Jem, Ilya and Vicki - Hosts of the morning show "Brigada U" (8 photos). "Brigade U": "We are not ashamed of anything! Wiki leading europe plus biography

Where did Brigada U go on Europa Plus? On the morning of April 27, listeners turned on the video from the radio station's studio and did not find the radio hosts at the site. There is no reason to panic - Jem, Ilya and Vicki moved to a studio in Sochi for a few days. In the resort city, they will cheer for our Formula 1 driver Daniil Kvyat and hold an open-air Europa Plus Fest.

The broadcast from Sochi was shown on a screen in a Moscow studio on April 27. Fans of the show requested that a webcam be fixed on this image or broadcast live to the Europa Plus website from Sochi.

The hosts of the morning show did not bring cloudy Moscow weather to Sochi. For three days - April 27, 28 and 29 - DJs Jam, Ilya and Viki will broadcast from the resort city.

Sochi is hosting the Formula 1 Russian Grand Prix this weekend. Our athlete Daniil Kvyat also participates in the races.

The morning will not only tell about everything that happens in Sochi. Jem promised that he would ask all the questions of the Formula 1 stars. Those people will come to the morning air, without whom the next stage of the race would not have taken place.

And on April 30 and May 1, residents and guests of Sochi are waiting for a real holiday from! On Saturday evening, the set will be played by DJ Anton Bruner. On May 1, Sochi Autodrom will host Europa Plus Fest for the first time.

From 17-30, Yolka, Nyusha, Yulianna Karaulova, Burito, Band'Eros and Lena Temnikova will take the stage. There will also be DJs who will arrange May Day dances. Everyone who has a ticket for the Sochi Formula 1 races will come to the holiday. The hosts of the holiday will be Jem, Ilya and

You are on the air every day from 7 am. What time does your day start?

Wiki: I get up before everyone else. First, because I live the farthest. Secondly, I need to feed the cat. And, thirdly, I'm a girl and I need time to choose a dress.

Ilya: It's amazing how many dresses Vicki has!

Jam: Every day a new one comes!

Do you have any morning rituals to make the day as cheerful and productive as possible?

Ilya: I press the red button on my coffee machine every morning. I didn’t even say hello to anyone, but turned on the coffee machine to warm it up.

Jam: In the morning I adjust all four air conditioners so that the temperature in the studio is comfortable for us

Wiki: I draw arrows before the broadcast, and the guys are watching me.

Have you been together for a year now? Can you even remember what happened on the first broadcast?

Ilya: Vicki and I danced. I remember somehow unexpectedly invited her to dance, but she was not at a loss, and we started spinning in a waltz! Such is mutual understanding.

Jam: Yes, and then Vicki sat with huge eyes and barely audibly said, “They are crazy! They are crazy!".

Wiki: And I remember that for every question I asked how to do this and that, they answered two phrases “Improvise!” or "Look at us and repeat!".

And how did you come up with the idea to do your morning show on the stage of a nightclub?! Remember your first Live Breakfast?

Jam: Together with our producers Vera Yakovleva and Roma Marchenkov, we wanted to somehow involve the audience in the process of creating our morning show. To make them feel like part of the U Brigade too.

Ilya: We figured that besides us so early in night club more people will come, maybe 200… tables were set up in front of the stage, breakfast was prepared… and 1500 people came! It is clear that the tables were all demolished at the moment.

Who was the first artist?

Jam: Serebro group, Tomas N "evergreen and Plazma group!

Ilya: And we played Lie Detector with them. We had such a game on the air then, and there was a real lie detector, on which we checked our star guests. Oh, I remember the girls from Silver were constantly squealing when he shocked them. By the way, we still have this device somewhere, although the game itself was written off to the archive a long time ago!

Did you have dramatic events related to listeners unfolding on the air? Confessions of non-reciprocal love, tragic stories?

Ilya: Just the other day, we got a call from a man who had a big fight with his wife because he left for work for a couple of hours and came back three days later. They were almost divorced, and he decided to try to save his family through our broadcast. He apologized and confessed his love, and it turned out that at that moment his wife was listening to the air, crying, of course ... But they eventually reconciled!

Jam: Once we had a story when colleagues from the Belgrade radio station wrote to us and told the story that they had a young man living in Croatia who fell in love with a girl from Russia, but the distance separated them. And then two morning shows out different countries phoned and connected the lovers live ... A very touching surprise turned out.

Wiki: And at the "Live Breakfast" our listeners have developed a good tradition of making a marriage proposal! Well, we actually have a lot of couples who met at our event, then got married and now live happily ever after!

