some reason there is a break in the seniority (the month of dismissal and income do not match), you need to write DID NOT WORK and indicate your home address. Labor activity is listed as the date increases. That is, the current place of work should be the last. For the last place of work, the column MONTH AND YEAR OF DISMISSAL is not filled. If the experience does not fit in the allotted columns, you can issue an application on a separate form.

It remains to put the date of submission of the application and put a sample signature. If you are not sure when you will go to the FMS, leave the date field blank and write it in by hand. The painting is placed after printing strictly in the allotted frame. If the signature sticks out of the frame, the application will be rejected.

That's the whole statement. But this is not yet a complete set of documents. In addition to the application, they will require a receipt for payment of the fee. For a new passport from the age of 18, the fee is 3,500 rubles. I expected to pay the duty quickly on the spot, but both terminals for receiving payments at the FMS did not work. I decided to pay at the nearest bank - it was across the street. It's good that banks are everywhere now. But even here a surprise awaited me: banks do not accept payments without a receipt. I had to return to the FMS and take this form, after asking where they are given. The adventures did not end there - the program hung in the nearest bank. Therefore, I had to walk 50 meters to the next bank, everything worked out there. For Kazan and some cities of Tatarstan, it is most convenient to pay in advance from the portal of public services of Tatarstan - receipts are not needed there. I would do that next time, I just wasn't sure about the waiting list at the time. It would seem that everything, but when submitting the documents, they also demanded copies of the pages of the general passport from me: a spread with a photo, a page with registration, a page of marks on previously issued foreign passports. Paid services ended up in the same building. It cost me 15 rubles. Had I known in advance, I would have done it for free.

Documents for a new passport

So, in order to apply for a new passport in 2016, you will need to present the following documents to the FMS inspector:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • An application in one copy for a foreign passport without a photo (no need to stick or attach a photo). The application is printed on one sheet on both sides;
  • Receipt of payment of the fee;
  • Photocopies of pages of a civil passport: a spread with a photo, a page with registration, a page of marks on previously issued foreign passports.

Can I apply for a passport without an appointment?

Making an appointment is the main intriguing question of the whole procedure. But as I wrote above, you can get an appointment with an inspector at the FMS on the day such a desire appears.

It seems that we live in the 21st century, so everything should be remote and electronic. Indeed, there is such an opportunity through the portals of public services, but only it takes longer than a direct trip to the department of the Federal Migration Service. Paradox, but true. For example, if you go to the portal of public services of Tatarstan, you can see that for all possible 10 days from the current date, the record has already been exhausted.

Theoretically, at 00 hours 01 minutes of the new day, when the window for the next 10th day is opened, try to have time to sign up in 10 days. But why wait 10 days when you can come to the opening of the FMS department and take a ticket for the current day. That's exactly what I did. Departments of the Federal Migration Service do not receive every day and not all day. On some day they take before lunch, on some - after dinner. You will need to inquire about this further. Of course, I had initial doubts about the fact that everything is busy there too. But I doubted in vain. It seems that part of the quota is given to Internet recording, and part to local recording. Since the number of Internet users who want to make an appointment is much larger than those who drove up to working time to the department of the Federal Migration Service, the second method looks much more reliable.

So, let's do it all ourselves. Required documents and we go to the nearest department of the Federal Migration Service for the opening to take an appointment ticket - this is the recipe for a quick and easy way applying for a foreign passport.

Don't forget to grab a comb to brush your hair before taking the photo. And prepare mentally that you will be fingerprinted index fingers on both hands. The fingerprint scanner is electronic, so no ink.

Registration of an official document for traveling outside Russia is carried out according to certain rules. They are described in detail in Law No. 114-FZ.

Most of the time is spent collecting the necessary information to provide the FMS department and standing in queues. To solve these problems, it is recommended to make a preliminary entry for a passport via the Internet.

Design rules

First you need to find out the procedure for obtaining an exit document, determine the requirements of the IFS. To travel abroad, you should prepare a package of certificates, correctly draw up an application and fill out a questionnaire. It should also be borne in mind that the time it takes to complete the entire procedure may depend on a number of factors.

General order of registration.

