Participants of the contest “Tales of a beautiful heart. The third international competition of children's creativity "fairy tales of a beautiful heart" within the framework of the project "I choose benevolence"

international competition children's creativity

"Tales of the Beautiful Heart"

Victory won by Beautiful Hearts

December 20, 2015 from 14:00 to 16:30
in the Great Cinema and Concert Hall Central Museum WWII on Poklonnaya Hill
charity program will take place

"Light the Light of Goodness!"
The program is conceived as a peacekeeping action in response to the challenges of the time. Target this event to draw public attention to the importance moral education and creative development the younger generation. Values ​​instilled in childhood become a solid foundation for a society without violence. In order for positive changes to occur in the world, you need to make these changes in your life. Children call us, adults, to this with their sincere and kind creativity. When we give the world the best that is in us, the best that is in the world returns to us. The main characters of the program are children aged 6-18, laureates International competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO. This is an educational project and competition of creative works with positive content, reflecting the ideals of kindness and peacefulness created by children different nationalities living in different countries peace.
In a programme:
v Opening of the exhibition of drawings of the winners of the Competition.
v Collection presentation the best works"Tales of the Beautiful Heart".
v Congratulations from well-known cultural figures, teachers, government officials, public figures.
v Concert program with the participation of masters of art and creative teams. v Ceremony of presenting the public award "Diamond of Goodwill". v The program will launch the 5th International Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" - 2016, dedicated to the Year of Russian Cinema. v Program participants will receive surprises and gifts. "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" is a unique children's message that carries a huge positive charge, which is urgently needed in today's unstable world.
Together we can make a childhood dream come true!

Address: Poklonnaya Gora, Victory Park, 3 Directions: metro Victory Park Free admission Organizers: Interregional social organization"Center for Spiritual Development" and the Moscow Institute of Open Education
8-985-809-32-77, Shakhnovskaya Tatyana Germanovna,
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Competition
8-917-544-47-15, Nadezhda Ganikovskaya
Competition website:
Email mail: [email protected]

"Tales of a Beautiful Heart" is a competition of creative works created by children of different nationalities living in different countries of the world, with positive content, reflecting the ideals of kindness and non-violence.

The competition has been held since 2011 under the auspices of the Commission Russian Federation for UNESCO.

In 2014, within the framework of the project "I choose benevolence", with the support of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, the Third International Children's Art Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" will start.

The 2014 contest is held under the slogan: "Life is like a Miracle!"

“Yes, it’s not a miracle that the house shelters us and warms,
that these walls are ours. The miracle is that he is imperceptible
gives us reserves of tenderness - and it forms in
heart, in its very depths, unknown layers
where, like the waters of a spring, dreams are born ... "
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

How many Miracles happen in the World every second?! How little people notice them and recognize them as miracles?!

But isn’t it a Miracle, snow falling on the ground, a star appearing in the sky, daily sunset and sunrise, the birth of a baby, the salvation of a person, animal, forest, earth, water; support of a friend in difficult times, a smile of a person; timely help, a bold act, a courageous decision, a feeling of aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the masterpieces created by nature and the hand of the Master Genius?!

What could be better and more wonderful true friendship and sincere true love?!

What could be more wonderful than to be yourself, to comprehend your inner world and improve yourself day by day, help people become better and kinder, believe in Miracles, performing them with your own hands, every day, minute by minute, taking small steps, contemplating the beauty of this World, creating Magic around you and connecting others to it, becoming a Magician own life, able to change the world.

Supporting the Kindness, Purity, Justice of this World, recreating its Beauty and Harmony, enjoying a Life-long journey, BELIEVE that LIFE is a Miracle!

We invite children (7-17 years old) and adults who support children's aspirations to do good and “choose benevolence” to take part in the Competition.

Tell us about the Miracles of Life, show them - share this Magic with the World!


Contest Organizers:

  • GBOU GOMC of Moscow "School Book";
  • Interregional public organization "Center for Spiritual Development";
  • GAOU VPO Moscow Institute of Open Education.

Objectives of the Competition:

  • dissemination of ideas of kindness, culture of peace and non-violence;
  • development and support for the participants of the Competition of universal values;
  • assistance in the education of tolerant consciousness;
  • development creativity children;
  • creating conditions for the creative self-realization of children and adolescents, including children with handicapped health and gifted children;
  • assistance in the organization of educational and extracurricular activities students;
  • development of ecological consciousness and socio-ecological activity;
  • dissemination of the results and publication of the best works of the Contest.

Competition theme: "Life is a miracle"

Children aged 7 to 17 years.
Participants are divided into the following age categories:
1. 7–11 years old ( Primary School);
2. 12–14 years old ( secondary school);
3. 15-17 years old (high school).

The competition is held in the following categories:

1. An essay in one of the following genres: fairy tale, essay, essay, legend, parable, fantasy story:
Theme: "Life is a miracle."

