Competition of children's drawings on the theme of the new year. All-Russian creative competition "New Year's Tale

The company "Venta" is actively engaged in boundary works. This is an activity that involves a geodetic way of marking the boundaries of the required area. Our organization offers a wide range of services including:

  • calculation of the area of ​​the territory;
  • collection and study of documentation;
  • actual research land plot;
  • determination of coordinates and fixing of landmarks;
  • reception, fixation and control of results;
  • restoration of signs or removal of boundaries in nature.

We have been working with clients and large companies for more than 10 years. Our experience includes the execution of over 200 orders. If you need help in surveying or drawing up a survey plan, please contact the Venta specialists.

What is a boundary plan

A land boundary plan is a document that contains detailed information about a specific area of ​​the area and all objects located on it. This document is drawn up in accordance with the law. To draw up a plan, it is necessary to use the data of the territory from the state cadastre.

When implementing the documentation, specialists take into account all the structures that are already on the site. During the preparation of the boundary plan, the list of such objects includes everything that can affect the division of the site. If this document is available, the owner can resolve disputes with the owners of adjacent territories that relate to the boundaries of the plots.

When is boundary work needed?

The reason for drawing up a boundary plan can be different situations. Most often, our company is contacted when it is necessary to divide one site into several parts. AT this case it is necessary to draw up documentation that will clearly define the boundaries and other components. Requirements for the preparation of a boundary plan are determined by the wishes of the client and current legislation.

The list of cases when it is necessary to draw up a boundary plan includes:

  • Dividing a site is the division of one territory into several parts.
  • Redistribution - Education new territory through the redistribution of current parcel boundaries.
  • Merging is the opposite of division. Combines several separate territories into one.
  • Clarification - the procedure for geodetic research and fixing the boundaries on the site.

Our services involve the implementation of several stages:

  • collection of all necessary documentation for land surveying;
  • the actual exploration of the territory and the restoration of borders if necessary;
  • coordination of the boundaries of the territory and the creation of a boundary plan;
  • registration of documentation for cadastral registration.

If you wish to order a boundary plan, call us at 8-495-597-40-31. Our specialists will advise you and answer all important questions, as well as help you place an order. Only qualified specialists with specialized education who already have practical experience in performing such tasks will work with you. We are ready to take on difficult cases and solve them on an individual basis. Our company offers customers favorable terms of cooperation and short deadlines for the implementation of high quality boundary plans.

Boundary plan of the land plot example

When carrying out various work related to, or carrying out transactions, you must have a list required documents, which often includes a site survey plan.

The process of land surveying is the implementation of complex actions aimed to establish the exact location and dividing boundaries on the ground.

When is a plan required

On the basis of paragraph 1 of Article 38 of the current law "On the State Cadastre of Real Estate", the drawing up of a boundary plan is carried out on the basis of the current cadastral plan of land plots belonging to various owners. The reason for starting the necessary work on drawing up a plan can be with the exact data on the land plot entered. The plan must necessarily reflect all the information contained in the state register of real estate objects, indicating the latest information about changes in the actual size and configuration of land plots.

The need for a boundary plan arises when it is necessary to submit an application indicating the changes that have occurred in the current cadastral registration of objects during the purchase, sale or other actions related to the change of ownership:

  • when introducing new data on the characteristics of the land plot;
  • division of the site into several new ones;
  • redistribution of several plots;
  • consolidation of plots;
  • correction of errors entered in the registry.

All work and paperwork are carried out by specialists who are qualified and endowed with the appropriate authority to carry out land management work.

Drawing up a boundary plan: order

In accordance with clause 4 of the current law “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”, the entire list preparatory work required for drawing up a land surveying plan is carried out in conjunction with the implementation of special cadastral work, which is carried out by cadastral engineer .

To start carrying out complex actions, a prisoner is needed contract for the performance of contract work .

The boundary plan is signed by the executor - a land surveyor and is certified by the seal of the geodetic organization. The surveying plan displays the boundaries of the surveyed area and the necessary information about the changes made.

Before the implementation of complex land surveying works in two days prior to their implementation, site owners are warned by sending mail notices.

The opinions of the owners are necessarily recorded in a special drafted approval act. The act is signed by the owners of the plots present or their proxies, the land surveyor is certified by the seal of the geodetic organization that performed it, as well as the land surveyor of the local village or city administration with the approval of the appropriate seal.

In case of disputes over land surveying, the opinions and disagreements of the parties are recorded in an act describing the reason. Dispute resolution is carried out in the judiciary or in an administrative manner.

To draw up a plan individuals must submit the required list of documents:

  1. a copy of the site plan in question;
  2. cadastral plan;
  3. a statement about the need to carry out work;
  4. a copy of the applicant's passport;
  5. original .

The boundary plan contains all the necessary information taken from the cadastral plan.

The plan displays information about:

  • on the merger of two or more sites;
  • when dividing one plot into several allotments;
  • the size of the plot is indicated when allocating a share, acquiring municipal or state property.

Where and how to make a boundary plan

When carrying out work on land surveying, it is necessary that information be received by all authorities that fix and register changes related to land plots (plots) - state organizations conducting registration of all real estate objects (registry of subjects, local, state register).

To obtain a boundary plan, you must perform a number of actions:

  1. prepare all list of required documentation ;
  2. apply to the cadastral chamber;
  3. implement all a set of works related to the measurement of the area of ​​​​the site ;
  4. pay the state fee ;
  5. produce submission of required documents to the cadastral chamber .

The cadastral chamber is responsible for issuing the boundary plan. Chamber staff produce full analysis of all submitted documentation with clarification of details and constitute a document.

How long does it take to prepare a plan

There are no fixed deadlines. The time required to prepare a boundary plan depends from availability finished documents available to the applicant and the period of preparation of the missing documentation.

Cost of work

The cost of drawing up a boundary plan includes:

  • state duty;
  • payment for the amount of work performed by the cadastral engineer (site measurements, drawing up a plan).

In the regions Russian Federation The cost of work is based on:

  • plot area;
  • rates set by local authorities.

Sample boundary plan sections

The boundary plan of the site must contain the necessary information, which can be reflected in a paper document or on an electronic medium, where there must be an electronic signature of a land surveyor.

The main sections of the boundary plan include:

  1. the entire list of information;
  2. measurements taken on the ground with the determination of the location of the land and area;
  3. land plot plan;
  4. a detailed drawing of the entire site and its parts;
  5. geophysical map;
  6. a copy of the media announcement.

Features of filling in the boundary plan of the land plot

When filling out a boundary plan, a number of features are taken into account:

  1. The presence of signatures of responsible persons and seals of organizations certifying documents.
  2. Compliance with the actual size and area of ​​the land plot and the drawn up plan.
  3. Registration of disagreements on the results of land surveying in writing with the signature of all parties.
  4. Registration of a boundary plan should be carried out taking into account all the provisions on the conduct of cadastral registration of real estate.
  5. Compliance with the actual data (passport, accounting, obtained during measurements).

Below are examples (layouts) of boundary plans drawn up for various purposes. You can download examples in pdf format here:

  1. Clarification of the boundaries and area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site -.
  2. Allocation of a multi-circuit land plot located in several cadastral quarters -.

The amendments made to the legislation of the Russian Federation make it possible to significantly speed up the process of preparing documentation with a reduction in the time for the entire list of works on drawing up a boundary plan.

Making a boundary plan: answers to the most important questions on the video

To carry out most transactions with land, you need a document that records all the changes that have occurred with the site, that is, a boundary plan. More details - on the video.