  1. Preparation of a package of documents. Its content depends on the type of passport.
  2. The choice of the FMS department for registration - at the place of registration, actual residence.
  3. Determination of the method of filing an application - personal presence or appointment by appointment.
  4. Transfer of the package for further processing.
  5. After 15 days, you should appear on a notice for photographing. Only for biometric passport.
  6. After a certain time, a notification will come that a foreign passport can be obtained.

This is a generalized receipt scheme that does not take into account a number of nuances. These include the age of the applicant, his attitude towards compulsory military service, the presence of debt on loans and an open criminal record. This must be clarified before the start of registration and only after that collect the necessary package of documents.

Options to choose from

When choosing a branch for registering an application for a foreign passport, the time of the procedure should be taken into account. Depending on this factor, you can personally submit a package of documents to the FMS department or use the online electronic filing service.

Main selection criteria:

  • Time to wait for an appointment with a specialist during a personal visit. Depends on the number of visitors.
  • Possibility electronic registration. It is performed through the State Services portal or using a special terminal.
  • Services of intermediaries. Some companies can help not only with registration, but also choose the best option for making an appointment with a FMS specialist.

For the latter option, you need to prepare for additional financial expenses. The cost of services of specialists depends on the volume of ordered services and time. But it must be remembered that commercial companies cannot influence the reduction of the time for issuing a document for traveling abroad.

Personal visit to the FMS

This is a proven method that guarantees full control for the execution of the registration procedure. First you need to find out the exact address of the FMS office. This can be done on the official website of the department, which is now subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then there is an opportunity to choose one of two options for submitting a package for obtaining a foreign passport.

Description of the features of recording for submission of a package of documents:

  • Visit without prior appointment. Office hours are pre-specified. Waiting in a "live" queue can be delayed.
  • Terminal usage. It is located in the FMS department. Having entered the basic data, you can sign up for the submission of documents for a certain time. It is not chosen by the applicant. Advantages of the method - no need to stand in a long queue. The disadvantage is that you need to visit the department at least twice.

The first method is suitable for people with a lot of free time. The second one is for those who are employed, but who have the opportunity to come to the FMS twice. Most often, preference is given to an electronic queue, since an appointment for it has priority over a regular visit. Those. at personal visit without time reservation, applicants will be skipped ahead by electronic queue.

Applying for a passport online

You must first go through the registration process. It consists in creating an account on the State Services website. After confirmation, a notification is sent to the specified e-mail - login and password to enter Personal Area. But it's not enough to record. You must go through the full registration process. In the personal account, real passport data are indicated, SNILS number. Upon completion of their verification, the client receives a code for full access for the services of the service - a universal electronic card or a similar signature.

Using this service, you can not only sign up for filing a package with the Federal Migration Service, but also start the procedure online.

To do this, you will need to follow these steps.

  1. Filling out the questionnaire. Its sample is on the website, depending on the type of passport received - biometric or old sample.
  2. After activating the "order a service" button, you must select the department of the Federal Migration Service.
  3. Entering the personal data of the applicant.
  4. It is important to correctly indicate the purpose of registration - periodic trips outside the Russian Federation, business trips, vacations.
  5. The choice of the place of receipt is based on actual residence or registration.
  6. Entering data on labor activity.
  7. Upload a photo for the application.
  8. The final stage is the verification of the entered data and consent to the processing of personal information.

The official answer will come within one day. If the employees do not find errors in the entered information, the application is redirected to the selected department of the FMS. A biometric passport does not require a photo. It will need to be done in the on-call department. A notice of a visit for a certain time will come after 15 days from the date of application.

Which document to choose?

Currently, it is possible to issue and receive an old-form international passport or its biometric counterpart. In the first case, the validity period is only 5 years, in the second - 10 years. There is also a difference in the amount of the state fee - 2000 and 3500 rubles, respectively. In biometric, in addition to a photograph made using laser engraving and basic data, there is an electronic storage medium. It contains information about the owner of the document.

The latter is associated with changes in appearance during this period of growing up. Biometric will be convenient for frequent visits to other countries that are scheduled for a long time.

Before registering for the issuance of a foreign passport using one of the methods described above, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

  • internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • old passport, if any;
  • employment history;
  • application and completed application form;
  • for men - a military ID or a certificate in the form F32.