2. Illustration for selected essays of the winners of the First and Second Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart", corresponding to the theme of the 2014 Competition "Life is a miracle". The list of works for illustration is published on the website:
Theme: "Miracles in the drawing"

General requirements for the content of works:

“Tales of a Beautiful Heart” are creative works:

  • reflecting such values ​​as love, friendship, non-violence, peacefulness, respect, patience, courage, hope, harmony with nature and others;
  • having a happy ending, in which good triumphs and there are no losers;
  • offering creative and non-violent solutions to problem situations;
  • telling about how kindness and beauty, the desire for peace and understanding of the other, patience and courage, faith in the triumph of love and beauty, a reverent and caring attitude towards the nature around us transform the character of the hero and the world as a whole;
  • reminding us that the natural world that surrounds us is fragile and defenseless, and we are responsible for our beautiful planet and all living creatures that inhabit it.

See the requirements for the content and design of works in nominations in sections III–VII.

Competition dates:

The competition runs from February 20 to December 20, 2014.
The last date for submissions is April 20, 2014.

1st round - regional - from April 21 to May 20, 2014
The last day for accepting selected works for the final round is May 20, 2014.

2nd round - final correspondence - from May 21 to June 20, 2014
The results of the final correspondence round will be published on the website - June 23, 2014.
The last day for accepting applications for the full-time final round is September 15, 2014.

3rd round - full-time round of finalists in Moscow (additional information will be published on the website


Stage 1: Registration

Registration of participants and acceptance of competitive works is carried out on the website (electronic application).

Stage 2: First round (regional).

A region is considered for foreign countries - a country, for Russia - a region, republic, territory, city of federal significance.
Regional coordinators are responsible for organizing and holding the Competition in the regions. Regional coordinators can be legal or individuals.
Those who intend to become the Regional Coordinator of the Third Contest are requested to register on the website Please fill in and send the Regional Coordinator Registration Form (Form No. 1) to the email address: [email protected]

Tasks of the Regional Coordinators:

  • disseminate information about the Competition in the region: children's institutions, relevant departments, ministries, media, etc.;
  • provide assistance and assistance in the registration of participants and competitive works in the automated system on the site. Registration of participants and acceptance of competitive works is carried out on the website (electronic application);
  • create a regional jury of specialists and organize its work;
  • formalize the decision of the jury in the Protocol (Form No. 2);
  • register the results of the regional tour on the website;
  • transfer the Minutes of the jury meeting (Form No. 2) to the Central Organizing Committee of the Competition by e-mail [email protected]
  • prepare and submit to the Central Organizing Committee of the Competition a Statistical report on the conduct of the regional round (Form No. 3);
  • note if possible the best participants regional stage. It is recommended to hold the Solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the regional round with media coverage;
  • submit press releases about the events held within the framework of the Competition to the Central Organizing Committee for publication on the Competition website.

The activities of the Regional Coordinator in organizing and conducting a regional tour are awarded with a Diploma of the Competition.

Registration form of the Regional coordinator (Form No. 1), Minutes of the jury decision (Form No. 2), Statistical report (Form No. 3) in the Appendix.

Stage 3: The second round (final correspondence) is held in Moscow. The final jury of the Competition selects the finalists and winners of the Competition.

The number of works for the final correspondence round from the region:
1) Compositions: works that won 1st place in their age category, regardless of genre.
2) Illustrations: works that won 1st place in their age category.

Stage 4: The third round (final full-time) is held in Moscow for the finalists of the Competition. Invitations, conditions and a preliminary program of the full-time tour will be sent out by the Organizing Committee from June 25, 2014.


Theme: "Life as a Miracle".

The competition accepts both individual and collective work in one of the following genres:

  • story;
  • essay;
  • feature article;
  • parable;
  • legend;
  • fantastic story.

Individual and collective works are accepted for the Competition.
A collective work is considered to be one work with several authors. A collection consisting of several individual essays is not considered a collective work and is not accepted for the competition.
Works are accepted in in electronic format in editorial formats Word or OpenOffice. Each work is presented as a separate file. The work can be supplemented by the author's illustrations of the participants. Drawings from the Internet are not taken into account.
The volume of work is 600–1200 words, for the age category of 7–11 years from 300 words to 1200 words.
Criteria for evaluating works and methodological recommendations will be posted on the website and on the websites of the co-organizers.


Theme: "Miracles in the picture"

Happiness can be kept only by passing it on.
Werner Mich

In the First and Second Competitions, the participants created wonderful literary works which will become the subject artistic creativity this year.
We offer for the nomination "Illustration" a list of selected works written by the winners of 2012 and 2013.
Choose one of the Essays offered for illustration. Read it again, imagining what moments you would like to illustrate most expressively, colorfully: a character, an event, nature, faces, interior details, etc. Draw the most bright moment The essays you like the most.

