An ordinary miracle Schwartz what actions the princess does. Evgeny Schwartz "Ordinary Miracle"

Ordinary miracle Evgeny Schwartz

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Title: Ordinary Miracle

About the book "An Ordinary Miracle" Evgeny Schwartz

How many stories have been written about love, as about a feeling that can radically change not only a person, but the whole world. And it is love that people should treat as something self-evident, not reject when it suddenly knocks on the door and not scare away with cruelty, indifference and aggression.

Evgeny Schwartz wrote an amazing fairy tale called "An Ordinary Miracle". The name itself already speaks for itself: love is an ordinary miracle that we encounter every day, but we prefer not to notice it. We often say that we do not believe in miracles, that they simply cannot be in our lives, while forgetting about love.

In the book "Ordinary Miracle" Evgeny Schwartz created unusual characters. There is a Wizard who once turned a bear into a human. All actions take place in the Carpathians. The owner and his wife live in the estate there. He is the magician. And then one day a King and a Princess pass through this area. The owner decides to introduce the Princess to the Bear. The young people liked each other very much. When it comes to kissing, the Bear categorically refuses, which destroys their warm relationship.

The princess is shattered by her lover's behavior, so she decides to dress up as a man and leave home. After a while, the Princess and the Bear meet again. And then the young man tells his story and why he cannot kiss the Princess. They quarrel for a long time, and eventually part again. The wizard declares that he will no longer help the Bear, who gets a chance to find happiness, but he voluntarily renounces it.

The third time the Bear and the Princess meet, the young man decides to go against his principles. And this is where the real miracle happens! The most ordinary, but so beautiful.
The book "An Ordinary Miracle" by Evgeny Schwartz once again makes us believe that there is much more beauty in our world than we can imagine. We need to appreciate what is given to us, not to renounce it, and take risks, following the lead of our heart.

The work very beautifully describes the love story between two people who cannot submit to this feeling in any way. The bear and the princess are written very brightly and realistically. Of course, this is just a fairy tale, but very kind and bright.

Although the heroes are waiting for a tragic end, nevertheless, the story leaves a pleasant aftertaste. As the Wizard said in the book, people will learn to appreciate love through stories with sad endings, and happy tales are only for children. Perhaps there is some truth in this, because this work really has a strong influence on everyone who reads it.

If you lack something good in life, if you have lost hope of meeting your soul mate, if you are disappointed in a feeling like love, then you absolutely need to read Evgeny Schwartz's play "An Ordinary Miracle".

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The power of love is great. This is repeatedly mentioned in the literature so that people remember and are ready to meet her halfway. Love is magical in many ways. This is the power to change everything. And at the same time, love is such a simple and natural feeling, almost ordinary. And the title of Evgeny Schwartz's play "An Ordinary Miracle" conveys this idea well. This play has become one of the most famous in the writer's work; everyday life and a fairy tale are intertwined in it. The writer speaks about love, about the human soul and about humanity in general, showing all this through experiences and feelings. At the same time, it cannot be said that the play is overly romanticized; there is room for both irony and the harsh truth of life.

Readers will learn the story of an unusual young man who used to be a Bear. The wizard turned him into a man, but at the same time did not give him the opportunity to be happy. As soon as the girl falls in love with the Bear and kisses him, he will become a beast again. And one day the Princess falls in love with him, but the Bear is afraid that her kiss will change everything. These two will have to go through trials, overcome their fears, before they understand the power of love. True love can work miracles and conquer everything.

The play is not only about the love of the Princess and the Bear. The author shows the magician's love for his wife, who admires her just as much as many years ago. The King's love for his daughter is shown. And it is this feeling that turns him from a tyrant and petty tyrant into a good dad. The whole play is imbued with love, it leaves a pleasant impression and will be of interest to both adults and children.

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A play and two films: one filmed in the 60s by Garin Erast, the second by Mark Zakharov in 82. In the first - an exalted enthusiastic Boss, caricature heroes, fabulous main characters brought to cloying - a princess and a bear. The director took the word "fairy tale" too literally.

And like a bomb movie 82 years old. With the Master - a magician, writer, author, creator. With what sadness and disappointment he says: “I will no longer help you. I'm not interested in you." Yes... There is no greater sin than fear, cowardice... so the Boss understood the hesitation... what? Weak? If you didn't kiss, it means you don't love... The bear has become too human in 7 years. A person can refuse love, worrying about his beloved ...