When changing the surname, you must indicate the old one in the questionnaire. To do this, fill in the appropriate fields. If registration is performed for a minor citizen of the Russian Federation, a questionnaire filled out by his parents or guardians is required. At the first registration, it is recommended to use the services of commercial companies. They will help you fill out the questionnaire correctly, collect the necessary package to provide it to the Federal Migration Service.

Production time

On, allowing you to leave the borders of the Russian Federation, several factors influence. It is important to choose the right department of the FMS and follow the procedure for submitting an application, questionnaire and the rest of the package. When submitting through the State Services service, the processing time is automatically increased by one working day. This is necessary to check the correctness of filling out the forms and transfer to a specific department of the Migration Service.

To plan the timing of receipt, you need to know the current time frame:

  • If the filing is carried out at the place of registration, the maximum processing time is 30 days.
  • Place of actual residence 120 days. This is due to the need to check the applicant's data at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the passport office and the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration.
  • The activity of a citizen is connected with the law "On state secret". Pick up time is limited 3 months.

In rare cases, residents of the Russian Federation who are outside the country receive a foreign passport. To perform this procedure, you must contact the department of the Russian Foreign Ministry. The term for obtaining a passport is limited to 90 days.

Order of registration in the queue

After the expiration of the registration period, it is necessary to obtain a foreign passport at a specific branch of the Migration Service. If registration was carried out through the State Services portal, a notification will be sent to e-mail that the document is ready. The receipt is e-ticket, which indicates the place (address of the branch) and the time of the visit. It is impossible to transfer it, since the entry is made in the order of electronic queue.

The following methods are also available:

  • Through the terminal located in the branch. During registration, the applicant's data is indicated, after which a specific day and time is assigned.
  • On a first come, first served basis. The disadvantages of this method have been described above.

According to the new registration rules, it is also possible to receive a foreign passport by mail. Regulatory documents that allow you to perform this procedure are Order No. 4271 dated March 29, 2016 and No. 4270 of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Additional postage costs are included. It is best to clarify the specifics at the local branch of the Migration Service.

For the fastest completion of the procedure for obtaining, it is recommended that you carefully read the current regulations. In case of questions, they can be clarified with the FMS employees or independent experts. The services of the latter are paid.

  • The application must be certified with a seal from the place of work. If a citizen is temporarily not employed, this is done at the Employment Center.
  • The original work book is required only to obtain an old-form international passport. For biometric it is needed when filling out the questionnaire.
  • If there is a desire to use the services of intermediaries, you should carefully check the reputation of the company. It is best to read customer reviews or choose an organization on the advice of friends or relatives.
  • Delay in the issuance of a passport is unacceptable. Regardless of the fact of the inspection, the employees of the department are required to issue a document within the prescribed time frame. If this does not happen, you should write a complaint addressed to their direct supervisor.

Subject to all the above rules and recommendations, timely registration for a passport, the time of its receipt will not exceed the prescribed time.

Each person must have a document proving his identity. It allows you to distinguish it from the general mass, giving it a special position. The document is required both within your own country and abroad.

What it is

At its core, a passport is a document that allows you to verify the authenticity of a person's identity, regardless of his social origin, nationality, legal status and gender. It is issued by the Federal Migration Service at the age of 14 to all Russian citizens without exception.

As a rule, two documents can be issued for a citizen, one of which is used by him within his native country, and the other is a foreign passport when staying in another country for any reason. It is an official document, the main purpose of which is to certify an identity, his citizenship when crossing the borders of other states, a residence permit.

Submission of documents

The applicant is invited to the appropriate division of the FMS, where he must fill out an application form submitted in the form of a questionnaire and submit documents. A digital photograph does not need to be submitted, because it is taken in the FMS unit itself. As a rule, the notification for the submission of documents contains a list of them, which the applicant must submit.

These include:

  • passport of a Russian citizen, a photocopy of its pages - the main page indicating the personal data of the applicant and the image of the photograph, the fifth, where the registration stamp is affixed, the nineteenth, containing information about the documents issued when applying to the FMS earlier;
  • military ID, if the applicant is involved in military service;
  • certificate of admission to leave the country without any restrictions;
  • certificate from the place of employment, training;
  • certificate of official marriage or its dissolution;
  • birth certificate of children;
  • a receipt certifying the payment of the state fee.