Job submission requirements:

1. The title of the selected Essay that you have illustrated.
2. Title of the illustration. Come up with a name for your illustration.
3. Short description work. Write a short comment on your Illustration of no more than 1 page: what is the purpose of your Illustration, what did you want to show with it, why exactly, with such colors, with the help of such a composition; what could be your second Illustration for this Essay.
4. The illustration is made on a sheet of any shape: round, square, rectangular in size not less than A3.
5. Technique: pencil, felt-tip pen, gouache, watercolor, pastel.
6. Number of illustrations: no more than two.
7. Illustrations are scanned and uploaded on the website
In formats - jpg, tif, pdf, png. Size - 300-600Kb. Resolution - minimum - 640x480, maximum - 1200x1600.
8. The originals of the works that have passed to the final must be sent no later than August 1 by mail to the following address: 107140, Moscow, st. Lobachika, house 2, building 2, Interregional public organization "Center for Spiritual Development". The date of dispatch and the number of the parcel must be reported by e-mail to: [email protected]
When sending, folding and bending of works is not allowed.


When evaluating work, the following are taken into account:

  • compliance with the theme of the Competition;
  • relevance to the topic, genre, requirements and guidelines within the nomination;
  • general positive attitude of work, reflection of universal values;
  • originality of the plot and author's position;
  • richness of imagination and creativity of the author;
  • depth of disclosure of the chosen topic;
  • artistic level of work;
  • depth of emotional and aesthetic impact.


The results of all rounds are published on the Competition website no later than 3 days after the end date of the round.

For each nomination, a separate summing up is carried out.
Winners and prize-winners (I, II and III places) are determined for each age category. At the discretion of the jury, additional nominations may be determined.
Winners and prize-winners of the Competition are awarded with diplomas.
All participants of the final round of the Competition receive certificates of finalists.
Teachers who supervise the creation of Competition works are not issued separate diplomas. The full name of the teacher is indicated in the diploma of the participant.
The winners of the Competition will be awarded at the gala event.
Travel related expenses celebratory event non-resident participants, is borne by the sending organization or the participants themselves.

Adult representatives of the participants of the Contest guarantee that the works submitted to the Contest are their property and do not belong to other persons, and thereby confirm that they are aware of the liability for violation of copyrights of third parties.

By submitting the work to the Contest, the legal representatives of the author agree in writing to use the submitted material for non-commercial purposes (posting on the Internet, in printed publications, on exhibition stands indicating the author's name). Consent Form (Form No. 4) in the Appendix.

Nomination "Composition"


Family for a person is the main value. At happy family have 7 friends. These are seven - "I" - seven main personality traits: love, cooperation, a responsibility, honesty, wisdom, respect, care. With their help, sunny weather is maintained in the house.

But there can be many more friends in your stories. All the colors of the world are in your hands, go for it. Create your essay about a happy family.

Notice how I.Ya. Bilibin illustrated fairy tales and what fairy tales he chose, perhaps you, focusing on his work, will try to illustrate

it is these tales, using the "Bilibino ornament", graphics and style. you also

You can illustrate any other texts that do not contradict the theme of the nomination:

"Happy family. Happy country. Happy world."

nomination No. 1 of the composition of participants of previous years or by creating your own illustration according to the topic indicated above.

Twork requirements:

- Reflect on the topic. Create original work with bright and

- Think of a title for your drawing.

- If you have chosen an essay to illustrate, be sure to indicate the title and author of the selected essay that you illustrated.

— Brief description of the work. Write a short comment on your illustration, no more than 1 page: what is the purpose of your illustration, what do you

they wanted to show with it why it was so, with such colors, with the help of such a composition.

– The drawing is made on a sheet of any shape: round, square, rectangular in A3 size.

– Technique: pencil, felt-tip pen, gouache, watercolor, pastel.

— Number of illustrations: no more than two.

– Illustrations are scanned and uploaded to the site in formats

– ipg, tif, pdf, png. Size - not less than 800 Kb. Resolution - minimum - 640x480, maximum - 1200x1600.

year send by mail to the following address: 107140, Moscow, st. Lobachika, house 2, building 2, Interregional public organization "Center for Spiritual Development". The date of dispatch and the number of the parcel must be reported to two email addresses:

[email protected] and [email protected]. Shipping is not allowed

folding and bending work.

"Tales of a Beautiful Heart" is a competition of creative works created by children of different nationalities living in different countries of the world, with positive content, reflecting the ideals of kindness and non-violence.

The competition has been held since 2011 under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO.

The international competition of children's creativity "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" in 2016 is dedicated to Year of Russian Cinema and is carried out with the aim of identifying and supporting gifted children and youth in the field of art, incl. animation and film arts; increasing the motivation of schoolchildren to study literature, interest in reading; speech and artistic self-expression; comprehensive development of the creative and moral potential of the modern younger generation, strengthening interregional and international relations, etc.

The terms of participation

To participate in the Fifth International Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" are invited children from 6 to 18 years old and adults supporting the desire to do good.

Participants are divided into the following age categories:
* 6-11 years old (elementary school);
* 12-14 years old (high school);
* 15-18 years old (high school).

Works can be prepared either by one author or by a team of authors under the guidance of one or two supervisors. Leaders of the competitive work can act as co-authors.
Collective work is considered to be one work submitted for the competition and having several authors. A collection consisting of several individual essays, drawings, etc., is not considered a collective work and is not accepted for the competition.