Schwartz is a genius, but why in the 60s his genius turned out to be as if veiled, why the magician Garina and the Wizard Zakharova say the same words in completely different ways: “Sleep, my dear ... I just took people, mixed them up and they became live in such a way that you would laugh and cry. Some played better, others worse... well, why don't you kick them out for that? Not words - people! (sorry for the cuts). The whole play is filled with love. Out of love for his wife, the Boss stirred up this whole story, out of love, the bear remained a man.

What a wonderful discovery: people are born from love...

Score: 10

Score: 9

Movie Zakharov watched recently. And I didn't like it. Of course, there are wonderful actors and getting into the characters of Simonova, Vasilyeva and Solomin, but the “authorship”, as it seemed to me, crushed the text. The static scenery and the image created by Jankowski create a heavy atmosphere. At one point, it seemed to me that the Boss was just talking with his dead wife, and there was no one else around at all, only an octopus magician with his house.

However, already during the viewing, the impression arose that Zakharov was pressing, so I wanted to touch the original source. The result was exactly what I expected: the words were stunted and withdrawn. In general, surprisingly, the play seemed much less theatrical than the director's vision. The owner does seem to be a bit of a sad jovial fellow. The hostess is a real hostess. Although, perhaps, I'm being a little cunning here: at the same time, I did watch The Ordinary Miracle in Garin's version. The film 1964 is much more traditional and does not have the status of a cult, but IMHO there are much more hits in the images. For example, Mironov flashed the phrase: “You are attractive, I am damn attractive,” but I believed Georgiou with his impulsiveness and hysteria much more.

The play itself is beautiful. good fairy tale about the power of love and the responsibility of the creator. It seems to me that it makes no sense to tear it apart into the simplest elements, especially since everyone can form their own vision from reading and viewing. For example, while reading, I simply heard the voices of the actors who fell into the role for me. Most often these were actors selected by Garin and that's it.

Total: In my opinion, this is the case when the well-known production did not benefit the play. The play itself is sweet and kind, devoid of the desolation and dust of the old theater, although Zakharov's heavy atmosphere intensified the conflict. That is my opinion.

Score: 8

It's a miracle that this play is easy to read and understand. Because a fairy tale. So a miracle is an ordinary one: who was at a loss for fairy tales? Ordinary - ordinary, everyday, often, ubiquitous (according to explanatory dictionary); miracle in one of the meanings - something unprecedented, unusual, amazing. And a miracle that is ubiquitous is the love of a woman and a man. No one knows how it arises and why it can disappear. It is not known why dissimilar people, sometimes unaware of each other, fall in love. But the power of love usually does not surprise anyone, but admires like magic. Even a magician does not have such power as love: he quietly hopes that his feeling for his wife will overcome death.

Evgeny Schwartz subtly felt that his love is tender, true, strong. Insensitive characters disappear in the finale, others simply melt away. And life goes on as usual, full of new expectations, hopes.

P.S. Now with pleasure I will watch the film adaptation of Mark Zakharov. I never felt interest in her, I saw a little in films about actors and the director himself.

Score: 10

First I saw the version of M. Zakharov with Abdulov and Simonova in the lead roles, a very romantic couple: a courageous, cowboy-like Bear and a fragile, tender, vulnerable, but strong Princess. But, to be honest, I remember most of all the King performed by E. Leonov. The film impressed me so much that I also reviewed the old version with the amazing, perhaps really Hollywood beauty actor O. Vidov.

And then it was time for reading. Well? The play is wonderful, beautiful and correct: Love conquers all obstacles, drives away death and reigns forever, even if our earthly life is short.

I really liked the way the characters of the fairy tale invented by the Wizard (all writers are a little magicians) break out of the framework of the work and begin to live in their own way. So, do not be afraid: "everything will be right, the world is built on this"!

Score: 10

Unlike many, I first read the play, and then only found out about the film - it was a long time ago, even at the time of my not quite youth, but not my childhood anymore. I remember that I didn’t like the Wizard at all - who and what right gave him to manage the life of a bear, but this is a living creature! - I thought ... The Minister-Administrator was completely annoying - how can such a rare bastard live in the world ... And the Hunter did not cause anything positive in me at all. Then I watched the film - in detail and carefully, and the attitude towards different characters became completely different. I fell in love with the Wizard, hated the Administrator even more, and the rest of the characters became simply noticeable to me - they somehow got lost in the play ... In general, I am glad that the film and the book have now become inseparable, it only helps to understand and accept many the things they describe.