Jam: And once, also at Live Breakfast, we had an action when we made the dreams of our listeners come true. So one guy really wanted to win an iPhone to give it to someone! And he really gave it right on stage to a girl that we randomly chose in the audience.

Member Name: Tatyana Pestryakova

Age (birthday): 5.06.1990

Moscow city

Education: Institute Modern Art, pop vocal department

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The biography of the radio host Vika from the morning show "Brigada U" is a real secret with seven seals. Why is that?

Most likely, with this veil of mystery, the Europa Plus radio station is trying to attract as much attention as possible to itself and its project.

But still some information about this beautiful girl there is and we tried to collect it for you in this article.

The first secret real name of the radio presenter. All pages in in social networks, and also on the official website of "Brigada U" only the name of Vika is indicated, but her name is Tatyana Pestryakova.

Logically, it can be assumed that in the full version it sounds like Victoria, but still these are only assumptions. Not once on the air or in an interview, neither the girl herself nor her colleagues let slip about her passport data.

The second secret is the date of birth. It is only known that Vicki was born on June 5 and according to the sign of the zodiac Gemini.

The third secret is the girl's education. One of its pages states that the girl graduated from the pop vocal department Institute of Contemporary Art or ISI.

If we compare this with the fact that Vicky simply cannot live without music and sings great herself, then the information seems to be reliable.

At the same time, in her interviews, Viki notes that in her childhood she dreamed of being not only a singer, but also a veterinarian. As a child, the girl desperately wanted to spend a lot of time with pets, treat them and give them SPA treatments!

At one time, Tatyana Pestryakova worked as a dance and vocal teacher.

Vicki is a real girl. She loves beautiful dresses, cannot live without a smartphone, loves to be photographed, receive compliments and, of course, sing. And she also has a real girlish idol - this is George Clooney. She dreams of not only meeting a Hollywood star, but also having an affair with him!

On the radio, and moreover, Viki got into the morning show "Brigade U" in 2013 (where they already were). Vicki stays on the air very well, jokes brightly and even leads separate blocks. Colleagues really appreciate Vicki, although they often make fun of her.

Not surprisingly, the personal life of the mysterious radio host is also a secret. Although on her VKontakte page, Vicki indicated that she was in love. But in whom and whether their relationship is formalized is not known.

Vicki's photo

Vika has 2 favorite cats at home, photos of which can sometimes be seen on her Instagram.

Arkady Jam was born on December 22, 1975 in the family of a ballerina and conductor, who at that time worked in Yekaterinburg. The theatrical craft is often associated with moving, and at the age of a few months, Arkady already became a resident of Pyatigorsk, then Krasnoyarsk, and, finally, the family settled in Petrozavodsk. Arkady inherited excellent choreographic abilities from his mother, but his father was categorically against the profession of a dancer for his son. At his insistence, the boy attended music school piano, and later mastered the saxophone. Over time, Arkady began to secretly engage in ballroom dancing from his father, and achieved considerable success in the Latin American program. After graduating from the lyceum, the young man became a student at the Karelian Pedagogical Institute, studied English and French. The teachers were pleased with the success of student Jem, but he himself much more liked participation in student amateur performances, various skits. In addition, he taught ballroom dancing at the Rhythm Club.

In his third year, Arkady accidentally found out that his friend had started working at the local branch of the Europa Plus radio station and became very interested in this. A friend suggested that he take part in some kind of competition and try to win - receiving a prize will allow you to get to know the life of the radio station from the inside. Arkady did his best and became the owner of the honestly won forty liters of gasoline. While talking with a friend in the corridor of the studio, Arkady heard a request to read the text of the commercial aloud, and after a successful test, he voiced it instead of the sick performer. This was the beginning of the work of Arkady Dzhem on the radio, which he conscientiously tried to combine with his studies.

Over time, Arkady realized that he would like to work as a radio presenter and that a regional radio station is far from the limit of his capabilities. After long and persistent requests, in 1998 the management sent Arkady to a professional development seminar, taking from him honestly that he will return to his former place of work. To the surprise of the young man, he was offered a job in the capital even without his requests, since Arkady's beloved girl sent his resume to several radio stations in advance. So Jam began to broadcast the station "106.8", and in 2000 he moved to the Moscow branch of "Europe Plus". However, four years of work as a "talking head" forced him to leave for "Dynamite FM", until in 2005 he received an offer from the leadership of "Europe Plus" to participate in the project "Brigada U" - a morning broadcast for weekdays. In addition to Arkady Dzhem, Tatyana Shilina and Ilya Kolesnikov became members of the "Brigade U". The success of the project can be judged by the longevity of its existence. At the same time, the composition of the presenters has undergone some changes. In 2011, after a vacation, Tanya did not return to the air of the studio, and went to the program "Morning on 5" of the Fifth Channel, although outraged radio listeners demanded that she be returned to the air for a long time. For two seasons, Jam and Ilya were the permanent hosts of the "Brigade", Natalya Yartseva periodically took part in the program. By this time, the girl had already managed to work as a host of many stations and even wrote a book about it. In 2013, Vika, who had previously participated in the evening program "RUS" of Europa Plus, became a permanent member of the "Brigade U". Besides, permanent member program became a dog of the Chihuahua breed Elisey, abbreviated as Eroshka.

