How much do announcers get. Easy money: how much do talk show participants get paid

The financial reward for the activities of the presenter traditionally consists of a fixed part and bonuses for a certain number of ethers. But this situation is not relevant on all television channels. Many companies seek to optimize costs, in connection with which the practice of dividing into the state of their own employees and employees who were withdrawn or never included in it is common.

The first category of employees receives a salary in accordance with accepted civil norms, the second does not receive a salary and works only for a fee. The contract with a freelancer specifies the number of broadcasts that he must spend and payment is made upon the fact of the work performed.

Some radio and television presenters are invited solely for one or more projects. As soon as the programs are completed, the leader also finishes his work. The difference between this category of employees and representatives of the state is the absence of their influence on the life of the television company. There is no social package and, by and large, a significant right to vote.

What is the salary of leaders

The difference in income is significant, the salary is strongly influenced by the rating of the program, the popularity of the media person and the company's budget. Obviously, the audience of radio stations is several times less than the number of people who turn on the TV every day. The breadth of the audience influences the interest of advertisers who carry their money to radio stations with less enthusiasm.

Regional and city radio listen more less people, so the salary there is low, even relative to the average for the country. On the radio, as well as on television, there is no standard output of 160 hours per month, schedules are made strictly individually. Despite this, the radio presenters of ordinary broadcasts in the region can count on 40-60 thousand rubles a month, the hosts of entertainment shows for 80 thousand rubles and more.

The income of TV presenters also depends on their own status, rating and type of program. The salaries of leading news in the region start from 45-50 thousand rubles, in Moscow federal channels often exceed the bar of 100 thousand rubles. The salaries of news release stars are classified information, but there are a lot of materials on the Internet about the income level of star presenters from anonymous sources - people working with them in the same company. This amount often exceeds 1 million rubles a month.

Television presenter salary

Regional TV programs cannot boast of a large audience and, accordingly, cannot pay high salaries to their presenters. Nevertheless, incomes here still remain worthy, from 45 to 100 thousand rubles, the income of the leading author's programs from production centers is higher, but private television programs are rare on regional television, broadcasting is mainly financed from the local budget.

The presenters of federal channels earn really serious money; these companies have a large profit from advertising and sponsorship agreements.

The presenters of programs for a narrow audience - lovers of sports, music, cinema - earn from 100 thousand rubles and more. The more often an employee is involved in broadcasting, the higher his final salary.

If there is a well-known media person on the channel, then her salary can exceed the fee of an ordinary presenter by dozens of times.

On federal channels, the presenters of programs earn even more, which is not surprising, because here the highest ratings are. For example, the salary of the hosts Eagle and Reshka is about 5-6 thousand dollars per person, a comparable salary for the leading entertainment programs of the NTV channel.

In order to further increase the ratings, rich channels invite already well-known, popular people in the country as hosts. This practice is widespread, for example, on Channel One. Given this fact, we can say with confidence that the salary of the hosts of the first channel is very high.

In general, about what the salary of the leading good morning and other programs can only be guessed from unconfirmed insider information. The incomes of these people are actively hidden by employers or artificially inflated, perhaps in order to beat down better offers from competitors.

radio presenter salary

The hosts' incomes are also shrouded in the gloom of trade secrets and non-disclosure terms of the contract. To get acquainted with the information, again, one has to turn to unofficial sources working together with the presenters.

It is known that the employees of Moscow radio stations are mostly employed under the terms of the contract and receive their entire salary “in the white”. Fixed wages are common among the leading non-musical broadcasters (talk, news), largely because the duration of their programs is disproportionately shorter. Payment for the work of DJs is piecework and is composed of the following parameters:

  • the size of the audience of listeners;
  • volume of sales;
  • broadcast segment (morning, evening, night);
  • professionalism and experience;
  • the popularity of the person.

On average, at Moscow radio stations, the presenters of night and day broadcasts earn from 40 to 80 thousand rubles, the presenters of prime time and morning shows much more: from 70 to 150 thousand rubles.

Original guest star shows cost radio station bosses several times more. The amount of the contract with popular star starts with fees from 200 thousand rubles a month.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Many of us in childhood dreamed of becoming TV stars. To carry news or entertainment programs so that ordinary people recognize on the streets and ask to be photographed. Glory is great.

Someone grew up and abandoned this idea, but there are those who still cherish the hope of getting into the lens. The work, let's say, is not dusty and quite profitable. But few can break through to the central channels. But there the salary of TV presenters sometimes reaches astronomical sums. In the regions, the situation is slightly different. Which? Let's figure it out together.

Where to begin?