Score: 10

I watched Mark Zakharov’s film and I can’t count how many times, I remember all the lines by heart for a long time. The film is simply brilliant. Even simple scenery and costumes do not spoil it. A wonderful script and a wonderful game of your favorite actors outshine everything. After learning that one of my favorite films has a printed source, I decided to read it. While reading, of course, I imagined the faces of the characters from the film, but the characters' personalities are better revealed in the play. The motives of the characters' actions become clearer.

The play is wonderful. I enjoyed immersing myself in the author's vision of this amazing story.

Ekaterina Ivanovna Schwartz








First Minister.

court lady.





hunter's apprentice.



Before the curtain appears human, who says to the audience quietly and thoughtfully:

- "Ordinary miracle" - what a strange name! If it's a miracle, then it's extraordinary! And if ordinary - therefore, not a miracle.

The answer is that we are talking about love. A boy and a girl fall in love with each other - which is common. Quarreling - which is also not uncommon. Almost die of love. And finally, the strength of their feelings reaches such a height that it begins to work real miracles - which is both surprising and usual.

You can talk about love and sing songs, and we will tell a fairy tale about it.

In a fairy tale, the ordinary and the miraculous are very conveniently placed side by side and are easily understood if one looks at a fairy tale as a fairy tale. As in childhood. Don't look for it hidden meaning. A fairy tale is told not in order to hide, but in order to reveal, to say with all its might, with all its might, what you think.

Among actors of our fairy tale, closer to the "ordinary", you will recognize people who you have to meet quite often. For example, the king. You can easily guess in him an ordinary apartment despot, a frail tyrant who deftly knows how to explain his outrages by considerations of principle. Or dystrophy of the heart muscle. Or psychasthenia. And also heredity. In the tale, he is made a king so that his character traits reach their natural limit. You will also recognize the minister-administrator, a dashing supplier. And the honored worker of hunting. And some others.

But the heroes of the tale, closer to the "miracle", are deprived household crap today. Such are the wizard, and his wife, and the princess, and the bear.

How do they get along different people in one story? And it's very simple. As in life.

And our fairy tale begins simply. One wizard got married, settled down and took up farming. But no matter how you feed the wizard, everything draws him to miracles, transformations and amazing adventures. And so he got involved in love story the same young people that I spoke about at the beginning. And everything became tangled, tangled - and finally unraveled so unexpectedly that the magician himself, accustomed to miracles, threw up his hands in surprise.

It all ended in grief for lovers or happiness - you will find out at the very end of the tale. (Disappears.)

Act one

Manor in the Carpathian mountains. Large room, sparkling clean. On the hearth is a dazzling copper coffee pot. A bearded man, huge, broad-shouldered, sweeps the room and talks to himself at the top of his voice.

it the owner of the estate.

Master. Like this! That's nice! I work and work, as befits a master, everyone will look and praise, everything is with me like with people. I don’t sing, I don’t dance, I don’t tumble like a wild animal. It is impossible for the owner of an excellent estate in the mountains to roar like a bison, no, no! I work without any liberties ... Ah! (Listens, covers face with hands.) She goes! She is! She is! Her steps ... I've been married for fifteen years, and I'm still in love with my wife, like a boy, honestly so! Goes! She is! (Chuckles shyly.) Here are some trifles, the heart beats so that it even hurts ... Hello, wife!

Included hostess, still a young, very attractive woman.

Hello wife, hello! How long have we parted, just an hour ago, but I'm glad for you, as if we hadn't seen each other for a year, that's how much I love you ... (Scared.) What happened to you? Who dared to offend you?

hostess. You.

Master. Do not you say! Oh I'm rude! The poor woman, standing so sad, shaking her head ... That's the trouble! What the hell have I done?

hostess. Think.

Master. Yes, where is there to think ... Speak, do not talk ...

hostess. What did you do this morning in the chicken coop?

Master (laughs). So this is what I love!

hostess. Thank you for such love. I open the chicken coop, and suddenly - hello! All my chickens have four legs...

Master. Well, what's wrong with that?

hostess. And the chicken has a mustache like a soldier.

Master. Ha ha ha!

hostess. Who promised to improve? Who promised to live like everyone else?

Master. Well, dear, well, dear, well, forgive me! What can you do ... After all, I'm a magician!

hostess. You never know!

Master. It was a cheerful morning, the sky was clear, there was nowhere to put my strength, it was so good. Wanted to fool around...

hostess. Well, I would do something useful for the economy. Vaughn brought the sand to sprinkle the paths. I would take it and turn it into sugar.

Master. Well, what a prank!

hostess. Or those stones that are stacked near the barn, he would turn into cheese.