General requirements for the content of works:
“Tales of a Beautiful Heart” are creative works:
- reflecting such values ​​as love, friendship, non-violence, peacefulness, respect, patience, courage, hope, harmony with nature and others;
- having a happy ending, in which good triumphs and there are no losers;
- offering creative and non-violent solutions to problem situations;
- telling about how kindness and beauty, the desire for peace and understanding of the other, patience and courage, faith in the triumph of love and beauty, a reverent and caring attitude towards the nature around us transform the character of the hero and the world as a whole;
- reminding us that the world of nature that surrounds us is fragile and defenseless, and we are responsible for our beautiful planet and all living creatures that inhabit it.

Competition dates for 2016:

1. March 30 - the beginning of the competition:
* registration on the website
* acceptance of creative works.

Last day for submissions:
* August 30 - for the nominations "Composition", "Illustration"
* September 30 - for the nominations "Animated film", " Documentary and TV show"

2. Qualifying stage of the competition.
The results of the final round are published on the websites and
* for the nominations "Composition", "Illustration" - no later than September 15
* for the nomination "Animated film", "Documentary film and TV story" - no later than October 15.

3. Winner's reward ceremony will be held in November 2016 in Moscow.
Additional information about the time and place where the solemn event will take place will be published on the websites,

Full organizational information about the competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" you can read in the Regulations on the competition.

* dissemination of ideas of kindness, culture of peace and non-violence;
* familiarizing the younger generation with spiritual, moral and cultural values;
* creating conditions for the creative self-realization of children and adolescents, including children with disabilities;
* creation of favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of a creative personality;
* assistance in the education of tolerant consciousness;
* development of ecological consciousness and socio-ecological activity;
* assistance in the organization of educational and extracurricular activities of students;
* formation of cultural and educational space in the field of children's creativity;
* familiarizing schoolchildren with search, research and creative activities;
* promoting the development of intercultural and international children's and youth communications and the strengthening of peace;
* dissemination of the results and publication of the best works of the Competition.

Conducted programs

February 6, 2017 - several warm meetings took place in schools and kindergartens in Donetsk, at which children were presented with collections of "". This holiday for children was organized by representatives of the Union of Veterans of Afghanistan "Combat Brotherhood".
. November 6, 2016 - a festive award ceremony for the winners of the International Children's Art Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" was held at the Moscow House of Public Organizations.
. December 20, 2015 - charitable program "Light the Light of Goodness!" was held in the Great Concert Hall of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Gora. the main objective programs to draw attention to the creative power of the virtues.
. December 13, 2014 - the Ceremony of awarding the winners and finalists of the Third International Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart", which was held under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, was held.
. March 23, 2012 - the results of the creative competition for children "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" were summed up.
. June 8, 2011 - the presentation of the project "I choose benevolence" was held in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Awards and Acknowledgments

. Diploma Film Festival "Scarlet Sails" International Children's Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" for the support and development of children's creativity in Russia. (Moscow, December 2016)
. Greetings from the leadership of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO to the International Children's Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" on the occasion of the anniversary. (Moscow, December 2016)
. Gratitude competition "Tales of a beautiful heart" for the best collection animated films from the International Children's Film Festival "Kinokadrik". (Moscow, December 2015)
. Thank You Letter from the Department of Education of the Moscow Government for holding the International Children's Creative Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" (Moscow, May 2012)


1 The Fourth International Competition for Children's Creativity "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" within the framework of the project "Writing a Book of Peace" and "I Choose Goodwill" "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" is a competition of creative works created by children of different nationalities living in different countries of the world, with positive content, reflecting the ideals of goodness and non-violence. The competition has been held since 2011 under the auspices of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO. In 2015, within the framework of the project “Writing the Book of Peace” and “I choose benevolence”, with the support of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, the IV International Competition of Children's Art “Tales of a Beautiful Heart” will start. Annotation of the event The international competition of children's creativity "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" is held in 2015 as part of the "Writing the Book of the World" project on the initiative of the RPO "ASBOUM" with the assistance of the All-Russian public organization "Knowledge" Society of Russia (Knowledge Society of Russia) 1 in order to identify and support of gifted children and youth in the field of art, incl. the arts of the Word; increasing the motivation of schoolchildren to study literature, interest in reading and speech self-expression; all-round development of the creative potential of the modern rising generation, strengthening of inter-regional and international relations, etc. The world is a big mirror! Parable Once a student asked a dervish: - Teacher, is the World hostile to man? Or is it good for a person? - I will tell you a parable about how the World treats a person, the Teacher said. “A long time ago there lived a great shah. He ordered the construction of a beautiful palace. There were many wonderful things. Among other curiosities in the palace was a hall where all the walls, ceiling, doors and even the floor were mirrored. The mirrors were unusually clear, and the visitor did not immediately realize that there was a mirror in front of him, they reflected objects so accurately. In addition, the walls of this hall were arranged in such a way as to create an echo. Ask: "Who are you?" and hear back from different parties: "Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?" Once a dog ran into the hall and froze in amazement in the middle, a whole pack of dogs surrounded it from all sides, from above and below. The dog bared his teeth just in case, and all the reflections answered her in the same way. 1 as part of the implementation of social significant project in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated rp and on the basis of the protocol on the results of the competition from the CC. one