If you have nothing to do with journalism, then most likely you will not succeed. As a rule, those who have grown from a simple correspondent to a venerable editor are made leaders. Related professions, such as holiday hosts, marketers, copywriters, holiday hosts, will help, but they will not give a guarantor. At the same time, according to experts, among famous people, whose faces flash on the screen every day, there are very few who have a diploma in journalism and similar specialties. Talent, you either have it or you don't. And here already no diploma will help.

In fact, everything is quite simple. To become a leader, you need:

  • Have an attractive appearance.
  • Be fluent and have a pleasant voice.
  • Be able to quickly find a way out of stressful situations.
  • Possess the talent of a journalist.

If you do not have something from this list and it is not possible to acquire a skill, then it is better to forget about the career of a TV presenter. If everything fits together, then you can try to move on.

Improving Skills

In order to speak correctly, you can be like stage speech courses, a beautician and stylist will help improve your appearance, but if you get lost in unforeseen situations and are not able to connect two words, and even more so to make a plot, then this is a disaster.

But not everything is so categorical. To do this, you can try to get a job as a correspondent for a low fee on a not very popular channel. And be prepared that the editor will send you to the most exhausting tasks. There is always a lot of turnover on television and almost always someone is needed. Newcomers are sent on distant business trips, to trifling events, are forced to do surveys and seek the favor of high-ranking officials. But the one who is talented quickly shows what he is capable of, and this is immediately noticed.

If you decide to connect your life with television, be prepared to work very hard. In any case, at first (from six months to three years). Sometimes, to make a one-minute story, you need to overcome hundreds of kilometers, almost run into a fist, write text and edit videos all night, even forgetting to eat.

Having learned the TV kitchen, you can begin to offer ideas, refine yourself and this will definitely be noticed. Those reporters who are creative in creating stories, skillfully integrating their faces into the frame, will not be lost - that's for sure.

It usually happens like this. The main presenter fell ill or got into force majeure, and then the most talented of the correspondents, who knows how to stay in the frame, looks good and does not spoil with takes, is taken into the frame for a one-time replacement. If the test is passed successfully, then you can wait for the promotion. News anchors, as a rule, rarely shoot stories and become the face of the channel. And this is advertising shooting and various events as a plus. Not bad, right?

Who is a good leader?

This is someone who writes good lead lines to stories, writes them down on the first take, is able to quickly change texts and write them for hot stories. It all depends on the specifics of the program. The news is enough of the above, plus the ability to work with a teleprompter and live. For entertainment programs, you need to be able to improvise and communicate with people, to have the ability to bring the conversation in the direction you need. It's hard to say which is harder. But still, news is formalization and efficiency.

What is the salary of TV presenters?

News anchors in the regions receive from 15 to 50 thousand rubles. It all depends on employment, the level of the channel, the availability of sponsors, advertising filming and other things. Entertainment programs do not pay off as well, so their hosts get paid less.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, prices are 2-3 times higher for initial stage. They first get a job there as a "laborer". But the nimble and talented do not stay behind the scenes for a long time and become news or entertainment presenters. And then the fees begin to increase exponentially. But you need to take into account that at first you have to plow in the literal sense on central television. If you worked as a host in the region, then on the capital's channel you will be tested and closely monitored how you cope with the tasks.

How much do TV presenters earn on central TV?

No matter how they try to hide the size of the allowance from eminent presenters, the data still leaks onto the Internet. Although this is a trade secret, approximate limits are still known - from 100 thousand rubles to one million per month. Those whose names are not well-known are content with passing programs and small salaries (but by all-Russian standards, they are still fantastic).

For example, the salary of TV presenters on "Russia 1" directly depends on the project. But the same Malakhov went to this button, because for "Live" he receives several million rubles a month. Andrei started with a simple correspondent, and his first salaries were not even enough for him to rent a house. And now he is also the editor of StarHit magazine, and his annual income exceeds a million dollars.

If you ask about the salary of the TV presenters of Channel One, then there is also a huge revelry. Dmitry Borisov, who replaced Malakhov, although he imitates him, will not reach the salary level of his predecessor for a long time, if he can. Borisov is paid a little less than a million a month. But Maxim Galkin for participation in the projects of the First receives more than six million dollars a year. Vladimir Pozner, depending on employment, puts in his pocket from 500 thousand dollars to 1.5 million per year.


The easiest way is to follow how the central entertainment TV channels conduct castings for the role of presenters. They need fresh faces, so selections are regular there. And it's much easier to get there as a correspondent. But before you can realize your dream, you need to work hard for several years, improve, and then the multimillion-dollar fees will come into your hands.

The media have already reported that the most wealthy among the vice-speakers of the Duma with an income of 44.22 million rubles. became a newcomer to the State Duma, United Russia Pyotr Tolstoy, who until the September elections last year worked on television. Since Pyotr Olegovich did not show participation in any business, and, judging by the declaration, he did not sell real estate during the reporting period either, it is easy to calculate his television income.