Master. Not funny!

hostess. Well, what should I do with you? I fight, I fight, and you are still the same wild hunter, mountain wizard, crazy bearded man!

Master. I am doing my best!

hostess. So everything is going nicely, like with people, and suddenly - bang! - thunder, lightning, miracles, transformations, fairy tales, all sorts of legends ... Poor thing ... (Kisses him.) Well, go, dear!

Master. Where?

hostess. To the chicken coop.

Master. What for?

hostess. Fix what you did there.

Master. I can not!

hostess. Oh please!

Master. I can not. You yourself know how things are in the world. Sometimes you fool around - and then you fix everything. And sometimes click - and there is no turning back! I beat these chickens with a magic wand, and curled them with a whirlwind, and struck them seven times with lightning - all in vain! So, you can't fix what's been done here.

hostess. Well, there's nothing to be done ... Every day I will shave a chicken, and turn away from chickens. Well, now let's move on to the most important thing. Who are you waiting for?

Master. Nobody.

hostess. Look into my eyes.

Master. Look.

hostess. Tell the truth, what will happen? What kind of guests should we receive today? Of people? Or will the ghosts come and play dice with you? Don't be afraid, speak up. If we have the ghost of a young nun, then I will even be glad. She promised to capture from the other world a pattern of a blouse with wide sleeves, which was worn three hundred years ago. This style is back in fashion. Is the nun coming?

Master. No.

hostess. It's a pity. So no one will? Not? Do you really think that you can hide the truth from your wife? You'd rather fool yourself than me. Look, ears are burning, sparks are pouring from eyes ...

Master. Not true! Where?

hostess. There, there they are! That's how they sparkle. Don't be shy, confess! Well? Together!

Master. Okay! We will have guests today. Forgive me, I'm trying. Became a homebody. But... But the soul asks for something sort of... magical. No offense!

hostess. I knew who I was marrying.

Master. There will be guests! Here, now, now!

hostess. Fix your collar soon. Pull up your sleeves!

Master (laughs). Do you hear, do you hear? Rides.

Approaching clatter of hooves.

It's him, it's him!

hostess. Who?

Master. The same young man, because of whom we will begin amazing events. Here is the joy! That's nice!

hostess. Is this a young man like a young man?

Master. Yes Yes!

hostess. That's good, my coffee just boiled.

Knock on the door.

Master. Come in, come in, we've been waiting for a long time! I am glad!

Included youth. Dressed gracefully. Modest, simple, thoughtful. Silently bows to the owners.

(Hugs him.) Hello, hello son!

hostess. Sit down at the table, please, have some coffee, please. What's your name, son?

young man. Bear.

hostess. How do you say?

young man. Bear.

hostess. What an inappropriate name!

young man. It's not a nickname at all. I really am a bear.

hostess. No, what are you... Why? You move so dexterously, you speak so softly.

young man. You see… Your husband turned me into a human being seven years ago. And he did it wonderfully. He is an excellent wizard. He has golden hands, mistress.

Master. Thanks son! (Shakes Bear's hand.)

hostess. This is true?

Master. So after all it when was! Expensive! Seven years ago!

hostess. Why didn't you confess to me right away?

Master. Forgot! I simply forgot, and that's it! I walked, you know, through the forest, I see: a young bear. Still a teenager. The head is broad, the eyes are intelligent. We talked, word for word, I liked him. I plucked a walnut twig, made of it magic wand- one, two, three - and this ... Well, why be angry, I don’t understand. The weather was good, the sky was clear...

hostess. Shut up! I hate it when animals are tortured for their own amusement. An elephant is forced to dance in a muslin skirt, a nightingale is put in a cage, a tiger is taught to swing on a swing. Are you having a hard time, son?

Bear. Yes, mistress! Being a real person is very difficult.

hostess. Poor boy! (Husband.) What are you laughing at, heartless?

Master. I rejoice! I love my work. A man will make a statue out of dead stone - and then he will be proud if the work was successful. And go ahead and make even more alive out of the living. Here is the work!

hostess. What a job! Pranks, and nothing more. Ah, I'm sorry, son, he hid from me who you are, and I served sugar with coffee.

Bear. This is very kind of you! Why are you asking for forgiveness?

hostess. But you must love honey.

Bear. No, I can't see him! He awakens memories in me.

hostess. Now, now, turn him into a bear if you love me! Let him go free!