2 Frightened in earnest, the dog barked desperately. The echo repeated her barking. The dog barked louder and louder. The echo didn't stop. The dog darted back and forth, biting the air, its reflections also darting around, snapping its teeth. In the morning the servants found the unfortunate dog lifeless, surrounded by millions of reflections of dead dogs. There was no one in the room who could harm her in any way. The dog died fighting his own images." - Now you see, finished the teacher, the world does not bring either good or evil in itself. Everything that happens around us is just a reflection of our own thoughts, feelings, desires, actions. The world is a big mirror. We ourselves choose which world to believe in, which world to live in and what exactly to create. The 2015 contest is held under the slogan: “Give the World the best that is in you, and the best that is in the World will return to you!”. The world is a mirror of your Soul! A mirror that reflects actions, thoughts, feelings, emotions, the whole of you! You with your reactions to the world around you, with your attitude to people, animals, natural phenomena, daily and rare, extraordinary events. It is impossible to hide the truth from the World. The world reacts to us all the time! We are not just a part of the World, we are to some extent the Source of the World! Each of us is reflected in the World day by day, changing it in one direction or the other. The world is a reflection of ourselves! The world is our mirror! Supporting the Kindness, Purity, Justice of this World, recreating its Beauty and Harmony, enjoying a Life-long journey, we urge you to “Give the World the best that you have!” We invite children (6-18 years old) and adults who support the aspiration of children to do good and “choose benevolence” to create their own “Book of the World” by taking part in the Fairy Tales of a Beautiful Heart Competition. Tell us about the World and about yourself in this World, show it, share your knowledge about it with others, with the whole World! 2

3 I. GENERAL PROVISIONS educational institutions city ​​of Moscow” (project “Writing the Book of Peace”); All-Russian public organization Society "Knowledge" of Russia; Interregional public organization for promoting the unity of civilizations, cultures and religions "Center for Spiritual Development" (project "I choose benevolence"); NGO "Unified Independent Association of Teachers"; NGO "Independent association of philologists"; ANO TC "KIT" Author's children's media space BIBLIOKIT; GBOU GOMC of Moscow "School Book"; GAOU VPO Moscow Institute of Open Education. The objectives of the Contest: dissemination of ideas of kindness, culture of peace and non-violence; development and support for the participants of the Competition of universal values; assistance in the education of tolerant consciousness; development of creative abilities of children; creating conditions for the creative self-realization of children and adolescents, including children with disabilities and gifted children; identifying gifted children and creating conditions for their self-realization; assistance in organizing educational and extracurricular activities of students; development of ecological consciousness and socio-ecological activity; dissemination of the results and publication of the best works of the Contest. The theme of the Contest: “Give the World the best that is in you, and the best that is in the World will return to you!” Participants of the Competition: Children aged 7 to 17 years. Participants are divided into the following age categories: 7-11 years old (elementary school); years (high school); years (high school). 3

4 The competition is held in the following categories: Essay in one of the following genres: fairy tale, essay, essay, legend, parable, fantasy story. Theme: “Give the World the best that is in you, and the best that is in the World will return to you!” Letter to children living abroad. Topic: "The world of Russian literature in children's letters." Illustration for the selected essays of the winners of the Third Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart", corresponding to the theme of the 2015 Competition "Give the world the best that is in you, and the best that is in the world will return to you!". The list of works for illustration is published on the website: and Theme: "The World in Children's Illustration". General requirements for the content of works: "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" are creative works: reflecting such values ​​as love, friendship, non-violence, peacefulness, respect, patience, courage, hope, harmony with nature and others; having a happy ending, in which good triumphs and there are no losers; offering creative and non-violent solutions to problem situations; telling about how kindness and beauty, the desire for peace and understanding of the other, patience and courage, faith in the triumph of love and beauty, a reverent and caring attitude towards the nature around us transform the character of the hero and the world as a whole; reminding us that the natural world that surrounds us is fragile and defenseless, and we are responsible for our beautiful planet and all living creatures that inhabit it. See the requirements for the content and design of works in nominations in Sections III VII. Terms of the Competition: The competition runs from March 30 to August 22, 2015. 1st round of the regional correspondence tour from March 30 to May 31, 2015. The last day for accepting works for the regional round is May 31, 2015. works by the regional Jury) from May 31 to June 20, 2015 4

5 The results of the final correspondence round will be published on the website before July 1, 2015. The finalists and winners will be awarded in Moscow on August 2015 ( Additional Information the time and place where the solemn event will take place will be published on the website and II. STAGES OF ORGANIZATION AND CARRYING OUT Stage 1: Registration Registration of participation in the contest "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" within the framework of the project "Writing the Book of the World!" and acceptance of creative works in 2015 is carried out on the website (electronic application). At the same time, the participants of the project “Writing the Book of Peace” get the opportunity to participate in all the events of the project “I choose goodwill!” on the site Stage 2: First round (regional). For foreign countries, a country is considered a region; for Russia, an oblast, a republic, a territory, a city of federal significance. Regional coordinators are responsible for organizing and holding the Competition in the regions. Regional coordinators can be legal entities or individuals. Request to the Regional Coordinators to register on the website Please fill out and send the Registration Form of the Regional Coordinator (Form 1) to the email address: and Tasks of the Regional Coordinators: to disseminate information about the Competition in the region: children's institutions, relevant departments, ministries, media, etc. .; provide assistance and assistance in the registration of participants and competitive works in the automated? system on the site. Registration of participants and acceptance of competitive works is carried out on the website (electronic application); create a regional jury of specialists and organize its work; formalize the decision of the jury in the Protocol (Form 2); register the results of the regional tour on the website; 5