The salaries of the Duma deputies in the second half of 2016 amounted to 385 thousand rubles per month. Multiply by four months - from September to December inclusive, and we get 1 million 540 thousand.

From Tolstoy's total annual income of 44.2 million rubles, we subtract 1 million 540 thousand. It turns out 42 million 760 thousand. We divide this amount by eight months, during which Pyotr Olegovich worked on TV. We get the desired result - 5 million 345 thousand rubles a month, or about 90 thousand dollars. Per month!

True, it is possible that some part of this money was accrued as a severance pay or in the form of compensation for unused vacations.

Channel One itself never discloses the income of its employees, considering it a trade secret. In social networks, employees write something like this: “None of the employees even knows each other about real salaries on Channel One and other channels.”

Leonid Yakubovich: Russian-British relations are at a very low level not at the initiative of Moscow. This was stated on Friday by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Well, thank God, the minister came here. Maybe something will change. But somehow it's strange. Something not at the initiative of Moscow is happening a lot of events in the world, which then lead to the phrase "are at a very low level." And how to read “at the initiative of Moscow” and then “are at a very high level”?

Top 2: Russians need 40,000 rubles a month per person for a decent life

Leonid Yakubovich: To be happy, Russians need a monthly income of 40,000 rubles. This was announced at a press conference CEO VTsIOM Valery Fedorov.

There is apparently an ellipsis here, the phrase is taken out of context, because it should follow that immediately after this the government decided to immediately increase the income of Russians over 40 thousand rubles. Because if it's not, then why do I need this message? What should I do about it? But really less than 40 thousand rubles is, by the way, as far as I understand poverty and it is a shame to write about it.

Top 3: The Russians determined the best films and series of 2017

Leonid Yakubovich: The top three included such films as "Salyut-7", "The Last Hero" and "The Legend of Kolovrat".

Mom dear! By the way, The Last Warrior is a good, wonderful film. I watched, my daughter watched, who is 19 years old and my granddaughter watched, who is 17 and everyone was delighted. As for the rest of the films, then, probably, the Russians know this better than I do.

Top 4: The government is going to optimize the unpopular websites of ministries

Leonid Yakubovich: Russian government intends to optimize the websites of departments that are not popular with citizens.

I'll go crazy honestly what is suddenly unexpectedly optimize, that's what it is? The government is going to shut down very bad websites of ministries. What is happening with the Russian language? But most likely the government studied in some other schools, special for members of the government. Optimize how nice and streamlined it is. Unpopular sites like this are soft, just like Vaseline. Close to hell sites that violate all their own laws, including the laws of ethics.

Top 5: Monuments to the patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church will appear in the center of Moscow

Leonid Yakubovich: Monuments to 16 patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church will appear at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior at the end of 2019. This is very good, this is what I like. We always lift up, lifted up, in any case, organizations, plants, factories and remembered little about the individual. If at least the patriarchate decided to do this, then God forbid.

About the project:

"Author's News from NSN" is an NSN radio program that airs simultaneously on four radio stations at once (OUR Radio, Rock FM, Best FM, Radio JAZZ) with a daily audience of 1.5 million people in Moscow and four million in Russia. Leading "Author's news from NSN" , whose names are well known to radio listeners. AT this moment 160 people are involved in the project.

04/10/2003, "How much are Yakubovich's miracles and Malakhov's laundry?. The KP correspondent looked into the pockets of TV stars"

Yana Tasheva

To be honest, the financial issue worries all of us. And not only your own, but also someone else's. There are legends about the income of popular TV presenters. They are credited with fabulous wealth, luxurious mansions and millions in Swiss banks. Sometimes this, by the way, is not so far from the truth, in most other cases it is a strong exaggeration. Be that as it may, we decided to satisfy the curiosity of our readers and try to look into the pocket of TV stars. The TV stars themselves, of course, will not really like it, but there's nothing to be done: if you become a public person, get ready for the fact that the public wants to know everything about you.

$15 - 20 thousand: Yakubovich, Shirvindt...

How tight the wallet of this or that TV presenter is a mystery shrouded in darkness. Mystery of the Madrid Court. But at the court, as you know, there are close associates who are sometimes enlightened into very delicate issues. And those no, no, and they will blurt out THIS under a terrible secret. So gossip spreads around the television center about the astronomical earnings of the channel's faces, and it is possible to hear a lot of interesting things in smoking rooms, toilets, and coffee houses.

For example, they say that the income of Leonid Yakubovich is 15 thousand USD. e. per month. But after each "private" performance at someone's holiday or concert, the host of the "Field of Miracles" brings another 5 thousand to the family.