Master. Honey, honey, everything will be fine! That's why he came to visit us, to become a bear again.

hostess. Truth? Well, I'm very glad. Are you going to transform it here? Should I leave the room?

Bear. Don't hurry, dear hostess. Alas, it will not happen so soon. I will become a bear again only when the princess falls in love with me and kisses me.

hostess. When when? Repeat!

Bear. When some princess falls in love with me and kisses me, I will immediately turn into a bear and run away to my native mountains.

hostess. My God, how sad!

Master. Here hello! Again did not please ... Why?

hostess. Have you thought about the princess?

Master. Trivia! Falling in love is good.

hostess. A poor girl in love kisses a young man, and he suddenly turns into a wild beast?

Master. It's a matter of life, wife.

hostess. But then he will run away into the forest!

Master. And it happens.

hostess. Son, son, will you leave the girl in love?

Bear. When she sees that I am a bear, she will immediately stop loving me, mistress.

hostess. What do you know about love, little boy! (Takes her husband aside. Quietly.) I don't want to frighten the boy, but you have started a dangerous, dangerous game, husband! You churned butter with earthquakes, nailed nails with lightning, a hurricane dragged us furniture, dishes, mirrors, mother-of-pearl buttons from the city. I'm accustomed to everything, but now I'm afraid.

Master. What?

hostess. Hurricane, earthquake, lightning - all this is nothing. We have to deal with people. Yes, even with young people. Yes, even with lovers! I feel that something will certainly happen that we do not expect at all!

Master. Well, what can happen? Does the princess fall in love with him? Nonsense! Look how nice he is...

hostess. What if…

Pipes are rattling.

Master. It's too late to argue here, dear. I made it so that one of the kings passing by high road, suddenly terribly wanted to turn to our estate!

Pipes are rattling.

And now he is coming here with his retinue, ministers and the princess, his only daughter. Run, son! We will take them ourselves. When needed, I will call you.

Bear runs away.

hostess. And you will not be ashamed to look into the eyes of the king?

Master. Not a drop! Frankly, I can't stand kings!

hostess. Still a guest!

Master. Yes, well, him! He has an executioner in his retinue, and a chopping block is carried in his luggage.

hostess. Maybe just gossip?

Master. You'll see. Now a rude man will enter, a boor, he will begin to behave outrageously, dispose of, demand.

hostess. But suddenly no! After all, we will perish with shame!

Master. You'll see!

Knock on the door.

Included king.

King. Hello dear ones! I am the king, my dears.

Master. Good afternoon, Your Majesty.

King. I myself, I don’t know why, liked your estate terribly. We are driving along the road, and I am drawn to turn into the mountains, climb to you. Please allow us to stay with you for a few days!

Master. Oh my God… Ai-ai-ai!

King. What's wrong with you?

Master. I thought you weren't. Not polite, not soft. And yet, it doesn't matter! Let's think of something. I am always happy to have guests.

King. But we are restless guests!

Master. Yes, to hell with it! That's not the point... Sit down, please!

King. I like you, master. (Sits down.)

Master. Fu you damn!

King. And so I will explain to you why we are restless guests. Can?

Master. Please, please!

King. I'm a terrible person!

Master (joyfully). Well, yes?

King. Very scary. I am a tyrant!

Master. Ha ha ha!

King. Despot. And besides, I am cunning, vindictive, capricious.

Master. Here you see? What did I tell you, wife?

King. And the worst thing is that it's not my fault...

Master. Then who?

Master. Is it impossible to keep up?

King. Where there! I inherited all the vile family traits along with the family jewels. Can you imagine pleasure? You do something nasty - everyone grumbles, and no one wants to understand that this aunt is to blame.

Master. You think! (Laughs.) Wow! (Laughs.)

King. Hey, you're funny too!

Master. Just keep no, king.

King. This is nice! (He takes out a pot-bellied wicker flask from a bag hanging over his shoulder.) Mistress, three glasses!

hostess. Excuse me, my lord!

King. This is a precious 300-year-old royal wine. No, no, don't hurt me. Let's celebrate our meeting. (Pouring wine.) Color, what color! The costume would be made in such a color - all other kings would burst with envy! Well, goodbye! Drink to the bottom!

Master. Don't drink, wife.

King. That is, how is it "do not drink"?

Master. And very simple!

King. Do you want to offend?

Master. That's not the point.

King. Offend? Guest? (Grabs the sword.)

Master. Hush, hush, you! Not at home.

King. Are you willing to teach me? Yes, I just blink an eye - and there is no you. I don't care if I'm at home or not. The ministers will write off, I will express my regret. And you will remain in the damp earth forever and ever. At home, not at home ... Insolent! Still smiling... Drink!