6 transfer of the protocol of the jury to the Organizing Committee of the Competition by e-mail: and prepare and submit to the Central Organizing Committee of the Competition a Statistical report on the conduct of the regional round (Form 3); if possible, to mark the best participants of the regional stage. It is recommended to hold the Solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the regional round with media coverage; submit press releases about the events held within the framework of the Competition to the Central Organizing Committee for publication on the Competition website. The activities of the Regional Coordinator in organizing and conducting a regional tour are awarded with a Diploma of the Competition. Recommendations for Regional Coordinators and the form of the Minutes of the jury meeting in the Appendix. The activities of the Regional Coordinator in organizing and conducting a regional tour are awarded with a Diploma of the Competition. All the necessary forms of documents for the Regional Coordinator are presented in the Appendix: 1. Registration form of the Regional Coordinator (Form 1); 2. Protocol of the jury's decision (Form 2), 3. Statistical report (Form 3). Stage 3: The second round (final correspondence) is held in Moscow. The final jury of the Competition selects the finalists and winners of the Competition. Number of works for the final correspondence round by region: 1) Compositions: works that won 1st place in their age category, regardless of genre. 2) Illustrations: works that won 1st place in their age category. 3) Letter to children living abroad: works that took 1st place in their age category. Stage 4: Awarding is held in August 2015 in Moscow for the finalists and winners of the Competition. Invitations, conditions and a preliminary program of the award ceremony will be sent out by the Organizing Committee from July 25, 2015. 6

7 III. NOMINATIONS 1. "ESSAY" Theme: "Give the world the best that is in you, and the best that is in the world will return to you!" Both individual and collective works in one of the indicated genres are accepted for the competition: fairy tale; essay; feature article; parable; legend; fantastic story. A collective work is considered to be one work with several authors. A collection consisting of several individual essays is not considered a collective work and is not accepted for the competition. Works are uploaded to www. in electronic form in editorial formats Word or OpenOffice. Each work is presented as a separate file. The work can be supplemented by the author's illustrations of the participants. Drawings from the Internet are not taken into account. The volume of words. Criteria for evaluating works and methodological recommendations will be posted on the website and 2. "LETTER" Subject: "The world of Russian literature in children's letters" A letter is written and sent as a kind of gift. Demetrius How much we have lost by not writing letters! A telephone conversation cannot be reread over and over again. Liz Carpenter The competition accepts both individual and collective works presented in the epistolary genre with all the features characteristic of the Letter. Participants need to write a Letter and introduce the world of Russian literature and culture to their peers living abroad. The requirements for posting a Letter on the site are the same as for an Essay. For reference: Epistolary genre (from the Greek epistole letter, message) is a text in the form of a letter, postcard, telegram, sent to the addressee for a message 7

8 certain information. The letter refers to the ancient type of written messages exchanged by communicants deprived of direct contact. For many centuries, correspondence was the only way to communicate over long distances. “The letter constitutes the same oral conversation, the same conversation between the absent, only on paper,” wrote Sazonov and Belsky, authors of The Complete Russian Letter Book, in 1887. “When the written word ruled the World, writing was an art” (R. Tepper). Let's highlight the main components of the letter: a) beginning (date, place, form of address to the addressee); b) the main part (business or purely personal information; requests, suggestions; greetings to relatives and friends and the key content of the literary text being retold; c) end (wishes to the addressee, signature; date and location of the sender of the letter if they were not indicated at the very beginning). Let's define three rules that the Competitor must follow when writing a letter. Three rules are three choices: I. choice of the addressee to whom to write, II. choice of topic why and what to write about (about what work, characters, events, etc.), III. choice of form how to write so that they answer you (the desire to receive feedback). Theme: "The world in children's illustration." 3. "ILLUSTRATION" Happiness can be kept only by passing it on. Werner Mich In the Third Competition, the participants created wonderful literary works that will be the subject of artistic creation this year. We offer a list of selected Works (see Appendix 4) written by the winners of 2014 for the "Illustration" nomination. Select one of the Works proposed for illustration. Read it again, imagining what moments you would like to illustrate most expressively, colorfully: character, event, nature, interior details, etc. Depict the brightest moment of the fairy tale that you liked the most. eight