A salary of $ 20 thousand is also attributed to Mikhail Shirvindt. A noble "dog lover" is so highly valued? It is possible, given that Shirvindt is still busy with the Idea Fix project, and besides, he has a hand in the projects of the Live News company.

$ 10 - 12 thousand: Nagiyev, Galkin, Mitkova ...

The scandalous Dmitry Nagiev puts 10 thousand monthly in his pocket. His no less absurd colleague Otar Kushanashvili somehow undertook to claim that he earns twice as much as Nagiyev. But only on tour. Ride along Krasnodar Territory brought Otar a "big jackpot" of 15 thousand "Meryakan" money. Although she herself somehow heard that Kushanashvili complained to Igor Matvienko: for his performance they give him only a “five”. Well, it's probably as lucky. Sometimes the "five", and sometimes more.

Another hero of girlish dreams, Maxim Galkin, is rumored to receive 10 thousand a month for his television activities. But since he also performs with concerts, there is no doubt that Galkin is a wealthy fiancé.

$ 12 thousand - the salary of Marianna Maksimovskaya. Mikhail Osokin has a not very round sum of 12.5 thousand in his jacket pocket every month. It is somehow incomprehensible: “neither two, nor one and a half”, in the sense - neither 12, nor 13. For example, Tatyana Mitkova is delivered an amount of 12 thousand in an “envelope”. Which completely allowed the TV presenter to save up for a sports BMW of the third model of golden color, worth about 27 thousand.

$ 1 - 4 thousand: Aurora, Shirokov, Tutta Larsen ...

On channels that are not as rated and famous as NTV, First and Rossiya, and salaries are not very high. After the "change of power" on Muz-TV Aurora, which in better days lived happily ever after 8 thousand a month, lost 6 and a half thousand. And her salary is now like that of some chief accountant. And her colleague and friend Daria Subbotina has even less - only a thousand (pulls for an average accountant). Dmitry Shirokov is more expensive - $ 3 thousand. The MTV channel presenters generously gives the ruble, that is, the dollar. “Reasonable and sensual” Tutta Larsen receives a reward of 4 thousand for her work.

"Rich Buratins": Pozner, Shuster, Kiselev...

But there are TV people who have all the aforementioned numbers will cause healthy laughter. If they talk about their earnings in the television center, then in a whisper. And whisper the following. As if Savik Shuster receives 25 thousand dollars. In one private conversation, Shuster shared that in order to receive so much, you just need to convince everyone that you are worthy of this amount, that's all.

Rumor has it that after the transition of Svetlana Sorokina to Channel One, her entire editorial team was thrown a thousand dollars each. The fee of the TV personality itself is equal to 30 thousand bucks, and before the "Basic Instinct" Sorokina, they say, received 20 thousand. If so, then switching to the First was worth it.

Bison of domestic TV Vladimir Pozner also evaluates himself well: his earnings, they say, are as much as 35 thousand. And Dmitry Dibrov receives about 20 thousand USD for his "Apology". e. About 30 thousand are attributed to Nikolai Svanidze. And, finally, there is an opinion that no one receives more than Yevgeny Kiselev on television. And, in my opinion, even a baby knows about his income. 50 - 55 thousand c.u. e. Agree, it sounds proud.

$3 - 8 thousand: Lobkov, Kara-Murza, Yakovleva...

Half as much as Mitkov, another entvesh host Pavel Lobkov receives. The pleasure of digging in the ground and planting an unfortunate geranium for the white-handed stars costs Pavel 6 thousand. Pavel Lyubimtsev, the host of the Naturalist's Travels, receives the same amount. But Ernest Mackevicius is a little richer. For the joy of being an alarm clock on the Russia channel, a talented journalist receives about 8 thousand. $ 7,000 - the fee for TV travel by the host of "In Search of Adventures" Mikhail Kozhukhov.

Vladimir Kara-Murza's work costs the producers the same amount. But if we remember that TVS, where Vladimir works, is now going through a financial crisis, then it is possible that this amount exists only on paper. Recently, even the venerable Boris Berman and Ildar Zhandarev complained that they had not been paid their salaries for three months!

Approximately $ 5 thousand - Andrey Malakhov's salary. True, recently in one publication his income was equated to 20 thousand dollars, however, according to our information, this is too much. Otherwise, why would Andrei live in a one-room apartment, and even take a loan from Channel One to buy it? I could then acquire elite housing.

Elena Hanga and Elena Ishcheeva, the hosts of the Domino Principle, have to be content with the same amounts, they pay $10,000 for two. Even more modest are the earnings of Elena Yakovleva, who is trying to find an answer to the sacramental question "What does a woman want?" She puts 3,000 in her purse every month. Bills of the same value are neatly hidden in a reticule by Klara Novikova. Although it is quite possible that after the transition to Channel One in solo project the comedian's television income will grow markedly.