Master. I won't!

King. Why?

Master. Yes, because the wine is poisoned, king!

King. What, what?

Master. Poisoned, poisoned!

King. Think what you thought!

Master. Drink first! Drink, drink! (Laughs.) That's it, brother! (Throws all three glasses into the hearth.)

King. Well, that's stupid! Didn't want to drink - I would have poured the potion back into the bottle. A must have on the road! Is it easy to get poison in a foreign land?

hostess. Shame on you, your Majesty!

King. It's not my fault!

hostess. Who?

King. Uncle! He would just get into a conversation, sometimes with whomever he had to, he would gossip about himself from three boxes, and then he becomes ashamed. And his soul is thin, delicate, easily vulnerable. And in order not to suffer later, he used to take and poison the interlocutor.

Master. Scoundrel!

King. The cattle is shaped! Left a legacy, you scoundrel!

Master. So it's your uncle's fault?

King. Uncle, uncle, uncle! Nothing to smile! I am a well-read, conscientious person. Another would shift the blame for his meanness on his comrades, on his superiors, on his neighbors, on his wife. And I blame the ancestors as the dead. They don't care, but I feel better.

Master. BUT…

King. Be quiet! I know what you'll say! To answer for yourself, without shifting the blame on your neighbors, for all your meanness and stupidity is beyond human strength! I'm not some kind of genius. Just a king, what a dime a dozen. Well, enough about that! Everything became clear. You know me, I know you: you can not pretend, not break. Why are you frowning? They remained alive and well, well, thank God ... What is there ...

hostess. Please tell the king, and the princess too ...

King (very soft). Oh, no, no, what are you! She is completely different.

hostess. What a grief!

King. Is not it? She is very kind to me. And glorious. She has a hard time...

hostess. Is the mother alive?

King. She died when the princess was only seven minutes old. Don't hurt my daughter.

hostess. King!

King. Ah, I cease to be a king when I see her or think of her. Friends, my friends, what a blessing it is that I love only my own daughter so much! A stranger would have twisted the rope out of me, and I would have died from it. I would have rested in a Bose ... Yes ... That's it.

Master (pulls out apple from pocket). Eat an apple!

King. Thanks, I don't want to.

Master. Good. Not poisonous!

King. Yes, I know. That's it, my friends. I wanted to tell you about all my worries and sorrows. And if you want it, it's over! Don't hold back. I will tell! BUT? Can?

Master. Well, what is there to ask? Sit down, wife. More comfortable. Closer to the hearth. Here I sat down. So are you comfortable? Bring water? Shouldn't the windows be closed?

King. No, no, thanks.

Master. We are listening, Your Majesty! Tell me!

King. Thank you. Do you know, my friends, where my country is located?

Master. I know.

King. Where?

Master. For distant lands.

King. Quite right. And now you will find out why we went to travel and climbed so far. She is the reason for this.

Master. Princess?

King. Yes! She is. The fact is, my friends, that the princess was not even five years old when I noticed that she did not at all look like a royal daughter. At first I was horrified. He even suspected his poor late wife of treason. He began to find out, to ask questions - and abandoned the investigation halfway through. Scared. I managed to become so attached to the girl! I even began to like that she was so unusual. You come to the nursery - and suddenly, ashamed to say, you become handsome. Hehe. Directly at least refuse the throne ... This is all between us, gentlemen!

Master. Of course! Of course!

King. It got ridiculous. You used to sign a death sentence for someone there - and you laugh, remembering her funny pranks and catchphrases. Fun, right?

Master. No, why not!

King. Here you go. This is how we lived. The girl is getting smarter, growing up. What would a real good father do in my place? I would accustom my daughter gradually to worldly rudeness, cruelty, deceit. And I, the damned egoist, was so used to resting my soul near her that, on the contrary, I began to protect the poor thing from everything that could spoil her. Meanness, right?

Master. No, why not!

King. Vile, vile! Driven to the palace the best people from all over the kingdom. Attached them to my daughter. Behind the wall, things are done that are terrifying to yourself. Do you know what a royal palace is?

Master. Wow!