9 Requirements for the design of works: The title of the selected Essay that you have illustrated. Title Illustrations. Come up with a name for your illustration. Brief description of the work. Write a short comment on your illustration of no more than 1 page: what is the purpose of your illustration, what did you want to show with it, why exactly, with such colors, with the help of such a composition; what could be your second illustration to this Essay. The illustration is made on a sheet of any shape: round, square, rectangular in size not less than A3. Technique: pencil, felt-tip pen, gouache, watercolor, pastel. Number of illustrations: no more than two. Illustrations are scanned and uploaded to the site in ipg, tif, pdf, png formats. Kb size. Resolution minimum 640x480, maximum 1200x1600. The originals of the finalized works must be sent by mail to the following address no later than July 15, 2015: , Moscow, st. Lobachika, house 2, building 2, Interregional public organization "Center for Spiritual Development". The date of dispatch and the number of the parcel must be reported by e-mail: and When forwarding, folding and bending of the work is not allowed. IV. EVALUATION OF COMPETITION WORKS When evaluating works, the following are taken into account: compliance with the theme of the Competition; compliance with the topic, genre, requirements and methodological recommendations within the nomination; general positive attitude of work, reflection of universal values; originality of the plot and author's position; richness of imagination and creativity of the author; depth of disclosure of the chosen topic; artistic level of work; depth of emotional and aesthetic impact. We draw the attention of the Competitors to the design of the works, all text material must be submitted in Word format(14 font, single spacing, heading in bold; red line (dividing into paragraphs) is mandatory; text alignment in width is even on the right and left), we also ask you to correctly designate graphic characters in printed text: 9

10 - the letter "ё" in the words is denoted by "Yo", "yo" (Yolochny bazaar, Christmas decorations); - the punctuation mark "dash" is indicated (Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness); - the spelling mark "hyphen" is indicated by "-" (Speak Russian); - the punctuation mark “ellipsis” is indicated (Sacred sweet deceit, Souls are a magical luminary ... It hid, changed ... Keep me, my talisman). V. COPYRIGHT Adult representatives of the participants of the Contest guarantee that the works submitted for the Contest are their property and do not belong to other persons, and thereby confirm that they are aware of the liability for violation of copyrights of third parties. By submitting the work to the Contest, the legal representatives of the author agree in writing to use the submitted material for any purpose (posting on the Internet, in printed publications, on exhibition stands indicating the author's name). You can find the form of the Agreement in the Appendix. VI. PROCEDURE OF THE COMPETITION The program of events of the International Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" is developed and approved by the Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee may make changes and additions to the terms and procedure for the Competition. The competition is held from March 30 to August 2015. The jury consists of well-known figures of science, culture and art, musicians and artists, teachers and teachers of educational institutions, etc. The results and prizes are awarded based on the total number of points scored in the chosen nomination. It is forbidden to challenge the opinion of the jury, to come into conflict with the members of the jury, the organizers of the Competition and other participants. The decisions of the jury are final and not subject to revision. Participants, including managers, parents, persons representing the interests of the Contestant, undertake to comply with the Regulations, the established procedure for holding the Contest and are responsible for the life and health of its participants. Photo and video filming is carried out at the Competition. Personal photos and videos are allowed. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to record and broadcast the performances of the Contest on radio and television, and also has the exclusive right to use the contest materials of the Contest participants in any form and in 10

11 in full without limitation of time and territories, including the right to separate use of sound or images recorded in audiovisual products. The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the use by participants of the Competition of works that are subject to copyright. By submitting the Application Form and taking part in the International Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart", held within the framework of the project "Writing the Book of Peace" and "I choose benevolence", participants and accompanying persons representing the interests of the child agree to the terms of participation. Failure to comply with the terms of participation in the Contest will result in disqualification of the participant. VII. SUMMARIZING THE RESULTS OF THE COMPETITION The results of all rounds are published on the website of the Project “Writing the Book of Peace”, the website of the project “I Choose Goodwill!” and websites of the co-organizers no later than 7 days after the end date of the tour. For each nomination, a separate summing up is carried out. Winners and prize-winners (I, II and III places) are determined for each age category. At the discretion of the jury, additional nominations can be determined. Winners and All participants of the final round of the Competition will receive certificates of finalists Teachers who supervise the creation of Competition works will not be issued separate diplomas The full name of the teacher is indicated in the diploma of the participant The winners of the Competition will be awarded at the gala event Expenses associated with the arrival of non-residents participants, is borne by the sending organization or the participants themselves. special occasions it is possible to consider financing the arrival of the Contestant by the Organizing Committee of the Project. VIII. REGISTRATION OF PARTICIPATION Registration of participation includes 2 stages: 1. registration on the site until May 31, 2015; 2. electronic submission of the Questionnaire-Application in Word format, filled out strictly in accordance with the established form (Appendix 2) to the Organizing Committee of the Project "Writing the Book of the World" with notification of the registration of the Competitor (link to the personal page) and the desire to take part in the Competition at the address May 31, 2015 3. Placement of the work on the Project website until May 31, 2015. The Organizing Committee of the Competition has the right both to stop accepting applications earlier than the specified date, and to increase the deadline for accepting works. eleven