A foreign passport is issued upon expiration 20 days, about which the applicant will be notified again. Upon receipt, a Russian passport is presented, a stamp is affixed to it confirming the issuance of a foreign passport.

The legislative framework

Questions regarding the entry into the queue in the electronic queue are regulated by the order "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of the Federal migration service state service for registration and issuance of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation. The act was issued on October 15, 2012 under the number 320.

It noted the introduction of automated registration of applications for a foreign passport. It is made by entering the information specified in the application into a common database, regardless of the form of its submission, including electronic. His instructions set the time for receiving an application and documents for issuing a foreign passport equal to 5 minutes.

With regard to legal acts on the issuance of a passport, its replacement, the FMS introduced the Administrative Regulations.

Its instructions provide for the procedure for filing an application, its consideration and registration of a passport. The deadline for its issuance is also set at one month. The countdown is from the date of receipt of the application by the FMS unit.

Its validity period is set by the legislator equal to 10 years, after which it is subject to mandatory replacement. If there is an urgent need, it can be changed to new passport before the expiration date. For example, when entering into an official marriage, followed by.

If it is technically possible, he receives applicants using an electronic queue management system. The procedure is carried out taking into account pre-registered persons, regardless of the form of entry in the queue for obtaining a foreign passport.

The norm is fixed by the instructions of the order "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service of the state service for the registration and issuance of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, containing an electronic storage medium." The act was issued on March 26, 2014 under the number 211.

Electronic queue for obtaining a passport

Anyone can apply for a foreign passport Russian citizen without any restrictions. But in some cases, its registration is accompanied by some complications caused by a large flow of people who want to receive it, leading to the formation of queues in the departments of the Federal Migration Service. The phenomenon leads to the fact that a lot of time is spent on issuing a foreign passport.

The legislator decided to organize the service via the Internet in order to eliminate queues in the divisions of the Federal Migration Service. They accept documents for registration of a foreign passport and its issuance. Placement in an electronic queue is carried out on the basis of an application of a citizen, issued online.

You can make an appointment with the relevant department of the FMS using:

  • Internet. It is carried out on the official website of the federal state information system - "a single portal of state and municipal services" functions ". To apply, you must register on the site, get a personal account. It contains forms that you need to fill out and send, upload the required documents.
  • and. AT last years in almost every department of the FMS, government agency a terminal with sections of specific services provided to the population of the country was installed. To apply for a foreign passport, you need to find the FMS services section, where you enter the name of the required service, personal data, including your home address.

Online registration allows you to significantly save time not only for the applicant, but also for the territorial body of the FMS unit, which should serve the client at a high level. This takes into account his work schedule, the availability of free time to receive the applicant.

It is not allowed to record 2 people at the same time, so the provision of services of a different nature is carried out at different times. The validity of the electronic entry in the queue leaves 14 days after the expiration of which the entry is canceled.

Features of registration on the public services portal

Electronic registration of citizens is carried out on the basis of information that is provided to them when registering as a user. They are entered in the form of the questionnaire, which allows you to open a personal account.

These include information regarding:

  • passport details of the applicant;
  • insurance number of the citizen's personal account in the system of compulsory pension insurance. It contains information about the labor activity of a citizen, listed by him in Pension Fund insurance premiums;
  • user's email address;
  • mobile, home phone numbers.

The identity of the applicant is confirmed by re-authorization on the site, for which you need to visit the public service center, provide an electronic signature or send information by mail in the form of a registered letter.

What to look out for

For the provision of services for the issuance of a foreign passport, a citizen must pay state duty. Its size for an old-style document is 2,000 rubles, for a new generation - 3,500 rubles. It is included in the category of mandatory payments provided by the legislator.

It can be paid through the cash desk of Sberbank or an ATM located in it, a terminal designed for paying state duty, installed in the territorial body of the FMS unit. Payment is made using special bank details, which are established by the legislator in each region on an individual basis.

You can check your bank details:

  • in the territorial body of the FMS unit, its official website;
  • on the official website of the Federal Migration Service.

The military ID of males aged 18-27 must contain information about military service. It is mandatory to indicate the type - conscription or alternative civilian service. If a citizen did not pass it for health reasons, then the reason should be indicated - “not fit for military service"," limited fit for military service.