King. That's what it is! Behind the wall, people crush each other, slaughter brothers, strangle sisters ... In a word, everyday, everyday life goes on. And you enter the half of the princess - there is music, talk about good people, about poetry, eternal holiday. Well, this wall collapsed because of pure trifle. I remember now - it was on Saturday. I sit, work, check the reports of the ministers against each other. My daughter is sitting next to me, embroidering a scarf for my name day ... Everything is quiet, peaceful, the birds are singing. Suddenly the master of ceremonies enters, reports: the aunt has arrived. Duchess. And I couldn't stand her. A screeching grandmother. I tell the master of ceremonies: tell her that I'm not at home. Trifle?

Master. Trifle.

King. This is a trifle for you and me, because we are people as people. And my poor daughter, whom I raised like in a greenhouse, fainted!

Master. Well, yes?

King. Honestly. She, you see, was amazed that her father was her father! - may tell lies. She began to get bored, to think, to languish, but I was at a loss. My maternal grandfather suddenly woke up in me. He was a sissy. He was so afraid of pain that at the slightest misfortune he froze, did nothing, but kept hoping for the best. When his beloved wife was strangled in his presence, he stood near and persuaded: be patient, maybe everything will work out! And when she was buried, he walked behind the coffin and whistled. And then he fell down and died. Good boy?

Master. How much better.

King. Has heredity awakened in time? Do you understand what a tragedy? The princess wanders around the palace, thinks, looks, listens - and I sit on the throne with folded arms and whistle. The princess is about to learn something about me that will kill her to death - and I smile helplessly. But one night I suddenly woke up. jumped up. He ordered the horses to be harnessed - and at dawn we were already racing along the road, graciously answering the low bows of our kind subjects.

hostess. My God, how sad this is!

King. We didn't stay with our neighbors. It is known that the neighbors are gossips. We raced on and on until we reached the Carpathian Mountains, where no one had ever heard of us. The air here is clean, mountainous. Allow me to stay with you until we build a castle with all the amenities, a garden, a dungeon and a playground ...

hostess. I'm afraid that…

Master. Don't be afraid, please! I beg! I beg you! I love it all so much! Well honey, well dear! Come, come, your majesty, I will show you the rooms.

King. Thank you!

Master (passes the king forward). Please come here, Your Majesty! Watch out, there's a step here. Like this. (Turns to his wife. In a whisper.) Give me at least one day to fool around! Falling in love is good! Don't die, my God! (Runs away.)

hostess. Well, I do not! Play pranks! Can such a girl endure when a sweet and affectionate young man turns into a wild beast before her eyes! An experienced woman would have been terrified. I will not let it! I will persuade this poor bear to be patient a little longer, to look for another princess, worse. There, by the way, and his horse is standing unsaddled, snorting at the oats - it means that he is full and rested. Get on horseback and jump over the mountains! Then you'll be back! (calls.) Son! Son! Where are you? (Exits.)

Here is an excerpt from the book.
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Manor in the Carpathian mountains. Here, having married and decided to settle down and take care of the household, a certain magician settled. He is in love with his wife and promises her to live “like everyone else”, but the soul asks for something magical, and the owner of the estate is unable to resist “pranks”. And now the Mistress guesses that her husband has started new miracles. It turns out that difficult guests are about to arrive at the house.

The young man appears first. When asked by the Mistress what his name is, he answers: Bear. The magician, having informed his wife that it was because of the young man that amazing events would begin, admits that seven years ago he turned a young bear he met in the forest into a man. The hostess cannot stand it when “for the sake of their own fun they torture animals,” and begs her husband to make the young man a bear again and set him free. It turns out that this is possible, but only if some princess falls in love with a young man and kisses him, the Mistress feels sorry for the unknown girl, she is frightened by the dangerous game that her husband started.

Meanwhile, the sound of a trumpet is heard announcing the arrival of new guests. It was the King passing by who suddenly wanted to turn into the estate. The owner warns that now they will see a rude and outrageous. However, the King who entered is at first polite and amiable. True, he soon breaks out a confession that he is a despot, vindictive and capricious. But twelve generations of ancestors are to blame for this (“all the monsters, one to one!”), Because of them, he, by nature, a good-natured and clever man, sometimes does things that even cry!

After an unsuccessful attempt to treat the hosts with poisoned wine, the King, declaring the late uncle responsible for his trick, says that the Princess, his daughter, did not inherit the villainous family tendencies, she is kind and even softens his own cruel temper. The host escorts the guest to the rooms designated for him.

The Princess enters the house and runs into the Bear at the door. Sympathy immediately arises between young people. The princess is not accustomed to simple and cordial treatment, she likes to talk to the Bear.

The sound of trumpets is heard - the royal retinue is approaching. The boy and girl run away holding hands. “Well, a hurricane has come, love has come!” - says the Hostess, who heard their conversation.