12 The application form is sent to the Contest mail: A member of the team acting with a work in one of the nominations as the only author is considered a separate participant, for whom a separate application form is submitted. The contestant (one author or group of authors) has the right to participate in several nominations. A separate Application Form is provided for each nomination. The Participant of the Contest himself forms his Questionnaires-Application; can participate in all three nominations; cannot submit more than 5 entries to the Competition. The form and sequence of filling out the Application Form cannot be changed. APPLICATIONS SENT NOT IN THE STANDARD FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR CONSIDERATION! An application for participation is registered only if there is an Application Form sent to the address of the Project Organizing Committee: Notification of all participants of the Competition about the progress of the project is carried out through the competition website and return e-mail addresses specified in the Application Form. Please pay more attention to filling electronic form registration on the Contest website (and the Application Form, this information must be reliable, as it will be reflected in the Participation Certificates and Diplomas of the Contest Winners. The Organizing Committee and the Jury of the Contest are waiting for your work and wish you creative success! 12

13 Application Form for the Participant of the International Competition Appendix 1 "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" To confirm participation in the International Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart", please register on the website of the Project "Writing the Book of the World", then fill in all the paragraphs of the Application Form in printed text. Next, print out the Questionnaire, put your signature, scan it and send it to the address of the Organizing Committee as a sign of confirmation and participation in the Project. Without the Application Form, participation in the Project is not considered. 1. Nomination 2. Variant of the theme 3. Theme of the competition work 4. Country, city, region 5. Participation in the Festival (indicate individual or collective) 6. Surname, Name, Patronymic (up to 7 people are allowed to list all the contestants in case of collective participation) 7 Name of the organization you represent 8. Project curator (teacher, mentor, director of the school in the nomination for teachers) 9. Class (for school students) // Position (for teachers and university professors) Phone number where you can be contacted ( with code): institution's home mobile phone (full full name) Age () () () - - By registering for participation in the "Writing the Book of the World" project, you confirm 1) your consent to the processing of your personal data; 2) familiarization with the Terms and Conditions of the Contest in which you decide to participate, as well as 3) the right of the Project Organizing Committee to use competitive works with the obligatory indication of the authorship of the work (name of the author) for any purpose in any territory and for an unlimited period of validity. Confirm your consent with a personal signature in the lower right corner of this application table. In the lower left corner, put by hand the date of filling out the Application Form Date of completion Signature of the participant of the “Writing the Book of the World” Project, please send application forms by e-mail to: Consultations on participation in the Project and filling out the Application Form can be received by phone +7 (916) or address: and 13

14 Annex 2 Consent to the publication of personal data and creative work submitted to the Contest I, being the legal representative of my son/daughter/pupil (ka, tsy) of the school class of the city (please also indicate the region, territory, republic), I agree to the publication of 1) the child's personal data: last name, first name; age; school Number; locality; photography (individual or collective); 2) creative work submitted for the competition (essay, drawing, etc., please indicate the name of the work) within the framework of the International children's competition"Tales of a Beautiful Heart" on the websites of the organizers of the competition; in the media; in the collection issued following the results of the competition; on electronic media (CD, DVD); and other Internet and not only publications, and also give my consent to the use of the creative work by the Organizing Committee of the Competition for any purpose (festivals, exhibitions, children's parties, publications, etc.), but with the obligatory indication of the author's full name. Date Signature 14

15 Appendix 3 Minutes of the jury meeting of the regional round of the International Children's Art Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" Region Full name (in full) of the head of the regional organizing committee Postal address of the organizing committee Phone E-mail Date of the meeting Submit the following works to the regional round of the Contest: Nomination Age group 1. (title of the work) (full name of the author) 2. (title of the work) (full name of the author) 3. (title of the work) (full name of the author) 4. (title of the work ) (full name of the author) 5. (name of the work) (full name of the author) Signatures of the jury members: 1. (full name) (signature) 2. (full name .) (signature) 3. (Full name) (signature) The protocol is approved (signature of the head of the organizing committee) 15

16 Appendix 4 Works of the International Competition "Tales of a Beautiful Heart" 2 p / p Composition Genre Theme 1. LEGEND Northern thaw lands 2. LEGEND Become the wind 3. ESSAY Didya 4. ESSAY Life is like a Miracle 5. ESSAY Ordinary miracle 6. ESSAY Pavlovo-Posad starlings 7. PARABLE OF GOOD AND EVIL 8. TALE in verse (script) forest fairy tale 9. TALE in verse Angel 10. TALE in verse Life is like a Miracle: thinking out loud 11. TALE Through the eyes of a Cat 12. TALE Kind heart 13. TALE Magic Stream 14. TALE Child of the Forest 15. TALE Friendly Cucumber and Pepper 16. TALE Oak 17. TALE Otradovo and Zloradovo 18. TALE Continuation of the tale “ The little Prince» based on the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery 19. TALE Miracle? It's near! 20. FANTASTIC STORY The Guardian 21. FANTASTIC STORY Waiting for a Miracle 22. FANTASTIC STORY Powerful hands 23. FANTASTIC STORY It was butterflies 24. ESSAY Life is like a Miracle 25. ESSAY Life is like a Miracle 26. ESSAY My Vanechka 2 Works are posted on the site in a special section with the same title. 16


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