The three-hour morning show is broadcast in all cities where there are regional Europa Plus stations and lasts three hours. Release times vary by time zone. Every winter, spring and autumn in the Arena Moscow club "Brigada U" holds a concert "Live breakfast". For fans of the show, this is a great opportunity to see their favorite hosts and make sure that their appearance is no less charming than their voices. However, according to Arkady Jam, the radio station host wins hearts not by appearance, whatever it may be. Although Arkady does not have to complain about his appearance. Confirmation of this is not only the reviews of fans, which speak not only of Jam's pleasant voice, infectious laughter, wit and resourcefulness, but also of his attractive appearance. In 2009, Arkady starred in the fantasy thriller "Black Lightning" (the role of a radio host), and in 2011, together with Ilya, he became a participant in the television sketch show "Give Youth", where both of them also performed in their usual roles. In addition, Pedro speaks in the voice of Jem in the animated series Rio (2011) and Rio 2 (2014).

Every day, except for weekends, Arkady Jam gets up at half past six and heads to the studio, from where music and voices will sound for three hours, creating a positive mood for the whole day, introducing weather forecasts and the situation on the roads, talking with guest stars and representing new hits. In my free time the famous TV presenter is trying to travel. He loves St. Petersburg, which he fell in love with as a child, coming with his father on tour, foggy London and sunny Spain, and generously shares his impressions on social networks.

Member Name: Ilya Vyacheslavovich Kolesnikov

Age (birthday): 8.04.1976

City: Tomsk, RSFSR, USSR

Education: Tomsk State University, Faculty of Law

Job: radio presenter

Family: married, two children

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In the future, Ilya Kolesnikov, a radio host and resident of the capital, was born in 1976 in the cold city of Tomsk.

Also in early childhood the boy showed remarkable acting skills and became interested in performances in the theater of miniatures.

After school, Ilya entered the Tomsk State University at the Faculty of Law. True, it was a correspondence department, because the young man was constantly busy with something and could not give a lot of time to study.

Despite this state of affairs in the university Ilya first met in the Club of Cheerful and Resourceful and began performing with the young at that time team "Children of Lieutenant Schmidt". At the same time, he was a member Student Theater Variety Miniatures "Boniface".

It is no secret for KVN fans that the Children of Lieutenant Schmidt team is one of the most titled in the history of games.

It cannot be said that Ilya had a hand in all their awards, but some titles belong to him by right. It:

  • 1999 Champion major league KVN;
  • 2000, Winner of the Cup of Ukraine;
  • 2001, Winner of the Friendship Cup (Almaty) and the KVN Summer Cup.

After graduating from the university and receiving a law degree, Ilya faced a difficult choice - to devote himself to the profession or to devote himself completely to creativity. Remembering his childhood dreams of becoming an artist, the young man decided to try the second and, as is now clear, he did not lose.

He moves to Moscow and already in 2004, Ilya Kolesnikov first got to the radio station "Europe Plus". He is immediately entrusted with leading the block in the morning show, and in 2007 he is transferred to the new show "Brigada U", where Ilya Kolesnikov becomes one of the three presenters (and).

The project still exists and is one of the most popular not only at Europe Plus, but also among other morning shows in the country. The composition of the presenters has undergone minor changes in its history, but Ilya remained in the team for a long time.

Among other things, Ilya is a passionate music lover. On his page on the social network, he constantly shares interesting tracks with his fans, and also talks about his life, in which music is constantly present.

The personal life of Ilya Kolesnikov has long been a closed topic. However, on social networks, the presenter shared pictures with the children and said that he and his wife Natalya were raising two kids: a boy, Stepan, and a girl, Maria.

In July 2019, Ilya Kolesnikov announced that he was leaving the U. The fans took this news with great regret and hope that after Europe Plus the presenter will not be lost. Instead of Kolesnikov, the Brigade U team has a new young and energetic presenter - who previously worked at Love Radio. Ilya himself said that he could be heard in a new format: now he leads his podcast "NOTHING". On many online platforms, the podcast has high ratings and listeners are happy to note that this format benefited Kolesnikov.

Ilya's photo

Ilya has an Instagram where you can find his photos from life.