Courtiers appear. All of them: the First Minister, the First Cavalier Lady, and the maids of honor are scared to shiver by the Minister-Administrator, who, being able to please the King in everything, completely subjugated him, and keeps his retinue in a black body. Logged in Administrator, looking into notebook, calculates income. Having winked at the Mistress, he, without any preamble, appoints her a love date, but, having learned that her husband is a magician and can turn him into a rat, he apologizes, and takes out his anger on the courtiers who have appeared.

Meanwhile, first the King and the Master enter the room, then the Princess and the Bear. Noticing the joy on his daughter's face, the King understands that the reason for this is a new acquaintance. He is ready to welcome the title to the young man and take him on a journey. The princess confesses that the young man has become her best friend she is ready to kiss him. But, realizing who she is, the Bear runs away in horror and despair. The princess is confused. She leaves the room. The King is going to execute the courtiers if none of them can give him advice on how to help the Princess. The executioner is ready. Suddenly the door swings open, the Princess appears in the doorway in a man's dress, with a sword and pistols. She orders to saddle the horse, says goodbye to her father and disappears. The sound of a horse is heard. The king rushes after him, ordering his retinue to follow him. "Well, are you satisfied?" - the Mistress asks her husband. "Highly!" he answers.

Bad weather winter evening the owner of the tavern "Emilia" sadly recalls the girl whom he once loved and after whom he named his establishment. He still dreams of meeting her. There is a knock on the door. The innkeeper lets in the travelers covered with snow - this is the King and his retinue looking for his daughter.

Meanwhile, the Princess is in this house. Disguised as a boy, she became an apprentice to a hunter who lives here.

While the Innkeeper arranges for his guests to rest, the Bear appears. A little later, he meets the Princess, but does not recognize her in a man's suit. He says that he ran away from love for a girl who is very similar to a new acquaintance and, as it seems to him, is also in love with him. The princess makes fun of the Bear. The outbreak of the dispute ends with a sword fight. Making a lunge, the young man knocks off his opponent's hat - braids fall, the masquerade is over. The girl is offended by the Bear and is ready to die, but to prove to him that he is indifferent to her. The bear wants to run again. But the house is covered with snow up to the very roof, it is impossible to get out.

Meanwhile, the Innkeeper discovers that the First Cavalier Lady is the Emilia he had lost. There is an explanation and reconciliation. The king is happy that his daughter was found, but when he sees her sad, he demands that one of the courtiers go to comfort her. The lot falls to the Administrator, who is terribly afraid that the Princess will simply shoot him. However, he returns alive and, in addition, with unexpected news - the royal daughter has decided to marry him! Furious Bear immediately proposes to two ladies-in-waiting at once. The Princess appears in her wedding dress: the wedding is in an hour! The young man seeks permission to talk to her alone and reveals his secret to her: by the will of the wizard, he will turn into a bear as soon as he kisses her - this is the reason for his flight. The princess leaves in despair.

Suddenly, music is heard, the windows swing open, behind them is not snow, but flowering meadows. The merry Boss bursts in, but his joy quickly fades: the expected miracle did not happen. “How dare you not kiss her?! he asks the Bear. "You didn't love the girl!"

The owner leaves. Snow outside again. Completely depressed, the Bear turns to the hunter who entered with a question if he has a desire to kill the hundredth bear (he boasted that he had 99 killed bears on his account), because he would still find the Princess, kiss her and turn into a beast. After hesitating, the hunter agrees to take advantage of the "courtesy" of the young man.

A year has passed. The innkeeper married his beloved Emilia. The bear disappeared no one knows where: the magician's spell does not let him go to the Princess. And the girl, because of unhappy love, fell ill and is about to die. All the courtiers are in deep sadness. Only the Administrator, although his wedding did not take place, became even richer and more impudent, and does not believe in death from love.

The princess wants to say goodbye to her friends and asks to brighten her up last minutes. Among those present and the Host with the Hostess. Footsteps are heard in the depths of the garden - the Bear still got here! The princess is glad and confesses that she loves and forgives him, let him turn into a bear, so long as he does not leave. She hugs and kisses the young man. (“Glory to the brave who dare to love, knowing that all this will come to an end,” the wizard said a little earlier.) There is a clap of thunder, darkness reigns for a moment, then the light flashes, and everyone sees that the Bear has remained a man. The magician is delighted: a miracle has happened! To celebrate, he turns the annoying Administrator into a rat and is ready to perform new miracles, "so as not to burst from excess strength."