Missing a visit

The need to stand in a live queue is eliminated when recording in an electronic queue. The applicant is assigned a specific day and specific time to visit the FMS unit. Being late entails the beginning of the reception of the next applicant, so you will need to get into the electronic queue again.

The applicant must strictly adhere to the visit schedule according to the limited period of time. If he is late for the time appointed for visiting the FMS unit by 10 minutes or more, then he loses the right to receive services in an electronic queue, which assumes priority in the provision of services. It is serviced by a division of the Federal Migration Service on a general basis, which is accompanied by a state in the general queue.

How to become a waiting list in a different way

In all divisions of the FMS, queuing is organized through telephone connection. It is intended for pre-registration in the queue, which allows you to come to the FMS unit at the appointed time to submit documents. This kind of service is not organized in all regions, so it is necessary to clarify in advance about the possibility of its provision.

The legislator imposes certain requirements on the information provided, which consist in their reliability, clarity of presentation, and completeness. At the same time, it should be presented in a visual, understandable form.

Its transfer to the territorial office of the FMS unit should be carried out promptly, which will lead to the receipt of a passport on time. If the documents are not executed properly, then the period for its issuance may be delayed indefinitely.

In conclusion, it should be noted that when applying for a service online, service is performed in the first place. But only if the entries of the current passport and the information submitted online are consistent. Notification of the entry into the queue is sent to the applicant's e-mail.

Obtaining or replacing a foreign passport, like any other document, is associated with the majority of difficulties and paperwork. Signing up for, submitting documents, and holding the coveted foreign passport - that's the whole procedure. Thanks to the existence of the portal of public services, it is no longer necessary to stand in queues to make an appointment. You can apply online from the comfort of your home or office.

How to apply for a passport

There are 4 ways to register for a passport:

  1. Through the website of the State Service
  2. Through the specialized center "My Documents"
  3. Terminals of the Federal Migration Service (GUVM)
  4. By phone

If you are not registered on the State Services portal, you must do this and go through the identification procedure. That is, confirm account at the service center.

After registration, it is necessary to prepare documents and a file with a photo in order to fill out an electronic application.

Recently, in almost all cities of Russia, multifunctional centers have opened. They are designed to help the population with obtaining various services and paperwork.

Must come with Russian passport, take an electronic queue ticket and wait for a call. Here you can apply for a passport, both new and old, and those who have already submitted an electronic application via the Internet. It is worth remembering that the number of coupons is limited and it is better to come in advance.

The Federal Migration Service of large cities of Russia has special terminals that allow you to get on the electronic queue for a passport. The procedure is very simple: select the FMS services on the display, indicate the reason for the appeal, the date of submission of documents that is convenient for you and enter the necessary data about yourself.

You get a ticket, which says where and at what time to come. Enrollment is done monthly. If you are unable to arrive at the appointed time, the procedure will have to be repeated.

Unfortunately, not all FMS departments have a telephone appointment service. Although it is needed by people who are not able to sign up through the State Services. But even in those FMS where this service is provided, there are difficulties.

Operators are often overloaded and it is impossible to get through to them. Any misprint or incorrect filling of the questionnaire by the operator leads to a re-entry. Whether filing in person or online, you can track and verify all information.

Registration and submission through the State Services

The electronic portal of public services allows you to sign up for a passport without a personal application. In this way, you can get a new passport with biometric data and an old sample.

After filling in information about yourself and uploading a photo for the profile, your data is sent for processing. Often the application is rejected if the photo is taken incorrectly. It should be in color, on a calm background, 35 x 45 mm in size.

Further, your application is registered and considered in government agencies. If a positive decision is made on your request, you will be informed by email or SMS to your phone number.

After a positive answer, you must come to the FMS department at the place of registration or actual residence. Also do not forget: 3.5 thousand for a new sample or 2.5 for an old one.

Obtaining a ready-made passport

Produced on the website of the State Services by the passport number of the Russian Federation, but in any case, you will receive a letter about its readiness. On average, after the submission of the original documents, a month passes before the issuance of the finished foreign passport.

You can get a passport in the same FMS where you came to apply. It is necessary to present a civil passport, sign the necessary statements and sign the finished foreign passport.

Obtaining a passport through the public services portal will greatly simplify life and save valuable time. Carefully check the entered data, both when submitting documents and when receiving a finished passport, so that the slightest typo or mistake cannot upset you.